
package module
v4.10.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Jul 17, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 59 Imported by: 3



Many useful golang tools

Version Support Go
v1 >= v1.16
v2 >= v1.18
v3 >= v1.19
v4 >= v1.20

Commitizen friendly Go Report Card GoDoc Build Status codecov

Use as command-line executable binary

go install github.com/Laisky/go-utils/v4/cmd/gutils@latest

Add $HOME/.go/bin to your PATH.

# find and delete duplicate files/ similar images
gutils remove-dup examples/images --dry

# move files to hash-based hierach directories
gutils md5dir -i examples/md5dir/ --dry

# show x509 certificate details
gutils certinfo -r blog.laisky.com:443
gutils certinfo -f ./cert.pem

# encrypt by aes
gutils encrypt aes -i <file_path> -s <password>

# sign or verify by rsa
gutils rsa sign
gutils rsa verify

Use as SDK

go get github.com/Laisky/go-utils/v4@latest
import (
    gutils "github.com/Laisky/go-utils/v4"

Contains some useful tools in different directories:

  • settings: move go github.com/Laisky/go-config
  • color.go: colorful code
  • compressor.go: compress and extract dir/files
  • email/: SMTP email sdk
  • encrypt/: some tools for encrypt and decrypt, support AES, RSA, ECDSA, MD5, SHA128, SHA256
    • configserver.go: load configs from file or config-server
  • fs.go: some tools to read, move, walk dir/files
  • http.go: some tools to send http request
  • jwt/: some tools to generate and parse JWT
  • log/: enhanched zap logger
  • math.go: some math tools to deal with int, round
  • net.go: some tools to deal with tcp/udp
  • random.go: generate random string, int
  • sort.go: easier to sort
  • sync.go: some locks depends on atomic
  • throttle.go: faster rate limiter
  • time.go: faster clock (if you do not enable vdso)
  • utils: some useful tools



Package utils some useful tools fo Golang


Contains some useful tools in different directories:

  • `color.go`: colorful code
  • `compressor.go`: compress and extract dir/files
  • `configserver.go`: load configs from file or config-server
  • `email.go`: SMTP email sdk
  • `encrypt.go`: some tools for encrypt and decrypt, support AES, RSA, ECDSA, MD5, SHA128, SHA256
  • `fs.go`: some tools to read, move, walk dir/files
  • `http.go`: some tools to send http request
  • `jwt.go`: some tools to generate and parse JWT
  • `logger.go`: enhanched zap logger
  • `math.go`: some math tools to deal with int, round
  • `net.go`: some tools to deal with tcp/udp
  • `random.go`: generate random string, int
  • `settings.go`: read configs from file or config-server
  • `sort.go`: easier to sort
  • `sync.go`: some locks depends on atomic
  • `throttle.go`: faster rate limiter
  • `time.go`: faster clock (if you do not enable vdso)
  • `utils`: some useful tools




View Source
const (
	ANSIColorReset int = iota

Base attributes

View Source
const (
	ANSIColorFgBlack int = iota + 30

Foreground text colors

View Source
const (
	ANSIColorFgHiBlack int = iota + 90

Foreground Hi-Intensity text colors

View Source
const (
	ANSIColorBgBlack int = iota + 40

Background text colors

View Source
const (
	ANSIColorBgHiBlack int = iota + 100

Background Hi-Intensity text colors

View Source
const (

	// HTTPHeaderHost HTTP header name
	HTTPHeaderHost = "Host"
	// HTTPHeaderReferer HTTP header name
	HTTPHeaderReferer = "Referer"
	// HTTPHeaderContentType HTTP header name
	HTTPHeaderContentType = "Content-Type"

	// HTTPHeaderContentTypeValJSON HTTP header value
	HTTPHeaderContentTypeValJSON = "application/json"

	// TracingKey default trace key
	// https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/1.22/client-libraries/#key
	//  `{trace-id}:{span-id}:{parent-span-id}:{flags}`
	TracingKey = "Uber-Trace-Id"
View Source
const (
	// TimeFormatDate "2006-01-02"
	TimeFormatDate = "2006-01-02"
	// Nano2Sec 1e9
	Nano2Sec = 1e9
	// BitSize64 64
	BitSize64 = 64
	// BaseHex 16
	BaseHex = 16
View Source
const ANSIColorEscape = "\x1b"

ANSIColorEscape escape string for ANSI color


View Source
var (
	// AbsInt64 abs(v)
	// ignore int exceeds limit error, abs(MinInt64) == MaxInt64
	AbsInt64 = common.AbsInt64
	// AbsInt32 abs(v)
	// ignore int exceeds limit error, abs(MinInt32) == MaxInt32
	AbsInt32 = common.AbsInt32
	// Round round float64
	// Round(1.005, 2) -> 1.01
	Round = common.Round
	// HumanReadableByteCount convert bytes to human readable string
	// Args:
	//   - bytes:
	//   - si: `si ? 1024 : 1000`
	// Example:
	//	`HumanReadableByteCount(1005, false) -> "1.01KB"`
	HumanReadableByteCount = common.HumanReadableByteCount
View Source
var (
	// ParseTs2UTC can parse unix timestamp(int64) to time.Time
	ParseTs2UTC = ParseUnix2UTC
	// ParseTs2String can parse unix timestamp(int64) to string
	ParseTs2String = ParseUnix2String
View Source
var (
	// ParseTs2Time can parse unix timestamp(int64) to time.Time
	ParseTs2Time = ParseTs2UTC
	// UnixNano2UTC convert unixnano to UTC time
	UnixNano2UTC = ParseUnixNano2UTC
View Source
var (
	// TimeZoneUTC timezone UTC
	TimeZoneUTC = time.UTC
	// TimeZoneShanghai timezone Shanghai
	// TimeZoneShanghai = time.FixedZone("Asia/Shanghai", 8*3600)
	TimeZoneShanghai *time.Location
View Source
var (
	// JSON effective json
	// Deprecated: use github.com/Laisky/go-utils/v4/json instead
	JSON = jsonT{API: jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary}

	// Str2Bytes unsafe convert str to bytes
	Str2Bytes = common.Str2Bytes
	// Bytes2Str unsafe convert bytes to str
	Bytes2Str = common.Bytes2Str
	// Number2Roman convert number to roman
	Number2Roman = common.Number2Roman
View Source
var (
	// ForceGC force to start gc blocking
	ForceGC = ForceGCBlocking
	// TriggerGC force to start gc unblocking
	TriggerGC = ForceGCUnBlocking
View Source
var (
	// EncodeByHex encode bytes to string by hex
	EncodeByHex = hex.EncodeToString
	// DecodeByHex decode string to bytes by hex
	DecodeByHex = hex.DecodeString
View Source
var (
	// Clock high performance time utils, replace Clock1
	Clock = NewClock(context.Background(), defaultClockInterval)
View Source
var (
	// ErrAsyncTask root error for async tasks
	ErrAsyncTask = errors.New("async task error")
View Source
var NewThrottleWithCtx = NewRateLimiter

