
v100.2.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 4, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 47 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// MaxHeaderBytes is a maximum header size.
	// NOTE: Because app hash can be of arbitrary size, the header is therefore not
	// capped in size and thus this number should be seen as a soft max.
	MaxHeaderBytes int64 = 626

	// MaxOverheadForBlock - maximum overhead to encode a block (up to
	// MaxBlockSizeBytes in size) not including it's parts except Data.
	// This means it also excludes the overhead for individual transactions.
	// Uvarint length of MaxBlockSizeBytes: 4 bytes
	// 2 fields (2 embedded):               2 bytes
	// Uvarint length of Data.Txs:          4 bytes
	// Data.Txs field:                      1 byte.
	MaxOverheadForBlock int64 = 11
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const (
	// Max size of commit without any commitSigs -> 82 for BlockID, 8 for Height, 4 for Round.
	MaxCommitOverheadBytes int64 = 94
	// Commit sig size is made up of 96 bytes for the signature, 20 bytes for the address,
	// 1 byte for the flag and 14 bytes for the timestamp.
	MaxCommitSigBytes int64 = 131 + 10 // where's the 10 from?
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const (
	// Block level events for mass consumption by users.
	// These events are triggered from the state package,
	// after a block has been committed.
	// These are also used by the tx indexer for async indexing.
	// All of this data can be fetched through the rpc.
	EventNewBlock            = "NewBlock"
	EventNewBlockHeader      = "NewBlockHeader"
	EventNewBlockEvents      = "NewBlockEvents"
	EventNewEvidence         = "NewEvidence"
	EventTx                  = "Tx"
	EventValidatorSetUpdates = "ValidatorSetUpdates"

	// Internal consensus events.
	// These are used for testing the consensus state machine.
	// They can also be used to build real-time consensus visualizers.
	EventCompleteProposal  = "CompleteProposal"
	EventLock              = "Lock"
	EventNewRound          = "NewRound"
	EventNewRoundStep      = "NewRoundStep"
	EventPolka             = "Polka"
	EventRelock            = "Relock"
	EventTimeoutPropose    = "TimeoutPropose"
	EventTimeoutWait       = "TimeoutWait"
	EventValidBlock        = "ValidBlock"
	EventVote              = "Vote"
	EventProposalBlockPart = "ProposalBlockPart"

Reserved event types (alphabetically sorted).

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const (
	// EventTypeKey is a reserved composite key for event name.
	EventTypeKey = "tm.event"

	// TxHashKey is a reserved key, used to specify transaction's hash.
	// see EventBus#PublishEventTx.
	TxHashKey = "tx.hash"

	// TxHeightKey is a reserved key, used to specify transaction block's height.
	// see EventBus#PublishEventTx.
	TxHeightKey = "tx.height"

	// BlockHeightKey is a reserved key used for indexing FinalizeBlock events.
	BlockHeightKey = "block.height"
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const (
	// MaxBlockSizeBytes is the maximum permitted size of the blocks.
	MaxBlockSizeBytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024

	// BlockPartSizeBytes is the size of one block part.
	BlockPartSizeBytes uint32 = 65536 // 64kB

	// MaxBlockPartsCount is the maximum number of block parts.
	MaxBlockPartsCount = (MaxBlockSizeBytes / BlockPartSizeBytes) + 1

	ABCIPubKeyTypeEd25519   = ed25519.KeyType
	ABCIPubKeyTypeSecp256k1 = secp256k1.KeyType
	ABCIPubKeyTypeBls12381  = bls12381.KeyType
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const (
	// MaxTotalVotingPower - the maximum allowed total voting power.
	// It needs to be sufficiently small to, in all cases:
	// 1. prevent clipping in incrementProposerPriority()
	// 2. let (diff+diffMax-1) not overflow in IncrementProposerPriority()
	// (Proof of 1 is tricky, left to the reader).
	// It could be higher, but this is sufficiently large for our purposes,
	// and leaves room for defensive purposes.
	MaxTotalVotingPower = int64(math.MaxInt64) / 8

	// PriorityWindowSizeFactor - is a constant that when multiplied with the
	// total voting power gives the maximum allowed distance between validator
	// priorities.
	PriorityWindowSizeFactor = 2
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const (
	// MaxChainIDLen is a maximum length of the chain ID.
	MaxChainIDLen = 50
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const (

	// The maximum supported number of bytes in a vote extension.
	MaxVoteExtensionSize int = 1024 * 1024
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const (
	// MaxVotesCount is the maximum number of votes in a set. Used in ValidateBasic funcs for
	// protection against DOS attacks. Note this implies a corresponding equal limit to
	// the number of validators.
	MaxVotesCount = 10000
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const TimeFormat = time.RFC3339Nano

TimeFormat is used for generating the sigs.

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const TxKeySize = sha256.Size

TxKeySize is the size of the transaction key index.


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var (
	EventQueryCompleteProposal    = QueryForEvent(EventCompleteProposal)
	EventQueryLock                = QueryForEvent(EventLock)
	EventQueryNewBlock            = QueryForEvent(EventNewBlock)
	EventQueryNewBlockHeader      = QueryForEvent(EventNewBlockHeader)
	EventQueryNewBlockEvents      = QueryForEvent(EventNewBlockEvents)
	EventQueryNewEvidence         = QueryForEvent(EventNewEvidence)
	EventQueryNewRound            = QueryForEvent(EventNewRound)
	EventQueryNewRoundStep        = QueryForEvent(EventNewRoundStep)
	EventQueryPolka               = QueryForEvent(EventPolka)
	EventQueryRelock              = QueryForEvent(EventRelock)
	EventQueryTimeoutPropose      = QueryForEvent(EventTimeoutPropose)
	EventQueryTimeoutWait         = QueryForEvent(EventTimeoutWait)
	EventQueryTx                  = QueryForEvent(EventTx)
	EventQueryValidatorSetUpdates = QueryForEvent(EventValidatorSetUpdates)
	EventQueryValidBlock          = QueryForEvent(EventValidBlock)
	EventQueryVote                = QueryForEvent(EventVote)
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var (
	ErrPartSetUnexpectedIndex = errors.New("error part set unexpected index")
	ErrPartSetInvalidProof    = errors.New("error part set invalid proof")
	ErrPartTooBig             = errors.New("error part size too big")
	ErrPartInvalidSize        = errors.New("error inner part with invalid size")
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var (
	ErrInvalidBlockPartSignature = errors.New("error invalid block part signature")
	ErrInvalidBlockPartHash      = errors.New("error invalid block part hash")
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var (
	ErrVoteUnexpectedStep            = errors.New("unexpected step")
	ErrVoteInvalidValidatorIndex     = errors.New("invalid validator index")
	ErrVoteInvalidValidatorAddress   = errors.New("invalid validator address")
	ErrVoteInvalidSignature          = errors.New("invalid signature")
	ErrVoteNoSignature               = errors.New("no signature")
	ErrVoteInvalidBlockHash          = errors.New("invalid block hash")
	ErrVoteNonDeterministicSignature = errors.New("non-deterministic signature")
	ErrVoteNil                       = errors.New("nil vote")
	ErrVoteExtensionAbsent           = errors.New("vote extension absent")
	ErrInvalidVoteExtension          = errors.New("invalid vote extension")
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var ErrTotalVotingPowerOverflow = fmt.Errorf("total voting power of resulting valset exceeds max %d",

ErrTotalVotingPowerOverflow is returned if the total voting power of the resulting validator set exceeds MaxTotalVotingPower.

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var ErroringMockPVErr = errors.New("erroringMockPV always returns an error")

MaxSignatureSize is a maximum allowed signature size for the Proposal and Vote. XXX: secp256k1 does not have Size nor MaxSize defined.

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var PB2TM = pb2tm{}

PB2TM is used for converting protobuf ABCI to CometBFT ABCI. UNSTABLE.

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var (
	PeerStateKey = "ConsensusReactor.peerState"


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var TM2PB = tm2pb{}

TM2PB is used for converting CometBFT ABCI to protobuf ABCI. UNSTABLE.


func CanonicalTime

func CanonicalTime(t time.Time) string

CanonicalTime can be used to stringify time in a canonical way.

func CanonicalizeBlockID

func CanonicalizeBlockID(bid cmtproto.BlockID) *cmtproto.CanonicalBlockID

func CanonicalizePartSetHeader

func CanonicalizePartSetHeader(psh cmtproto.PartSetHeader) cmtproto.CanonicalPartSetHeader

CanonicalizePartSetHeader transforms the given PartSetHeader to a CanonicalPartSetHeader.

func CanonicalizeProposal

func CanonicalizeProposal(chainID string, proposal *cmtproto.Proposal) cmtproto.CanonicalProposal

CanonicalizeProposal transforms the given Proposal to a CanonicalProposal.

func CanonicalizeVote

func CanonicalizeVote(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote) cmtproto.CanonicalVote

CanonicalizeVote transforms the given Vote to a CanonicalVote, which does not contain ValidatorIndex and ValidatorAddress fields, or any fields relating to vote extensions.

func CanonicalizeVoteExtension

func CanonicalizeVoteExtension(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote) cmtproto.CanonicalVoteExtension

CanonicalizeVoteExtension extracts the vote extension from the given vote and constructs a CanonicalizeVoteExtension struct, whose representation in bytes is what is signed in order to produce the vote extension's signature.

func ComputeProtoSizeForTxs

func ComputeProtoSizeForTxs(txs []Tx) int64

ComputeProtoSizeForTxs wraps the transactions in cmtproto.Data{} and calculates the size. https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding

func EventQueryTxFor

func EventQueryTxFor(tx Tx) cmtpubsub.Query

func EvidenceToProto

func EvidenceToProto(evidence Evidence) (*cmtproto.Evidence, error)

EvidenceToProto is a generalized function for encoding evidence that conforms to the evidence interface to protobuf.

func IsErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned

func IsErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned(err error) bool

IsErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned returns true if err is ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned.

func IsValidPubkeyType

func IsValidPubkeyType(params ValidatorParams, pubkeyType string) bool

func IsVoteTypeValid

func IsVoteTypeValid(t SignedMsgType) bool

IsVoteTypeValid returns true if t is a valid vote type.

func MaxCommitBytes

func MaxCommitBytes(valCount int) int64

func MaxDataBytes

func MaxDataBytes(maxBytes, evidenceBytes int64, valsCount int) int64

MaxDataBytes returns the maximum size of block's data.

XXX: Panics on negative result.

func MaxDataBytesNoEvidence

func MaxDataBytesNoEvidence(maxBytes int64, valsCount int) int64

MaxDataBytesNoEvidence returns the maximum size of block's data when evidence count is unknown (will be assumed to be 0).

XXX: Panics on negative result.

func ProposalSignBytes

func ProposalSignBytes(chainID string, p *cmtproto.Proposal) []byte

ProposalSignBytes returns the proto-encoding of the canonicalized Proposal, for signing. Panics if the marshaling fails.

The encoded Protobuf message is varint length-prefixed (using MarshalDelimited) for backwards-compatibility with the Amino encoding, due to e.g. hardware devices that rely on this encoding.

