
The Blank package offers two main functionalities.
Blank can remove whitespace from a string.
The package defines whitepsace as a character that is not typically visible.
These characters range anywhere from the ordinary space to a less common vertical tab.
Blank can check if a string is blank.
The package considers a string to be blank if it is comprised solely of whitespace.
If you do not have Go installed yet, you can find installation instructions
To pull the most recent version of Blank, use go get
go get -u
Then import the package into your project.
import ""
Whitespace Removal
The package considers whitespace to be any character that is not typically visible.
The most common of these characters are: space, tab, newline, return, formfeed, nonbreaking space, and vertical tab.
For more information, visit the unicode package and the unicode seperator category.
To remove the whitespace from a string, use the Remove
phrase := "this is a phrase"
str := blank.Remove(phrase)
// output: "thisisaphrase"
Blank Detection
The package considers a string to be blank if it is comprised solely of whitespace.
For example, assume we are creating a search function that takes a string as a search query.
We want to avoid searching for blank queries.
Blank queries can be detected using the Is
func search(qry string) error {
if blank.Is(qry) {
// return error
// rest of code
Similarly, the Has
function can process an entire slice of strings; it will check if any of the strings are blank.
Let's slightly alter our example.
Assume the search function takes a slice of strings as a list of queries.
We still want to avoid seraching for blank queries.
Blank queries can be detected using the Has
func search(qrs []string) error {
if blank.Has(qrs) {
// return error
// rest of code
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- Submit an issue describing the problem.
- Fork the repo and add your contribution.
- Add appropriate tests.
- Run go fmt, go vet, and golint.
- Prefer idiomatic Go over non-idiomatic code.
- Follow the basic Go conventions found here.
- If in doubt, try to match your code to the current codebase.
- Create a pull request with a description of your changes.
I'll review pull requests as they come in and merge them if everything checks out.
Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!