NewThrottleWithCtx create new Throttle

Deprecated: use `NewRateLimiter` instead

View Source
var RegexpOidFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`^\d(?:\.\d+){0,}$`)

RegexpOidFormat check if oid is valid

View Source
var ReplaceFileStream = ReplaceFileAtomic

ReplaceFileStream replace file with content atomatically

Deprecated: use ReplaceFileAtomic instead


func AutoGC

func AutoGC(ctx context.Context, opts ...GcOptFunc) (err error)

AutoGC auto trigger GC when memory usage exceeds the custom ration

default to /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := AutoGC(
	WithGCMemRatio(85), // default
	WithGCMemLimitFilePath("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes"), // default
); err != nil {
	log.Shared.Error("enable autogc", zap.Error(err))

func CheckResp

func CheckResp(resp *http.Response) error

CheckResp check HTTP response's status code and return the error with body message

func CloseWithLog added in v4.5.0

func CloseWithLog(ins interface{ Close() error },
	logger interface{ Error(string, ...zap.Field) })

CloseWithLog close and log error. logger could be nil, then will use internal log.Shared logger instead.

func Color

func Color(color int, s string) string

Color wrap with ANSI color

inspired by github.com/fatih/color

func CombineSortedChain added in v4.7.1

func CombineSortedChain[T Sortable](sortOrder common.SortOrder, chans ...chan T) (result chan T, err error)

CombineSortedChain return the intersection of multiple sorted chans

func Contains

func Contains[V comparable](collection []V, ele V) bool

Contains if collection contains ele

func ConvertMap2StringKey

func ConvertMap2StringKey(inputMap any) map[string]any

ConvertMap2StringKey convert any map to `map[string]any`

func CopyFile

func CopyFile(src, dst string, optfs ...CopyFileOptionFunc) (err error)

CopyFile copy file content from src to dst

func CostSecs

func CostSecs(cost time.Duration) string

CostSecs convert duration to string like `0.25s`

func DecodeByBase64

func DecodeByBase64(encoded string) ([]byte, error)

DecodeByBase64 decode string to bytes by base64

func Dedent

func Dedent(v string, optfs ...DedentOptFunc) string

Dedent removes leading whitespace or tab from the beginning of each line

will replace all tab to 4 blanks.

func DeepClone

func DeepClone[T any](src T) (dst T)

DeepClone deep clone a struct

will ignore all unexported fields

func DirSize

func DirSize(path string) (size int64, err error)

DirSize calculate directory size

inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/32482941/2368737

dirPath := "."
size, err := DirSize(dirPath)
if err != nil {
	log.Shared.Error("get dir size", zap.Error(err), zap.String("path", dirPath))
log.Shared.Info("got size", zap.Int64("size", size), zap.String("path", dirPath))

func EmptyAllChans

func EmptyAllChans[T any](chans ...chan T)

EmptyAllChans receive all thins in all chans

func EncodeByBase64

func EncodeByBase64(raw []byte) string

EncodeByBase64 encode bytes to string by base64

func FallBack

func FallBack(orig func() any, fallback any) (ret any)

FallBack return the fallback when orig got error utils.FallBack(func() any { return getIOStatMetric(fs) }, &IOStat{}).(*IOStat)

targetFunc := func() any {
	panic("someting wrong")

FallBack(targetFunc, 10) // got 10

func FileExists

func FileExists(path string) (bool, error)

FileExists is path a valid file

func FileHash added in v4.4.0

func FileHash(hashType HashTypeInterface, filepath string) (signature []byte, err error)

FileHash generate file signature by hash

func FileHashSharding added in v4.2.0

func FileHashSharding(fname string) string

FileHashSharding get file hash sharding path

func FileMD5 deprecated

func FileMD5(path string) (hashed string, err error)

FileMD5 read file and calculate MD5

Deprecated: use Hash instead

func FileSHA1 deprecated

func FileSHA1(path string) (hashed string, err error)

FileSHA1 read file and calculate sha1

return hashed string in 40 bytes

Deprecated: use Hash instead

func FilterSlice added in v4.8.0

func FilterSlice[T any](s []T, f func(v T) bool) []T

FilterSlice filters a slice inplace

func FlattenMap

func FlattenMap(data map[string]any, delimiter string)

FlattenMap make embedded map into flatten map

data := map[string]any{
	"a": "1",
	"b": map[string]any{
		"c": 2,
		"d": map[string]any{
			"e": 3,
FlattenMap(data, "__")

map[a:1 b__c:2 b__d__e:3]

func FlushWithLog added in v4.5.0

func FlushWithLog(ins interface{ Flush() error },
	logger interface{ Error(string, ...zap.Field) })

FlushWithLog flush and log error. logger could be nil, then will use internal log.Shared logger instead.

func ForceGCBlocking

func ForceGCBlocking()

ForceGCBlocking force to run blocking manual gc.


func ForceGCUnBlocking

func ForceGCUnBlocking()

ForceGCUnBlocking trigger GC unblocking


func GetEnvInsensitive added in v4.10.0

func GetEnvInsensitive(key string) (values []string)

GetEnvInsensitive get env case insensitive

func GetFuncName

func GetFuncName(f any) string

GetFuncName return the name of func

GetFuncName(testFoo) // "github.com/Laisky/go-utils.testFoo"

func GetStructFieldByName

func GetStructFieldByName(st any, fieldName string) any

GetStructFieldByName get struct field by name

func GracefulCancel

func GracefulCancel(cancel func())

GracefulCancel is a function that will be called when the process is about to be terminated.

func HTTPInvalidStatusError

func HTTPInvalidStatusError(statusCode int) error

HTTPInvalidStatusError return error about status code

func HasField

func HasField(st any, fieldName string) bool

HasField check is struct has field

inspired by https://mrwaggel.be/post/golang-reflect-if-initialized-struct-has-member-method-or-fields/

func HasMethod

func HasMethod(st any, methodName string) bool

HasMethod check is struct has method

inspired by https://mrwaggel.be/post/golang-reflect-if-initialized-struct-has-member-method-or-fields/

func Hash added in v4.1.0

func Hash(hashType HashTypeInterface, content io.Reader) (signature []byte, err error)

Hash generate signature by hash

func HashSHA128String deprecated added in v4.1.0

func HashSHA128String(val string) string

HashSHA128String calculate string's hash by sha256

Deprecated: use Hash instead

val := testhashraw
got := HashSHA128String(val)
log.Shared.Info("hash", zap.String("got", got))

func HashSHA256String deprecated added in v4.1.0

func HashSHA256String(val string) string

HashSHA256String calculate string's hash by sha256

Deprecated: use Hash instead

val := testhashraw
got := HashSHA256String(val)
log.Shared.Info("hash", zap.String("got", got))

func HashVerify added in v4.1.0

func HashVerify(hashType HashTypeInterface, content io.Reader, signature []byte) (err error)

