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Published: Aug 13, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 71 Imported by: 0



For official support and urgent, production-impacting issues, please contact Snowflake Support.

Go Snowflake Driver


This topic provides instructions for installing, running, and modifying the Go Snowflake Driver. The driver supports Go's database/sql package.


The following software packages are required to use the Go Snowflake Driver.


The latest driver requires the Go language 1.20 or higher. The supported operating systems are Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, but you may run the driver on other platforms if the Go language works correctly on those platforms.


If you don't have a project initialized, set it up.

go mod init example.com/snowflake

Get Gosnowflake source code, if not installed.

go get -u github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake


For detailed documentation and basic usage examples, please see the documentation at godoc.org.

Sample Programs

Snowflake provides a set of sample programs to test with. Set the environment variable $GOPATH to the top directory of your workspace, e.g., ~/go and make certain to include $GOPATH/bin in the environment variable $PATH. Run the make command to build all sample programs.

make install

In the following example, the program select1.go is built and installed in $GOPATH/bin and can be run from the command line:

Congrats! You have successfully run SELECT 1 with Snowflake DB!


The developer notes are hosted with the source code on GitHub.

Testing Code

Set the Snowflake connection info in parameters.json:

    "testconnection": {
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_USER":      "<your_user>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_PASSWORD":  "<your_password>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_ACCOUNT":   "<your_account>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_WAREHOUSE": "<your_warehouse>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_DATABASE":  "<your_database>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_SCHEMA":    "<your_schema>",
        "SNOWFLAKE_TEST_ROLE":      "<your_role>"

Install jq so that the parameters can get parsed correctly, and run make test in your Go development environment:

make test

customizing Logging Tags

If you would like to ensure that certain tags are always present in the logs, RegisterClientLogContextHook can be used in your init function. See example below.

import "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"

func init() {
    // each time the logger is used, the logs will contain a REQUEST_ID field with requestID the value extracted 
    // from the context
	gosnowflake.RegisterClientLogContextHook("REQUEST_ID", func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
		return requestIdFromContext(ctx)

Setting Log Level

If you want to change the log level, SetLogLevel can be used in your init function like this:

import "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"

func init() {
    // The following line changes the log level to debug
	_ = gosnowflake.GetLogger().SetLogLevel("debug")

The following is a list of options you can pass in to set the level from least to most verbose:

  • "OFF"
  • "error"
  • "warn"
  • "print"
  • "trace"
  • "debug"
  • "info"

Capturing Code Coverage

Configure your testing environment as described above and run make cov. The coverage percentage will be printed on the console when the testing completes.

make cov

For more detailed analysis, results are printed to coverage.txt in the project directory.

To read the coverage report, run:

go tool cover -html=coverage.txt

Submitting Pull Requests

You may use your preferred editor to edit the driver code. Make certain to run make fmt lint before submitting any pull request to Snowflake. This command formats your source code according to the standard Go style and detects any coding style issues.

Runaway dbus-daemon processes on certain OS

This only affects certain Linux distributions, one of them is confirmed to be RHEL. Due to a bug in one of the dependencies (keyring), on the affected OS, each invocation of a program depending on gosnowflake (or any other program depending on the same keyring), will generate a new instance of dbus-daemon fork which can, due to not being cleaned up, eventually fill the fd limits.

Until we replace the offending dependency with one which doesn't have the bug, a workaround needs to be applied, which can be:

  • cleaning up the runaway processes periodically
  • setting envvar DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus (if that socket exists, or create it) or even DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null

Details in issue 773



Package gosnowflake is a pure Go Snowflake driver for the database/sql package.

Clients can use the database/sql package directly. For example:

import (

	_ "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"


func main() {
	db, err := sql.Open("snowflake", "user:password@my_organization-my_account/mydb")
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

Connection String

Use the Open() function to create a database handle with connection parameters:

db, err := sql.Open("snowflake", "<connection string>")

The Go Snowflake Driver supports the following connection syntaxes (or data source name (DSN) formats):

  • username[:password]@<account_identifier>/dbname/schemaname[?param1=value&...&paramN=valueN]
  • username[:password]@<account_identifier>/dbname[?param1=value&...&paramN=valueN]
  • username[:password]@hostname:port/dbname/schemaname?account=<account_identifier>[&param1=value&...&paramN=valueN]

where all parameters must be escaped or use Config and DSN to construct a DSN string.

For information about account identifiers, see the Snowflake documentation (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/admin-account-identifier.html).

The following example opens a database handle with the Snowflake account named "my_account" under the organization named "my_organization", where the username is "jsmith", password is "mypassword", database is "mydb", schema is "testschema", and warehouse is "mywh":

db, err := sql.Open("snowflake", "jsmith:mypassword@my_organization-my_account/mydb/testschema?warehouse=mywh")

Connection Parameters

The connection string (DSN) can contain both connection parameters (described below) and session parameters (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/parameters.html).

The following connection parameters are supported:

  • account <string>: Specifies your Snowflake account, where "<string>" is the account identifier assigned to your account by Snowflake. For information about account identifiers, see the Snowflake documentation (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/admin-account-identifier.html).

    If you are using a global URL, then append the connection group and ".global" (e.g. "<account_identifier>-<connection_group>.global"). The account identifier and the connection group are separated by a dash ("-"), as shown above.

    This parameter is optional if your account identifier is specified after the "@" character in the connection string.

  • region <string>: DEPRECATED. You may specify a region, such as "eu-central-1", with this parameter. However, since this parameter is deprecated, it is best to specify the region as part of the account parameter. For details, see the description of the account parameter.

  • database: Specifies the database to use by default in the client session (can be changed after login).

  • schema: Specifies the database schema to use by default in the client session (can be changed after login).

  • warehouse: Specifies the virtual warehouse to use by default for queries, loading, etc. in the client session (can be changed after login).

  • role: Specifies the role to use by default for accessing Snowflake objects in the client session (can be changed after login).

  • passcode: Specifies the passcode provided by Duo when using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for login.

  • passcodeInPassword: false by default. Set to true if the MFA passcode is embedded in the login password. Appends the MFA passcode to the end of the password.

  • loginTimeout: Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for login. The default is 60 seconds. The login request gives up after the timeout length if the HTTP response is success.

  • requestTimeout: Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for a query to complete. 0 (zero) specifies that the driver should wait indefinitely. The default is 0 seconds. The query request gives up after the timeout length if the HTTP response is success.

  • authenticator: Specifies the authenticator to use for authenticating user credentials:

  • To use the internal Snowflake authenticator, specify snowflake (Default). If you want to cache your MFA logins, use AuthTypeUsernamePasswordMFA authenticator.

  • To authenticate through Okta, specify https://<okta_account_name>.okta.com (URL prefix for Okta).

  • To authenticate using your IDP via a browser, specify externalbrowser.

  • To authenticate via OAuth, specify oauth and provide an OAuth Access Token (see the token parameter below).

  • application: Identifies your application to Snowflake Support.

  • insecureMode: false by default. Set to true to bypass the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) certificate revocation check. IMPORTANT: Change the default value for testing or emergency situations only.

  • token: a token that can be used to authenticate. Should be used in conjunction with the "oauth" authenticator.

  • client_session_keep_alive: Set to true have a heartbeat in the background every hour to keep the connection alive such that the connection session will never expire. Care should be taken in using this option as it opens up the access forever as long as the process is alive.

  • ocspFailOpen: true by default. Set to false to make OCSP check fail closed mode.

  • validateDefaultParameters: true by default. Set to false to disable checks on existence and privileges check for Database, Schema, Warehouse and Role when setting up the connection

  • tracing: Specifies the logging level to be used. Set to error by default. Valid values are trace, debug, info, print, warning, error, fatal, panic.

  • disableQueryContextCache: disables parsing of query context returned from server and resending it to server as well. Default value is false.

  • clientConfigFile: specifies the location of the client configuration json file. In this file you can configure Easy Logging feature.

  • disableSamlURLCheck: disables the SAML URL check. Default value is false.

All other parameters are interpreted as session parameters (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/parameters.html). For example, the TIMESTAMP_OUTPUT_FORMAT session parameter can be set by adding:


A complete connection string looks similar to the following:

                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                      connection                     connection           session
                                                                      parameter                      parameter            parameter

Session-level parameters can also be set by using the SQL command "ALTER SESSION" (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/alter-session.html).

Alternatively, use OpenWithConfig() function to create a database handle with the specified Config.

# Connection Config You can also connect to your warehouse using the connection config. The dbSql library states that when you want to take advantage of driver-specific connection features that aren’t available in a connection string. Each driver supports its own set of connection properties, often providing ways to customize the connection request specific to the DBMS For example:

c := &gosnowflake.Config{
	~your credentials go here~
connector := gosnowflake.NewConnector(gosnowflake.SnowflakeDriver{}, *c)
db := sql.OpenDB(connector)

If you are using this method, you dont need to pass a driver name to specify the driver type in which you are looking to connect. Since the driver name is not needed, you can optionally bypass driver registration on startup. To do this, set `GOSNOWFLAKE_SKIP_REGISTERATION` in your environment. This is useful you wish to register multiple verions of the driver.

Note: GOSNOWFLAKE_SKIP_REGISTERATION should not be used if sql.Open() is used as the method to connect to the server, as sql.Open will require registration so it can map the driver name to the driver type, which in this case is "snowflake" and SnowflakeDriver{}.


The Go Snowflake Driver honors the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY for the forward proxy setting.

NO_PROXY specifies which hostname endings should be allowed to bypass the proxy server, e.g. no_proxy=.amazonaws.com means that Amazon S3 access does not need to go through the proxy.

NO_PROXY does not support wildcards. Each value specified should be one of the following:

  • The end of a hostname (or a complete hostname), for example: ".amazonaws.com" or "xy12345.snowflakecomputing.com".

  • An IP address, for example "".

If more than one value is specified, values should be separated by commas, for example:



By default, the driver's builtin logger is exposing logrus's FieldLogger and default at INFO level. Users can use SetLogger in driver.go to set a customized logger for gosnowflake package.

In order to enable debug logging for the driver, user could use SetLogLevel("debug") in SFLogger interface as shown in demo code at cmd/logger.go. To redirect the logs SFlogger.SetOutput method could do the work.

Query tag

A custom query tag can be set in the context. Each query run with this context will include the custom query tag as metadata that will appear in the Query Tag column in the Query History log. For example:

queryTag := "my custom query tag"
ctxWithQueryTag := WithQueryTag(ctx, queryTag)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctxWithQueryTag, query)

Query request ID

A specific query request ID can be set in the context and will be passed through in place of the default randomized request ID. For example:

requestID := ParseUUID("6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
ctxWithID := WithRequestID(ctx, requestID)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctxWithID, query)

Last query ID

If you need query ID for your query you have to use raw connection.

