Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AbsDiffUint64(x uint64, y uint64) uint64
- func AbsInt32(i int32) uint32
- func AbsInt64(i int64) uint64
- func AddUint32(a int64, b uint32) (int64, error)
- func AssertCheckTxMode(ctx sdk.Context)
- func AssertDeliverTxMode(ctx sdk.Context)
- func AvgInt32(nums []int32) int32
- func BaseToQuoteQuantums(bigBaseQuantums *big.Int, baseCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, ...) (bigNotional *big.Int)
- func BigFloat0() *big.Float
- func BigFloatMaxUint64() *big.Float
- func BigInt0() *big.Int
- func BigInt32Clamp(n *big.Int, lowerBound, upperBound int32) int32
- func BigIntClamp(n *big.Int, lowerBound *big.Int, upperBound *big.Int) *big.Int
- func BigIntMulPpm(input *big.Int, ppm uint32) *big.Int
- func BigIntMulSignedPpm(input *big.Int, ppm int32, roundUp bool) *big.Int
- func BigIntOneMillion() *big.Int
- func BigIntOneTrillion() *big.Int
- func BigIntRoundToMultiple(n *big.Int, multiple *big.Int, roundUp bool) *big.Int
- func BigMax(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int
- func BigMaxInt32() *big.Int
- func BigMin(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int
- func BigMulPow10(val *big.Int, exponent int32) (result *big.Rat)
- func BigNegMaxUint64() *big.Int
- func BigPow10(exponent uint64) *big.Int
- func BigRat0() *big.Rat
- func BigRat1() *big.Rat
- func BigRatClamp(n *big.Rat, lowerBound *big.Rat, upperBound *big.Rat) *big.Rat
- func BigRatMulPpm(input *big.Rat, ppm uint32) *big.Rat
- func BigRatOneMillion() *big.Rat
- func BigRatRound(n *big.Rat, roundUp bool) *big.Int
- func BigUint64Clamp(n *big.Int, lowerBound, upperBound uint64) uint64
- func ChangeRateUint64(originalV uint64, newV uint64) (float32, error)
- func ContainsDuplicates[V comparable](values []V) bool
- func ConvertBigFloatSliceToUint64Slice(values []*big.Float) ([]uint64, error)
- func ConvertBigFloatToUint64(value *big.Float) (uint64, error)
- func ConvertStringSliceToBigFloatSlice(values []string) ([]*big.Float, error)
- func FilterSlice[V any](values []V, filterFunc func(V) bool) []V
- func FundingRateToIndex(proratedFundingRate *big.Rat, baseCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, ...) (fundingIndex *big.Int)
- func GetSortedKeys[R interface{ ... }, K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K
- func Int64MulPpm(x int64, ppm uint32) int64
- func IntToString[T int | int32 | int64](i T) string
- func IsDeliverTxMode(ctx sdk.Context) bool
- func MapSlice[V any, E any](values []V, mapFunc func(V) E) []E
- func Max[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T
- func MaybeGetJsonString(i interface{}) string
- func Median[V uint64 | uint32 | int64 | int32](input []V) (V, error)
- func MergeAllMapsMustHaveDistinctKeys[K comparable, V any](maps[K]V) map[K]V
- func Min[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T
- func MustConvertBigIntToInt32(n *big.Int) int32
- func MustConvertIntegerToUint32[T constraints.Integer](value T) uint32
- func MustDivideUint32RoundUp(x, y uint32) uint32
- func MustGetMedian[V uint64 | uint32 | int64 | int32](input []V) V
- func MustParseCoinsNormalized(coinStr string) sdk.Coins
- func QuoteQuantumsToFullCoinAmount(bigQuantums *big.Int, atomicResolution int32) (fullCoinAmount *big.Int)
- func RandomBytesBetween(start []byte, end []byte, rand *rand.Rand) []byte
- func RatPow10(exponent int32) *big.Rat
- func TxMode(ctx sdk.Context) string
- func Uint32ToKey(i uint32) []byte
- func Uint64LinearInterpolate(v0 uint64, v1 uint64, cPpm uint32) (uint64, error)
- func Uint64MulPpm(x uint64, ppm uint32) uint64
- func UintToString[T uint | uint32 | uint64](i T) string
- func UniqueSliceToMap[K comparable, V any](slice []V, keyFunc func(V) K) map[K]V
- func UniqueSliceToSet[K comparable](values []K) map[K]struct{}
- func UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx context.Context, moduleName string) sdk.Context