See CanonicalizeProposal.

func ProtoBlockIDIsNil

func ProtoBlockIDIsNil(bID *cmtproto.BlockID) bool

ProtoBlockIDIsNil is similar to the IsNil function on BlockID, but for the Protobuf representation.

func ProtoPartSetHeaderIsZero

func ProtoPartSetHeaderIsZero(ppsh *cmtproto.PartSetHeader) bool

ProtoPartSetHeaderIsZero is similar to the IsZero function for PartSetHeader, but for the Protobuf representation.

func QueryForEvent

func QueryForEvent(eventType string) cmtpubsub.Query

func RandValidator

func RandValidator(randPower bool, minPower int64) (*Validator, PrivValidator)

RandValidator returns a randomized validator, useful for testing. UNSTABLE.

func RandValidatorSet

func RandValidatorSet(numValidators int, votingPower int64) (*ValidatorSet, []PrivValidator)

RandValidatorSet returns a randomized validator set (size: +numValidators+), where each validator has a voting power of +votingPower+.


func SignAndCheckVote

func SignAndCheckVote(
	vote *Vote,
	privVal PrivValidator,
	chainID string,
	extensionsEnabled bool,
) (bool, error)

SignAndCheckVote signs the vote with the given privVal and checks the vote. It returns an error if the vote is invalid and a boolean indicating if the error is recoverable or not.

func SignedMsgTypeToShortString

func SignedMsgTypeToShortString(t SignedMsgType) string

Returns a short lowercase descriptor for a signed message type.

func ValidateHash

func ValidateHash(h []byte) error

ValidateHash returns an error if the hash is not empty, but its size != tmhash.Size.

func ValidatorListString

func ValidatorListString(vals []*Validator) string

ValidatorListString returns a prettified validator list for logging purposes.

func VerifyCommit

func VerifyCommit(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet, blockID BlockID,
	height int64, commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommit verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.

It checks all the signatures! While it's safe to exit as soon as we have 2/3+ signatures, doing so would impact incentivization logic in the ABCI application that depends on the LastCommitInfo sent in FinalizeBlock, which includes which validators signed. For instance, Gaia incentivizes proposers with a bonus for including more than +2/3 of the signatures.

func VerifyCommitLight

func VerifyCommitLight(
	chainID string,
	vals *ValidatorSet,
	blockID BlockID,
	height int64,
	commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommitLight verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.

This method is primarily used by the light client and does NOT check all the signatures.

func VerifyCommitLightAllSignatures

func VerifyCommitLightAllSignatures(
	chainID string,
	vals *ValidatorSet,
	blockID BlockID,
	height int64,
	commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommitLightAllSignatures verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.

This method DOES check all the signatures.

func VerifyCommitLightTrusting

func VerifyCommitLightTrusting(
	chainID string,
	vals *ValidatorSet,
	commit *Commit,
	trustLevel cmtmath.Fraction,
) error

VerifyCommitLightTrusting verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed this commit.

NOTE the given validators do not necessarily correspond to the validator set for this commit, but there may be some intersection.

This method is primarily used by the light client and does NOT check all the signatures.

func VerifyCommitLightTrustingAllSignatures

func VerifyCommitLightTrustingAllSignatures(
	chainID string,
	vals *ValidatorSet,
	commit *Commit,
	trustLevel cmtmath.Fraction,
) error

VerifyCommitLightTrustingAllSignatures verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed this commit.

NOTE the given validators do not necessarily correspond to the validator set for this commit, but there may be some intersection.

This method DOES check all the signatures.

func VoteExtensionSignBytes

func VoteExtensionSignBytes(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote) []byte

VoteExtensionSignBytes returns the proto-encoding of the canonicalized vote extension for signing. Panics if the marshaling fails.

Similar to VoteSignBytes, the encoded Protobuf message is varint length-prefixed for backwards-compatibility with the Amino encoding.

func VoteSignBytes

func VoteSignBytes(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote) []byte

VoteSignBytes returns the proto-encoding of the canonicalized Vote, for signing. Panics if the marshaling fails.

The encoded Protobuf message is varint length-prefixed (using MarshalDelimited) for backwards-compatibility with the Amino encoding, due to e.g. hardware devices that rely on this encoding.

See CanonicalizeVote.

func VotesToProto

func VotesToProto(votes []*Vote) []*cmtproto.Vote


type ABCIResults

type ABCIResults []*abci.ExecTxResult

ABCIResults wraps the deliver tx results to return a proof.

func NewResults

func NewResults(responses []*abci.ExecTxResult) ABCIResults

NewResults strips non-deterministic fields from ExecTxResult responses and returns ABCIResults.

func (ABCIResults) Hash

func (a ABCIResults) Hash() []byte

Hash returns a merkle hash of all results.

func (ABCIResults) ProveResult

func (a ABCIResults) ProveResult(i int) merkle.Proof

ProveResult returns a merkle proof of one result from the set.

type Address

type Address = crypto.Address

Address is hex bytes.

type Block

type Block struct {
	Header     `json:"header"`
	Data       `json:"data"`
	Evidence   EvidenceData `json:"evidence"`
	LastCommit *Commit      `json:"last_commit"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Block defines the atomic unit of a CometBFT blockchain.

func BlockFromProto

func BlockFromProto(bp *cmtproto.Block) (*Block, error)

BlockFromProto sets a protobuf Block to the given pointer. It returns an error if the block is invalid.

func MakeBlock

func MakeBlock(height int64, txs []Tx, lastCommit *Commit, evidence []Evidence) *Block

MakeBlock returns a new block with an empty header, except what can be computed from itself. It populates the same set of fields validated by ValidateBasic.

func (*Block) Hash

func (b *Block) Hash() cmtbytes.HexBytes

Hash computes and returns the block hash. If the block is incomplete, block hash is nil for safety.

func (*Block) HashesTo

func (b *Block) HashesTo(hash []byte) bool

HashesTo is a convenience function that checks if a block hashes to the given argument. Returns false if the block is nil or the hash is empty.

func (*Block) MakePartSet

func (b *Block) MakePartSet(partSize uint32) (*PartSet, error)

MakePartSet returns a PartSet containing parts of a serialized block. This is the form in which the block is gossipped to peers. CONTRACT: partSize is greater than zero.

func (*Block) Size

func (b *Block) Size() int

Size returns size of the block in bytes.

func (*Block) String

func (b *Block) String() string

String returns a string representation of the block

See StringIndented.

func (*Block) StringIndented

func (b *Block) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented String.

Header Data Evidence LastCommit Hash.

func (*Block) StringShort

func (b *Block) StringShort() string

StringShort returns a shortened string representation of the block.

func (*Block) ToProto

func (b *Block) ToProto() (*cmtproto.Block, error)

ToProto converts Block to protobuf.

func (*Block) ValidateBasic

func (b *Block) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation that doesn't involve state data. It checks the internal consistency of the block. Further validation is done using state#ValidateBlock.

type BlockEventPublisher

type BlockEventPublisher interface {
	PublishEventNewBlock(block EventDataNewBlock) error
	PublishEventNewBlockHeader(header EventDataNewBlockHeader) error
	PublishEventNewBlockEvents(events EventDataNewBlockEvents) error
	PublishEventNewEvidence(evidence EventDataNewEvidence) error
	PublishEventTx(tx EventDataTx) error
	PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates(updates EventDataValidatorSetUpdates) error

BlockEventPublisher publishes all block related events.

type BlockID

type BlockID struct {
	Hash          cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"hash"`
	PartSetHeader PartSetHeader     `json:"parts"`


func BlockIDFromProto

func BlockIDFromProto(bID *cmtproto.BlockID) (*BlockID, error)

BlockIDFromProto sets a protobuf BlockID to the given pointer. It returns an error if the block id is invalid.

func (BlockID) Equals

func (blockID BlockID) Equals(other BlockID) bool

Equals returns true if the BlockID matches the given BlockID.

func (BlockID) IsComplete

func (blockID BlockID) IsComplete() bool

IsComplete returns true if this is a valid BlockID of a non-nil block.

func (BlockID) IsNil

func (blockID BlockID) IsNil() bool

IsNil returns true if this is the BlockID of a nil block.

func (BlockID) Key

func (blockID BlockID) Key() string

Key returns a machine-readable string representation of the BlockID.

func (BlockID) String

func (blockID BlockID) String() string

String returns a human readable string representation of the BlockID.

1. hash 2. part set header

See PartSetHeader#String.

func (*BlockID) ToProto

func (blockID *BlockID) ToProto() cmtproto.BlockID

ToProto converts BlockID to protobuf.

func (BlockID) ValidateBasic

func (blockID BlockID) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type BlockIDFlag

type BlockIDFlag byte

BlockIDFlag indicates which BlockID the signature is for.

const (
	// BlockIDFlagAbsent - no vote was received from a validator.
	BlockIDFlagAbsent BlockIDFlag = iota + 1
	// BlockIDFlagCommit - voted for the Commit.BlockID.
	// BlockIDFlagNil - voted for nil.

type BlockMeta

type BlockMeta struct {
	BlockID   BlockID `json:"block_id"`
	BlockSize int     `json:"block_size"`
	Header    Header  `json:"header"`
	NumTxs    int     `json:"num_txs"`

BlockMeta contains meta information.

func BlockMetaFromTrustedProto

func BlockMetaFromTrustedProto(pb *cmtproto.BlockMeta) (*BlockMeta, error)

func NewBlockMeta

func NewBlockMeta(block *Block, blockParts *PartSet) *BlockMeta

NewBlockMeta returns a new BlockMeta.

func (*BlockMeta) ToProto

func (bm *BlockMeta) ToProto() *cmtproto.BlockMeta

func (*BlockMeta) ValidateBasic

func (bm *BlockMeta) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type BlockParams

type BlockParams struct {
	MaxBytes int64 `json:"max_bytes"`
	MaxGas   int64 `json:"max_gas"`

BlockParams define limits on the block size and gas.

func DefaultBlockParams

func DefaultBlockParams() BlockParams

DefaultBlockParams returns a default BlockParams.

type Commit

type Commit struct {
	// NOTE: The signatures are in order of address to preserve the bonded
	// ValidatorSet order.
	// Any peer with a block can gossip signatures by index with a peer without
	// recalculating the active ValidatorSet.
	Height     int64       `json:"height"`
	Round      int32       `json:"round"`
	BlockID    BlockID     `json:"block_id"`
	Signatures []CommitSig `json:"signatures"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Commit contains the evidence that a block was committed by a set of validators. NOTE: Commit is empty for height 1, but never nil.

func CommitFromProto

func CommitFromProto(cp *cmtproto.Commit) (*Commit, error)

CommitFromProto sets a protobuf Commit to the given pointer. It returns an error if the commit is invalid.

func (*Commit) Clone

func (commit *Commit) Clone() *Commit

Clone creates a deep copy of this commit.

func (*Commit) GetVote

func (commit *Commit) GetVote(valIdx int32) *Vote

GetVote converts the CommitSig for the given valIdx to a Vote. Commits do not contain vote extensions, so the vote extension and vote extension signature will not be present in the returned vote. Returns nil if the precommit at valIdx is nil. Panics if valIdx >= commit.Size().

func (*Commit) Hash

func (commit *Commit) Hash() cmtbytes.HexBytes

Hash returns the hash of the commit.

func (*Commit) MedianTime

func (commit *Commit) MedianTime(validators *ValidatorSet) time.Time

MedianTime computes the median time for a Commit based on the associated validator set. The median time is the weighted median of the Timestamp fields of the commit votes, with heights defined by the validator's voting powers. The BFT Time algorithm ensures that the computed median time is always picked among the timestamps produced by honest processes, i.e., faulty processes cannot arbitrarily increase or decrease the median time. See: https://github.com/KYVENetwork/cometbft/v100/blob/main/spec/consensus/bft-time.md

func (*Commit) Size

func (commit *Commit) Size() int

Size returns the number of signatures in the commit.

func (*Commit) StringIndented

func (commit *Commit) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns a string representation of the commit.

func (*Commit) ToProto

func (commit *Commit) ToProto() *cmtproto.Commit

ToProto converts Commit to protobuf.

func (*Commit) ToVoteSet

func (commit *Commit) ToVoteSet(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet) *VoteSet

ToVoteSet constructs a VoteSet from the Commit and validator set. Panics if signatures from the commit can't be added to the voteset. Inverse of VoteSet.MakeCommit().

func (*Commit) ValidateBasic

func (commit *Commit) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation that doesn't involve state data. Does not actually check the cryptographic signatures.

func (*Commit) VoteSignBytes

func (commit *Commit) VoteSignBytes(chainID string, valIdx int32) []byte

VoteSignBytes returns the bytes of the Vote corresponding to valIdx for signing.

