Index ¶
- Variables
- func Agalloc(g *Agraph, size uint) unsafe.Pointer
- func Agbindrec(obj unsafe.Pointer, name string, size uint, moveToFront int) unsafe.Pointer
- func Agcallbacks(g *Agraph, flag int) int
- func Agcanon(s string, i int) string
- func AgcanonStr(str string) string
- func Agclean(g *Agraph, kind int, recName string)
- func Agclose(g *Agraph) error
- func Agcontains(g *Agraph, p unsafe.Pointer) bool
- func Agcopyattr(oldobj unsafe.Pointer, newobj unsafe.Pointer) int
- func Agcountuniqedges(g *Agraph, n *Agnode, in int, out int) int
- func Agdegree(g *Agraph, n *Agnode, in int, out int) int
- func Agdeledge(g *Agraph, argE *Agedge) int
- func Agdelete(g *Agraph, obj unsafe.Pointer) error
- func Agdelnode(g *Agraph, argN *Agnode) int
- func Agdelrec(obj unsafe.Pointer, name string) int
- func Agdelsubg(g *Agraph, sub *Agraph) int32
- func Agerr(msg string)
- func Agflatten(g *Agraph, flag int)
- func Agfree(g *Agraph, ptr unsafe.Pointer)
- func Agget(obj unsafe.Pointer, name string) string
- func Aghtmlstr(s string) int
- func Aginit(g *Agraph, kind int, recName string, recSize int, moveToFront int)
- func Aginternalmapclearlocalnames(g *Agraph)
- func Agisdirected(g *Agraph) bool
- func Agissimple(g *Agraph) bool
- func Agisstrict(g *Agraph) bool
- func Agisundirected(g *Agraph) bool
- func Aglasterr() error
- func Agnameof(p unsafe.Pointer) string
- func Agnedges(g *Agraph) int
- func Agnnodes(g *Agraph) int
- func Agnodebefore(u *Agnode, v *Agnode) error
- func Agnsubg(g *Agraph) int
- func Agobjkind(obj unsafe.Pointer) int
- func Agpopdisc(g *Agraph, disc *Agcbdisc) int
- func Agpushdisc(g *Agraph, disc *Agcbdisc, state unsafe.Pointer)
- func AgrelabelNode(n *Agnode, newname string) error
- func Agsafeset(obj unsafe.Pointer, name string, value string, def string) int
- func Agset(obj unsafe.Pointer, name string, value string) int
- func Agsetfile(file string)
- func Agstrbind(g *Agraph, s string) string
- func Agstrcanon(a0 string, a1 string) string
- func Agstrdup(g *Agraph, s string) string
- func AgstrdupHTML(g *Agraph, s string) string
- func Agstrfree(g *Agraph, s string) int
- func Agwrite(g *Agraph, ch unsafe.Pointer) error
- func Agxget(obj unsafe.Pointer, sym *Agsym) string
- func Agxset(obj unsafe.Pointer, sym *Agsym, value string) int
- func AttachAttrs(g *Agraph)
- func Dtclose(a0 *Dict) int
- func Dtrenew(a0 *Dict, a1 unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
- func Dtrestore(a0 *Dict, a1 *Dtlink) int
- func Dtsize(a0 *Dict) int
- func Dtstatf(a0 *Dict, a1 *Dtstat, a2 int) int
- func Dtstrhash(a0 uint, a1 unsafe.Pointer, a2 int) uint
- func Dttreeset(a0 *Dict, a1 int, a2 int) int
- func Dtwalk(a0 *Dict, a1 func(a0 *Dict, a1 unsafe.Pointer, a2 unsafe.Pointer) int, ...) int
- func GoBeginAnchor(job *C.GVJ_t, href, tooltip, target, id *C.char)
- func GoBeginCluster(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginEdge(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginEdges(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginGraph(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginJob(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginLabel(job *C.GVJ_t, typ
- func GoBeginLayer(job *C.GVJ_t, layername *C.char, layerNum, numLayers
- func GoBeginNode(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginNodes(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeginPage(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoBeziercurve(job *C.GVJ_t, a *C.pointf, n, arrowAtStart, arrowAtEnd, ext
- func GoComment(job *C.GVJ_t, comment *C.char)
- func GoDtwalkCallback(a0 *C.Dict_t, a1 unsafe.Pointer, a2 unsafe.Pointer) int
- func GoEllipse(job *C.GVJ_t, a0, a1 C.pointf, filled