- type MsgRouter
- type Sortable
- type TxHash
Constants ¶
const ( OneMillion = uint32(1_000_000) TenThousand = uint32(10_000) OneHundred = uint32(100) MaxPriceChangePpm = uint32(10_000) // 10^6 quantums == 1 USD. TDAIAtomicResolution = int32(-6) ZeroUint64 = uint64(0) // 10^BaseDenomExponent denotes how much full coin is represented by 1 base denom. BaseDenomExponent = -18 DefaultBaseDenom = "adv4tnt" )
const ( ExecModeBeginBlock = 100 ExecModeEndBlock = 101 ExecModePrepareCheckState = 102 )
Custom exec modes
const (
AvgInt32MaxArrayLength = 2 << 31
Variables ¶
var ( // GovModuleAddress is the module address for the gov module. GovModuleAddress = authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName) )
var PowerReduction = sdkmath.NewIntFromBigInt( new(big.Int).SetUint64(1_000_000_000_000_000_000), )
PowerReduction defines the default power reduction value for staking. Use 1e18, since default stake denom is assumed to be 1e-18 of a full coin.
Functions ¶
func AbsDiffUint64 ¶
func AddUint32 ¶
AddUint32 returns the sum of a and b. If the sum underflows or overflows, this method returns an error.
func AssertCheckTxMode ¶
func AssertDeliverTxMode ¶
func AvgInt32 ¶
AvgInt32 returns average of the input int32 array. Result is rounded towards zero. Note: this method panics if the input array length exceeds AvgInt32MaxArrayLength, or if the result causes an int32 overflow.
func BaseToQuoteQuantums ¶
func BaseToQuoteQuantums( bigBaseQuantums *big.Int, baseCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, priceValue uint64, priceExponent int32, ) (bigNotional *big.Int)
BaseToQuoteQuantums converts an amount denoted in base quantums, to an equivalent amount denoted in quote quantums. To determine the equivalent amount, an oracle price is used.
- `priceValue * 10^priceExponent` represents the conversion rate from one full coin of base currency to one full coin of quote currency.
- `10^baseCurrencyAtomicResolution` represents the amount of one full coin that a base quantum is equal to.
- `10^quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution` represents the amount of one full coin that a quote quantum is equal to.
To convert from base to quote quantums, we use the following equation:
quoteQuantums = (baseQuantums * 10^baseCurrencyAtomicResolution) * (priceValue * 10^priceExponent) / (10^quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution) = baseQuantums * priceValue * 10^(priceExponent + baseCurrencyAtomicResolution - quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution) [expression 1]
The result is rounded down.
func BigFloatMaxUint64 ¶
BigFloatMaxUint64 returns a `big.Float` that is set to MaxUint64.
func BigInt32Clamp ¶
BigInt32Clamp takes a `big.Int` as input, and `int32` upper and lower bounds. It returns `int32` bounded within the upper and lower bound, inclusive. Note that if there is overlap between the bounds (`lower > upper`), this function will do the following: - If `n < lower`, the lower bound is returned. - Else, the upper bound is returned (since `n >= lower`, then `n > upper` must be true).
func BigIntClamp ¶
See `bigGenericClamp` for specification.
func BigIntMulPpm ¶
BigIntMulPpm takes a `big.Int` and returns the result of `input * ppm / 1_000_000`. This method rounds towards negative infinity.
func BigIntMulSignedPpm ¶
BigIntMulSignedPpm takes a `big.Int` and returns the result of `input * ppm / 1_000_000`.
func BigIntOneMillion ¶
BigIntOneMillion returns a `big.Int` that is set to 1_000_000.
func BigIntOneTrillion ¶
BigIntOneTrillion returns a `big.Int` that is set to 1_000_000_000_000.
func BigIntRoundToMultiple ¶
BigIntRoundToMultiple takes an input, a multiple, and a direction to round (true for up, false for down). It returns a rounded result such that it is evenly divided by `multiple`. This function always expects the `multiple` parameter to be positive, otherwise it will panic.
