
package module
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Published: Apr 13, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 16 Imported by: 0



A Go package for loading ( xml.Unmarshal()-ing ) an XML Schema Definition (XSD) document into an xsd.Schema structure.

With this, you could probably write an XML validator, or otherwise utilize or further process the loaded XSD --- but the main use-case here was:


A command-line tool to generate Go "XML wrapper" package sources for specified XSD schema URIs.

If no arguments are specified, this tool proceeds to (re)generate all Go packages for various common XML formats in your local $GOPATH-relative directory corresponding to the http://github.com/metaleap/go-xsd-pkg repository. For more details on command-line arguments for xsd-makepkg: scroll down to the bottom of this readme.

Each generated wrapper package contains the type structures required to easily xml.Unmarshal() an XML document based on that XSD.

XSD simple-types are represented by the corresponding native Go scalar data type, augmented by utility methods where applicable:

  • enumerated simple-types (eg. "value can be 'sunny', 'cloudy', 'rainy'") get handy corresponding IsXyz() bool methods (eg. "IsSunny()", "IsCloudy()", "IsRainy()")

  • simple-types that define a whitespace-separated list of scalar values get a corresponding, properly typed Values() method

  • for attributes or elements that define a fixed or default value, their corresponding generated Go simple-type will have a properly typed ElemnameDefault() / ElemnameFixed() / AttnameDefault() / AttnameFixed() method (eg. if the langpref attribute is defined to default to "Go", then its simple-type will have a LangprefDefault() method returning "Go")

XSD complex-types, attribute-groups, element-groups, elements etc. are ultimately represented by corresponding generated Go struct types.

XSD includes are all loaded and processed together into a single output .go source file.

XSD imports are rewritten as Go imports but not otherwise auto-magically processed. If you see the generated .go package importing another "some-xsd-xml-whatever-name-_go" package that will cause a "package not found" compiler error, then to make that import work, you'll first need to also auto-generate that package with xsd-makepkg yourself as well.

XSD documentation annotation is rewritten as Go // code comments. Yeah, that's rather neat.

Regarding the auto-generated code:

  • it's by necessity not idiomatic and most likely not as terse/slim as manually-written structs would be. For very simplistic XML formats, writing your own 3 or 4 custom structs might be a tiny bit more efficient. For highly intricate, unwieldy XML formats, the auto-generated packages beat hand-writing 100s of custom structs, however. Auto-generated code will never win a code-beauty contest, you're expected to simply import the compiled package rather than having to work inside its generated source files.

  • most (XSD-declared) types are prefixed with T -- thanks to the SVG schema which taught me that in XSD, "scriptType" and "ScriptType" are two valid and uniquely different type names. To have all types exported from the generated Go package, then, some kind of prefix is indeed needed.

  • most XSDs are chock-full of anonymous types, as well as implicit ones (unions, restrictions, extensions...) Go does support "anonymous types" per se, but I decided against using them. Every type is declared and exported, no anonymous magic. This makes most auto-generated packages "look" even more confusing than their XSD counterparts at first glance. Indeed they may appear quite bloated, and when coding with the imported generated package you'll probably be better off working with the particular XML format's specification document rather than the godoc for the generated package... this is not a perfect situation but at least for now I can work with this for the few XML formats I occasionally need to "parse, convert and forget" -- ultimately, most XML formats at my end are mere interchange or legacy formats, and never really the "main topic" at hand.


A tiny package automatically imported by all go-xsd auto-generated packages. Maps all XSD built-in simple-types to Go types, which affords us easy mapping of any XSD type references in the schema to Go imports: every xs:string and xs:boolean automatically becomes xsdt.String and xsdt.Boolean etc. Types are mapped to Go types depending on how encoding/xml.Unmarshal() can handle them: ie. it parses bools and numbers, but dates/durations have too many format mismatches and thus are just declared string types. Same for base64- and hex-encoded binary data: since Unmarshal() won't decode them, we leave them as strings. If you need their binary data, your code needs to import Go's base64/hex codec packages and use them as necessary.

How to use auto-generated packages:

Take a look at the "test progs" under xsd-makepkg/tests, they're basically simple usage examples. For unmarshal you need to define just one small custom struct like this --- using the rss package as a simple example, as demonstrated in xsd-makepkg/tests/xsd-test-rss/main.go:

type MyRssDoc struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"rss"`

So your custom struct specifies two things:

  • the XML name of the root element in your XML file, as is typical when working with encoding/xml.Unmarshal().

  • the Go struct type from the auto-generated package to embed right inside your custom struct.

