
Create releases for a whole GitHub organization with ease!

The purpose of this projects stems from working on Agile teams that have a quick release cycle (weekly, bi-weekly).
In my experience these teams usually have one team member that wastes a day or so each cycle
determining which of their 30+ GitHub repositories need to be released and writing up and releasing them.
Releaser automates the entire process!
Distributed through Go's easy way to install binaries!
go install
Lists GitHub Organizations for the current user
Upon Org selection, goes through all repos and sees if any of them should be released
- Not Archived
- Not a Template
- New changes on provided branch (if not provided the default branch)
Uses Go Templates + Sprig
{{ range .Commits }}
{{ substr 0 8 .Sha }} {{ .Summary }}
{{ end }}
Determines the version based off of the latest release (or defaults to v0.1.0
Create the Releases
Prints out a Markdown list of the releases for posting in places like Slack for visibility 👍
# GitHub or GitHub Enterprise hostname
# How long to wait for GitHub prior to terminating execution
timeout: 1m0s
# Defaults to the provided branch, or the default branch if not provided
# Commented by default to use the Repository's default branch
# branch: main
# Organization to create releases for it will bypass UI page to pick an organization
# Commented by default
# org: Example
# Repositories to release, by providing this flag/config it will bypass the UI completely and create releases
# Commented by default
# repositories:
# - Example1
# - Example2
# Create a Branch pointing to the latest release for all releases
create_release_branch: false
# Method to determine the new version.
# Methods:
# major Increment Major version 1.3.0 -> 2.0.0
# minor Increment Minor version 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
# patch Increment Patch version 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
change: minor
# Template
# Top Level Variables:
# {{ .RepositoryName }} hello-world
# {{ .RepositoryOwner }} octocat
# {{ .RepositoryURL }}
# {{ .RepositoryDescription }} Example description
# {{ .RepositoryDefaultBranch }} main
# {{ .Commits }} List of commits
# Commit:
# {{ .Sha }} Unique identifier for commit
# {{ .URL }} URL to commit
# {{ .Summary }} First line of the commit message
# {{ .Message }} Full commit message (includes newlines)
# Author/Committer:
# {{ .AuthorUsername }} octocat (GitHub Username)
# {{ .AuthorName }} octocat (Commit Name)
# {{ .AuthorEmail }} [email protected]
# {{ .AuthorDate }}
# {{ .AuthorURL }}
# Templates also include Sprig functions:
# Example:
# {{ range .Commits }}
# {{ substr 0 8 .Sha }} committed by {{ .CommitterUsername }} and authored by {{ .AuthorUsername }} {{ .Summary }}
# {{ end }}
template: |
{{ range .Commits }}
{{ substr 0 8 .Sha }} {{ .Summary }}
{{ end }}