Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateAspectNodes(db database.Database, aspect models.Aspect, rootId string, parentId string, ...) (descendents []string, err error)
- func DeviceGroupFilterGenericDuplicateCriteria(dg models.DeviceGroup, aspectNodeProvider AspectNodeProvider) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error)
- func ValidateCharacteristicsWithoutDbAccess(characteristic models.Characteristic) (err error, code int)
- func ValidateDeviceName(device models.Device) (err error)
- func ValidateName(name string) (err error, code int)
- func ValidateServiceGroups(groups []models.ServiceGroup, services []models.Service) error
- func ValidateVariableName(name string) (err error, code int)
- type AspectNodeProvider
- type Controller
- func (this *Controller) CreateDevice(token string, device models.Device) (result models.Device, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteAspect(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteCharacteristic(token string, id string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteConcept(token string, id string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteDevice(token string, id string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceClass(token string, id string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceGroup(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceType(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteFunction(token string, id string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteHub(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteLocation(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteProtocol(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) DeleteUser(adminToken string, userId string) (err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) DeviceIdToGeneratedDeviceGroupId(deviceId string) string
- func (this *Controller) EnsureGeneratedDeviceGroup(device models.Device) (err error)
- func (this *Controller) EnsureInitialRights(topic string, resourceId string, owner string) error
- func (this *Controller) Export(token string, options model.ImportExportOptions) (result model.ImportExport, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) FilterDevicesOfGroupByAccess(token string, group models.DeviceGroup) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspect(id string) (result models.Aspect, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectNode(id string) (result models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodes() (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesByIdList(ids []string) (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesMeasuringFunctions(aspect string, ancestors bool, descendants bool) (result []models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesWithMeasuringFunction(ancestors bool, descendants bool) (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspects() (result []models.Aspect, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetAspectsWithMeasuringFunction(ancestors bool, descendants bool) (result []models.Aspect, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetCharacteristic(id string) (result models.Characteristic, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) GetCharacteristics(leafsOnly bool) (result []models.Characteristic, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetConceptWithCharacteristics(id string) (result models.ConceptWithCharacteristics, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetConceptWithoutCharacteristics(id string) (result models.Concept, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClass(id string) (result models.DeviceClass, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClasses() (result []models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClassesControllingFunctions(deviceClass string) (result []models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClassesFunctions(deviceClass string) (result []models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClassesWithControllingFunctions() (result []models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectables(query []model.FilterCriteria, pathPrefix string, interactionsFilter []string, ...) (result []model.DeviceTypeSelectable, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectablesV2(query []model.FilterCriteria, pathPrefix string, includeModified bool, ...) (result []model.DeviceTypeSelectable, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetFunction(id string) (result models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetFunctionsByType(rdfType string) (result []models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetLocation(id string, token string) (result models.Location, err error, code int)
- func (c *Controller) GetPermissionsClient() client.Client
- func (this *Controller) GetService(id string) (result models.Service, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) GetUsedInDeviceType(query model.UsedInDeviceTypeQuery) (result model.UsedInDeviceTypeResponse, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) Import(token string, importModel model.ImportExport, ...) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ListAspectNodes(listOptions model.AspectListOptions) (result []models.AspectNode, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListAspects(listOptions model.AspectListOptions) (result []models.Aspect, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListCharacteristics(listOptions model.CharacteristicListOptions) (result []models.Characteristic, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListConcepts(listOptions model.ConceptListOptions) (result []models.Concept, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListConceptsWithCharacteristics(listOptions model.ConceptListOptions) (result []models.ConceptWithCharacteristics, total int64, err error, ...)
