Publisher server
It provide the publisher functions:
- Publish TiUP pacakge from OCI artifact or http file url.
- Publish tarball to object storage from OCI artifact.
How to design
go to design/design.go
How to generate code from design
we need the goa tool
rm -rf gen cmd tiup.go
goa gen
goa example
How to run
Start the API server
go run ./cmd/publisher -config=config-publisher.yaml --debug --domain
Start the worker instance.
go run ./cmd/worker --config=config-worker.yaml --debug
Test with the client CLI
go run ./cmd/publisher-cli -url=http://localhost:8080 tiup request-to-publish -body '{ "artifact_url": "" }'
go run ./cmd/publisher-cli -url=http://localhost:8080 fileserver request-to-publish -body '{ "artifact_url": "" }'