For queries: ```

err := conn.Raw(func(x any) error {
	stmt, err := x.(driver.ConnPrepareContext).PrepareContext(ctx, "SELECT 1")
	rows, err := stmt.(driver.StmtQueryContext).QueryContext(ctx, nil)
	return nil


For execs: ```

err := conn.Raw(func(x any) error {
	stmt, err := x.(driver.ConnPrepareContext).PrepareContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO TestStatementQueryIdForExecs VALUES (1)")
	result, err := stmt.(driver.StmtExecContext).ExecContext(ctx, nil)
	return nil


Fetch Results by Query ID

The result of your query can be retrieved by setting the query ID in the WithFetchResultByID context. ```

// Get the query ID using raw connection as mentioned above:
err := conn.Raw(func(x any) error {
	rows1, err = x.(driver.QueryerContext).QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT 1", nil)
	queryID = rows1.(sf.SnowflakeRows).GetQueryID()
	return nil

// Update the Context object to specify the query ID
fetchResultByIDCtx = sf.WithFetchResultByID(ctx, queryID)

// Execute an empty string query
rows2, err := db.QueryContext(fetchResultByIDCtx, "")

// Retrieve the results as usual
for rows2.Next()  {
	err = rows2.Scan(...)


Canceling Query by CtrlC

From 0.5.0, a signal handling responsibility has moved to the applications. If you want to cancel a query/command by Ctrl+C, add a os.Interrupt trap in context to execute methods that can take the context parameter (e.g. QueryContext, ExecContext).

// handle interrupt signal
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
defer func() {
go func() {
	select {
	case <-c:
	case <-ctx.Done():
... (connection)
// execute a query
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
... (Ctrl+C to cancel the query)

See cmd/selectmany.go for the full example.

Supported Data Types

The Go Snowflake Driver now supports the Arrow data format for data transfers between Snowflake and the Golang client. The Arrow data format avoids extra conversions between binary and textual representations of the data. The Arrow data format can improve performance and reduce memory consumption in clients.

Snowflake continues to support the JSON data format.

The data format is controlled by the session-level parameter GO_QUERY_RESULT_FORMAT. To use JSON format, execute:


The valid values for the parameter are:

  • ARROW (default)
  • JSON

If the user attempts to set the parameter to an invalid value, an error is returned.

The parameter name and the parameter value are case-insensitive.

This parameter can be set only at the session level.

Usage notes:

  • The Arrow data format reduces rounding errors in floating point numbers. You might see slightly different values for floating point numbers when using Arrow format than when using JSON format. In order to take advantage of the increased precision, you must pass in the context.Context object provided by the WithHigherPrecision function when querying.

  • Traditionally, the rows.Scan() method returned a string when a variable of types interface was passed in. Turning on the flag ENABLE_HIGHER_PRECISION via WithHigherPrecision will return the natural, expected data type as well.

  • For some numeric data types, the driver can retrieve larger values when using the Arrow format than when using the JSON format. For example, using Arrow format allows the full range of SQL NUMERIC(38,0) values to be retrieved, while using JSON format allows only values in the range supported by the Golang int64 data type.

    Users should ensure that Golang variables are declared using the appropriate data type for the full range of values contained in the column. For an example, see below.

When using the Arrow format, the driver supports more Golang data types and more ways to convert SQL values to those Golang data types. The table below lists the supported Snowflake SQL data types and the corresponding Golang data types. The columns are:

  1. The SQL data type.

  2. The default Golang data type that is returned when you use snowflakeRows.Scan() to read data from Arrow data format via an interface{}.

  3. The possible Golang data types that can be returned when you use snowflakeRows.Scan() to read data from Arrow data format directly.

  4. The default Golang data type that is returned when you use snowflakeRows.Scan() to read data from JSON data format via an interface{}. (All returned values are strings.)

  5. The standard Golang data type that is returned when you use snowflakeRows.Scan() to read data from JSON data format directly.

    Go Data Types for Scan() =================================================================================================================== | ARROW | JSON =================================================================================================================== SQL Data Type | Default Go Data Type | Supported Go Data | Default Go Data Type | Supported Go Data | for Scan() interface{} | Types for Scan() | for Scan() interface{} | Types for Scan() =================================================================================================================== BOOLEAN | bool | string | bool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARCHAR | string | string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE | float32, float64 [1] , [2] | string | float32, float64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER that | int, int8, int16, int32, int64 | string | int, int8, int16, fits in int64 | [1] , [2] | | int32, int64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER that doesn't | int, int8, int16, int32, int64, *big.Int | string | error fit in int64 | [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER(P, S) | float32, float64, *big.Float | string | float32, float64 where S > 0 | [1] , [2] , [3] , [5] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE | time.Time | string | time.Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME | time.Time | string | time.Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESTAMP_LTZ | time.Time | string | time.Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESTAMP_NTZ | time.Time | string | time.Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESTAMP_TZ | time.Time | string | time.Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BINARY | []byte | string | []byte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRAY [6] | string / array | string / array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT [6] | string / struct | string / struct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIANT | string | string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP | map | map

    [1] Converting from a higher precision data type to a lower precision data type via the snowflakeRows.Scan() method can lose low bits (lose precision), lose high bits (completely change the value), or result in error.

    [2] Attempting to convert from a higher precision data type to a lower precision data type via interface{} causes an error.

    [3] Higher precision data types like *big.Int and *big.Float can be accessed by querying with a context returned by WithHigherPrecision().

    [4] You cannot directly Scan() into the alternative data types via snowflakeRows.Scan(), but can convert to those data types by using .Int64()/.String()/.Uint64() methods. For an example, see below.

    [5] You cannot directly Scan() into the alternative data types via snowflakeRows.Scan(), but can convert to those data types by using .Float32()/.String()/.Float64() methods. For an example, see below.

    [6] Arrays and objects can be either semistructured or structured, see more info in section below.

Note: SQL NULL values are converted to Golang nil values, and vice-versa.

Semistructured and structured types

Snowflake supports two flavours of "structured data" - semistructured and structured. Semistructured types are variants, objects and arrays without schema. When data is fetched, it's represented as strings and the client is responsible for its interpretation. Example table definition:

CREATE TABLE semistructured (v VARIANT, o OBJECT, a ARRAY)

The data not have any corresponding schema, so values in table may be slightly different.

Semistuctured variants, objects and arrays are always represented as strings for scanning:

rows, err := db.Query("SELECT {'a': 'b'}::OBJECT")
// handle error
defer rows.Close()
var v string
err := rows.Scan(&v)

When inserting, a marker indicating correct type must be used, for example:

db.Exec("CREATE TABLE test_object_binding (obj OBJECT)")
db.Exec("INSERT INTO test_object_binding SELECT (?)", DataTypeObject, "{'s': 'some string'}")

Structured types differentiate from semistructured types by having specific schema. In all rows of the table, values must conform to this schema. Example table definition:


To retrieve structured objects, follow these steps:

1. Create a struct implementing sql.Scanner interface, example:


type simpleObject struct {
	s string
	i int32

func (so *simpleObject) Scan(val any) error {
	st := val.(StructuredObject)
	var err error
	if so.s, err = st.GetString("s"); err != nil {
		return err
	if so.i, err = st.GetInt32("i"); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil


type simpleObject struct {
	S string `sf:"otherName"`
	I int32 `sf:"i,ignore"`

func (so *simpleObject) Scan(val any) error {
	st := val.(StructuredObject)
	return st.ScanTo(so)

Automatic scan goes through all fields in a struct and read object fields. Struct fields have to be public. Embedded structs have to be pointers. Matching name is built using struct field name with first letter lowercase. Additionally, `sf` tag can be added: - first value is always a name of a field in an SQL object - additionally `ignore` parameter can be passed to omit this field

2. Use WithStructuredTypesEnabled context while querying data. 3. Use it in regular scan:

var res simpleObject
err := rows.Scan(&res)

See StructuredObject for all available operations including null support, embedding nested structs, etc.

Retrieving array of simple types works exactly the same like normal values - using Scan function.

You can use WithMapValuesNullable and WithArrayValuesNullable contexts to handle null values in, respectively, maps and arrays of simple types in the database. In that case, sql null types will be used:

ctx := WithArrayValuesNullable(WithStructuredTypesEnabled(context.Background))
var res []sql.NullBool
err := rows.Scan(&res)

If you want to scan array of structs, you have to use a helper function ScanArrayOfScanners:

var res []*simpleObject
err := rows.Scan(ScanArrayOfScanners(&res))

Retrieving structured maps is very similar to retrieving arrays:

var res map[string]*simpleObject
err := rows.Scan(ScanMapOfScanners(&res))

To bind structured objects use:

1. Create a type which implements a StructuredObjectWriter interface, example:


type simpleObject struct {
	s string
	i int32

func (so *simpleObject) Write(sowc StructuredObjectWriterContext) error {
	if err := sowc.WriteString("s", so.s); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := sowc.WriteInt32("i", so.i); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil


type simpleObject struct {
	S string `sf:"otherName"`
	I int32 `sf:"i,ignore"`

func (so *simpleObject) Write(sowc StructuredObjectWriterContext) error {
	return sowc.WriteAll(so)

2. Use an instance as regular bind. 3. If you need to bind nil value, use special syntax:

db.Exec('INSERT INTO some_table VALUES ?', sf.DataTypeNilObject, reflect.TypeOf(simpleObject{})

Binding structured arrays are like any other parameter. The only difference is - if you want to insert empty array (not nil but empty), you have to use:

db.Exec('INSERT INTO some_table VALUES ?', sf.DataTypeEmptyArray, reflect.TypeOf(simpleObject{}))

Using higher precision numbers

The following example shows how to retrieve very large values using the math/big package. This example retrieves a large INTEGER value to an interface and then extracts a big.Int value from that interface. If the value fits into an int64, then the code also copies the value to a variable of type int64. Note that a context that enables higher precision must be passed in with the query.

import "context"
import "math/big"


var my_interface interface{}
var my_big_int_pointer *big.Int
var my_int64 int64
var rows snowflakeRows

rows = db.QueryContext(WithHigherPrecision(context.Background), <query>)
my_big_int_pointer, ok = my_interface.(*big.Int)
if my_big_int_pointer.IsInt64() {
    my_int64 = my_big_int_pointer.Int64()

If the variable named "rows" is known to contain a big.Int, then you can use the following instead of scanning into an interface and then converting to a big.Int:


If the variable named "rows" contains a big.Int, then each of the following fails:


my_int64, _ = my_interface.(int64)

Similar code and rules also apply to big.Float values.

