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Published: Apr 26, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 6 Imported by: 0


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Go wrapper for Opus

This package provides Go bindings for the xiph.org C libraries libopus and libopusfile.

The C libraries and docs are hosted at https://opus-codec.org/. This package just handles the wrapping in Go, and is unaffiliated with xiph.org.


This wrapper provides a Go translation layer for three elements from the xiph.org opus libs:

  • encoders
  • decoders
  • files & streams


import "gopkg.in/hraban/opus.v2"


To encode raw audio to the Opus format, create an encoder first:

const sampleRate = 48000
const channels = 1 // mono; 2 for stereo

enc, err := opus.NewEncoder(sampleRate, channels, opus.AppVoIP)
if err != nil {

Then pass it some raw PCM data to encode.

Make sure that the raw PCM data you want to encode has a legal Opus frame size. This means it must be exactly 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 ms long. The number of bytes this corresponds to depends on the sample rate (see the libopus documentation).

var pcm []int16 = ... // obtain your raw PCM data somewhere
const bufferSize = 1000 // choose any buffer size you like. 1k is plenty.

// Check the frame size. You don't need to do this if you trust your input.
frameSize := len(pcm) // must be interleaved if stereo
frameSizeMs := float32(frameSize) / channels * 1000 / sampleRate
switch frameSizeMs {
case 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60:
    // Good.
    return fmt.Errorf("Illegal frame size: %d bytes (%f ms)", frameSize, frameSizeMs)

data := make([]byte, bufferSize)
n, err := enc.Encode(pcm, data)
if err != nil {
data = data[:n] // only the first N bytes are opus data. Just like io.Reader.

Note that you must choose a target buffer size, and this buffer size will affect the encoding process:

Size of the allocated memory for the output payload. This may be used to impose an upper limit on the instant bitrate, but should not be used as the only bitrate control. Use OPUS_SET_BITRATE to control the bitrate.

-- https://opus-codec.org/docs/opus_api-1.1.3/group__opus__encoder.html


To decode opus data to raw PCM format, first create a decoder:

dec, err := opus.NewDecoder(sampleRate, channels)
if err != nil {

Now pass it the opus bytes, and a buffer to store the PCM sound in:

var frameSizeMs float32 = ...  // if you don't know, go with 60 ms.
frameSize := channels * frameSizeMs * sampleRate / 1000
pcm := make([]byte, int(frameSize))
n, err := dec.Decode(data, pcm)
if err != nil {

// To get all samples (interleaved if multiple channels):
pcm = pcm[:n*channels] // only necessary if you didn't know the right frame size

// or access sample per sample, directly:
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    ch1 := pcm[i*channels+0]
    // For stereo output: copy ch1 into ch2 in mono mode, or deinterleave stereo
    ch2 := pcm[(i*channels)+(channels-1)]

Note regarding Forward Error Correction (FEC):

When a packet is considered "lost", DecodeFEC and DecodeFECFloat32 methods can be called on the next packet in order to try and recover some of the lost data. The PCM needs to be exactly the duration of audio that is missing. LastPacketDuration() can be used on the decoder to get the length of the last packet. Note also that in order to use this feature the encoder needs to be configured with SetInBandFEC(true) and SetPacketLossPerc(x) options.

Streams (and files)

To decode a .opus file (or .ogg with Opus data), or to decode a "Opus stream" (which is a Ogg stream with Opus data), use the Stream interface. It wraps an io.Reader providing the raw stream bytes and returns the decoded Opus data.

A crude example for reading from a .opus file:

f, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
s, err := opus.NewStream(f)
if err != nil {
defer s.Close()
buf := make([]byte, 16384)
for {
    n, err = s.Read(buf)
    if err == io.EOF {
    } else if err != nil {
    pcm := buf[:n*channels]

    // send pcm to audio device here, or write to a .wav file


See https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/hraban/opus.v2#Stream for further info.

API Docs

Go wrapper API reference: https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/hraban/opus.v2

Full libopus C API reference: https://www.opus-codec.org/docs/opus_api-1.1.3/

For more examples, see the _test.go files.