- func (this *Controller) ListDeviceClasses(listOptions model.DeviceClassListOptions) (result []models.DeviceClass, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListDeviceGroups(token string, options model.DeviceGroupListOptions) (result []models.DeviceGroup, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypes(token string, limit int64, offset int64, sort string, ...) (result []models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypesV2(token string, limit int64, offset int64, sort string, ...) (result []models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypesV3(token string, listOptions model.DeviceTypeListOptions) (result []models.DeviceType, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListDevices(token string, options model.DeviceListOptions) (result []models.Device, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListExtendedDevices(token string, options model.ExtendedDeviceListOptions) (result []models.ExtendedDevice, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListExtendedHubs(token string, options model.HubListOptions) (result []models.ExtendedHub, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListFunctions(options model.FunctionListOptions) (result []models.Function, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListHubDeviceIds(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction, asLocalId bool) (result []string, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListHubs(token string, options model.HubListOptions) (result []models.Hub, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListLocations(token string, options model.LocationListOptions) (result []models.Location, total int64, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ListProtocols(token string, limit int64, offset int64, sort string) (result []models.Protocol, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadDevice(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Device, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceByLocalId(ownerId string, localId string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Device, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceGroup(id string, token string, filterGenericDuplicateCriteria bool) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceType(id string, token string) (result models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedDevice(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction, fullDt bool) (result models.ExtendedDevice, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedDeviceByLocalId(ownerId string, localId string, token string, action model.AuthAction, ...) (result models.ExtendedDevice, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedHub(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.ExtendedHub, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadHub(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Hub, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) ReadProtocol(id string, token string) (result models.Protocol, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) RemoveGeneratedDeviceGroup(deviceid string, owner string) error
- func (this *Controller) RemoveRights(topic string, id string) error
- func (this *Controller) SetAspect(token string, aspect models.Aspect) (result models.Aspect, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetCharacteristic(token string, characteristic models.Characteristic) (result models.Characteristic, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetConcept(token string, concept models.Concept) (result models.Concept, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetDevice(token string, device models.Device, options model.DeviceUpdateOptions) (result models.Device, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetDeviceClass(token string, class models.DeviceClass) (result models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetDeviceConnectionState(token string, id string, connected bool) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) SetDeviceGroup(token string, dg models.DeviceGroup) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) SetDeviceType(token string, dt models.DeviceType, options model.DeviceTypeUpdateOptions) (models.DeviceType, error, int)
- func (this *Controller) SetFunction(token string, function models.Function) (result models.Function, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetHub(token string, hub models.Hub) (result models.Hub, err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) SetHubConnectionState(token string, id string, connected bool) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) SetLocation(token string, location models.Location) (result models.Location, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) SetProtocol(token string, p models.Protocol) (result models.Protocol, err error, errCode int)
- func (this *Controller) StartSyncLoop(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration, lockduration time.Duration)
- func (this *Controller) Sync(lockduration time.Duration) (err error)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateAspect(aspect models.Aspect) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateAspectDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateCharacteristicDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateCharacteristics(characteristic models.Characteristic) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateConcept(concept models.Concept) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateConceptDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateContent(content models.Content, protocol models.Protocol, ...) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDevice(token string, device models.Device) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceClass(deviceClass models.DeviceClass) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceClassDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroup(token string, group models.DeviceGroup) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupDelete(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupSelection(criteria []models.DeviceGroupFilterCriteria, devices []string) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceType(dt models.DeviceType, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateDistinctDeviceTypeAttributes(devicetype models.DeviceType, attributeKeys []string) error
- func (this *Controller) ValidateFunction(function models.Function) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateFunctionDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateHub(token string, hub models.Hub) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateHubDevices(hub models.Hub) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateListSubVariables(variables []models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, ...) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateLocation(location models.Location) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateProtocol(protocol models.Protocol) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateService(service models.Service, protocolCache *map[string]models.Protocol, ...) (error, int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateStructureSubVariables(variables []models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, ...) (err error, code int)