The only unique part is the Timestamp - all other fields signed over are otherwise the same for all validators.

Panics if valIdx >= commit.Size().

See VoteSignBytes.

func (*Commit) WrappedExtendedCommit

func (commit *Commit) WrappedExtendedCommit() *ExtendedCommit

WrappedExtendedCommit wraps a commit as an ExtendedCommit. The VoteExtension fields of the resulting value will by nil. Wrapping a Commit as an ExtendedCommit is useful when an API requires an ExtendedCommit wire type but does not need the VoteExtension data.

type CommitSig

type CommitSig struct {
	BlockIDFlag      BlockIDFlag `json:"block_id_flag"`
	ValidatorAddress Address     `json:"validator_address"`
	Timestamp        time.Time   `json:"timestamp"`
	Signature        []byte      `json:"signature"`

CommitSig is a part of the Vote included in a Commit.

func NewCommitSigAbsent

func NewCommitSigAbsent() CommitSig

NewCommitSigAbsent returns new CommitSig with BlockIDFlagAbsent. Other fields are all empty.

func (CommitSig) BlockID

func (cs CommitSig) BlockID(commitBlockID BlockID) BlockID

BlockID returns the Commit's BlockID if CommitSig indicates signing, otherwise - empty BlockID.

func (*CommitSig) FromProto

func (cs *CommitSig) FromProto(csp cmtproto.CommitSig) error

FromProto sets a protobuf CommitSig to the given pointer. It returns an error if the CommitSig is invalid.

func (CommitSig) String

func (cs CommitSig) String() string

String returns a string representation of CommitSig.

1. first 6 bytes of signature 2. first 6 bytes of validator address 3. block ID flag 4. timestamp.

func (*CommitSig) ToProto

func (cs *CommitSig) ToProto() *cmtproto.CommitSig

ToProto converts CommitSig to protobuf.

func (CommitSig) ValidateBasic

func (cs CommitSig) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type ConsensusParams

type ConsensusParams struct {
	Block     BlockParams     `json:"block"`
	Evidence  EvidenceParams  `json:"evidence"`
	Validator ValidatorParams `json:"validator"`
	Version   VersionParams   `json:"version"`
	Synchrony SynchronyParams `json:"synchrony"`
	Feature   FeatureParams   `json:"feature"`

ConsensusParams contains consensus critical parameters that determine the validity of blocks.

func ConsensusParamsFromProto

func ConsensusParamsFromProto(pbParams cmtproto.ConsensusParams) ConsensusParams

func DefaultConsensusParams

func DefaultConsensusParams() *ConsensusParams

DefaultConsensusParams returns a default ConsensusParams.

func (ConsensusParams) Hash

func (params ConsensusParams) Hash() []byte

Hash returns a hash of a subset of the parameters to store in the block header. Only the Block.MaxBytes and Block.MaxGas are included in the hash. This allows the ConsensusParams to evolve more without breaking the block protocol. No need for a Merkle tree here, just a small struct to hash.

func (*ConsensusParams) ToProto

func (params *ConsensusParams) ToProto() cmtproto.ConsensusParams

func (ConsensusParams) Update

func (params ConsensusParams) Update(params2 *cmtproto.ConsensusParams) ConsensusParams

Update returns a copy of the params with updates from the non-zero fields of p2. NOTE: note: must not modify the original.

func (ConsensusParams) ValidateBasic

func (params ConsensusParams) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic validates the ConsensusParams to ensure **all** values are within their allowed limits, and returns an error if they are not.

func (ConsensusParams) ValidateUpdate

func (params ConsensusParams) ValidateUpdate(updated *cmtproto.ConsensusParams, h int64) error

ValidateUpdate validates the updated Consensus Params if updated == nil, then pass.

type Data

type Data struct {
	// Txs that will be applied by state @ block.Height+1.
	// NOTE: not all txs here are valid.  We're just agreeing on the order first.
	// This means that block.AppHash does not include these txs.
	Txs Txs `json:"txs"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Data contains the set of transactions included in the block.

func DataFromProto

func DataFromProto(dp *cmtproto.Data) (Data, error)

DataFromProto takes a protobuf representation of Data & returns the native type.

func (*Data) Hash

func (data *Data) Hash() cmtbytes.HexBytes

Hash returns the hash of the data.

func (*Data) StringIndented

func (data *Data) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented string representation of the transactions.

func (*Data) ToProto

func (data *Data) ToProto() cmtproto.Data

ToProto converts Data to protobuf.

type DuplicateVoteEvidence

type DuplicateVoteEvidence struct {
	VoteA *Vote `json:"vote_a"`
	VoteB *Vote `json:"vote_b"`

	// abci specific information
	TotalVotingPower int64
	ValidatorPower   int64
	Timestamp        time.Time

DuplicateVoteEvidence contains evidence of a single validator signing two conflicting votes.

func DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto

func DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto(pb *cmtproto.DuplicateVoteEvidence) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error)

DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto decodes protobuf into DuplicateVoteEvidence.

func NewDuplicateVoteEvidence

func NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(vote1, vote2 *Vote, blockTime time.Time, valSet *ValidatorSet,
) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error)

NewDuplicateVoteEvidence creates DuplicateVoteEvidence with right ordering given two conflicting votes. If either of the votes is nil, the val set is nil or the voter is not in the val set, an error is returned.

func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidence

func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidence(height int64, time time.Time, chainID string) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error)

NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidence assumes the round to be 0 and the validator index to be 0.

func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator

func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(height int64, time time.Time,
	pv PrivValidator, chainID string,
) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error)

NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator assumes voting power to be 10 and validator to be the only one in the set.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) ABCI

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ABCI() []abci.Misbehavior

ABCI returns the application relevant representation of the evidence.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) Bytes

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the proto-encoded evidence as a byte array.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) Hash

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Hash() []byte

Hash returns the hash of the evidence.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) Height

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Height() int64

Height returns the height of the infraction.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) String

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) String() string

String returns a string representation of the evidence.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) Time

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Time() time.Time

Time returns the time of the infraction.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) ToProto

ToProto encodes DuplicateVoteEvidence to protobuf.

func (*DuplicateVoteEvidence) ValidateBasic

func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type ErrEvidenceOverflow

type ErrEvidenceOverflow struct {
	Max int64
	Got int64

ErrEvidenceOverflow is for when there the amount of evidence exceeds the max bytes.

func NewErrEvidenceOverflow

func NewErrEvidenceOverflow(max, got int64) *ErrEvidenceOverflow

NewErrEvidenceOverflow returns a new ErrEvidenceOverflow where got > max.

func (*ErrEvidenceOverflow) Error

func (err *ErrEvidenceOverflow) Error() string

Error returns a string representation of the error.

type ErrInvalidEvidence

type ErrInvalidEvidence struct {
	Evidence Evidence
	Reason   error

ErrInvalidEvidence wraps a piece of evidence and the error denoting how or why it is invalid.

func NewErrInvalidEvidence

func NewErrInvalidEvidence(ev Evidence, err error) *ErrInvalidEvidence

NewErrInvalidEvidence returns a new EvidenceInvalid with the given err.

func (*ErrInvalidEvidence) Error

func (err *ErrInvalidEvidence) Error() string

Error returns a string representation of the error.

type ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned

type ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned struct {
	Got    int64
	Needed int64

ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned is returned when not enough validators signed a commit.

func (ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned) Error

type ErrVoteConflictingVotes

type ErrVoteConflictingVotes struct {
	VoteA *Vote
	VoteB *Vote

func NewConflictingVoteError

func NewConflictingVoteError(vote1, vote2 *Vote) *ErrVoteConflictingVotes

func (*ErrVoteConflictingVotes) Error

func (err *ErrVoteConflictingVotes) Error() string

type ErrVoteExtensionInvalid

type ErrVoteExtensionInvalid struct {
	ExtSignature []byte

The vote extension is only valid for non-nil precommits.

func (*ErrVoteExtensionInvalid) Error

func (err *ErrVoteExtensionInvalid) Error() string

type ErroringMockPV

type ErroringMockPV struct {

func NewErroringMockPV

func NewErroringMockPV() *ErroringMockPV

func (*ErroringMockPV) SignProposal

func (*ErroringMockPV) SignProposal(string, *cmtproto.Proposal) error

SignProposal implements PrivValidator.

func (*ErroringMockPV) SignVote

func (*ErroringMockPV) SignVote(string, *cmtproto.Vote, bool) error

SignVote implements PrivValidator.

type EventBus

type EventBus struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EventBus is a common bus for all events going through the system. All calls are proxied to underlying pubsub server. All events must be published using EventBus to ensure correct data types.

func NewEventBus

func NewEventBus() *EventBus

NewEventBus returns a new event bus.

func NewEventBusWithBufferCapacity

func NewEventBusWithBufferCapacity(cap int) *EventBus

NewEventBusWithBufferCapacity returns a new event bus with the given buffer capacity.

func (*EventBus) NumClientSubscriptions

func (b *EventBus) NumClientSubscriptions(clientID string) int

func (*EventBus) NumClients

func (b *EventBus) NumClients() int

func (*EventBus) OnStart

func (b *EventBus) OnStart() error

func (*EventBus) OnStop

func (b *EventBus) OnStop()

func (*EventBus) Publish

func (b *EventBus) Publish(eventType string, eventData TMEventData) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventCompleteProposal

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventCompleteProposal(data EventDataCompleteProposal) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventLock

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventLock(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewBlock

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewBlock(data EventDataNewBlock) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewBlockEvents

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewBlockEvents(data EventDataNewBlockEvents) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewBlockHeader

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewBlockHeader(data EventDataNewBlockHeader) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewEvidence

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewEvidence(evidence EventDataNewEvidence) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewRound

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewRound(data EventDataNewRound) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventNewRoundStep

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventNewRoundStep(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventPolka

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventPolka(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventRelock

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventRelock(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventTimeoutPropose

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventTimeoutPropose(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventTimeoutWait

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventTimeoutWait(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventTx

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventTx(data EventDataTx) error

PublishEventTx publishes tx event with events from Result. Note it will add predefined keys (EventTypeKey, TxHashKey). Existing events with the same keys will be overwritten.

func (*EventBus) PublishEventValidBlock

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventValidBlock(data EventDataRoundState) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates(data EventDataValidatorSetUpdates) error

func (*EventBus) PublishEventVote

func (b *EventBus) PublishEventVote(data EventDataVote) error

func (*EventBus) SetLogger

func (b *EventBus) SetLogger(l log.Logger)

func (*EventBus) Subscribe

func (b *EventBus) Subscribe(
	ctx context.Context,
	subscriber string,
	query cmtpubsub.Query,
	outCapacity ...int,
) (Subscription, error)

func (*EventBus) SubscribeUnbuffered

func (b *EventBus) SubscribeUnbuffered(
	ctx context.Context,
	subscriber string,
	query cmtpubsub.Query,
) (Subscription, error)

SubscribeUnbuffered can be used for a local consensus explorer and synchronous testing. Do not use for public facing / untrusted subscriptions!

func (*EventBus) Unsubscribe

func (b *EventBus) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber string, query cmtpubsub.Query) error

func (*EventBus) UnsubscribeAll

func (b *EventBus) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error

type EventBusSubscriber

type EventBusSubscriber interface {
	Subscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber string, query cmtpubsub.Query, outCapacity ...int) (Subscription, error)
	Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriber string, query cmtpubsub.Query) error
	UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context, subscriber string) error

	NumClients() int
	NumClientSubscriptions(clientID string) int

type EventDataCompleteProposal

type EventDataCompleteProposal struct {
	Height int64  `json:"height"`
	Round  int32  `json:"round"`
	Step   string `json:"step"`

	BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`

type EventDataNewBlock

type EventDataNewBlock struct {
	Block               *Block                     `json:"block"`
	BlockID             BlockID                    `json:"block_id"`
	ResultFinalizeBlock abci.FinalizeBlockResponse `json:"result_finalize_block"`

type EventDataNewBlockEvents

type EventDataNewBlockEvents struct {
	Height int64        `json:"height"`
	Events []abci.Event `json:"events"`
	NumTxs int64        `json:"num_txs,string"` // Number of txs in a block

type EventDataNewBlockHeader

type EventDataNewBlockHeader struct {
	Header Header `json:"header"`

type EventDataNewEvidence

type EventDataNewEvidence struct {
	Height   int64    `json:"height"`
	Evidence Evidence `json:"evidence"`

type EventDataNewRound

type EventDataNewRound struct {
	Height int64  `json:"height"`
	Round  int32  `json:"round"`
	Step   string `json:"step"`

	Proposer ValidatorInfo `json:"proposer"`

type EventDataRoundState

type EventDataRoundState struct {
	Height int64  `json:"height"`
	Round  int32  `json:"round"`
	Step   string `json:"step"`

NOTE: This goes into the replay WAL.

type EventDataString

type EventDataString string

type EventDataTx

type EventDataTx struct {

All txs fire EventDataTx.

type EventDataValidatorSetUpdates

type EventDataValidatorSetUpdates struct {
	ValidatorUpdates []*Validator `json:"validator_updates"`

type EventDataVote

type EventDataVote struct {
	Vote *Vote

type Evidence

type Evidence interface {
	ABCI() []abci.Misbehavior // forms individual evidence to be sent to the application
	Bytes() []byte            // bytes which comprise the evidence
	Hash() []byte             // hash of the evidence
	Height() int64            // height of the infraction
	String() string           // string format of the evidence
	Time() time.Time          // time of the infraction
	ValidateBasic() error     // basic consistency check

Evidence represents any provable misbehavior committed by a validator. Verification logic for each evidence is part of the evidence module.

func EvidenceFromProto

func EvidenceFromProto(evidence *cmtproto.Evidence) (Evidence, error)

EvidenceFromProto is a generalized function for decoding protobuf into the evidence interface.

type EvidenceData

type EvidenceData struct {
	Evidence EvidenceList `json:"evidence"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EvidenceData contains a list of evidence committed by a validator.

func (*EvidenceData) ByteSize

func (data *EvidenceData) ByteSize() int64

ByteSize returns the total byte size of all the evidence.

func (*EvidenceData) FromProto

func (data *EvidenceData) FromProto(eviData *cmtproto.EvidenceList) error

FromProto sets a protobuf EvidenceData to the given pointer.

func (*EvidenceData) Hash

func (data *EvidenceData) Hash() cmtbytes.HexBytes

Hash returns the hash of the data.

func (*EvidenceData) StringIndented

func (data *EvidenceData) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns a string representation of the evidence.

func (*EvidenceData) ToProto

func (data *EvidenceData) ToProto() (*cmtproto.EvidenceList, error)

ToProto converts EvidenceData to protobuf.

type EvidenceList

type EvidenceList []Evidence

EvidenceList is a list of Evidence. Evidences is not a word.

func (EvidenceList) Has

func (evl EvidenceList) Has(evidence Evidence) bool

Has returns true if the evidence is in the EvidenceList.

func (EvidenceList) Hash

func (evl EvidenceList) Hash() []byte

Hash returns the simple merkle root hash of the EvidenceList.

func (EvidenceList) String

func (evl EvidenceList) String() string

func (EvidenceList) ToABCI

func (evl EvidenceList) ToABCI() []abci.Misbehavior

ToABCI converts the evidence list to a slice of the ABCI protobuf messages for use when communicating the evidence to an application.

type EvidenceParams

type EvidenceParams struct {
	MaxAgeNumBlocks int64         `json:"max_age_num_blocks"` // only accept new evidence more recent than this
	MaxAgeDuration  time.Duration `json:"max_age_duration"`
	MaxBytes        int64         `json:"max_bytes"`

EvidenceParams determine the validity of evidences of Byzantine behavior.

func DefaultEvidenceParams

func DefaultEvidenceParams() EvidenceParams

DefaultEvidenceParams returns a default EvidenceParams.

type ExtendedCommit

type ExtendedCommit struct {
	Height             int64
	Round              int32
	BlockID            BlockID
	ExtendedSignatures []ExtendedCommitSig
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExtendedCommit is similar to Commit, except that its signatures also retain their corresponding vote extensions and vote extension signatures.

func ExtendedCommitFromProto

func ExtendedCommitFromProto(ecp *cmtproto.ExtendedCommit) (*ExtendedCommit, error)

ExtendedCommitFromProto constructs an ExtendedCommit from the given Protobuf representation. It returns an error if the extended commit is invalid.

func MakeExtCommit

func MakeExtCommit(blockID BlockID, height int64, round int32,
	voteSet *VoteSet, validators []PrivValidator, now time.Time, extEnabled bool,
) (*ExtendedCommit, error)

func (*ExtendedCommit) BitArray

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) BitArray() *bits.BitArray

BitArray returns a BitArray of which validators voted for BlockID or nil in this extended commit. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) Clone

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) Clone() *ExtendedCommit

Clone creates a deep copy of this extended commit.

func (*ExtendedCommit) EnsureExtensions

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) EnsureExtensions(extEnabled bool) error

EnsureExtensions validates that a vote extensions signature is present for every ExtendedCommitSig in the ExtendedCommit.

func (*ExtendedCommit) GetByIndex

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) GetByIndex(valIdx int32) *Vote

GetByIndex returns the vote corresponding to a given validator index. Panics if `index >= extCommit.Size()`. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) GetExtendedVote

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) GetExtendedVote(valIndex int32) *Vote

GetExtendedVote converts the ExtendedCommitSig for the given validator index to a Vote with a vote extensions. It panics if valIndex is out of range.

func (*ExtendedCommit) GetHeight

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) GetHeight() int64

GetHeight returns height of the extended commit. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) GetRound

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) GetRound() int32

GetRound returns height of the extended commit. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) IsCommit

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) IsCommit() bool

IsCommit returns true if there is at least one signature. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) Size

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) Size() int

Size returns the number of signatures in the extended commit. Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) ToCommit

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) ToCommit() *Commit

ToCommit converts an ExtendedCommit to a Commit by removing all vote extension-related fields.

func (*ExtendedCommit) ToExtendedVoteSet

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) ToExtendedVoteSet(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet) *VoteSet

ToExtendedVoteSet constructs a VoteSet from the Commit and validator set. Panics if signatures from the ExtendedCommit can't be added to the voteset. Panics if any of the votes have invalid or absent vote extension data. Inverse of VoteSet.MakeExtendedCommit().

func (*ExtendedCommit) ToProto

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) ToProto() *cmtproto.ExtendedCommit

ToProto converts ExtendedCommit to protobuf.

func (*ExtendedCommit) Type

func (*ExtendedCommit) Type() byte

Type returns the vote type of the extended commit, which is always VoteTypePrecommit Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*ExtendedCommit) ValidateBasic

func (ec *ExtendedCommit) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic checks whether the extended commit is well-formed. Does not actually check the cryptographic signatures.

type ExtendedCommitSig

type ExtendedCommitSig struct {
	CommitSig                 // Commit signature
	Extension          []byte // Vote extension
	ExtensionSignature []byte // Vote extension signature

ExtendedCommitSig contains a commit signature along with its corresponding vote extension and vote extension signature.

func NewExtendedCommitSigAbsent

func NewExtendedCommitSigAbsent() ExtendedCommitSig

NewExtendedCommitSigAbsent returns new ExtendedCommitSig with BlockIDFlagAbsent. Other fields are all empty.

func (ExtendedCommitSig) EnsureExtension

func (ecs ExtendedCommitSig) EnsureExtension(extEnabled bool) error

EnsureExtension validates that a vote extensions signature is present for this ExtendedCommitSig.

func (*ExtendedCommitSig) FromProto

func (ecs *ExtendedCommitSig) FromProto(ecsp cmtproto.ExtendedCommitSig) error

FromProto populates the ExtendedCommitSig with values from the given Protobuf representation. Returns an error if the ExtendedCommitSig is invalid.

func (ExtendedCommitSig) String

func (ecs ExtendedCommitSig) String() string

String returns a string representation of an ExtendedCommitSig.