Build & installation

This package requires libopus and libopusfile development packages to be installed on your system. These are available on Debian based systems from aptitude as libopus-dev and libopusfile-dev, and on Mac OS X from homebrew.

They are linked into the app using pkg-config.

Debian, Ubuntu, ...:

sudo apt-get install pkg-config libopus-dev libopusfile-dev


brew install pkg-config opus opusfile

Using in Docker

If your Dockerized app has this library as a dependency (directly or indirectly), it will need to install the aforementioned packages, too.

This means you can't use the standard golang:*-onbuild images, because those will try to build the app from source before allowing you to install extra dependencies. Instead, try this as a Dockerfile:

# Choose any golang image, just make sure it doesn't have -onbuild
FROM golang:1

RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libopus-dev libopusfile-dev

# Everything below is copied manually from the official -onbuild image,
# with the ONBUILD keywords removed.

RUN mkdir -p /go/src/app
WORKDIR /go/src/app

CMD ["go-wrapper", "run"]
COPY . /go/src/app
RUN go-wrapper download
RUN go-wrapper install

For more information, see https://hub.docker.com/_/golang/.

Linking libopus and libopusfile

The opus and opusfile libraries will be linked into your application dynamically. This means everyone who uses the resulting binary will need those libraries available on their system. E.g. if you use this wrapper to write a music app in Go, everyone using that music app will need libopus and libopusfile on their system. On Debian systems the packages are called libopus0 and libopusfile0.

The "cleanest" way to do this is to publish your software through a package manager and specify libopus and libopusfile as dependencies of your program. If that is not an option, you can compile the dynamic libraries yourself and ship them with your software as seperate (.dll or .so) files.

On Linux, for example, you would need the libopus.so.0 and libopusfile.so.0 files in the same directory as the binary. Set your ELF binary's rpath to $ORIGIN (this is not a shell variable but elf magic):

patchelf --set-origin '$ORIGIN' your-app-binary

Now you can run the binary and it will automatically pick up shared library files from its own directory.

Wrap it all in a .zip, and ship.

I know there is a similar trick for Mac (involving prefixing the shared library names with ./, which is, arguably, better). And Windows... probably just picks up .dll files from the same dir by default? I don't know. But there are ways.


The licensing terms for the Go bindings are found in the LICENSE file. The authors and copyright holders are listed in the AUTHORS file.

The copyright notice uses range notation to indicate all years in between are subject to copyright, as well. This statement is necessary, apparently. For all those nefarious actors ready to abuse a copyright notice with incorrect notation, but thwarted by a mention in the README. Pfew!




View Source
const (
	// 4 kHz passband
	Narrowband = Bandwidth(C.OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND)
	// 6 kHz passband
	Mediumband = Bandwidth(C.OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)
	// 8 kHz passband
	Wideband = Bandwidth(C.OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND)
	// 12 kHz passband
	// 20 kHz passband
	Fullband = Bandwidth(C.OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND)
View Source
const (
	ErrOK             = Error(C.OPUS_OK)
	ErrBadArg         = Error(C.OPUS_BAD_ARG)
	ErrBufferTooSmall = Error(C.OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
	ErrInternalError  = Error(C.OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR)
	ErrInvalidPacket  = Error(C.OPUS_INVALID_PACKET)
	ErrUnimplemented  = Error(C.OPUS_UNIMPLEMENTED)
	ErrInvalidState   = Error(C.OPUS_INVALID_STATE)
	ErrAllocFail      = Error(C.OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL)

