Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AbsInt(v int) int
- func AddType(createFcn B2ContactCreateFcn, destroyFcn B2ContactDestroyFcn, type1 uint8, ...)
- func B2Assert(a bool)
- func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2CircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2ClipSegmentToLine(vOut []B2ClipVertex, vIn []B2ClipVertex, normal B2Vec2, offset float64, ...) int
- func B2CollideCircles(manifold *B2Manifold, circleA *B2CircleShape, xfA B2Transform, ...)
- func B2CollideEdgeAndCircle(manifold *B2Manifold, edgeA *B2EdgeShape, xfA B2Transform, ...)
- func B2CollideEdgeAndPolygon(manifold *B2Manifold, edgeA *B2EdgeShape, xfA B2Transform, ...)
- func B2CollidePolygonAndCircle(manifold *B2Manifold, polygonA *B2PolygonShape, xfA B2Transform, ...)
- func B2CollidePolygons(manifold *B2Manifold, polyA *B2PolygonShape, xfA B2Transform, ...)
- func B2ContactDestroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2ContactInitializeRegisters()
- func B2ContactUpdate(contact B2ContactInterface, listener B2ContactListenerInterface)
- func B2Distance(output *B2DistanceOutput, cache *B2SimplexCache, input *B2DistanceInput)
- func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2FindIncidentEdge(c []B2ClipVertex, poly1 *B2PolygonShape, xf1 B2Transform, edge1 int, ...)
- func B2FindMaxSeparation(edgeIndex *int, poly1 *B2PolygonShape, xf1 B2Transform, poly2 *B2PolygonShape, ...) float64
- func B2FloatClamp(a, low, high float64) float64
- func B2GetPointStates(state1 *[B2_maxManifoldPoints]uint8, state2 *[B2_maxManifoldPoints]uint8, ...)
- func B2InvSqrt(x float64) float64
- func B2IsPowerOfTwo(x uint32) bool
- func B2IsValid(x float64) bool
- func B2JointDestroy(joint B2JointInterface)
- func B2MixFriction(friction1, friction2 float64) float64
- func B2MixRestitution(restitution1, restitution2 float64) float64
- func B2NextPowerOfTwo(x uint32) uint32
- func B2PairLessThan(pair1 B2Pair, pair2 B2Pair) bool
- func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2PolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func B2TestOverlapBoundingBoxes(a, b B2AABB) bool
- func B2TestOverlapShapes(shapeA B2ShapeInterface, indexA int, shapeB B2ShapeInterface, indexB int, ...) bool
- func B2TimeOfImpact(output *B2TOIOutput, input *B2TOIInput)
- func B2Vec2Cross(a, b B2Vec2) float64
- func B2Vec2Distance(a, b B2Vec2) float64
- func B2Vec2DistanceSquared(a, b B2Vec2) float64
- func B2Vec2Dot(a, b B2Vec2) float64
- func B2Vec2Equals(a, b B2Vec2) bool
- func B2Vec2NotEquals(a, b B2Vec2) bool
- func B2Vec3Dot(a, b B2Vec3) float64
- func MaxInt(x, y int) int
- func MinInt(x, y int) int
- type B2AABB
- func (bb B2AABB) Clone() B2AABB
- func (bb *B2AABB) CombineInPlace(aabb B2AABB)
- func (bb *B2AABB) CombineTwoInPlace(aabb1, aabb2 B2AABB)
- func (bb B2AABB) Contains(aabb B2AABB) bool
- func (bb B2AABB) GetCenter() B2Vec2
- func (bb B2AABB) GetExtents() B2Vec2
- func (bb B2AABB) GetPerimeter() float64
- func (bb B2AABB) IsValid() bool
- func (bb B2AABB) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput) bool
- type B2Body
- func (body *B2Body) Advance(alpha float64)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse float64, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyForce(force B2Vec2, point B2Vec2, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyForceToCenter(force B2Vec2, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse B2Vec2, point B2Vec2, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyLinearImpulseToCenter(impulse B2Vec2, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) ApplyTorque(torque float64, wake bool)
- func (body *B2Body) CreateFixture(shape B2ShapeInterface, density float64) *B2Fixture
- func (body *B2Body) CreateFixtureFromDef(def *B2FixtureDef) *B2Fixture
- func (body *B2Body) DestroyFixture(fixture *B2Fixture)
- func (body *B2Body) Dump()
- func (body B2Body) GetAngle() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetAngularDamping() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetAngularVelocity() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetContactList() *B2ContactEdge
- func (body B2Body) GetFixtureList() *B2Fixture
- func (body B2Body) GetGravityScale() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetInertia() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetJointList() *B2JointEdge
- func (body B2Body) GetLinearDamping() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetLinearVelocity() B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(localPoint B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(worldPoint B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetLocalCenter() B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetLocalPoint(worldPoint B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetLocalVector(worldVector B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetMass() float64
- func (body B2Body) GetMassData(data *B2MassData)
- func (body B2Body) GetNext() *B2Body
- func (body B2Body) GetPosition() B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetTransform() B2Transform
- func (body B2Body) GetType() uint8
- func (body B2Body) GetUserData() interface{}
- func (body B2Body) GetWorld() *B2World
- func (body B2Body) GetWorldCenter() B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetWorldPoint(localPoint B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) GetWorldVector(localVector B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func (body B2Body) IsActive() bool
- func (body B2Body) IsAwake() bool
- func (body B2Body) IsBullet() bool
- func (body B2Body) IsFixedRotation() bool
- func (body B2Body) IsSleepingAllowed() bool
- func (body *B2Body) ResetMassData()
- func (body *B2Body) SetActive(flag bool)
- func (body *B2Body) SetAngularDamping(angularDamping float64)
- func (body *B2Body) SetAngularVelocity(w float64)
- func (body *B2Body) SetAwake(flag bool)
- func (body *B2Body) SetBullet(flag bool)
- func (body *B2Body) SetFixedRotation(flag bool)
- func (body *B2Body) SetGravityScale(scale float64)
- func (body *B2Body) SetLinearDamping(linearDamping float64)
- func (body *B2Body) SetLinearVelocity(v B2Vec2)
- func (body *B2Body) SetMassData(massData *B2MassData)
- func (body *B2Body) SetSleepingAllowed(flag bool)
- func (body *B2Body) SetTransform(position B2Vec2, angle float64)
- func (body *B2Body) SetType(bodytype uint8)
- func (body *B2Body) SetUserData(data interface{})
- func (body B2Body) ShouldCollide(other *B2Body) bool
- func (body *B2Body) SynchronizeFixtures()
- func (body *B2Body) SynchronizeTransform()
- type B2BodyDef
- type B2BroadPhase
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) BufferMove(proxyId int)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) CreateProxy(aabb B2AABB, userData interface{}) int
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) DestroyProxy(proxyId int)
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetFatAABB(proxyId int) B2AABB
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetProxyCount() int
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeBalance() int
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeHeight() int
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeQuality() float64
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetUserData(proxyId int) interface{}
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) MoveProxy(proxyId int, aabb B2AABB, displacement B2Vec2)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) Query(callback B2TreeQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) QueryCallback(proxyId int) bool
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) RayCast(callback B2TreeRayCastCallback, input B2RayCastInput)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (bp B2BroadPhase) TestOverlap(proxyIdA int, proxyIdB int) bool
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) TouchProxy(proxyId int)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) UnBufferMove(proxyId int)
- func (bp *B2BroadPhase) UpdatePairs(addPairCallback B2BroadPhaseAddPairCallback)
- type B2BroadPhaseAddPairCallback
- type B2BroadPhaseQueryCallback
- type B2ChainAndCircleContact
- type B2ChainAndPolygonContact
- type B2ChainShape
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) Clear()
- func (chain B2ChainShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
- func (chain B2ChainShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
- func (chain B2ChainShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) CreateChain(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) CreateLoop(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) Destroy()
- func (chain B2ChainShape) GetChildCount() int
- func (chain B2ChainShape) GetChildEdge(edge *B2EdgeShape, index int)
- func (chain B2ChainShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) SetNextVertex(nextVertex B2Vec2)
- func (chain *B2ChainShape) SetPrevVertex(prevVertex B2Vec2)
- func (chain B2ChainShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
- type B2CircleContact
- type B2CircleShape
- func (shape B2CircleShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
- func (shape B2CircleShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, transform B2Transform, childIndex int)
- func (shape B2CircleShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
- func (shape B2CircleShape) Destroy()
- func (shape B2CircleShape) GetChildCount() int
- func (shape B2CircleShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, transform B2Transform, ...) bool
- func (shape B2CircleShape) TestPoint(transform B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
- type B2ClipVertex
- type B2Contact
- func (contact *B2Contact) FlagForFiltering()
- func (contact B2Contact) GetChildIndexA() int
- func (contact B2Contact) GetChildIndexB() int
- func (contact B2Contact) GetFixtureA() *B2Fixture
- func (contact B2Contact) GetFixtureB() *B2Fixture
- func (contact B2Contact) GetFlags() uint32
- func (contact B2Contact) GetFriction() float64
- func (contact B2Contact) GetManifold() *B2Manifold
- func (contact B2Contact) GetNext() B2ContactInterface
- func (contact B2Contact) GetNodeA() *B2ContactEdge
- func (contact B2Contact) GetNodeB() *B2ContactEdge
- func (contact B2Contact) GetPrev() B2ContactInterface
- func (contact B2Contact) GetRestitution() float64
- func (contact B2Contact) GetTOI() float64
- func (contact B2Contact) GetTOICount() int
- func (contact B2Contact) GetTangentSpeed() float64
- func (contact B2Contact) GetWorldManifold(worldManifold *B2WorldManifold)
- func (contact B2Contact) IsEnabled() bool
- func (contact B2Contact) IsTouching() bool
- func (contact *B2Contact) ResetFriction()
- func (contact *B2Contact) ResetRestitution()
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetChildIndexA(index int)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetChildIndexB(index int)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetEnabled(flag bool)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetFixtureA(fixture *B2Fixture)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetFixtureB(fixture *B2Fixture)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetFlags(flags uint32)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetFriction(friction float64)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetManifold(manifold *B2Manifold)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetNext(next B2ContactInterface)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetNodeA(node *B2ContactEdge)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetNodeB(node *B2ContactEdge)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetPrev(prev B2ContactInterface)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetRestitution(restitution float64)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetTOI(toi float64)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetTOICount(toiCount int)
- func (contact *B2Contact) SetTangentSpeed(speed float64)
- type B2ContactCreateFcn
- type B2ContactDestroyFcn
- type B2ContactEdge
- type B2ContactFeature
- type B2ContactFilter
- type B2ContactFilterInterface
- type B2ContactID
- type B2ContactImpulse
- type B2ContactInterface
- func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2CircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2ContactFactory(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- func B2PolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
- type B2ContactListenerInterface
- type B2ContactManager
- type B2ContactPositionConstraint
- type B2ContactRegister
- type B2ContactSolver
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) Destroy()
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) InitializeVelocityConstraints()
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolvePositionConstraints() bool
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA int, toiIndexB int) bool
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolveVelocityConstraints()
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) StoreImpulses()
- func (solver *B2ContactSolver) WarmStart()
- type B2ContactSolverDef
- type B2ContactVelocityConstraint
- type B2DestructionListenerInterface
- type B2DistanceInput
- type B2DistanceJoint
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetFrequency() float64
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLength() float64
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetLength(length float64)
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2DistanceJointDef
- type B2DistanceOutput
- type B2DistanceProxy
- type B2DynamicTree
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) AllocateNode() int
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) Balance(iA int) int
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) ComputeHeight(nodeId int) int
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) ComputeTotalHeight() int
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) CreateProxy(aabb B2AABB, userData interface{}) int
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) DestroyProxy(proxyId int)
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) FreeNode(nodeId int)
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetAreaRatio() float64
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetFatAABB(proxyId int) B2AABB
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetHeight() int
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetMaxBalance() int
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetUserData(proxyId int) interface{}
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) InsertLeaf(leaf int)
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) MoveProxy(proxyId int, aabb B2AABB, displacement B2Vec2) bool
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) Query(queryCallback B2TreeQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) RayCast(rayCastCallback B2TreeRayCastCallback, input B2RayCastInput)
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) RebuildBottomUp()
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) RemoveLeaf(leaf int)
- func (tree *B2DynamicTree) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) Validate()
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) ValidateMetrics(index int)
- func (tree B2DynamicTree) ValidateStructure(index int)
- type B2EPAxis
- type B2EPCollider
- type B2EdgeAndCircleContact
- type B2EdgeAndPolygonContact
- type B2EdgeShape
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
- func (edge *B2EdgeShape) Destroy()
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) GetChildCount() int
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
- func (edge *B2EdgeShape) Set(v1 B2Vec2, v2 B2Vec2)
- func (edge B2EdgeShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
- type B2Filter
- type B2Fixture
- func (fix *B2Fixture) Create(body *B2Body, def *B2FixtureDef)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) CreateProxies(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase, xf B2Transform)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) Destroy()
- func (fix *B2Fixture) DestroyProxies(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) Dump(bodyIndex int)
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetAABB(childIndex int) B2AABB
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetBody() *B2Body
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetDensity() float64
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetFilterData() B2Filter
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetFriction() float64
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetMassData(massData *B2MassData)
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetNext() *B2Fixture
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetRestitution() float64
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetShape() B2ShapeInterface
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetType() uint8
- func (fix B2Fixture) GetUserData() interface{}
- func (fix B2Fixture) IsSensor() bool
- func (fix B2Fixture) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, childIndex int) bool
- func (fix *B2Fixture) Refilter()
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetDensity(density float64)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetFilterData(filter B2Filter)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetFriction(friction float64)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetRestitution(restitution float64)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetSensor(sensor bool)
- func (fix *B2Fixture) SetUserData(data interface{})
- func (fix *B2Fixture) Synchronize(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase, transform1 B2Transform, transform2 B2Transform)
- func (fix B2Fixture) TestPoint(p B2Vec2) bool
- type B2FixtureDef
- type B2FixtureProxy
- type B2FrictionJoint
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxTorque() float64
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxTorque(torque float64)
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2FrictionJointDef
- type B2GearJoint
- func (joint *B2GearJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetJoint1() B2JointInterface
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetJoint2() B2JointInterface
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetRatio() float64
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2GearJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2GearJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2GearJoint) SetRatio(ratio float64)
- func (joint *B2GearJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2GearJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2GearJointDef
- type B2GrowableStack
- type B2Island
- func (island *B2Island) Add(joint B2JointInterface)
- func (island *B2Island) AddBody(body *B2Body)
- func (island *B2Island) AddContact(contact B2ContactInterface)
- func (island *B2Island) Clear()
- func (island *B2Island) Destroy()
- func (island *B2Island) Report(constraints []B2ContactVelocityConstraint)
- func (island *B2Island) Solve(profile *B2Profile, step B2TimeStep, gravity B2Vec2, allowSleep bool)
