
package module
v0.15.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 1, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 26 Imported by: 17


IBM Cloud Go SDK Version 0.15.1


Build Status GoDoc

keyprotect-go-client is a Go client library for interacting with the IBM KeyProtect service.

Questions / Support

There are many channels for asking questions about KeyProtect and this client.

  • Ask a question on Stackoverflow and tag it with key-protect and ibm-cloud
  • Open a Github Issue
  • If you work at IBM and have access to the internal Slack, you can join the #key-protect channel and ask there.


This client expects that you have an existing IBM Cloud Key Protect Service Instance. To get started, visit the IBM KeyProtect Catalog Page.

Build a client with ClientConfig and New, then use the client to do some operations.

import kp ""

// Use your IAM API Key and your KeyProtect Service Instance GUID/UUID to create a ClientConfig
cc := kp.ClientConfig{
	BaseURL:       kp.DefaultBaseURL,
	APIKey:        "......",
	InstanceID:    "1234abcd-906d-438a-8a68-deadbeef1a2b3",

// Build a new client from the config
client := kp.New(cc, kp.DefaultTransport())

// List keys in your KeyProtect instance
keys, err := client.GetKeys(context.Background(), 0, 0)

For users of the original key-protect-client that is now deprecated, this library is a drop in replacement. Updating the package reference to should be the only change needed. If you are worried about new incompatible changes, version v0.3.1 of key-protect-client is equivalent to version v0.3.3 of keyprotect-go-client, so pinning v0.3.3 of the new library should be sufficient to pull from the new repo with no new functional changes.


The KeyProtect client requires a valid IAM API Key that is passed via the APIKey field in the ClientConfig. The client will call IAM to get an access token for that API key, caches the access token, and reuses that token on subsequent calls. If the access token is expired, the client will call IAM to get a new access token.

Alternatively, you may also inject your own tokens during runtime. When using your own tokens, it's the responsibilty of the caller to ensure the access token is valid and is not expired. You can specify the access token in either the ClientConfig structure or on the context (see below.)

To specify authorization token on the context:

// Create a ClientConfig and Client like before, but without an APIKey
cc := kp.ClientConfig{
	BaseURL:       kp.DefaultBaseURL,
	InstanceID:    "1234abcd-906d-438a-8a68-deadbeef1a2b3",
client := kp.New(cc, kp.DefaultTransport())

// Use NewContextWithAuth to add your token into the context
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = kp.NewContextWithAuth(ctx, "Bearer ABCDEF123456....")

// List keys with our injected token via the context
keys, err := api.GetKeys(ctx, 0, 0)

For information on IAM API Keys and tokens please refer to the IAM docs

Finding a KeyProtect Service Instance's UUID

The client requires a valid UUID that identifies your KeyProtect Service Instance to be able to interact with your key data in the instance. An instance is somewhat like a folder or directory of keys; you can have many of them per account, but the keys they contain are separate and cannot be shared between instances.

The IBM Cloud CLI can be used to find the UUID for your KeyProtect instance.

$ ic resource service-instances
Name                                                              Location   State    Type
Key Protect-private                                               us-south   active   service_instance
Key Protect-abc123                                                us-east    active   service_instance

Find the name of your KeyProtect instance as you created it, and the use the client to get its details. The Instance ID is the GUID field, or if you do not see GUID, it will be the last part of the CRN. For example:

$ ic resource service-instance "Key Protect-private"

Name:                  Key Protect-private
ID:                    crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/.......:1234abcd-906d-438a-8a68-deadbeef1a2b3::
GUID:                  1234abcd-906d-438a-8a68-deadbeef1a2b3


Generating a root key (CRK)
// Create a root key named MyRootKey with no expiration
key, err := client.CreateRootKey(ctx, "MyRootKey", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(key.ID, key.Name)

crkID := key.ID
Generating a root key with policy overrides (CRK)
enable := true
// Specify policy data
policy := kp.Policy{
  Rotation: &kp.Rotation{
    Enabled:  &enable,
    Interval: 3,
  DualAuth: &kp.DualAuth{
    Enabled:  &enable,

// Create a root key named MyRootKey with a rotation and a dualAuthDelete policy
key, err := client.CreateRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx, "MyRootKey", nil, nil, policy)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(key.ID, key.Name)

crkID := key.ID
Wrapping and Unwrapping a DEK using a specific Root Key.
myDEK := []byte{"thisisadataencryptionkey"}
// Do some encryption with myDEK
// Wrap the DEK so we can safely store it
wrappedDEK, err := client.Wrap(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, myDEK, nil)

// Unwrap the DEK
dek, err := client.Unwrap(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, wrappedDEK, nil)
// Do some encryption/decryption using the DEK
// Discard the DEK
dek = nil

Note you can also pass additional authentication data (AAD) to wrap and unwrap calls to provide another level of protection for your DEK. The AAD is a string array with each element up to 255 chars. For example:

myAAD := []string{"First aad string", "second aad string", "third aad string"}
myDEK := []byte{"thisisadataencryptionkey"}
// Do some encryption with myDEK
// Wrap the DEK so we can safely store it
wrappedDEK, err := client.Wrap(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, myDEK, &myAAD)

// Unwrap the DEK
dek, err := client.Unwrap(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, wrappedDEK, &myAAD)
// Do some encryption/decryption using the DEK
// Discard the DEK
dek = nil

Have key protect create a DEK for you:

  • To Get the keyversion along with DEK and wrapped DEK use WrapCreateDEKV2()
dek, wrappedDek, err := client.WrapCreateDEK(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, nil)
// Do some encrypt/decrypt with the dek
// Discard the DEK
dek = nil

// Save the wrapped DEK for later.  Use Unwrap to use it.

Can also specify AAD:

myAAD := []string{"First aad string", "second aad string", "third aad string"}
dek, wrappedDek, err := client.WrapCreateDEK(ctx, crkIDOrAlias, &myAAD)
// Do some encrypt/decrypt with the dek
// Discard the DEK
dek = nil

// Save the wrapped DEK for later.  Call Unwrap to use it, make
// sure to specify the same AAD.
Fetching keys based on query parameters

limit := uint32(5)
offset := uint32(0)
extractable := false
keyStates := []kp.KeyState{kp.KeyState(kp.Active), kp.KeyState(kp.Suspended)}
searchStr := "foobar"
searchQuery, _ := kp.GetKeySearchQuery(&searchStr, kp.ApplyNot(), kp.AddAliasScope())

listKeysOptions := &kp.ListKeysOptions{
  Limit : &limit,
  Offset : &offset,
  Extractable : &extractable,
  State : keyStates,
  Search: searchQuery,

keys, err := client.ListKeys(ctx, listKeysOptions)
if err != nil {
Fetching keys in ascending or descending sorted order of parameters
srtStr, _ := kp.GetKeySortStr(kp.WithCreationDate(), WithImportedDesc())

listKeysOptions := &kp.ListKeysOptions{

keys, err := client.ListKeys(ctx, listKeysOptions)
if err != nil {

For more information about KeySearch visit:

Fetching key versions based on query parameters

limit := uint32(2)
offset := uint32(0)
totalCount := true

listkeyVersionsOptions := &kp.ListKeyVersionsOptions{
  Limit : &limit,
  Offset : &offset,
  TotalCount : &totalCount,

keyVersions, err := client.ListKeyVersions(ctx, "key_id_or_alias", listkeyVersionsOptions)
if err != nil {
Enable instance rotation policy

intervalMonth := 3
enable := true

err := client.SetRotationInstancePolicy(context.Background(), enable, &intervalMonth)
if err != nil {

rotationInstancePolicy, err := client.GetRotationInstancePolicy(context.Background())
if err != nil {
Set key rotation policy

rotationInterval := 3
enabled := true
keyRotationPolicy, err := client.SetRotationPolicy(context.Background(), "key_id_or_alias", rotationInterval, enabled)
if err != nil {
Enable key rotation policy

keyRotationPolicy, err := client.EnableRotationPolicy(context.Background(), "key_id_or_alias")
if err != nil {
List keys based on filter properties
// Option-1 - Directly passing the filter query in the format that the API supports.
filterQuery := "creationDate=gt:\"2022-07-05T00:00:00Z\" state=1,5 extractable=false"

listKeysOptions := &kp.ListKeysOptions{

keys, err := client.ListKeys(ctx, listKeysOptions)
if err != nil {

// Option-2 - Using the builder provided by SDK to construct the filter query
fb := kp.GetFilterQueryBuilder()
dateQ := time.Date(2022, 07, 04, 07, 43, 23, 100, time.UTC)

filterQuery := fb.CreationDate().GreaterThan(dateQ).
	State([]kp.KeyState{kp.KeyState(kp.Destroyed), kp.KeyState(kp.Active)}).

listKeysOptions := &kp.ListKeysOptions{

keys, err := client.ListKeys(ctx, listKeysOptions)
if err != nil {
Support for Adding Custom Header
  1. From ServiceClient (For Every API Call)
cc := kp.ClientConfig{
    BaseURL:    "BASE_URL",
    APIKey:     "API_KEY",
    InstanceID: "INSTANCE_ID",
    Headers: http.Header{
      "Custom-Header":  {"Custom-Value"},
  1. From ServiceCall (Per API Call)
  • Define Header just before the API Call and Empty out when done.
client.Config.Headers = make(http.Header))
client.Config.Headers.Set("Custom-Header", "Custom-Header-Value")

key, err := client.CreateKey(params)
  if err != nil {

client.Config.Headers = http.Header{}



keyprotect-go-client is a Go client library for interacting with the IBM KeyProtect service.

keyprotect-go-client is a Go client library for interacting with the IBM KeyProtect service.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func NewClient() (*kp.Client, error) {
	instanceId, ok := os.LookupEnv("KP_INSTANCE_ID")
	if !ok {
		panic("Must set KP_INSTANCE_ID")

	apiKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("IBMCLOUD_API_KEY")
	if !ok {
		panic("Must set IBMCLOUD_API_KEY")
	if apiKey == "" {
		panic("IBMCLOUD_API_KEY was empty")

	cc := kp.ClientConfig{
		BaseURL:    "",
		APIKey:     apiKey,
		InstanceID: instanceId,

	return kp.New(cc, kp.DefaultTransport())

func main() {
	c, _ := NewClient()

	ctx := context.Background()

	// List keys in the current instance
	keys, err := c.GetKeys(ctx, 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
	for _, key := range keys.Keys {
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n", key)

	// Create a new non-exportable key
	crk, err := c.CreateKey(ctx, "kp-go-example-crk", nil, false)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("CRK created successfully: id=%s\n", crk.ID)

	// Create a new DEK and WDEK pair, using the root key from above.
	// The DEK is a piece of secret information that is used for encrypt/decrypt.
	// The WDEK (or wrapped DEK) is used to retrieve the DEK when you need it again.
	ptDek, wdek, err := c.WrapCreateDEK(ctx, crk.ID, nil)
	if err != nil {

	// Unwrap our WDEK, getting back the corresponding DEK
	unwrapped, _, err := c.UnwrapV2(ctx, crk.ID, wdek, nil)

	if string(unwrapped) != string(ptDek) {
		panic("Unwrapped DEK did not match DEK from Wrap!")

	// Delete the root key in KeyProtect.
	// Any WDEKs created with the root key will no longer be able to be unwrapped.
	// If you didn't store your DEKs elsewhere, all the data encrypted by those DEKs
	// is now crypto-erased.
	// For some this is a feature. For others it might be a nightmare.
	// Make very sure that the key should be deleted.
	_, err = c.DeleteKey(ctx, crk.ID, 0)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error deleting key: %s\n", err))
	fmt.Printf("Key deleted: id=%s\n", crk.ID)




View Source
const (
	// AlgorithmRSAOAEP256 denotes RSA OAEP SHA 256 encryption, supported by KP
	AlgorithmRSAOAEP256 string = "RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256"
	// AlgorithmRSAOAEP1 denotes RSA OAEP SHA 1 encryption, supported by HPCS
	AlgorithmRSAOAEP1 string = "RSAES_OAEP_SHA_1"

EncryptionAlgorithm represents the encryption algorithm used for key creation

View Source
const (
	// AllowedNetwork defines the policy type as allowed network
	AllowedNetwork = "allowedNetwork"

	// AllowedIP defines the policy type as allowed ip that are whitelisted
	AllowedIP = "allowedIP"

	// Metrics defines the policy type as metrics
	Metrics = "metrics"
	// KeyAccess defines the policy type as key create import access
	KeyCreateImportAccess = "keyCreateImportAccess"

	// KeyAccess policy attributes
	CreateRootKey     = "CreateRootKey"
	CreateStandardKey = "CreateStandardKey"
	ImportRootKey     = "ImportRootKey"
	ImportStandardKey = "ImportStandardKey"
	EnforceToken      = "EnforceToken"
View Source
const (
	// DefaultBaseURL ...
	DefaultBaseURL = ""
	// DefaultTokenURL ..
	DefaultTokenURL = iam.IAMTokenURL

	// VerboseNone ...
	VerboseNone = 0
	// VerboseBodyOnly ...
	VerboseBodyOnly = 1
	// VerboseAll ...
	VerboseAll = 2
	// VerboseFailOnly ...
	VerboseFailOnly = 3
	// VerboseAllNoRedact ...
	VerboseAllNoRedact = 4
View Source
const (
	// DualAuthDelete defines the policy type as dual auth delete
	DualAuthDelete = "dualAuthDelete"

	//RotationPolicy defines the policy type as rotation
	RotationPolicy = "rotation"
View Source
const (
	KMIP_Profile_Native = "native_1.0"


View Source
var (
	// RetryWaitMax is the maximum time to wait between HTTP retries
	RetryWaitMax = 30 * time.Second

	// RetryMax is the max number of attempts to retry for failed HTTP requests
	RetryMax = 4


func DefaultTransport

func DefaultTransport() http.RoundTripper

DefaultTransport ...

func EncryptKey

func EncryptKey(key, pubkey string) (string, error)

EncryptKey will encrypt the user key-material with the public key from key protect

func EncryptKeyWithSHA1 added in v0.5.0

func EncryptKeyWithSHA1(key, pubKey string) (string, error)

EncryptKeyWithSHA1 uses sha1 to encrypt the key

func EncryptNonce

func EncryptNonce(key, value, iv string) (string, string, error)

EncryptNonce will wrap the KP generated nonce with the users key-material

func EncryptNonceWithCBCPAD added in v0.5.0

func EncryptNonceWithCBCPAD(key, value, iv string) (string, string, error)