1. commit sig 2. first 6 bytes of vote extension 3. first 6 bytes of vote extension signature.

func (*ExtendedCommitSig) ToProto

ToProto converts the ExtendedCommitSig to its Protobuf representation.

func (ExtendedCommitSig) ValidateBasic

func (ecs ExtendedCommitSig) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic checks whether the structure is well-formed.

type FeatureParams

type FeatureParams struct {
	VoteExtensionsEnableHeight int64 `json:"vote_extensions_enable_height"`
	PbtsEnableHeight           int64 `json:"pbts_enable_height"`

FeatureParams configure the height from which features of CometBFT are enabled.

func DefaultFeatureParams

func DefaultFeatureParams() FeatureParams

Disabled by default.

func (FeatureParams) PbtsEnabled

func (p FeatureParams) PbtsEnabled(h int64) bool

PbtsEnabled returns true if PBTS is enabled at height h and false otherwise.

func (FeatureParams) VoteExtensionsEnabled

func (p FeatureParams) VoteExtensionsEnabled(h int64) bool

VoteExtensionsEnabled returns true if vote extensions are enabled at height h and false otherwise.

type GenesisDoc

type GenesisDoc struct {
	GenesisTime     time.Time          `json:"genesis_time"`
	ChainID         string             `json:"chain_id"`
	InitialHeight   int64              `json:"initial_height"`
	ConsensusParams *ConsensusParams   `json:"consensus_params,omitempty"`
	Validators      []GenesisValidator `json:"validators,omitempty"`
	AppHash         cmtbytes.HexBytes  `json:"app_hash"`
	AppState        json.RawMessage    `json:"app_state,omitempty"`

GenesisDoc defines the initial conditions for a CometBFT blockchain, in particular its validator set.

func GenesisDocFromFile

func GenesisDocFromFile(genDocFile string) (*GenesisDoc, error)

GenesisDocFromFile reads JSON data from a file and unmarshalls it into a GenesisDoc.

func GenesisDocFromJSON

func GenesisDocFromJSON(jsonBlob []byte) (*GenesisDoc, error)

GenesisDocFromJSON unmarshalls JSON data into a GenesisDoc.

func (*GenesisDoc) SaveAs

func (genDoc *GenesisDoc) SaveAs(file string) error

SaveAs is a utility method for saving GenensisDoc as a JSON file.

func (*GenesisDoc) ValidateAndComplete

func (genDoc *GenesisDoc) ValidateAndComplete() error

ValidateAndComplete checks that all necessary fields are present and fills in defaults for optional fields left empty.

func (*GenesisDoc) ValidatorHash

func (genDoc *GenesisDoc) ValidatorHash() []byte

ValidatorHash returns the hash of the validator set contained in the GenesisDoc.

type GenesisValidator

type GenesisValidator struct {
	Address Address       `json:"address"`
	PubKey  crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
	Power   int64         `json:"power"`
	Name    string        `json:"name"`

GenesisValidator is an initial validator.

type Header struct {
	// basic block info
	Version cmtversion.Consensus `json:"version"`
	ChainID string               `json:"chain_id"`
	Height  int64                `json:"height"`
	Time    time.Time            `json:"time"`

	// prev block info
	LastBlockID BlockID `json:"last_block_id"`

	// hashes of block data
	LastCommitHash cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"last_commit_hash"` // commit from validators from the last block
	DataHash       cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"data_hash"`        // transactions

	// hashes from the app output from the prev block
	ValidatorsHash     cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"validators_hash"`      // validators for the current block
	NextValidatorsHash cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"next_validators_hash"` // validators for the next block
	ConsensusHash      cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"consensus_hash"`       // consensus params for current block
	AppHash            cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"app_hash"`             // state after txs from the previous block
	// root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block
	// see `DeterministicExecTxResult` to understand which parts of a tx is hashed into here
	LastResultsHash cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"last_results_hash"`

	// consensus info
	EvidenceHash    cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"evidence_hash"`    // evidence included in the block
	ProposerAddress Address           `json:"proposer_address"` // original proposer of the block

Header defines the structure of a CometBFT block header. NOTE: changes to the Header should be duplicated in: - header.Hash() - abci.Header - https://github.com/KYVENetwork/cometbft/v100/blob/main/spec/blockchain/blockchain.md

func HeaderFromProto

func HeaderFromProto(ph *cmtproto.Header) (Header, error)

HeaderFromProto sets a protobuf Header to the given pointer. It returns an error if the header is invalid.

func (*Header) Hash

func (h *Header) Hash() cmtbytes.HexBytes

Hash returns the hash of the header. It computes a Merkle tree from the header fields ordered as they appear in the Header. Returns nil if ValidatorHash is missing, since a Header is not valid unless there is a ValidatorsHash (corresponding to the validator set).

func (*Header) Populate

func (h *Header) Populate(
	version cmtversion.Consensus, chainID string,
	timestamp time.Time, lastBlockID BlockID,
	valHash, nextValHash []byte,
	consensusHash, appHash, lastResultsHash []byte,
	proposerAddress Address,

Populate the Header with state-derived data. Call this after MakeBlock to complete the Header.

func (*Header) StringIndented

func (h *Header) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented string representation of the header.

func (*Header) ToProto

func (h *Header) ToProto() *cmtproto.Header

ToProto converts Header to protobuf.

func (Header) ValidateBasic

func (h Header) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs stateless validation on a Header returning an error if any validation fails.

NOTE: Timestamp validation is subtle and handled elsewhere.

type LightBlock

type LightBlock struct {
	*SignedHeader `json:"signed_header"`
	ValidatorSet  *ValidatorSet `json:"validator_set"`

LightBlock is a SignedHeader and a ValidatorSet. It is the basis of the light client.

func LightBlockFromProto

func LightBlockFromProto(pb *cmtproto.LightBlock) (*LightBlock, error)

LightBlockFromProto converts from protobuf back into the Lightblock. An error is returned if either the validator set or signed header are invalid.

func (LightBlock) String

func (lb LightBlock) String() string

String returns a string representation of the LightBlock.

func (LightBlock) StringIndented

func (lb LightBlock) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented string representation of the LightBlock

SignedHeader ValidatorSet.

func (*LightBlock) ToProto

func (lb *LightBlock) ToProto() (*cmtproto.LightBlock, error)

ToProto converts the LightBlock to protobuf.

func (LightBlock) ValidateBasic

func (lb LightBlock) ValidateBasic(chainID string) error

ValidateBasic checks that the data is correct and consistent

This does no verification of the signatures.

type LightClientAttackEvidence

type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
	ConflictingBlock *LightBlock
	CommonHeight     int64

	// abci specific information
	ByzantineValidators []*Validator // validators in the validator set that misbehaved in creating the conflicting block
	TotalVotingPower    int64        // total voting power of the validator set at the common height
	Timestamp           time.Time    // timestamp of the block at the common height

LightClientAttackEvidence is a generalized evidence that captures all forms of known attacks on a light client such that a full node can verify, propose and commit the evidence on-chain for punishment of the malicious validators. There are three forms of attacks: Lunatic, Equivocation and Amnesia. These attacks are exhaustive. You can find a more detailed overview of this at cometbft/docs/architecture/tendermint-core/adr-047-handling-evidence-from-light-client.md.

func LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto

func LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto(lpb *cmtproto.LightClientAttackEvidence) (*LightClientAttackEvidence, error)

LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto decodes protobuf.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) ABCI

ABCI forms an array of abci.Misbehavior for each byzantine validator.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) Bytes

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the proto-encoded evidence as a byte array.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid(trustedHeader *Header) bool

ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid takes a trusted header and matches it against a conflicting header to determine whether the conflicting header was the product of a valid state transition or not. If it is then all the deterministic fields of the header should be the same. If not, it is an invalid header and constitutes a lunatic attack.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) GetByzantineValidators

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) GetByzantineValidators(commonVals *ValidatorSet,
	trusted *SignedHeader,
) []*Validator

GetByzantineValidators finds out what style of attack LightClientAttackEvidence was and then works out who the malicious validators were and returns them. This is used both for forming the ByzantineValidators field and for validating that it is correct. Validators are ordered based on validator power.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) Hash

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Hash() []byte

Hash returns the hash of the header and the commonHeight. This is designed to cause hash collisions with evidence that have the same conflicting header and common height but different permutations of validator commit signatures. The reason for this is that we don't want to allow several permutations of the same evidence to be committed on chain. Ideally we commit the header with the most commit signatures (captures the most byzantine validators) but anything greater than 1/3 is sufficient. TODO: We should change the hash to include the commit, header, total voting power, byzantine validators and timestamp.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) Height

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Height() int64

Height returns the last height at which the primary provider and witness provider had the same header. We use this as the height of the infraction rather than the actual conflicting header because we know that the malicious validators were bonded at this height which is important for evidence expiry.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) String

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) String() string

String returns a string representation of LightClientAttackEvidence.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) Time

Time returns the time of the common block where the infraction leveraged off.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) ToProto

ToProto encodes LightClientAttackEvidence to protobuf.

func (*LightClientAttackEvidence) ValidateBasic

func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation such that the evidence is consistent and can now be used for verification.

type MockPV

type MockPV struct {
	PrivKey crypto.PrivKey
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockPV implements PrivValidator without any safety or persistence. Only use it for testing.

func NewMockPV

func NewMockPV() MockPV

func NewMockPVWithParams

func NewMockPVWithParams(privKey crypto.PrivKey, breakProposalSigning, breakVoteSigning bool) MockPV

NewMockPVWithParams allows one to create a MockPV instance, but with finer grained control over the operation of the mock validator. This is useful for mocking test-2 failures.

func (MockPV) DisableChecks

func (MockPV) DisableChecks()

XXX: Implement.

func (MockPV) ExtractIntoValidator

func (pv MockPV) ExtractIntoValidator(votingPower int64) *Validator

func (MockPV) GetPubKey

func (pv MockPV) GetPubKey() (crypto.PubKey, error)

GetPubKey implements PrivValidator.

func (MockPV) SignBytes

func (pv MockPV) SignBytes(bytes []byte) ([]byte, error)

SignBytes implements PrivValidator.

func (MockPV) SignProposal

func (pv MockPV) SignProposal(chainID string, proposal *cmtproto.Proposal) error

SignProposal implements PrivValidator.

func (MockPV) SignVote

func (pv MockPV) SignVote(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote, signExtension bool) error

SignVote implements PrivValidator.

func (MockPV) String

func (pv MockPV) String() string

String returns a string representation of the MockPV.

type NopEventBus

type NopEventBus struct{}


func (NopEventBus) PublishEventCompleteProposal

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventCompleteProposal(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventLock

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventLock(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlock

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlock(EventDataNewBlock) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlockEvents

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlockEvents(EventDataNewBlockEvents) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlockHeader

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewBlockHeader(EventDataNewBlockHeader) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewEvidence

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewEvidence(EventDataNewEvidence) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewRound

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewRound(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewRoundStep

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventNewRoundStep(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventPolka

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventPolka(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventRelock

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventRelock(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTimeoutPropose

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTimeoutPropose(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTimeoutWait

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTimeoutWait(EventDataRoundState) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTx

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventTx(EventDataTx) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates(EventDataValidatorSetUpdates) error

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventVote

func (NopEventBus) PublishEventVote(EventDataVote) error

func (NopEventBus) Subscribe

func (NopEventBus) Subscribe(
	chan<- any,
) error

func (NopEventBus) Unsubscribe

func (NopEventBus) UnsubscribeAll

func (NopEventBus) UnsubscribeAll(context.Context, string) error

type P2PID

type P2PID string

UNSTABLE XXX: duplicate of p2p.ID to avoid dependence between packages. Perhaps we can have a minimal types package containing this (and other things?) that both `types` and `p2p` import ?

type Part

type Part struct {
	Index uint32            `json:"index"`
	Bytes cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"bytes"`
	Proof merkle.Proof      `json:"proof"`

func PartFromProto

func PartFromProto(pb *cmtproto.Part) (*Part, error)

func (*Part) String

func (part *Part) String() string

String returns a string representation of Part.