HashVerify verify by hash

func HashXxhashString deprecated added in v4.1.0

func HashXxhashString(val string) string

HashXxhashString calculate string's hash by sha256

Deprecated: use Hash instead

val := testhashraw
got := HashXxhashString(val)
log.Shared.Info("hash", zap.String("got", got))

func Input added in v4.3.0

func Input(hint string) (input string, err error)

Input reads input from stdin

func InputPassword added in v4.2.1

func InputPassword(hint string, validator func(string) error) (passwd string, err error)

InputPassword reads password from stdin input and returns it as a string.

func InputYes added in v4.2.1

func InputYes(hint string) (ok bool, err error)

InputYes require user input `y` or `Y` to continue

func IsDir

func IsDir(path string) (bool, error)

IsDir is path exists as dir

func IsDirWritable

func IsDirWritable(dir string) (err error)

IsDirWritable if dir is writable

func IsEmpty

func IsEmpty(val any) bool

IsEmpty is empty

func IsFile

func IsFile(path string) (bool, error)

IsFile is path exists as file

func IsFileATimeChanged

func IsFileATimeChanged(path string, expectATime time.Time) (changed bool, newATime time.Time, err error)

IsFileATimeChanged check is file's atime equal to expectATime

func IsPanic

func IsPanic(f func()) (isPanic bool)

IsPanic is `f()` throw panic

if you want to get the data throwed by panic, use `IsPanic2`

func IsPanic2 added in v4.6.0

func IsPanic2(f func()) (err error)

IsPanic2 check is `f()` throw panic, and return panic as error

func IsPtr

func IsPtr(t any) bool

IsPtr check if t is pointer

func IsRemoteUDPPortOpen

func IsRemoteUDPPortOpen(addr string) error

IsRemoteUDPPortOpen check is remote udp port open. return err if remote port is not open.


addr: "scanme.nmap.org:53"

func JoinFilepath added in v4.5.0

func JoinFilepath(paths ...string) (result string, err error)

JoinFilepath join paths and check if result is escaped basedir

basedir is the first nonempty path in paths. this function could be used to prevent path escaping, make sure the result is under basedir. for example defend zip-slip: https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability#go

Notice: cannot deal with symlink

func JumpHash

func JumpHash(key uint64, numBuckets int) (int32, error)

JumpHash fatest consistent hashing created by google. inspired by https://medium.com/@dgryski/consistent-hashing-algorithmic-tradeoffs-ef6b8e2fcae8

func ListFilesInDir

func ListFilesInDir(dir string, optfs ...ListFilesInDirOptionFunc) (files []string, err error)

ListFilesInDir list files in dir

func LogErr added in v4.5.0

func LogErr(f func() error, logger interface{ Error(string, ...zap.Field) })

LogErr invoke f and log error if got error.

func MD5JSON

func MD5JSON(data any) (string, error)

MD5JSON calculate md5(jsonify(data))

func Max

func Max[T Sortable](vals ...T) T

Max return the maximal value

func Min

func Min[T Sortable](vals ...T) T

Min return the minimal value

func MockStdout added in v4.4.0

func MockStdout() (recoverFn func(), stdout *os.File, err error)

MockStdout mock stdout to a temp file


func TestMockStdout(t *testing.T) {
    recover, stdout, err := MockStdout()
    require.NoError(t, err)
    defer recover()
    stdout.Seek(0, 0)
    buf, err := io.ReadAll(stdout)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    require.Equal(t, "hello\n", string(buf))

func MoveFile

func MoveFile(src, dst string) (err error)

MoveFile move file from src to dst by copy

sometimes move file by `rename` not work. for example, you can not move file between docker volumes by `rename`.

func NewHTTPClient

func NewHTTPClient(opts ...HTTPClientOptFunc) (c *http.Client, err error)

NewHTTPClient create http client

func NewLruCache added in v4.10.0

func NewLruCache[K comparable, V any](size int, ttl time.Duration) *sieve.Sieve[K, V]

NewLruCache new lru cache

func NewRand

func NewRand() *rand.Rand

NewRand new individual random to aviod global mutex

func NewTmpFile added in v4.2.1

func NewTmpFile(reader io.Reader) (*os.File, error)

NewTmpFile write content to tmp file and return path

func NewTmpFileForContent

func NewTmpFileForContent(content []byte) (path string, err error)

NewTmpFileForContent write content to tmp file and return path

deprecated: use NewTmpFileForReader instead

func NilInterface

func NilInterface(data any) bool

NilInterface make sure data is nil interface or another type with nil value


type foo struct{}
var f *foo
var v any
v = f
v == nil // false
NilInterface(v) // true

func NotEmpty

func NotEmpty(val any, name string) error

NotEmpty val should not be empty, with pretty error msg

func OpenURLInDefaultBrowser added in v4.10.0

func OpenURLInDefaultBrowser(ctx context.Context, url string) error

OpenURLInDefaultBrowser opens the specified URL in the default browser of the user.

Inspired by https://gist.github.com/sevkin/9798d67b2cb9d07cb05f89f14ba682f8?permalink_comment_id=5019685#gistcomment-5019685

func OptionalVal

func OptionalVal[T any](ptr *T, optionalVal T) T

OptionalVal return optionval if not empty

func PaddingLeft added in v4.6.0

func PaddingLeft(s string, padStr string, pLen int) string

PaddingLeft padding string to left

func PanicIfErr

func PanicIfErr(err error)

PanicIfErr panic if err is not nil

func ParseHex2UTC

func ParseHex2UTC(ts string) (t time.Time, err error)

ParseHex2UTC parse hex to UTC time

func ParseHexNano2UTC

func ParseHexNano2UTC(ts string) (t time.Time, err error)

ParseHexNano2UTC parse hex contains nano to UTC time

func ParseObjectIdentifier added in v4.10.0

func ParseObjectIdentifier(val string) (oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier, err error)

ParseObjectIdentifier parse oid

func ParseTimeWithTruncate added in v4.8.0

func ParseTimeWithTruncate(layout, value string, precision time.Duration) (t time.Time, err error)

ParseTimeWithTruncate parse time with truncate

func ParseUnix2String

func ParseUnix2String(ts int64, layout string) string

ParseUnix2String can parse unix timestamp(int64) to string

func ParseUnix2UTC

func ParseUnix2UTC(ts int64) time.Time

ParseUnix2UTC convert unix to UTC time

func ParseUnixNano2UTC

func ParseUnixNano2UTC(ts int64) time.Time

ParseUnixNano2UTC convert unixnano to UTC time

func Pipeline

func Pipeline[T any](funcs []func(T) error, v T) (T, error)

Pipeline run f(v) for all funcs

func PrettyBuildInfo

func PrettyBuildInfo(opts ...PrettyBuildInfoOption) string

PrettyBuildInfo get build info in formatted json


  "Path": "github.com/Laisky/go-ramjet",
  "Version": "v0.0.0-20220718014224-2b10e57735f1",
  "Sum": "h1:08Ty2gR+Xxz0B3djHVuV71boW4lpNdQ9hFn4ZIGrhec=",
  "Replace": null

func RaceErr

func RaceErr(gs ...func() error) (err error)

RaceErr return when any goroutine returned

startAt := time.Now()
_ = RaceErr(
	func() error {
		return nil
	func() error {
		return nil
	func() error {
		return nil

fmt.Println(time.Since(startAt) < time.Second)


func RaceErrWithCtx

func RaceErrWithCtx(ctx context.Context, gs ...func(context.Context) error) error

RaceErrWithCtx return when any goroutine returned or ctx canceled

func RandomBytesWithLength

func RandomBytesWithLength(n int) ([]byte, error)

RandomBytesWithLength generate random bytes

func RandomChoice added in v4.1.0

func RandomChoice[T any](arr []T, n int) (got []T)

RandomChoice selects a random subset of elements from an input array of any type.

