A new worklog for my work
This version of the app a gui using bubbletea
It is a local based versions with a local database (sqlite)
How to use the worklog
Navigate the worklog with arrow keys for entry field and tab/enter to interact/navigate with pages.
Ctrl+C on any page will close the app so make sure to save all data before closing.
New View
How to enter new view?
Default view when the app starts
What to do in New View?
This is where new entrys are created and notes are added.
Hit the Save button to add the entry to the database
Tab will move between the New and List View when continually pressed
List View
How to enter list view?
Tab from New or Modify view to get to the list view.
Tab will move between the New and List View when continually pressed
What to do in list view
You can view all the current items that have been added to the DB. The list view will start with the latest 10 items and infinite scrol until the last item is reached
Summary View
How to enter summary view?
Press ctrl + p to enter summary view when in the list view.
Select the dates you want to view and then press ctrl + p again.
What to do in summary view
Here you can see all entries from the last 7 days.
If all these entries seem correct you can hit Enter to start the upload process.
First you will be prompted to login and then link any project codes to scoro tasks that are currently unlinked.
Once complete hit Enter again from the summary page to upload all entries accumulated from the week.
Modify View
How to enter modify view?
Press enter on an item in the list view.
What to do in modify view?
In this view you are able to edit an entry and then save it or delete it if no longer required.
You are also able to upload a single entry or unlink it if the scoro task bucket has changed and needs to be updated.
When a time entry is submitted to an old task, the consequences are untested an unknown. This could range from a http failure response to a success with a new entry being lost to the void. Please check all data is accurate and appropriately organised before submitting. If an issue occurs contact your scoro admin
Why login?
The login form takes in the users Scoro username and password and uses this to get a user_token, this is to avoid needing the api_key which some businesses might not want to provide to workers.
The login data is not saved at all and is only used to obtain auth. The user will need to login on every new session and may need to re-enter details if auth is considered stale in a long session.
If you do not want to enter login details, a user.env
file can be used to store these details for the worklog app to read from when required.
[email protected]
If this doesn't exist then the user will need to use the login form when prompted to upload
What are these used for
Some managers would prefer a short recap of the action taken in a time entry period for reporting. Some users want to document important notes and task issues/fixes. The notes portions will bridge that gap, the notes are a personal optional note taking field associated with the entry that will be saved but will not be uploaded with the entry when uploading to scoro, this will continue to be the description.
User presses upload on an entry. If the event_id is unknown, the user will be prompted to select a Project/Event for all future project code (currently only for the current instance)
This view should first prompt the user to enter their username and passwrod for scoro in to get a user token, another option can be using an env file to get the required details.
If the Scoro task/bucket has changed after a Project code has been linked, the user can unlink and relink to a new task.
Currently working on
Future Additions
- error log file rotations?
- Filepicker for importing.
- Add inbuilt search functionality based on any input
- Add more testing to code
Known Bugs