Index ¶
- type AnswerCase
- type JudgeConfiguration
- type JudgeDemoCase
- type JudgeResourceLimit
- type JudgeResult
- type ProblemContent
- type ProblemIOSample
- type ShellOptions
- type ShellResult
- type ShellWriters
- type SpecialJudgeCheckerCase
- type SpecialJudgeOptions
- type TestCase
- type TestCaseResult
- type TestlibCheckerResult
- type TestlibGenerator
- type TestlibOptions
- type TestlibValidatorCase
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AnswerCase ¶
type AnswerCase struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Case name FileName string `json:"file_name"` // code file name Language string `json:"language"` // code language, default is 'auto' Content string `json:"content"` // code content (optional) }
答案代码样例 优先使用Content访问,其次使用FileName
type JudgeConfiguration ¶
type JudgeConfiguration struct { TestCases []TestCase `json:"test_cases"` // Test cases TimeLimit int `json:"time_limit"` // Time limit (ms) MemoryLimit int `json:"memory_limit"` // Memory limit (KB) RealTimeLimit int `json:"real_time_limit"` // Real Time Limit (ms) (optional) FileSizeLimit int `json:"file_size_limit"` // File Size Limit (bytes) (optional) Uid int `json:"uid"` // User id (optional) StrictMode bool `json:"strict_mode"` // Strict Mode (if close, PE will be ignore) SpecialJudge SpecialJudgeOptions `json:"special_judge"` // Special Judge Options Limitation map[string]JudgeResourceLimit `json:"limitation"` // Limitation Problem ProblemContent `json:"problem"` // Problem Info TestLib TestlibOptions `json:"testlib"` // testlib设置 AnswerCases []AnswerCase `json:"answer_cases"` // Answer cases (用于生成Output) ConfigDir string `json:"-"` // 内部字段:config文件所在目录绝对路径 }
type JudgeDemoCase ¶
type JudgeDemoCase struct { Handle string `json:"handle"` // handle Name string `json:"name"` // 代码区域名称 Answers map[string]string `json:"answers"` // 回答信息 Demo string `json:"demo"` // 样例代码(预设用) Line int `json:"line"` // 插入位置 }
代码填空样例 (for oj)
type JudgeResourceLimit ¶
type JudgeResourceLimit struct { TimeLimit int `json:"time_limit"` // Time limit (ms) MemoryLimit int `json:"memory_limit"` // Memory limit (KB) RealTimeLimit int `json:"real_time_limit"` // Real Time Limit (ms) (optional) FileSizeLimit int `json:"file_size_limit"` // File Size Limit (bytes) (optional) }
type JudgeResult ¶
type JudgeResult struct { SessionId string `json:"session_id"` // Judge Session Id JudgeResult int `json:"judge_result"` // Judge result flag number TimeUsed int `json:"time_used"` // Maximum time used MemoryUsed int `json:"memory_used"` // Maximum memory used TestCases []TestCaseResult `json:"test_cases"` // Testcase Results ReInfo string `json:"re_info"` // ReInfo when Runtime Error or special judge Runtime Error SeInfo string `json:"se_info"` // SeInfo when System Error CeInfo string `json:"ce_info"` // CeInfo when Compile Error JudgeLogs []logger.JudgeLogItem `json:"judge_logs"` // Judge Logs }
type ProblemContent ¶
type ProblemContent struct { Author string `json:"author"` // Problem author Source string `json:"source"` // Problem source Description string `json:"description"` // Description Input string `json:"input"` // Input requirements Output string `json:"output"` // Output requirements Sample []ProblemIOSample `json:"sample"` // Sample cases Tips string `json:"tips"` // Solution tips ProblemType int `json:"problem_type"` // 题目类型 DemoCases map[string]JudgeDemoCase `json:"demo_cases"` // 代码填空样例数据 }
题目正文信息 (for oj)
type ProblemIOSample ¶
type ProblemIOSample struct { Input string `json:"input"` // Input sample Output string `json:"output"` // Output sample }
type ShellOptions ¶
type ShellResult ¶
type SpecialJudgeCheckerCase ¶
type SpecialJudgeCheckerCase struct { Input string `json:"input"` // Input (1k Limit) Output string `json:"output"` // Output (1k Limit) Answer string `json:"answer"` // Answer (1k Limit) Verdict bool `json:"verdict"` // Is verdict? (下边俩是否相同) ExpectedVerdict int `json:"expected_verdict"` // Expected judge result (flag) (期望的判定结果) CheckerVerdict int `json:"checker_verdict"` // (testlib/classical)checker's judge result (flag) (检查器的判定结果) CheckerComment string `json:"checker_comment"` // (testlib/classical) checker's output (检查器输出的信息) }
特判检查器样例 Special Judge checker case item
type SpecialJudgeOptions ¶
