
A plugin to manipulate istio-proxy
logging level and also
provides tailing of logs.
Download precompiled binaries from GitHub Releases.
kubectl krew install istiolog
kubectl istiolog <<podname>> -n <<namespace>> -l debug -f
(envoy instance) comes with a default logging level as Warning
the above command updates the logging level of Envoy instance to debug
also helps in tailing the logs of istio-proxy
container which is a sidecar
in one go.
kubectl istiolog
supports all the logger names and logger levels similar
to istio proxy-config
On exit, logging level of Envoy instance will be reverted back to default
logging level Warning
A Kubectl plugin to manage and set envoy log levels
kubectl-istiolog [pod] [flags]
kubectl-istiolog [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version print current kubectl-istiolog version
-f, --follow Specify if the logs should be streamed
-h, --help help for kubectl-istiolog
-l, --level string Comma-separated minimum per-logger level of messages to output (default "warning")
-n, --namespace string Namespace in current context (default "default")
--verbose Verbose mode on
-v, --version Get version info
Use "kubectl-istiolog [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Supported Logger Names
admin, aws, assert, backtrace, client, config, connection, conn_handler, dubbo, file, filter, forward_proxy, grpc, hc, health_checker, http, http2, hystrix, init, io, jwt, kafka, lua, main, misc, mongo, quic, pool, rbac, redis, router, runtime, stats, secret, tap, testing, thrift, tracing, upstream, udp, wasm
Supported Logger Levels
trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off
This project is distributed under the
Apache License, Version 2.0, see
LICENSE for more information.