If you are not sure what data type will be returned, you can use code similar to the following to check the data type of the returned value:

// Create variables into which you can scan the returned values.
var i64 int64
var bigIntPtr *big.Int

for rows.Next() {
    // Get the data type info.
    column_types, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("ERROR: ColumnTypes() failed. err: %v", err)
    // The data type of the zeroeth column in the row.
    column_type := column_types[0].ScanType()
    // Choose the appropriate variable based on the data type.
    switch column_type {
        case reflect.TypeOf(i64):
            err = rows.Scan(&i64)
            fmt.Println("INFO: retrieved int64 value:")
        case reflect.TypeOf(bigIntPtr):
            err = rows.Scan(&bigIntPtr)
            fmt.Println("INFO: retrieved bigIntPtr value:")

Arrow batches

You can retrieve data in a columnar format similar to the format a server returns, without transposing them to rows. When working with the arrow columnar format in go driver, ArrowBatch structs are used. These are structs mostly corresponding to data chunks received from the backend. They allow for access to specific arrow.Record structs.

An ArrowBatch can exist in a state where the underlying data has not yet been loaded. The data is downloaded and translated only on demand. Translation options are retrieved from a context.Context interface, which is either passed from query context or set by the user using WithContext(ctx) method.

In order to access them you must use `WithArrowBatches` context, similar to the following:

    var rows driver.Rows
	err = conn.Raw(func(x interface{}) error {
		rows, err = x.(driver.QueryerContext).QueryContext(ctx, query, nil)
		return err


	batches, err := rows.(sf.SnowflakeRows).GetArrowBatches()

	... // use Arrow records

This returns []*ArrowBatch.

ArrowBatch functions:

GetRowCount(): Returns the number of rows in the ArrowBatch. Note that this returns 0 if the data has not yet been loaded, irrespective of it’s actual size.

WithContext(ctx context.Context): Sets the context of the ArrowBatch to the one provided. Note that the context will not retroactively apply to data that has already been downloaded. For example:

records1, _ := batch.Fetch()
records2, _ := batch.WithContext(ctx).Fetch()

will produce the same result in records1 and records2, irrespective of the newly provided ctx. Context worth noting are: -WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption -WithHigherPrecision -WithArrowBatchesUtf8Validation described in more detail later.

Fetch(): Returns the underlying records as *[]arrow.Record. When this function is called, the ArrowBatch checks whether the underlying data has already been loaded, and downloads it if not.


  1. For some queries Snowflake may decide to return data in JSON format (examples: `SHOW PARAMETERS` or `ls @stage`). You cannot use JSON with Arrow batches context.
  2. Snowflake handles timestamps in a range which is broader than available space in Arrow timestamp type. Because of that special treatment should be used (see below).
  3. When using numbers, Snowflake chooses the smallest type that covers all values in a batch. So even when your column is NUMBER(38, 0), if all values are 8bits, array.Int8 is used.

How to handle timestamps in Arrow batches:

Snowflake returns timestamps natively (from backend to driver) in multiple formats. The Arrow timestamp is an 8-byte data type, which is insufficient to handle the larger date and time ranges used by Snowflake. Also, Snowflake supports 0-9 (nanosecond) digit precision for seconds, while Arrow supports only 3 (millisecond), 6 (microsecond), an 9 (nanosecond) precision. Consequently, Snowflake uses a custom timestamp format in Arrow, which differs on timestamp type and precision.

If you want to use timestamps in Arrow batches, you have two options:

  1. The Go driver can reduce timestamp struct into simple Arrow Timestamp, if you set `WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption` to nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond or second. For nanosecond, some timestamp values might not fit into Arrow timestamp. E.g after year 2262 or before 1677.
  2. You can use native Snowflake values. In that case you will receive complex structs as described above. To transform Snowflake values into the Golang time.Time struct you can use `ArrowSnowflakeTimestampToTime`. To enable this feature, you must use `WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption` context with value set to`UseOriginalTimestamp`.

How to handle invalid UTF-8 characters in Arrow batches:

Snowflake previously allowed users to upload data with invalid UTF-8 characters. Consequently, Arrow records containing string columns in Snowflake could include these invalid UTF-8 characters. However, according to the Arrow specifications (https://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/api/datatype.html and https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/a03d957b5b8d0425f9d5b6c98b6ee1efa56a1248/go/arrow/datatype.go#L73-L74), Arrow string columns should only contain UTF-8 characters.

To address this issue and prevent potential downstream disruptions, the context WithArrowBatchesUtf8Validation, is introduced. When enabled, this feature iterates through all values in string columns, identifying and replacing any invalid characters with `�`. This ensures that Arrow records conform to the UTF-8 standards, preventing validation failures in downstream services like the Rust Arrow library that impose strict validation checks.

How to handle higher precision in Arrow batches:

To preserve BigDecimal values within Arrow batches, use WithHigherPrecision. This offers two main benefits: it helps avoid precision loss and defers the conversion to upstream services. Alternatively, without this setting, all non-zero scale numbers will be converted to float64, potentially resulting in loss of precision. Zero-scale numbers (DECIMAL256, DECIMAL128) will be converted to int64, which could lead to overflow.

Binding Parameters

Binding allows a SQL statement to use a value that is stored in a Golang variable.

Without binding, a SQL statement specifies values by specifying literals inside the statement. For example, the following statement uses the literal value “42“ in an UPDATE statement:

_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE table1 SET integer_column = 42 WHERE ID = 1000")

With binding, you can execute a SQL statement that uses a value that is inside a variable. For example:

var my_integer_variable int = 42
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE table1 SET integer_column = ? WHERE ID = 1000", my_integer_variable)

The “?“ inside the “VALUES“ clause specifies that the SQL statement uses the value from a variable.

Binding data that involves time zones can require special handling. For details, see the section titled "Timestamps with Time Zones".

Version 1.6.23 (and later) of the driver takes advantage of sql.Null types which enables the proper handling of null parameters inside function calls, i.e.:

rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM TABLE(SOMEFUNCTION(?))", sql.NullBool{})

The timestamp nullability had to be achieved by wrapping the sql.NullTime type as the Snowflake provides several date and time types which are mapped to single Go time.Time type:

rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM TABLE(SOMEFUNCTION(?))", sf.TypedNullTime{sql.NullTime{}, sf.TimestampLTZType})

Binding Parameters to Array Variables

Version 1.3.9 (and later) of the Go Snowflake Driver supports the ability to bind an array variable to a parameter in a SQL INSERT statement. You can use this technique to insert multiple rows in a single batch.

As an example, the following code inserts rows into a table that contains integer, float, boolean, and string columns. The example binds arrays to the parameters in the INSERT statement.

// Create a table containing an integer, float, boolean, and string column.
_, err = db.Exec("create or replace table my_table(c1 int, c2 float, c3 boolean, c4 string)")
// Define the arrays containing the data to insert.
intArray := []int{1, 2, 3}
fltArray := []float64{0.1, 2.34, 5.678}
boolArray := []bool{true, false, true}
strArray := []string{"test1", "test2", "test3"}
// Insert the data from the arrays and wrap in an Array() function into the table.
_, err = db.Exec("insert into my_table values (?, ?, ?, ?)", Array(&intArray), Array(&fltArray), Array(&boolArray), Array(&strArray))

If the array contains SQL NULL values, use slice []interface{}, which allows Golang nil values. This feature is available in version 1.6.12 (and later) of the driver. For example,

 	// Define the arrays containing the data to insert.
 	strArray := make([]interface{}, 3)
	strArray[0] = "test1"
	strArray[1] = "test2"
	strArray[2] = nil // This line is optional as nil is the default value.
	// Create a table and insert the data from the array as shown above.
	_, err = db.Exec("create or replace table my_table(c1 string)")
	_, err = db.Exec("insert into my_table values (?)", Array(&strArray))
	// Use sql.NullString to fetch the string column that contains NULL values.
	var s sql.NullString
	rows, _ := db.Query("select * from my_table")
	for rows.Next() {
		err := rows.Scan(&s)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to scan. err: %v", err)
		if s.Valid {
			fmt.Println("Retrieved value:", s.String)
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Retrieved value: NULL")

For slices []interface{} containing time.Time values, a binding parameter flag is required for the preceding array variable in the Array() function. This feature is available in version 1.6.13 (and later) of the driver. For example,

_, err = db.Exec("create or replace table my_table(c1 timestamp_ntz, c2 timestamp_ltz)")
_, err = db.Exec("insert into my_table values (?,?)", Array(&ntzArray, sf.TimestampNTZType), Array(&ltzArray, sf.TimestampLTZType))

Note: For alternative ways to load data into the Snowflake database (including bulk loading using the COPY command), see Loading Data into Snowflake (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide-data-load.html).

Batch Inserts and Binding Parameters

When you use array binding to insert a large number of values, the driver can improve performance by streaming the data (without creating files on the local machine) to a temporary stage for ingestion. The driver automatically does this when the number of values exceeds a threshold (no changes are needed to user code).

In order for the driver to send the data to a temporary stage, the user must have the following privilege on the schema:


If the user does not have this privilege, the driver falls back to sending the data with the query to the Snowflake database.

In addition, the current database and schema for the session must be set. If these are not set, the CREATE TEMPORARY STAGE command executed by the driver can fail with the following error:

CREATE TEMPORARY STAGE SYSTEM$BIND file_format=(type=csv field_optionally_enclosed_by='"')
Cannot perform CREATE STAGE. This session does not have a current schema. Call 'USE SCHEMA', or use a qualified name.

For alternative ways to load data into the Snowflake database (including bulk loading using the COPY command), see Loading Data into Snowflake (https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide-data-load.html).

