Sensor CLI
Sensor CLI is an application that gets hardware measurements for a specific predifined group of sensors
This application run on local OS and could use flags for sending the collected measurements to Web Server.
The application suports measurements from multiple sensor groups.
CLI application which gets data from the predefined sensor groups from the hardware where it operates.
sensorcli [flags]
sensorcli [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
cpu Start collecting hardware metrics
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for sensorcli
Use "sensorcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Detailed
command flag information:
Start collecting hardware metrics
sensorcli cpu [flags]
--configDirPath string The path to the configuration file for the device for which the hardware measurements will be collected
--delta_duration int The period between each measurement (default 3)
--email string The email to which the final result should be send
--format string The data could be printed either JSON or YAML format (default "JSON")
--generateReport Flag that shows whether to generate report file
-h, --help help for cpu
--mail_hook_url string Base URL to the mailsender API
--password string The password of the user used for remote authentication to the sensor API
--reportType string The type of the report file that has to be generated. Possible values xlsx, csv. (default "xlsx")
--rootCAPath string The path to the root Certificate Authoritate (CA) used for the TLS client config. If no CA is provided the verification of the certificates is skipped
--sensor_group strings There are three main sensor groups: CPU_TEMP, CPU_USAGE and MEMORY_USAGE. Each senosor group could have system file that will hold specific information
--total_duration float The period in which the hardware measurements will be collected (default 60)
--username string The username of the user used for remote authentication to the sensor API
--web_hook_url string Base URL to the sensor API
Example device config
- This config could be used in case you want to collect measurements on your machine without sending them the the Web Server. To be able to specify the directory where the config is use configDirPath. Make sure that the file is called
id: 1
name: device_name
description: my laptop device
- id: 1
name: cpuTemperature
description: Measures CPU temperature in provided unit
unit: C
sensorGroups: CPU_TEMP
- id: 2
name: cpuUsagePercentage
description: Measures CPU usage in percentages
unit: '%'
sensorGroups: CPU_USAGE
- id: 3
name: cpuCores
description: Gets the number of CPU cores
unit: count
sensorGroups: CPU_USAGE
- id: 4
name: cpuFrequency
description: Measures CPU frequency in a provided unit
unit: GHz
sensorGroups: CPU_USAGE
- id: 5
name: memoryTotal
description: Measures memory total RAM
unit: GigaBytes
sensorGroups: MEMORY_USAGE
- id: 6
name: memoryAvailable
description: Gets the available RAM in a provided unit
unit: GigaBytes
sensorGroups: MEMORY_USAGE
- id: 7
name: memoryUsed
description: Gets the used RAM from the programs in a provided unit
unit: GigaBytes
sensorGroups: MEMORY_USAGE
- id: 8
name: memoryUsedPercentage
description: Used percentage RAM from the programs
unit: '%'
sensorGroups: MEMORY_USAGE
Example commands
Binaries for different OS could be find in the Releases
section in Github.
Start measurements with report and saving in Web Server database with configuration fetched from the server. When you are inside the directory got after unpacking the archive received from the API run:
./sensorcli_darwin cpu --sensor_group CPU_TEMP --sensor_group=CPU_USAGE --sensor_group=MEMORY_USAGE --total_duration=20 --web_hook_url='https://localhost:8081' --username='ttodorov' --password='Abcd123!@' --generateReport=true --reportType=xlsx --mail_hook_url='https://localhost:8083' --email='[email protected]' --configDirPath=.
- Start separatelly from the Web server with report generation and mail notification. Create your device configuration described in the section above and then run:
./sensorcli_darwin cpu --sensor_group CPU_TEMP --sensor_group=CPU_USAGE --sensor_group=MEMORY_USAGE --total_duration=20 --generateReport=true --reportType=xlsx --mail_hook_url='https://localhost:8083' --email='[email protected]' --configDirPath=.
- Start basic measurement colleaction with additional file for getting the temperature in case there is not any installed driver on the machine:
./sensorcli_darwin cpu --sensor_group CPU_TEMP=thermal --sensor_group=CPU_USAGE --sensor_group=MEMORY_USAGE --total_duration=20 --generateReport=true --reportType=xlsx --configDirPath=.
go build -o sensorcli ./
Use as go mod
go get -u