EncryptNonceWithCBCPAD encrypts the nonce using the user's key-material with CBC encrypter. It will also pad the nonce using pkcs7. This is needed for Hyper Protect Crypto Services, since it supports only CBC Encryption.

func GetCorrelationID added in v0.5.4

func GetCorrelationID(ctx context.Context) *uuid.UUID

GetCorrelationID returns the correlation ID from the context

func GetKeySearchQuery added in v0.8.1

func GetKeySearchQuery(searchStr *string, opts ...SearchOpts) (*string, error)

func GetKeySortStr added in v0.8.1

func GetKeySortStr(opts ...SortByOpts) *string

sort related funcs

func NewContextWithAuth

func NewContextWithAuth(parent context.Context, auth string) context.Context

NewContextWithAuth ...

func NewContextWithCorrelationID added in v0.5.4

func NewContextWithCorrelationID(ctx context.Context, uuid *uuid.UUID) context.Context

NewContextWithCorrelationID retuns a context containing the UUID


type API

type API = Client

API is deprecated. Use Client instead.

type AliasesMetadata added in v0.6.0

type AliasesMetadata struct {
	CollectionType  string `json:"collectionType"`
	NumberOfAliases int    `json:"collectionTotal"`

AliasesMetadata represents the metadata of a collection of aliases

type AllowedIPPolicyData added in v0.6.0

type AllowedIPPolicyData struct {
	Enabled     bool
	IPAddresses *IPAddresses

AllowedIPPolicyData defines the attribute input for the Allowed IP instance policy

type AllowedNetworkPolicyData added in v0.6.0

type AllowedNetworkPolicyData struct {
	Enabled bool
	Network string

AllowedNetworkPolicyData defines the attribute input for the Allowed Network instance policy

type Attributes added in v0.5.0

type Attributes struct {
	AllowedNetwork    *string      `json:"allowed_network,omitempty"`
	AllowedIP         *IPAddresses `json:"allowed_ip,omitempty"`
	CreateRootKey     *bool        `json:"create_root_key,omitempty"`
	CreateStandardKey *bool        `json:"create_standard_key,omitempty"`
	ImportRootKey     *bool        `json:"import_root_key,omitempty"`
	ImportStandardKey *bool        `json:"import_standard_key,omitempty"`
	EnforceToken      *bool        `json:"enforce_token,omitempty"`
	IntervalMonth     *int         `json:"interval_month,omitempty"`

Attributes contains the details of an instance policy

type BasicPolicyData added in v0.6.0

type BasicPolicyData struct {
	Enabled bool

BasicPolicyData defines the attribute input for the policy that supports only enabled parameter

type CallOpt added in v0.3.5

type CallOpt interface{}

type Client

type Client struct {
	URL        *url.URL
	HttpClient http.Client
	Dump       Dump
	Config     ClientConfig
	Logger     Logger
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client holds configuration and auth information to interact with KeyProtect. It is expected that one of these is created per KeyProtect service instance/credential pair.

func New

func New(config ClientConfig, transport http.RoundTripper) (*Client, error)

New creates and returns a Client without logging.

func NewWithLogger

func NewWithLogger(config ClientConfig, transport http.RoundTripper, logger Logger) (*Client, error)

NewWithLogger creates and returns a Client with logging. The error value will be non-nil if the config is invalid.

func (*Client) CancelDualAuthDelete added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) CancelDualAuthDelete(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) error

CancelDualAuthDelete unsets the key for deletion. If a key is set for deletion, it can be prevented from getting deleted by unsetting the key for deletion. For more information refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) CreateImportToken

func (c *Client) CreateImportToken(ctx context.Context, expiration, maxAllowedRetrievals int) (*ImportTokenMetadata, error)

CreateImportToken creates a key ImportToken.

func (*Client) CreateImportedKey

func (c *Client) CreateImportedKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, extractable bool) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedKey creates a new KP key from the given key material.

func (*Client) CreateImportedKeyWithAliases added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedKeyWithAliases(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, extractable bool, aliases []string) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedKeyWithAliases creates a new key with alias name and provided key material. A key can have a maximum of 5 alias names When importing root keys with import-token encryptedNonce and iv need to passed along with payload. Standard Keys cannot be imported with an import token hence only payload is required. For more information please refer to the links below:

func (*Client) CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, extractable bool, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new Imported KP key from the given key material and with given key policy details

func (*Client) CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverridesWithSHA1 added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverridesWithSHA1(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, extractable bool, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedKeyWithPolicyOverridesWithSHA1 creates a new KP key with policy overrides from the given key material and key policy details using RSAES OAEP SHA 1 as encryption algorithm.

func (*Client) CreateImportedKeyWithSHA1 added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedKeyWithSHA1(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, extractable bool, aliases []string) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedKeyWithSHA1 creates a new KP key from the given key material using RSAES OAEP SHA 1 as encryption algorithm.

func (*Client) CreateImportedRootKey

func (c *Client) CreateImportedRootKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, payload, encryptedNonce, iv string) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedRootKey creates a new, non-extractable key resource with the given key material.

func (*Client) CreateImportedRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload, encryptedNonce, iv string, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new, non-extractable key resource with the given key material and with given key policy details

func (*Client) CreateImportedStandardKey

func (c *Client) CreateImportedStandardKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, payload string) (*Key, error)

CreateStandardKey creates a new, extractable key resource with the given key material.

func (*Client) CreateImportedStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateImportedStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time,
	payload string, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateImportedStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new, extractable key resource with the given key material and with given key policy details

func (*Client) CreateKMIPAdapter added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) CreateKMIPAdapter(ctx context.Context, profileOpt CreateKMIPAdapterProfile, options ...CreateKMIPAdapterOption) (*KMIPAdapter, error)

CreateKMIPAdapter method creates a KMIP Adapter with the specified profile.

func (*Client) CreateKMIPClientCertificate added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) CreateKMIPClientCertificate(ctx context.Context, adapter_nameOrID, cert_payload string, opts ...CreateKMIPClientCertOption) (*KMIPClientCertificate, error)

CreateKMIPClientCertificate registers/creates a KMIP PEM format certificate for use with a specific KMIP adapter. cert_payload is the string representation of the certificate to be associated with the KMIP Adapter in PEM format. It should explicitly have the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE tags. Regex: ^\s*-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[A-Za-z0-9+\/\=\r\n]+-----END CERTIFICATE-----\s*$

func (*Client) CreateKey

func (c *Client) CreateKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, extractable bool) (*Key, error)

CreateKey creates a new KP key.

func (*Client) CreateKeyAlias added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyAlias(ctx context.Context, aliasName, idOrAlias string) (*KeyAlias, error)

CreateKeyAlias creates an alias name for a key. An alias name acts as an identifier just like key ID For more information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) CreateKeyRing added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyRing(ctx context.Context, id string) error

CreateRing method creates a key ring in the instance with the provided name For information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) CreateKeyWithAliases added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyWithAliases(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, extractable bool, aliases []string) (*Key, error)