Binding a Parameter to a Time Type

Go's database/sql package supports the ability to bind a parameter in a SQL statement to a time.Time variable. However, when the client binds data to send to the server, the driver cannot determine the correct Snowflake date/timestamp data type to associate with the binding parameter. For example:

dbt.mustExec("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tztest (id int, ntz, timestamp_ntz, ltz timestamp_ltz)")
// ...
stmt, err :=dbt.db.Prepare("INSERT INTO tztest(id,ntz,ltz) VALUES(1, ?, ?)")
// ...
tmValue time.Now()
_, err = stmt.Exec(tmValue, tmValue)

To resolve this issue, a binding parameter flag is introduced that associates any subsequent time.Time type to the DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP_LTZ, TIMESTAMP_NTZ or BINARY data type. The above example could be rewritten as follows:

import (
	sf "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"
dbt.mustExec("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tztest (id int, ntz, timestamp_ntz, ltz timestamp_ltz)")
// ...
stmt, err :=dbt.db.Prepare("INSERT INTO tztest(id,ntz,ltz) VALUES(1, ?, ?)")
// ...
tmValue time.Now()
// ...
_, err = stmt.Exec(sf.DataTypeTimestampNtz, tmValue, sf.DataTypeTimestampLtz, tmValue)

Timestamps with Time Zones

The driver fetches TIMESTAMP_TZ (timestamp with time zone) data using the offset-based Location types, which represent a collection of time offsets in use in a geographical area, such as CET (Central European Time) or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The offset-based Location data is generated and cached when a Go Snowflake Driver application starts, and if the given offset is not in the cache, it is generated dynamically.

Currently, Snowflake does not support the name-based Location types (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles").

For more information about Location types, see the Go documentation for https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Location.

Binary Data

Internally, this feature leverages the []byte data type. As a result, BINARY data cannot be bound without the binding parameter flag. In the following example, sf is an alias for the gosnowflake package:

var b = []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}
_, err = stmt.Exec(sf.DataTypeBinary, b)

Maximum Number of Result Set Chunk Downloader

The driver directly downloads a result set from the cloud storage if the size is large. It is required to shift workloads from the Snowflake database to the clients for scale. The download takes place by goroutine named "Chunk Downloader" asynchronously so that the driver can fetch the next result set while the application can consume the current result set.

The application may change the number of result set chunk downloader if required. Note this does not help reduce memory footprint by itself. Consider Custom JSON Decoder.

import (
	sf "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"
sf.MaxChunkDownloadWorkers = 2

Custom JSON Decoder for Parsing Result Set (Experimental)

The application may have the driver use a custom JSON decoder that incrementally parses the result set as follows.

import (
	sf "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"
sf.CustomJSONDecoderEnabled = true

This option will reduce the memory footprint to half or even quarter, but it can significantly degrade the performance depending on the environment. The test cases running on Travis Ubuntu box show five times less memory footprint while four times slower. Be cautious when using the option.

JWT authentication

The Go Snowflake Driver supports JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.

To enable this feature, construct the DSN with fields "authenticator=SNOWFLAKE_JWT&privateKey=<your_private_key>", or using a Config structure specifying:

config := &Config{
	Authenticator: AuthTypeJwt,
	PrivateKey:   "<your_private_key_struct in *rsa.PrivateKey type>",

The <your_private_key> should be a base64 URL encoded PKCS8 rsa private key string. One way to encode a byte slice to URL base 64 URL format is through the base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString() function.

On the server side, you can alter the public key with the SQL command:

ALTER USER <your_user_name> SET RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='<your_public_key>';

The <your_public_key> should be a base64 Standard encoded PKI public key string. One way to encode a byte slice to base 64 Standard format is through the base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString() function.

To generate the valid key pair, you can execute the following commands in the shell:

	# generate 2048-bit pkcs8 encoded RSA private key
	openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA \
    	-pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
    	-pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537 | \
  		openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform der > rsa-2048-private-key.p8

	# extract 2048-bit PKI encoded RSA public key from the private key
	openssl pkey -pubout -inform der -outform der \
    	-in rsa-2048-private-key.p8 \
    	-out rsa-2048-public-key.spki

Note: As of February 2020, Golang's official library does not support passcode-encrypted PKCS8 private key. For security purposes, Snowflake highly recommends that you store the passcode-encrypted private key on the disk and decrypt the key in your application using a library you trust.

JWT tokens are recreated on each retry and they are valid (`exp` claim) for `jwtTimeout` seconds. Each retry timeout is configured by `jwtClientTimeout`. Retries are limited by total time of `loginTimeout`.

External browser authentication

The driver allows to authenticate using the external browser.

When a connection is created, the driver will open the browser window and ask the user to sign in.

To enable this feature, construct the DSN with field "authenticator=EXTERNALBROWSER" or using a Config structure with following Authenticator specified:

config := &Config{
	Authenticator: AuthTypeExternalBrowser,

The external browser authentication implements timeout mechanism. This prevents the driver from hanging interminably when browser window was closed, or not responding.

Timeout defaults to 120s and can be changed through setting DSN field "externalBrowserTimeout=240" (time in seconds) or using a Config structure with following ExternalBrowserTimeout specified:

config := &Config{
	ExternalBrowserTimeout: 240 * time.Second, // Requires time.Duration

Executing Multiple Statements in One Call

This feature is available in version 1.3.8 or later of the driver.

By default, Snowflake returns an error for queries issued with multiple statements. This restriction helps protect against SQL Injection attacks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection).

The multi-statement feature allows users skip this restriction and execute multiple SQL statements through a single Golang function call. However, this opens up the possibility for SQL injection, so it should be used carefully. The risk can be reduced by specifying the exact number of statements to be executed, which makes it more difficult to inject a statement by appending it. More details are below.

The Go Snowflake Driver provides two functions that can execute multiple SQL statements in a single call:

  • db.QueryContext(): This function is used to execute queries, such as SELECT statements, that return a result set.
  • db.ExecContext(): This function is used to execute statements that don't return a result set (i.e. most DML and DDL statements).

To compose a multi-statement query, simply create a string that contains all the queries, separated by semicolons, in the order in which the statements should be executed.

To protect against SQL Injection attacks while using the multi-statement feature, pass a Context that specifies the number of statements in the string. For example:

import (

var multi_statement_query = "SELECT c1 FROM t1; SELECT c2 FROM t2"
var number_of_statements = 2
blank_context = context.Background()
multi_statement_context, _ := WithMultiStatement(blank_context, number_of_statements)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(multi_statement_context, multi_statement_query)

When multiple queries are executed by a single call to QueryContext(), multiple result sets are returned. After you process the first result set, get the next result set (for the next SQL statement) by calling NextResultSet().

The following pseudo-code shows how to process multiple result sets:

Execute the statement and get the result set(s):

	rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, multiStmtQuery)

Retrieve the rows in the first query's result set:

	while rows.Next() {
		err = rows.Scan(&variable_1)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("failed to scan: %#v", err)

Retrieve the remaining result sets and the rows in them:

	while rows.NextResultSet()  {

		while rows.Next() {


The function db.ExecContext() returns a single result, which is the sum of the number of rows changed by each individual statement. For example, if your multi-statement query executed two UPDATE statements, each of which updated 10 rows, then the result returned would be 20. Individual row counts for individual statements are not available.

The following code shows how to retrieve the result of a multi-statement query executed through db.ExecContext():

Execute the SQL statements:

    res, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, multiStmtQuery)

Get the summed result and store it in the variable named count:

    count, err := res.RowsAffected()

Note: Because a multi-statement ExecContext() returns a single value, you cannot detect offsetting errors. For example, suppose you expected the return value to be 20 because you expected each UPDATE statement to update 10 rows. If one UPDATE statement updated 15 rows and the other UPDATE statement updated only 5 rows, the total would still be 20. You would see no indication that the UPDATES had not functioned as expected.

The ExecContext() function does not return an error if passed a query (e.g. a SELECT statement). However, it still returns only a single value, not a result set, so using it to execute queries (or a mix of queries and non-query statements) is impractical.

The QueryContext() function does not return an error if passed non-query statements (e.g. DML). The function returns a result set for each statement, whether or not the statement is a query. For each non-query statement, the result set contains a single row that contains a single column; the value is the number of rows changed by the statement.

If you want to execute a mix of query and non-query statements (e.g. a mix of SELECT and DML statements) in a multi-statement query, use QueryContext(). You can retrieve the result sets for the queries, and you can retrieve or ignore the row counts for the non-query statements.

Note: PUT statements are not supported for multi-statement queries.

If a SQL statement passed to ExecQuery() or QueryContext() fails to compile or execute, that statement is aborted, and subsequent statements are not executed. Any statements prior to the aborted statement are unaffected.

For example, if the statements below are run as one multi-statement query, the multi-statement query fails on the third statement, and an exception is thrown.

INSERT INTO TEST VALUES ('not_an_integer');  -- execution fails here

If you then query the contents of the table named "test", the values 1 and 2 would be present.

When using the QueryContext() and ExecContext() functions, golang code can check for errors the usual way. For example:

rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, multiStmtQuery)
if err != nil {
	Fatalf("failed to query multiple statements: %v", err)

Preparing statements and using bind variables are also not supported for multi-statement queries.

Asynchronous Queries

The Go Snowflake Driver supports asynchronous execution of SQL statements. Asynchronous execution allows you to start executing a statement and then retrieve the result later without being blocked while waiting. While waiting for the result of a SQL statement, you can perform other tasks, including executing other SQL statements.

Most of the steps to execute an asynchronous query are the same as the steps to execute a synchronous query. However, there is an additional step, which is that you must call the WithAsyncMode() function to update your Context object to specify that asynchronous mode is enabled.

In the code below, the call to "WithAsyncMode()" is specific to asynchronous mode. The rest of the code is compatible with both asynchronous mode and synchronous mode.


// Update your Context object to specify asynchronous mode:
ctx := WithAsyncMode(context.Background())

// Execute your query as usual by calling:
rows, _ := db.QueryContext(ctx, query_string)

// Retrieve the results as usual by calling:
for rows.Next()  {
	err := rows.Scan(...)

The function db.QueryContext() returns an object of type snowflakeRows regardless of whether the query is synchronous or asynchronous. However:

  • If the query is synchronous, then db.QueryContext() does not return until the query has finished and the result set has been loaded into the snowflakeRows object.
  • If the query is asynchronous, then db.QueryContext() returns a potentially incomplete snowflakeRows object that is filled in later in the background.

The call to the Next() function of snowflakeRows is always synchronous (i.e. blocking). If the query has not yet completed and the snowflakeRows object (named "rows" in this example) has not been filled in yet, then rows.Next() waits until the result set has been filled in.

More generally, calls to any Golang SQL API function implemented in snowflakeRows or snowflakeResult are blocking calls, and wait if results are not yet available. (Examples of other synchronous calls include: snowflakeRows.Err(), snowflakeRows.Columns(), snowflakeRows.columnTypes(), snowflakeRows.Scan(), and snowflakeResult.RowsAffected().)