It takes in two parameters: the array and the number of elements to select from the array. The function uses a random number generator to select elements from the array and returns a new array containing the selected elements.

func RandomNonZeroUint64 added in v4.6.0

func RandomNonZeroUint64() (uint64, error)

RandomNonZeroUint64 generate random uint64 number

func RandomStringWithLength

func RandomStringWithLength(n int) string

RandomStringWithLength generate random string with specific length

func RegexNamedSubMatch deprecated

func RegexNamedSubMatch(r *regexp.Regexp, str string, subMatchMap map[string]string) error

RegexNamedSubMatch extract key:val map from string by group match

Deprecated: use RegexNamedSubMatch2 instead

reg := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<key>\d+.*)`)
str := "12345abcde"
groups := map[string]string{}
if err := RegexNamedSubMatch(reg, str, groups); err != nil {
	log.Shared.Error("try to group match got error", zap.Error(err))



func RegexNamedSubMatch2 added in v4.6.0

func RegexNamedSubMatch2(r *regexp.Regexp, str string) (subMatchMap map[string]string, err error)

RegexNamedSubMatch2 extract key:val map from string by group match

func RemoveEmpty

func RemoveEmpty(vs []string) (r []string)

RemoveEmpty remove duplicate string in slice

func RemoveEmptyVal added in v4.7.0

func RemoveEmptyVal(m map[string]any) map[string]any

RemoveEmptyVal remove empty value in map

func RenderTemplate

func RenderTemplate(tplContent string, args any) ([]byte, error)

RenderTemplate render template with args

func RenderTemplateFile

func RenderTemplateFile(tplFile string, args any) ([]byte, error)

RenderTemplateFile render template file with args

func ReplaceFile

func ReplaceFile(path string, content []byte, perm os.FileMode) error

ReplaceFile replace file with content atomatically

this function is not goroutine-safe

func ReplaceFileAtomic added in v4.5.0

func ReplaceFileAtomic(path string, in io.ReadCloser, perm os.FileMode) error

ReplaceFileAtomic replace file with content atomatically

write content to a tmp file, then rename it to dst file.

Notice: this function is not goroutine-safe

func RequestJSON

func RequestJSON(method, url string, request *RequestData, resp any) (err error)

RequestJSON request JSON and return JSON by default client

func RequestJSONWithClient

func RequestJSONWithClient(httpClient *http.Client,
	url string,
	request *RequestData,
	resp any,
) (err error)

RequestJSONWithClient request JSON and return JSON with specific client

func ReverseSlice added in v4.7.0

func ReverseSlice[T any](s []T)

ReverseSlice reverse slice

func RunCMD

func RunCMD(ctx context.Context, app string, args ...string) (stdout []byte, err error)

RunCMD run command script

func RunCMD2 added in v4.5.0

func RunCMD2(ctx context.Context, app string,
	args []string, envs []string,
	stdoutHandler, stderrHandler func(string),
) (err error)

RunCMD2 run command script and handle stdout/stderr by pipe

func RunCMDWithEnv

func RunCMDWithEnv(ctx context.Context, app string,
	args []string, envs []string) (stdout []byte, err error)

RunCMDWithEnv run command with environments


  • envs: []string{"FOO=BAR"}

func RunWithTimeout

func RunWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration, f func() error) error

RunWithTimeout run func with timeout

slow := func() error {
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	return nil
startAt := time.Now()
RunWithTimeout(5*time.Millisecond, slow)

fmt.Println(time.Since(startAt) < 10*time.Second)


func SanitizeCMDArgs added in v4.7.0

func SanitizeCMDArgs(args []string) (sanitizedArgs []string, err error)

SanitizeCMDArgs sanitizes the given command arguments.

func SecRandInt

func SecRandInt(n int) (int, error)

SecRandInt generate security int

func SecRandomBytesWithLength

func SecRandomBytesWithLength(n int) ([]byte, error)

SecRandomBytesWithLength generate crypto random bytes

func SecRandomStringWithLength

func SecRandomStringWithLength(n int) (string, error)

SecRandomStringWithLength generate random string with specific length

func SetInternalClock

func SetInternalClock(interval time.Duration)

SetInternalClock set internal Clock with refresh interval

func SetStructFieldsBySlice

func SetStructFieldsBySlice(structs, vals any) (err error)

SetStructFieldsBySlice set field value of structs slice by values slice

type ST struct{ A, B string }
var (
	err error
	ss  = []*ST{{}, {}}
	vs  = [][]string{
		{"x0", "y0"},
		{"x1", "y1"},
if err = SetStructFieldsBySlice(ss, vs); err != nil {
	log.Shared.Error("set struct val", zap.Error(err))

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", ss)
// ss = []*ST{{A: "x0", B: "y0"}, {A: "x1", B: "y1"}}

func SilentClose

func SilentClose(v interface{ Close() error })

SilentClose close and ignore error


defer SilentClose(fp)

func SilentFlush

func SilentFlush(v interface{ Flush() error })

SilentFlush flush and ignore error

func SleepWithContext

func SleepWithContext(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration)

SleepWithContext sleep duration with context, if context is done, return

func StopSignal

func StopSignal(optfs ...StopSignalOptFunc) (stopCh <-chan struct{})

StopSignal registered for SIGTERM and SIGINT. A stop channel is returned which is closed on one of these signals. If a second signal is caught, the program is terminated with exit code 1.