- func GoEndAnchor(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndCluster(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndEdge(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndEdges(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndGraph(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndJob(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndLabel(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndLayer(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndNode(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndNodes(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoEndPage(job *C.GVJ_t)
- func GoLibraryShape(job *C.GVJ_t, name *C.char, a *C.pointf, n, filled
- func GoPolygon(job *C.GVJ_t, a *C.pointf, n, filled
- func GoPolyline(job *C.GVJ_t, a *C.pointf, n
- func GoResolveColor(job *C.GVJ_t, r, g, b, a C.uint)
- func GoTextspan(job *C.GVJ_t, p C.pointf, span *C.textspan_t)
- func GvFinalize(gvc *GVC)
- func GvFreeContext(gvc *GVC) error
- func GvFreeLayout(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph) error
- func GvLayout(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph, engine string) error
- func GvLayoutJobs(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph) error
- func GvRenderContext(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph, format string, context unsafe.Pointer) error
- func GvRenderData(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph, format string, w io.Writer) error
- func GvRenderFilename(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph, format, filename string) error
- func GvRenderJobs(gvc *GVC, g *Agraph) error
- func GvToolTred(g *Agraph) int
- func GvcBuildDate(gvc *GVC) string
- func GvcVersion(gvc *GVC) string
- type Agattr
- type Agcbdisc
- type Agcbstack
- type Agclos
- func (g *Agclos) CallbacksEnabled() bool
- func (g *Agclos) Cb() *Agcbstack
- func (g *Agclos) Disc() *Agdisc
- func (g *Agclos) LookupByID() [3]*Dict
- func (g *Agclos) LookupByName() [3]*Dict
- func (g *Agclos) Seq() [3]uint64
- func (g *Agclos) SetCallbacksEnabled(v bool)
- func (g *Agclos) SetCb(v *Agcbstack)
- func (g *Agclos) SetDisc(v *Agdisc)
- func (g *Agclos) SetSeq(v []uint64)
- func (g *Agclos) SetState(v *Agdstate)
- func (g *Agclos) SetStrdict(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agclos) State() *Agdstate
- func (g *Agclos) Strdict() *Dict
- type Agdatadict
- type Agdesc
- type Agdisc
- type Agdstate
- type Agedge
- func Agedgef(g *Agraph, t *Agnode, h *Agnode, name string, createFlag int) (*Agedge, error)
- func Agfstedge(g *Agraph, n *Agnode) *Agedge
- func Agfstin(g *Agraph, n *Agnode) *Agedge
- func Agfstout(g *Agraph, n *Agnode) *Agedge
- func Agidedge(g *Agraph, t *Agnode, h *Agnode, id uint64, createFlag int) (*Agedge, error)
- func Agnxtedge(g *Agraph, e *Agedge, n *Agnode) *Agedge
- func Agnxtin(g *Agraph, n *Agedge) *Agedge
- func Agnxtout(g *Agraph, e *Agedge) *Agedge
- func Agsubedge(g *Agraph, e *Agedge, createFlag int) (*Agedge, error)
- func ToAgedge(c *C.Agedge_t) *Agedge
- func (g *Agedge) Base() *Agobj
- func (g *Agedge) C() *C.Agedge_t
- func (g *Agedge) IDLink() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agedge) Node() *Agnode
- func (g *Agedge) SeqLink() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agedge) SetBase(v *Agobj)
- func (g *Agedge) SetIDLink(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agedge) SetNode(v *Agnode)
- func (g *Agedge) SetSeqLink(v *Dtlink)
- type Agedgepair
- type Agnode
- func Agfstnode(g *Agraph) *Agnode
- func Agidnode(g *Agraph, id uint64, createFlag int) (*Agnode, error)
- func Aglstnode(g *Agraph) *Agnode
- func Agnodef(g *Agraph, name string, createFlag int) (*Agnode, error)
- func Agnxtnode(g *Agraph, n *Agnode) *Agnode
- func Agprvnode(g *Agraph, n *Agnode) *Agnode
- func Agsubnodef(g *Agraph, n *Agnode, createFlag int) (*Agnode, error)
- func ToAgnode(c *C.Agnode_t) *Agnode
- type Agobj
- type Agraph
- func Agfstsubg(g *Agraph) *Agraph
- func Agidsubg(g *Agraph, id uint64, cflag int) *Agraph
- func Agmemread(cp string) (*Agraph, error)
- func Agnxtsubg(subg *Agraph) *Agraph
- func Agopen(name string, desc *Agdesc, disc *Agdisc) (*Agraph, error)