Because the example code above executes only one query and no other activity, there is no significant difference in behavior between asynchronous and synchronous behavior. The differences become significant if, for example, you want to perform some other activity after the query starts and before it completes. The example code below starts a query, which run in the background, and then retrieves the results later.

This example uses small SELECT statements that do not retrieve enough data to require asynchronous handling. However, the technique works for larger data sets, and for situations where the programmer might want to do other work after starting the queries and before retrieving the results. For a more elaborative example please see cmd/async/async.go

	package gosnowflake

	import  (
		sf "github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake"


	func DemonstrateAsyncMode(db *sql.DB) {
		// Enable asynchronous mode
		ctx := sf.WithAsyncMode(context.Background())

		// Run the query with asynchronous context
		rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "select 1")
		if err != nil {
			// handle error

		// do something as the workflow continues whereas the query is computing in the background

		// Get the data when you are ready to handle it
		var val int
		err = rows.Scan(&val)
		if err != nil {
			// handle error


Support For PUT and GET

The Go Snowflake Driver supports the PUT and GET commands.

The PUT command copies a file from a local computer (the computer where the Golang client is running) to a stage on the cloud platform. The GET command copies data files from a stage on the cloud platform to a local computer.

See the following for information on the syntax and supported parameters:

Using PUT:

The following example shows how to run a PUT command by passing a string to the db.Query() function:

db.Query("PUT file://<local_file> <stage_identifier> <optional_parameters>")

"<local_file>" should include the file path as well as the name. Snowflake recommends using an absolute path rather than a relative path. For example:

db.Query("PUT file:///tmp/my_data_file @~ auto_compress=false overwrite=false")

Different client platforms (e.g. linux, Windows) have different path name conventions. Ensure that you specify path names appropriately. This is particularly important on Windows, which uses the backslash character as both an escape character and as a separator in path names.

To send information from a stream (rather than a file) use code similar to the code below. (The ReplaceAll() function is needed on Windows to handle backslashes in the path to the file.)

fileStream, _ := os.Open(fname)
defer func() {
	if fileStream != nil {
} ()

sql := "put 'file://%v' @%%%v auto_compress=true parallel=30"
sqlText := fmt.Sprintf(sql,
	strings.ReplaceAll(fname, "\\", "\\\\"),
dbt.mustExecContext(WithFileStream(context.Background(), fileStream),

Note: PUT statements are not supported for multi-statement queries.

Using GET:

The following example shows how to run a GET command by passing a string to the db.Query() function:

db.Query("GET <internal_stage_identifier> file://<local_file> <optional_parameters>")

"<local_file>" should include the file path as well as the name. Snowflake recommends using an absolute path rather than a relative path. For example:

db.Query("GET @~ file:///tmp/my_data_file auto_compress=false overwrite=false")

Specifying temporary directory for encryption and compression:

Putting and getting requires compression and/or encryption, which is done in the OS temporary directory. If you cannot use default temporary directory for your OS or you want to specify it yourself, you can use "tmpDirPath" DSN parameter. Remember, to encode slashes. Example:

u:[email protected]/db/s?account=a.r.c&tmpDirPath=%2Fother%2Ftmp

Using custom configuration for PUT/GET:

If you want to override some default configuration options, you can use `WithFileTransferOptions` context. There are multiple config parameters including progress bars or compression.



View Source
const (
	// TimestampNTZType denotes a NTZ timezoneType for array binds
	TimestampNTZType timezoneType = iota
	// TimestampLTZType denotes a LTZ timezoneType for array binds
	// TimestampTZType denotes a TZ timezoneType for array binds
	// DateType denotes a date type for array binds
	// TimeType denotes a time type for array binds
View Source
const (
	// UseNanosecondTimestamp uses arrow.Timestamp in nanosecond precision, could cause ErrTooHighTimestampPrecision if arrow.Timestamp cannot fit original timestamp values.
	UseNanosecondTimestamp snowflakeArrowBatchesTimestampOption = iota
	// UseMicrosecondTimestamp uses arrow.Timestamp in microsecond precision
	// UseMillisecondTimestamp uses arrow.Timestamp in millisecond precision
	// UseSecondTimestamp uses arrow.Timestamp in second precision
	// UseOriginalTimestamp uses original timestamp struct returned by Snowflake. It can be used in case arrow.Timestamp cannot fit original timestamp values.
View Source
const (

	// ErrCodeEmptyAccountCode is an error code for the case where a DNS doesn't include account parameter
	ErrCodeEmptyAccountCode = 260000
	// ErrCodeEmptyUsernameCode is an error code for the case where a DNS doesn't include user parameter
	ErrCodeEmptyUsernameCode = 260001
	// ErrCodeEmptyPasswordCode is an error code for the case where a DNS doesn't include password parameter
	ErrCodeEmptyPasswordCode = 260002
	// ErrCodeFailedToParseHost is an error code for the case where a DNS includes an invalid host name
	ErrCodeFailedToParseHost = 260003
	// ErrCodeFailedToParsePort is an error code for the case where a DNS includes an invalid port number
	ErrCodeFailedToParsePort = 260004
	// ErrCodeIdpConnectionError is an error code for the case where a IDP connection failed
	ErrCodeIdpConnectionError = 260005
	// ErrCodeSSOURLNotMatch is an error code for the case where a SSO URL doesn't match
	ErrCodeSSOURLNotMatch = 260006
	// ErrCodeServiceUnavailable is an error code for the case where service is unavailable.
	ErrCodeServiceUnavailable = 260007
	// ErrCodeFailedToConnect is an error code for the case where a DB connection failed due to wrong account name
	ErrCodeFailedToConnect = 260008
	// ErrCodeRegionOverlap is an error code for the case where a region is specified despite an account region present
	ErrCodeRegionOverlap = 260009
	// ErrCodePrivateKeyParseError is an error code for the case where the private key is not parsed correctly
	ErrCodePrivateKeyParseError = 260010
	// ErrCodeFailedToParseAuthenticator is an error code for the case where a DNS includes an invalid authenticator
	ErrCodeFailedToParseAuthenticator = 260011
	// ErrCodeClientConfigFailed is an error code for the case where clientConfigFile is invalid or applying client configuration fails
	ErrCodeClientConfigFailed = 260012

	// ErrFailedToPostQuery is an error code for the case where HTTP POST failed.
	ErrFailedToPostQuery = 261000
	// ErrFailedToRenewSession is an error code for the case where session renewal failed.
	ErrFailedToRenewSession = 261001
	// ErrFailedToCancelQuery is an error code for the case where cancel query failed.
	ErrFailedToCancelQuery = 261002
	// ErrFailedToCloseSession is an error code for the case where close session failed.
	ErrFailedToCloseSession = 261003
	// ErrFailedToAuth is an error code for the case where authentication failed for unknown reason.
	ErrFailedToAuth = 261004
	// ErrFailedToAuthSAML is an error code for the case where authentication via SAML failed for unknown reason.
	ErrFailedToAuthSAML = 261005
	// ErrFailedToAuthOKTA is an error code for the case where authentication via OKTA failed for unknown reason.
	ErrFailedToAuthOKTA = 261006
	// ErrFailedToGetSSO is an error code for the case where authentication via OKTA failed for unknown reason.
	ErrFailedToGetSSO = 261007
	// ErrFailedToParseResponse is an error code for when we cannot parse an external browser response from Snowflake.
	ErrFailedToParseResponse = 261008
	// ErrFailedToGetExternalBrowserResponse is an error code for when there's an error reading from the open socket.
	ErrFailedToGetExternalBrowserResponse = 261009
	// ErrFailedToHeartbeat is an error code when a heartbeat fails.
	ErrFailedToHeartbeat = 261010

	// ErrFailedToGetChunk is an error code for the case where it failed to get chunk of result set
	ErrFailedToGetChunk = 262000

	// ErrNoReadOnlyTransaction is an error code for the case where readonly mode is specified.
	ErrNoReadOnlyTransaction = 263000
	// ErrNoDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel is an error code for the case where non default isolation level is specified.
	ErrNoDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel = 263001

	// ErrInvalidStageFs is an error code denoting an invalid stage in the file system
	ErrInvalidStageFs = 264001
	// ErrFailedToDownloadFromStage is an error code denoting the failure to download a file from the stage
	ErrFailedToDownloadFromStage = 264002
	// ErrFailedToUploadToStage is an error code denoting the failure to upload a file to the stage
	ErrFailedToUploadToStage = 264003
	// ErrInvalidStageLocation is an error code denoting an invalid stage location
	ErrInvalidStageLocation = 264004
	// ErrLocalPathNotDirectory is an error code denoting a local path that is not a directory
	ErrLocalPathNotDirectory = 264005
	// ErrFileNotExists is an error code denoting the file to be transferred does not exist
	ErrFileNotExists = 264006
	// ErrCompressionNotSupported is an error code denoting the user specified compression type is not supported
	ErrCompressionNotSupported = 264007
	// ErrInternalNotMatchEncryptMaterial is an error code denoting the encryption material specified does not match
	ErrInternalNotMatchEncryptMaterial = 264008
	// ErrCommandNotRecognized is an error code denoting the PUT/GET command was not recognized
	ErrCommandNotRecognized = 264009
	// ErrFailedToConvertToS3Client is an error code denoting the failure of an interface to s3.Client conversion
	ErrFailedToConvertToS3Client = 264010
	// ErrNotImplemented is an error code denoting the file transfer feature is not implemented
	ErrNotImplemented = 264011
	// ErrInvalidPadding is an error code denoting the invalid padding of decryption key
	ErrInvalidPadding = 264012

	// ErrBindSerialization is an error code for a failed serialization of bind variables
	ErrBindSerialization = 265001
	// ErrBindUpload is an error code for the uploading process of bind elements to the stage
	ErrBindUpload = 265002

	// ErrAsync is an error code for an unknown async error
	ErrAsync = 266001

	// ErrNoResultIDs is an error code for empty result IDs for multi statement queries
	ErrNoResultIDs = 267001

	// ErrInvalidTimestampTz is an error code for the case where a returned TIMESTAMP_TZ internal value is invalid
	ErrInvalidTimestampTz = 268000
	// ErrInvalidOffsetStr is an error code for the case where an offset string is invalid. The input string must
	// consist of sHHMI where one sign character '+'/'-' followed by zero filled hours and minutes
	ErrInvalidOffsetStr = 268001
	// ErrInvalidBinaryHexForm is an error code for the case where a binary data in hex form is invalid.
	ErrInvalidBinaryHexForm = 268002
	// ErrTooHighTimestampPrecision is an error code for the case where cannot convert Snowflake timestamp to arrow.Timestamp
	ErrTooHighTimestampPrecision = 268003
	// ErrNullValueInArray is an error code for the case where there are null values in an array without arrayValuesNullable set to true
	ErrNullValueInArray = 268004
	// ErrNullValueInMap is an error code for the case where there are null values in a map without mapValuesNullable set to true
	ErrNullValueInMap = 268005