- func (island *B2Island) SolveTOI(subStep B2TimeStep, toiIndexA int, toiIndexB int)
- type B2Jacobian
- type B2Joint
- func (j *B2Joint) Destroy()
- func (j B2Joint) Dump()
- func (j B2Joint) GetBodyA() *B2Body
- func (j B2Joint) GetBodyB() *B2Body
- func (j B2Joint) GetEdgeA() *B2JointEdge
- func (j B2Joint) GetEdgeB() *B2JointEdge
- func (j B2Joint) GetIndex() int
- func (j B2Joint) GetIslandFlag() bool
- func (j B2Joint) GetNext() B2JointInterface
- func (j B2Joint) GetPrev() B2JointInterface
- func (j B2Joint) GetType() uint8
- func (j B2Joint) GetUserData() interface{}
- func (j *B2Joint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (j B2Joint) IsActive() bool
- func (j B2Joint) IsCollideConnected() bool
- func (j *B2Joint) SetBodyA(body *B2Body)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetBodyB(body *B2Body)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetCollideConnected(flag bool)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetEdgeA(edge *B2JointEdge)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetEdgeB(edge *B2JointEdge)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetIndex(index int)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetIslandFlag(flag bool)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetNext(next B2JointInterface)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetPrev(prev B2JointInterface)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetType(t uint8)
- func (j *B2Joint) SetUserData(data interface{})
- func (j B2Joint) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (j *B2Joint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (j *B2Joint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2JointDef
- func (def B2JointDef) GetBodyA() *B2Body
- func (def B2JointDef) GetBodyB() *B2Body
- func (def B2JointDef) GetType() uint8
- func (def B2JointDef) GetUserData() interface{}
- func (def B2JointDef) IsCollideConnected() bool
- func (def *B2JointDef) SetBodyA(body *B2Body)
- func (def *B2JointDef) SetBodyB(body *B2Body)
- func (def *B2JointDef) SetCollideConnected(flag bool)
- func (def *B2JointDef) SetType(t uint8)
- func (def *B2JointDef) SetUserData(userdata interface{})
- type B2JointDefInterface
- type B2JointEdge
- type B2JointInterface
- type B2Manifold
- type B2ManifoldPoint
- type B2MassData
- type B2Mat22
- func B2Mat22Abs(A B2Mat22) B2Mat22
- func B2Mat22Add(A, B B2Mat22) B2Mat22
- func B2Mat22Mul(A, B B2Mat22) B2Mat22
- func B2Mat22MulT(A, B B2Mat22) B2Mat22
- func MakeB2Mat22() B2Mat22
- func MakeB2Mat22FromColumns(c1, c2 B2Vec2) B2Mat22
- func MakeB2Mat22FromScalars(a11, a12, a21, a22 float64) B2Mat22
- func NewB2Mat22() *B2Mat22
- func NewB2Mat22FromColumns(c1, c2 B2Vec2) *B2Mat22
- func NewB2Mat22FromScalars(a11, a12, a21, a22 float64) *B2Mat22
- type B2Mat33
- type B2MotorJoint
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAngularOffset() float64
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetCorrectionFactor() float64
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetLinearOffset() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetMaxTorque() float64
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetAngularOffset(angularOffset float64)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetCorrectionFactor(factor float64)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetLinearOffset(linearOffset B2Vec2)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetMaxTorque(torque float64)
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2MotorJointDef
- type B2MouseJoint
- func (def *B2MouseJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetFrequency() float64
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetTarget() B2Vec2
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetTarget(target B2Vec2)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2MouseJointDef
- type B2Pair
- type B2PolygonAndCircleContact
- type B2PolygonContact
- type B2PolygonShape
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
- func (edge *B2PolygonShape) Destroy()
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) GetChildCount() int
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
- func (poly *B2PolygonShape) Set(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
- func (poly *B2PolygonShape) SetAsBox(hx float64, hy float64)
- func (poly *B2PolygonShape) SetAsBoxFromCenterAndAngle(hx float64, hy float64, center B2Vec2, angle float64)
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
- func (poly B2PolygonShape) Validate() bool
- type B2Position
- type B2PositionSolverManifold
- type B2PrismaticJoint
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) Dump()
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) EnableLimit(flag bool)
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointTranslation() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAxisA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLowerLimit() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMaxMotorForce() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorForce(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetUpperLimit() float64
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) IsLimitEnabled() bool
- func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetLimits(lower float64, upper float64)
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetMaxMotorForce(force float64)
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2PrismaticJointDef
- type B2Profile
- type B2PulleyJoint
- func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthA() float64
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthB() float64
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthA() float64
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthB() float64
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetRatio() float64
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2PulleyJointDef
- type B2RayCastInput
- type B2RayCastOutput
- type B2RaycastCallback
- type B2ReferenceFace
- type B2RevoluteJoint
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) Dump()
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) EnableLimit(flag bool)
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointAngle() float64
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLowerLimit() float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque() float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetUpperLimit() float64
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) IsLimitEnabled() bool
- func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetLimits(lower float64, upper float64)
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque(torque float64)
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2RevoluteJointDef
- type B2Rope
- func (rope *B2Rope) Destroy()
- func (rope B2Rope) GetVertexCount() int
- func (rope B2Rope) GetVertices() []B2Vec2
- func (rope *B2Rope) Initialize(def *B2RopeDef)
- func (rope *B2Rope) SetAngle(angle float64)
- func (rope *B2Rope) SolveC2()
- func (rope *B2Rope) SolveC3()
- func (rope *B2Rope) Step(h float64, iterations int)
- type B2RopeDef
- type B2RopeJoint
- func (joint *B2RopeJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLimitState() uint8
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetMaxLength() float64
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint *B2RopeJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SetMaxLength(length float64)
- func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2RopeJointDef
- type B2Rot
- type B2SeparationFunction
- func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) Evaluate(indexA int, indexB int, t float64) float64
- func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) FindMinSeparation(indexA *int, indexB *int, t float64) float64
- func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) Initialize(cache *B2SimplexCache, proxyA *B2DistanceProxy, sweepA B2Sweep, ...) float64
- type B2Shape
- type B2ShapeInterface
- type B2Simplex
- func (simplex B2Simplex) GetClosestPoint() B2Vec2
- func (simplex B2Simplex) GetMetric() float64
- func (simplex B2Simplex) GetSearchDirection() B2Vec2
- func (simplex B2Simplex) GetWitnessPoints(pA *B2Vec2, pB *B2Vec2)
- func (simplex *B2Simplex) ReadCache(cache *B2SimplexCache, proxyA *B2DistanceProxy, transformA B2Transform, ...)
- func (simplex *B2Simplex) Solve2()
- func (simplex *B2Simplex) Solve3()
- func (simplex B2Simplex) WriteCache(cache *B2SimplexCache)
- type B2SimplexCache
- type B2SimplexVertex
- type B2SolverData
- type B2Sweep
- type B2TOIInput
- type B2TOIOutput
- type B2TempPolygon
- type B2TimeStep
- type B2Timer
- type B2Transform
- func B2TransformMul(A, B B2Transform) B2Transform
- func B2TransformMulT(A, B B2Transform) B2Transform
- func MakeB2Transform() B2Transform
- func MakeB2TransformByPositionAndRotation(position B2Vec2, rotation B2Rot) B2Transform
- func NewB2Transform() *B2Transform
- func NewB2TransformByPositionAndRotation(position B2Vec2, rotation B2Rot) *B2Transform
- type B2TreeNode
- type B2TreeQueryCallback
- type B2TreeRayCastCallback
- type B2Vec2
- func B2RotVec2Mul(q B2Rot, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2RotVec2MulT(q B2Rot, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2TransformVec2Mul(T B2Transform, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2TransformVec2MulT(T B2Transform, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Abs(a B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Add(a, b B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Clamp(a, low, high B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2CrossScalarVector(s float64, a B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2CrossVectorScalar(a B2Vec2, s float64) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Mat22Mul(A B2Mat22, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Mat22MulT(A B2Mat22, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Max(a, b B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Min(a, b B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Mul22(A B2Mat33, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2MulScalar(s float64, a B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func B2Vec2Sub(a, b B2Vec2) B2Vec2
- func ComputeCentroid(vs []B2Vec2, count int) B2Vec2
- func MakeB2Vec2(xIn, yIn float64) B2Vec2
- func NewB2Vec2(xIn, yIn float64) *B2Vec2
- func (v B2Vec2) Clone() B2Vec2
- func (v B2Vec2) IsValid() bool
- func (v B2Vec2) Length() float64
- func (v B2Vec2) LengthSquared() float64
- func (v *B2Vec2) Normalize() float64
- func (v B2Vec2) OperatorIndexGet(i int) float64
- func (v *B2Vec2) OperatorIndexSet(i int, value float64)
- func (v *B2Vec2) OperatorMinusInplace(other B2Vec2)
- func (v B2Vec2) OperatorNegate() B2Vec2
- func (v *B2Vec2) OperatorPlusInplace(other B2Vec2)
- func (v *B2Vec2) OperatorScalarMulInplace(a float64)
- func (v *B2Vec2) Set(x, y float64)
- func (v *B2Vec2) SetZero()
- func (v B2Vec2) Skew() B2Vec2
- type B2Vec3
- type B2Velocity
- type B2VelocityConstraintPoint
- type B2WeldJoint
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) Dump()
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetFrequency() float64
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2WeldJointDef
- type B2WheelJoint
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) Dump()
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngle() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngularSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointLinearSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointTranslation() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAxisA() B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMotorTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetSpringDampingRatio() float64
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetSpringFrequencyHz() float64
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- func (joint B2WheelJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque(torque float64)
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetSpringDampingRatio(ratio float64)
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetSpringFrequencyHz(hz float64)
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
- func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
- type B2WheelJointDef
- type B2World
- func (world *B2World) ClearForces()
- func (world *B2World) CreateBody(def *B2BodyDef) *B2Body
- func (world *B2World) CreateJoint(def B2JointDefInterface) B2JointInterface
- func (world *B2World) Destroy()
- func (world *B2World) DestroyBody(b *B2Body)
- func (world *B2World) DestroyJoint(j B2JointInterface)
- func (world *B2World) Dump()
- func (world B2World) GetAutoClearForces() bool
- func (world B2World) GetBodyCount() int
- func (world B2World) GetBodyList() *B2Body
- func (world B2World) GetContactCount() int
- func (world B2World) GetContactList() B2ContactInterface
- func (world B2World) GetContactManager() B2ContactManager
- func (world B2World) GetGravity() B2Vec2
- func (world B2World) GetJointCount() int
- func (world B2World) GetJointList() B2JointInterface
- func (world B2World) GetProfile() B2Profile
- func (world B2World) GetProxyCount() int
- func (world B2World) GetTreeBalance() int
- func (world B2World) GetTreeHeight() int
- func (world B2World) GetTreeQuality() float64
- func (world B2World) IsLocked() bool
- func (world *B2World) QueryAABB(callback B2BroadPhaseQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
- func (world *B2World) RayCast(callback B2RaycastCallback, point1 B2Vec2, point2 B2Vec2)
- func (world *B2World) SetAllowSleeping(flag bool)
- func (world *B2World) SetAutoClearForces(flag bool)
- func (world *B2World) SetContactFilter(filter B2ContactFilterInterface)
- func (world *B2World) SetContactListener(listener B2ContactListenerInterface)
- func (world *B2World) SetDestructionListener(listener B2DestructionListenerInterface)
- func (world *B2World) SetGravity(gravity B2Vec2)
- func (world *B2World) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
- func (world *B2World) Solve(step B2TimeStep)
- func (world *B2World) SolveTOI(step B2TimeStep)
- func (world *B2World) Step(dt float64, velocityIterations int, positionIterations int)
- type B2WorldManifold
- type B2WorldQueryWrapper
- type PairByLessThan
- type StackElement
Constants ¶
const B2DEBUG = false
const B2_DEBUG_SOLVER = 0
// Solver debugging is normally disabled because the block solver sometimes has to deal with a poorly conditioned effective mass matrix.
const B2_aabbExtension = 0.1
/ This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This allows proxies / to move by a small amount without triggering a tree adjustment. / This is in meters.
const B2_aabbMultiplier = 2.0
/ This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This is used to predict / the future position based on the current displacement. / This is a dimensionless multiplier.
const B2_angularSleepTolerance = (2.0 / 180.0 * B2_pi)
/ A body cannot sleep if its angular velocity is above this tolerance.
const B2_angularSlop = (2.0 / 180.0 * B2_pi)
/ A small angle used as a collision and constraint tolerance. Usually it is / chosen to be numerically significant, but visually insignificant.
const B2_baumgarte = 0.2
/ This scale factor controls how fast overlap is resolved. Ideally this would be 1 so / that overlap is removed in one time step. However using values close to 1 often lead / to overshoot.
const B2_epsilon = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
const B2_linearSleepTolerance = 0.01
/ A body cannot sleep if its linear velocity is above this tolerance.
const B2_linearSlop = 0.005
/ A small length used as a collision and constraint tolerance. Usually it is / chosen to be numerically significant, but visually insignificant.
const B2_maxAngularCorrection = (8.0 / 180.0 * B2_pi)
/ The maximum angular position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to / prevent overshoot.
const B2_maxFloat = math.MaxFloat64
const B2_maxLinearCorrection = 0.2
/ The maximum linear position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to / prevent overshoot.
const B2_maxManifoldPoints = 2
/ The maximum number of contact points between two convex shapes. Do / not change this value.
const B2_maxPolygonVertices = 8
/ The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon. You cannot increase / this too much because b2BlockAllocator has a maximum object size.
const B2_maxRotation = (0.5 * B2_pi)
/ The maximum angular velocity of a body. This limit is very large and is used / to prevent numerical problems. You shouldn't need to adjust this.
const B2_maxRotationSquared = (B2_maxRotation * B2_maxRotation)
const B2_maxSubSteps = 8
/ Maximum number of sub-steps per contact in continuous physics simulation.
const B2_maxTOIContacts = 32
/ Maximum number of contacts to be handled to solve a TOI impact.
const B2_maxTranslation = 2.0
/ The maximum linear velocity of a body. This limit is very large and is used / to prevent numerical problems. You shouldn't need to adjust this.
const B2_maxTranslationSquared = (B2_maxTranslation * B2_maxTranslation)
const B2_nullFeature uint8 = math.MaxUint8
const B2_nullNode = -1
const B2_pi = math.Pi
const B2_polygonRadius = (2.0 * B2_linearSlop)
/ The radius of the polygon/edge shape skin. This should not be modified. Making / this smaller means polygons will have an insufficient buffer for continuous collision. / Making it larger may create artifacts for vertex collision.
const B2_timeToSleep = 0.5
/ The time that a body must be still before it will go to sleep.
const B2_toiBaugarte = 0.75
const B2_velocityThreshold = 1.0
/ A velocity threshold for elastic collisions. Any collision with a relative linear / velocity below this threshold will be treated as inelastic.
const E_nullProxy = -1
Variables ¶
var B2BodyType = struct { B2_staticBody uint8 B2_kinematicBody uint8 B2_dynamicBody uint8 }{ B2_staticBody: 0, B2_kinematicBody: 1, B2_dynamicBody: 2, }
var B2Body_Flags = struct { E_islandFlag uint32 E_awakeFlag uint32 E_autoSleepFlag uint32 E_bulletFlag uint32 E_fixedRotationFlag uint32 E_activeFlag uint32 E_toiFlag uint32 }{ E_islandFlag: 0x0001, E_awakeFlag: 0x0002, E_autoSleepFlag: 0x0004, E_bulletFlag: 0x0008, E_fixedRotationFlag: 0x0010, E_activeFlag: 0x0020, E_toiFlag: 0x0040, }
var B2ContactFeature_Type = struct { E_vertex uint8 E_face uint8 }{ E_vertex: 0, E_face: 1, }
var B2Contact_Flag = struct { // Used when crawling contact graph when forming islands. E_islandFlag uint32 // Set when the shapes are touching. E_touchingFlag uint32 // This contact can be disabled (by user) E_enabledFlag uint32 // This contact needs filtering because a fixture filter was changed. E_filterFlag uint32 // This bullet contact had a TOI event E_bulletHitFlag uint32 // This contact has a valid TOI in m_toi E_toiFlag uint32 }{ E_islandFlag: 0x0001, E_touchingFlag: 0x0002, E_enabledFlag: 0x0004, E_filterFlag: 0x0008, E_bulletHitFlag: 0x0010, E_toiFlag: 0x0020, }
var B2EPAxis_Type = struct { E_unknown uint8 E_edgeA uint8 E_edgeB uint8 }{ E_unknown: 0, E_edgeA: 1, E_edgeB: 2, }
This structure is used to keep track of the best separating axis.