- func Agparent(g *Agraph) *Agraph
- func Agread(ch unsafe.Pointer, disc *Agdisc) (*Agraph, error)
- func Agsubg(g *Agraph, name string, cflag int) *Agraph
- func GvNextInputGraph(gvc *GVC) *Agraph
- func GvPluginsGraph(gvc *GVC) *Agraph
- func ToAgraph(c *C.Agraph_t) *Agraph
- func (g *Agraph) Base() *Agobj
- func (g *Agraph) C() *C.Agraph_t
- func (g *Agraph) Clos() *Agclos
- func (g *Agraph) Desc() *Agdesc
- func (g *Agraph) EID() *Dict
- func (g *Agraph) ESeq() *Dict
- func (g *Agraph) GDict() *Dict
- func (g *Agraph) Link() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agraph) NID() *Dict
- func (g *Agraph) NSeq() *Dict
- func (g *Agraph) Parent() *Agraph
- func (g *Agraph) Root() *Agraph
- func (g *Agraph) SetBase(v *Agobj)
- func (g *Agraph) SetClos(v *Agclos)
- func (g *Agraph) SetDesc(v *Agdesc)
- func (g *Agraph) SetEID(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agraph) SetESeq(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agraph) SetGDict(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agraph) SetLink(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agraph) SetNID(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agraph) SetNSeq(v *Dict)
- func (g *Agraph) SetParent(v *Agraph)
- func (g *Agraph) SetRoot(v *Agraph)
- type Agrec
- type Agsubnode
- func (g *Agsubnode) C() *C.Agsubnode_t
- func (g *Agsubnode) IDLink() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) InID() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) InSeq() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) Node() *Agnode
- func (g *Agsubnode) OutID() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) OutSeq() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) SeqLink() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetIDLink(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetInID(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetInSeq(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetNode(v *Agnode)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetOutID(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetOutSeq(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsubnode) SetSeqLink(v *Dtlink)
- type Agsym
- func (g *Agsym) C() *C.Agsym_t
- func (g *Agsym) Defval() string
- func (g *Agsym) Fixed() uint
- func (g *Agsym) ID() int
- func (g *Agsym) Kind() uint
- func (g *Agsym) Link() *Dtlink
- func (g *Agsym) Name() string
- func (g *Agsym) Print() uint
- func (g *Agsym) SetDefval(v string)
- func (g *Agsym) SetFixed(v uint)
- func (g *Agsym) SetID(v int)
- func (g *Agsym) SetKind(v uint)
- func (g *Agsym) SetLink(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Agsym) SetName(v string)
- func (g *Agsym) SetPrint(v uint)
- type Agtag
- type Box
- type Boxf
- type Dict
- func (g *Dict) C() *C.Dict_t
- func (g *Dict) Data() *Dtdata
- func (g *Dict) Disc() *Dtdisc
- func (g *Dict) Memory() Dtmemory
- func (g *Dict) Meth() *Dtmethod
- func (g *Dict) Nview() int
- func (g *Dict) Search() Dtsearch
- func (g *Dict) SetData(v *Dtdata)
- func (g *Dict) SetDisc(v *Dtdisc)
- func (g *Dict) SetMeth(v *Dtmethod)
- func (g *Dict) SetNview(v int)
- func (g *Dict) SetType(v int)
- func (g *Dict) SetUser(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (g *Dict) SetView(v *Dict)
- func (g *Dict) SetWalk(v *Dict)
- func (g *Dict) Type() int
- func (g *Dict) User() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *Dict) View() *Dict
- func (g *Dict) Walk() *Dict
- type Dtcompare
- type Dtdata
- func (g *Dtdata) C() *C.Dtdata_t
- func (g *Dtdata) Head() *Dtlink
- func (g *Dtdata) Here() *Dtlink
- func (g *Dtdata) Htab() []*Dtlink
- func (g *Dtdata) Loop() int
- func (g *Dtdata) Minp() int
- func (g *Dtdata) Ntab() int