CreateKeyWithAliaes creats a new key with alias names. A key can have a maximum of 5 alias names. For more information please refer to the links below:

func (*Client) CreateKeyWithOptions added in v0.11.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyWithOptions(ctx context.Context, name string, extractable bool, options ...CreateKeyOption) (*Key, error)

func (*Client) CreateKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, extractable bool, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new KP key with given key policy details

func (*Client) CreateKeyWithPolicyOverridesWithOptions added in v0.11.0

func (c *Client) CreateKeyWithPolicyOverridesWithOptions(ctx context.Context, name string, extractable bool, policy Policy, options ...CreateKeyOption) (*Key, error)

func (*Client) CreateRootKey

func (c *Client) CreateRootKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time) (*Key, error)

CreateRootKey creates a new, non-extractable key resource without key material.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",
	ctx := context.Background()

	rootkey, err := client.CreateRootKey(ctx, "mynewrootkey", nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while creating root key: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("New key created: ", *rootkey)

func (*Client) CreateRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateRootKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new, non-extractable key resource without key material and with given key policy details

func (*Client) CreateStandardKey

func (c *Client) CreateStandardKey(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time) (*Key, error)

CreateStandardKey creates a new, extractable key resource without key material.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",

	fmt.Println("Creating standard key")
	rootkey, err := client.CreateStandardKey(context.Background(), "mynewstandardkey", nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while creating standard key: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("New key created: ", *rootkey)

func (*Client) CreateStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) CreateStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides(ctx context.Context, name string, expiration *time.Time, aliases []string, policy Policy) (*Key, error)

CreateStandardKeyWithPolicyOverrides creates a new, extractable key resource without key material and with given key policy details

func (*Client) DeleteKMIPAdapter added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) DeleteKMIPAdapter(ctx context.Context, nameOrID string) error

DeletesKMIPAdapter method deletes a single KMIP Adapter by name or ID.

func (*Client) DeleteKMIPClientCertificate added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) DeleteKMIPClientCertificate(ctx context.Context, adapter_nameOrID, cert_nameOrID string) error

DeleteKMIPClientCertificate deletes a single certificate

func (*Client) DeleteKMIPObject added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) DeleteKMIPObject(ctx context.Context, adapter_id, object_id string, opts ...RequestOpt) error

func (*Client) DeleteKey

func (c *Client) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, prefer PreferReturn, callOpts ...CallOpt) (*Key, error)

DeleteKey deletes a key resource by specifying the ID of the key.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",
	keyId := "1234abcd-abcd-asdf-9eaa-deadbeefabcd"

	fmt.Println("Deleting standard key")
	delKey, err := client.DeleteKey(context.Background(), keyId, kp.ReturnRepresentation)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while deleting: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Deleted key: ", delKey)

func (*Client) DeleteKeyAlias added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) DeleteKeyAlias(ctx context.Context, aliasName, idOrAlias string) error

DeleteKeyAlias deletes an alias name associated with a key For more information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) DeleteKeyRing added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) DeleteKeyRing(ctx context.Context, id string, opts ...RequestOpt) error

DeleteRing method deletes the key ring with the provided name in the instance For information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) DisableKey added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) DisableKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) error

Disable a key. The key will not be deleted but it will not be active and key operations cannot be performed on a disabled key. For more information can refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) DisableRotationPolicy added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) DisableRotationPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Policy, error)

func (*Client) EnableKey added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) EnableKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) error

Enable a key. Only disabled keys can be enabled. After enable the key becomes active and key operations can be performed on it. Note: This does not recover Deleted keys. For more information can refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) EnableRotationPolicy added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) EnableRotationPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Policy, error)

func (*Client) GetAllowedIPInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) GetAllowedIPInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetAllowedIPInstancePolicy retrieves the allowed IP instance policy details associated with the instance. For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetAllowedIPPrivateNetworkPort added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) GetAllowedIPPrivateNetworkPort(ctx context.Context) (int, error)

GetAllowedIPPrivateNetworkPort retrieves the private endpoint port assigned to allowed ip policy.

func (*Client) GetAllowedNetworkInstancePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetAllowedNetworkInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetAllowedNetworkInstancePolicy retrieves the allowed network policy details associated with the instance. For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetDualAuthDeletePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetDualAuthDeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Policy, error)

GetDualAuthDeletePolicy method retrieves dual auth delete policy details of a key For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetDualAuthInstancePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetDualAuthInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetDualAuthInstancePolicy retrieves the dual auth delete policy details associated with the instance For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetImportTokenTransportKey

func (c *Client) GetImportTokenTransportKey(ctx context.Context) (*ImportTokenKeyResponse, error)

GetImportTokenTransportKey retrieves the ImportToken transport key.

func (*Client) GetInstancePolicies added in v0.4.0

func (c *Client) GetInstancePolicies(ctx context.Context) ([]InstancePolicy, error)

GetInstancePolicies retrieves all policies of an Instance.

func (*Client) GetKMIPAdapter added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPAdapter(ctx context.Context, nameOrID string) (*KMIPAdapter, error)

GetKMIPAdapter method retrieves a single KMIP Adapter by name or ID.

func (*Client) GetKMIPAdapters added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPAdapters(ctx context.Context, listOpts *ListKmipAdaptersOptions) (*KMIPAdapters, error)

GetKMIPAdapters method lists KMIP Adapters associated with a specific KP instance.

func (*Client) GetKMIPClientCertificate added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPClientCertificate(ctx context.Context, adapter_nameOrID, cert_nameOrID string) (*KMIPClientCertificate, error)

GetKMIPClientCertificate gets a single certificate associated with a KMIP adapter

func (*Client) GetKMIPClientCertificates added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPClientCertificates(ctx context.Context, adapter_nameOrID string, listOpts *ListOptions) (*KMIPClientCertificates, error)

GetKMIPClientCertificates lists all certificates associated with a KMIP adapter

func (*Client) GetKMIPObject added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPObject(ctx context.Context, adapter_id, object_id string) (*KMIPObject, error)

func (*Client) GetKMIPObjects added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) GetKMIPObjects(ctx context.Context, adapter_id string, listOpts *ListKmipObjectsOptions) (*KMIPObjects, error)

func (*Client) GetKey

func (c *Client) GetKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Key, error)

GetKey retrieves a key by ID or alias name. For more information on Key Alias please refer to the link below

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",
	keyId := "1234abcd-abcd-asdf-9eaa-deadbeefabcd"

	fmt.Println("Getting standard key")
	key, err := client.GetKey(context.Background(), keyId)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Get Key failed with error: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Key: %v\n", *key)

func (*Client) GetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) GetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy retrieves the key create import access policy details associated with the instance. For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetKeyMetadata added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetKeyMetadata(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Key, error)

GetKeyMetadata retrieves the metadata of a Key by ID or alias name. Note that the "/api/v2/keys/{id}/metadata" API does not return the payload, therefore the payload attribute in the Key pointer will always be empty. If you need the payload, you need to use the GetKey() function with the correct service access role.

func (*Client) GetKeyRings added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) GetKeyRings(ctx context.Context) (*KeyRings, error)

GetRings method retrieves all the key rings associated with the instance For information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) GetKeys

func (c *Client) GetKeys(ctx context.Context, limit int, offset int) (*Keys, error)

GetKeys retrieves a collection of keys that can be paged through.

func (*Client) GetMetricsInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) GetMetricsInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetMetricsInstancePolicy retrieves the metrics policy details associated with the instance For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) GetPolicies added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetPolicies(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) ([]Policy, error)