var B2EPCollider_VertexType = struct { E_isolated uint8 E_concave uint8 E_convex uint8 }{ E_isolated: 0, E_concave: 1, E_convex: 2, }
var B2JointType = struct { E_unknownJoint uint8 E_revoluteJoint uint8 E_prismaticJoint uint8 E_distanceJoint uint8 E_pulleyJoint uint8 E_mouseJoint uint8 E_gearJoint uint8 E_wheelJoint uint8 E_weldJoint uint8 E_frictionJoint uint8 E_ropeJoint uint8 E_motorJoint uint8 }{ E_unknownJoint: 1, E_revoluteJoint: 2, E_prismaticJoint: 3, E_distanceJoint: 4, E_pulleyJoint: 5, E_mouseJoint: 6, E_gearJoint: 7, E_wheelJoint: 8, E_weldJoint: 9, E_frictionJoint: 10, E_ropeJoint: 11, E_motorJoint: 12, }
var B2LimitState = struct { E_inactiveLimit uint8 E_atLowerLimit uint8 E_atUpperLimit uint8 E_equalLimits uint8 }{ E_inactiveLimit: 1, E_atLowerLimit: 2, E_atUpperLimit: 3, E_equalLimits: 4, }
var B2Manifold_Type = struct { E_circles uint8 E_faceA uint8 E_faceB uint8 }{ E_circles: 0, E_faceA: 1, E_faceB: 2, }
var B2PointState = struct { B2_nullState uint8 ///< point does not exist B2_addState uint8 ///< point was added in the update B2_persistState uint8 ///< point persisted across the update B2_removeState uint8 ///< point was removed in the update }{ B2_nullState: 0, B2_addState: 1, B2_persistState: 2, B2_removeState: 3, }
var B2SeparationFunction_Type = struct { E_points uint8 E_faceA uint8 E_faceB uint8 }{ E_points: 0, E_faceA: 1, E_faceB: 2, }
var B2Shape_Type = struct { E_circle uint8 E_edge uint8 E_polygon uint8 E_chain uint8 E_typeCount uint8 }{ E_circle: 0, E_edge: 1, E_polygon: 2, E_chain: 3, E_typeCount: 4, }
var B2TOIOutput_State = struct { E_unknown uint8 E_failed uint8 E_overlapped uint8 E_touching uint8 E_separated uint8 }{ E_unknown: 1, E_failed: 2, E_overlapped: 3, E_touching: 4, E_separated: 5, }
var B2Vec2_zero = MakeB2Vec2(0, 0)
/ Useful constant
var B2World_Flags = struct { E_newFixture int E_locked int E_clearForces int }{ E_newFixture: 0x0001, E_locked: 0x0002, E_clearForces: 0x0004, }
var B2_toiCalls, B2_toiIters, B2_toiMaxIters int
var B2_toiRootIters, B2_toiMaxRootIters int
var B2_toiTime, B2_toiMaxTime float64
Functions ¶
func AddType ¶
func AddType(createFcn B2ContactCreateFcn, destroyFcn B2ContactDestroyFcn, type1 uint8, type2 uint8)
func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Destroy ¶
func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Destroy ¶
func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2CircleContact_Destroy ¶
func B2CircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2ClipSegmentToLine ¶
func B2ClipSegmentToLine(vOut []B2ClipVertex, vIn []B2ClipVertex, normal B2Vec2, offset float64, vertexIndexA int) int
Sutherland-Hodgman clipping.
func B2CollideCircles ¶
func B2CollideCircles(manifold *B2Manifold, circleA *B2CircleShape, xfA B2Transform, circleB *B2CircleShape, xfB B2Transform)
func B2CollideEdgeAndCircle ¶
func B2CollideEdgeAndCircle(manifold *B2Manifold, edgeA *B2EdgeShape, xfA B2Transform, circleB *B2CircleShape, xfB B2Transform)
Compute contact points for edge versus circle. This accounts for edge connectivity.
func B2CollideEdgeAndPolygon ¶
func B2CollideEdgeAndPolygon(manifold *B2Manifold, edgeA *B2EdgeShape, xfA B2Transform, polygonB *B2PolygonShape, xfB B2Transform)
func B2CollidePolygonAndCircle ¶
func B2CollidePolygonAndCircle(manifold *B2Manifold, polygonA *B2PolygonShape, xfA B2Transform, circleB *B2CircleShape, xfB B2Transform)
func B2CollidePolygons ¶
func B2CollidePolygons(manifold *B2Manifold, polyA *B2PolygonShape, xfA B2Transform, polyB *B2PolygonShape, xfB B2Transform)
The normal points from 1 to 2
func B2ContactDestroy ¶
func B2ContactDestroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2ContactInitializeRegisters ¶
func B2ContactInitializeRegisters()
func B2ContactUpdate ¶
func B2ContactUpdate(contact B2ContactInterface, listener B2ContactListenerInterface)
Update the contact manifold and touching status. Note: do not assume the fixture AABBs are overlapping or are valid.
func B2Distance ¶
func B2Distance(output *B2DistanceOutput, cache *B2SimplexCache, input *B2DistanceInput)
func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Destroy ¶
func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Destroy ¶
func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2FindIncidentEdge ¶
func B2FindIncidentEdge(c []B2ClipVertex, poly1 *B2PolygonShape, xf1 B2Transform, edge1 int, poly2 *B2PolygonShape, xf2 B2Transform)
func B2FindMaxSeparation ¶
func B2FindMaxSeparation(edgeIndex *int, poly1 *B2PolygonShape, xf1 B2Transform, poly2 *B2PolygonShape, xf2 B2Transform) float64
Find the max separation between poly1 and poly2 using edge normals from poly1.
func B2FloatClamp ¶
func B2GetPointStates ¶
func B2GetPointStates(state1 *[B2_maxManifoldPoints]uint8, state2 *[B2_maxManifoldPoints]uint8, manifold1 B2Manifold, manifold2 B2Manifold)
func B2IsPowerOfTwo ¶
func B2IsValid ¶
/ This function is used to ensure that a floating point number is not a NaN or infinity.
func B2JointDestroy ¶
func B2JointDestroy(joint B2JointInterface)
func B2MixFriction ¶
/ Friction mixing law. The idea is to allow either fixture to drive the friction to zero. / For example, anything slides on ice.
func B2MixRestitution ¶
/ Restitution mixing law. The idea is allow for anything to bounce off an inelastic surface. / For example, a superball bounces on anything.
func B2NextPowerOfTwo ¶
/ "Next Largest Power of 2 / Given a binary integer value x, the next largest power of 2 can be computed by a SWAR algorithm / that recursively "folds" the upper bits into the lower bits. This process yields a bit vector with / the same most significant 1 as x, but all 1's below it. Adding 1 to that value yields the next / largest power of 2. For a 32-bit value:"
func B2PairLessThan ¶
/ This is used to sort pairs.
func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Destroy ¶
func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2PolygonContact_Destroy ¶
func B2PolygonContact_Destroy(contact B2ContactInterface)
func B2TestOverlapShapes ¶
func B2TestOverlapShapes(shapeA B2ShapeInterface, indexA int, shapeB B2ShapeInterface, indexB int, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform) bool
func B2TimeOfImpact ¶
func B2TimeOfImpact(output *B2TOIOutput, input *B2TOIInput)
/ Compute the upper bound on time before two shapes penetrate. Time is represented as / a fraction between [0,tMax]. This uses a swept separating axis and may miss some intermediate, / non-tunneling collision. If you change the time interval, you should call this function / again. / Note: use b2Distance to compute the contact point and normal at the time of impact. CCD via the local separating axis method. This seeks progression by computing the largest time at which separation is maintained.
func B2Vec2Cross ¶
/ Perform the cross product on two vectors. In 2D this produces a scalar.
func B2Vec2Distance ¶
func B2Vec2DistanceSquared ¶
func B2Vec2Equals ¶
func B2Vec2NotEquals ¶
Types ¶
type B2AABB ¶
type B2AABB struct { LowerBound B2Vec2 ///< the lower vertex UpperBound B2Vec2 ///< the upper vertex }
/ An axis aligned bounding box.
func MakeB2AABB ¶
func MakeB2AABB() B2AABB
func (*B2AABB) CombineInPlace ¶
/ Combine an AABB into this one.
func (*B2AABB) CombineTwoInPlace ¶
/ Combine two AABBs into this one.
func (B2AABB) GetExtents ¶
/ Get the extents of the AABB (half-widths).
func (B2AABB) RayCast ¶
func (bb B2AABB) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput) bool
From Real-time Collision Detection, p179.
type B2Body ¶
type B2Body struct { M_type uint8 M_flags uint32 M_islandIndex int M_xf B2Transform // the body origin transform M_sweep B2Sweep // the swept motion for CCD M_linearVelocity B2Vec2 M_angularVelocity float64 M_force B2Vec2 M_torque float64 M_world *B2World M_prev *B2Body M_next *B2Body M_fixtureList *B2Fixture // linked list M_fixtureCount int M_jointList *B2JointEdge // linked list M_contactList *B2ContactEdge // linked list M_mass, M_invMass float64 // Rotational inertia about the center of mass. M_I, M_invI float64 M_linearDamping float64 M_angularDamping float64 M_gravityScale float64 M_sleepTime float64 M_userData interface{} }
func (*B2Body) ApplyAngularImpulse ¶
func (*B2Body) ApplyForceToCenter ¶
func (*B2Body) ApplyLinearImpulse ¶
func (*B2Body) ApplyLinearImpulseToCenter ¶
func (*B2Body) ApplyTorque ¶
func (*B2Body) CreateFixture ¶
func (body *B2Body) CreateFixture(shape B2ShapeInterface, density float64) *B2Fixture
func (*B2Body) CreateFixtureFromDef ¶
func (body *B2Body) CreateFixtureFromDef(def *B2FixtureDef) *B2Fixture
func (*B2Body) DestroyFixture ¶
func (B2Body) GetAngularDamping ¶
func (B2Body) GetAngularVelocity ¶
func (B2Body) GetContactList ¶
func (body B2Body) GetContactList() *B2ContactEdge
func (B2Body) GetFixtureList ¶
func (B2Body) GetGravityScale ¶
func (B2Body) GetInertia ¶
func (B2Body) GetJointList ¶
func (body B2Body) GetJointList() *B2JointEdge
func (B2Body) GetLinearDamping ¶
func (B2Body) GetLinearVelocity ¶
func (B2Body) GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint ¶
func (B2Body) GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint ¶
func (B2Body) GetLocalCenter ¶
func (B2Body) GetLocalPoint ¶
func (B2Body) GetLocalVector ¶
func (B2Body) GetMassData ¶
func (body B2Body) GetMassData(data *B2MassData)
func (B2Body) GetPosition ¶
func (B2Body) GetTransform ¶
func (body B2Body) GetTransform() B2Transform
func (B2Body) GetUserData ¶
func (body B2Body) GetUserData() interface{}
func (B2Body) GetWorldCenter ¶
func (B2Body) GetWorldPoint ¶
func (B2Body) GetWorldVector ¶
func (B2Body) IsFixedRotation ¶
func (B2Body) IsSleepingAllowed ¶
func (*B2Body) ResetMassData ¶
func (body *B2Body) ResetMassData()
func (*B2Body) SetAngularDamping ¶
func (*B2Body) SetAngularVelocity ¶
func (*B2Body) SetFixedRotation ¶
func (*B2Body) SetGravityScale ¶
func (*B2Body) SetLinearDamping ¶
func (*B2Body) SetLinearVelocity ¶
func (*B2Body) SetMassData ¶
func (body *B2Body) SetMassData(massData *B2MassData)
func (*B2Body) SetSleepingAllowed ¶
func (*B2Body) SetTransform ¶
func (*B2Body) SetUserData ¶
func (body *B2Body) SetUserData(data interface{})
func (B2Body) ShouldCollide ¶
func (*B2Body) SynchronizeFixtures ¶
func (body *B2Body) SynchronizeFixtures()
func (*B2Body) SynchronizeTransform ¶
func (body *B2Body) SynchronizeTransform()
type B2BodyDef ¶
type B2BodyDef struct { /// The body type: static, kinematic, or dynamic. /// Note: if a dynamic body would have zero mass, the mass is set to one. Type uint8 /// The world position of the body. Avoid creating bodies at the origin /// since this can lead to many overlapping shapes. Position B2Vec2 /// The world angle of the body in radians. Angle float64 /// The linear velocity of the body's origin in world co-ordinates. LinearVelocity B2Vec2 /// The angular velocity of the body. AngularVelocity float64 /// Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. The damping parameter /// can be larger than 1.0 but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the /// time step when the damping parameter is large. /// Units are 1/time LinearDamping float64 /// Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. The damping parameter /// can be larger than 1.0 but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the /// time step when the damping parameter is large. /// Units are 1/time AngularDamping float64 /// Set this flag to false if this body should never fall asleep. Note that /// this increases CPU usage. AllowSleep bool /// Is this body initially awake or sleeping? Awake bool /// Should this body be prevented from rotating? Useful for characters. FixedRotation bool /// Is this a fast moving body that should be prevented from tunneling through /// other moving bodies? Note that all bodies are prevented from tunneling through /// kinematic and static bodies. This setting is only considered on dynamic bodies. /// @warning You should use this flag sparingly since it increases processing time. Bullet bool /// Does this body start out active? Active bool /// Use this to store application specific body data. UserData interface{} /// Scale the gravity applied to this body. GravityScale float64 }
/ A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body. / You can safely re-use body definitions. Shapes are added to a body after construction.
func MakeB2BodyDef ¶
func MakeB2BodyDef() B2BodyDef
/ This constructor sets the body definition default values.
func NewB2BodyDef ¶
func NewB2BodyDef() *B2BodyDef
type B2BroadPhase ¶
type B2BroadPhase struct { M_tree B2DynamicTree M_proxyCount int M_moveBuffer []int M_moveCapacity int M_moveCount int M_pairBuffer []B2Pair M_pairCapacity int M_pairCount int M_queryProxyId int }
func MakeB2BroadPhase ¶
func MakeB2BroadPhase() B2BroadPhase
func (*B2BroadPhase) BufferMove ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) BufferMove(proxyId int)
func (*B2BroadPhase) CreateProxy ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) CreateProxy(aabb B2AABB, userData interface{}) int
func (*B2BroadPhase) DestroyProxy ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) DestroyProxy(proxyId int)
func (B2BroadPhase) GetFatAABB ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetFatAABB(proxyId int) B2AABB
func (B2BroadPhase) GetProxyCount ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetProxyCount() int
func (B2BroadPhase) GetTreeBalance ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeBalance() int
func (B2BroadPhase) GetTreeHeight ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeHeight() int
func (B2BroadPhase) GetTreeQuality ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetTreeQuality() float64
func (B2BroadPhase) GetUserData ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) GetUserData(proxyId int) interface{}
func (*B2BroadPhase) MoveProxy ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) MoveProxy(proxyId int, aabb B2AABB, displacement B2Vec2)
func (*B2BroadPhase) Query ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) Query(callback B2TreeQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
func (*B2BroadPhase) QueryCallback ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) QueryCallback(proxyId int) bool
This is called from b2DynamicTree::Query when we are gathering pairs.
func (*B2BroadPhase) RayCast ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) RayCast(callback B2TreeRayCastCallback, input B2RayCastInput)
func (*B2BroadPhase) ShiftOrigin ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
func (B2BroadPhase) TestOverlap ¶
func (bp B2BroadPhase) TestOverlap(proxyIdA int, proxyIdB int) bool
func (*B2BroadPhase) TouchProxy ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) TouchProxy(proxyId int)
func (*B2BroadPhase) UnBufferMove ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) UnBufferMove(proxyId int)
func (*B2BroadPhase) UpdatePairs ¶
func (bp *B2BroadPhase) UpdatePairs(addPairCallback B2BroadPhaseAddPairCallback)
type B2BroadPhaseAddPairCallback ¶
type B2BroadPhaseAddPairCallback func(userDataA interface{}, userDataB interface{})
type B2ChainAndCircleContact ¶
type B2ChainAndCircleContact struct {
func (*B2ChainAndCircleContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2ChainAndCircleContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2ChainAndPolygonContact ¶
type B2ChainAndPolygonContact struct {
func (*B2ChainAndPolygonContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2ChainAndPolygonContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2ChainShape ¶
type B2ChainShape struct { B2Shape /// The vertices. Owned by this class. M_vertices []B2Vec2 /// The vertex count. M_count int M_prevVertex B2Vec2 M_nextVertex B2Vec2 M_hasPrevVertex bool M_hasNextVertex bool }
/ A circle shape.