type SpecialJudgeOptions struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Name, default is "checker" Mode int `json:"mode"` // Mode;0-Disabled;1-Normal;2-Interactor CheckerLang string `json:"checker_lang"` // Checker languages, support gcc, g++(default) and golang, not support auto! Checker string `json:"checker"` // Checker file path (Use code file is better then compiled binary!) RedirectProgramOut bool `json:"redirect_program_out"` // Redirect target program's STDOUT to checker's STDIN (checker mode). if not, redirect testcase-in file to checker's STDIN TimeLimit int `json:"time_limit"` // Time limit (ms) MemoryLimit int `json:"memory_limit"` // Memory limit (kb) UseTestlib bool `json:"use_testlib"` // If use testlib, checker will only support c++ CheckerCases []SpecialJudgeCheckerCase `json:"checker_cases"` // Special Judge checker cases (for Testlib, exclude interactor mode) }
type TestCase ¶
type TestCase struct { Handle string `json:"handle"` // Identifier Order int `json:"order"` // Order (ASC) Name string `json:"name"` // Testcase name Input string `json:"input"` // Testcase input file path Output string `json:"output"` // Testcase output file path Visible bool `json:"visible"` // Is visible(for oj) Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Is enabled UseGenerator bool `json:"use_genarator"` // Use generator Generator string `json:"generator"` // Generator script ValidatorVerdict bool `json:"validator_verdict"` // Testlib validator's result ValidatorComment string `json:"validator_comment"` // Testlib validator's output }
type TestCaseResult ¶
type TestCaseResult struct { Handle string `json:"handle"` // Identifier Input string `json:"-"` // Testcase input file path (internal) Output string `json:"-"` // Testcase output file path (internal) ProgramOut string `json:"program_out"` // Program-stdout file path ProgramError string `json:"program_error"` // Program-stderr file path CheckerOut string `json:"checker_out"` // Special judge checker's stdout CheckerError string `json:"checker_error"` // Special judge checker's stderr CheckerReport string `json:"checker_report"` // Special judge checker's report file JudgeResult int `json:"judge_result"` // Judge result flag number PartiallyScore int `json:"partially_score"` // Testlib Partially Score or Math.floor(SameLines / TotalLines) TextDiffLog string `json:"text_diff_log"` // Text Checkup Log TimeUsed int `json:"time_used"` // Maximum time used MemoryUsed int `json:"memory_used"` // Maximum memory used ReSignum int `json:"re_signal_num"` // Runtime error signal number SameLines int `json:"same_lines"` // Same lines when WA TotalLines int `json:"total_lines"` // Total lines when WA ReInfo string `json:"re_info"` // ReInfo when Runtime Error or special judge Runtime Error SeInfo string `json:"se_info"` // SeInfo when System Error CeInfo string `json:"ce_info"` // CeInfo when Compile Error SPJExitCode int `json:"spj_exit_code"` // Special judge exit code SPJTimeUsed int `json:"spj_time_used"` // Special judge maximum time used SPJMemoryUsed int `json:"spj_memory_used"` // Special judge maximum memory used SPJReSignum int `json:"spj_re_signal_num"` // Special judge runtime error signal number SPJMsg string `json:"spj_msg"` // Special judge checker msg }
type TestlibCheckerResult ¶
type TestlibGenerator ¶
type TestlibGenerator struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Generator name Source string `json:"source"` // Source code file }
Testlib Generator
type TestlibOptions ¶
type TestlibOptions struct { Version string `json:"version"` // Testlib version (预留,不太考虑实现) Validator string `json:"validator"` // Validator file ValidatorName string `json:"validator_name"` // Validator name (compile target name) Generators []TestlibGenerator `json:"generators"` // Validator cases ValidatorCases []TestlibValidatorCase `json:"validator_case"` // Validator cases }
TestLib设置 (只支持c++版本的testlib) Testlib Options (we only support c++ verion)
type TestlibValidatorCase ¶
type TestlibValidatorCase struct { Input string `json:"input"` // Input (1k Limit) Verdict bool `json:"verdict"` // Is verdict? (下边俩是否相同) ExpectedVerdict bool `json:"expected_verdict"` // Expected result ValidatorVerdict bool `json:"validator_verdict"` // Testlib validator's result ValidatorComment string `json:"validator_comment"` // Testlib validator's output }
Testlib validator 样例
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