See StringIndented.

func (*Part) StringIndented

func (part *Part) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented Part.

See merkle.Proof#StringIndented.

func (*Part) ToProto

func (part *Part) ToProto() (*cmtproto.Part, error)

func (*Part) ValidateBasic

func (part *Part) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type PartSet

type PartSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPartSetFromData

func NewPartSetFromData(data []byte, partSize uint32) *PartSet

NewPartSetFromData returns an immutable, full PartSet from the data bytes. The data bytes are split into "partSize" chunks, and merkle tree computed. CONTRACT: partSize is greater than zero.

func NewPartSetFromHeader

func NewPartSetFromHeader(header PartSetHeader) *PartSet

NewPartSetFromHeader returns an empty PartSet ready to be populated.

func (*PartSet) AddPart

func (ps *PartSet) AddPart(part *Part) (bool, error)

func (*PartSet) BitArray

func (ps *PartSet) BitArray() *bits.BitArray

func (*PartSet) ByteSize

func (ps *PartSet) ByteSize() int64

func (*PartSet) Count

func (ps *PartSet) Count() uint32

func (*PartSet) GetPart

func (ps *PartSet) GetPart(index int) *Part

func (*PartSet) GetReader

func (ps *PartSet) GetReader() io.Reader

func (*PartSet) HasHeader

func (ps *PartSet) HasHeader(header PartSetHeader) bool

func (*PartSet) Hash

func (ps *PartSet) Hash() []byte

func (*PartSet) HashesTo

func (ps *PartSet) HashesTo(hash []byte) bool

func (*PartSet) Header

func (ps *PartSet) Header() PartSetHeader

func (*PartSet) IsComplete

func (ps *PartSet) IsComplete() bool

func (*PartSet) MarshalJSON

func (ps *PartSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*PartSet) StringShort

func (ps *PartSet) StringShort() string

StringShort returns a short version of String.

(Count of Total).

func (*PartSet) Total

func (ps *PartSet) Total() uint32

type PartSetHeader

type PartSetHeader struct {
	Total uint32            `json:"total"`
	Hash  cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"hash"`

func PartSetHeaderFromProto

func PartSetHeaderFromProto(ppsh *cmtproto.PartSetHeader) (*PartSetHeader, error)

PartSetHeaderFromProto sets a protobuf PartSetHeader to the given pointer.

func (PartSetHeader) Equals

func (psh PartSetHeader) Equals(other PartSetHeader) bool

func (PartSetHeader) IsZero

func (psh PartSetHeader) IsZero() bool

func (PartSetHeader) String

func (psh PartSetHeader) String() string

String returns a string representation of PartSetHeader.

1. total number of parts 2. first 6 bytes of the hash.

func (*PartSetHeader) ToProto

func (psh *PartSetHeader) ToProto() cmtproto.PartSetHeader

ToProto converts PartSetHeader to protobuf.

func (PartSetHeader) ValidateBasic

func (psh PartSetHeader) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type PartSetReader

type PartSetReader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPartSetReader

func NewPartSetReader(parts []*Part) *PartSetReader

func (*PartSetReader) Read

func (psr *PartSetReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type PrivValidator

type PrivValidator interface {
	// GetPubKey returns the public key of the validator.
	GetPubKey() (crypto.PubKey, error)

	// SignVote signs a canonical representation of the vote. If signExtension is
	// true, it also signs the vote extension.
	SignVote(chainID string, vote *cmtproto.Vote, signExtension bool) error

	// SignProposal signs a canonical representation of the proposal.
	SignProposal(chainID string, proposal *cmtproto.Proposal) error

	// SignBytes signs an arbitrary array of bytes.
	SignBytes(bytes []byte) ([]byte, error)

PrivValidator defines the functionality of a local CometBFT validator that signs votes and proposals, and never double signs.

type PrivValidatorsByAddress

type PrivValidatorsByAddress []PrivValidator

func (PrivValidatorsByAddress) Len

func (pvs PrivValidatorsByAddress) Len() int

func (PrivValidatorsByAddress) Less

func (pvs PrivValidatorsByAddress) Less(i, j int) bool

func (PrivValidatorsByAddress) Swap

func (pvs PrivValidatorsByAddress) Swap(i, j int)

type Proposal

type Proposal struct {
	Type      SignedMsgType
	Height    int64     `json:"height"`
	Round     int32     `json:"round"`     // there can not be greater than 2_147_483_647 rounds
	POLRound  int32     `json:"pol_round"` // -1 if null.
	BlockID   BlockID   `json:"block_id"`
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
	Signature []byte    `json:"signature"`

Proposal defines a block proposal for the consensus. It refers to the block by BlockID field. It must be signed by the correct proposer for the given Height/Round to be considered valid. It may depend on votes from a previous round, a so-called Proof-of-Lock (POL) round, as noted in the POLRound. If POLRound >= 0, then BlockID corresponds to the block that is locked in POLRound.

func NewProposal

func NewProposal(height int64, round int32, polRound int32, blockID BlockID, ts time.Time) *Proposal

NewProposal returns a new Proposal. If there is no POLRound, polRound should be -1.

func ProposalFromProto

func ProposalFromProto(pp *cmtproto.Proposal) (*Proposal, error)

ProposalFromProto sets a protobuf Proposal to the given pointer. It returns an error if the proposal is invalid.

func (*Proposal) IsTimely

func (p *Proposal) IsTimely(recvTime time.Time, sp SynchronyParams) bool

IsTimely validates that the proposal timestamp is 'timely' according to the proposer-based timestamp algorithm. To evaluate if a proposal is timely, its timestamp is compared to the local time of the validator when it receives the proposal along with the configured Precision and MessageDelay parameters. Specifically, a proposed proposal timestamp is considered timely if it is satisfies the following inequalities:

proposalReceiveTime >= proposalTimestamp - Precision proposalReceiveTime <= proposalTimestamp + MessageDelay + Precision

For more information on the meaning of 'timely', refer to the specification: https://github.com/KYVENetwork/cometbft/v100/tree/main/spec/consensus/proposer-based-timestamp

func (*Proposal) String

func (p *Proposal) String() string

String returns a string representation of the Proposal.

1. height 2. round 3. block ID 4. POL round 5. first 6 bytes of signature 6. timestamp

See BlockID#String.

func (*Proposal) ToProto

func (p *Proposal) ToProto() *cmtproto.Proposal

ToProto converts Proposal to protobuf.

func (*Proposal) ValidateBasic

func (p *Proposal) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type Signable

type Signable interface {
	SignBytes(chainID string) []byte

Signable is an interface for all signable things. It typically removes signatures before serializing. SignBytes returns the bytes to be signed NOTE: chainIDs are part of the SignBytes but not necessarily the object themselves. NOTE: Expected to panic if there is an error marshaling.

type SignedHeader

type SignedHeader struct {
	*Header `json:"header"`

	Commit *Commit `json:"commit"`

SignedHeader is a header along with the commits that prove it.

func SignedHeaderFromProto

func SignedHeaderFromProto(shp *cmtproto.SignedHeader) (*SignedHeader, error)

SignedHeaderFromProto sets a protobuf SignedHeader to the given pointer. It returns an error if the header or the commit is invalid.

func (SignedHeader) IsEmpty

func (sh SignedHeader) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if both the header and commit are nil.

func (SignedHeader) String

func (sh SignedHeader) String() string

String returns a string representation of SignedHeader.

func (SignedHeader) StringIndented

func (sh SignedHeader) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented string representation of SignedHeader.

Header Commit.

func (*SignedHeader) ToProto

func (sh *SignedHeader) ToProto() *cmtproto.SignedHeader

ToProto converts SignedHeader to protobuf.

func (SignedHeader) ValidateBasic

func (sh SignedHeader) ValidateBasic(chainID string) error

ValidateBasic does basic consistency checks and makes sure the header and commit are consistent.

NOTE: This does not actually check the cryptographic signatures. Make sure to use a Verifier to validate the signatures actually provide a significantly strong proof for this header's validity.

type SignedMsgType

type SignedMsgType = cmtproto.SignedMsgType

type Subscription

type Subscription interface {
	Out() <-chan cmtpubsub.Message
	Canceled() <-chan struct{}
	Err() error

type SynchronyParams

type SynchronyParams struct {
	Precision    time.Duration `json:"precision,string"`
	MessageDelay time.Duration `json:"message_delay,string"`

SynchronyParams determine the validity of block timestamps.

These parameters are part of the Proposer-Based Timestamps (PBTS) algorithm. For more information on the relationship of the synchrony parameters to block timestamps validity, refer to the PBTS specification: // https://github.com/KYVENetwork/cometbft/v100/tree/main/spec/consensus/proposer-based-timestamp

func DefaultSynchronyParams

func DefaultSynchronyParams() SynchronyParams

func (SynchronyParams) InRound

func (sp SynchronyParams) InRound(round int32) SynchronyParams

InRound ensures an exponential back-off of SynchronyParams.MessageDelay for block timestamps validation, as the associated proposal rounds increase.

The adaptation is achieve by increasing MessageDelay by a factor of 10% each subsequent round a proposal's timeliness is calculated, namely:

MessageDelay(round) == MessageDelay * (1.1)^round

The goal is facilitate the progression of consensus when improper synchrony parameters are set or become insufficient to preserve liveness. Refer to https://github.com/KYVENetwork/cometbft/v100/issues/2184 for more details.

type TMEventData

type TMEventData interface {

TMEventData implements events.EventData.

type Tx

type Tx []byte

Tx is an arbitrary byte array. NOTE: Tx has no types at this level, so when wire encoded it's just length-prefixed. Might we want types here ?

func (Tx) Hash

func (tx Tx) Hash() []byte

Hash computes the TMHASH hash of the wire encoded transaction.

func (Tx) Key

func (tx Tx) Key() TxKey

func (Tx) String

func (tx Tx) String() string

String returns the hex-encoded transaction as a string.

type TxEventPublisher

type TxEventPublisher interface {
	PublishEventTx(tx EventDataTx) error

type TxKey

type TxKey [TxKeySize]byte

TxKey is the fixed length array key used as an index.

type TxProof

type TxProof struct {
	RootHash cmtbytes.HexBytes `json:"root_hash"`
	Data     Tx                `json:"data"`
	Proof    merkle.Proof      `json:"proof"`

TxProof represents a Merkle proof of the presence of a transaction in the Merkle tree.

func TxProofFromProto

func TxProofFromProto(pb cmtproto.TxProof) (TxProof, error)

func (TxProof) Leaf

func (tp TxProof) Leaf() []byte

Leaf returns the hash(tx), which is the leaf in the merkle tree which this proof refers to.