- func (this *Controller) ValidateVariable(variable models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, ...) (err error, code int)
- type KeycloakClaims
- type Publisher
Constants ¶
View Source
const DisplayNameAttributeName = "shared/nickname"
View Source
const FilterDevicesOfGroupByAccess = true
View Source
const ServiceGroupSelectionIdModifier = "service_group_selection"
Variables ¶
View Source
var ResourcesEffectedByUserDelete_BATCH_SIZE int64 = 1000
Functions ¶
func CreateAspectNodes ¶
func DeviceGroupFilterGenericDuplicateCriteria ¶ added in v0.0.3
func DeviceGroupFilterGenericDuplicateCriteria(dg models.DeviceGroup, aspectNodeProvider AspectNodeProvider) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error)
DeviceGroupFilterGenericDuplicateCriteria removes criteria without aspect, that are already present with an aspect ref:
func ValidateCharacteristicsWithoutDbAccess ¶
func ValidateCharacteristicsWithoutDbAccess(characteristic models.Characteristic) (err error, code int)
func ValidateDeviceName ¶
func ValidateName ¶
func ValidateServiceGroups ¶
func ValidateServiceGroups(groups []models.ServiceGroup, services []models.Service) error
func ValidateVariableName ¶
Types ¶
type AspectNodeProvider ¶ added in v0.0.3
type Controller ¶
type Controller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func New ¶
func New(config configuration.Config, db database.Database, p Publisher, permClient client.Client) (ctrl *Controller, err error)
func (*Controller) CreateDevice ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (*Controller) DeleteAspect ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteAspect(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteCharacteristic ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteCharacteristic(token string, id string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) DeleteConcept ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteConcept(token string, id string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) DeleteDevice ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteDevice(token string, id string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) DeleteDeviceClass ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceClass(token string, id string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) DeleteDeviceGroup ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceGroup(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteDeviceType ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteDeviceType(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteFunction ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteFunction(token string, id string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) DeleteHub ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteHub(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteLocation ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteLocation(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteProtocol ¶
func (this *Controller) DeleteProtocol(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) DeleteUser ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) DeleteUser(adminToken string, userId string) (err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) DeviceIdToGeneratedDeviceGroupId ¶ added in v0.1.20
func (this *Controller) DeviceIdToGeneratedDeviceGroupId(deviceId string) string
func (*Controller) EnsureGeneratedDeviceGroup ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) EnsureGeneratedDeviceGroup(device models.Device) (err error)
func (*Controller) EnsureInitialRights ¶ added in v0.1.15
func (this *Controller) EnsureInitialRights(topic string, resourceId string, owner string) error
func (*Controller) Export ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) Export(token string, options model.ImportExportOptions) (result model.ImportExport, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) FilterDevicesOfGroupByAccess ¶
func (this *Controller) FilterDevicesOfGroupByAccess(token string, group models.DeviceGroup) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspectNode ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspectNode(id string) (result models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspectNodes ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodes() (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspectNodesByIdList ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesByIdList(ids []string) (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspectNodesMeasuringFunctions ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesMeasuringFunctions(aspect string, ancestors bool, descendants bool) (result []models.Function, err error, code int)
returns all measuring functions used in combination with given aspect (and optional its descendants and ancestors)
func (*Controller) GetAspectNodesWithMeasuringFunction ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspectNodesWithMeasuringFunction(ancestors bool, descendants bool) (result []models.AspectNode, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspects ¶
func (this *Controller) GetAspects() (result []models.Aspect, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetAspectsWithMeasuringFunction ¶
func (*Controller) GetCharacteristic ¶
func (this *Controller) GetCharacteristic(id string) (result models.Characteristic, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) GetCharacteristics ¶ added in v0.1.15
func (this *Controller) GetCharacteristics(leafsOnly bool) (result []models.Characteristic, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetConceptWithCharacteristics ¶
func (this *Controller) GetConceptWithCharacteristics(id string) (result models.ConceptWithCharacteristics, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetConceptWithoutCharacteristics ¶
func (*Controller) GetDeviceClass ¶
func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClass(id string) (result models.DeviceClass, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) GetDeviceClasses ¶
func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClasses() (result []models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetDeviceClassesControllingFunctions ¶
func (*Controller) GetDeviceClassesFunctions ¶
func (*Controller) GetDeviceClassesWithControllingFunctions ¶
func (this *Controller) GetDeviceClassesWithControllingFunctions() (result []models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectables ¶
