Index ¶
- func CheckBlockPairIntegrity(block interfaces.IAdminBlock, prev interfaces.IAdminBlock) error
- func NewAdminBlock(prev interfaces.IAdminBlock) interfaces.IAdminBlock
- func UnmarshalABlock(data []byte) (interfaces.IAdminBlock, error)
- type ABlockHeader
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetAdminChainID() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetBodySize() uint32
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetDBHeight() uint32
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionArea() []byte
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionSize() uint64
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetMessageCount() uint32
- func (b *ABlockHeader) GetPrevBackRefHash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *ABlockHeader) Init()
- func (e *ABlockHeader) IsSameAs(e2 interfaces.IABlockHeader) bool
- func (e *ABlockHeader) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *ABlockHeader) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e ABlockHeader) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) SetBodySize(bodySize uint32)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) SetDBHeight(dbheight uint32)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) SetHeaderExpansionArea(area []byte)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) SetMessageCount(messageCount uint32)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) SetPrevBackRefHash(BackRefHash interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *ABlockHeader) String() string
- func (b *ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (b *ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type AddAuditServer
- func (e *AddAuditServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddAuditServer) Init()
- func (e *AddAuditServer) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddAuditServer) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *AddAuditServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddAuditServer) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddAuditServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddAuditServer) String() string
- func (e *AddAuditServer) Type() byte
- func (e *AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddAuditServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddEfficiency
- func (e *AddEfficiency) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) Init()
- func (e *AddEfficiency) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddEfficiency) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (a *AddEfficiency) IsSameAs(b *AddEfficiency) bool
- func (e *AddEfficiency) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) String() string
- func (e *AddEfficiency) Type() byte
- func (e *AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddEfficiency) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddFactoidAddress
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Init()
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (a *AddFactoidAddress) IsSameAs(b *AddFactoidAddress) bool
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) String() string
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Type() byte
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddFactoidAddress) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddFederatedServer
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) Init()
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) String() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) Type() byte
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddFederatedServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Init()
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) String() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Type() byte
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddFederatedServerSigningKey
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Init()
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) String() string
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Type() byte
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Init()
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Interpret() string
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) String() string
- func (m *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Type() byte
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) (newData []byte, err error)
- func (c *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type AdminBlock
- func (b *AdminBlock) AddABEntry(e interfaces.IABEntry) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddAuditServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddCancelCoinbaseDescriptor(descriptorHeight, index uint32) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseAddress(chain interfaces.IHash, add interfaces.IAddress) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseDescriptor(outputs []interfaces.ITransAddress) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddDBSig(serverIdentity interfaces.IHash, sig interfaces.IFullSignature) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddEfficiency(chain interfaces.IHash, efficiency uint16) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddEntry(entry interfaces.IABEntry) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddFedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, keyPriority byte, keyType byte, ...) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerSigningKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, publicKey [32]byte) error
- func (b *AdminBlock) AddFirstABEntry(e interfaces.IABEntry) (err error)
- func (a *AdminBlock) AddIdentityEntry(entry interfaces.IIdentityABEntry) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddMatryoshkaHash(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, mHash interfaces.IHash) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) AddServerFault(serverFault interfaces.IABEntry) error
- func (b *AdminBlock) BackReferenceHash() (interfaces.IHash, error)
- func (c *AdminBlock) DatabasePrimaryIndex() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (c *AdminBlock) DatabaseSecondaryIndex() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (c *AdminBlock) FetchCoinbaseDescriptor() interfaces.IABEntry
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetABEntries() []interfaces.IABEntry
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetChainID() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetDBHeight() uint32
- func (b *AdminBlock) GetDBSignature() interfaces.IABEntry
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetDatabaseHeight() uint32
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetHash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetHeader() interfaces.IABlockHeader
- func (c *AdminBlock) GetKeyMR() (interfaces.IHash, error)
- func (c *AdminBlock) Init()
- func (a *AdminBlock) InsertIdentityABEntries() error
- func (a *AdminBlock) IsSameAs(b interfaces.IAdminBlock) bool
- func (e *AdminBlock) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *AdminBlock) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (b *AdminBlock) LookupHash() (interfaces.IHash, error)