Copied from https://github.com/kubernetes/sample-controller

func TemplateWithMap

func TemplateWithMap(tpl string, data map[string]any) string

TemplateWithMap replace `${var}` in template string

func TemplateWithMapAndRegexp

func TemplateWithMapAndRegexp(tplReg *regexp.Regexp, tpl string, data map[string]any) string

TemplateWithMapAndRegexp replace `${var}` in template string

func TimeEqual added in v4.8.0

func TimeEqual(ts1, ts2 time.Time, difference time.Duration) bool

TimeEqual compare two time with difference, return true if time difference less than difference

func TrimEleSpaceAndRemoveEmpty

func TrimEleSpaceAndRemoveEmpty(vs []string) (r []string)

TrimEleSpaceAndRemoveEmpty remove duplicate string in slice

func URLMasking

func URLMasking(url, mask string) string

URLMasking masking password in url

originURL := "http://12ijij:[email protected]"
newURL := URLMasking(originURL, "*****")


func UTCNow

func UTCNow() time.Time

UTCNow get current time in utc

func UUID1 deprecated

func UUID1() string

UUID1 get uuid version 1

Deprecated: use UUID7 instead

func UUID4 added in v4.6.0

func UUID4() string

UUID4 get uuid version 4

func UUID7 added in v4.6.0

func UUID7() string

UUID7 get uuid version 7

func UniqueStrings

func UniqueStrings(vs []string) []string

UniqueStrings remove duplicate string in slice

func ValidateFileHash

func ValidateFileHash(filepath string, hashed string) error

ValidateFileHash validate file content with hashed string


  • filepath: file path to check
  • hashed: hashed string, like `sha256: xxxx`

func WaitComplete added in v4.2.1

func WaitComplete(ctx context.Context, goros ...func(ctx context.Context) error) (err error)

WaitComplete wait all goroutines complete or ctx canceled, returns the first non-nil error (if any) from them, or return ctx.Err() if ctx canceled.

func WaitTCPOpen added in v4.5.0

func WaitTCPOpen(ctx context.Context, ip string, port int) error

WaitTCPOpen wait tcp open

func WatchFileChanging

func WatchFileChanging(ctx context.Context, files []string, callback func(fsnotify.Event)) error

WatchFileChanging watch file changing

when file changed, callback will be called, callback will only received fsnotify.Write no matter what happened to changing a file.

TODO: only calculate hash when file's folder got fsnotiy

func Wrap

func Wrap(err error, msg string) error

Wrap wrap error without stack


type AsyncTask

type AsyncTask struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncTask async task manager

func NewAsyncTask

func NewAsyncTask(ctx context.Context, store AsyncTaskStoreInterface) (
	*AsyncTask, error)

NewTask new async task

ctx must keep alive for whole lifecycle of AsyncTask

func (*AsyncTask) ID

func (t *AsyncTask) ID() string

ID get task id

func (*AsyncTask) SetDone

func (t *AsyncTask) SetDone(ctx context.Context, data string) (err error)

SetDone set task done with result data

func (*AsyncTask) SetError

func (t *AsyncTask) SetError(ctx context.Context, errMsg string) (err error)

SetError set task error with err message

func (*AsyncTask) Status

func (t *AsyncTask) Status() AsyncTaskStatus

Status get task status

type AsyncTaskInterface

type AsyncTaskInterface interface {
	// ID get task id
	ID() string
	// Status get task status, pending/done/failed
	Status() AsyncTaskStatus
	// SetDone set task done with result data
	SetDone(ctx context.Context, data string) (err error)
	// SetError set task error with err message
	SetError(ctx context.Context, errMsg string) (err error)

asyncTask async task

type AsyncTaskResult

type AsyncTaskResult struct {
	TaskID string          `json:"task_id"`
	Status AsyncTaskStatus `json:"status"`
	Data   string          `json:"data"`
	Err    string          `json:"err"`

AsyncTaskResult result of async task

type AsyncTaskStatus

type AsyncTaskStatus uint

AsyncTaskStatus status of async task

const (
	// AsyncTaskStatusUnspecified unknown
	AsyncTaskStatusUnspecified AsyncTaskStatus = iota
	// AsyncTaskStatusPending task pending
	// AsyncTaskStatusDone task done
	// AsyncTaskStatusFailed task failed

func (AsyncTaskStatus) String

func (s AsyncTaskStatus) String() string

String convert status to string

type AsyncTaskStoreInterface

type AsyncTaskStoreInterface interface {
	// New create new AsyncTaskResult with id
	New(ctx context.Context) (result *AsyncTaskResult, err error)
	// Set AsyncTaskResult
	Set(ctx context.Context, taskID string, result *AsyncTaskResult) (err error)
	// Heartbeat refresh async task's updated time to mark this task is still alive
	Heartbeat(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (alived bool, err error)
	// Get task by id
	Get(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (result *AsyncTaskResult, err error)
	// Delete task by id
	Delete(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (err error)

AsyncTaskStoreInterface persistency storage for async task

type AsyncTaskStoreMemory

type AsyncTaskStoreMemory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncTaskStoreMemory example store in memory

func NewAsyncTaskStoreMemory

func NewAsyncTaskStoreMemory() *AsyncTaskStoreMemory

NewAsyncTaskStoreMemory new default memory store

func (*AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Delete

func (s *AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Delete(_ context.Context, taskID string) (err error)

Delete task by id

func (*AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Get

func (s *AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Get(_ context.Context, taskID string) (
	result *AsyncTaskResult, err error)

Get get task by id

func (*AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Heartbeat

func (s *AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Heartbeat(_ context.Context, _ string) (alived bool, err error)

Heartbeat refresh async task's updated time to mark this task is still alive

func (*AsyncTaskStoreMemory) New

func (s *AsyncTaskStoreMemory) New(_ context.Context) (result *AsyncTaskResult, err error)

New create new AsyncTaskResult with id

func (*AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Set

func (s *AsyncTaskStoreMemory) Set(_ context.Context, taskID string, result *AsyncTaskResult) (err error)

Set set AsyncTaskResult

type ClockItf

type ClockItf interface {

	GetUTCNow() time.Time
	GetDate() (time.Time, error)
	GetTimeInRFC3339Nano() string
	SetInterval(interval time.Duration)
	GetTimeInHex() string
	GetNanoTimeInHex() string
	Interval() time.Duration
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ClockItf high performance lazy clock

type ClockT

type ClockT struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClockT high performance ClockT with lazy refreshing

func NewClock

func NewClock(ctx context.Context, refreshInterval time.Duration) *ClockT

NewClock create new Clock

func (*ClockT) Close

func (c *ClockT) Close()

Close stop Clock update

func (*ClockT) GetDate

func (c *ClockT) GetDate() (time.Time, error)

GetDate return "yyyy-mm-dd"

func (*ClockT) GetNanoTimeInHex

func (c *ClockT) GetNanoTimeInHex() string

GetNanoTimeInHex return current time with nano in hex

func (*ClockT) GetTimeInHex

func (c *ClockT) GetTimeInHex() string

GetTimeInHex return current time in hex

func (*ClockT) GetTimeInRFC3339Nano

func (c *ClockT) GetTimeInRFC3339Nano() string

GetTimeInRFC3339Nano return Clock current time in string

func (*ClockT) GetUTCNow

func (c *ClockT) GetUTCNow() time.Time

GetUTCNow return Clock current time.Time

func (*ClockT) Interval

func (c *ClockT) Interval() time.Duration

Interval get current interval

func (*ClockT) SetInterval

func (c *ClockT) SetInterval(interval time.Duration)

SetInterval setup update interval

type CopyFileOptionFunc

type CopyFileOptionFunc func(o *copyFileOption) error

CopyFileOptionFunc set options for copy file

func Overwrite

func Overwrite() CopyFileOptionFunc

Overwrite overwrite file if target existed

func WithFileFlag

func WithFileFlag(flag int) CopyFileOptionFunc

WithFileFlag how to write dst file

func WithFileMode

func WithFileMode(perm fs.FileMode) CopyFileOptionFunc

WithFileMode if create new dst file, set the file's mode

type DedentOptFunc

type DedentOptFunc func(opt *dedentOpt)