GetPolicies retrieves all policies details associated with a Key ID or alias.

func (*Client) GetPolicy

func (c *Client) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Policy, error)

GetPolicy retrieves a policy by Key ID or alias. This function is deprecated, as it only returns one policy and does not let you select which policy set it will return. It is kept for backward compatibility on keys with only one rotation policy. Please update to use the new GetPolicies or Get<type>Policy functions.

func (*Client) GetRotationInstancePolicy added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) GetRotationInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context) (*InstancePolicy, error)

GetRotationInstancePolicy retrieves the rotation policy details associated with the instance

func (*Client) GetRotationPolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) GetRotationPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Policy, error)

GetRotationPolicy method retrieves rotation policy details of a key For more information can refet the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) InitiateDualAuthDelete added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) InitiateDualAuthDelete(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) error

InitiateDualAuthDelete sets a key for deletion. The key must be configured with a DualAuthDelete policy. After the key is set to deletion it can be deleted by another user who has Manager access. For more information refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) ListKeyVersions added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) ListKeyVersions(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, listKeyVersionsOptions *ListKeyVersionsOptions) (*KeyVersions, error)

ListKeyVersions gets all the versions of the key resource by specifying ID of the key and/or optional parameters

func (*Client) ListKeys added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) ListKeys(ctx context.Context, listKeysOptions *ListKeysOptions) (*Keys, error)

ListKeys retrieves a list of keys that are stored in your Key Protect service instance.

func (*Client) ListRegistrations added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) ListRegistrations(ctx context.Context, keyId, crn string) (*registrations, error)

ListRegistrations retrieves a collection of registrations

func (*Client) PurgeKey added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) PurgeKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, prefer PreferReturn) (*Key, error)

Purge key method shreds all the metadata and registrations associated with a key that has been deleted. The purge operation is allowed to be performed on a key from 4 hours after its deletion and its action is irreversible. For more information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) RestoreKey added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) RestoreKey(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) (*Key, error)

RestoreKey method reverts a delete key status to active key This method performs restore of any key from deleted state to active state. For more information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) Rotate

func (c *Client) Rotate(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias, payload string) error

Rotate rotates a CRK.

func (*Client) RotateV2 added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) RotateV2(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, new_key *KeyPayload) error

RotateV2 methods supports rotation of a root key with or without payload and also rotate a securely imported root key.

func (*Client) SetAllowedIPInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) SetAllowedIPInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool, allowedIPs []string) error

SetAllowedIPInstancePolices updates the allowed IP instance policy details associated with an instance. For more information can refet to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetAllowedNetworkInstancePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) SetAllowedNetworkInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool, networkType string) error

SetAllowedNetWorkInstancePolicy updates the allowed network policy details associated with an instance For more information can refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetDualAuthDeletePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) SetDualAuthDeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, enabled bool) (*Policy, error)

SetDualAuthDeletePolicy updates the dual auth delete policy by passing the key ID or alias and enable detail For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetDualAuthInstancePolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) SetDualAuthInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool) error

SetDualAuthInstancePolicy updates the dual auth delete policy details associated with an instance For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetInstancePolicies added in v0.4.0

func (c *Client) SetInstancePolicies(ctx context.Context, policies MultiplePolicies) error

SetInstancePolicies updates single or multiple policy details of an instance.

func (*Client) SetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) SetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool, attributes map[string]bool) error

SetKeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy updates the key create import access policy details associated with an instance. For more information, please refer to the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetKeyRing added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) SetKeyRing(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias, newKeyRingID string) (*Key, error)

SetKeyRing method transfers a key associated with one key ring to another key ring For more information please refer to the link below:

func (*Client) SetMetricsInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) SetMetricsInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool) error

SetMetricsInstancePolicy updates the metrics policy details associated with an instance For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SetPolicies added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) SetPolicies(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, setRotationPolicy bool, rotationInterval int, setDualAuthDeletePolicy, dualAuthEnable bool, rotationEnable ...bool) ([]Policy, error)

SetPolicies updates all policies of the key or a single policy by passing key ID. To set rotation policy for the key pass the setRotationPolicy parameter as true and set the rotationInterval detail. To set dual auth delete policy for the key pass the setDualAuthDeletePolicy parameter as true and set the dualAuthEnable detail. Both the policies can be set or either of the policies can be set.

func (*Client) SetPolicy

func (c *Client) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, prefer PreferReturn, rotationInterval int) (*Policy, error)

SetPolicy updates a policy resource by specifying the ID of the key and the rotation interval needed. This function is deprecated as it will only let you set key rotation policies. To set dual auth and other newer policies on a key, please use the new SetPolicies of Set<type>Policy functions.

func (*Client) SetRotationInstancePolicy added in v0.9.0

func (c *Client) SetRotationInstancePolicy(ctx context.Context, enable bool, intervalMonth *int) error

SetRotationInstancePolicy updates the rotation instance policy details associated with an instance.

func (*Client) SetRotationPolicy added in v0.5.0

func (c *Client) SetRotationPolicy(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, rotationInterval int, enabled ...bool) (*Policy, error)

SetRotationPolicy updates the rotation policy associated with a key by specifying key ID or alias and rotation interval. For more information can refer the Key Protect docs in the link below:

func (*Client) SyncAssociatedResources added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) SyncAssociatedResources(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string) error

SyncAssociatedResources method executes the sync request which verifies and updates the resources associated with the key. For more information please refer to the link below

func (*Client) Unwrap

func (c *Client) Unwrap(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, cipherText []byte, additionalAuthData *[]string) ([]byte, error)

Unwrap is deprecated since it returns only plaintext and doesn't know how to handle rotation.

func (*Client) UnwrapV2

func (c *Client) UnwrapV2(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, cipherText []byte, additionalAuthData *[]string) ([]byte, []byte, error)

Unwrap with rotation support.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",

	keyId := "1234abcd-abcd-asdf-9eaa-deadbeefabcd"
	wrappedDek := []byte("dGhpcyBpc24ndCBhIHJlYWwgcGF5bG9hZAo=")
	aad := []string{
		"AAD can be pretty much any string value.",
		"This entire array of strings is the AAD.",
		"It has to be the same on wrap and unwrap, however",
		"This can be useful, if the DEK should be bound to an application name",
		"or possibly a hostname, IP address, or even email address.",
		"For example",
		"It is not secret though, so don't put anything sensitive here",

	ctx := context.Background()

	dek, rewrapped, err := client.UnwrapV2(ctx, keyId, wrappedDek, &aad)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while unwrapping DEK: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Unwrapped key successfully")

	if len(dek) != 32 {
		fmt.Println("DEK length was not 32 bytes (not a 256 bit key)")

	// dek is your plaintext DEK, use it for encrypt/decrypt then throw it away
	// rewrapped is POSSIBLY a new WDEK, if it is not empty, store that and use it on next Unwrap

	if len(rewrapped) > 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Your DEK was rewrapped with a new key version. Your new WDEK is %v\n", rewrapped)

		// store new WDEK
		wrappedDek = rewrapped


func (*Client) Wrap

func (c *Client) Wrap(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, plainText []byte, additionalAuthData *[]string) ([]byte, error)

Wrap calls the wrap action with the given plain text.