- func (g *Dtdata) SetHead(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetHere(v *Dtlink)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetHtab(v []*Dtlink)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetLoop(v int)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetMinp(v int)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetNtab(v int)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetSize(v int)
- func (g *Dtdata) SetType(v int)
- func (g *Dtdata) Size() int
- func (g *Dtdata) Type() int
- type Dtdisc
- func (g *Dtdisc) C() *C.Dtdisc_t
- func (g *Dtdisc) Compare() Dtcompare
- func (g *Dtdisc) Event() Dtevent
- func (g *Dtdisc) Free() Dtfree
- func (g *Dtdisc) Hash() Dthash
- func (g *Dtdisc) Key() int
- func (g *Dtdisc) Link() int
- func (g *Dtdisc) Make() Dtmake
- func (g *Dtdisc) Memory() Dtmemory
- func (g *Dtdisc) SetKey(v int)
- func (g *Dtdisc) SetLink(v int)
- func (g *Dtdisc) SetSize(v int)
- func (g *Dtdisc) Size() int
- type Dtevent
- type Dtfree
- type Dthash
- type Dthold
- type Dtlink
- type Dtmake
- type Dtmemory
- type Dtmethod
- type Dtsearch
- type Dtstat
- func (g *Dtstat) C() *C.Dtstat_t
- func (g *Dtstat) DtCount() []int
- func (g *Dtstat) DtMax() int
- func (g *Dtstat) DtMeth() int
- func (g *Dtstat) DtN() int
- func (g *Dtstat) DtSetSize(v int)
- func (g *Dtstat) DtSize() int
- func (g *Dtstat) SetDtCount(v []int)
- func (g *Dtstat) SetDtMax(v int)
- func (g *Dtstat) SetDtMeth(v int)
- func (g *Dtstat) SetDtN(v int)
- type EmitState
- type FillType
- type GVC
- type GVColor
- type GVCommon
- type GVJ
- func (g *GVJ) ActiveTooltip() []byte
- func (g *GVJ) BB() Boxf
- func (g *GVJ) BoundingBox() Box
- func (g *GVJ) Button() uint
- func (g *GVJ) C() *C.GVJ_t
- func (g *GVJ) CanvasBox() Boxf
- func (g *GVJ) Click() bool
- func (g *GVJ) Clip() Boxf
- func (g *GVJ) Common() *GVCommon
- func (g *GVJ) Context() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) CurrentObj() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) DPI() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) DevScale() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) DeviceDPI() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) DeviceSetsDPI() bool
- func (g *GVJ) Display() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) ExternalContext() bool
- func (g *GVJ) FitMode() bool
- func (g *GVJ) Flags() int
- func (g *GVJ) Focus() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) GVC() *GVC
- func (g *GVJ) GraphIndex() int
- func (g *GVJ) HasBeenRendered() bool
- func (g *GVJ) HasGrown() bool
- func (g *GVJ) Height() uint
- func (g *GVJ) ImageData() []byte
- func (g *GVJ) InputFilename() string
- func (g *GVJ) KeyCodes() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) LayerNum() int
- func (g *GVJ) LayoutType() string
- func (g *GVJ) Margin() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) NeedsRefresh() bool
- func (g *GVJ) Next() *GVJ
- func (g *GVJ) NextActive() *GVJ
- func (g *GVJ) NumKeys() int
- func (g *GVJ) NumLayers() int
- func (g *GVJ) NumPages() int
- func (g *GVJ) Obj() *ObjState
- func (g *GVJ) OldPointer() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) OutputData() []byte
- func (g *GVJ) OutputDataAllocated() uint
- func (g *GVJ) OutputDataPosition() uint
- func (g *GVJ) OutputFile() *os.File
- func (g *GVJ) OutputFilename() string
- func (g *GVJ) OutputLang() int
- func (g *GVJ) OutputLangname() string
- func (g *GVJ) Pad() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) PageBoundingBox() Box
- func (g *GVJ) PageBox() Boxf
- func (g *GVJ) PageSize() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) PagesArrayElem() Point
- func (g *GVJ) PagesArrayFirst() Point
- func (g *GVJ) PagesArrayMajor() Point
- func (g *GVJ) PagesArrayMinor() Point
- func (g *GVJ) PagesArraySize() Point
- func (g *GVJ) Pointer() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) Rotation() int
- func (g *GVJ) Scale() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) Screen() int
- func (g *GVJ) SelectedHref() []byte
- func (g *GVJ) SelectedObj() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) SetOutputData(v []byte)