DedentOptFunc dedent option

func WithReplaceTabBySpaces

func WithReplaceTabBySpaces(spaces int) DedentOptFunc

WithReplaceTabBySpaces replace tab to spaces

type Delayer added in v4.1.0

type Delayer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Delayer create by NewDelay

do not use this type directly.

func NewDelay added in v4.1.0

func NewDelay(d time.Duration) *Delayer

NewDelay ensures the execution time of a function is not less than a predefined threshold.

defer NewDelay(time.Second).Wait()
startAt := time.Now()
delay := 10 * time.Millisecond

func() {
	defer NewDelay(delay).Wait()

fmt.Println(time.Since(startAt) >= delay)


func (*Delayer) Wait added in v4.1.0

func (d *Delayer) Wait()

Wait wait in defer

type ExpCache

type ExpCache[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExpCache cache with expires

can Store/Load like map

cc := NewExpCache[string](context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
cc.Store("key", "val")
cc.Load("key") // return "val"

// data expired
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
data, ok := cc.Load("key")


func NewExpCache

func NewExpCache[T any](ctx context.Context, ttl time.Duration) *ExpCache[T]

NewExpCache new cache manager

use with generic:

cc := NewExpCache[string](context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
cc.Store("key", "val")
val, ok := cc.Load("key")

func (*ExpCache[T]) Delete

func (c *ExpCache[T]) Delete(key string)

Delete remove key

func (*ExpCache[T]) Load

func (c *ExpCache[T]) Load(key string) (data T, ok bool)

Load load val from cache

func (*ExpCache[T]) LoadAndDelete

func (c *ExpCache[T]) LoadAndDelete(key string) (data T, ok bool)

LoadAndDelete load and delete val from cache

func (*ExpCache[T]) Store

func (c *ExpCache[T]) Store(key string, val T)

Store store new key and val into cache

type ExpCacheInterface

type ExpCacheInterface[T any] interface {
	// Store store new key and val into cache
	Store(key string, val T)
	// Delete remove key
	Delete(key string)
	// LoadAndDelete load and delete val from cache
	LoadAndDelete(key string) (data T, ok bool)
	// Load load val from cache
	Load(key string) (data T, ok bool)

ExpCacheInterface cache with expire duration

type ExpiredRLock

type ExpiredRLock struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExpiredRLock Lock with expire time

func NewExpiredRLock

func NewExpiredRLock(ctx context.Context, exp time.Duration) (el *ExpiredRLock, err error)

NewExpiredRLock new ExpiredRLock

func (*ExpiredRLock) GetLock

func (e *ExpiredRLock) GetLock(key string) *sync.RWMutex

GetLock get lock

type FLock

type FLock interface {
	Lock() error
	Unlock() error

FLock lock by file

func NewFlock

func NewFlock(lockFilePath string) FLock

NewFlock new file lock

type GcOptFunc

type GcOptFunc func(*gcOption) error

GcOptFunc option for GC utils

func WithGCMemLimitFilePath

func WithGCMemLimitFilePath(path string) GcOptFunc

WithGCMemLimitFilePath set memory limit file

func WithGCMemRatio

func WithGCMemRatio(ratio int) GcOptFunc

WithGCMemRatio set mem ratio trigger for GC

default to 85

type GoroutineTest

type GoroutineTest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GoroutineTest testing.T support goroutine

func NewGoroutineTest

func NewGoroutineTest(tb testing.TB, cancel func()) *GoroutineTest

NewGoroutineTest new test for goroutine

any fail will call cancel()

func (*GoroutineTest) Cleanup added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Cleanup(f func())

Cleanup add cleanup func

func (*GoroutineTest) Error added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Error(args ...any)

Error call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Errorf added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Errorf(format string, args ...any)

Errorf call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Fail added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Fail()

Fail call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) FailNow

func (t *GoroutineTest) FailNow()

FailNow call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Failed added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Failed() bool

Failed call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Fatal added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Fatal(args ...any)

Fatal call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Fatalf added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Fatalf(format string, args ...any)

Fatalf call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Helper added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Helper()

Helper call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Log added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Log(args ...any)

Log call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Logf added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Logf(format string, args ...any)

Logf call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Name added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Name() string

Name call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Setenv added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Setenv(key, value string)

Setenv call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Skip added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Skip(args ...any)

Skip call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) SkipNow added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) SkipNow()

SkipNow call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Skipf added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Skipf(format string, args ...any)

Skipf call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) Skipped added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) Skipped() bool

Skipped call cancal and exit current goroutine

func (*GoroutineTest) TempDir added in v4.2.1

func (t *GoroutineTest) TempDir() string

TempDir call cancal and exit current goroutine

type HTTPClientOptFunc

type HTTPClientOptFunc func(*httpClientOption) error

HTTPClientOptFunc http client options

func WithHTTPClientInsecure deprecated

func WithHTTPClientInsecure() HTTPClientOptFunc

WithHTTPClientInsecure set http client igonre ssl issue

default to false

Deprecated: use WithHTTPTlsConfig instead

func WithHTTPClientMaxConn

func WithHTTPClientMaxConn(maxConn int) HTTPClientOptFunc

WithHTTPClientMaxConn set http client max connection

default to 20

func WithHTTPClientProxy added in v4.1.0

func WithHTTPClientProxy(proxy string) HTTPClientOptFunc

WithHTTPClientProxy set http client proxy

func WithHTTPClientTimeout

func WithHTTPClientTimeout(timeout time.Duration) HTTPClientOptFunc

WithHTTPClientTimeout set http client timeout

default to 30s

func WithHTTPTlsConfig added in v4.1.0

func WithHTTPTlsConfig(cfg *tls.Config) HTTPClientOptFunc

WithHTTPTlsConfig set tls config

type HashType added in v4.1.0

type HashType string

HashType hashs

const (
	// HashTypeMD5 MD5
	HashTypeMD5 HashType = "md5"
	// HashTypeSha1 Sha1
	HashTypeSha1 HashType = "sha1"
	// HashTypeSha256 Sha256
	HashTypeSha256 HashType = "sha256"
	// HashTypeSha512 Sha512
	HashTypeSha512 HashType = "sha512"
	// HashTypeXxhash Xxhash
	HashTypeXxhash HashType = "xxhash"

func (HashType) Hasher added in v4.1.0

func (h HashType) Hasher() (hash.Hash, error)

Hasher new hasher by hash type

func (HashType) String added in v4.1.0

func (h HashType) String() string

String name of hash

type HashTypeInterface added in v4.1.0

type HashTypeInterface interface {
	String() string
	Hasher() (hash.Hash, error)

HashTypeInterface hashs

type JaegerTracingID added in v4.6.0

type JaegerTracingID string

JaegerTracingID jaeger tracing id

func NewJaegerTracingID added in v4.6.0

func NewJaegerTracingID(traceID, spanID, parentSpanID uint64, flag byte) (traceVal JaegerTracingID, err error)