func (*Client) WrapCreateDEK

func (c *Client) WrapCreateDEK(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, additionalAuthData *[]string) ([]byte, []byte, error)

WrapCreateDEK calls the wrap action without plain text.

package main

import (

	kp ""

func main() {
	client, _ := kp.New(
			BaseURL:    "",
			APIKey:     "notARealApiKey",
			InstanceID: "a6493c3a-5b29-4ac3-9eaa-deadbeef3bfd",

	keyId := "1234abcd-abcd-asdf-9eaa-deadbeefabcd"
	aad := []string{
		"AAD can be pretty much any string value.",
		"This entire array of strings is the AAD.",
		"It has to be the same on wrap and unwrap, however",
		"This can be useful, if the DEK should be bound to an application name",
		"or possibly a hostname, IP address, or even email address.",
		"For example",
		"It is not secret though, so don't put anything sensitive here",

	ctx := context.Background()

	dek, wrappedDek, err := client.WrapCreateDEK(ctx, keyId, &aad)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while creating a DEK: ", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Created new random DEK")

	if len(dek) != 32 {
		fmt.Println("DEK length was not 32 bytes (not a 256 bit key)")

	fmt.Printf("Your WDEK is: %v\n", wrappedDek)

	// dek is your plaintext DEK, use it for encrypt/decrypt and throw it away
	// wrappedDek is your WDEK, keep this and pass it to Unwrap to get back your DEK when you need it again

func (*Client) WrapCreateDEKV2 added in v0.10.0

func (c *Client) WrapCreateDEKV2(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, additionalAuthData *[]string) (*KeyActionResponse, error)

WrapCreateDEKV2 supports KeyVersion details with DEK and WrapDEK

func (*Client) WrapV2 added in v0.9.2

func (c *Client) WrapV2(ctx context.Context, idOrAlias string, plainText []byte, additionalAuthData *[]string) (*KeyActionResponse, error)

WrapWithKeyVersion function supports KeyVersion Details, PlainText and Cyphertext in response

type ClientConfig

type ClientConfig struct {
	BaseURL       string
	Authorization string      // The IBM Cloud (Bluemix) access token
	APIKey        string      // Service ID API key, can be used instead of an access token
	TokenURL      string      // The URL used to get an access token from the API key
	InstanceID    string      // The IBM Cloud (Bluemix) instance ID that identifies your Key Protect service instance.
	KeyRing       string      // The ID of the target Key Ring the key is associated with. It is optional but recommended for better performance.
	Verbose       int         // See verbose values above
	Timeout       float64     // KP request timeout in seconds.
	Headers       http.Header // Support for Custom Header

ClientConfig ...

type CollectionMetadata added in v0.13.0

type CollectionMetadata struct {
	CollectionType  string `json:"collectionType"`
	CollectionTotal int    `json:"collectionTotal"`
	TotalCount      int    `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

Collection Metadata is generic and can be shared between multiple resource types

type ContextKey

type ContextKey int

ContextKey provides a type to auth context keys.

type CreateKMIPAdapterOption added in v0.13.0

type CreateKMIPAdapterOption func(*KMIPAdapter)

Functions to be passed into the CreateKMIPAdapter() method to specify specific fields.

func WithKMIPAdapterDescription added in v0.13.0

func WithKMIPAdapterDescription(description string) CreateKMIPAdapterOption

func WithKMIPAdapterName added in v0.13.0

func WithKMIPAdapterName(name string) CreateKMIPAdapterOption

type CreateKMIPAdapterProfile added in v0.13.0

type CreateKMIPAdapterProfile func(*KMIPAdapter)

func WithNativeProfile added in v0.13.0

func WithNativeProfile(crkID string) CreateKMIPAdapterProfile

type CreateKMIPClientCertOption added in v0.13.0

type CreateKMIPClientCertOption func(*KMIPClientCertificate)

func WithKMIPClientCertName added in v0.13.0

func WithKMIPClientCertName(name string) CreateKMIPClientCertOption

type CreateKeyOption added in v0.11.0

type CreateKeyOption func(k *Key)

This function returns a string so we can pass extra info not in the key struct if needed

func WithAliases added in v0.11.0

func WithAliases(aliases []string) CreateKeyOption

func WithDescription added in v0.11.0

func WithDescription(description string) CreateKeyOption

func WithExpiration added in v0.11.0

func WithExpiration(expiration *time.Time) CreateKeyOption

func WithPayload added in v0.11.0

func WithPayload(payload string, encryptedNonce, iv *string, sha1 bool) CreateKeyOption

func WithTags added in v0.11.0

func WithTags(tags []string) CreateKeyOption

type DualAuth added in v0.5.0

type DualAuth struct {
	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

type Dump

type Dump func(*http.Request, *http.Response, []byte, []byte, Logger, []string)

Dump writes various parts of an HTTP request and an HTTP response.

type Error

type Error struct {
	URL           string   // URL of request that resulted in this error
	StatusCode    int      // HTTP error code from KeyProtect service
	Message       string   // error message from KeyProtect service
	BodyContent   []byte   // raw body content if more inspection is needed
	CorrelationID string   // string value of a UUID that uniquely identifies the request to KeyProtect
	Reasons       []reason // collection of reason types containing detailed error messages

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

Error returns correlation id and error message string

type FilterQueryBuilder added in v0.9.0

type FilterQueryBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func GetFilterQueryBuilder added in v0.9.0

func GetFilterQueryBuilder() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) Build added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) Build() string

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) CreationDate added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) CreationDate() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) DeletionDate added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) DeletionDate() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) Equal added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) Equal(dateInput time.Time) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) ExpirationDate added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) ExpirationDate() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) Extractable added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) Extractable(val bool) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) GreaterThan added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) GreaterThan(dateInput time.Time) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) GreaterThanOrEqual added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) GreaterThanOrEqual(dateInput time.Time) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) LastRotationDate added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) LastRotationDate() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) LastUpdateDate added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) LastUpdateDate() *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) LessThan added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) LessThan(dateInput time.Time) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) LessThanOrEqual added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) LessThanOrEqual(dateInput time.Time) *FilterQueryBuilder

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) None added in v0.9.0

func (*FilterQueryBuilder) State added in v0.9.0

func (fq *FilterQueryBuilder) State(states []KeyState) *FilterQueryBuilder

type ForceOpt added in v0.3.5

type ForceOpt struct {
	Force bool

type IPAddresses added in v0.6.0

type IPAddresses []string

IPAddresses ...

type ImportTokenCreateRequest

type ImportTokenCreateRequest struct {
	MaxAllowedRetrievals int `json:"maxAllowedRetrievals,omitempty"`
	ExpiresInSeconds     int `json:"expiration,omitempty"`

ImportTokenCreateRequest represents request parameters for creating a ImportToken.

type ImportTokenKeyResponse

type ImportTokenKeyResponse struct {
	ID             string     `json:"id"`
	CreationDate   *time.Time `json:"creationDate"`
	ExpirationDate *time.Time `json:"expirationDate"`
	Payload        string     `json:"payload"`
	Nonce          string     `json:"nonce"`

ImportTokenKeyResponse represents the response body for various ImportToken API calls.

type ImportTokenMetadata

type ImportTokenMetadata struct {
	ID                   string     `json:"id"`
	CreationDate         *time.Time `json:"creationDate"`
	ExpirationDate       *time.Time `json:"expirationDate"`
	MaxAllowedRetrievals int        `json:"maxAllowedRetrievals"`
	RemainingRetrievals  int        `json:"remainingRetrievals"`