- func (b *AdminBlock) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e AdminBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AdminBlock) New() interfaces.BinaryMarshallableAndCopyable
- func (c *AdminBlock) RemoveFederatedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
- func (c *AdminBlock) SetABEntries(abentries []interfaces.IABEntry)
- func (c *AdminBlock) SetHeader(header interfaces.IABlockHeader)
- func (c *AdminBlock) String() string
- func (b *AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (b *AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *AdminBlock) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type CancelCoinbaseDescriptor
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Init()
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret() string
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (a *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs(b *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) bool
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) String() string
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Type() byte
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type CoinbaseDescriptor
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Init()
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret() string
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (a *CoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs(b *CoinbaseDescriptor) bool
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) String() string
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Type() byte
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *CoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type DBSignatureEntry
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Init()
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Interpret() string
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) String() string
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Type() byte
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *DBSignatureEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type EndOfMinuteEntry
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) Interpret() string
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) String() string
- func (m *EndOfMinuteEntry) Type() byte
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *EndOfMinuteEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type ExpandedABlock
- type ExpandedABlockHeader
- type ForwardCompatibleEntry
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Init()
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Interpret() string
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (a *ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsSameAs(b *ForwardCompatibleEntry) bool
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) String() string
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Type() byte
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type IncreaseServerCount
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Interpret() string
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) String() string
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Type() byte
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *IncreaseServerCount) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type RemoveFederatedServer
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Init()
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Interpret() string
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) String() string
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Type() byte
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *RemoveFederatedServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type RevealMatryoshkaHash
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Init()
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Interpret() string
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) String() string
- func (m *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Type() byte
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
- func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) (newData []byte, err error)
- func (c *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type ServerFault
- func (e *ServerFault) Compare(b *ServerFault) int
- func (e *ServerFault) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
- func (e *ServerFault) Init()
- func (e *ServerFault) Interpret() string
- func (e *ServerFault) IsInterpretable() bool
- func (e *ServerFault) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *ServerFault) JSONString() (string, error)
- func (m *ServerFault) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (m *ServerFault) MarshalCore() (rval []byte, err error)
- func (e *ServerFault) String() string
- func (e *ServerFault) Type() byte
- func (m *ServerFault) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
- func (m *ServerFault) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (e *ServerFault) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
- type SigList
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CheckBlockPairIntegrity ¶
func CheckBlockPairIntegrity(block interfaces.IAdminBlock, prev interfaces.IAdminBlock) error
func NewAdminBlock ¶
func NewAdminBlock(prev interfaces.IAdminBlock) interfaces.IAdminBlock
func UnmarshalABlock ¶
func UnmarshalABlock(data []byte) (interfaces.IAdminBlock, error)
Types ¶
type ABlockHeader ¶
type ABlockHeader struct { PrevBackRefHash interfaces.IHash `json:"prevbackrefhash"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` HeaderExpansionSize uint64 `json:"headerexpansionsize"` HeaderExpansionArea []byte `json:"headerexpansionarea"` MessageCount uint32 `json:"messagecount"` BodySize uint32 `json:"bodysize"` }
Admin Block Header
func (*ABlockHeader) GetAdminChainID ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetAdminChainID() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*ABlockHeader) GetBodySize ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetBodySize() uint32
func (*ABlockHeader) GetDBHeight ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetDBHeight() uint32
func (*ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionArea ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionArea() []byte
func (*ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionSize ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetHeaderExpansionSize() uint64
func (*ABlockHeader) GetMessageCount ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetMessageCount() uint32
func (*ABlockHeader) GetPrevBackRefHash ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) GetPrevBackRefHash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*ABlockHeader) Init ¶
func (e *ABlockHeader) Init()
func (*ABlockHeader) IsSameAs ¶
func (e *ABlockHeader) IsSameAs(e2 interfaces.IABlockHeader) bool
func (*ABlockHeader) JSONByte ¶
func (e *ABlockHeader) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*ABlockHeader) JSONString ¶
func (e *ABlockHeader) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*ABlockHeader) MarshalBinary ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
Write out the ABlockHeader to binary.