func BigMaxInt32 ¶
BigMaxInt32 returns a `big.Int` that represents `MaxInt32`.
func BigMulPow10 ¶
BigMulPow10 returns the result of `val * 10^exponent`, in *big.Rat.
func BigNegMaxUint64 ¶
BigNegMaxUint64 returns a `big.Int` that is set to -math.MaxUint64.
func BigPow10 ¶
BigPow10 returns the result of `10^exponent`. Caches all calculated values and re-uses cached values in any following calls to BigPow10.
func BigRatClamp ¶
See `bigGenericClamp` for specification.
func BigRatMulPpm ¶
BigRatMulPpm takes a `big.Rat` and returns the result of `input * ppm / 1_000_000`.
func BigRatOneMillion ¶
BigRatOneMillion returns a `big.Rat` that is set to 1_000_000.
func BigRatRound ¶
BigRatRound takes an input and a direction to round (true for up, false for down). It returns the result rounded to a `*big.Int` in the specified direction.
func BigUint64Clamp ¶
BigUint64Clamp takes a `big.Int` as input, and `uint64` upper and lower bounds. It returns `uint64` bounded within the upper and lower bound, inclusive. Note that if there is overlap between the bounds (`lower > upper`), this function will do the following: - If `n < lower`, the lower bound is returned. - Else, the upper bound is returned (since `n >= lower`, then `n > upper` must be true).
func ChangeRateUint64 ¶
ChangeRateUint64 returns the rate of change between the original and the new values. result = (new - original) / original Note: the return value is truncated to fit float32 precision.
func ContainsDuplicates ¶
func ContainsDuplicates[V comparable](values []V) bool
ContainsDuplicates returns true if the slice contains duplicates, false if not.
func ConvertBigFloatSliceToUint64Slice ¶
ConvertBigFloatSliceToUint64Slice attempts to convert all values in a slice from big Float to uint64 and return an error if any conversions fail. Note: during conversion, will always round down.
func ConvertBigFloatToUint64 ¶
ConvertBigFloatToUint64 attempts to convert a big Float into a uint64 and returns an error if the conversion would fail. Note: during conversion, will always round down.
func ConvertStringSliceToBigFloatSlice ¶
ConvertStringSliceToBigFloatSlice attempts to convert all values in a slice from string to big Float and return an error if any conversions fail.
func FilterSlice ¶
FilterSlice takes a function that returns a boolean on whether to include the element in the final result, and returns a slice of elements where the function returned true when called with each element.
func FundingRateToIndex ¶
func FundingRateToIndex( proratedFundingRate *big.Rat, baseCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution int32, priceValue uint64, priceExponent int32, ) (fundingIndex *big.Int)
FundingRateToIndex converts funding rate (in ppm) to FundingIndex given the oracle price.
To get funding index from funding rate, we know that:
- `fundingPaymentQuoteQuantum = fundingRatePpm / 1_000_000 * time * quoteQuantums`
- Divide both sides by `baseQuantums`:
- Left side: `fundingPaymentQuoteQuantums / baseQuantums = fundingIndexDelta / 1_000_000`
- right side: ``` fundingRate * time * quoteQuantums / baseQuantums = fundingRatePpm / 1_000_000 * priceValue * 10^(priceExponent + baseCurrencyAtomicResolution - quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution) [expression 3] ```
Hence, further multiplying both sides by 1_000_000, we have:
fundingIndexDelta = (fundingRatePpm * time) * priceValue * 10^(priceExponent + baseCurrencyAtomicResolution - quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution)
proratedFundingRate: prorated funding rate adjusted by time delta, in parts-per-million baseCurrencyAtomicResolution: atomic resolution of the base currency priceValue: daemon price of the perpetual market according to the pricesKeeper priceExponent: priceExponent of the market according to the pricesKeeper
func GetSortedKeys ¶
func GetSortedKeys[R interface { ~[]K sort.Interface }, K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K
GetSortedKeys returns the keys of the map in sorted order.
func Int64MulPpm ¶
Int64MulPpm multiplies an int64 by a scaling factor represented in parts per million. If the integer overflows, this method panics. This method rounds towards negative infinity.