func MakeB2ChainShape ¶
func MakeB2ChainShape() B2ChainShape
func (*B2ChainShape) Clear ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) Clear()
func (B2ChainShape) Clone ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
func (B2ChainShape) ComputeAABB ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
func (B2ChainShape) ComputeMass ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
func (*B2ChainShape) CreateChain ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) CreateChain(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
func (*B2ChainShape) CreateLoop ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) CreateLoop(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
func (*B2ChainShape) Destroy ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) Destroy()
func (B2ChainShape) GetChildCount ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) GetChildCount() int
func (B2ChainShape) GetChildEdge ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) GetChildEdge(edge *B2EdgeShape, index int)
func (B2ChainShape) RayCast ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
func (*B2ChainShape) SetNextVertex ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) SetNextVertex(nextVertex B2Vec2)
func (*B2ChainShape) SetPrevVertex ¶
func (chain *B2ChainShape) SetPrevVertex(prevVertex B2Vec2)
func (B2ChainShape) TestPoint ¶
func (chain B2ChainShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
type B2CircleContact ¶
type B2CircleContact struct {
func (*B2CircleContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2CircleContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2CircleShape ¶
/ A circle shape.
func MakeB2CircleShape ¶
func MakeB2CircleShape() B2CircleShape
func NewB2CircleShape ¶
func NewB2CircleShape() *B2CircleShape
func (B2CircleShape) Clone ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
func (B2CircleShape) ComputeAABB ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, transform B2Transform, childIndex int)
func (B2CircleShape) ComputeMass ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
func (B2CircleShape) Destroy ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) Destroy()
func (B2CircleShape) GetChildCount ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) GetChildCount() int
func (B2CircleShape) RayCast ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, transform B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen From Section 3.1.2 x = s + a * r norm(x) = radius
func (B2CircleShape) TestPoint ¶
func (shape B2CircleShape) TestPoint(transform B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
type B2ClipVertex ¶
type B2ClipVertex struct { V B2Vec2 Id B2ContactID }
/ Used for computing contact manifolds.
type B2Contact ¶
type B2Contact struct { M_flags uint32 // World pool and list pointers. M_prev B2ContactInterface //should be backed by a pointer M_next B2ContactInterface //should be backed by a pointer // Nodes for connecting bodies. M_nodeA *B2ContactEdge M_nodeB *B2ContactEdge M_fixtureA *B2Fixture M_fixtureB *B2Fixture M_indexA int M_indexB int M_manifold *B2Manifold M_toiCount int M_toi float64 M_friction float64 M_restitution float64 M_tangentSpeed float64 }
func MakeB2Contact ¶
func (*B2Contact) FlagForFiltering ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) FlagForFiltering()
func (B2Contact) GetChildIndexA ¶
func (B2Contact) GetChildIndexB ¶
func (B2Contact) GetFixtureA ¶
func (B2Contact) GetFixtureB ¶
func (B2Contact) GetFriction ¶
func (B2Contact) GetManifold ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetManifold() *B2Manifold
func (B2Contact) GetNext ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetNext() B2ContactInterface
func (B2Contact) GetNodeA ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetNodeA() *B2ContactEdge
func (B2Contact) GetNodeB ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetNodeB() *B2ContactEdge
func (B2Contact) GetPrev ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetPrev() B2ContactInterface
func (B2Contact) GetRestitution ¶
func (B2Contact) GetTOICount ¶
func (B2Contact) GetTangentSpeed ¶
func (B2Contact) GetWorldManifold ¶
func (contact B2Contact) GetWorldManifold(worldManifold *B2WorldManifold)
func (B2Contact) IsTouching ¶
func (*B2Contact) ResetFriction ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) ResetFriction()
func (*B2Contact) ResetRestitution ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) ResetRestitution()
func (*B2Contact) SetChildIndexA ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetChildIndexB ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetEnabled ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetFixtureA ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetFixtureB ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetFriction ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetManifold ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) SetManifold(manifold *B2Manifold)
func (*B2Contact) SetNext ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) SetNext(next B2ContactInterface)
func (*B2Contact) SetNodeA ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) SetNodeA(node *B2ContactEdge)
func (*B2Contact) SetNodeB ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) SetNodeB(node *B2ContactEdge)
func (*B2Contact) SetPrev ¶
func (contact *B2Contact) SetPrev(prev B2ContactInterface)
func (*B2Contact) SetRestitution ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetTOICount ¶
func (*B2Contact) SetTangentSpeed ¶
type B2ContactCreateFcn ¶
type B2ContactCreateFcn func(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface // returned contact should be a pointer
type B2ContactDestroyFcn ¶
type B2ContactDestroyFcn func(contact B2ContactInterface) // contact should be a pointer
type B2ContactEdge ¶
type B2ContactEdge struct { Other *B2Body ///< provides quick access to the other body attached. Contact B2ContactInterface ///< the contact Prev *B2ContactEdge ///< the previous contact edge in the body's contact list Next *B2ContactEdge ///< the next contact edge in the body's contact list }
/ A contact edge is used to connect bodies and contacts together / in a contact graph where each body is a node and each contact / is an edge. A contact edge belongs to a doubly linked list / maintained in each attached body. Each contact has two contact / nodes, one for each attached body.
func NewB2ContactEdge ¶
func NewB2ContactEdge() *B2ContactEdge
type B2ContactFeature ¶
type B2ContactFeature struct { IndexA uint8 ///< Feature index on shapeA IndexB uint8 ///< Feature index on shapeB TypeA uint8 ///< The feature type on shapeA TypeB uint8 ///< The feature type on shapeB }
/ The features that intersect to form the contact point / This must be 4 bytes or less.
func MakeB2ContactFeature ¶
func MakeB2ContactFeature() B2ContactFeature
type B2ContactFilter ¶
type B2ContactFilter struct { }
func (*B2ContactFilter) ShouldCollide ¶
func (cf *B2ContactFilter) ShouldCollide(fixtureA *B2Fixture, fixtureB *B2Fixture) bool
Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes. If you implement your own collision filter you may want to build from this implementation.
type B2ContactID ¶
type B2ContactID B2ContactFeature
func (B2ContactID) Key ¶
func (v B2ContactID) Key() uint32
/ Contact ids to facilitate warm starting. /< Used to quickly compare contact ids.
func (B2ContactID) SetKey ¶
func (v B2ContactID) SetKey(key uint32)
type B2ContactImpulse ¶
type B2ContactImpulse struct { NormalImpulses [B2_maxManifoldPoints]float64 TangentImpulses [B2_maxManifoldPoints]float64 Count int }
/ Contact impulses for reporting. Impulses are used instead of forces because / sub-step forces may approach infinity for rigid body collisions. These / match up one-to-one with the contact points in b2Manifold.
func MakeB2ContactImpulse ¶
func MakeB2ContactImpulse() B2ContactImpulse
type B2ContactInterface ¶
type B2ContactInterface interface { GetFlags() uint32 SetFlags(flags uint32) GetPrev() B2ContactInterface SetPrev(prev B2ContactInterface) GetNext() B2ContactInterface SetNext(prev B2ContactInterface) GetNodeA() *B2ContactEdge SetNodeA(node *B2ContactEdge) GetNodeB() *B2ContactEdge SetNodeB(node *B2ContactEdge) GetFixtureA() *B2Fixture SetFixtureA(fixture *B2Fixture) GetFixtureB() *B2Fixture SetFixtureB(fixture *B2Fixture) GetChildIndexA() int SetChildIndexA(index int) GetChildIndexB() int SetChildIndexB(index int) GetManifold() *B2Manifold SetManifold(manifold *B2Manifold) GetTOICount() int SetTOICount(toiCount int) GetTOI() float64 SetTOI(toiCount float64) GetFriction() float64 SetFriction(friction float64) ResetFriction() GetRestitution() float64 SetRestitution(restitution float64) ResetRestitution() GetTangentSpeed() float64 SetTangentSpeed(tangentSpeed float64) IsTouching() bool IsEnabled() bool SetEnabled(bool) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform) FlagForFiltering() GetWorldManifold(worldManifold *B2WorldManifold) }
func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Create ¶
func B2ChainAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Create ¶
func B2ChainAndPolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2CircleContact_Create ¶
func B2CircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2ContactFactory ¶
func B2ContactFactory(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Create ¶
func B2EdgeAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Create ¶
func B2EdgeAndPolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Create ¶
func B2PolygonAndCircleContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
func B2PolygonContact_Create ¶
func B2PolygonContact_Create(fixtureA *B2Fixture, indexA int, fixtureB *B2Fixture, indexB int) B2ContactInterface
type B2ContactListenerInterface ¶
type B2ContactListenerInterface interface { /// Called when two fixtures begin to touch. BeginContact(contact B2ContactInterface) // contact has to be backed by a pointer /// Called when two fixtures cease to touch. EndContact(contact B2ContactInterface) // contact has to be backed by a pointer /// This is called after a contact is updated. This allows you to inspect a /// contact before it goes to the solver. If you are careful, you can modify the /// contact manifold (e.g. disable contact). /// A copy of the old manifold is provided so that you can detect changes. /// Note: this is called only for awake bodies. /// Note: this is called even when the number of contact points is zero. /// Note: this is not called for sensors. /// Note: if you set the number of contact points to zero, you will not /// get an EndContact callback. However, you may get a BeginContact callback /// the next step. PreSolve(contact B2ContactInterface, oldManifold B2Manifold) // contact has to be backed by a pointer /// This lets you inspect a contact after the solver is finished. This is useful /// for inspecting impulses. /// Note: the contact manifold does not include time of impact impulses, which can be /// arbitrarily large if the sub-step is small. Hence the impulse is provided explicitly /// in a separate data structure. /// Note: this is only called for contacts that are touching, solid, and awake. PostSolve(contact B2ContactInterface, impulse *B2ContactImpulse) // contact has to be backed by a pointer }
type B2ContactManager ¶
type B2ContactManager struct { M_broadPhase B2BroadPhase M_contactList B2ContactInterface M_contactCount int M_contactFilter B2ContactFilterInterface M_contactListener B2ContactListenerInterface }
func MakeB2ContactManager ¶
func MakeB2ContactManager() B2ContactManager
func NewB2ContactManager ¶
func NewB2ContactManager() *B2ContactManager
func (*B2ContactManager) AddPair ¶
func (mgr *B2ContactManager) AddPair(proxyUserDataA interface{}, proxyUserDataB interface{})
func (*B2ContactManager) Collide ¶
func (mgr *B2ContactManager) Collide()
This is the top level collision call for the time step. Here all the narrow phase collision is processed for the world contact list.
func (*B2ContactManager) Destroy ¶
func (mgr *B2ContactManager) Destroy(c B2ContactInterface)
func (*B2ContactManager) FindNewContacts ¶
func (mgr *B2ContactManager) FindNewContacts()
type B2ContactRegister ¶
type B2ContactRegister struct { CreateFcn B2ContactCreateFcn DestroyFcn B2ContactDestroyFcn Primary bool }
type B2ContactSolver ¶
type B2ContactSolver struct { M_step B2TimeStep M_positions []B2Position M_velocities []B2Velocity M_positionConstraints []B2ContactPositionConstraint M_velocityConstraints []B2ContactVelocityConstraint M_contacts []B2ContactInterface // has to be backed by pointers M_count int }
func MakeB2ContactSolver ¶
func MakeB2ContactSolver(def *B2ContactSolverDef) B2ContactSolver
func (*B2ContactSolver) Destroy ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) Destroy()
func (*B2ContactSolver) InitializeVelocityConstraints ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) InitializeVelocityConstraints()
Initialize position dependent portions of the velocity constraints.
func (*B2ContactSolver) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolvePositionConstraints() bool
Sequential solver.
func (*B2ContactSolver) SolveTOIPositionConstraints ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA int, toiIndexB int) bool
Sequential position solver for position constraints.
func (*B2ContactSolver) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) SolveVelocityConstraints()
func (*B2ContactSolver) StoreImpulses ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) StoreImpulses()
func (*B2ContactSolver) WarmStart ¶
func (solver *B2ContactSolver) WarmStart()
type B2ContactSolverDef ¶
type B2ContactSolverDef struct { Step B2TimeStep Contacts []B2ContactInterface // has to be backed by pointers Count int Positions []B2Position Velocities []B2Velocity }
func MakeB2ContactSolverDef ¶
func MakeB2ContactSolverDef() B2ContactSolverDef
type B2ContactVelocityConstraint ¶
type B2ContactVelocityConstraint struct { Points [B2_maxManifoldPoints]B2VelocityConstraintPoint Normal B2Vec2 NormalMass B2Mat22 K B2Mat22 IndexA int IndexB int InvMassA, InvMassB float64 InvIA, InvIB float64 Friction float64 Restitution float64 TangentSpeed float64 PointCount int ContactIndex int }
type B2DestructionListenerInterface ¶
type B2DestructionListenerInterface interface { /// Called when any fixture is about to be destroyed due /// to the destruction of its parent body. SayGoodbyeToFixture(fixture *B2Fixture) SayGoodbyeToJoint(joint B2JointInterface) // backed by pointer }
type B2DistanceInput ¶
type B2DistanceInput struct { ProxyA B2DistanceProxy ProxyB B2DistanceProxy TransformA B2Transform TransformB B2Transform UseRadii bool }
/ Input for b2Distance. / You have to option to use the shape radii / in the computation. Even
func MakeB2DistanceInput ¶
func MakeB2DistanceInput() B2DistanceInput
func NewB2DistanceInput ¶
func NewB2DistanceInput() *B2DistanceInput
type B2DistanceJoint ¶
type B2DistanceJoint struct { *B2Joint M_frequencyHz float64 M_dampingRatio float64 M_bias float64 // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_gamma float64 M_impulse float64 M_length float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_u B2Vec2 M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass float64 }
/ A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies / to remain at a fixed distance from each other. You can view / this as a massless, rigid rod.
func MakeB2DistanceJoint ¶
func MakeB2DistanceJoint(def *B2DistanceJointDef) *B2DistanceJoint
func (B2DistanceJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) Dump()
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetFrequency ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetFrequency() float64
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetLength ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLength() float64
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2DistanceJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2DistanceJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2DistanceJoint) SetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
func (*B2DistanceJoint) SetFrequency ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
func (*B2DistanceJoint) SetLength ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SetLength(length float64)
func (*B2DistanceJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2DistanceJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2DistanceJointDef ¶
type B2DistanceJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The natural length between the anchor points. Length float64 /// The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 /// disables softness. FrequencyHz float64 /// The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. DampingRatio float64 }
/ Distance joint definition. This requires defining an / anchor point on both bodies and the non-zero length of the / distance joint. The definition uses local anchor points / so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint / slightly. This helps when saving and loading a game. / @warning Do not use a zero or short length.
func MakeB2DistanceJointDef ¶
func MakeB2DistanceJointDef() B2DistanceJointDef
func (*B2DistanceJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (joint *B2DistanceJointDef) Initialize(b1 *B2Body, b2 *B2Body, anchor1 B2Vec2, anchor2 B2Vec2)
type B2DistanceOutput ¶
type B2DistanceOutput struct { PointA B2Vec2 ///< closest point on shapeA PointB B2Vec2 ///< closest point on shapeB Distance float64 Iterations int ///< number of GJK iterations used }
/ Output for b2Distance.
