sWAGger - Web API Generator
Note that WAG requires Go 1.7.
Generating Code
Create a swagger.yml file with your service definition. Note that WAG supports a subset of the Swagger spec.
Copy the latest wag.mk
from the dev-handbook.
Set up a generate
target in your Makefile
that will generate server and client code:
include wag.mk
WAG_VERSION := 0.1.0
generate: wag-generate-deps
$(call wag-generate,./swagger.yml, $(PKG))
Define global BadRequest and InternalError response types. These are used internally for validation errors and unknown errors respectively. They must reference a definition with a msg field. For example:
description: Bad Request
$ref: "#/definitions/Error"
description: Internal Error
$ref: "#/definitions/Error"
type: object
type: string
If your yml doesn't define a 400 or a 500 response for any of your operations, Wag will implicitly set it to the globally defined responses: models.BadRequest and models.InternalError.
Then generate your code:
make generate
This generates four directories. You should not have to modify any of the generated code:
- gen-go/models: contains all the definitions in your Swagger file as well as API input / output definitions
- gen-go/server: contains the router, middleware, and handler logic
- gen-go/client: contains the Go client library
- gen-js: contains the javascript client library
Using the Go Server
To use the generated code you need to do two things:
- Implement the controller interface defined in
- Pass the controller into the Server constructor. For example:
s := server.New(myController, ":8000")
// Serve should not return
All interface methods on the controller take in a context.Context
This object comes with additional features for you to use in implementing your server logic:
- Logging. The kayvee middleware logger is automatically added to the context object.
It can be pulled out of the context object and used via the kayvee
import "gopkg.in/Clever/kayvee-go.v5/logger"
You should use this logger for all logging within your controller implementation.
Wag supports three types of errors
- Global error response types: "models.{{.ResponseID}}"
- Response types for a specific operation: "models.{{.OperationId}}{{.StatusCode}}Output"
- Undefined error types: anything that implements the Error interface
Any of the three can be returned from a controller. If an undefined error type is returned then Wag will convert the error to a 500. Otherwise Wag will use the status code defined in the yml responses section.
Errors returned from your controller are logged by the
autogenerated handler code, so there is no need to separately log errors
yourself. If you use the github.com/go-errors/errors
package, the
stacktrace will also be logged, making debugging easier.
For undefined error types the best practices are:
- If you receive an error from an external dependency, use
errors.WrapPrefix(err, "foopackage.func", 0)
to return an error with a
stacktrace and prefix the source of the error (in this example, we received
an error from the function func
in the package foopackage
- If you generate a new error, use
or errors.New
to build
the error.
- If you receive an error from an internal function, just return the error
directly since it should already have stacktrace information (either it is
a wrapped external error or a
-generated internal error).
Tracing: wag
instruments the context object with tracing-related metadata.
This is done via opentracing.
In order for it to work, you are required to do two things:
- Configure your
function to report tracing data to LightStep.
We are testing Lightstep as a way to view tracing-related data:
package main
import (
lightstep "github.com/lightstep/lightstep-tracer-go"
opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
func main() {
tags := make(map[string]interface{})
tags[lightstep.ComponentNameKey] = "<name of the repo>"
lightstepTracer := lightstep.NewTracer(lightstep.Options{
AccessToken: os.Getenv("LIGHTSTEP_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
Tags: tags,
defer lightstep.FlushLightStepTracer(lightstepTracer)
- Pass the context object to any subsequent network requests you make.
Many client libraries accept the context object, e.g.:
- net/http: If you're making HTTP requests, use the golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp package.
- wag: All
-generated clients take in a context object as the first argument.
If your handler consumes a wag
-generated client, then pass the context object to these client methods.
