Written in Go, using echo to handle HTTP routing layer + middleware
using GORM for the DAO layer and interacting with the database
clowder enabled
Repo Layout
configuration file reading Clowder cdappconfig.json || ENV vars
middleware functions for parsing headers, validating account numbers, etc
structs representing db records + http requests for each model
structs with the methods for interacting with the database (e.g. list all, get by id, update, etc)
misc for responses, etc
redis client
http handlers for the app, usually just parses requests into models, reaches into DAO, then returns response.
contains ALL THE ROUTES! so it's easy to view the mounted routes + what middleware is being used per route
Check out the repository, then run make setup to download the dependencies
The Makefile contains various targets for development, e.g.
make run to build the binary + run
make inlinerun to just run the application inline (no output binary, all in memory)
make debug to run dlv debug, allowing setting of breakpoints etc
make tidy to check go files for new imports and add them to go.sum
make lint to run the same linters as the PR action, and print errors.
Tests are currently in the same package adjacent to the source file. ex: source_handlers.go -> source_handlers_test.go, just using the standard library testing library. May change in the future.
Launch the integration tests
In order to launch the integration tests just do the following:
Launch a test database with the following command: podman run --rm --name sources_test -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=sources_api_test_go -p 5432:5432 --rm docker.io/postgres:13 postgres -c log_statement=all
Launch the tests themselves: DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_PORT=5432 DATABASE_USER=postgres DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres make alltest
This project is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.