A relay for carbon streams, in go.
Like carbon-relay from the graphite project, except it:
- should perform better (some optimization work still todo. benchmark currently reports 50k metrics/s through a table with 1 endpoint)
- you can adjust the routing table at runtime, in real time using the web or telnet interface.
- can be restarted without dropping packets
- supports a per-route spooling policy.
(i.e. in case of an endpoint outage, we can temporarily queue the data up to disk and resume later)
- you can choose between plaintext or pickle output, per route.
This makes it easy to fanout to other tools that feed in on the metrics.
Or balance/split load, or provide redundancy, or partition the data, etc.
This pattern allows alerting and event processing systems to act on the data as it is received (which is much better than repeated reading from your storage)

Future work aka what's missing
- multi-node clustered high availability (open for discussion whether it's worth it)
- pub-sub interface, maybe
- consistent hashing across different endpoints, if it can be implemented in an elegant way. (note that this would still be a hack and mostly aimed for legacy setups, decent storage has redundancy and distribution built in properly .
Releases & versions
- master (work in progress): refactored version with non-blocking operations, extensive internal stats and a more extensive routing system (which can support round robin & hashing) (see #23)
note: the http admin interface in the current master branch does not work, the TCP interface does work but only for adding new routes, for now.
- v0.5 extended version with config file, http and telnet interfaces, statsd for internal instrumentation, disk spooling support, but still blocking operations
- v0.1 initial, simple version that used commandline args to configure. no admin interfaces. blocking sends
Instrumentation (post v0.5)

export GOPATH=/some/path/
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
go get -d
go get
cd "$GOPATH/src/"
git checkout v0.5
You only need the compiled binary and a config. Put them whereever you want.
carbon-relay-ng [-cpuprofile cpuprofile-file] config-file
Concepts (master branch)
You have 1 master routing table. This table contains 0-N routes. Each route can contain 0-M destinations (tcp endpoints)
First: "matching": you can match metrics on one or more of: prefix, substring, or regex. All 3 default to "" (empty string, i.e. allow all).
The conditions are AND-ed. Regexes are more resource intensive and hence should, and often can be avoided.
All incoming matrics get filtered through the blacklist and then go into the table.
The table sends the metric to any routes that matches
The route can have different behaviors, based on its type:
- sendAllMatch: send all metrics to all the defined endpoints (possibly, and commonly only 1 endpoint).
- sendFirstMatch: send the metrics to the first endpoint that matches it.
- consistent hashing: the route is a CH pool (not implemented)
- round robin: the route is a RR pool (not implemented)
carbon-relay-ng (for now) focuses on staying up and not consuming much resources.
if connection is up but slow, we drop the data
if connection is down and spooling enabled. we try to spool but if it's slow we drop the data
if connection is down and spooling disabled -> drop the data
Configuration (master branch)
Look at the included carbon-relay-ng.ini, it should be self describing.
In the init option you can create routes, populate the blacklist, etc using the same command as the telnet interface, detailed below.
This mechanism is choosen so we can reuse the code, instead of doing much configuration boilerplate code which would have to execute on
a declarative specification. We can just use the same imperative commands since we just set up the initial state here.
Web interface (v0.5)
Allows you to inspect and change routing table.
(except for spooling settings).
Also you can't adjust global configuration this way.
TCP interface (v0.5)
Allows you to inspect and change routing table.
(except for spooling settings and remote addr).
Also you can't adjust global configuration this way.
telnet <host> <port>
help show this menu
route list list routes
route add <key> [pattern] <addr> add the route. (empty pattern allows all)
route del <key> delete the matching route
route patt <key> [pattern] update pattern for given route key. (empty pattern allows all)
TCP interface (master)
help show this menu
view view full current routing table
addBlack <substring> blacklist (drops the metric matching this as soon as it is received)
addRoute <type> <key> [opts] <dest> [<dest>[...]] add a new route. note 2 spaces to separate destinations
sendAllMatch send metrics in the route to all destinations
sendFirstMatch send metrics in the route to the first one that matches it
prefix=<str> only take in metrics that have this prefix
sub=<str> only take in metrics that match this substring
regex=<regex> only take in metrics that match this regex (expensive!)
<dest>: <addr> <opts>
<addr> a tcp endpoint. i.e. ip:port or hostname:port
prefix=<str> only take in metrics that have this prefix
sub=<str> only take in metrics that match this substring
regex=<regex> only take in metrics that match this regex (expensive!)
flush=<int> flush interval in ms
reconn=<int> reconnection interval in ms
pickle={true,false} pickle output format instead of the default text protocol
spool={true,false} enable spooling for this endpoint
addDest <routeKey> <dest> not implemented yet
modDest <routeKey> <dest> <opts>: modify dest by updating one or more space separated option strings
addr=<addr> new tcp address
prefix=<str> new matcher prefix
sub=<str> new matcher substring
regex=<regex> new matcher regex
modRoute <routeKey> <opts>: modify route by updating one or more space separated option strings
prefix=<str> new matcher prefix
sub=<str> new matcher substring
regex=<regex> new matcher regex