A random wallpaper generator in go.
Usage of wallgen:
-backround string
The background color (default "#000e12")
-cells int
The cell distribution on the grid (0-100) (default 40)
-inner int
The inner circle distribution on a cell (0-100) (default 80)
-outer int
The outer circle distribution on a cell (0-100) (default 60)
-output string
The output file (default "output.png")
-palette string
The palette passed as sorted weighed colors (default "#fa32f3:100,#00a1cd:100,#4b1ff7:30")
-step int
The step between each cells (default 60)
-x int
The the x size of the image (default 800)
-y int
The the y size of the image (default 800)
Example of generation:
Generated with size of 900x900

Generated with cell distribution set to 80, step to 35 and size 400x400