func (ABlockHeader) MarshalJSON ¶
func (e ABlockHeader) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ABlockHeader) SetBodySize ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) SetBodySize(bodySize uint32)
func (*ABlockHeader) SetDBHeight ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) SetDBHeight(dbheight uint32)
func (*ABlockHeader) SetHeaderExpansionArea ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) SetHeaderExpansionArea(area []byte)
func (*ABlockHeader) SetMessageCount ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) SetMessageCount(messageCount uint32)
func (*ABlockHeader) SetPrevBackRefHash ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) SetPrevBackRefHash(BackRefHash interfaces.IHash)
func (*ABlockHeader) String ¶
func (e *ABlockHeader) String() string
func (*ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
Read in the binary into the ABlockHeader.
func (*ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (b *ABlockHeader) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
type AddAuditServer ¶
type AddAuditServer struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewAddAuditServer ¶
func NewAddAuditServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, dbheight uint32) (e *AddAuditServer)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*AddAuditServer) Hash ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddAuditServer) Init ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) Init()
func (*AddAuditServer) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) Interpret() string
func (*AddAuditServer) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddAuditServer) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddAuditServer) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddAuditServer) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddAuditServer) String ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) String() string
func (*AddAuditServer) Type ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) Type() byte
func (*AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddAuditServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddAuditServer) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddAuditServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddEfficiency ¶
type AddEfficiency struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash Efficiency uint16 }
AddEfficiency Entry -------------------------
func NewAddEfficiency ¶
func NewAddEfficiency(chainID interfaces.IHash, efficiency uint16) (e *AddEfficiency)
func (*AddEfficiency) Hash ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddEfficiency) Init ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) Init()
func (*AddEfficiency) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) Interpret() string
func (*AddEfficiency) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddEfficiency) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *AddEfficiency) IsSameAs(b *AddEfficiency) bool
func (*AddEfficiency) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddEfficiency) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddEfficiency) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddEfficiency) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddEfficiency) String ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) String() string
func (*AddEfficiency) Type ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) Type() byte
func (*AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddEfficiency) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddEfficiency) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddEfficiency) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddFactoidAddress ¶
type AddFactoidAddress struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash FactoidAddress interfaces.IAddress }
AddFactoidAddress Entry -------------------------
func NewAddFactoidAddress ¶
func NewAddFactoidAddress(chainID interfaces.IHash, add interfaces.IAddress) (e *AddFactoidAddress)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) Hash ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) Init ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Init()
func (*AddFactoidAddress) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Interpret() string
func (*AddFactoidAddress) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddFactoidAddress) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *AddFactoidAddress) IsSameAs(b *AddFactoidAddress) bool
func (*AddFactoidAddress) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) String ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) String() string
func (*AddFactoidAddress) Type ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) Type() byte
func (*AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddFactoidAddress) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFactoidAddress) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddFactoidAddress) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddFederatedServer ¶
type AddFederatedServer struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewAddFederatedServer ¶
func NewAddFederatedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, dbheight uint32) (e *AddFederatedServer)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*AddFederatedServer) Hash ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFederatedServer) Init ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) Init()
func (*AddFederatedServer) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) Interpret() string
func (*AddFederatedServer) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddFederatedServer) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServer) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddFederatedServer) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddFederatedServer) String ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) String() string
func (*AddFederatedServer) Type ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) Type() byte
func (*AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServer) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddFederatedServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey ¶
type AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` KeyPriority byte `json:"keypriority"` KeyType byte `json:"keytype"` //0=P2PKH 1=P2SH ECDSAPublicKey primitives.ByteSlice20 `json:"ecdsapublickey"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewAddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey ¶
func NewAddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, keyPriority byte, keyType byte, ecdsaPublicKey primitives.ByteSlice20) (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Hash ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Init ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Init()
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Interpret() string
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) String ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) String() string
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Type ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) Type() byte
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddFederatedServerSigningKey ¶
type AddFederatedServerSigningKey struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` KeyPriority byte `json:"keypriority"` PublicKey primitives.PublicKey `json:"publickey"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewAddFederatedServerSigningKey ¶
func NewAddFederatedServerSigningKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, keyPriority byte, publicKey primitives.PublicKey, height uint32) (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Hash ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Init ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Init()
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Interpret() string
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) String ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) String() string
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Type ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) Type() byte
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddFederatedServerSigningKey) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash ¶
type AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` MHash interfaces.IHash `json:"mhash"` }
func NewAddReplaceMatryoshkaHash ¶
func NewAddReplaceMatryoshkaHash(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, mHash interfaces.IHash) *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Hash ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Init ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Init()
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Interpret ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Interpret() string
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONString ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) String ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) String() string
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Type ¶
func (m *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) Type() byte
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) (newData []byte, err error)
func (*AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AddReplaceMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type AdminBlock ¶
type AdminBlock struct { //Marshalized Header interfaces.IABlockHeader `json:"header"` ABEntries []interfaces.IABEntry `json:"abentries"` //Interface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Administrative Block This is a special block which accompanies this Directory Block. It contains the signatures and organizational data needed to validate previous and future Directory Blocks. This block is included in the DB body. It appears there with a pair of the Admin AdminChainID:SHA256 of the block. For more details, please go to:
func (*AdminBlock) AddABEntry ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) AddABEntry(e interfaces.IABEntry) error
Add an Admin Block entry to the block
func (*AdminBlock) AddAuditServer ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddAuditServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddCancelCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddCancelCoinbaseDescriptor(descriptorHeight, index uint32) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseAddress ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseAddress(chain interfaces.IHash, add interfaces.IAddress) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddCoinbaseDescriptor(outputs []interfaces.ITransAddress) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddDBSig ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddDBSig(serverIdentity interfaces.IHash, sig interfaces.IFullSignature) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddEfficiency ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddEfficiency(chain interfaces.IHash, efficiency uint16) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddEntry ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddEntry(entry interfaces.IABEntry) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddFedServer ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddFedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, keyPriority byte, keyType byte, ecdsaPublicKey [20]byte) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerSigningKey ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddFederatedServerSigningKey(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, publicKey [32]byte) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddFirstABEntry ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) AddFirstABEntry(e interfaces.IABEntry) (err error)
Add an Admin Block entry to the start of the block entries
func (*AdminBlock) AddIdentityEntry ¶
func (a *AdminBlock) AddIdentityEntry(entry interfaces.IIdentityABEntry) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddMatryoshkaHash ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddMatryoshkaHash(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, mHash interfaces.IHash) error
func (*AdminBlock) AddServerFault ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) AddServerFault(serverFault interfaces.IABEntry) error
func (*AdminBlock) BackReferenceHash ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) BackReferenceHash() (interfaces.IHash, error)
Returns the SHA512Half hash for the admin block
func (*AdminBlock) DatabasePrimaryIndex ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) DatabasePrimaryIndex() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AdminBlock) DatabaseSecondaryIndex ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) DatabaseSecondaryIndex() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AdminBlock) FetchCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) FetchCoinbaseDescriptor() interfaces.IABEntry
func (*AdminBlock) GetABEntries ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetABEntries() []interfaces.IABEntry
func (*AdminBlock) GetChainID ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetChainID() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AdminBlock) GetDBHeight ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetDBHeight() uint32
func (*AdminBlock) GetDBSignature ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) GetDBSignature() interfaces.IABEntry
Read in the binary into the Admin block.
func (*AdminBlock) GetDatabaseHeight ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetDatabaseHeight() uint32
func (*AdminBlock) GetHash ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetHash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*AdminBlock) GetHeader ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetHeader() interfaces.IABlockHeader
func (*AdminBlock) GetKeyMR ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) GetKeyMR() (interfaces.IHash, error)
func (*AdminBlock) Init ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) Init()
func (*AdminBlock) InsertIdentityABEntries ¶
func (a *AdminBlock) InsertIdentityABEntries() error
InsertIdentityABEntries will prepare the identity entries and add them into the adminblock
func (*AdminBlock) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *AdminBlock) IsSameAs(b interfaces.IAdminBlock) bool
func (*AdminBlock) JSONByte ¶
func (e *AdminBlock) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*AdminBlock) JSONString ¶
func (e *AdminBlock) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*AdminBlock) LookupHash ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) LookupHash() (interfaces.IHash, error)
Returns the SHA256 hash for the admin block
func (*AdminBlock) MarshalBinary ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
Write out the AdminBlock to binary.