func MakeB2DistanceOutput ¶
func MakeB2DistanceOutput() B2DistanceOutput
func NewB2DistanceOutput ¶
func NewB2DistanceOutput() *B2DistanceOutput
type B2DistanceProxy ¶
type B2DistanceProxy struct { M_buffer [2]B2Vec2 M_vertices []B2Vec2 // is a memory blob using pointer arithmetic in original implementation M_count int M_radius float64 }
/ A distance proxy is used by the GJK algorithm. / It encapsulates any shape.
func MakeB2DistanceProxy ¶
func MakeB2DistanceProxy() B2DistanceProxy
func NewB2DistanceProxy ¶
func NewB2DistanceProxy() *B2DistanceProxy
func (B2DistanceProxy) GetSupport ¶
func (p B2DistanceProxy) GetSupport(d B2Vec2) int
func (B2DistanceProxy) GetSupportVertex ¶
func (p B2DistanceProxy) GetSupportVertex(d B2Vec2) B2Vec2
func (B2DistanceProxy) GetVertex ¶
func (p B2DistanceProxy) GetVertex(index int) B2Vec2
func (B2DistanceProxy) GetVertexCount ¶
func (p B2DistanceProxy) GetVertexCount() int
func (*B2DistanceProxy) Set ¶
func (p *B2DistanceProxy) Set(shape B2ShapeInterface, index int)
type B2DynamicTree ¶
type B2DynamicTree struct { // Private members: M_root int M_nodes []B2TreeNode M_nodeCount int M_nodeCapacity int M_freeList int /// This is used to incrementally traverse the tree for re-balancing. M_path int M_insertionCount int }
/ A dynamic AABB tree broad-phase, inspired by Nathanael Presson's btDbvt. / A dynamic tree arranges data in a binary tree to accelerate / queries such as volume queries and ray casts. Leafs are proxies / with an AABB. In the tree we expand the proxy AABB by b2_fatAABBFactor / so that the proxy AABB is bigger than the client object. This allows the client / object to move by small amounts without triggering a tree update. / / Nodes are pooled and relocatable, so we use node indices rather than pointers.
func MakeB2DynamicTree ¶
func MakeB2DynamicTree() B2DynamicTree
func (*B2DynamicTree) AllocateNode ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) AllocateNode() int
Allocate a node from the pool. Grow the pool if necessary.
func (*B2DynamicTree) Balance ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) Balance(iA int) int
Perform a left or right rotation if node A is imbalanced. Returns the new root index.
func (B2DynamicTree) ComputeHeight ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) ComputeHeight(nodeId int) int
Compute the height of a sub-tree.
func (B2DynamicTree) ComputeTotalHeight ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) ComputeTotalHeight() int
func (*B2DynamicTree) CreateProxy ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) CreateProxy(aabb B2AABB, userData interface{}) int
Create a proxy in the tree as a leaf node. We return the index of the node instead of a pointer so that we can grow the node pool.
func (*B2DynamicTree) DestroyProxy ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) DestroyProxy(proxyId int)
func (*B2DynamicTree) FreeNode ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) FreeNode(nodeId int)
Return a node to the pool.
func (B2DynamicTree) GetAreaRatio ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetAreaRatio() float64
func (B2DynamicTree) GetFatAABB ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetFatAABB(proxyId int) B2AABB
func (B2DynamicTree) GetHeight ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetHeight() int
func (B2DynamicTree) GetMaxBalance ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetMaxBalance() int
func (B2DynamicTree) GetUserData ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) GetUserData(proxyId int) interface{}
func (*B2DynamicTree) InsertLeaf ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) InsertLeaf(leaf int)
func (*B2DynamicTree) MoveProxy ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) MoveProxy(proxyId int, aabb B2AABB, displacement B2Vec2) bool
func (*B2DynamicTree) Query ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) Query(queryCallback B2TreeQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
func (B2DynamicTree) RayCast ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) RayCast(rayCastCallback B2TreeRayCastCallback, input B2RayCastInput)
func (*B2DynamicTree) RebuildBottomUp ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) RebuildBottomUp()
func (*B2DynamicTree) RemoveLeaf ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) RemoveLeaf(leaf int)
func (*B2DynamicTree) ShiftOrigin ¶
func (tree *B2DynamicTree) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
func (B2DynamicTree) Validate ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) Validate()
func (B2DynamicTree) ValidateMetrics ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) ValidateMetrics(index int)
func (B2DynamicTree) ValidateStructure ¶
func (tree B2DynamicTree) ValidateStructure(index int)
type B2EPAxis ¶
func MakeB2EPAxis ¶
func MakeB2EPAxis() B2EPAxis
type B2EPCollider ¶
type B2EPCollider struct { M_polygonB B2TempPolygon M_xf B2Transform M_centroidB B2Vec2 M_v0, M_v1, M_v2, M_v3 B2Vec2 M_normal0, M_normal1, M_normal2 B2Vec2 M_normal B2Vec2 M_type1, M_type2 uint8 M_lowerLimit, M_upperLimit B2Vec2 M_radius float64 M_front bool }
This class collides and edge and a polygon, taking into account edge adjacency.
func MakeB2EPCollider ¶
func MakeB2EPCollider() B2EPCollider
func (*B2EPCollider) Collide ¶
func (collider *B2EPCollider) Collide(manifold *B2Manifold, edgeA *B2EdgeShape, xfA B2Transform, polygonB *B2PolygonShape, xfB B2Transform)
Algorithm: 1. Classify v1 and v2 2. Classify polygon centroid as front or back 3. Flip normal if necessary 4. Initialize normal range to [-pi, pi] about face normal 5. Adjust normal range according to adjacent edges 6. Visit each separating axes, only accept axes within the range 7. Return if _any_ axis indicates separation 8. Clip
func (*B2EPCollider) ComputeEdgeSeparation ¶
func (collider *B2EPCollider) ComputeEdgeSeparation() B2EPAxis
func (*B2EPCollider) ComputePolygonSeparation ¶
func (collider *B2EPCollider) ComputePolygonSeparation() B2EPAxis
type B2EdgeAndCircleContact ¶
type B2EdgeAndCircleContact struct {
func (*B2EdgeAndCircleContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2EdgeAndCircleContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2EdgeAndPolygonContact ¶
type B2EdgeAndPolygonContact struct {
func (*B2EdgeAndPolygonContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2EdgeAndPolygonContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2EdgeShape ¶
type B2EdgeShape struct { B2Shape /// These are the edge vertices M_vertex1, M_vertex2 B2Vec2 /// Optional adjacent vertices. These are used for smooth collision. M_vertex0, M_vertex3 B2Vec2 M_hasVertex0, M_hasVertex3 bool }
/ A line segment (edge) shape. These can be connected in chains or loops / to other edge shapes. The connectivity information is used to ensure / correct contact normals.
func MakeB2EdgeShape ¶
func MakeB2EdgeShape() B2EdgeShape
func NewB2EdgeShape ¶
func NewB2EdgeShape() *B2EdgeShape
func (B2EdgeShape) Clone ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
func (B2EdgeShape) ComputeAABB ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
func (B2EdgeShape) ComputeMass ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
func (*B2EdgeShape) Destroy ¶
func (edge *B2EdgeShape) Destroy()
func (B2EdgeShape) GetChildCount ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) GetChildCount() int
func (B2EdgeShape) RayCast ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
p = p1 + t * d v = v1 + s * e p1 + t * d = v1 + s * e s * e - t * d = p1 - v1
func (*B2EdgeShape) Set ¶
func (edge *B2EdgeShape) Set(v1 B2Vec2, v2 B2Vec2)
func (B2EdgeShape) TestPoint ¶
func (edge B2EdgeShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
type B2Filter ¶
type B2Filter struct { /// The collision category bits. Normally you would just set one bit. CategoryBits uint16 /// The collision mask bits. This states the categories that this /// shape would accept for collision. MaskBits uint16 /// Collision groups allow a certain group of objects to never collide (negative) /// or always collide (positive). Zero means no collision group. Non-zero group /// filtering always wins against the mask bits. GroupIndex int16 }
/ This holds contact filtering data.
func MakeB2Filter ¶
func MakeB2Filter() B2Filter
type B2Fixture ¶
type B2Fixture struct { M_density float64 M_next *B2Fixture M_body *B2Body M_shape B2ShapeInterface M_friction float64 M_restitution float64 M_proxies []B2FixtureProxy M_proxyCount int M_filter B2Filter M_isSensor bool M_userData interface{} }
/// A fixture is used to attach a shape to a body for collision detection. A fixture /// inherits its transform from its parent. Fixtures hold additional non-geometric data /// such as friction, collision filters, etc. /// Fixtures are created via b2Body::CreateFixture. /// @warning you cannot reuse fixtures.
func MakeB2Fixture ¶
func MakeB2Fixture() B2Fixture
func NewB2Fixture ¶
func NewB2Fixture() *B2Fixture
func (*B2Fixture) Create ¶
func (fix *B2Fixture) Create(body *B2Body, def *B2FixtureDef)
func (*B2Fixture) CreateProxies ¶
func (fix *B2Fixture) CreateProxies(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase, xf B2Transform)
func (*B2Fixture) DestroyProxies ¶
func (fix *B2Fixture) DestroyProxies(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase)
func (B2Fixture) GetDensity ¶
func (B2Fixture) GetFilterData ¶
func (B2Fixture) GetFriction ¶
func (B2Fixture) GetMassData ¶
func (fix B2Fixture) GetMassData(massData *B2MassData)
func (B2Fixture) GetRestitution ¶
func (B2Fixture) GetShape ¶
func (fix B2Fixture) GetShape() B2ShapeInterface
func (B2Fixture) GetUserData ¶
func (fix B2Fixture) GetUserData() interface{}
func (B2Fixture) RayCast ¶
func (fix B2Fixture) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, childIndex int) bool
func (*B2Fixture) SetDensity ¶
func (*B2Fixture) SetFilterData ¶
func (*B2Fixture) SetFriction ¶
func (*B2Fixture) SetRestitution ¶
func (*B2Fixture) SetUserData ¶
func (fix *B2Fixture) SetUserData(data interface{})
func (*B2Fixture) Synchronize ¶
func (fix *B2Fixture) Synchronize(broadPhase *B2BroadPhase, transform1 B2Transform, transform2 B2Transform)
type B2FixtureDef ¶
type B2FixtureDef struct { /// The shape, this must be set. The shape will be cloned, so you /// can create the shape on the stack. Shape B2ShapeInterface /// Use this to store application specific fixture data. UserData interface{} /// The friction coefficient, usually in the range [0,1]. Friction float64 /// The restitution (elasticity) usually in the range [0,1]. Restitution float64 /// The density, usually in kg/m^2. Density float64 /// A sensor shape collects contact information but never generates a collision /// response. IsSensor bool /// Contact filtering data. Filter B2Filter }
/ A fixture definition is used to create a fixture. This class defines an / abstract fixture definition. You can reuse fixture definitions safely.
func MakeB2FixtureDef ¶
func MakeB2FixtureDef() B2FixtureDef
/ The constructor sets the default fixture definition values.
type B2FixtureProxy ¶
/ This proxy is used internally to connect fixtures to the broad-phase.
type B2FrictionJoint ¶
type B2FrictionJoint struct { *B2Joint M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 // Solver shared M_linearImpulse B2Vec2 M_angularImpulse float64 M_maxForce float64 M_maxTorque float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_linearMass B2Mat22 M_angularMass float64 }
/ Friction joint. This is used for top-down friction. / It provides 2D translational friction and angular friction.
func MakeB2FrictionJoint ¶
func MakeB2FrictionJoint(def *B2FrictionJointDef) *B2FrictionJoint
func (*B2FrictionJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) Dump()
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxForce ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxTorque ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetMaxTorque() float64
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2FrictionJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2FrictionJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxForce ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
func (*B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxTorque ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SetMaxTorque(torque float64)
func (*B2FrictionJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2FrictionJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2FrictionJointDef ¶
type B2FrictionJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The maximum friction force in N. MaxForce float64 /// The maximum friction torque in N-m. MaxTorque float64 }
/ Friction joint definition.
func MakeB2FrictionJointDef ¶
func MakeB2FrictionJointDef() B2FrictionJointDef
func (*B2FrictionJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (joint *B2FrictionJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body, anchor B2Vec2)
type B2GearJoint ¶
type B2GearJoint struct { *B2Joint M_joint1 B2JointInterface // backed by pointer M_joint2 B2JointInterface // backed by pointer M_typeA uint8 M_typeB uint8 // Body A is connected to body C // Body B is connected to body D M_bodyC *B2Body M_bodyD *B2Body // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_localAnchorC B2Vec2 M_localAnchorD B2Vec2 M_localAxisC B2Vec2 M_localAxisD B2Vec2 M_referenceAngleA float64 M_referenceAngleB float64 M_constant float64 M_ratio float64 M_impulse float64 // Solver temp M_indexA, M_indexB, M_indexC, M_indexD int M_lcA, M_lcB, M_lcC, M_lcD B2Vec2 M_mA, M_mB, M_mC, M_mD float64 M_iA, M_iB, M_iC, M_iD float64 M_JvAC, M_JvBD B2Vec2 M_JwA, M_JwB, M_JwC, M_JwD float64 M_mass float64 }
/ A gear joint is used to connect two joints together. Either joint / can be a revolute or prismatic joint. You specify a gear ratio / to bind the motions together: / coordinate1 + ratio * coordinate2 = constant / The ratio can be negative or positive. If one joint is a revolute joint / and the other joint is a prismatic joint, then the ratio will have units / of length or units of 1/length. / @warning You have to manually destroy the gear joint if joint1 or joint2 / is destroyed.
func MakeB2GearJoint ¶
func MakeB2GearJoint(def *B2GearJointDef) *B2GearJoint
func (*B2GearJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2GearJoint) Dump()
func (B2GearJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2GearJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2GearJoint) GetJoint1 ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetJoint1() B2JointInterface
/ Get the first joint.
func (B2GearJoint) GetJoint2 ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetJoint2() B2JointInterface
/ Get the second joint.
func (B2GearJoint) GetRatio ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetRatio() float64
func (B2GearJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2GearJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2GearJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2GearJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2GearJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2GearJoint) SetRatio ¶
func (joint *B2GearJoint) SetRatio(ratio float64)
func (*B2GearJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2GearJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2GearJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2GearJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2GearJointDef ¶
type B2GearJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The first revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear joint. Joint1 B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointer /// The second revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear joint. Joint2 B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointer /// The gear ratio. /// @see b2GearJoint for explanation. Ratio float64 }
/ Gear joint definition. This definition requires two existing / revolute or prismatic joints (any combination will work).
func MakeB2GearJointDef ¶
func MakeB2GearJointDef() B2GearJointDef
type B2GrowableStack ¶
type B2GrowableStack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewB2GrowableStack ¶
func NewB2GrowableStack() *B2GrowableStack
func (*B2GrowableStack) Pop ¶
func (s *B2GrowableStack) Pop() (value interface{})
Remove the top element from the stack and return it's value If the stack is empty, return nil
func (*B2GrowableStack) Push ¶
func (s *B2GrowableStack) Push(value interface{})
Push a new element onto the stack
type B2Island ¶
type B2Island struct { M_listener B2ContactListenerInterface M_bodies []*B2Body M_contacts []B2ContactInterface // has to be backed by pointers M_joints []B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointers M_positions []B2Position M_velocities []B2Velocity M_bodyCount int M_jointCount int M_contactCount int M_bodyCapacity int M_contactCapacity int M_jointCapacity int }
/ This is an internal class.