func (this *Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectables(query []model.FilterCriteria, pathPrefix string, interactionsFilter []string, includeModified bool) (result []model.DeviceTypeSelectable, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectablesV2 ¶
func (this *Controller) GetDeviceTypeSelectablesV2(query []model.FilterCriteria, pathPrefix string, includeModified bool, servicesMustMatchAllCriteria bool) (result []model.DeviceTypeSelectable, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) GetFunction ¶
func (*Controller) GetFunctionsByType ¶
func (*Controller) GetLocation ¶
func (*Controller) GetPermissionsClient ¶ added in v0.1.15
func (c *Controller) GetPermissionsClient() client.Client
func (*Controller) GetService ¶
func (*Controller) GetUsedInDeviceType ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (this *Controller) GetUsedInDeviceType(query model.UsedInDeviceTypeQuery) (result model.UsedInDeviceTypeResponse, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) Import ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) Import(token string, importModel model.ImportExport, options model.ImportExportOptions) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ListAspectNodes ¶ added in v0.1.40
func (this *Controller) ListAspectNodes(listOptions model.AspectListOptions) (result []models.AspectNode, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListAspects ¶ added in v0.1.40
func (this *Controller) ListAspects(listOptions model.AspectListOptions) (result []models.Aspect, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListCharacteristics ¶ added in v0.1.48
func (this *Controller) ListCharacteristics(listOptions model.CharacteristicListOptions) (result []models.Characteristic, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListConcepts ¶ added in v0.1.41
func (this *Controller) ListConcepts(listOptions model.ConceptListOptions) (result []models.Concept, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListConceptsWithCharacteristics ¶ added in v0.1.41
func (this *Controller) ListConceptsWithCharacteristics(listOptions model.ConceptListOptions) (result []models.ConceptWithCharacteristics, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDeviceClasses ¶ added in v0.1.43
func (this *Controller) ListDeviceClasses(listOptions model.DeviceClassListOptions) (result []models.DeviceClass, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDeviceGroups ¶ added in v0.1.25
func (this *Controller) ListDeviceGroups(token string, options model.DeviceGroupListOptions) (result []models.DeviceGroup, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDeviceTypes ¶
func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypes(token string, limit int64, offset int64, sort string, filter []model.FilterCriteria, interactionsFilter []string, includeModified bool, includeUnmodified bool) (result []models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDeviceTypesV2 ¶
func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypesV2(token string, limit int64, offset int64, sort string, filter []model.FilterCriteria, includeModified bool, includeUnmodified bool) (result []models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDeviceTypesV3 ¶ added in v0.1.12
func (this *Controller) ListDeviceTypesV3(token string, listOptions model.DeviceTypeListOptions) (result []models.DeviceType, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListDevices ¶ added in v0.0.20
func (this *Controller) ListDevices(token string, options model.DeviceListOptions) (result []models.Device, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListExtendedDevices ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ListExtendedDevices(token string, options model.ExtendedDeviceListOptions) (result []models.ExtendedDevice, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListExtendedHubs ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ListExtendedHubs(token string, options model.HubListOptions) (result []models.ExtendedHub, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListFunctions ¶ added in v0.1.38
func (this *Controller) ListFunctions(options model.FunctionListOptions) (result []models.Function, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListHubDeviceIds ¶
func (this *Controller) ListHubDeviceIds(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction, asLocalId bool) (result []string, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListHubs ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ListHubs(token string, options model.HubListOptions) (result []models.Hub, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListLocations ¶ added in v0.1.30
func (this *Controller) ListLocations(token string, options model.LocationListOptions) (result []models.Location, total int64, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ListProtocols ¶
func (*Controller) ReadDevice ¶
func (this *Controller) ReadDevice(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Device, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadDeviceByLocalId ¶
func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceByLocalId(ownerId string, localId string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Device, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadDeviceGroup ¶
func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceGroup(id string, token string, filterGenericDuplicateCriteria bool) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadDeviceType ¶
func (this *Controller) ReadDeviceType(id string, token string) (result models.DeviceType, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadExtendedDevice ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedDevice(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction, fullDt bool) (result models.ExtendedDevice, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadExtendedDeviceByLocalId ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedDeviceByLocalId(ownerId string, localId string, token string, action model.AuthAction, fullDt bool) (result models.ExtendedDevice, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadExtendedHub ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (this *Controller) ReadExtendedHub(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.ExtendedHub, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadHub ¶
func (this *Controller) ReadHub(id string, token string, action model.AuthAction) (result models.Hub, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) ReadProtocol ¶
func (*Controller) RemoveGeneratedDeviceGroup ¶ added in v0.1.18
func (this *Controller) RemoveGeneratedDeviceGroup(deviceid string, owner string) error
func (*Controller) RemoveRights ¶ added in v0.1.15
func (this *Controller) RemoveRights(topic string, id string) error
func (*Controller) SetCharacteristic ¶