NewJaegerTracingID generate jaeger tracing id


  • traceID: trace id, 64bit number, will encode to hex string
  • spanID: span id, 64bit number, will encode to hex string
  • parentSpanID: parent span id, 64bit number, will encode to hex string
  • flag: 8bit number, one byte bitmap, as one or two hex digits (leading zero may be omitted)

Even if some of the parameters have incorrect formatting, it won't result in an error; instead, it will generate a new random value.

func (JaegerTracingID) NewSpan added in v4.6.0

func (t JaegerTracingID) NewSpan() (JaegerTracingID, error)

NewSpan generate new span

func (JaegerTracingID) Parse added in v4.6.0

func (t JaegerTracingID) Parse() (traceID, spanID, parentSpanID uint64, flag byte, err error)

Parse parse jaeger tracing id from string

func (JaegerTracingID) String added in v4.6.0

func (t JaegerTracingID) String() string

String implement fmt.Stringer

type LRUExpiredMap

type LRUExpiredMap[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LRUExpiredMap map with expire time, auto delete expired item.

`Get` will auto refresh item's expires. `Get` will auto create new item if key not exists.

func NewLRUExpiredMap

func NewLRUExpiredMap[T any](ctx context.Context,
	ttl time.Duration,
	newIns func() T) (el *LRUExpiredMap[T], err error)

NewLRUExpiredMap new ExpiredMap

func (*LRUExpiredMap[T]) Get

func (e *LRUExpiredMap[T]) Get(key string) T

Get get item

will auto refresh key's ttl

type ListFilesInDirOptionFunc

type ListFilesInDirOptionFunc func(*listFilesInDirOption) error

ListFilesInDirOptionFunc options for ListFilesInDir

func ListFilesInDirFilter added in v4.5.0

func ListFilesInDirFilter(filter func(fname string) bool) ListFilesInDirOptionFunc

ListFilesInDirFilter filter files, only return files that filter returns true

func ListFilesInDirRecursive added in v4.5.0

func ListFilesInDirRecursive() ListFilesInDirOptionFunc

ListFilesInDirRecursive list files in dir recursively

func Recursive deprecated

func Recursive() ListFilesInDirOptionFunc

Recursive list files recursively

Deprecated: use ListFilesInDirRecursive instead

type Mutex

type Mutex struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Mutex mutex that support unblocking lock

l := NewMutex()
if !l.TryLock() {
	log.Shared.Info("can not acquire lock")
defer l.ForceRelease()

func NewMutex

func NewMutex() *Mutex

NewMutex create new mutex

func (*Mutex) ForceRelease

func (m *Mutex) ForceRelease()

ForceRelease force release lock

func (*Mutex) IsLocked

func (m *Mutex) IsLocked() bool

IsLocked return true if is locked

func (*Mutex) SpinLock

func (m *Mutex) SpinLock(step, timeout time.Duration)

SpinLock block until succee acquired lock

func (*Mutex) TryLock

func (m *Mutex) TryLock() bool

TryLock return true if succeed locked

func (*Mutex) TryRelease

func (m *Mutex) TryRelease() bool

TryRelease return true if succeed release

type Number

type Number common.Number

Number is a number type

type PairList

type PairList []SortItemItf

PairList array of sort items

func SortBiggest

func SortBiggest(items PairList) PairList

SortBiggest sort from biggest to smallest

func SortSmallest

func SortSmallest(items PairList) PairList

SortSmallest sort from smallest to biggest

func (PairList) Len

func (p PairList) Len() int

Len return length of sort items

func (PairList) Less

func (p PairList) Less(i, j int) bool

Less compare two items

func (PairList) Swap

func (p PairList) Swap(i, j int)

Swap change two items

type PrettyBuildInfoOption added in v4.9.0

type PrettyBuildInfoOption func(*prettyBuildInfoOption)

PrettyBuildInfoOption options for PrettyBuildInfo

func WithPrettyBuildInfoDeps added in v4.9.0

func WithPrettyBuildInfoDeps() PrettyBuildInfoOption

WithPrettyBuildInfoDeps include deps in build info

type RBACPermFullKey

type RBACPermFullKey string

RBACPermFullKey key with ancesters

func (RBACPermFullKey) Append

Append new key to full key

func (RBACPermFullKey) Contains

func (p RBACPermFullKey) Contains(acquire RBACPermFullKey) bool

Contains is contains acquire permission

func (RBACPermFullKey) Parent

func (p RBACPermFullKey) Parent() RBACPermFullKey

Parent get element parent key

func (RBACPermFullKey) String

func (p RBACPermFullKey) String() string

String to string

type RBACPermKey

type RBACPermKey string

RBACPermKey permission identity keyword

format like `a`

func (RBACPermKey) String

func (p RBACPermKey) String() string

String to string

type RBACPermissionElem

type RBACPermissionElem struct {
	// Title display name of this element
	Title string `json:"title" binding:"min=1"`
	// Key element's identity
	Key RBACPermKey `json:"key,omitempty"`
	// FullKey within all ancester keys, demilite by rbacPermKeyDelimiter
	FullKey  RBACPermFullKey       `json:"full_key,omitempty"`
	Children []*RBACPermissionElem `json:"children,omitempty"`

RBACPermissionElem element node of permission tree

the whole permission tree can represented by the head node

func NewPermissionTree

func NewPermissionTree() *RBACPermissionElem

NewPermissionTree new permission tree only contains root node

func (*RBACPermissionElem) Clone

Clone clone permission tree

func (*RBACPermissionElem) Cut

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) Cut(key RBACPermFullKey)

Cut 剪除指定节点


key: 形如 `root.sys.a.b`,或 `root.sys.a.*`

头节点不允许剪除。 可以使用 `*` 作为通配符,代表剪除所有子节点。

func (*RBACPermissionElem) FillDefault

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) FillDefault(ancesterKey RBACPermFullKey) error

FillDefault auto filling some default valus

it is best to call this function immediately after initialization

func (*RBACPermissionElem) GetElemByKey

GetElemByKey 通过 key 获取指定的权限树节点


  • key: 权限树路径,形如 `root.sys`

func (*RBACPermissionElem) HasPerm

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) HasPerm(acquiredKey RBACPermFullKey) bool

HasPerm check whether has specified key

| user prems   | acquired key | match  |
| :----------: | :----------: | :---:  |
|   `"root"`   |   `"root"`   |   ✅   |
|     `""`     |   `"root"`   |   ❌   |
|   `"root"`   |     `""`     |   ✅   |
| `"root.sys"` |   `"root"`   |   ✅   |
|   `"root"`   | `"root.sys"` |   ❌   |

func (*RBACPermissionElem) Intersection

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) Intersection(other *RBACPermissionElem)

Intersection intersect with other permission tree

func (*RBACPermissionElem) OverwriteBy

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) OverwriteBy(another *RBACPermissionElem, intersection bool)

OverwriteBy overwrite element's content by another tree, but do not append any element from another tree if not exists in current tree.