- func (g *GVJ) Translation() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) View() Pointf
- func (g *GVJ) Width() uint
- func (g *GVJ) Window() unsafe.Pointer
- func (g *GVJ) Zoom() float64
- type MapShape
- type ObjState
- func (g *ObjState) Edge() *Agedge
- func (g *ObjState) EmitState() EmitState
- func (g *ObjState) Fill() FillType
- func (g *ObjState) FillColor() GVColor
- func (g *ObjState) GradientAngle() int
- func (g *ObjState) GradientFrac() float32
- func (g *ObjState) Graph() *Agraph
- func (g *ObjState) HeadEndURLMapN() int
- func (g *ObjState) HeadEndURLMapP() []Pointf
- func (g *ObjState) HeadLabel() string
- func (g *ObjState) HeadTarget() string
- func (g *ObjState) HeadTooltip() string
- func (g *ObjState) HeadURL() string
- func (g *ObjState) HeadZ() float64
- func (g *ObjState) ID() string
- func (g *ObjState) Label() string
- func (g *ObjState) LabelTarget() string
- func (g *ObjState) LabelTooltip() string
- func (g *ObjState) LabelURL() string
- func (g *ObjState) Node() *Agnode
- func (g *ObjState) Parent() *ObjState
- func (g *ObjState) Pen() PenType
- func (g *ObjState) PenColor() GVColor
- func (g *ObjState) PenWidth() float64
- func (g *ObjState) RawStyle() []string
- func (g *ObjState) StopColor() GVColor
- func (g *ObjState) SubGraph() *Agraph
- func (g *ObjState) TailEndURLMapN() int
- func (g *ObjState) TailEndURLMapP() []Pointf
- func (g *ObjState) TailLabel() string
- func (g *ObjState) TailTarget() string
- func (g *ObjState) TailTooltip() string
- func (g *ObjState) TailURL() string
- func (g *ObjState) TailZ() float64
- func (g *ObjState) Target() string
- func (g *ObjState) Tooltip() string
- func (g *ObjState) Type() ObjType
- func (g *ObjState) URL() string
- func (g *ObjState) URLBsplinemapN() []int
- func (g *ObjState) URLBsplinemapP() []Pointf
- func (g *ObjState) URLBsplinemapPolyN() int
- func (g *ObjState) URLMapN() int
- func (g *ObjState) URLMapP() []Pointf
- func (g *ObjState) URLMapShape() MapShape
- func (g *ObjState) XLabel() string
- func (g *ObjState) Z() float64
- type ObjType
- type PenType
- type Point
- type Pointf
- type PostscriptAlias
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) C() *C.PostscriptAlias
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) Family() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) Name() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontFamily() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontStyle() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontWeight() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) Stretch() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) Style() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) Weight() string
- func (g *PostscriptAlias) XFigCode() int
- type TextFont
- type TextSpan
- func (t *TextSpan) C() *C.textspan_t
- func (t *TextSpan) Font() *TextFont
- func (t *TextSpan) Just() byte
- func (t *TextSpan) Layout() unsafe.Pointer
- func (t *TextSpan) Size() Pointf
- func (t *TextSpan) Str() string
- func (t *TextSpan) YOffsetCenterLine() float64
- func (t *TextSpan) YOffsetLayout() float64
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( BeginJob func(*GVJ) EndJob func(*GVJ) BeginGraph func(*GVJ) EndGraph func(*GVJ) BeginLayer func(*GVJ, string, int, int) EndLayer func(*GVJ) BeginPage func(*GVJ) EndPage func(*GVJ) BeginCluster func(*GVJ) EndCluster func(*GVJ) BeginNodes func(*GVJ) EndNodes func(*GVJ) BeginEdges func(*GVJ) EndEdges func(*GVJ) BeginNode func(*GVJ) EndNode func(*GVJ) BeginEdge func(*GVJ) EndEdge func(*GVJ) BeginAnchor func(*GVJ, string, string, string, string) EndAnchor func(*GVJ) BeginLabel func(*GVJ, int) EndLabel func(*GVJ) Textspan func(*GVJ, Pointf, *TextSpan) ResolveColor func(*GVJ, uint, uint, uint, uint) Ellipse func(*GVJ, Pointf, Pointf, int) Polygon func(*GVJ, []Pointf, int) Beziercurve func(*GVJ, []Pointf, int, int, int) Polyline func(*GVJ, []Pointf) Comment func(*GVJ, string) LibraryShape func(*GVJ, string, []Pointf, int) )