func (this *Controller) SetCharacteristic(token string, characteristic models.Characteristic) (result models.Characteristic, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) SetConcept ¶
func (*Controller) SetDevice ¶
func (this *Controller) SetDevice(token string, device models.Device, options model.DeviceUpdateOptions) (result models.Device, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) SetDeviceClass ¶
func (this *Controller) SetDeviceClass(token string, class models.DeviceClass) (result models.DeviceClass, err error, code int)
func (*Controller) SetDeviceConnectionState ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (*Controller) SetDeviceGroup ¶
func (this *Controller) SetDeviceGroup(token string, dg models.DeviceGroup) (result models.DeviceGroup, err error, errCode int)
func (*Controller) SetDeviceType ¶
func (this *Controller) SetDeviceType(token string, dt models.DeviceType, options model.DeviceTypeUpdateOptions) (models.DeviceType, error, int)
func (*Controller) SetFunction ¶
func (*Controller) SetHubConnectionState ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (*Controller) SetLocation ¶
func (*Controller) SetProtocol ¶
func (*Controller) StartSyncLoop ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (*Controller) Sync ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) Sync(lockduration time.Duration) (err error)
func (*Controller) ValidateAspect ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateAspect(aspect models.Aspect) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateAspectDelete ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateAspectDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateCharacteristicDelete ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateCharacteristicDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateCharacteristics ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateCharacteristics(characteristic models.Characteristic) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateConcept ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateConcept(concept models.Concept) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateConceptDelete ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateConceptDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateContent ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateContent(content models.Content, protocol models.Protocol, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDevice ¶
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceClass ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceClass(deviceClass models.DeviceClass) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceClassDelete ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceClassDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceGroup ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroup(token string, group models.DeviceGroup) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupDelete ¶ added in v0.1.18
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupDelete(token string, id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupSelection ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceGroupSelection(criteria []models.DeviceGroupFilterCriteria, devices []string) (error, int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDeviceType ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateDeviceType(dt models.DeviceType, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateDistinctDeviceTypeAttributes ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (this *Controller) ValidateDistinctDeviceTypeAttributes(devicetype models.DeviceType, attributeKeys []string) error
func (*Controller) ValidateFunction ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateFunction(function models.Function) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateFunctionDelete ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateFunctionDelete(id string) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateHub ¶
func (*Controller) ValidateHubDevices ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (this *Controller) ValidateHubDevices(hub models.Hub) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateListSubVariables ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateListSubVariables(variables []models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateLocation ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateLocation(location models.Location) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateProtocol ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateProtocol(protocol models.Protocol) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateService ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateService(service models.Service, protocolCache *map[string]models.Protocol, options model.ValidationOptions) (error, int)
func (*Controller) ValidateStructureSubVariables ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateStructureSubVariables(variables []models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
func (*Controller) ValidateVariable ¶
func (this *Controller) ValidateVariable(variable models.ContentVariable, serialization models.Serialization, options model.ValidationOptions) (err error, code int)
type KeycloakClaims ¶ added in v0.1.53
type KeycloakClaims struct { RealmAccess map[string][]string `json:"realm_access"` gojwt.StandardClaims }
type Publisher ¶ added in v0.1.53
type Publisher interface { PublishDevice(device models.Device) (err error) PublishDeviceDelete(id string) error PublishDeviceType(device models.DeviceType) (err error) PublishDeviceTypeDelete(id string) error PublishDeviceGroup(dg models.DeviceGroup) (err error) PublishDeviceGroupDelete(id string) error PublishProtocol(device models.Protocol) (err error) PublishProtocolDelete(id string) error PublishHub(hub models.Hub) (err error) PublishHubDelete(id string) error PublishConcept(concept models.Concept) (err error) PublishConceptDelete(id string) error PublishCharacteristic(characteristic models.Characteristic) (err error) PublishCharacteristicDelete(id string) error PublishAspect(device models.Aspect) (err error) PublishAspectDelete(id string) error PublishFunction(device models.Function) (err error) PublishFunctionDelete(id string) error PublishDeviceClass(device models.DeviceClass) (err error) PublishDeviceClassDelete(id string) error PublishLocation(device models.Location) (err error) PublishLocationDelete(id string) error }
Source Files
- aspectnodes.go
- aspects.go
- characteristics.go
- concepts.go
- content.go
- controller.go
- device.go
- deviceclasses.go
- devicegroup.go
- devicegroupgenerated.go
- devicetype.go
- functions.go
- hub.go
- idmodifier.go
- import_export.go
- interfaces.go
- locations.go
- protocol.go
- security.go
- service.go
- sync.go
- users.go
- variable.go
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