func (TxProof) ToProto

func (tp TxProof) ToProto() cmtproto.TxProof

func (TxProof) Validate

func (tp TxProof) Validate(dataHash []byte) error

Validate verifies the proof. It returns nil if the RootHash matches the dataHash argument, and if the proof is internally consistent. Otherwise, it returns a sensible error.

type Txs

type Txs []Tx

Txs is a slice of Tx.

func ToTxs

func ToTxs(txl [][]byte) Txs

func (Txs) Hash

func (txs Txs) Hash() []byte

Hash returns the Merkle root hash of the transaction hashes. i.e. the leaves of the tree are the hashes of the txs.

func (Txs) Index

func (txs Txs) Index(tx Tx) int

Index returns the index of this transaction in the list, or -1 if not found.

func (Txs) IndexByHash

func (txs Txs) IndexByHash(hash []byte) int

IndexByHash returns the index of this transaction hash in the list, or -1 if not found.

func (Txs) Len

func (txs Txs) Len() int

func (Txs) Less

func (txs Txs) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Txs) Proof

func (txs Txs) Proof(i int) TxProof

func (Txs) Swap

func (txs Txs) Swap(i, j int)

func (Txs) ToSliceOfBytes

func (txs Txs) ToSliceOfBytes() [][]byte

ToSliceOfBytes converts a Txs to slice of byte slices.

func (Txs) Validate

func (txs Txs) Validate(maxSizeBytes int64) error

type Unwrapper

type Unwrapper interface {

	// Unwrap will unwrap the inner message contained in this message.
	Unwrap() (proto.Message, error)

Unwrapper is a Protobuf message that can contain a variety of inner messages (e.g. via oneof fields). If a Channel's message type implements Unwrapper, the p2p layer will automatically unwrap inbound messages so that reactors do not have to do this themselves.

type Validator

type Validator struct {
	Address     Address       `json:"address"`
	PubKey      crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
	VotingPower int64         `json:"voting_power"`

	ProposerPriority int64 `json:"proposer_priority"`

Volatile state for each Validator NOTE: The ProposerPriority is not included in Validator.Hash(); make sure to update that method if changes are made here.

func NewValidator

func NewValidator(pubKey crypto.PubKey, votingPower int64) *Validator

NewValidator returns a new validator with the given pubkey and voting power.

func ValidatorFromProto

func ValidatorFromProto(vp *cmtproto.Validator) (*Validator, error)

ValidatorFromProto sets a protobuf Validator to the given pointer. It returns an error if the public key is invalid.

func (*Validator) Bytes

func (v *Validator) Bytes() []byte

Bytes computes the unique encoding of a validator with a given voting power. These are the bytes that gets hashed in consensus. It excludes address as its redundant with the pubkey. This also excludes ProposerPriority which changes every round.

func (*Validator) CompareProposerPriority

func (v *Validator) CompareProposerPriority(other *Validator) *Validator

CompareProposerPriority returns the one with higher ProposerPriority.

func (*Validator) Copy

func (v *Validator) Copy() *Validator

Copy creates a new copy of the validator so we can mutate ProposerPriority. Panics if the validator is nil.

func (*Validator) String

func (v *Validator) String() string

String returns a string representation of String.

1. address 2. public key 3. voting power 4. proposer priority.

func (*Validator) ToProto

func (v *Validator) ToProto() (*cmtproto.Validator, error)

ToProto converts Validator to protobuf.

func (*Validator) ValidateBasic

func (v *Validator) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic performs basic validation.

type ValidatorInfo

type ValidatorInfo struct {
	Address Address `json:"address"`
	Index   int32   `json:"index"`

type ValidatorParams

type ValidatorParams struct {
	PubKeyTypes []string `json:"pub_key_types"`

ValidatorParams restrict the public key types validators can use. NOTE: uses ABCI pubkey naming, not Amino names.

func DefaultValidatorParams

func DefaultValidatorParams() ValidatorParams

DefaultValidatorParams returns a default ValidatorParams, which allows only ed25519 pubkeys.

type ValidatorSet

type ValidatorSet struct {
	// NOTE: persisted via reflect, must be exported.
	Validators []*Validator `json:"validators"`
	Proposer   *Validator   `json:"proposer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ValidatorSet represent a set of *Validator at a given height.

The validators can be fetched by address or index. The index is in order of .VotingPower, so the indices are fixed for all rounds of a given blockchain height - ie. the validators are sorted by their voting power (descending). Secondary index - .Address (ascending).

On the other hand, the .ProposerPriority of each validator and the designated .GetProposer() of a set changes every round, upon calling .IncrementProposerPriority().

NOTE: Not goroutine-safe. NOTE: All get/set to validators should copy the value for safety.

func NewValidatorSet

func NewValidatorSet(valz []*Validator) *ValidatorSet

NewValidatorSet initializes a ValidatorSet by copying over the values from `valz`, a list of Validators. If valz is nil or empty, the new ValidatorSet will have an empty list of Validators.

The addresses of validators in `valz` must be unique otherwise the function panics.

Note the validator set size has an implied limit equal to that of the MaxVotesCount - commits by a validator set larger than this will fail validation.

func ValidatorSetFromExistingValidators

func ValidatorSetFromExistingValidators(valz []*Validator) (*ValidatorSet, error)

ValidatorSetFromExistingValidators takes an existing array of validators and rebuilds the exact same validator set that corresponds to it without changing the proposer priority or power if any of the validators fail validate basic then an empty set is returned.

func ValidatorSetFromProto

func ValidatorSetFromProto(vp *cmtproto.ValidatorSet) (*ValidatorSet, error)

ValidatorSetFromProto sets a protobuf ValidatorSet to the given pointer. It returns an error if any of the validators from the set or the proposer is invalid.

func (*ValidatorSet) AllKeysHaveSameType

func (vals *ValidatorSet) AllKeysHaveSameType() bool

AllKeysHaveSameType returns true if all validators have the same type of public key or if the set is empty.

func (*ValidatorSet) Copy

func (vals *ValidatorSet) Copy() *ValidatorSet

Copy each validator into a new ValidatorSet.

func (*ValidatorSet) CopyIncrementProposerPriority

func (vals *ValidatorSet) CopyIncrementProposerPriority(times int32) *ValidatorSet

CopyIncrementProposerPriority increments ProposerPriority and updates the proposer on a copy, and returns it.

func (*ValidatorSet) GetByAddress

func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetByAddress(address []byte) (index int32, val *Validator)

GetByAddress returns an index of the validator with address and validator itself (copy) if found. Otherwise, -1 and nil are returned.

func (*ValidatorSet) GetByIndex

func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetByIndex(index int32) (address []byte, val *Validator)

GetByIndex returns the validator's address and validator itself (copy) by index. It returns nil values if index is less than 0 or greater or equal to len(ValidatorSet.Validators).

func (*ValidatorSet) GetProposer

func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetProposer() (proposer *Validator)

GetProposer returns the current proposer. If the validator set is empty, nil is returned.

func (*ValidatorSet) HasAddress

func (vals *ValidatorSet) HasAddress(address []byte) bool

HasAddress returns true if address given is in the validator set, false - otherwise.

func (*ValidatorSet) Hash

func (vals *ValidatorSet) Hash() []byte

Hash returns the Merkle root hash build using validators (as leaves) in the set.

func (*ValidatorSet) IncrementProposerPriority

func (vals *ValidatorSet) IncrementProposerPriority(times int32)

IncrementProposerPriority increments ProposerPriority of each validator and updates the proposer. Panics if validator set is empty. `times` must be positive.

func (*ValidatorSet) IsNilOrEmpty

func (vals *ValidatorSet) IsNilOrEmpty() bool

IsNilOrEmpty returns true if validator set is nil or empty.

func (*ValidatorSet) Iterate

func (vals *ValidatorSet) Iterate(fn func(index int, val *Validator) bool)

Iterate will run the given function over the set.

func (*ValidatorSet) RescalePriorities

func (vals *ValidatorSet) RescalePriorities(diffMax int64)

RescalePriorities rescales the priorities such that the distance between the maximum and minimum is smaller than `diffMax`. Panics if validator set is empty.

func (*ValidatorSet) Size

func (vals *ValidatorSet) Size() int

Size returns the length of the validator set.

func (*ValidatorSet) String

func (vals *ValidatorSet) String() string

String returns a string representation of ValidatorSet.

See StringIndented.

func (*ValidatorSet) StringIndented

func (vals *ValidatorSet) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an intended String.

See Validator#String.

func (*ValidatorSet) ToProto

func (vals *ValidatorSet) ToProto() (*cmtproto.ValidatorSet, error)

ToProto converts ValidatorSet to protobuf.

func (*ValidatorSet) TotalVotingPower

func (vals *ValidatorSet) TotalVotingPower() int64

TotalVotingPower returns the sum of the voting powers of all validators. It recomputes the total voting power if required.

func (*ValidatorSet) UpdateWithChangeSet

func (vals *ValidatorSet) UpdateWithChangeSet(changes []*Validator) error

UpdateWithChangeSet attempts to update the validator set with 'changes'. It performs the following steps:

  • validates the changes making sure there are no duplicates and splits them in updates and deletes
  • verifies that applying the changes will not result in errors
  • computes the total voting power BEFORE removals to ensure that in the next steps the priorities across old and newly added validators are fair
  • computes the priorities of new validators against the final set
  • applies the updates against the validator set
  • applies the removals against the validator set
  • performs scaling and centering of priority values

If an error is detected during verification steps, it is returned and the validator set is not changed.

func (*ValidatorSet) ValidateBasic

func (vals *ValidatorSet) ValidateBasic() error

func (*ValidatorSet) VerifyCommit

func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommit(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
	height int64, commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommit verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit and all other signatures are valid.

func (*ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLight

func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLight(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
	height int64, commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommitLight verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit. It does NOT count all signatures.

func (*ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightAllSignatures

func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightAllSignatures(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
	height int64, commit *Commit,
) error

VerifyCommitLight verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit. It DOES count all signatures.

func (*ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightTrusting

func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightTrusting(
	chainID string,
	commit *Commit,
	trustLevel cmtmath.Fraction,
) error

VerifyCommitLightTrusting verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed this commit. It does NOT count all signatures.

func (*ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightTrustingAllSignatures

func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightTrustingAllSignatures(
	chainID string,
	commit *Commit,
	trustLevel cmtmath.Fraction,
) error

VerifyCommitLightTrusting verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed this commit. It DOES count all signatures.

type ValidatorsByAddress

type ValidatorsByAddress []*Validator

ValidatorsByAddress implements sort.Interface for []*Validator based on the Address field.

func (ValidatorsByAddress) Len

func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Len() int

func (ValidatorsByAddress) Less

func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ValidatorsByAddress) Swap

func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Swap(i, j int)

type ValidatorsByVotingPower

type ValidatorsByVotingPower []*Validator

ValidatorsByVotingPower implements sort.Interface for []*Validator based on the VotingPower and Address fields.

func (ValidatorsByVotingPower) Len

func (valz ValidatorsByVotingPower) Len() int

func (ValidatorsByVotingPower) Less

func (valz ValidatorsByVotingPower) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ValidatorsByVotingPower) Swap

func (valz ValidatorsByVotingPower) Swap(i, j int)

type VersionParams

type VersionParams struct {
	App uint64 `json:"app"`

VersionParams contain the version of specific components of CometBFT.