View Source
var ( Agdirected = ToAgdesc(&C.Agdirected) Agstrictdirected = ToAgdesc(&C.Agstrictdirected) Agundirected = ToAgdesc(&C.Agundirected) Agstrictundirected = ToAgdesc(&C.Agstrictundirected) )
Functions ¶
func Agcallbacks ¶
func AgcanonStr ¶
func Aginternalmapclearlocalnames ¶
func Aginternalmapclearlocalnames(g *Agraph)
func Agisdirected ¶
func Agissimple ¶
func Agisstrict ¶
func Agisundirected ¶
func Agnodebefore ¶
func AgrelabelNode ¶
func Agstrcanon ¶
func AgstrdupHTML ¶
func AttachAttrs ¶
func AttachAttrs(g *Agraph)
func GoBeginCluster ¶
func GoBeginEdge ¶
func GoBeginEdges ¶
func GoBeginGraph ¶
func GoBeginJob ¶
func GoBeginLayer ¶
func GoBeginNode ¶
func GoBeginNodes ¶
func GoBeginPage ¶
func GoBeziercurve ¶
func GoDtwalkCallback ¶
func GoEndAnchor ¶
func GoEndCluster ¶
func GoEndEdges ¶
func GoEndGraph ¶
func GoEndLabel ¶
func GoEndLayer ¶
func GoEndNodes ¶
func GoTextspan ¶
func GvFinalize ¶
func GvFinalize(gvc *GVC)
func GvFreeContext ¶
func GvFreeLayout ¶
func GvLayoutJobs ¶
func GvRenderContext ¶
func GvRenderJobs ¶
func GvToolTred ¶
func GvcBuildDate ¶
func GvcVersion ¶
Types ¶
type Agcbdisc ¶
type Agcbdisc struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgcbdisc ¶
func ToAgcbdisc(c *C.Agcbdisc_t) *Agcbdisc
type Agcbstack ¶
type Agcbstack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgcbstack ¶
func ToAgcbstack(c *C.Agcbstack_t) *Agcbstack
type Agclos ¶
type Agclos struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Agclos) CallbacksEnabled ¶
func (*Agclos) LookupByID ¶
func (*Agclos) LookupByName ¶
func (*Agclos) SetCallbacksEnabled ¶
func (*Agclos) SetStrdict ¶
type Agdatadict ¶
type Agdatadict struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgdatadict ¶
func ToAgdatadict(c *C.Agdatadict_t) *Agdatadict
func (*Agdatadict) DictE ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) DictE() *Dict
func (*Agdatadict) DictG ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) DictG() *Dict
func (*Agdatadict) DictN ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) DictN() *Dict
func (*Agdatadict) H ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) H() *Agrec
func (*Agdatadict) SetDictE ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) SetDictE(v *Dict)
func (*Agdatadict) SetDictG ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) SetDictG(v *Dict)
func (*Agdatadict) SetDictN ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) SetDictN(v *Dict)
func (*Agdatadict) SetH ¶
func (g *Agdatadict) SetH(v *Agrec)
type Agdstate ¶
type Agdstate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgdstate ¶
func ToAgdstate(c *C.Agdstate_t) *Agdstate
type Agedge ¶
type Agedge struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Agedge) SetSeqLink ¶
type Agedgepair ¶
type Agedgepair struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgedgepair ¶
func ToAgedgepair(c *C.Agedgepair_t) *Agedgepair
func (*Agedgepair) C ¶
func (g *Agedgepair) C() *C.Agedgepair_t
func (*Agedgepair) In ¶
func (g *Agedgepair) In() *Agedge
func (*Agedgepair) Out ¶
func (g *Agedgepair) Out() *Agedge
func (*Agedgepair) SetIn ¶
func (g *Agedgepair) SetIn(v *Agedge)
func (*Agedgepair) SetOut ¶
func (g *Agedgepair) SetOut(v *Agedge)
type Agnode ¶
type Agnode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Agnode) SetMainsub ¶
type Agraph ¶
type Agraph struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GvNextInputGraph ¶
func GvPluginsGraph ¶
type Agsubnode ¶
type Agsubnode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToAgsubnode ¶
func ToAgsubnode(c *C.Agsubnode_t) *Agsubnode
func (*Agsubnode) C ¶
func (g *Agsubnode) C() *C.Agsubnode_t
func (*Agsubnode) SetSeqLink ¶
type Dtmethod ¶
type Dtmethod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToDtmethod ¶
func ToDtmethod(c *C.Dtmethod_t) *Dtmethod
func (*Dtmethod) C ¶
