A little helper that pushes Helm Charts and images to your registries, easily configured with a declarative spec.
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What is Helmper?
DISCLAIMER: helmper is in beta, so stuff may change.
is a go program that reads Helm Charts from remote OCI registries and pushes the charts container images to your registries with optional OS level vulnerability patching.
is built with Helm, Oras, Trivy, Copacetic (Buildkit) and Cosign.
Helmper connects via gRPC to Trivy and Buildkit so you can run helmper
without root privileges wherever you want.
demonstrates exceptional proficiency in operating within controlled environments that might require Change Management and/or air-gapped networks. This expertise is particularly beneficial in industries subject to stringent regulations, such as Medical and Banking. helmper
aims to ensure binary reproducibility of Helm Charts by storing all necessary artifacts in your registries.
provides an interface to reduce the maintenance burden associated with managing a large collection of Helm Charts by:
- automatically detecting all enabled container images in charts
- providing an easy way to stay up to date on new chart releases
- providing option to only import new images, or all images
- enabling quick patching(and re-patching) of all images
- enabling signing of images as an integrated part of the process
- providing a mechanism to check requirements/dependencies before deploying charts with fx GitOps
Simply tell helmper
which charts to analyze and registries to use by creating a helmper.yaml
file and run helmper from the same folder.
k8s_version: 1.31.1
enabled: true
- name: prometheus
version: 25.8.0
valuesFilePath: /workspace/in/values/prometheus/values.yaml # (Optional)
name: prometheus-community
url: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts/
- name: registry
url: oci://
insecure: true
plainHTTP: true
Helmper will import the charts, the charts listed as dependencies including all images specified through the Helm values.yaml

Note Authentication
Helmper utilizes well known configuration options to interact with registries.
When using the Helm SDK, Helmper will utilize the file defined by HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG
for picking up authentication credentials for registries.
When Helmper is using Oras for interacting with OCI artifacts, Oras utilizes the Docker credentials helper, which will look in the system keychain, $DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json
(if set) or $HOME/.docker/config.json
file for picking up authentication credentials for all registries.
If your registries requires authentication, simply login with the services own login command.
fx for Docker:
docker login -u user -p pass
az acr login -n myregistry
In this example Helmper will also scan with Trivy, patch with Copacetic and sign with Cosign all identified images before pushing with Oras to all registries.
k8s_version: 1.31.1
- name: prometheus
version: 25.8.0
valuesFilePath: /workspace/in/values/prometheus/values.yaml # (Optional)
name: prometheus-community
url: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts/
- name: registry # `Helmper` picks up authentication from the environment automatically.
url: oci://
insecure: true
plainHTTP: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
ignoreErrors: true
addr: tcp://
insecure: true
ignoreUnfixed: true
folder: /workspace/.out/tars
clean: true
folder: /workspace/.out/reports
clean: true
enabled: true
keyRef: /workspace/.devcontainer/cosign.key
KeyRefPass: ""
allowInsecure: true
allowHTTPRegistry: true

The full documentation for Helmper can be found at christoffernissen.github.io/helmper.
Helmper utilizes the Helm SDK to maintain full compatibility with both Helm Repositories and OCI registries for storing Helm Charts.
In practice, Helmper currently pushes charts and images to the same destination registry, so it must be OCI compliant.
Helmper utilizes oras-go
to push OCI artifacts. Helmper utilizes the Helm SDK to push Helm Charts, as the Helm SDK sets the correct metadata attributes.
Oras and Helm state support all registries with OCI support, for example:
Sources: Helm Oras
For testing, Helmper is using the CNCF Distribution registry.
Simply pick the binary for your platform from the Release section on GitHub.
VERSION=$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://github.com/christoffernissen/helmper/releases/latest | grep -o '[^/]*$')
curl -LO https://github.com/christoffernissen/helmper/releases/download/$VERSION/helmper-linux-amd64
chmod +x helmper-linux-amd64
sudo mv helmper-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/helmper
Mac OS
VERSION=$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://github.com/christoffernissen/helmper/releases/latest | grep -o '[^/]*$')
curl -LO https://github.com/christoffernissen/helmper/releases/download/$VERSION/helmper-darwin-amd64
chmod +x helmper-darwin-amd64
sudo mv helmper-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/helmper
Extract the tar and launch the exe file.
In scope
- Helmper operates with OCI compliant artifacts and OCI compliant registries.
- Helmper must remain without dependency on a container runtime daemon to work in containers without root privileges.
Out of scope
- Helmper does not work with other Kubernetes package formats
- Helmper authenticates with registries with the docker config. Therefore, Helmper will not have any proprietary libraries to facilitate authentication for any cloud providers. Simply use
docker login
or equivalent before running Helmper, and you should be authenticated for 3 hours for each registry.
- Operator Framework to enable using Helmper with GitOps in management clusters
- Add option to import to registries via pipeline for compliance audit trail retention
- OpenTelemetry
Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the CNCF Code of Conduct. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for further details.
Helmper logo and banner have been kindly donated to the project by María Ruiz Garrido ❤
The gopher's logo of Helmper is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
The original Go gopher was designed by Renee French.