func MakeB2Island ¶
func MakeB2Island(bodyCapacity int, contactCapacity int, jointCapacity int, listener B2ContactListenerInterface) B2Island
func (*B2Island) Add ¶
func (island *B2Island) Add(joint B2JointInterface)
func (*B2Island) AddContact ¶
func (island *B2Island) AddContact(contact B2ContactInterface)
func (*B2Island) Report ¶
func (island *B2Island) Report(constraints []B2ContactVelocityConstraint)
type B2Jacobian ¶
type B2Joint ¶
type B2Joint struct { M_type uint8 M_prev B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointer M_next B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointer M_edgeA *B2JointEdge M_edgeB *B2JointEdge M_bodyA *B2Body M_bodyB *B2Body M_index int M_islandFlag bool M_collideConnected bool M_userData interface{} }
/ The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two bodies together in / various fashions. Some joints also feature limits and motors.
func MakeB2Joint ¶
func MakeB2Joint(def B2JointDefInterface) *B2Joint
func (B2Joint) GetIslandFlag ¶
func (B2Joint) GetNext ¶
func (j B2Joint) GetNext() B2JointInterface
func (B2Joint) GetPrev ¶
func (j B2Joint) GetPrev() B2JointInterface
func (B2Joint) GetUserData ¶
func (j B2Joint) GetUserData() interface{}
func (*B2Joint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (j *B2Joint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (B2Joint) IsCollideConnected ¶
func (*B2Joint) SetIslandFlag ¶
func (*B2Joint) SetUserData ¶
func (j *B2Joint) SetUserData(data interface{})
func (B2Joint) ShiftOrigin ¶
/ Shift the origin for any points stored in world coordinates.
func (*B2Joint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (j *B2Joint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2Joint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (j *B2Joint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2JointDef ¶
type B2JointDef struct { /// The joint type is set automatically for concrete joint types. Type uint8 /// Use this to attach application specific data to your joints. UserData interface{} /// The first attached body. BodyA *B2Body /// The second attached body. BodyB *B2Body /// Set this flag to true if the attached bodies should collide. CollideConnected bool }
/ Joint definitions are used to construct joints.
func MakeB2JointDef ¶
func MakeB2JointDef() B2JointDef
func (B2JointDef) GetBodyA ¶
func (def B2JointDef) GetBodyA() *B2Body
func (B2JointDef) GetBodyB ¶
func (def B2JointDef) GetBodyB() *B2Body
func (B2JointDef) GetType ¶
func (def B2JointDef) GetType() uint8
Implementing B2JointDefInterface on B2Joint (used as a base struct)
func (B2JointDef) GetUserData ¶
func (def B2JointDef) GetUserData() interface{}
func (B2JointDef) IsCollideConnected ¶
func (def B2JointDef) IsCollideConnected() bool
func (*B2JointDef) SetBodyA ¶
func (def *B2JointDef) SetBodyA(body *B2Body)
func (*B2JointDef) SetBodyB ¶
func (def *B2JointDef) SetBodyB(body *B2Body)
func (*B2JointDef) SetCollideConnected ¶
func (def *B2JointDef) SetCollideConnected(flag bool)
func (*B2JointDef) SetType ¶
func (def *B2JointDef) SetType(t uint8)
func (*B2JointDef) SetUserData ¶
func (def *B2JointDef) SetUserData(userdata interface{})
type B2JointDefInterface ¶
type B2JointEdge ¶
type B2JointEdge struct { Other *B2Body ///< provides quick access to the other body attached. Joint B2JointInterface ///< the joint; backed by pointer Prev *B2JointEdge ///< the previous joint edge in the body's joint list Next *B2JointEdge ///< the next joint edge in the body's joint list }
/ A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together / in a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint / is an edge. A joint edge belongs to a doubly linked list / maintained in each attached body. Each joint has two joint / nodes, one for each attached body.
type B2JointInterface ¶
type B2JointInterface interface { /// Dump this joint to the log file. Dump() /// Shift the origin for any points stored in world coordinates. ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2) GetType() uint8 SetType(t uint8) GetBodyA() *B2Body SetBodyA(body *B2Body) GetBodyB() *B2Body SetBodyB(body *B2Body) GetIndex() int SetIndex(index int) GetNext() B2JointInterface // backed by pointer SetNext(next B2JointInterface) // backed by pointer GetPrev() B2JointInterface // backed by pointer SetPrev(prev B2JointInterface) // backed by pointer GetEdgeA() *B2JointEdge SetEdgeA(edge *B2JointEdge) GetEdgeB() *B2JointEdge SetEdgeB(edge *B2JointEdge) GetUserData() interface{} SetUserData(data interface{}) IsCollideConnected() bool SetCollideConnected(flag bool) IsActive() bool //@goadd Destroy() InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool GetIslandFlag() bool SetIslandFlag(flag bool) }
func B2JointCreate ¶
func B2JointCreate(def B2JointDefInterface) B2JointInterface
type B2Manifold ¶
type B2Manifold struct { Points [B2_maxManifoldPoints]B2ManifoldPoint ///< the points of contact LocalNormal B2Vec2 ///< not use for Type::e_points LocalPoint B2Vec2 ///< usage depends on manifold type Type uint8 // B2Manifold_Type PointCount int ///< the number of manifold points }
func NewB2Manifold ¶
func NewB2Manifold() *B2Manifold
type B2ManifoldPoint ¶
type B2ManifoldPoint struct { LocalPoint B2Vec2 ///< usage depends on manifold type NormalImpulse float64 ///< the non-penetration impulse TangentImpulse float64 ///< the friction impulse Id B2ContactID ///< uniquely identifies a contact point between two shapes }
/ A manifold point is a contact point belonging to a contact / manifold. It holds details related to the geometry and dynamics / of the contact points. / The local point usage depends on the manifold type: / -e_circles: the local center of circleB / -e_faceA: the local center of cirlceB or the clip point of polygonB / -e_faceB: the clip point of polygonA / This structure is stored across time steps, so we keep it small. / Note: the impulses are used for internal caching and may not / provide reliable contact forces, especially for high speed collisions.
type B2MassData ¶
type B2MassData struct { /// The mass of the shape, usually in kilograms. Mass float64 /// The position of the shape's centroid relative to the shape's origin. Center B2Vec2 /// The rotational inertia of the shape about the local origin. I float64 }
/ This holds the mass data computed for a shape.
func MakeMassData ¶
func MakeMassData() B2MassData
func NewMassData ¶
func NewMassData() *B2MassData
type B2Mat22 ¶
type B2Mat22 struct {
Ex, Ey B2Vec2
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / A 2-by-2 matrix. Stored in column-major order. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func B2Mat22Abs ¶
func B2Mat22Add ¶
func MakeB2Mat22FromColumns ¶
/ Construct this matrix using columns.
func MakeB2Mat22FromScalars ¶
/ Construct this matrix using scalars.
func NewB2Mat22 ¶
func NewB2Mat22() *B2Mat22
func NewB2Mat22FromColumns ¶
func NewB2Mat22FromScalars ¶
func (B2Mat22) GetInverse ¶
type B2Mat33 ¶
type B2Mat33 struct {
Ex, Ey, Ez B2Vec3
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / A 3-by-3 matrix. Stored in column-major order. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func MakeB2Mat33 ¶
func MakeB2Mat33() B2Mat33
/ The default constructor does nothing (for performance).
func MakeB2Mat33FromColumns ¶
/ Construct this matrix using columns.
func NewB2Mat33 ¶
func NewB2Mat33() *B2Mat33
func NewB2Mat33FromColumns ¶
func (B2Mat33) GetSymInverse33 ¶
/ Returns the zero matrix if singular.
type B2MotorJoint ¶
type B2MotorJoint struct { *B2Joint // Solver shared M_linearOffset B2Vec2 M_angularOffset float64 M_linearImpulse B2Vec2 M_angularImpulse float64 M_maxForce float64 M_maxTorque float64 M_correctionFactor float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_linearError B2Vec2 M_angularError float64 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_linearMass B2Mat22 M_angularMass float64 }
/ A motor joint is used to control the relative motion / between two bodies. A typical usage is to control the movement / of a dynamic body with respect to the ground.
func MakeB2MotorJoint ¶
func MakeB2MotorJoint(def *B2MotorJointDef) *B2MotorJoint
func (*B2MotorJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) Dump()
func (B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2MotorJoint) GetAngularOffset ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetAngularOffset() float64
func (B2MotorJoint) GetCorrectionFactor ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetCorrectionFactor() float64
func (B2MotorJoint) GetLinearOffset ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetLinearOffset() B2Vec2
func (B2MotorJoint) GetMaxForce ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
func (B2MotorJoint) GetMaxTorque ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetMaxTorque() float64
func (B2MotorJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2MotorJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2MotorJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2MotorJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SetAngularOffset ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetAngularOffset(angularOffset float64)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SetCorrectionFactor ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetCorrectionFactor(factor float64)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SetLinearOffset ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetLinearOffset(linearOffset B2Vec2)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SetMaxForce ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SetMaxTorque ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SetMaxTorque(torque float64)
func (*B2MotorJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2MotorJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MotorJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2MotorJointDef ¶
type B2MotorJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// Position of bodyB minus the position of bodyA, in bodyA's frame, in meters. LinearOffset B2Vec2 /// The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in radians. AngularOffset float64 /// The maximum motor force in N. MaxForce float64 /// The maximum motor torque in N-m. MaxTorque float64 /// Position correction factor in the range [0,1]. CorrectionFactor float64 }
/ Motor joint definition.
func MakeB2MotorJointDef ¶
func MakeB2MotorJointDef() B2MotorJointDef
func (*B2MotorJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (def *B2MotorJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body)
type B2MouseJoint ¶
type B2MouseJoint struct { *B2Joint M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_targetA B2Vec2 M_frequencyHz float64 M_dampingRatio float64 M_beta float64 // Solver shared M_impulse B2Vec2 M_maxForce float64 M_gamma float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassB float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass B2Mat22 M_C B2Vec2 }
/ A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a / specified world point. This a soft constraint with a maximum / force. This allows the constraint to stretch and without / applying huge forces. / NOTE: this joint is not documented in the manual because it was / developed to be used in the testbed. If you want to learn how to / use the mouse joint, look at the testbed.
func MakeB2MouseJoint ¶
func MakeB2MouseJoint(def *B2MouseJointDef) *B2MouseJoint
func (*B2MouseJoint) Dump ¶
func (def *B2MouseJoint) Dump()
/ The mouse joint does not support dumping.
func (B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2MouseJoint) GetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
func (B2MouseJoint) GetFrequency ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetFrequency() float64
func (B2MouseJoint) GetMaxForce ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetMaxForce() float64
func (B2MouseJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2MouseJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2MouseJoint) GetTarget ¶
func (joint B2MouseJoint) GetTarget() B2Vec2
func (*B2MouseJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2MouseJoint) SetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
func (*B2MouseJoint) SetFrequency ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
func (*B2MouseJoint) SetMaxForce ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetMaxForce(force float64)
func (*B2MouseJoint) SetTarget ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SetTarget(target B2Vec2)
func (*B2MouseJoint) ShiftOrigin ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
func (*B2MouseJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2MouseJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2MouseJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2MouseJointDef ¶
type B2MouseJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The initial world target point. This is assumed /// to coincide with the body anchor initially. Target B2Vec2 /// The maximum constraint force that can be exerted /// to move the candidate body. Usually you will express /// as some multiple of the weight (multiplier * mass * gravity). MaxForce float64 /// The response speed. FrequencyHz float64 /// The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. DampingRatio float64 }
/ Mouse joint definition. This requires a world target point, / tuning parameters, and the time step.
func MakeB2MouseJointDef ¶
func MakeB2MouseJointDef() B2MouseJointDef
type B2PolygonAndCircleContact ¶
type B2PolygonAndCircleContact struct {
func (*B2PolygonAndCircleContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2PolygonAndCircleContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2PolygonContact ¶
type B2PolygonContact struct {
func (*B2PolygonContact) Evaluate ¶
func (contact *B2PolygonContact) Evaluate(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform)
type B2PolygonShape ¶
type B2PolygonShape struct { B2Shape M_centroid B2Vec2 M_vertices [B2_maxPolygonVertices]B2Vec2 M_normals [B2_maxPolygonVertices]B2Vec2 M_count int }
func MakeB2PolygonShape ¶
func MakeB2PolygonShape() B2PolygonShape
func NewB2PolygonShape ¶
func NewB2PolygonShape() *B2PolygonShape
func (B2PolygonShape) Clone ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) Clone() B2ShapeInterface
func (B2PolygonShape) ComputeAABB ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int)
func (B2PolygonShape) ComputeMass ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64)
func (*B2PolygonShape) Destroy ¶
func (edge *B2PolygonShape) Destroy()
func (B2PolygonShape) GetChildCount ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) GetChildCount() int
func (B2PolygonShape) RayCast ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) bool
func (*B2PolygonShape) Set ¶
func (poly *B2PolygonShape) Set(vertices []B2Vec2, count int)
func (*B2PolygonShape) SetAsBox ¶
func (poly *B2PolygonShape) SetAsBox(hx float64, hy float64)
func (*B2PolygonShape) SetAsBoxFromCenterAndAngle ¶
func (poly *B2PolygonShape) SetAsBoxFromCenterAndAngle(hx float64, hy float64, center B2Vec2, angle float64)
func (B2PolygonShape) TestPoint ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool
func (B2PolygonShape) Validate ¶
func (poly B2PolygonShape) Validate() bool
type B2PositionSolverManifold ¶
func MakeB2PositionSolverManifold ¶
func MakeB2PositionSolverManifold() B2PositionSolverManifold
func (*B2PositionSolverManifold) Initialize ¶
func (solvermanifold *B2PositionSolverManifold) Initialize(pc *B2ContactPositionConstraint, xfA B2Transform, xfB B2Transform, index int)
type B2PrismaticJoint ¶
type B2PrismaticJoint struct { *B2Joint // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_localXAxisA B2Vec2 M_localYAxisA B2Vec2 M_referenceAngle float64 M_impulse B2Vec3 M_motorImpulse float64 M_lowerTranslation float64 M_upperTranslation float64 M_maxMotorForce float64 M_motorSpeed float64 M_enableLimit bool M_enableMotor bool M_limitState uint8 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_axis, M_perp B2Vec2 M_s1, M_s2 float64 M_a1, M_a2 float64 M_K B2Mat33 M_motorMass float64 }
/ A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation / along an axis fixed in bodyA. Relative rotation is prevented. You can / use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to / drive the motion or to model joint friction.
func MakeB2PrismaticJoint ¶
func MakeB2PrismaticJoint(def *B2PrismaticJointDef) *B2PrismaticJoint
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) Dump()
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) EnableLimit ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) EnableLimit(flag bool)
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) EnableMotor ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointSpeed ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointSpeed() float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointTranslation ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetJointTranslation() float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAxisA ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLocalAxisA() B2Vec2
/ The local joint axis relative to bodyA.
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetLowerLimit ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetLowerLimit() float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetMaxMotorForce ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMaxMotorForce() float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorForce ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorForce(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetReferenceAngle ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
/ Get the reference angle.
func (B2PrismaticJoint) GetUpperLimit ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) GetUpperLimit() float64
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (B2PrismaticJoint) IsLimitEnabled ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) IsLimitEnabled() bool
func (B2PrismaticJoint) IsMotorEnabled ¶
func (joint B2PrismaticJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) SetLimits ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetLimits(lower float64, upper float64)
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) SetMaxMotorForce ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetMaxMotorForce(force float64)
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) SetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
A velocity based solver computes reaction forces(impulses) using the velocity constraint solver.Under this context, the position solver is not there to resolve forces.It is only there to cope with integration error.
Therefore, the pseudo impulses in the position solver do not have any physical meaning.Thus it is okay if they suck.