func IntToString ¶
IntToString converts any int type to a base-10 string.
func IsDeliverTxMode ¶
func MapSlice ¶
MapSlice takes a function and executes that function on each element of a slice, returning the result. Note the function must return one result for each element of the slice.
func Max ¶
func Max[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T
func MaybeGetJsonString ¶
func MaybeGetJsonString(i interface{}) string
MaybeGetStructJsonString returns the json representation of a struct, or a formatted string using %+v if the json conversion encounters an error.
func Median ¶
Median is a generic median calculator. If the input has an even number of elements, then the average of the two middle numbers is rounded away from zero.
func MergeAllMapsMustHaveDistinctKeys ¶
func MergeAllMapsMustHaveDistinctKeys[K comparable, V any](maps[K]V) map[K]V
MergeAllMapsMustHaveDistinctKeys merges all the maps into a single map. Panics if there are duplicate keys.
func Min ¶
func Min[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T
func MustConvertBigIntToInt32 ¶
`MustConvertBigIntToInt32` converts a `big.Int` to an `int32` and panics if the input value overflows or underflows `int32`.
func MustConvertIntegerToUint32 ¶
func MustConvertIntegerToUint32[T constraints.Integer](value T) uint32
func MustDivideUint32RoundUp ¶
MustDivideUint32RoundUp returns the result of x/y, rounded up. Note: this method will panic if y == 0.
func MustGetMedian ¶
MustGetMedian is a wrapper around `Median` that panics if input length is zero.
func MustParseCoinsNormalized ¶
MustParseCoinsNormalized parses a string of coins and panics on error.
func QuoteQuantumsToFullCoinAmount ¶
func QuoteQuantumsToFullCoinAmount( bigQuantums *big.Int, atomicResolution int32, ) ( fullCoinAmount *big.Int, )
QuoteQuantumsToFullCoinAmount converts a base quantum amount to the equivalent amount in full coins. Rounds down if result is not an integer. Calculates the following:
`fullCoinAmount = floor(bigQuantums * 10^(atomicResolution))`
func RandomBytesBetween ¶
RandomBytesBetween returns a random byte slice that is in the range [start, end] when compared lexicographically. The slice will have a length in the range [len(start), len(end)]. In the current implementation, all possible permutations are not equally likely. Nil slices for start and end will be treated as empty byte slices. Will panic if:
- start compares lexicographically greater than end
- nil rand is provided
func RatPow10 ¶
RatPow10 returns the result of `10^exponent`. Re-uses the cached values by calling bigPow10Helper.
func TxMode ¶
TxMode returns a textual representation of the tx mode, one of `CheckTx`, `ReCheckTx`, or `DeliverTx`.
func Uint32ToKey ¶
Uint32ToKey converts a uint32 to a 4-byte slice in big-endian format. The slices can be ordered lexicographically
func Uint64LinearInterpolate ¶
Uint64LinearInterpolate interpolates value v0 towards v1 by a small constant value c, typically expected to be between 0 and 1. Here, the input value of c is represented in ppm. In order to avoid overflows, if 0 <= cPpm <= 1_000_000 then an error is returned.
func Uint64MulPpm ¶
Uint64MulPpm multiplies a uint64 value by a scaling factor represented in parts per million. If the integer overflows, this method panics.
func UintToString ¶
UintToString converts any uint type to a base-10 string.
func UniqueSliceToMap ¶
func UniqueSliceToMap[K comparable, V any](slice []V, keyFunc func(V) K) map[K]V
UniqueSliceToMap converts a slice to a map using the provided keyFunc to generate the key.
func UniqueSliceToSet ¶
func UniqueSliceToSet[K comparable](values []K) map[K]struct{}
UniqueSliceToSet converts a slice of unique values to a set. The function will panic if there are duplicate values.
func UnwrapSDKContext ¶
UnwrapSDKContext is a thin wrapper around cosmos sdk's unwrap function that extracts the cosmos context from the standard golang context. If moduleName is provided, it appends the persistent log tag with the module name to the logger in the context.
Types ¶
type Sortable ¶
type Sortable[K constraints.Ordered] []K
Sortable[K] attaches the methods of sort.Interface to []K, sorting in increasing order.