User microservice

User microservice
Create a project directory. Set GOPATH enviroment variable to that project. Add $GOPATH/bin to the $PATH
export GOPATH=/path/to/project
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
Install goa and goagen:
go get -u
Compile and run the service:
Clone the repo:
cd $GOPATH/src
git clone
Then compile and run:
cd microservice-user
go build -o user
Change the desing
If you change the desing then you should regenerate the files. Run:
cd $GOPATH/src/microservice-user
go generate
Also, recompile the service and start it again:
go build -o user
For all other changes that are not related to the design just recompile the service and start it again:
cd $GOPATH/src/microservice-user
go build -o user
For testing we use controller_test.go files which call the generated test helpers which package that data into HTTP requests and calls the actual controller functions. The test helpers retrieve the written responses, deserialize them, validate the generated data structures (against the validations written in the design) and make them available to the tests. Run:
go test -v
Set up MongoDB
Create users database with default username and password.
See: Set up MongoDB
export MS_DBNAME=users
Then install mgo package:
go get
Docker Builds
First, create a directory for the shh keys:
mkdir keys
Find a key that you'll use to acceess Microkubes organization on github. Then copy the
private key to the directory you created above. The build would use this key to
access Microkubes/microservice-tools
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys/
WARNING! Make sure you don't commit or push this key to the repository!
To build the docker image of the microservice, run the following command:
docker build -t microservice-user .
Running the microservice
To run the microservice-user you'll need to set up some ENV variables:
- SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE - Location of the configuration JSON file
- API_GATEWAY_URL - Kong API url (default: http://localhost:8001)
- MONGO_URL - Host IP(example:
- MS_USERNAME - Mongo username (default: restapi)
- MS_PASSWORD - Mongo password (default: restapi)
- MS_DBNAME - Mongo database name (default: users)
Run the docker image:
docker run microservice-user
Check if the service is self-registering on Kong Gateway
First make sure you have started Kong. See Jormungandr Infrastructure
on how to set up Kong locally.
If you have Kong admin endpoint running on http://localhost:8001 , you're good to go.
Build and run the service:
go build -o user
To access the user service, then instead of calling the service on :8080 port,
make the call to Kong:
curl -v --header "Host:" http://localhost:8000/user/1
You should see a log on the terminal running the service that it received and handled the request.
Running with the docker image
Assuming that you have Kong and it is availabel od your host (ports: 8001 - admin, and 8000 - proxy) and
you have build the service docker image (microservice-user), then you need to pass
the Kong URL as an ENV variable to the docker run. This is needed because by default
the service will try http://localhost:8001 inside the container and won't be able to connect to kong.
Find your host IP using ifconfig
or ip addr
Assuming your host IP is, then run:
docker run -ti -e API_GATEWAY_URL= -e MONGO_URL= microservice-user
If there are no errors, on a different terminal try calling Kong on port :8000
curl -v --header "Host:" http://localhost:8000/user/1
You should see output (log) in the container running the service.
Service configuration
The service loads the gateway configuration from a JSON file /run/secrets/microservice_user_config.json. To change the path set the
Here's an example of a JSON configuration file:
"name": "microservice-user",
"port": 8080,
"virtual_host": "",
"hosts": ["localhost", ""],
"weight": 10,
"slots": 100
Configuration properties:
- name -
- the name of the service, do not change this.
- port -
- port on which the microservice is running.
- virtual_host -
domain name of the service group/cluster. Don't change if not sure.
- hosts - list of valid hosts. Used for proxying and load balancing of the incoming request. You need to have at least the virtual_host in the list.
- weight - instance weight - user for load balancing.
- slots - maximal number of service instances under
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