We could take the active state from the velocity solver.However, the joint might push past the limit when the velocity solver indicates the limit is inactive.
func (*B2PrismaticJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2PrismaticJointDef ¶
type B2PrismaticJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The local translation unit axis in bodyA. LocalAxisA B2Vec2 /// The constrained angle between the bodies: bodyB_angle - bodyA_angle. ReferenceAngle float64 /// Enable/disable the joint limit. EnableLimit bool /// The lower translation limit, usually in meters. LowerTranslation float64 /// The upper translation limit, usually in meters. UpperTranslation float64 /// Enable/disable the joint motor. EnableMotor bool /// The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m. MaxMotorForce float64 /// The desired motor speed in radians per second. MotorSpeed float64 }
/ Prismatic joint definition. This requires defining a line of / motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local / anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration / can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero / when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local / anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.
func MakeB2PrismaticJointDef ¶
func MakeB2PrismaticJointDef() B2PrismaticJointDef
func (*B2PrismaticJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (joint *B2PrismaticJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body, anchor B2Vec2, axis B2Vec2)
type B2Profile ¶
type B2Profile struct { Step float64 Collide float64 Solve float64 SolveInit float64 SolveVelocity float64 SolvePosition float64 Broadphase float64 SolveTOI float64 }
/ Profiling data. Times are in milliseconds.
func MakeB2Profile ¶
func MakeB2Profile() B2Profile
type B2PulleyJoint ¶
type B2PulleyJoint struct { *B2Joint M_groundAnchorA B2Vec2 M_groundAnchorB B2Vec2 M_lengthA float64 M_lengthB float64 // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_constant float64 M_ratio float64 M_impulse float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_uA B2Vec2 M_uB B2Vec2 M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass float64 }
/ The pulley joint is connected to two bodies and two fixed ground points. / The pulley supports a ratio such that: / length1 + ratio * length2 <= constant / Yes, the force transmitted is scaled by the ratio. / Warning: the pulley joint can get a bit squirrelly by itself. They often / work better when combined with prismatic joints. You should also cover the / the anchor points with static shapes to prevent one side from going to / zero length.
func MakeB2PulleyJoint ¶
func MakeB2PulleyJoint(def *B2PulleyJointDef) *B2PulleyJoint
func (*B2PulleyJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) Dump()
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthA ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthA() float64
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthB ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetCurrentLengthB() float64
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetGroundAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthA ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthA() float64
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthB ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetLengthB() float64
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetRatio ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetRatio() float64
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2PulleyJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2PulleyJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2PulleyJoint) ShiftOrigin ¶
func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) ShiftOrigin(newOrigin B2Vec2)
func (*B2PulleyJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2PulleyJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2PulleyJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2PulleyJointDef ¶
type B2PulleyJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The first ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves. GroundAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The second ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves. GroundAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The a reference length for the segment attached to bodyA. LengthA float64 /// The a reference length for the segment attached to bodyB. LengthB float64 /// The pulley ratio, used to simulate a block-and-tackle. Ratio float64 }
/ Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors, / two dynamic body anchor points, and a pulley ratio.
func MakeB2PulleyJointDef ¶
func MakeB2PulleyJointDef() B2PulleyJointDef
func (*B2PulleyJointDef) Initialize ¶
type B2RayCastInput ¶
/ Ray-cast input data. The ray extends from p1 to p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1).
func MakeB2RayCastInput ¶
func MakeB2RayCastInput() B2RayCastInput
func NewB2RayCastInput ¶
func NewB2RayCastInput() *B2RayCastInput
type B2RayCastOutput ¶
/ Ray-cast output data. The ray hits at p1 + fraction * (p2 - p1), where p1 and p2 / come from b2RayCastInput.
func MakeB2RayCastOutput ¶
func MakeB2RayCastOutput() B2RayCastOutput
type B2RaycastCallback ¶
type B2RaycastCallback func(fixture *B2Fixture, point B2Vec2, normal B2Vec2, fraction float64) float64
/ Called for each fixture found in the query. You control how the ray cast / proceeds by returning a float: / return -1: ignore this fixture and continue / return 0: terminate the ray cast / return fraction: clip the ray to this point / return 1: don't clip the ray and continue / @param fixture the fixture hit by the ray / @param point the point of initial intersection / @param normal the normal vector at the point of intersection / @return -1 to filter, 0 to terminate, fraction to clip the ray for / closest hit, 1 to continue
type B2ReferenceFace ¶
type B2ReferenceFace struct {
I1, I2 int
V1, V2 B2Vec2
Normal B2Vec2
SideNormal1 B2Vec2
SideOffset1 float64
SideNormal2 B2Vec2
SideOffset2 float64
Reference face used for clipping
func MakeB2ReferenceFace ¶
func MakeB2ReferenceFace() B2ReferenceFace
type B2RevoluteJoint ¶
type B2RevoluteJoint struct { *B2Joint // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_impulse B2Vec3 M_motorImpulse float64 M_enableMotor bool M_maxMotorTorque float64 M_motorSpeed float64 M_enableLimit bool M_referenceAngle float64 M_lowerAngle float64 M_upperAngle float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass B2Mat33 // effective mass for point-to-point constraint. M_motorMass float64 // effective mass for motor/limit angular constraint. M_limitState uint8 }
/ A revolute joint constrains two bodies to share a common point while they / are free to rotate about the point. The relative rotation about the shared / point is the joint angle. You can limit the relative rotation with / a joint limit that specifies a lower and upper angle. You can use a motor / to drive the relative rotation about the shared point. A maximum motor torque / is provided so that infinite forces are not generated.
func MakeB2RevoluteJoint ¶
func MakeB2RevoluteJoint(def *B2RevoluteJointDef) *B2RevoluteJoint
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) Dump()
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) EnableLimit ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) EnableLimit(flag bool)
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) EnableMotor ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointAngle ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointAngle() float64
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointSpeed ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) GetJointSpeed() float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetLowerLimit ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetLowerLimit() float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque() float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorTorque ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetMotorTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetReferenceAngle ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
/ Get the reference angle.
func (B2RevoluteJoint) GetUpperLimit ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) GetUpperLimit() float64
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (B2RevoluteJoint) IsLimitEnabled ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) IsLimitEnabled() bool
func (B2RevoluteJoint) IsMotorEnabled ¶
func (joint B2RevoluteJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) SetLimits ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetLimits(lower float64, upper float64)
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque(torque float64)
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) SetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2RevoluteJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RevoluteJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2RevoluteJointDef ¶
type B2RevoluteJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state (radians). ReferenceAngle float64 /// A flag to enable joint limits. EnableLimit bool /// The lower angle for the joint limit (radians). LowerAngle float64 /// The upper angle for the joint limit (radians). UpperAngle float64 /// A flag to enable the joint motor. EnableMotor bool /// The desired motor speed. Usually in radians per second. MotorSpeed float64 /// The maximum motor torque used to achieve the desired motor speed. /// Usually in N-m. MaxMotorTorque float64 }
/ Revolute joint definition. This requires defining an / anchor point where the bodies are joined. The definition / uses local anchor points so that the initial configuration / can violate the constraint slightly. You also need to / specify the initial relative angle for joint limits. This / helps when saving and loading a game. / The local anchor points are measured from the body's origin / rather than the center of mass because: / 1. you might not know where the center of mass will be. / 2. if you add/remove shapes from a body and recompute the mass, / the joints will be broken.
func MakeB2RevoluteJointDef ¶
func MakeB2RevoluteJointDef() B2RevoluteJointDef
func (*B2RevoluteJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (def *B2RevoluteJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body, anchor B2Vec2)
type B2Rope ¶
type B2Rope struct { M_count int M_ps []B2Vec2 M_p0s []B2Vec2 M_vs []B2Vec2 M_ims []float64 M_Ls []float64 M_as []float64 M_gravity B2Vec2 M_damping float64 M_k2 float64 M_k3 float64 }
func MakeB2Rope ¶
func MakeB2Rope() B2Rope
func (*B2Rope) Initialize ¶
type B2RopeDef ¶
type B2RopeDef struct { /// Vertices []B2Vec2 /// Count int /// Masses []float64 /// Gravity B2Vec2 /// Damping float64 /// Stretching stiffness K2 float64 /// Bending stiffness. Values above 0.5 can make the simulation blow up. K3 float64 }
func MakeB2RopeDef ¶
func MakeB2RopeDef() B2RopeDef
type B2RopeJoint ¶
type B2RopeJoint struct { *B2Joint // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_maxLength float64 M_length float64 M_impulse float64 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_u B2Vec2 M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass float64 M_state uint8 }
/ A rope joint enforces a maximum distance between two points / on two bodies. It has no other effect. / Warning: if you attempt to change the maximum length during / the simulation you will get some non-physical behavior. / A model that would allow you to dynamically modify the length / would have some sponginess, so I chose not to implement it / that way. See b2DistanceJoint if you want to dynamically / control length.
func MakeB2RopeJoint ¶
func MakeB2RopeJoint(def *B2RopeJointDef) *B2RopeJoint
func (*B2RopeJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2RopeJoint) Dump()
func (B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2RopeJoint) GetLimitState ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLimitState() uint8
func (B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2RopeJoint) GetMaxLength ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetMaxLength() float64
func (B2RopeJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2RopeJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2RopeJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (*B2RopeJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RopeJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2RopeJoint) SetMaxLength ¶
func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SetMaxLength(length float64)
/ Set/Get the maximum length of the rope.
func (*B2RopeJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2RopeJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2RopeJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2RopeJointDef ¶
type B2RopeJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The maximum length of the rope. /// Warning: this must be larger than b2_linearSlop or /// the joint will have no effect. MaxLength float64 }
/ Rope joint definition. This requires two body anchor points and / a maximum lengths. / Note: by default the connected objects will not collide. / see collideConnected in b2JointDef.
func MakeB2RopeJointDef ¶
func MakeB2RopeJointDef() B2RopeJointDef
type B2Rot ¶
type B2Rot struct {
/// Sine and cosine
S, C float64
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / Rotation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func MakeB2RotFromAngle ¶
/ Initialize from an angle in radians
func NewB2RotFromAngle ¶
type B2SeparationFunction ¶
type B2SeparationFunction struct { M_proxyA *B2DistanceProxy M_proxyB *B2DistanceProxy M_sweepA, M_sweepB B2Sweep M_type uint8 M_localPoint B2Vec2 M_axis B2Vec2 }
func (*B2SeparationFunction) Evaluate ¶
func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) Evaluate(indexA int, indexB int, t float64) float64
func (*B2SeparationFunction) FindMinSeparation ¶
func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) FindMinSeparation(indexA *int, indexB *int, t float64) float64
func (*B2SeparationFunction) Initialize ¶
func (sepfunc *B2SeparationFunction) Initialize(cache *B2SimplexCache, proxyA *B2DistanceProxy, sweepA B2Sweep, proxyB *B2DistanceProxy, sweepB B2Sweep, t1 float64) float64
TODO_ERIN might not need to return the separation
type B2Shape ¶
type B2ShapeInterface ¶
type B2ShapeInterface interface { Destroy() /// Clone the concrete shape using the provided allocator. Clone() B2ShapeInterface /// Get the type of this shape. You can use this to down cast to the concrete shape. /// @return the shape type. GetType() uint8 /// Get the type of this shape. You can use this to down cast to the concrete shape. /// @return the shape type. GetRadius() float64 /// Get the number of child primitives. GetChildCount() int /// Test a point for containment in this shape. This only works for convex shapes. /// @param xf the shape world transform. /// @param p a point in world coordinates. TestPoint(xf B2Transform, p B2Vec2) bool /// Cast a ray against a child shape. /// @param output the ray-cast results. /// @param input the ray-cast input parameters. /// @param transform the transform to be applied to the shape. /// @param childIndex the child shape index RayCast(output *B2RayCastOutput, input B2RayCastInput, transform B2Transform, childIndex int) bool /// Given a transform, compute the associated axis aligned bounding box for a child shape. /// @param aabb returns the axis aligned box. /// @param xf the world transform of the shape. /// @param childIndex the child shape ComputeAABB(aabb *B2AABB, xf B2Transform, childIndex int) /// Compute the mass properties of this shape using its dimensions and density. /// The inertia tensor is computed about the local origin. /// @param massData returns the mass data for this shape. /// @param density the density in kilograms per meter squared. ComputeMass(massData *B2MassData, density float64) }
type B2Simplex ¶
type B2Simplex struct { //M_v1, M_v2, M_v3 *B2SimplexVertex M_vs [3]B2SimplexVertex M_count int }
func MakeB2Simplex ¶
func MakeB2Simplex() B2Simplex
func NewB2Simplex ¶
func NewB2Simplex() *B2Simplex
func (B2Simplex) GetClosestPoint ¶
func (B2Simplex) GetSearchDirection ¶
func (B2Simplex) GetWitnessPoints ¶
func (*B2Simplex) ReadCache ¶
func (simplex *B2Simplex) ReadCache(cache *B2SimplexCache, proxyA *B2DistanceProxy, transformA B2Transform, proxyB *B2DistanceProxy, transformB B2Transform)
func (*B2Simplex) Solve2 ¶
func (simplex *B2Simplex) Solve2()
Solve a line segment using barycentric coordinates.
func (*B2Simplex) Solve3 ¶
func (simplex *B2Simplex) Solve3()
// Possible regions: // - points[2] // - edge points[0]-points[2] // - edge points[1]-points[2] // - inside the triangle
func (B2Simplex) WriteCache ¶
func (simplex B2Simplex) WriteCache(cache *B2SimplexCache)
type B2SimplexCache ¶
type B2SimplexCache struct { Metric float64 ///< length or area Count int IndexA [3]int ///< vertices on shape A IndexB [3]int ///< vertices on shape B }
/ Used to warm start b2Distance. / Set count to zero on first call.
func MakeB2SimplexCache ¶
func MakeB2SimplexCache() B2SimplexCache
func NewB2SimplexCache ¶
func NewB2SimplexCache() *B2SimplexCache
type B2SimplexVertex ¶
type B2SimplexVertex struct { WA B2Vec2 // support point in proxyA WB B2Vec2 // support point in proxyB W B2Vec2 // wB - wA A float64 // barycentric coordinate for closest point IndexA int // wA index IndexB int // wB index }
func MakeB2SimplexVertex ¶
func MakeB2SimplexVertex() B2SimplexVertex
func NewB2SimplexVertex ¶
func NewB2SimplexVertex() *B2SimplexVertex
type B2SolverData ¶
type B2SolverData struct { Step B2TimeStep Positions []B2Position Velocities []B2Velocity }
/ Solver Data
func MakeB2SolverData ¶
func MakeB2SolverData() B2SolverData
type B2Sweep ¶
type B2Sweep struct { LocalCenter B2Vec2 ///< local center of mass position C0, C B2Vec2 ///< center world positions A0, A float64 ///< world angles /// Fraction of the current time step in the range [0,1] /// c0 and a0 are the positions at alpha0. Alpha0 float64 }
func (B2Sweep) GetTransform ¶
func (sweep B2Sweep) GetTransform(xf *B2Transform, beta float64)
type B2TOIInput ¶
type B2TOIInput struct { ProxyA B2DistanceProxy ProxyB B2DistanceProxy SweepA B2Sweep SweepB B2Sweep TMax float64 // defines sweep interval [0, tMax] }
/ Input parameters for b2TimeOfImpact
func MakeB2TOIInput ¶
func MakeB2TOIInput() B2TOIInput
type B2TOIOutput ¶
func MakeB2TOIOutput ¶
func MakeB2TOIOutput() B2TOIOutput
type B2TempPolygon ¶
type B2TempPolygon struct { Vertices [B2_maxPolygonVertices]B2Vec2 Normals [B2_maxPolygonVertices]B2Vec2 Count int }
This holds polygon B expressed in frame A.
type B2TimeStep ¶
type B2TimeStep struct { Dt float64 // time step Inv_dt float64 // inverse time step (0 if dt == 0). DtRatio float64 // dt * inv_dt0 VelocityIterations int PositionIterations int WarmStarting bool }
/ This is an internal structure.
func MakeB2TimeStep ¶
func MakeB2TimeStep() B2TimeStep
type B2Timer ¶
type B2Timer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/ Timer for profiling. This has platform specific code and may / not work on every platform.