func (AdminBlock) MarshalJSON ¶
func (e AdminBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AdminBlock) New ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) New() interfaces.BinaryMarshallableAndCopyable
func (*AdminBlock) RemoveFederatedServer ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) RemoveFederatedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash) error
func (*AdminBlock) SetABEntries ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) SetABEntries(abentries []interfaces.IABEntry)
func (*AdminBlock) SetHeader ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) SetHeader(header interfaces.IABlockHeader)
func (*AdminBlock) String ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) String() string
func (*AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
Read in the binary into the Admin block.
func (*AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (b *AdminBlock) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*AdminBlock) UpdateState ¶
func (c *AdminBlock) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type CancelCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
type CancelCoinbaseDescriptor struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` DescriptorHeight uint32 `json:"descriptor_height"` DescriptorIndex uint32 `json:"descriptor_index"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CancelCoinbaseDescriptor Entry -------------------------
func NewCancelCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
func NewCancelCoinbaseDescriptor(height, index uint32) *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Hash ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Init ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Init()
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret() string
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs(b *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) bool
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) SortedIdentity ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) SortedIdentity() (rval interfaces.IHash)
SortedIdentity has no identity to sort by, so we will just use the hash of the cancel.
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) String ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) String() string
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Type ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) Type() byte
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState ¶
func (c *CancelCoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type CoinbaseDescriptor ¶
type CoinbaseDescriptor struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` Outputs []interfaces.ITransAddress }
CoinbaseDescriptor Entry -------------------------
func NewCoinbaseDescriptor ¶
func NewCoinbaseDescriptor(outputs []interfaces.ITransAddress) (e *CoinbaseDescriptor)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) Hash ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) Init ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Init()
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Interpret() string
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *CoinbaseDescriptor) IsSameAs(b *CoinbaseDescriptor) bool
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) String ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) String() string
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) Type ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) Type() byte
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *CoinbaseDescriptor) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*CoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState ¶
func (c *CoinbaseDescriptor) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type DBSignatureEntry ¶
type DBSignatureEntry struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityAdminChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identityadminchainid"` PrevDBSig primitives.Signature `json:"prevdbsig"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewDBSignatureEntry ¶
func NewDBSignatureEntry(identityAdminChainID interfaces.IHash, sig interfaces.IFullSignature) (*DBSignatureEntry, error)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*DBSignatureEntry) Hash ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) Init ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Init()
func (*DBSignatureEntry) Interpret ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Interpret() string
func (*DBSignatureEntry) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*DBSignatureEntry) JSONByte ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) JSONString ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) String ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) String() string
func (*DBSignatureEntry) Type ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) Type() byte
func (*DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *DBSignatureEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*DBSignatureEntry) UpdateState ¶
func (c *DBSignatureEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type EndOfMinuteEntry ¶
type EndOfMinuteEntry struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` MinuteNumber byte `json:"minutenumber"` }
func NewEndOfMinuteEntry ¶
func NewEndOfMinuteEntry(minuteNumber byte) *EndOfMinuteEntry
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) Hash ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) Interpret ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) Interpret() string
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONByte ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONString ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) String ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) String() string
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) Type ¶
func (m *EndOfMinuteEntry) Type() byte
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *EndOfMinuteEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*EndOfMinuteEntry) UpdateState ¶
func (c *EndOfMinuteEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type ExpandedABlock ¶
type ExpandedABlock AdminBlock
type ExpandedABlockHeader ¶
type ExpandedABlockHeader ABlockHeader
type ForwardCompatibleEntry ¶
type ForwardCompatibleEntry struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` Size uint32 Data []byte }
ForwardCompatibleEntry Entry -------------------------
func NewForwardCompatibleEntry ¶
func NewForwardCompatibleEntry(size uint32) (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) Hash ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) Init ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Init()
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) Interpret ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Interpret() string