Using the Go Client
Initialize the client with New
c := client.New("https://url_of_your_service:port")
Make an API call
books, err := c.GetBooks(ctx, GetBookByIDInput{Authors: []string{"Twain"}})
if err != nil {
// Do something with the error
If you're using the client from another WAG-ified service you should pass in the ctx
object you get in your server handler. Otherwise you can use context.Background()
Using the Javascript Client
You can initialize the client by either passing a url or by using discovery.
import * as SampleClientLib from 'sample-client-lib-js';
const sampleClient = new SampleClientLib({address: "https://url_of_your_service:port"}); // Explicit url
// OR
const sampleClient = new SampleClientLib({discovery: true}); // Using discovery
You may also configure a global timeout for requests when initalizing the client.
const sampleClient = new SampleClientLib({discovery: true, timeout: 1000}); // Timeout any requests taking longer than 1 second
You may then call methods on the client. Methods support callbacks and promises.
// Promises
sampleClient.getBookById("bookID").then((book) => {
// ...
}).catch((err) => {
// ...
// Callbacks
sampleClient.getBookById("bookID", (err, book) => {
// ...
You can also pass an optional options argument. This can have the following options
- overide the global timeout for this specific call
- Pass an opentracing span to instrument with the call - More on this below
const options = {
timeout: 5000 // Timeout after 5 seconds
sampleClient.getBookById("bookID", options, (err, book) => {
// ...
To utilize the span
option above you need to pass an opentracing span into the request. The below
example shows you how to setup an express app to track requests and any calls made via a wag client.
npm install lightstep-tracer [email protected] --save # >=0.12 contains untested breaking changes to the API
import * as SampleClientLib from 'sample-client-lib-js';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as Tracer from 'opentracing';
import * as LightStep from 'lightstep-tracer';
import * as lodash from 'lodash';
access_token : process.env.LIGHTSTEP_ACCESS_TOKEN,
component_name : 'repo-name',
const sampleClient = new SampleClientLib({discovery: true}); // Using discovery
const app = express();
// Middleware to look for a span from inbound requests
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const wireCtx = Tracer.extract(Tracer.FORMAT_HTTP_HEADERS, req.headers);
req.span = Tracer.startSpan(req.url, {childOf: wireCtx});
// include trace ID in headers so that we can debug slow requests we see in
// the browser by looking up the trace ID found in response headers
const responseHeaders = {};
Tracer.inject(req.span, Tracer.FORMAT_TEXT_MAP, responseHeaders);
lodash.forOwn(responseHeaders, (value, key) => res.setHeader(key, responseHeaders[key]));
// finalize the span when the response is completed
res.on("finish", () => {
app.get("/my-url", (req, res) => {
sampleClient.getBookById("bookID", {span: req.span}, (err, book) => {
// ...
Custom String Validation
We've added custom string validation for mongo-ids to avoid repeating: "^[0-9a-f]{24}$"` throughout the swagger.yml. To use it you have must:
- Change you swagger.yml file to have the
format. For example:
type: string
format: mongo-id
- Import
and call swagger.InitCustomFormats()
in your server code.
Note that custom string validation only applies to input parameters and does not have any impact on objects defined in '#/definitions'.
Right now we do not allow user-defined custom strings, but this is something we may add if there's sufficient demand.
make test
Swagger Spec
Currently, WAG doesn't implement the entire Swagger Spec. A couple things to keep in mind:
- All schemas should reference type definitions in /definitions. Any schemas defined in /paths will cause an error.
- All parameters and definitions should be defined in their specific path object instead of globally.
- Scheme, produces, and consumers can only be defined in the top-level swagger object, not individual operations. On the top level object the scheme must be 'http', produces must be 'application/json' and consumes must be 'application/json'
Below is a more comprehensive list of the features we don't support along with some custom extensions.
Unsupported Features
Mime Types
AdditionalProperties: these are supported by the Go server and client, but not the Javascript client
Multi-File Swagger Definitions
- host
- tags
- scheme (must be http)
- consumes
- produces
- securityDefinitions
- security
- produces (must be application/json)
- consumes (must be application/json)
- schemes
- security
Form parameter type
- file parameter type
- collectionFormat
- global definitions
- possibly the json schema requirements? (uniqueItems, multipleOf, etc...)
Schema object (all these have to be defined in /definitions and are generated by go-swagger)
XML Modeling
Security Objects