Libopus errors

View Source
const (
	ErrStreamFalse        = StreamError(C.OP_FALSE)
	ErrStreamEOF          = StreamError(C.OP_EOF)
	ErrStreamHole         = StreamError(C.OP_HOLE)
	ErrStreamRead         = StreamError(C.OP_EREAD)
	ErrStreamFault        = StreamError(C.OP_EFAULT)
	ErrStreamImpl         = StreamError(C.OP_EIMPL)
	ErrStreamInval        = StreamError(C.OP_EINVAL)
	ErrStreamNotFormat    = StreamError(C.OP_ENOTFORMAT)
	ErrStreamBadHeader    = StreamError(C.OP_EBADHEADER)
	ErrStreamVersion      = StreamError(C.OP_EVERSION)
	ErrStreamNotAudio     = StreamError(C.OP_ENOTAUDIO)
	ErrStreamBadPacked    = StreamError(C.OP_EBADPACKET)
	ErrStreamBadLink      = StreamError(C.OP_EBADLINK)
	ErrStreamNoSeek       = StreamError(C.OP_ENOSEEK)
	ErrStreamBadTimestamp = StreamError(C.OP_EBADTIMESTAMP)

Libopusfile errors. The names are copied verbatim from the libopusfile library.

View Source
const (
	// Optimize encoding for VoIP
	// Optimize encoding for non-voice signals like music
	AppAudio = Application(C.OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO)
	// Optimize encoding for low latency applications
	AppRestrictedLowdelay = Application(C.OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY)


This section is empty.


func Version

func Version() string


type Application

type Application int

type Bandwidth

type Bandwidth int

type Decoder

type Decoder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDecoder

func NewDecoder(sample_rate int, channels int) (*Decoder, error)

NewDecoder allocates a new Opus decoder and initializes it with the appropriate parameters. All related memory is managed by the Go GC.

func (*Decoder) Decode

func (dec *Decoder) Decode(data []byte, pcm []int16) (int, error)

Decode encoded Opus data into the supplied buffer. On success, returns the number of samples correctly written to the target buffer.

func (*Decoder) DecodeFEC

func (dec *Decoder) DecodeFEC(data []byte, pcm []int16) error

DecodeFEC encoded Opus data into the supplied buffer with forward error correction. It is to be used on the packet directly following the lost one. The supplied buffer needs to be exactly the duration of audio that is missing

func (*Decoder) DecodeFECFloat32

func (dec *Decoder) DecodeFECFloat32(data []byte, pcm []float32) error

DecodeFECFloat32 encoded Opus data into the supplied buffer with forward error correction. It is to be used on the packet directly following the lost one. The supplied buffer needs to be exactly the duration of audio that is missing

func (*Decoder) DecodeFloat32

func (dec *Decoder) DecodeFloat32(data []byte, pcm []float32) (int, error)

Decode encoded Opus data into the supplied buffer. On success, returns the number of samples correctly written to the target buffer.

func (*Decoder) Init

func (dec *Decoder) Init(sample_rate int, channels int) error

func (*Decoder) LastPacketDuration

func (dec *Decoder) LastPacketDuration() (int, error)

LastPacketDuration gets the duration (in samples) of the last packet successfully decoded or concealed.

type Encoder

type Encoder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Encoder contains the state of an Opus encoder for libopus.

func NewEncoder

func NewEncoder(sample_rate int, channels int, application Application) (*Encoder, error)

NewEncoder allocates a new Opus encoder and initializes it with the appropriate parameters. All related memory is managed by the Go GC.

func (*Encoder) Bitrate

func (enc *Encoder) Bitrate() (int, error)

Bitrate returns the bitrate of the Encoder

func (*Encoder) Complexity

func (enc *Encoder) Complexity() (int, error)

Complexity returns the computational complexity used by the encoder

func (*Encoder) DTX

func (enc *Encoder) DTX() (bool, error)

DTX reports whether this encoder is configured to use discontinuous transmission (DTX).

func (*Encoder) Encode

func (enc *Encoder) Encode(pcm []int16, data []byte) (int, error)

Encode raw PCM data and store the result in the supplied buffer. On success, returns the number of bytes used up by the encoded data.

func (*Encoder) EncodeFloat32

func (enc *Encoder) EncodeFloat32(pcm []float32, data []byte) (int, error)

Encode raw PCM data and store the result in the supplied buffer. On success, returns the number of bytes used up by the encoded data.

func (*Encoder) InBandFEC

func (enc *Encoder) InBandFEC() (bool, error)