func DefaultVersionParams

func DefaultVersionParams() VersionParams

type Vote

type Vote struct {
	Type               SignedMsgType `json:"type"`
	Height             int64         `json:"height"`
	Round              int32         `json:"round"`    // assume there will not be greater than 2_147_483_647 rounds
	BlockID            BlockID       `json:"block_id"` // zero if vote is nil.
	Timestamp          time.Time     `json:"timestamp"`
	ValidatorAddress   Address       `json:"validator_address"`
	ValidatorIndex     int32         `json:"validator_index"`
	Signature          []byte        `json:"signature"`
	Extension          []byte        `json:"extension"`
	ExtensionSignature []byte        `json:"extension_signature"`

Vote represents a prevote, precommit, or commit vote from validators for consensus.

func MakeVote

func MakeVote(
	val PrivValidator,
	chainID string,
	valIndex int32,
	height int64,
	round int32,
	step SignedMsgType,
	blockID BlockID,
	votetime time.Time,
) (*Vote, error)

func MakeVoteNoError

func MakeVoteNoError(
	t *testing.T,
	val PrivValidator,
	chainID string,
	valIndex int32,
	height int64,
	round int32,
	step SignedMsgType,
	blockID BlockID,
	time time.Time,
) *Vote

func VoteFromProto

func VoteFromProto(pv *cmtproto.Vote) (*Vote, error)

VoteFromProto attempts to convert the given serialization (Protobuf) type to our Vote domain type. No validation is performed on the resulting vote - this is left up to the caller to decide whether to call ValidateBasic or ValidateWithExtension.

func (*Vote) CommitSig

func (vote *Vote) CommitSig() CommitSig

CommitSig converts the Vote to a CommitSig.

func (*Vote) Copy

func (vote *Vote) Copy() *Vote

func (*Vote) EnsureExtension

func (vote *Vote) EnsureExtension() error

EnsureExtension checks for the presence of extensions signature data on precommit vote types.

func (*Vote) ExtendedCommitSig

func (vote *Vote) ExtendedCommitSig() ExtendedCommitSig

ExtendedCommitSig attempts to construct an ExtendedCommitSig from this vote. Panics if either the vote extension signature is missing or if the block ID is not either empty or complete.

func (*Vote) String

func (vote *Vote) String() string

String returns a string representation of Vote.

1. validator index 2. first 6 bytes of validator address 3. height 4. round, 5. type byte 6. type string 7. first 6 bytes of block hash 8. first 6 bytes of signature 9. first 6 bytes of vote extension 10. timestamp.

func (*Vote) ToProto

func (vote *Vote) ToProto() *cmtproto.Vote

ToProto converts the handwritten type to proto generated type return type, nil if everything converts safely, otherwise nil, error.

func (*Vote) ValidateBasic

func (vote *Vote) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic checks whether the vote is well-formed. It does not, however, check vote extensions - for vote validation with vote extension validation, use ValidateWithExtension.

func (*Vote) Verify

func (vote *Vote) Verify(chainID string, pubKey crypto.PubKey) error

Verify checks whether the signature associated with this vote corresponds to the given chain ID and public key. This function does not validate vote extension signatures - to do so, use VerifyWithExtension instead.

func (*Vote) VerifyExtension

func (vote *Vote) VerifyExtension(chainID string, pubKey crypto.PubKey) error

VerifyExtension checks whether the vote extension signature corresponds to the given chain ID and public key.

func (*Vote) VerifyVoteAndExtension

func (vote *Vote) VerifyVoteAndExtension(chainID string, pubKey crypto.PubKey) error

VerifyVoteAndExtension performs the same verification as Verify, but additionally checks whether the vote extension signature corresponds to the given chain ID and public key. We only verify vote extension signatures for precommits.

type VoteSet

type VoteSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VoteSet helps collect signatures from validators at each height+round for a predefined vote type.

We need VoteSet to be able to keep track of conflicting votes when validators double-sign. Yet, we can't keep track of *all* the votes seen, as that could be a DoS attack vector.

There are two storage areas for votes. 1. voteSet.votes 2. voteSet.votesByBlock

`.votes` is the "canonical" list of votes. It always has at least one vote, if a vote from a validator had been seen at all. Usually it keeps track of the first vote seen, but when a 2/3 majority is found, votes for that get priority and are copied over from `.votesByBlock`.

`.votesByBlock` keeps track of a list of votes for a particular block. There are two ways a &blockVotes{} gets created in `.votesByBlock`. 1. the first vote seen by a validator was for the particular block. 2. a peer claims to have seen 2/3 majority for the particular block.

Since the first vote from a validator will always get added in `.votesByBlock` , all votes in `.votes` will have a corresponding entry in `.votesByBlock`.

When a &blockVotes{} in `.votesByBlock` reaches a 2/3 majority quorum, its votes are copied into `.votes`.

All this is memory bounded because conflicting votes only get added if a peer told us to track that block, each peer only gets to tell us 1 such block, and, there's only a limited number of peers.

NOTE: Assumes that the sum total of voting power does not exceed MaxUInt64.

func NewExtendedVoteSet

func NewExtendedVoteSet(chainID string, height int64, round int32,
	signedMsgType SignedMsgType, valSet *ValidatorSet,
) *VoteSet

NewExtendedVoteSet constructs a vote set with additional vote verification logic. The VoteSet constructed with NewExtendedVoteSet verifies the vote extension data for every vote added to the set.

func NewVoteSet

func NewVoteSet(chainID string, height int64, round int32,
	signedMsgType SignedMsgType, valSet *ValidatorSet,
) *VoteSet

NewVoteSet instantiates all fields of a new vote set. This constructor requires that no vote extension data be present on the votes that are added to the set.

func (*VoteSet) AddVote

func (voteSet *VoteSet) AddVote(vote *Vote) (added bool, err error)

AddVote returns added=true if vote is valid and new. Otherwise returns err=ErrVote[

UnexpectedStep | InvalidIndex | InvalidAddress |
InvalidSignature | InvalidBlockHash | ConflictingVotes ]

Duplicate votes return added=false, err=nil. Conflicting votes return added=*, err=ErrVoteConflictingVotes. NOTE: vote should not be mutated after adding. NOTE: VoteSet must not be nil NOTE: Vote must not be nil.

func (*VoteSet) BitArray

func (voteSet *VoteSet) BitArray() *bits.BitArray

BitArray implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) BitArrayByBlockID

func (voteSet *VoteSet) BitArrayByBlockID(blockID BlockID) *bits.BitArray

func (*VoteSet) BitArrayString

func (voteSet *VoteSet) BitArrayString() string

BitArrayString returns the bit-array of votes including the fraction of power that has voted like: "BA{29:xx__x__x_x___x__x_______xxx__} 856/1304 = 0.66".

func (*VoteSet) ChainID

func (voteSet *VoteSet) ChainID() string

func (*VoteSet) GetByAddress

func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetByAddress(address []byte) *Vote

func (*VoteSet) GetByIndex

func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetByIndex(valIndex int32) *Vote

NOTE: if validator has conflicting votes, returns "canonical" vote Implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) GetHeight

func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetHeight() int64

GetHeight implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) GetRound

func (voteSet *VoteSet) GetRound() int32

GetRound implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) HasAll

func (voteSet *VoteSet) HasAll() bool

func (*VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsAny

func (voteSet *VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsAny() bool

func (*VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsMajority

func (voteSet *VoteSet) HasTwoThirdsMajority() bool

func (*VoteSet) IsCommit

func (voteSet *VoteSet) IsCommit() bool

IsCommit implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) List

func (voteSet *VoteSet) List() []Vote

List returns a copy of the list of votes stored by the VoteSet.

func (*VoteSet) LogString

func (voteSet *VoteSet) LogString() string

LogString produces a logging suitable string representation of the vote set.

func (*VoteSet) MakeExtendedCommit

func (voteSet *VoteSet) MakeExtendedCommit(fp FeatureParams) *ExtendedCommit

MakeExtendedCommit constructs a Commit from the VoteSet. It only includes precommits for the block, which has 2/3+ majority, and nil.

Panics if the vote type is not PrecommitType or if there's no +2/3 votes for a single block.

func (*VoteSet) MarshalJSON

func (voteSet *VoteSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals the VoteSet to JSON. Same as String(), just in JSON, and without the height/round/signedMsgType (since its already included in the votes).

func (*VoteSet) SetPeerMaj23

func (voteSet *VoteSet) SetPeerMaj23(peerID P2PID, blockID BlockID) error

If a peer claims that it has 2/3 majority for given blockKey, call this. NOTE: if there are too many peers, or too much peer churn, this can cause memory issues. TODO: implement ability to remove peers too NOTE: VoteSet must not be nil.

func (*VoteSet) Size

func (voteSet *VoteSet) Size() int

Size implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) String

func (voteSet *VoteSet) String() string

String returns a string representation of VoteSet.

See StringIndented.

func (*VoteSet) StringIndented

func (voteSet *VoteSet) StringIndented(indent string) string

StringIndented returns an indented String.

Height Round Type Votes Votes bit array 2/3+ majority

See Vote#String.

func (*VoteSet) StringShort

func (voteSet *VoteSet) StringShort() string

StringShort returns a short representation of VoteSet.

1. height 2. round 3. signed msg type 4. first 2/3+ majority 5. fraction of voted power 6. votes bit array 7. 2/3+ majority for each peer.

func (*VoteSet) TwoThirdsMajority

func (voteSet *VoteSet) TwoThirdsMajority() (blockID BlockID, ok bool)

If there was a +2/3 majority for blockID, return blockID and true. Else, return the empty BlockID{} and false.

func (*VoteSet) Type

func (voteSet *VoteSet) Type() byte

Type implements VoteSetReader.

func (*VoteSet) VoteStrings

func (voteSet *VoteSet) VoteStrings() []string

VoteStrings returns a list of votes compressed to more readable strings.

type VoteSetJSON

type VoteSetJSON struct {
	Votes         []string          `json:"votes"`
	VotesBitArray string            `json:"votes_bit_array"`
	PeerMaj23s    map[P2PID]BlockID `json:"peer_maj_23s"`

More human readable JSON of the vote set NOTE: insufficient for unmarshalling from (compressed votes) TODO: make the peerMaj23s nicer to read (eg just the block hash).

type VoteSetReader

type VoteSetReader interface {
	GetHeight() int64
	GetRound() int32
	Type() byte
	Size() int
	BitArray() *bits.BitArray
	GetByIndex(idx int32) *Vote
	IsCommit() bool

Common interface between *consensus.VoteSet and types.Commit.

type Wrapper

type Wrapper interface {

	// Wrap will take the underlying message and wrap it in its wrapper type.
	// NOTE: The consumer should only use the result to marshal the message into
	// the wire format. Dynamic casts to any of the declared wrapper types
	// may not produce the expected result.
	Wrap() proto.Message

Wrapper is a companion type to Unwrapper. It is a Protobuf message that can contain a variety of inner messages. The p2p layer will automatically wrap outbound messages so that the reactors do not have to do it themselves.


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