func (g *Dtmethod) C() *C.Dtmethod_t
type Dtstat ¶
type Dtstat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Dtstat) SetDtCount ¶
type GVCommon ¶
type GVCommon struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToGVCommon ¶
func ToGVCommon(c *C.GVCOMMON_t) *GVCommon
type GVJ ¶
type GVJ struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GVJ) ActiveTooltip ¶
func (*GVJ) BoundingBox ¶
func (*GVJ) CurrentObj ¶
func (*GVJ) DeviceSetsDPI ¶
func (*GVJ) ExternalContext ¶
func (*GVJ) GraphIndex ¶
func (*GVJ) HasBeenRendered ¶
func (*GVJ) InputFilename ¶
func (*GVJ) LayoutType ¶
func (*GVJ) NeedsRefresh ¶
func (*GVJ) NextActive ¶
func (*GVJ) OldPointer ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputData ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputDataAllocated ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputDataPosition ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputFile ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputFilename ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputLang ¶
func (*GVJ) OutputLangname ¶
func (*GVJ) PageBoundingBox ¶
func (*GVJ) PagesArrayElem ¶
func (*GVJ) PagesArrayFirst ¶
func (*GVJ) PagesArrayMajor ¶
func (*GVJ) PagesArrayMinor ¶
func (*GVJ) PagesArraySize ¶
func (*GVJ) SelectedHref ¶
func (*GVJ) SelectedObj ¶
func (*GVJ) SetOutputData ¶
func (*GVJ) Translation ¶
type ObjState ¶
type ObjState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToObjState ¶
func ToObjState(c *C.obj_state_t) *ObjState
func (*ObjState) GradientAngle ¶
func (*ObjState) GradientFrac ¶
func (*ObjState) HeadEndURLMapN ¶
func (*ObjState) HeadEndURLMapP ¶
func (*ObjState) HeadTarget ¶
func (*ObjState) HeadTooltip ¶
func (*ObjState) LabelTarget ¶
func (*ObjState) LabelTooltip ¶
func (*ObjState) TailEndURLMapN ¶
func (*ObjState) TailEndURLMapP ¶
func (*ObjState) TailTarget ¶
func (*ObjState) TailTooltip ¶
func (*ObjState) URLBsplinemapN ¶
func (*ObjState) URLBsplinemapP ¶
func (*ObjState) URLBsplinemapPolyN ¶
func (*ObjState) URLMapShape ¶
type PostscriptAlias ¶
type PostscriptAlias struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToPostscriptAlias ¶
func ToPostscriptAlias(c *C.PostscriptAlias) *PostscriptAlias
func (*PostscriptAlias) C ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) C() *C.PostscriptAlias
func (*PostscriptAlias) Family ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) Family() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) Name ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) Name() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) SVGFontFamily ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontFamily() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) SVGFontStyle ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontStyle() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) SVGFontWeight ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) SVGFontWeight() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) Stretch ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) Stretch() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) Style ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) Style() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) Weight ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) Weight() string
func (*PostscriptAlias) XFigCode ¶
func (g *PostscriptAlias) XFigCode() int
type TextFont ¶
type TextFont struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToTextFont ¶
func ToTextFont(c *C.textfont_t) *TextFont
func (*TextFont) PostscriptAlias ¶
func (g *TextFont) PostscriptAlias() *PostscriptAlias
type TextSpan ¶
type TextSpan struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ToTextSpan ¶
func ToTextSpan(c *C.textspan_t) *TextSpan
func (*TextSpan) C ¶
func (t *TextSpan) C() *C.textspan_t
func (*TextSpan) YOffsetCenterLine ¶
func (*TextSpan) YOffsetLayout ¶
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