ControlledJob CRD
For workloads which need to run only during particular periods of the day
A ControlledJob
is a resource which specifies:
- the definition of a
to be run (a plain K8s JobSpec
- the schedule when we want that
to be run. For example 'every weekday between 9am and 5pm, in the London timezone'
During the specified schedule, the controlled-job-operator
will ensure that a Job
object with a matching spec exists, and when the schedule says to stop, the Job
is deleted.
- Control over what happens when the
specification on the ControlledJob
changes while a Job
is currently running. Either stop the old Job
and start a new one with the new spec, or ignore it until the next scheduled run
- The ability to override the schedule manually. If a
is manually created with the correct metadata, it will become managed by the matching ControlledJob
. This allows use cases where the starting of a Job
depends on external conditions (the successfuly completion of a batch job to prepare data for the Job perhaps) or when there's a need to start a Job
earlier one day for some reason, but we still want the ongoing monitoring, restarting, and stopping to be handled according to the schedule
- Strong guarantees about exclusive running of the
. If a Job
is restarted for any reason, the controlled-job-operator
will start it in a suspended state, and only unsuspend it when it's sure any previous Job
can no longer be running.
- Pesimistic error handling. The system will not automatically retry failing
, or restart Jobs
that have exited cleanly during their scheduled time, to provide the user with the flexibility to choose how those cases are handled; settings on the JobSpec
provided by Kubernetes already allow configuration of how to handle restarts and failures of a Job
(eg retry up to 3 times before giving up). The logic from the ControlledJob
side is simple: ensure a Job
exists (in any state - starting, running, failed, succeeded) during the scheduled period, and is deleted outside of that period. The user can trigger a restart of a ControlledJob
simply by deleting the current Job
, which will trigger the controlled-job-operator
to create a brand new Job
in its place.
- Comprehensive
conditions, that can be used to drive alerting and health checks
- The ability to mutate the new
specification at creation time. For example, a dynamic image tag lookup, or substituting the current date into an env var on the created Pod
. Specify a URL to a service which should behave like a standard K8s mutating webhook for Jobs
and it will be called before any Job
is created.
kind: ControlledJob
name: controlledjob-sample
# Timezone is any standard tz database timezone name
# Optionally with an additional static offset (in seconds)
name: "GMT"
offset: 3600 # 1h, making the overall timezone 'GMT + 1h'
# Any number of scheduled events. Each one is either 'start' or 'stop' and
# schedule can be timeOfDay & daysOfWeek, or a calid CRONTAB entry
- action: "start"
timeOfDay: "09:00"
daysOfWeek: "MON-FRI"
- action: "stop"
cronSchedule: "0 17 * * MON-FRI"
# Template for the job to create. Any valid JobSpec is accepted
foo: bar
backoffLimit: 3
- name: hello
image: busybox
- /bin/sh
- -c
- date; echo Hello from my ControlledJob
restartPolicy: OnFailure
Developer guide
This operator is built on the standard controller-runtime
library using Kubebuilder and so should be familiar to anyone used to developing K8s controllers.
The main logic lives under pkg/reconciliation which is a good place to start reading.
We welcome bug fixes, issue reports, and documation improvements, however feature requests or additions are generally not in scope. Please open an issue to discuss any potential feature work and read our contributing guide for more details on how to contribute.
Please read our code of conduct before participating in or contributing guide to this project.
Please see our security policy for details on reporting security vulnerabilities.
ControlledJob is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0