ImportTokenMetadata represents the metadata of a ImportToken.

type InstancePolicies added in v0.4.0

type InstancePolicies struct {
	Metadata PoliciesMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Policies []InstancePolicy `json:"resources"`

InstancePolicies represents a collection of Policies associated with Key Protect instances.

type InstancePolicy added in v0.4.0

type InstancePolicy struct {
	CreatedBy  string     `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt  *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt  *time.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	UpdatedBy  string     `json:"updatedBy,omitempty"`
	PolicyType string     `json:"policy_type,omitempty"`
	PolicyData PolicyData `json:"policy_data,omitempty" mapstructure:"policyData"`

InstancePolicy represents a instance-level policy of a key as returned by the KP API. this policy enables dual authorization for deleting a key

type KMIPAdapter added in v0.13.0

type KMIPAdapter struct {
	ID          string            `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Profile     string            `json:"profile,omitempty"`
	ProfileData map[string]string `json:"profile_data,omitempty"`
	Name        string            `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string            `json:"description"`
	CreatedBy   string            `json:"created_by,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt   *time.Time        `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	UpdatedBy   string            `json:"updated_by,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt   *time.Time        `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`

type KMIPAdapters added in v0.13.0

type KMIPAdapters struct {
	Metadata CollectionMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Adapters []KMIPAdapter      `json:"resources"`

type KMIPClientCertificate added in v0.13.0

type KMIPClientCertificate struct {
	ID          string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        string     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Certificate string     `json:"certificate,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy   string     `json:"created_by,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt   *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`

type KMIPClientCertificates added in v0.13.0

type KMIPClientCertificates struct {
	Metadata     CollectionMetadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Certificates []KMIPClientCertificate `json:"resources"`

type KMIPObject added in v0.13.0

type KMIPObject struct {
	ID                string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	KMIPObjectType    int        `json:"kmip_object_type,omitempty"`
	ObjectState       int        `json:"state,omitempty"`
	CreatedByCertID   string     `json:"created_by_kmip_client_cert_id,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy         string     `json:"created_by,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt         *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	UpdatedByCertID   string     `json:"updated_by_kmip_client_cert_id,omitempty"`
	UpdatedBy         string     `json:"updated_by,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt         *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
	DestroyedByCertID string     `json:"destroyed_by_kmip_client_cert_id,omitempty"`
	DestroyedBy       string     `json:"destroyed_by,omitempty"`
	DestroyedAt       *time.Time `json:"destroyed_at,omitempty"`
	Recoverable       *bool      `json:"recoverable,omitempty"`

type KMIPObjects added in v0.13.0

type KMIPObjects struct {
	Metadata CollectionMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Objects  []KMIPObject       `json:"resources"`

type Key

type Key struct {
	ID                  string      `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                string      `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description         string      `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Type                string      `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Tags                []string    `json:"Tags,omitempty"`
	Aliases             []string    `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
	AlgorithmType       string      `json:"algorithmType,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy           string      `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	CreationDate        *time.Time  `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	LastUpdateDate      *time.Time  `json:"lastUpdateDate,omitempty"`
	LastRotateDate      *time.Time  `json:"lastRotateDate,omitempty"`
	KeyVersion          *KeyVersion `json:"keyVersion,omitempty" mapstructure:keyVersion`
	KeyRingID           string      `json:"keyRingID,omitempty"`
	Extractable         bool        `json:"extractable"`
	Expiration          *time.Time  `json:"expirationDate,omitempty"`
	Imported            bool        `json:"imported,omitempty"`
	Payload             string      `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	State               int         `json:"state,omitempty"`
	EncryptionAlgorithm string      `json:"encryptionAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	CRN                 string      `json:"crn,omitempty"`
	EncryptedNonce      string      `json:"encryptedNonce,omitempty"`
	IV                  string      `json:"iv,omitempty"`
	Deleted             *bool       `json:"deleted,omitempty"`
	DeletedBy           *string     `json:"deletedBy,omitempty"`
	DeletionDate        *time.Time  `json:"deletionDate,omitempty"`
	PurgeAllowed        *bool       `json:"purgeAllowed,omitempty"`
	PurgeAllowedFrom    *time.Time  `json:"purgeAllowedFrom,omitempty"`
	PurgeScheduledOn    *time.Time  `json:"purgeScheduledOn,omitempty"`
	DualAuthDelete      *DualAuth   `json:"dualAuthDelete,omitempty"`
	Rotation            *Rotation   `json:"rotation,omitempty"`

Key represents a key as returned by the KP API.

type KeyActionResponse added in v0.9.2

type KeyActionResponse struct {
	PlainText  string      `json:"plaintext,omitempty"`
	CipherText string      `json:"ciphertext,omitempty"`
	KeyVersion *KeyVersion `json:"keyVersion,,omitempty"`

type KeyAlias added in v0.6.0

type KeyAlias struct {
	KeyID        string     `json:"keyId,omitempty"`
	Alias        string     `json:"alias,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy    string     `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	CreationDate *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`

KeyAlias represents an Alias details of a key as returned by KP API

type KeyAliases added in v0.6.0

type KeyAliases struct {
	Metadata   AliasesMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	KeyAliases []KeyAlias      `json:"resources"`

type KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy added in v0.6.0

type KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy struct {
	Enabled    bool
	Attributes *KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicyAttributes

KeyAccessInstancePolicyData defines the attribute input for the Key Create Import Access instance policy

type KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicyAttributes added in v0.14.0

type KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicyAttributes struct {
	CreateRootKey     *bool
	CreateStandardKey *bool
	ImportRootKey     *bool
	ImportStandardKey *bool
	EnforceToken      *bool

type KeyPayload added in v0.8.0

type KeyPayload struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewKeyPayload added in v0.8.0

func NewKeyPayload(payload, encryptedNonce, iv string) KeyPayload

func (KeyPayload) WithRSA1 added in v0.8.0

func (kp KeyPayload) WithRSA1() KeyPayload

EncryptWithRSA1 sets the encryption algorithm for key create to RSAES_OAEP_SHA_1 This algorithm is only supported by the Hyper Protect(HPCS) service

func (KeyPayload) WithRSA256 added in v0.8.0

func (kp KeyPayload) WithRSA256() KeyPayload

EncryptWithRSA256 sets the encryption algorithm for key create to RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 This is the default algorithm for key creation under Key Protect service

type KeyRing added in v0.6.0

type KeyRing struct {
	ID           string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	CreationDate *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy    string     `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`

type KeyRings added in v0.6.0

type KeyRings struct {
	Metadata KeysMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	KeyRings []KeyRing    `json:"resources"`

type KeyState added in v0.8.0

type KeyState uint32
const (
	Active KeyState = iota + 1


type KeyVersion added in v0.5.0

type KeyVersion struct {
	ID           string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	CreationDate *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`

type KeyVersions added in v0.8.0

type KeyVersions struct {
	Metadata   KeyVersionsMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	KeyVersion []KeyVersion        `json:"resources"`

type KeyVersionsMetadata added in v0.8.0

type KeyVersionsMetadata struct {
	CollectionType  string  `json:"collectionType"`
	CollectionTotal *uint32 `json:"collectionTotal"`
	TotalCount      *uint32 `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

type Keys

type Keys struct {
	Metadata KeysMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Keys     []Key        `json:"resources"`