	// ErrOCSPStatusRevoked is an error code for the case where the certificate is revoked.
	ErrOCSPStatusRevoked = 269001
	// ErrOCSPStatusUnknown is an error code for the case where the certificate revocation status is unknown.
	ErrOCSPStatusUnknown = 269002
	// ErrOCSPInvalidValidity is an error code for the case where the OCSP response validity is invalid.
	ErrOCSPInvalidValidity = 269003
	// ErrOCSPNoOCSPResponderURL is an error code for the case where the OCSP responder URL is not attached.
	ErrOCSPNoOCSPResponderURL = 269004

	// ErrQueryStatus when check the status of a query, receive error or no status
	ErrQueryStatus = 279001
	// ErrQueryIDFormat the query ID given to fetch its result is not valid
	ErrQueryIDFormat = 279101
	// ErrQueryReportedError server side reports the query failed with error
	ErrQueryReportedError = 279201
	// ErrQueryIsRunning the query is still running
	ErrQueryIsRunning = 279301

	// ErrSessionGone is an GS error code for the case that session is already closed
	ErrSessionGone = 390111
	// ErrRoleNotExist is a GS error code for the case that the role specified does not exist
	ErrRoleNotExist = 390189
	// ErrObjectNotExistOrAuthorized is a GS error code for the case that the server-side object specified does not exist
	ErrObjectNotExistOrAuthorized = 390201
View Source
const (
	SFQueryRunning queryResultStatus = iota
	// SFQueryQueueRepairingWarehouse present in QueryDTO.java.
	// SFQueryBlocked is when a statement is waiting on a lock on resource held
	// by another statement.

Query Status defined at server side

View Source
const (
	// QueryStatusInProgress denotes a query execution in progress
	QueryStatusInProgress queryStatus = "queryStatusInProgress"
	// QueryStatusComplete denotes a completed query execution
	QueryStatusComplete queryStatus = "queryStatusComplete"
	// QueryFailed denotes a failed query
	QueryFailed queryStatus = "queryFailed"
View Source
const (
	// SQLStateNumericValueOutOfRange is a SQL State code indicating Numeric value is out of range.
	SQLStateNumericValueOutOfRange = "22003"
	// SQLStateInvalidDataTimeFormat is a SQL State code indicating DataTime format is invalid.
	SQLStateInvalidDataTimeFormat = "22007"
	// SQLStateConnectionWasNotEstablished is a SQL State code indicating connection was not established.
	SQLStateConnectionWasNotEstablished = "08001"
	// SQLStateConnectionRejected is a SQL State code indicating connection was rejected.
	SQLStateConnectionRejected = "08004"
	// SQLStateConnectionFailure is a SQL State code indicating connection failed.
	SQLStateConnectionFailure = "08006"
	// SQLStateFeatureNotSupported is a SQL State code indicating the feature is not enabled.
	SQLStateFeatureNotSupported = "0A000"
View Source
const SFSessionIDKey contextKey = "LOG_SESSION_ID"

SFSessionIDKey is context key of session id

View Source
const SFSessionUserKey contextKey = "LOG_USER"

SFSessionUserKey is context key of user id of a session

View Source
const SnowflakeGoDriverVersion = "1.11.0"

SnowflakeGoDriverVersion is the version of Go Snowflake Driver.


View Source
var (
	// DataTypeFixed is a FIXED datatype.
	DataTypeFixed = []byte{fixedType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeReal is a REAL datatype.
	DataTypeReal = []byte{realType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeText is a TEXT datatype.
	DataTypeText = []byte{textType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeDate is a Date datatype.
	DataTypeDate = []byte{dateType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeVariant is a TEXT datatype.
	DataTypeVariant = []byte{variantType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeTimestampLtz is a TIMESTAMP_LTZ datatype.
	DataTypeTimestampLtz = []byte{timestampLtzType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeTimestampNtz is a TIMESTAMP_NTZ datatype.
	DataTypeTimestampNtz = []byte{timestampNtzType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeTimestampTz is a TIMESTAMP_TZ datatype.
	DataTypeTimestampTz = []byte{timestampTzType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeObject is a OBJECT datatype.
	DataTypeObject = []byte{objectType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeArray is a ARRAY datatype.
	DataTypeArray = []byte{arrayType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeBinary is a BINARY datatype.
	DataTypeBinary = []byte{binaryType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeTime is a TIME datatype.
	DataTypeTime = []byte{timeType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeBoolean is a BOOLEAN datatype.
	DataTypeBoolean = []byte{booleanType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeNilObject represents a nil structured object.
	DataTypeNilObject = []byte{nilObjectType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeNilArray represents a nil structured array.
	DataTypeNilArray = []byte{nilArrayType.Byte()}
	// DataTypeNilMap represents a nil structured map.
	DataTypeNilMap = []byte{nilMapType.Byte()}
View Source
var (
	// OcspCacheServerTimeout is a timeout for OCSP cache server.
	OcspCacheServerTimeout = defaultOCSPCacheServerTimeout
	// OcspResponderTimeout is a timeout for OCSP responders.
	OcspResponderTimeout = defaultOCSPResponderTimeout
	// OcspMaxRetryCount is a number of retires to OCSP (cache server and responders).
	OcspMaxRetryCount = defaultOCSPMaxRetryCount
View Source
var (
	// MaxChunkDownloadWorkers specifies the maximum number of goroutines used to download chunks
	MaxChunkDownloadWorkers = 10

	// CustomJSONDecoderEnabled has the chunk downloader use the custom JSON decoder to reduce memory footprint.
	CustomJSONDecoderEnabled = false
View Source
var LogKeys = [...]contextKey{SFSessionIDKey, SFSessionUserKey}

LogKeys registers string-typed context keys to be written to the logs when logger.WithContext is used

View Source
var SnowflakeTransport = &http.Transport{
	TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
		RootCAs:               certPool,
		VerifyPeerCertificate: verifyPeerCertificateSerial,
	MaxIdleConns:    10,
	IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Minute,
	Proxy:           http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
	DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
		Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
		KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,

SnowflakeTransport includes the certificate revocation check with OCSP in sequential. By default, the driver uses this transport object.

View Source
var SnowflakeTransportTest = SnowflakeTransport

SnowflakeTransportTest includes the certificate revocation check in parallel


func Array

func Array(a interface{}, typ ...timezoneType) interface{}

Array takes in a column of a row to be inserted via array binding, bulk or otherwise, and converts it into a native snowflake type for binding

func DSN

func DSN(cfg *Config) (dsn string, err error)

DSN constructs a DSN for Snowflake db.

func GetFromEnv

func GetFromEnv(name string, failOnMissing bool) (string, error)

GetFromEnv is used to get the value of an environment variable from the system

func Location

func Location(offset int) *time.Location

Location returns an offset (minutes) based Location object for Snowflake database.

func LocationWithOffsetString

func LocationWithOffsetString(offsets string) (loc *time.Location, err error)

LocationWithOffsetString returns an offset based Location object. The offset string must consist of sHHMI where one sign character '+'/'-' followed by zero filled hours and minutes.

func RegisterLogContextHook

func RegisterLogContextHook(contextKey string, ctxExtractor ClientLogContextHook)

RegisterLogContextHook registers a hook that can be used to extract fields from the Context and associated with log messages using the provided key. This function is not thread-safe and should only be called on startup.

func SFCallerPrettyfier

func SFCallerPrettyfier(frame *runtime.Frame) (string, string)

SFCallerPrettyfier to provide base file name and function name from calling frame used in SFLogger

func SetLogger

func SetLogger(inLogger *SFLogger)

SetLogger set a new logger of SFLogger interface for gosnowflake

func WithArrayValuesNullable

func WithArrayValuesNullable(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithArrayValuesNullable changes how array values are returned. Instead of simple values (like string) sql.NullXXX wrappers (like sql.NullString) are used.

func WithArrowAllocator

func WithArrowAllocator(ctx context.Context, pool memory.Allocator) context.Context

WithArrowAllocator returns a context embedding the provided allocator which will be utilized by chunk downloaders when constructing Arrow objects.

func WithArrowBatches

func WithArrowBatches(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithArrowBatches returns a context that allows users to retrieve arrow.Record download workers upon querying

func WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption

func WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption(ctx context.Context, option snowflakeArrowBatchesTimestampOption) context.Context

WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption in combination with WithArrowBatches returns a context that allows users to retrieve arrow.Record with different timestamp options. UseNanosecondTimestamp: arrow.Timestamp in nanosecond precision, could cause ErrTooHighTimestampPrecision if arrow.Timestamp cannot fit original timestamp values. UseMicrosecondTimestamp: arrow.Timestamp in microsecond precision UseMillisecondTimestamp: arrow.Timestamp in millisecond precision UseSecondTimestamp: arrow.Timestamp in second precision UseOriginalTimestamp: original timestamp struct returned by Snowflake. It can be used in case arrow.Timestamp cannot fit original timestamp values.

func WithArrowBatchesUtf8Validation

func WithArrowBatchesUtf8Validation(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithArrowBatchesUtf8Validation in combination with WithArrowBatches returns a context that will validate and replace invalid UTF-8 characters in string columns with the replacement character Theoretically, this should not be necessary, because arrow string column is only intended to contain valid UTF-8 characters. However, in practice, it is possible that the data in the string column is not valid UTF-8.

func WithAsyncMode

func WithAsyncMode(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithAsyncMode returns a context that allows execution of query in async mode

func WithDescribeOnly

func WithDescribeOnly(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithDescribeOnly returns a context that enables a describe only query

func WithFetchResultByID

func WithFetchResultByID(ctx context.Context, queryID string) context.Context

WithFetchResultByID returns a context that allows retrieving the result by query ID

func WithFileStream

func WithFileStream(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader) context.Context

WithFileStream returns a context that contains the address of the file stream to be PUT

func WithFileTransferOptions

func WithFileTransferOptions(ctx context.Context, options *SnowflakeFileTransferOptions) context.Context

WithFileTransferOptions returns a context that contains the address of file transfer options

func WithHigherPrecision

func WithHigherPrecision(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithHigherPrecision returns a context that enables higher precision by returning a *big.Int or *big.Float variable when querying rows for column types with numbers that don't fit into its native Golang counterpart When used in combination with WithArrowBatches, original BigDecimal in arrow batches will be preserved.

func WithMapValuesNullable

func WithMapValuesNullable(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithMapValuesNullable changes how map values are returned. Instead of simple values (like string) sql.NullXXX wrappers (like sql.NullString) are used.

func WithMultiStatement

func WithMultiStatement(ctx context.Context, num int) (context.Context, error)

WithMultiStatement returns a context that allows the user to execute the desired number of sql queries in one query

func WithOriginalTimestamp deprecated

func WithOriginalTimestamp(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithOriginalTimestamp in combination with WithArrowBatches returns a context that allows users to retrieve arrow.Record with original timestamp struct returned by Snowflake. It can be used in case arrow.Timestamp cannot fit original timestamp values.