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsSameAs ¶
func (a *ForwardCompatibleEntry) IsSameAs(b *ForwardCompatibleEntry) bool
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONByte ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONString ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) String ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) String() string
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) Type ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) Type() byte
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*ForwardCompatibleEntry) UpdateState ¶
func (c *ForwardCompatibleEntry) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type IncreaseServerCount ¶
type IncreaseServerCount struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` Amount byte `json:"amount"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewIncreaseSererCount ¶
func NewIncreaseSererCount(num byte) (e *IncreaseServerCount)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*IncreaseServerCount) Hash ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) Interpret ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Interpret() string
func (*IncreaseServerCount) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*IncreaseServerCount) JSONByte ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) JSONString ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) String ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) String() string
func (*IncreaseServerCount) Type ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) Type() byte
func (*IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *IncreaseServerCount) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*IncreaseServerCount) UpdateState ¶
func (c *IncreaseServerCount) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type RemoveFederatedServer ¶
type RemoveFederatedServer struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` }
DB Signature Entry -------------------------
func NewRemoveFederatedServer ¶
func NewRemoveFederatedServer(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, dbheight uint32) (e *RemoveFederatedServer)
Create a new DB Signature Entry
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) Hash ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) Init ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Init()
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) Interpret ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Interpret() string
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) JSONByte ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) JSONString ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) String ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) String() string
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) Type ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) Type() byte
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *RemoveFederatedServer) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*RemoveFederatedServer) UpdateState ¶
func (c *RemoveFederatedServer) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type RevealMatryoshkaHash ¶
type RevealMatryoshkaHash struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` IdentityChainID interfaces.IHash `json:"identitychainid"` MHash interfaces.IHash `json:"mhash"` }
func NewRevealMatryoshkaHash ¶
func NewRevealMatryoshkaHash(identityChainID interfaces.IHash, mHash interfaces.IHash) *RevealMatryoshkaHash
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) Hash ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) Init ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Init()
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) Interpret ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Interpret() string
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONString ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) String ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) String() string
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) Type ¶
func (m *RevealMatryoshkaHash) Type() byte
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (e *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) (newData []byte, err error)
func (*RevealMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState ¶
func (c *RevealMatryoshkaHash) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type ServerFault ¶
type ServerFault struct { AdminIDType uint32 `json:"adminidtype"` Timestamp interfaces.Timestamp `json:"timestamp"` // The following 4 fields represent the "Core" of the message // This should match the Core of ServerFault messages ServerID interfaces.IHash `json:"serverid"` AuditServerID interfaces.IHash `json:"auditserverid"` VMIndex byte `json:"vmindex"` DBHeight uint32 `json:"dbheight"` Height uint32 `json:"height"` SignatureList SigList `json:"signaturelist"` }
func (*ServerFault) Compare ¶
func (e *ServerFault) Compare(b *ServerFault) int
func (*ServerFault) Hash ¶
func (e *ServerFault) Hash() (rval interfaces.IHash)
func (*ServerFault) Init ¶
func (e *ServerFault) Init()
func (*ServerFault) Interpret ¶
func (e *ServerFault) Interpret() string
func (*ServerFault) IsInterpretable ¶
func (e *ServerFault) IsInterpretable() bool
func (*ServerFault) JSONByte ¶
func (e *ServerFault) JSONByte() ([]byte, error)
func (*ServerFault) JSONString ¶
func (e *ServerFault) JSONString() (string, error)
func (*ServerFault) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServerFault) MarshalBinary() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*ServerFault) MarshalCore ¶
func (m *ServerFault) MarshalCore() (rval []byte, err error)
func (*ServerFault) String ¶
func (e *ServerFault) String() string
func (*ServerFault) Type ¶
func (e *ServerFault) Type() byte
func (*ServerFault) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServerFault) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
func (*ServerFault) UnmarshalBinaryData ¶
func (m *ServerFault) UnmarshalBinaryData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (*ServerFault) UpdateState ¶
func (e *ServerFault) UpdateState(state interfaces.IState) error
type SigList ¶
type SigList struct { Length uint32 List []interfaces.IFullSignature }
func (*SigList) MarshalBinary ¶
func (*SigList) UnmarshalBinary ¶
Source Files
- EntryAddAuditServer.go
- EntryAddEfficiency.go
- EntryAddFactoidAddress.go
- EntryAddFederatedServer.go
- EntryAddFederatedServerBitcoinAnchorKey.go
- EntryAddFederatedServerSigningKey.go
- EntryAddReplaceMatryoshkaHash.go
- EntryCancelCoinbaseDescriptor.go
- EntryCoinbaseDescriptor.go
- EntryDBSignature.go
- EntryEndOfMinute.go
- EntryIncreaseServerCount.go
- EntryRemoveFederatedServer.go
- EntryRevealMatryoshkaHash.go
- EntryServerFault.go
- adminBlock.go
- adminBlockHeader.go
- forwardCompatible.go