  • intersection: if set to true, will intersect by another tree

func (*RBACPermissionElem) Scan

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) Scan(input any) error

Scan implement GORM interface

func (*RBACPermissionElem) UnionAndOverwriteBy

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) UnionAndOverwriteBy(other *RBACPermissionElem)

UnionAndOverwriteBy merge(union) another tree into this tree by key comparison

func (*RBACPermissionElem) Valid

func (p *RBACPermissionElem) Valid() error

Valid valid permission tree

func (RBACPermissionElem) Value

func (p RBACPermissionElem) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implement GORM interface

type RWManager added in v4.2.1

type RWManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RWManager auto create rwlock if not exists

func (*RWManager) Lock added in v4.2.1

func (m *RWManager) Lock(name string)

Lock lock by name

func (*RWManager) RLock added in v4.2.1

func (m *RWManager) RLock(name string)

RLock rlock lock by name

func (*RWManager) RUnlock added in v4.2.1

func (m *RWManager) RUnlock(name string)

RUnlock runlock by name

func (*RWManager) Unlock added in v4.2.1

func (m *RWManager) Unlock(name string)

Unlock unlock by name

type RWManagerInterface added in v4.2.1

type RWManagerInterface interface {
	RLock(name string)
	Lock(name string)
	RUnlock(name string)
	Unlock(name string)

RWManagerInterface auto create rwlock if not exists

type RateLimiter added in v4.5.1

type RateLimiter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RateLimiter current limitor

ctx := context.Background()
RateLimiter, err := NewRateLimiter(ctx, RateLimiterArgs{
	NPerSec: 10,
	Max:     100,
if err != nil {
	panic("new RateLimiter")
defer RateLimiter.Close()

inChan := make(chan int)

for msg := range inChan {
	if !RateLimiter.Allow() {

	// do something with msg

func NewRateLimiter added in v4.5.1

func NewRateLimiter(ctx context.Context, args RateLimiterArgs) (ratelimiter *RateLimiter, err error)

NewRateLimiter create new Throttle

90x faster than `rate.NewLimiter`

func (*RateLimiter) Allow added in v4.5.1

func (t *RateLimiter) Allow() bool

Allow check whether is allowed

func (*RateLimiter) AllowN added in v4.5.1

func (t *RateLimiter) AllowN(n int) bool

AllowN check whether is allowed, default ratelimiter only allow 1 request per second at least, so if you want to allow less than 1 request per second, you should use `AllowN` to consume more tokens each time.

func (*RateLimiter) Close added in v4.5.1

func (t *RateLimiter) Close()

Close stop throttle

func (*RateLimiter) Len added in v4.5.2

func (t *RateLimiter) Len() int

Len return current tokens length

type RateLimiterArgs added in v4.5.1

type RateLimiterArgs struct {
	Max, NPerSec int

RateLimiterArgs Throttle's configuration

type RequestData

type RequestData struct {
	Headers map[string]string
	Data    any

RequestData http request

type SingleItemExpCache

type SingleItemExpCache[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SingleItemExpCache single item with expires

func NewSingleItemExpCache

func NewSingleItemExpCache[T any](ttl time.Duration) *SingleItemExpCache[T]

NewSingleItemExpCache new expcache contains single data

func (*SingleItemExpCache[T]) Get

func (c *SingleItemExpCache[T]) Get() (data T, ok bool)

Get get data

if data is expired, ok=false

func (*SingleItemExpCache[T]) Set

func (c *SingleItemExpCache[T]) Set(data T)

Set set data and refresh expires

type SortItemItf

type SortItemItf interface {
	GetValue() int
	GetData() any

SortItemItf interface of sort item

type Sortable

type Sortable common.Sortable

Sortable Data types that can be compared by >, <, ==

type StopSignalOptFunc

type StopSignalOptFunc func(*stopSignalOpt)

StopSignalOptFunc options for StopSignal

func WithStopSignalCloseSignals

func WithStopSignalCloseSignals(signals ...os.Signal) StopSignalOptFunc

WithStopSignalCloseSignals set signals that will trigger close

type Throttle deprecated

type Throttle RateLimiter

Throttle rate limitor

Deprecated: use `RateLimiter` instead

type ThrottleCfg deprecated

type ThrottleCfg RateLimiterArgs

ThrottleCfg Throttle's configuration

Deprecated: use `RateLimiterArgs` instead

type TtlCache added in v4.9.0

type TtlCache[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TtlCache cache with ttl

func NewTtlCache added in v4.9.0

func NewTtlCache[T any]() *TtlCache[T]

NewTtlCache new cache with ttl

func (*TtlCache[T]) Close added in v4.9.0

func (c *TtlCache[T]) Close()

Close close cache

func (*TtlCache[T]) Delete added in v4.9.0

func (c *TtlCache[T]) Delete(key string)

Delete remove key

func (*TtlCache[T]) Get added in v4.9.0

func (c *TtlCache[T]) Get(key string) (val T, ok bool)

Get get data

func (*TtlCache[T]) Set added in v4.9.0

func (c *TtlCache[T]) Set(key string, val T, ttl time.Duration)

Set set data with ttl

type UUID7Itf added in v4.6.0

type UUID7Itf interface {
	// Timestamp get timestamp of uuid7
	Timestamp() uint64
	// String get string of uuid7
	String() string
	// Empty check if uuid7 is empty
	Empty() bool

UUID7Itf general uuid7 interface

func ParseUUID7 added in v4.6.0

func ParseUUID7(val string) (UUID7Itf, error)

ParseUUID7 parse uuid7


Path Synopsis
Package algorithm contains some useful algorithms
Package algorithm contains some useful algorithms
Package cmd some useful tools for command argument
Package cmd some useful tools for command argument
Package main gutils' command line tool
Package main gutils' command line tool
Package common global shared utils
Package common global shared utils
Package compress contains some useful tools to compress/decompress data or files
Package compress contains some useful tools to compress/decompress data or files
Package counter contains varias counter tools
Package counter contains varias counter tools
Package crypto is a collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, providing hash functions, block and stream ciphers, public key cryptography and authentication.
Package crypto is a collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, providing hash functions, block and stream ciphers, public key cryptography and authentication.
Package kms provides a simple kms interface.
Package kms provides a simple kms interface.
Package mem is a multi-key KMS in pure memory
Package mem is a multi-key KMS in pure memory
package Threshold cryptosystem
package Threshold cryptosystem
Package shamir is Shamir’s Secret Sharing is a method for dividing a secret into multiple parts and distributing those parts among different participants.
Package shamir is Shamir’s Secret Sharing is a method for dividing a secret into multiple parts and distributing those parts among different participants.
Package signature provides an implementation of threshold signatures.
Package signature provides an implementation of threshold signatures.
Package email simple email sender
Package email simple email sender
Package gorm some useful tools for gorm
Package gorm some useful tools for gorm
Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 7159.
Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 7159.
Package jwt all in one JWT sdk
Package jwt all in one JWT sdk
Package log enhanced zap logger
Package log enhanced zap logger

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