Deprecated: please use WithArrowBatchesTimestampOption instead.

func WithQueryIDChan

func WithQueryIDChan(ctx context.Context, c chan<- string) context.Context

WithQueryIDChan returns a context that contains the channel to receive the query ID

func WithQueryTag

func WithQueryTag(ctx context.Context, tag string) context.Context

WithQueryTag returns a context that will set the given tag as the QUERY_TAG parameter on any queries that are run

func WithRequestID

func WithRequestID(ctx context.Context, requestID UUID) context.Context

WithRequestID returns a new context with the specified snowflake request id

func WithStreamDownloader

func WithStreamDownloader(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithStreamDownloader returns a context that allows the use of a stream based chunk downloader

func WithStructuredTypesEnabled

func WithStructuredTypesEnabled(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithStructuredTypesEnabled changes how structured types are returned. Without this context structured types are returned as strings. With this context enabled, structured types are returned as native Go types.


type ArrayOfScanners

type ArrayOfScanners[T sql.Scanner] []T

ArrayOfScanners Helper type for scanning array of sql.Scanner values.

func ScanArrayOfScanners

func ScanArrayOfScanners[T sql.Scanner](value *[]T) *ArrayOfScanners[T]

ScanArrayOfScanners is a helper function for scanning arrays of sql.Scanner values. Example:

var res []*simpleObject
err := rows.Scan(ScanArrayOfScanners(&res))

func (*ArrayOfScanners[T]) Scan

func (st *ArrayOfScanners[T]) Scan(val any) error

type ArrowBatch

type ArrowBatch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArrowBatch object represents a chunk of data, or subset of rows, retrievable in arrow.Record format

func (*ArrowBatch) ArrowSnowflakeTimestampToTime

func (rb *ArrowBatch) ArrowSnowflakeTimestampToTime(rec arrow.Record, colIdx int, recIdx int) *time.Time

ArrowSnowflakeTimestampToTime converts original timestamp returned by Snowflake to time.Time

func (*ArrowBatch) Fetch

func (rb *ArrowBatch) Fetch() (*[]arrow.Record, error)

Fetch returns an array of records representing a chunk in the query

func (*ArrowBatch) GetRowCount

func (rb *ArrowBatch) GetRowCount() int

GetRowCount returns the number of rows in an arrow batch

func (*ArrowBatch) WithContext

func (rb *ArrowBatch) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ArrowBatch

WithContext sets the context which will be used for this ArrowBatch.

type ArrowStreamBatch

type ArrowStreamBatch struct {
	Loc *time.Location
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ArrowStreamBatch is a type describing a potentially yet-to-be-downloaded Arrow IPC stream. Call `GetStream` to download and retrieve an io.Reader that can be used with ipc.NewReader to get record batch results.

func (*ArrowStreamBatch) GetStream

func (asb *ArrowStreamBatch) GetStream(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)

GetStream returns a stream of bytes consisting of an Arrow IPC Record batch stream. Close should be called on the returned stream when done to ensure no leaked memory.

func (*ArrowStreamBatch) NumRows

func (asb *ArrowStreamBatch) NumRows() int64

NumRows returns the total number of rows that the metadata stated should be in this stream of record batches.

type ArrowStreamLoader

type ArrowStreamLoader interface {
	GetBatches() ([]ArrowStreamBatch, error)
	TotalRows() int64
	RowTypes() []execResponseRowType
	Location() *time.Location
	JSONData() [][]*string

ArrowStreamLoader is a convenience interface for downloading Snowflake results via multiple Arrow Record Batch streams.

Some queries from Snowflake do not return Arrow data regardless of the settings, such as "SHOW WAREHOUSES". In these cases, you'll find TotalRows() > 0 but GetBatches returns no batches and no errors. In this case, the data is accessible via JSONData with the actual types matching up to the metadata in RowTypes.

type AuthType

type AuthType int

AuthType indicates the type of authentication in Snowflake

const (
	// AuthTypeSnowflake is the general username password authentication
	AuthTypeSnowflake AuthType = iota
	// AuthTypeOAuth is the OAuth authentication
	// AuthTypeExternalBrowser is to use a browser to access an Fed and perform SSO authentication
	// AuthTypeOkta is to use a native okta URL to perform SSO authentication on Okta
	// AuthTypeJwt is to use Jwt to perform authentication
	// AuthTypeTokenAccessor is to use the provided token accessor and bypass authentication
	// AuthTypeUsernamePasswordMFA is to use username and password with mfa

func (AuthType) String

func (authType AuthType) String() string

type ClientConfig

type ClientConfig struct {
	Common *ClientConfigCommonProps `json:"common"`

ClientConfig config root

type ClientConfigCommonProps

type ClientConfigCommonProps struct {
	LogLevel string `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
	LogPath  string `json:"log_path,omitempty"`

ClientConfigCommonProps properties from "common" section

type ClientLogContextHook

type ClientLogContextHook func(context.Context) string

ClientLogContextHook is a client-defined hook that can be used to insert log fields based on the Context.

type Config

type Config struct {
	Account   string // Account name
	User      string // Username
	Password  string // Password (requires User)
	Database  string // Database name
	Schema    string // Schema
	Warehouse string // Warehouse
	Role      string // Role
	Region    string // Region

	// ValidateDefaultParameters disable the validation checks for Database, Schema, Warehouse and Role
	// at the time a connection is established
	ValidateDefaultParameters ConfigBool

	Params map[string]*string // other connection parameters

	ClientIP net.IP // IP address for network check
	Protocol string // http or https (optional)
	Host     string // hostname (optional)
	Port     int    // port (optional)

	Authenticator AuthType // The authenticator type

	Passcode           string
	PasscodeInPassword bool

	OktaURL *url.URL

	LoginTimeout           time.Duration // Login retry timeout EXCLUDING network roundtrip and read out http response
	RequestTimeout         time.Duration // request retry timeout EXCLUDING network roundtrip and read out http response
	JWTExpireTimeout       time.Duration // JWT expire after timeout
	ClientTimeout          time.Duration // Timeout for network round trip + read out http response
	JWTClientTimeout       time.Duration // Timeout for network round trip + read out http response used when JWT token auth is taking place
	ExternalBrowserTimeout time.Duration // Timeout for external browser login
	MaxRetryCount          int           // Specifies how many times non-periodic HTTP request can be retried

	Application  string           // application name.
	InsecureMode bool             // driver doesn't check certificate revocation status
	OCSPFailOpen OCSPFailOpenMode // OCSP Fail Open

	Token            string        // Token to use for OAuth other forms of token based auth
	TokenAccessor    TokenAccessor // Optional token accessor to use
	KeepSessionAlive bool          // Enables the session to persist even after the connection is closed

	PrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey // Private key used to sign JWT

	Transporter http.RoundTripper // RoundTripper to intercept HTTP requests and responses

	DisableTelemetry bool // indicates whether to disable telemetry

	Tracing string // sets logging level

	TmpDirPath string // sets temporary directory used by a driver for operations like encrypting, compressing etc

	MfaToken                       string     // Internally used to cache the MFA token
	IDToken                        string     // Internally used to cache the Id Token for external browser
	ClientRequestMfaToken          ConfigBool // When true the MFA token is cached in the credential manager. True by default in Windows/OSX. False for Linux.
	ClientStoreTemporaryCredential ConfigBool // When true the ID token is cached in the credential manager. True by default in Windows/OSX. False for Linux.

	DisableQueryContextCache bool // Should HTAP query context cache be disabled

	IncludeRetryReason ConfigBool // Should retried request contain retry reason

	ClientConfigFile string // File path to the client configuration json file

	DisableConsoleLogin ConfigBool // Indicates whether console login should be disabled

	DisableSamlURLCheck ConfigBool // Indicates whether the SAML URL check should be disabled

Config is a set of configuration parameters

func GetConfigFromEnv

func GetConfigFromEnv(properties []*ConfigParam) (*Config, error)

GetConfigFromEnv is used to parse the environment variable values to specific fields of the Config

func ParseDSN

func ParseDSN(dsn string) (cfg *Config, err error)

ParseDSN parses the DSN string to a Config.

func (*Config) Validate

func (c *Config) Validate() error

Validate enables testing if config is correct. A driver client may call it manually, but it is also called during opening first connection.

type ConfigBool

type ConfigBool uint8

ConfigBool is a type to represent true or false in the Config

const (

	// ConfigBoolTrue represents true for the config field
	ConfigBoolTrue ConfigBool
	// ConfigBoolFalse represents false for the config field

type ConfigParam

type ConfigParam struct {
	Name          string
	EnvName       string
	FailOnMissing bool

ConfigParam is used to bind the name of the Config field with the environment variable and set the requirement for it

type Connector

type Connector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Connector creates Driver with the specified Config

func NewConnector

func NewConnector(driver InternalSnowflakeDriver, config Config) Connector

NewConnector creates a new connector with the given SnowflakeDriver and Config.

func (Connector) Connect

func (t Connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error)

Connect creates a new connection.

func (Connector) Driver

func (t Connector) Driver() driver.Driver

Driver creates a new driver.

type GoroutineWrapperFunc

type GoroutineWrapperFunc func(ctx context.Context, f func())

GoroutineWrapperFunc is used to wrap goroutines. This is useful if the caller wants to recover panics, rather than letting panics cause a system crash. A suggestion would be to use use the recover functionality, and log the panic as is most useful to you

var GoroutineWrapper GoroutineWrapperFunc = noopGoroutineWrapper

GoroutineWrapper is used to hold the GoroutineWrapperFunc set by the client, or to store the default goroutine wrapper which does nothing

type InternalClient

type InternalClient interface {
	Get(context.Context, *url.URL, map[string]string, time.Duration) (*http.Response, error)
	Post(context.Context, *url.URL, map[string]string, []byte, time.Duration, currentTimeProvider) (*http.Response, error)