InBandFEC gets the encoder's configured inband forward error correction (FEC)

func (*Encoder) Init

func (enc *Encoder) Init(sample_rate int, channels int, application Application) error

Init initializes a pre-allocated opus encoder. Unless the encoder has been created using NewEncoder, this method must be called exactly once in the life-time of this object, before calling any other methods.

func (*Encoder) MaxBandwidth

func (enc *Encoder) MaxBandwidth() (Bandwidth, error)

MaxBandwidth gets the encoder's configured maximum allowed bandpass.

func (*Encoder) PacketLossPerc

func (enc *Encoder) PacketLossPerc() (int, error)

PacketLossPerc gets the encoder's configured packet loss percentage.

func (*Encoder) SampleRate

func (enc *Encoder) SampleRate() (int, error)

SampleRate returns the encoder sample rate in Hz.

func (*Encoder) SetBitrate

func (enc *Encoder) SetBitrate(bitrate int) error

SetBitrate sets the bitrate of the Encoder

func (*Encoder) SetBitrateToAuto

func (enc *Encoder) SetBitrateToAuto() error

SetBitrateToAuto will allow the encoder to automatically set the bitrate

func (*Encoder) SetBitrateToMax

func (enc *Encoder) SetBitrateToMax() error

SetBitrateToMax causes the encoder to use as much rate as it can. This can be useful for controlling the rate by adjusting the output buffer size.

func (*Encoder) SetComplexity

func (enc *Encoder) SetComplexity(complexity int) error

SetComplexity sets the encoder's computational complexity

func (*Encoder) SetDTX

func (enc *Encoder) SetDTX(dtx bool) error

SetDTX configures the encoder's use of discontinuous transmission (DTX).

func (*Encoder) SetInBandFEC

func (enc *Encoder) SetInBandFEC(fec bool) error

SetInBandFEC configures the encoder's use of inband forward error correction (FEC)

func (*Encoder) SetMaxBandwidth

func (enc *Encoder) SetMaxBandwidth(maxBw Bandwidth) error

SetMaxBandwidth configures the maximum bandpass that the encoder will select automatically

func (*Encoder) SetPacketLossPerc

func (enc *Encoder) SetPacketLossPerc(lossPerc int) error

SetPacketLossPerc configures the encoder's expected packet loss percentage.

type Error

type Error int

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

Error string (in human readable format) for libopus errors.

type Stream

type Stream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Stream wraps a io.Reader in a decoding layer. It provides an API similar to io.Reader, but it provides raw PCM data instead of the encoded Opus data.

This is not the same as directly decoding the bytes on the io.Reader; opus streams are Ogg Opus audio streams, which package raw Opus data.

This wraps libopusfile. For more information, see the api docs on xiph.org:


func NewStream

func NewStream(read io.Reader) (*Stream, error)

NewStream creates and initializes a new stream. Don't call .Init() on this.

func (*Stream) Close

func (s *Stream) Close() error

func (*Stream) Init

func (s *Stream) Init(read io.Reader) error

Init initializes a stream with an io.Reader to fetch opus encoded data from on demand. Errors from the reader are all transformed to an EOF, any actual error information is lost. The same happens when a read returns succesfully, but with zero bytes.

func (*Stream) Read

func (s *Stream) Read(pcm []int16) (int, error)

Read a chunk of raw opus data from the stream and decode it. Returns the number of decoded samples per channel. This means that a dual channel (stereo) feed will have twice as many samples as the value returned.

Read may successfully read less bytes than requested, but it will never read exactly zero bytes succesfully if a non-zero buffer is supplied.

The number of channels in the output data must be known in advance. It is possible to extract this information from the stream itself, but I'm not motivated to do that. Feel free to send a pull request.

func (*Stream) ReadFloat32

func (s *Stream) ReadFloat32(pcm []float32) (int, error)

ReadFloat32 is the same as Read, but decodes to float32 instead of int16.

type StreamError

type StreamError int

func (StreamError) Error

func (i StreamError) Error() string

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