func MakeB2Timer ¶
func MakeB2Timer() B2Timer
func (B2Timer) GetMilliseconds ¶
type B2Transform ¶
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / A transform contains translation and rotation. It is used to represent / the position and orientation of rigid frames. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func B2TransformMul ¶
func B2TransformMul(A, B B2Transform) B2Transform
func B2TransformMulT ¶
func B2TransformMulT(A, B B2Transform) B2Transform
func MakeB2TransformByPositionAndRotation ¶
func MakeB2TransformByPositionAndRotation(position B2Vec2, rotation B2Rot) B2Transform
/ Initialize using a position vector and a rotation.
func NewB2Transform ¶
func NewB2Transform() *B2Transform
func NewB2TransformByPositionAndRotation ¶
func NewB2TransformByPositionAndRotation(position B2Vec2, rotation B2Rot) *B2Transform
func (*B2Transform) Set ¶
func (t *B2Transform) Set(position B2Vec2, anglerad float64)
/ Set this based on the position and angle.
func (*B2Transform) SetIdentity ¶
func (t *B2Transform) SetIdentity()
/ Set this to the identity transform.
type B2TreeNode ¶
type B2TreeNode struct { /// Enlarged AABB Aabb B2AABB UserData interface{} // union // { Parent int Next int Child1 int Child2 int // leaf = 0, free node = -1 Height int }
func (B2TreeNode) IsLeaf ¶
func (node B2TreeNode) IsLeaf() bool
type B2TreeQueryCallback ¶
type B2TreeRayCastCallback ¶
type B2TreeRayCastCallback func(input B2RayCastInput, nodeId int) float64
type B2Vec2 ¶
type B2Vec2 struct {
X, Y float64
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / A 2D column vector. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func B2TransformVec2Mul ¶
func B2TransformVec2Mul(T B2Transform, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
func B2TransformVec2MulT ¶
func B2TransformVec2MulT(T B2Transform, v B2Vec2) B2Vec2
func B2Vec2Clamp ¶
func B2Vec2CrossScalarVector ¶
/ Perform the cross product on a scalar and a vector. In 2D this produces / a vector.
func B2Vec2CrossVectorScalar ¶
/ Perform the cross product on a vector and a scalar. In 2D this produces / a vector.
func B2Vec2Mat22Mul ¶
/ Multiply a matrix times a vector. If a rotation matrix is provided, / then this transforms the vector from one frame to another.
func B2Vec2Mat22MulT ¶
/ Multiply a matrix transpose times a vector. If a rotation matrix is provided, / then this transforms the vector from one frame to another (inverse transform).
func B2Vec2MulScalar ¶
func ComputeCentroid ¶
func MakeB2Vec2 ¶
func (B2Vec2) LengthSquared ¶
/ Get the length squared. For performance, use this instead of / b2Vec2::Length (if possible).
func (B2Vec2) OperatorIndexGet ¶
/ Read from and indexed element.
func (*B2Vec2) OperatorIndexSet ¶
/ Write to an indexed element.
func (*B2Vec2) OperatorMinusInplace ¶
/ Subtract a vector from this vector.
func (*B2Vec2) OperatorPlusInplace ¶
/ Add a vector to this vector.
func (*B2Vec2) OperatorScalarMulInplace ¶
/ Multiply this vector by a scalar.
type B2Vec3 ¶
type B2Vec3 struct {
X, Y, Z float64
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / A 2D column vector with 3 elements. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func B2Vec3Mat33Mul ¶
/ Multiply a matrix times a vector.
func B2Vec3MultScalar ¶
func (*B2Vec3) OperatorMinusInplace ¶
/ Subtract a vector from this vector.
func (*B2Vec3) OperatorPlusInplace ¶
/ Add a vector to this vector.
func (*B2Vec3) OperatorScalarMultInplace ¶
/ Multiply this vector by a scalar.
type B2WeldJoint ¶
type B2WeldJoint struct { *B2Joint M_frequencyHz float64 M_dampingRatio float64 M_bias float64 // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_referenceAngle float64 M_gamma float64 M_impulse B2Vec3 // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_rA B2Vec2 M_rB B2Vec2 M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_mass B2Mat33 }
/ A weld joint essentially glues two bodies together. A weld joint may / distort somewhat because the island constraint solver is approximate.
func MakeB2WeldJoint ¶
func MakeB2WeldJoint(def *B2WeldJointDef) *B2WeldJoint
func (*B2WeldJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) Dump()
func (B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2WeldJoint) GetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetDampingRatio() float64
func (B2WeldJoint) GetFrequency ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetFrequency() float64
func (B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2WeldJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2WeldJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2WeldJoint) GetReferenceAngle ¶
func (joint B2WeldJoint) GetReferenceAngle() float64
/ Get the reference angle.
func (*B2WeldJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (*B2WeldJoint) SetDampingRatio ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SetDampingRatio(ratio float64)
/ Set/get damping ratio.
func (*B2WeldJoint) SetFrequency ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SetFrequency(hz float64)
/ Set/get frequency in Hz.
func (*B2WeldJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2WeldJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WeldJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2WeldJointDef ¶
type B2WeldJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state (radians). ReferenceAngle float64 /// The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. Rotation only. /// Disable softness with a value of 0. FrequencyHz float64 /// The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. DampingRatio float64 }
/ Weld joint definition. You need to specify local anchor points / where they are attached and the relative body angle. The position / of the anchor points is important for computing the reaction torque.
func MakeB2WeldJointDef ¶
func MakeB2WeldJointDef() B2WeldJointDef
func (*B2WeldJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (def *B2WeldJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body, anchor B2Vec2)
type B2WheelJoint ¶
type B2WheelJoint struct { *B2Joint M_frequencyHz float64 M_dampingRatio float64 // Solver shared M_localAnchorA B2Vec2 M_localAnchorB B2Vec2 M_localXAxisA B2Vec2 M_localYAxisA B2Vec2 M_impulse float64 M_motorImpulse float64 M_springImpulse float64 M_maxMotorTorque float64 M_motorSpeed float64 M_enableMotor bool // Solver temp M_indexA int M_indexB int M_localCenterA B2Vec2 M_localCenterB B2Vec2 M_invMassA float64 M_invMassB float64 M_invIA float64 M_invIB float64 M_ax B2Vec2 M_ay B2Vec2 M_sAx float64 M_sBx float64 M_sAy float64 M_sBy float64 M_mass float64 M_motorMass float64 M_springMass float64 M_bias float64 M_gamma float64 }
/ A wheel joint. This joint provides two degrees of freedom: translation / along an axis fixed in bodyA and rotation in the plane. In other words, it is a point to / line constraint with a rotational motor and a linear spring/damper. / This joint is designed for vehicle suspensions.
func MakeB2WheelJoint ¶
func MakeB2WheelJoint(def *B2WheelJointDef) *B2WheelJoint
func (*B2WheelJoint) Dump ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) Dump()
func (*B2WheelJoint) EnableMotor ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) EnableMotor(flag bool)
func (B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorA() B2Vec2
func (B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetAnchorB() B2Vec2
func (B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngle ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngle() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngularSpeed ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointAngularSpeed() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetJointLinearSpeed ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointLinearSpeed() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetJointTranslation ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetJointTranslation() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorA ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorA() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
func (B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorB ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAnchorB() B2Vec2
/ The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
func (B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAxisA ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetLocalAxisA() B2Vec2
/ The local joint axis relative to bodyA.
func (B2WheelJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMaxMotorTorque() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMotorSpeed() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetMotorTorque ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetMotorTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetReactionForce ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetReactionForce(inv_dt float64) B2Vec2
func (B2WheelJoint) GetReactionTorque ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetReactionTorque(inv_dt float64) float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetSpringDampingRatio ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetSpringDampingRatio() float64
func (B2WheelJoint) GetSpringFrequencyHz ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) GetSpringFrequencyHz() float64
func (*B2WheelJoint) InitVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) InitVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
func (B2WheelJoint) IsMotorEnabled ¶
func (joint B2WheelJoint) IsMotorEnabled() bool
func (*B2WheelJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetMaxMotorTorque(torque float64)
func (*B2WheelJoint) SetMotorSpeed ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetMotorSpeed(speed float64)
func (*B2WheelJoint) SetSpringDampingRatio ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetSpringDampingRatio(ratio float64)
func (*B2WheelJoint) SetSpringFrequencyHz ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SetSpringFrequencyHz(hz float64)
func (*B2WheelJoint) SolvePositionConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SolvePositionConstraints(data B2SolverData) bool
func (*B2WheelJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints ¶
func (joint *B2WheelJoint) SolveVelocityConstraints(data B2SolverData)
type B2WheelJointDef ¶
type B2WheelJointDef struct { B2JointDef /// The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. LocalAnchorA B2Vec2 /// The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. LocalAnchorB B2Vec2 /// The local translation axis in bodyA. LocalAxisA B2Vec2 /// Enable/disable the joint motor. EnableMotor bool /// The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m. MaxMotorTorque float64 /// The desired motor speed in radians per second. MotorSpeed float64 /// Suspension frequency, zero indicates no suspension FrequencyHz float64 /// Suspension damping ratio, one indicates critical damping DampingRatio float64 }
/ Wheel joint definition. This requires defining a line of / motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local / anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration / can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero / when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local / anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.
func MakeB2WheelJointDef ¶
func MakeB2WheelJointDef() B2WheelJointDef
func (*B2WheelJointDef) Initialize ¶
func (def *B2WheelJointDef) Initialize(bA *B2Body, bB *B2Body, anchor B2Vec2, axis B2Vec2)
type B2World ¶
type B2World struct { M_flags int M_contactManager B2ContactManager M_bodyList *B2Body // linked list M_jointList B2JointInterface // has to be backed by pointer M_bodyCount int M_jointCount int M_gravity B2Vec2 M_allowSleep bool M_destructionListener B2DestructionListenerInterface // This is used to compute the time step ratio to // support a variable time step. M_inv_dt0 float64 // These are for debugging the solver. M_warmStarting bool M_continuousPhysics bool M_subStepping bool M_stepComplete bool M_profile B2Profile }
/// The world class manages all physics entities, dynamic simulation, /// and asynchronous queries. The world also contains efficient memory /// management facilities.
func MakeB2World ¶
func (*B2World) ClearForces ¶
func (world *B2World) ClearForces()
func (*B2World) CreateBody ¶
func (*B2World) CreateJoint ¶
func (world *B2World) CreateJoint(def B2JointDefInterface) B2JointInterface
func (*B2World) DestroyBody ¶
func (*B2World) DestroyJoint ¶
func (world *B2World) DestroyJoint(j B2JointInterface)
func (B2World) GetAutoClearForces ¶
/ Get the flag that controls automatic clearing of forces after each time step.
func (B2World) GetBodyCount ¶
func (B2World) GetBodyList ¶
func (B2World) GetContactCount ¶
func (B2World) GetContactList ¶
func (world B2World) GetContactList() B2ContactInterface
func (B2World) GetContactManager ¶
func (world B2World) GetContactManager() B2ContactManager
func (B2World) GetGravity ¶
func (B2World) GetJointCount ¶
func (B2World) GetJointList ¶
func (world B2World) GetJointList() B2JointInterface
func (B2World) GetProfile ¶
func (B2World) GetProxyCount ¶
func (B2World) GetTreeBalance ¶
func (B2World) GetTreeHeight ¶
func (B2World) GetTreeQuality ¶
func (*B2World) QueryAABB ¶
func (world *B2World) QueryAABB(callback B2BroadPhaseQueryCallback, aabb B2AABB)
func (*B2World) RayCast ¶
func (world *B2World) RayCast(callback B2RaycastCallback, point1 B2Vec2, point2 B2Vec2)
func (*B2World) SetAllowSleeping ¶
func (*B2World) SetAutoClearForces ¶
func (*B2World) SetContactFilter ¶
func (world *B2World) SetContactFilter(filter B2ContactFilterInterface)
func (*B2World) SetContactListener ¶
func (world *B2World) SetContactListener(listener B2ContactListenerInterface)
func (*B2World) SetDestructionListener ¶
func (world *B2World) SetDestructionListener(listener B2DestructionListenerInterface)
func (*B2World) SetGravity ¶
func (*B2World) ShiftOrigin ¶
func (*B2World) Solve ¶
func (world *B2World) Solve(step B2TimeStep)
Find islands, integrate and solve constraints, solve position constraints
func (*B2World) SolveTOI ¶
func (world *B2World) SolveTOI(step B2TimeStep)
Find TOI contacts and solve them.
type B2WorldManifold ¶
type B2WorldManifold struct { Normal B2Vec2 ///< world vector pointing from A to B Points [B2_maxManifoldPoints]B2Vec2 ///< world contact point (point of intersection) Separations [B2_maxManifoldPoints]float64 ///< a negative value indicates overlap, in meters }
/ This is used to compute the current state of a contact manifold.
func MakeB2WorldManifold ¶
func MakeB2WorldManifold() B2WorldManifold
func (*B2WorldManifold) Initialize ¶
func (wm *B2WorldManifold) Initialize(manifold *B2Manifold, xfA B2Transform, radiusA float64, xfB B2Transform, radiusB float64)
type B2WorldQueryWrapper ¶
type B2WorldQueryWrapper struct { BroadPhase *B2BroadPhase Callback B2BroadPhaseQueryCallback }
func MakeB2WorldQueryWrapper ¶
func MakeB2WorldQueryWrapper() B2WorldQueryWrapper
func (*B2WorldQueryWrapper) QueryCallback ¶
func (query *B2WorldQueryWrapper) QueryCallback(proxyId int) bool
type PairByLessThan ¶
type PairByLessThan []B2Pair
func (PairByLessThan) Len ¶
func (a PairByLessThan) Len() int
func (PairByLessThan) Less ¶
func (a PairByLessThan) Less(i, j int) bool
func (PairByLessThan) Swap ¶
func (a PairByLessThan) Swap(i, j int)
type StackElement ¶
type StackElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Source Files
- CollisionB2BroadPhase.go
- CollisionB2CollideCircle.go
- CollisionB2CollideEdge.go
- CollisionB2CollidePolygon.go
- CollisionB2Collision.go
- CollisionB2Distance.go
- CollisionB2DynamicTree.go
- CollisionB2Shape.go
- CollisionB2ShapeChain.go
- CollisionB2ShapeCircle.go
- CollisionB2ShapeEdge.go
- CollisionB2ShapePolygon.go
- CollisionB2TimeOfImpact.go
- CommonB2GrowableStack.go
- CommonB2Math.go
- CommonB2Settings.go
- CommonB2Timer.go
- CommonUtils.go
- DynamicsB2Body.go
- DynamicsB2Contact.go
- DynamicsB2ContactChainAndCircle.go
- DynamicsB2ContactChainAndPolygon.go
- DynamicsB2ContactCircle.go
- DynamicsB2ContactEdgeAndCircle.go
- DynamicsB2ContactEdgeAndPolygon.go
- DynamicsB2ContactManager.go
- DynamicsB2ContactPolygon.go
- DynamicsB2ContactPolygonAndCircle.go
- DynamicsB2ContactSolver.go
- DynamicsB2Fixture.go
- DynamicsB2Island.go
- DynamicsB2Joint.go
- DynamicsB2JointDistance.go
- DynamicsB2JointFriction.go
- DynamicsB2JointGear.go
- DynamicsB2JointMotor.go
- DynamicsB2JointMouse.go
- DynamicsB2JointPrismatic.go
- DynamicsB2JointPulley.go
- DynamicsB2JointRevolute.go
- DynamicsB2JointRope.go
- DynamicsB2JointWeld.go
- DynamicsB2JointWheel.go
- DynamicsB2Rope.go
- DynamicsB2TimeStep.go
- DynamicsB2World.go
- DynamicsB2WorldCallbacks.go