InternalClient is implemented by HTTPClient

type InternalSnowflakeDriver

type InternalSnowflakeDriver interface {
	Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error)
	OpenWithConfig(ctx context.Context, config Config) (driver.Conn, error)

InternalSnowflakeDriver is the interface for an internal Snowflake driver

type MapOfScanners

type MapOfScanners[K comparable, V sql.Scanner] map[K]V

MapOfScanners Helper type for scanning map of sql.Scanner values.

func ScanMapOfScanners

func ScanMapOfScanners[K comparable, V sql.Scanner](m *map[K]V) *MapOfScanners[K, V]

ScanMapOfScanners is a helper function for scanning maps of sql.Scanner values. Example:

var res map[string]*simpleObject
err := rows.Scan(ScanMapOfScanners(&res))

func (*MapOfScanners[K, V]) Scan

func (st *MapOfScanners[K, V]) Scan(val any) error

type NilMapTypes

type NilMapTypes struct {
	Key   reflect.Type
	Value reflect.Type

NilMapTypes is used to define types when binding nil maps.

type OCSPFailOpenMode

type OCSPFailOpenMode uint32

OCSPFailOpenMode is OCSP fail open mode. OCSPFailOpenTrue by default and may set to ocspModeFailClosed for fail closed mode

const (

	// OCSPFailOpenTrue represents OCSP fail open mode.
	OCSPFailOpenTrue OCSPFailOpenMode
	// OCSPFailOpenFalse represents OCSP fail closed mode.

type ObjectType

type ObjectType struct {

ObjectType Empty marker of an object used in column type ScanType function

type SFLogger

type SFLogger interface {
	SetLogLevel(level string) error
	GetLogLevel() string
	WithContext(ctx context.Context) *rlog.Entry
	SetOutput(output io.Writer)
	CloseFileOnLoggerReplace(file *os.File) error
	Replace(newLogger *SFLogger)

SFLogger Snowflake logger interface to expose FieldLogger defined in logrus

func CreateDefaultLogger

func CreateDefaultLogger() SFLogger

CreateDefaultLogger return a new instance of SFLogger with default config

func GetLogger

func GetLogger() SFLogger

GetLogger return logger that is not public

type SnowflakeConnection

type SnowflakeConnection interface {
	GetQueryStatus(ctx context.Context, queryID string) (*SnowflakeQueryStatus, error)

SnowflakeConnection is a wrapper to snowflakeConn that exposes API functions

type SnowflakeDriver

type SnowflakeDriver struct{}

SnowflakeDriver is a context of Go Driver

func (SnowflakeDriver) Open

func (d SnowflakeDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error)

Open creates a new connection.

func (SnowflakeDriver) OpenWithConfig

func (d SnowflakeDriver) OpenWithConfig(ctx context.Context, config Config) (driver.Conn, error)

OpenWithConfig creates a new connection with the given Config.

type SnowflakeError

type SnowflakeError struct {
	Number         int
	SQLState       string
	QueryID        string
	Message        string
	MessageArgs    []interface{}
	IncludeQueryID bool // TODO: populate this in connection

SnowflakeError is a error type including various Snowflake specific information.

func (*SnowflakeError) Error

func (se *SnowflakeError) Error() string

type SnowflakeFileTransferOptions

type SnowflakeFileTransferOptions struct {
	RaisePutGetError   bool
	MultiPartThreshold int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnowflakeFileTransferOptions enables users to specify options regarding files transfers such as PUT/GET

type SnowflakeParameter

type SnowflakeParameter struct {
	Key                       string
	Value                     string
	Default                   string
	Level                     string
	Description               string
	SetByUser                 string
	SetInJob                  string
	SetOn                     string
	SetByThreadID             string
	SetByThreadName           string
	SetByClass                string
	ParameterComment          string
	Type                      string
	IsExpired                 string
	ExpiresAt                 string
	SetByControllingParameter string
	ActivateVersion           string
	PartialRollout            string
	Unknown                   string // Reserve for added parameter

SnowflakeParameter includes the columns output from SHOW PARAMETER command.

func ScanSnowflakeParameter

func ScanSnowflakeParameter(rows *sql.Rows) (*SnowflakeParameter, error)

ScanSnowflakeParameter binds SnowflakeParameter variable with an array of column buffer.

type SnowflakeQueryStatus

type SnowflakeQueryStatus struct {
	SQLText      string
	StartTime    int64
	EndTime      int64
	ErrorCode    string
	ErrorMessage string
	ScanBytes    int64
	ProducedRows int64

SnowflakeQueryStatus is the query status metadata of a snowflake query

type SnowflakeResult

type SnowflakeResult interface {
	GetQueryID() string
	GetStatus() queryStatus
	GetArrowBatches() ([]*ArrowBatch, error)

SnowflakeResult provides an API for methods exposed to the clients

type SnowflakeRows

type SnowflakeRows interface {
	GetQueryID() string
	GetStatus() queryStatus
	GetArrowBatches() ([]*ArrowBatch, error)

SnowflakeRows provides an API for methods exposed to the clients

type SnowflakeStmt

type SnowflakeStmt interface {
	GetQueryID() string

SnowflakeStmt represents the prepared statement in driver.

type StructuredObject

type StructuredObject interface {
	GetString(fieldName string) (string, error)
	GetNullString(fieldName string) (sql.NullString, error)
	GetByte(fieldName string) (byte, error)
	GetNullByte(fieldName string) (sql.NullByte, error)
	GetInt16(fieldName string) (int16, error)
	GetNullInt16(fieldName string) (sql.NullInt16, error)
	GetInt32(fieldName string) (int32, error)
	GetNullInt32(fieldName string) (sql.NullInt32, error)
	GetInt64(fieldName string) (int64, error)
	GetNullInt64(fieldName string) (sql.NullInt64, error)
	GetBigInt(fieldName string) (*big.Int, error)
	GetFloat32(fieldName string) (float32, error)
	GetFloat64(fieldName string) (float64, error)
	GetNullFloat64(fieldName string) (sql.NullFloat64, error)
	GetBigFloat(fieldName string) (*big.Float, error)
	GetBool(fieldName string) (bool, error)
	GetNullBool(fieldName string) (sql.NullBool, error)
	GetBytes(fieldName string) ([]byte, error)
	GetTime(fieldName string) (time.Time, error)
	GetNullTime(fieldName string) (sql.NullTime, error)
	GetStruct(fieldName string, scanner sql.Scanner) (sql.Scanner, error)
	GetRaw(fieldName string) (any, error)
	ScanTo(sc sql.Scanner) error

StructuredObject is a representation of structured object for reading.

type StructuredObjectWriter

type StructuredObjectWriter interface {
	Write(sowc StructuredObjectWriterContext) error

StructuredObjectWriter is an interface to implement, when binding structured objects.

type StructuredObjectWriterContext

type StructuredObjectWriterContext interface {
	WriteString(fieldName string, value string) error
	WriteNullString(fieldName string, value sql.NullString) error
	WriteByt(fieldName string, value byte) error // WriteByte name is prohibited by go vet
	WriteNullByte(fieldName string, value sql.NullByte) error
	WriteInt16(fieldName string, value int16) error
	WriteNullInt16(fieldName string, value sql.NullInt16) error
	WriteInt32(fieldName string, value int32) error
	WriteNullInt32(fieldName string, value sql.NullInt32) error
	WriteInt64(fieldName string, value int64) error
	WriteNullInt64(fieldName string, value sql.NullInt64) error
	WriteFloat32(fieldName string, value float32) error
	WriteFloat64(fieldName string, value float64) error
	WriteNullFloat64(fieldName string, value sql.NullFloat64) error
	WriteBytes(fieldName string, value []byte) error
	WriteBool(fieldName string, value bool) error
	WriteNullBool(fieldName string, value sql.NullBool) error
	WriteTime(fieldName string, value time.Time, tsmode []byte) error
	WriteNullTime(fieldName string, value sql.NullTime, tsmode []byte) error
	WriteStruct(fieldName string, value StructuredObjectWriter) error
	WriteNullableStruct(fieldName string, value StructuredObjectWriter, typ reflect.Type) error
	// WriteRaw is used for inserting slices and maps only.
	WriteRaw(fieldName string, value any, tsmode ...[]byte) error
	// WriteNullRaw is used for inserting nil slices and maps only.
	WriteNullRaw(fieldName string, typ reflect.Type, tsmode ...[]byte) error
	WriteAll(sow StructuredObjectWriter) error

StructuredObjectWriterContext is a helper interface to write particular fields of structured object.

type TokenAccessor

type TokenAccessor interface {
	GetTokens() (token string, masterToken string, sessionID int64)
	SetTokens(token string, masterToken string, sessionID int64)
	Lock() error

TokenAccessor manages the session token and master token

type TypedNullTime

type TypedNullTime struct {
	Time   sql.NullTime
	TzType timezoneType

TypedNullTime is required to properly bind the null value with the snowflakeType as the Snowflake functions require the type of the field to be provided explicitly for the null values

type UUID

type UUID [16]byte

UUID is a RFC4122 compliant uuid type

func NewUUID

func NewUUID() UUID

NewUUID creates a new snowflake UUID

func ParseUUID

func ParseUUID(str string) UUID

ParseUUID parses a string of xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx into its UUID form

func (UUID) String

func (u UUID) String() string


Path Synopsis
Package jsonresultset is a benchmark for large json result sets
Package jsonresultset is a benchmark for large json result sets
Package largesetresult is a benchmark for large result sets
Package largesetresult is a benchmark for large result sets
Example: Files transfer using PUT/GET commands
Example: Files transfer using PUT/GET commands
Example: client session keep alive By default, the token expires in 4 hours if the connection is idle.
Example: client session keep alive By default, the token expires in 4 hours if the connection is idle.
Example: No connection pool
Example: No connection pool
Example: Authenticate with OAuth.
Example: Authenticate with OAuth.
Example: Fetch one row.
Example: Fetch one row.
Example: Fetch many rows and allow cancel the query by Ctrl+C.
Example: Fetch many rows and allow cancel the query by Ctrl+C.
Example: Set the session parameter in DSN and verify it
Example: Set the session parameter in DSN and verify it
Example: Verify SSL/TLS certificate with OCSP revocation check
Example: Verify SSL/TLS certificate with OCSP revocation check

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JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