Keys represents a collection of Keys.

type KeysActionRequest

type KeysActionRequest struct {
	PlainText           string      `json:"plaintext,omitempty"`
	AAD                 []string    `json:"aad,omitempty"`
	CipherText          string      `json:"ciphertext,omitempty"`
	Payload             string      `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	EncryptedNonce      string      `json:"encryptedNonce,omitempty"`
	IV                  string      `json:"iv,omitempty"`
	EncryptionAlgorithm string      `json:"encryptionAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	KeyVersion          *KeyVersion `json:"keyVersion,,omitempty"`

KeysActionRequest represents request parameters for a key action API call.

type KeysMetadata

type KeysMetadata struct {
	CollectionType string `json:"collectionType"`
	NumberOfKeys   int    `json:"collectionTotal"`

KeysMetadata represents the metadata of a collection of keys.

type ListKeyVersionsOptions added in v0.8.0

type ListKeyVersionsOptions struct {
	Limit        *uint32
	Offset       *uint32
	TotalCount   *bool
	AllKeyStates *bool

ListKeyVersionsOptions struct to add the query parameters for the ListKeyVersions function

type ListKeysOptions added in v0.8.0

type ListKeysOptions struct {
	Extractable *bool
	Limit       *uint32
	Offset      *uint32
	State       []KeyState
	Sort        *string
	Search      *string
	Filter      *string

ListKeysOptions struct to add the query parameters for the List Keys function

type ListKmipAdaptersOptions added in v0.13.0

type ListKmipAdaptersOptions struct {
	Limit      *uint32
	Offset     *uint32
	TotalCount *bool
	CrkID      *string

type ListKmipObjectsOptions added in v0.13.0

type ListKmipObjectsOptions struct {
	Limit             *uint32
	Offset            *uint32
	TotalCount        *bool
	ObjectStateFilter *[]int32

type ListOptions added in v0.13.0

type ListOptions struct {
	Limit      *uint32
	Offset     *uint32
	TotalCount *bool

ListsOptions struct to add the query parameters for list functions. Extensible.

type Logger

type Logger interface {

Logger writes when called.

func NewLogger

func NewLogger(writer func(...interface{})) Logger

type MultiplePolicies added in v0.6.0

type MultiplePolicies struct {
	DualAuthDelete        *BasicPolicyData
	AllowedNetwork        *AllowedNetworkPolicyData
	AllowedIP             *AllowedIPPolicyData
	Metrics               *BasicPolicyData
	KeyCreateImportAccess *KeyCreateImportAccessInstancePolicy
	Rotation              *RotationPolicyData

MultiplePolicies defines the input for the SetInstancPolicies method that can hold multiple policy details

type Policies

type Policies struct {
	Metadata PoliciesMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Policies []Policy         `json:"resources"`

Policies represents a collection of Policies.

type PoliciesMetadata

type PoliciesMetadata struct {
	CollectionType   string `json:"collectionType"`
	NumberOfPolicies int    `json:"collectionTotal"`

PoliciesMetadata represents the metadata of a collection of keys.

type Policy

type Policy struct {
	Type      string     `json:"type,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy string     `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	CRN       string     `json:"crn,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"lastUpdateDate,omitempty"`
	UpdatedBy string     `json:"updatedBy,omitempty"`
	Rotation  *Rotation  `json:"rotation,omitempty"`
	DualAuth  *DualAuth  `json:"dualAuthDelete,omitempty"`

Policy represents a policy as returned by the KP API.

type PolicyData added in v0.5.0

type PolicyData struct {
	Enabled    *bool       `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Attributes *Attributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

PolicyData contains the details of the policy type

type PreferReturn

type PreferReturn int

PreferReturn designates the value for the "Prefer" header.

const (
	ReturnMinimal        PreferReturn = 0
	ReturnRepresentation PreferReturn = 1

type Redact

type Redact func(string, []string) string

Redact replaces various pieces of output.

type Registration added in v0.5.0

type Registration struct {
	KeyID              string     `json:"keyId,omitempty"`
	ResourceCrn        string     `json:"resourceCrn,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy          string     `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	CreationDate       *time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	UpdatedBy          string     `json:"updatedBy,omitempty"`
	LastUpdateDate     *time.Time `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	Description        string     `json:"description,omitempty"`
	PreventKeyDeletion bool       `json:"preventKeyDeletion,omitempty"`
	KeyVersion         KeyVersion `json:"keyVersion,omitempty"`

Registration represents the registration as returned by KP API

type RequestOpt added in v0.14.2

type RequestOpt func(*http.Request)

func WithForce added in v0.12.0

func WithForce(force bool) RequestOpt

type Rotation added in v0.5.0

type Rotation struct {
	Enabled  *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Interval int   `json:"interval_month,omitempty"`

type RotationPolicyData added in v0.9.0

type RotationPolicyData struct {
	Enabled       bool
	IntervalMonth *int

type SearchOpts added in v0.8.1

type SearchOpts func(s *string)

func AddAliasScope added in v0.8.1

func AddAliasScope() SearchOpts

func AddEscape added in v0.8.1

func AddEscape() SearchOpts

func AddKeyNameScope added in v0.8.1

func AddKeyNameScope() SearchOpts

func ApplyNot added in v0.8.1

func ApplyNot() SearchOpts

func WithExactMatch added in v0.8.1

func WithExactMatch() SearchOpts

type SortByOpts added in v0.8.1

type SortByOpts func(s *string)

func WithCreationDate added in v0.8.1

func WithCreationDate() SortByOpts

sort by creation date

func WithCreationDateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithCreationDateDesc() SortByOpts

func WithDeletionDate added in v0.8.1

func WithDeletionDate() SortByOpts

sort by deletionDate

func WithDeletionDateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithDeletionDateDesc() SortByOpts

func WithExpirationDate added in v0.8.1

func WithExpirationDate() SortByOpts

sort by expirationDate

func WithExpirationDateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithExpirationDateDesc() SortByOpts

func WithExtractable added in v0.8.1

func WithExtractable() SortByOpts

sort by extractable

func WithExtractableDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithExtractableDesc() SortByOpts

func WithID added in v0.8.1

func WithID() SortByOpts

sort by id

func WithIDDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithIDDesc() SortByOpts

func WithImported added in v0.8.1

func WithImported() SortByOpts

sort by imported

func WithImportedDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithImportedDesc() SortByOpts

func WithLastRotateDate added in v0.8.1

func WithLastRotateDate() SortByOpts

sort by lastRotateDate

func WithLastRotateDateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithLastRotateDateDesc() SortByOpts

func WithLastUpdateDate added in v0.8.1

func WithLastUpdateDate() SortByOpts

sort by lastUpdateDate

func WithLastUpdateDateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithLastUpdateDateDesc() SortByOpts

func WithState added in v0.8.1

func WithState() SortByOpts

sort by state

func WithStateDesc added in v0.8.1

func WithStateDesc() SortByOpts

type URLError

type URLError struct {
	Err           error
	CorrelationID string

URLError wraps an error from calls with a correlation ID from KeyProtect

func (URLError) Error

func (e URLError) Error() string


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