fsconsul writes data to the filesystem by reading it from Consul's K/V store.
fsconsul allows configuration data to be placed on disk without a consuming application
needing to know about the existence of Consul. This makes it especially easy to configure
applications throughout all your environments: development, testing, production, etc. On
any change, fsconsul will run the provided command, so you can perform any additional actions
(restarting your application, for example) necessary.
fsconsul is a port of envconsul which in turn was inspired by envdir
in its simplicity, name, and function.
Download & Usage
To install fsconsul, clone this repo into your go workspace and do a go install
can be configured entirely by command-line switches, but for more complex cases, you may wish to provide the path to a config JSON file as the -configFile switch. The format of the JSON file is:
"consul" : {
"addr": ""
"dc": "dc1",
"token" : "my-reader-token"
"mappings" : [{
"onchange": "service restart app1",
"prefix": "/myteam/dev/app1/config/",
"path": "/etc/app1/",
"keystore": "/var/lib/encryption_keys"
"onchange": "service restart app2",
"prefix": "/myteam/dev/app2/config/",
"path": "/etc/app2/",
"keystore": "/var/app2/encryption_keys"
Run fsconsul
to see the usage help:
$ fsconsul
Usage: fsconsul [options] prefix path onchange
Write files to the specified locations on the local system by reading K/Vs
from Consul's K/V store with the given prefixes and executing a program on
any change. Prefixes and paths must be pipe-delimited if provided as
command-line switches.
-addr="": consul HTTP API address with port
-configFile="": json file containing all configuration (if this is provided, all other config is ignored)
-dc="": consul datacenter, uses local if blank
-keystore="": directory of keys used for decryption
-once=false: run once and exit
-token="": token to use for ACL access
Builds are automatically run by Travis on any push or pull request.

- Once Consul 0.5 is out, support file deletes.