This is a project of mine, basically to end my problem with
the damn stat command that is unreadable.
Also because I had free time and a desire to do something different
that does not focus on Microsoft Windows.
The project is focused to be simple and easy to read,
so don't expect very advanced functions, but I will probably
add more according to my needs.

You can install it running
go install -v github.com/Tom5521/fsize@latest
However, I recommend this method more:
Basically because go takes a long time to automatically detect the newest tags.
And also this installs the completions
git clone https://github.com/Tom5521/fsize.git
git checkout $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) # Go to the latest tag
# If you are in windows you run this as administrator, but anyway it works as is if you have gsudo or similar.
sudo just install
Displays the file/folder properties.
fsize [flags]
--bin-info Displays the information of the binary
-c, --config strings Configure the variables used for preferences
Example: "fsize --config 'AlwaysShowProgress=true,AlwaysPrintOnWalk=false'".
To see the available variables and their values run "fsize --print-settings".
--gen-bash-completion Generate a completion file for bash
if any, the first argument will be taken as output file.
--gen-fish-completion Generate a completion file for fish
if any, the first argument will be taken as output file.
--gen-zsh-completion Generate a completion file for zsh
if any, the first argument will be taken as output file.
-h, --help help for fsize
--no-walk Skips walking inside the directories.
--no-warns Hide possible warnings.
--print-on-walk Prints the name of the file being walked if a directory has been selected.
--print-settings Prints the current configuration values.
-p, --progress Displays a file count and progress bar when counting and summing file sizes. (default true)
--update Automatically updates the program by overwriting the binary and regenerating the completions.
-v, --version version for fsize
Or by copying one of the
binaries to your system PATH