Upload/Download gorodok data (unofficial app for Sistema Gorod)
Unofficial app for billing synchronized and getting meter reading. (not public resource 'gorodok' by https://sistemagorod.ru)
! Caution. it's version for one old NON-API resource 'gorodok'
! This app may be working, if your organization have legal access to servers 'gorodok'
! Note: official apps not worked/buildable on Linux and not get meters data
- Downloading billing data
- Uploading billing data
- Downloading meters data
- Auto zipping/unzipping data
Accessible flags:
Download new data
Download data (last 10 days)
-d -manual
Download meters data
Upload data
Configuration file description:
"path_download_meter": "folder\\meters.txt", // where will been saved meters data
"path_download_data_zip": "folder\\Pays\\", // where will been saved file ZIP
"path_download_data": "folder\\Pays\\", // where will been saved unziped files
"path_upload_data_zip": "folder\\Saldo\\", // where lay down zipped files for uploading
"path_upload_data": "folder\\Saldo\\", // where lay down unzipped files for uploading
"path_logs": "folder\\Logs\\", // where will be lay down logs
"mail_sender_alias": "INFO", // sender name
"mail_sender_email": "[email protected]", // sender email
"mail_recipients_email": "[email protected];[email protected]", // recipients by semicolon
"mail_server": "", // mail server address (without auth)
"mail_error_subject": "error", // error header
"mail_error_body": "ERROR", // error body
"arm_server": "", // gorodok address
"arm_login": "login", // gorodok login
"arm_password": "password", // gorodok password
"arm_trying": 5, // num trying
"upload_mask": "rsaldo_(in|ra|ra_p|s|inb|p|o|z)\\.txt$", // mask files
"unzip_without_subfolder": true, // not save folder struct by unzipped
"delete_ziped": true, // clear ZIP files
"last_days": 10 // num days in 'manual' flag