The second part is the only tricky part. XML Schema Definition has no real concept of "root element", partly because they're designed to support use-cases where you embed a full document defined in one XSD deep inside a full document defined in another XSD. So a Collada document may contain a full or partial MathML document somewhere inside it. Some well-designed XSDs define a single top-level element, so we could infer "this is the root element" and generate a "XyzDoc" struct (like the MyRssDoc above) for you. But many don't. Some formats may legally have one of two or more possible "root" elements, ie. Atom allegedly may have either a "feed" root element or an "entry" root element. So go-xsd does not magically infer which of the XSD's top-level elements might be the root element, you define this by writing a small struct as shown above. The naming of the root element Go type to be embedded is not consistent across different packages, because their naming is directly based on the XSD that was used to generate the package. So for example...

  • for rss we have rss.TxsdRss
  • for atom: atom.TentryType and atom.TfeedType
  • for svg: svg.TsvgType
  • for Collada: collada.TxsdCollada

Seems like Collada and RSS share a certain naming pattern, and yet Atom/SVG share another one? Mere coincidence, the naming is completely arbitrary and up to the XSD author. Ultimately, to find out the proper Go type name to embed, you'll have to dig a bit inside the generated package. That's actually pretty straightforward, here's how you do it:

A) Suppose you have an XML format where the root element (and only that one) is known to be named:


B) Open the generated Go package source files under $GOPATH/src/github.com/metaleap/go-xsd-pkg/yourdomain.org/xsd/gopher.xsd_go/*.go (unless you used custom paths when you ran the go-xsd/xsd-makepkg tool)

C) Search for an occurence of either:


( quote, gopher, quote, backtick ), or:


( whitespace, gopher, quote, backtick )

D) The found occurence is likely the tag for a field in a type named something like XsdGoPkgHasElem_Gopher or XsdGoPkgHasElems_Gopher. Ignore that type, instead focus on the type of the field itself. That's the one you're looking for, the one to embed in your tiny custom doc struct.

Command-line flags for go-xsd/xsd-makepkg tool:

  • -basepath="": Defaults to github.com/metaleap/go-xsd-pkg. A $GOPATH/src/-relative path (always a slash-style path, even on Windows) where XSD files are downloaded to / loaded from and generated Go wrapper packages are created. Any XSD imports are also rewritten as Go imports from that path (but are not otherwise auto-magically processed in any way).
  • -local=true: Local copy -- only downloads if file does not exist locally
  • -parse=false: Not necessary, unless the generated Go wrapper package fails to compile with either the error "cannot convert {value} to type {type}" or "cannot use {value} (type {type}) as type {type} in return argument" -- ultimately down to a slightly faulty XSD file, but while rare, those exist (hello, KML using 0 and 1 for xs:booleans that are clearly spec'd to be only ever either true or false...)
  • -uri="": The XML Schema Definition file URIs to generate a Go wrapper packages from, whitespace-separated. (For each, the protocol prefix can be omitted, it then defaults to http://. Only protocols understood by the net/http package are supported.)
  • -gofmt=true: Run 'gofmt' against the generated Go wrapper package?
  • -goinst=true: Run 'go-buildrun' ( http://github.com/metaleap/go-buildrun ) against the generated Go wrapper package?




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	PkgGen = &pkgGen{
		BaseCodePath:             udevgo.GopathSrcGithub("UNO-SOFT", "go-xsd-pkg"),
		BasePath:                 "github.com/UNO-SOFT/go-xsd-pkg",
		ForceParseForDefaults:    false,
		PluralizeSpecialPrefixes: []string{"Library", "Instance"},
		AddWalkers:               true,


func ClearLoadedSchemasCache

func ClearLoadedSchemasCache()

func Flattened

func Flattened(choices []*Choice, seqs []*Sequence) (allChoices []*Choice, allSeqs []*Sequence)


type All

type All struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*All) Parent

func (me *All) Parent() element

func (*All) Value

func (me *All) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type Annotation

type Annotation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Annotation) Parent

func (me *Annotation) Parent() element

type Any

type Any struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Any) Parent

func (me *Any) Parent() element

func (*Any) Value

func (me *Any) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type AnyAttribute

type AnyAttribute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AnyAttribute) Parent

func (me *AnyAttribute) Parent() element

type AppInfo

type AppInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AppInfo) Parent

func (me *AppInfo) Parent() element

type Attribute

type Attribute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Attribute) Parent

func (me *Attribute) Parent() element

type AttributeGroup

type AttributeGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AttributeGroup) Parent

func (me *AttributeGroup) Parent() element

type Choice

type Choice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Choice) Parent

func (me *Choice) Parent() element

func (*Choice) Value

func (me *Choice) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type ComplexContent

type ComplexContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComplexContent) Parent

func (me *ComplexContent) Parent() element

type ComplexType

type ComplexType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ComplexType) Parent

func (me *ComplexType) Parent() element

type Documentation

type Documentation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Documentation) Parent

func (me *Documentation) Parent() element

type Element

type Element struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Element) Parent

func (me *Element) Parent() element

func (*Element) Value

func (me *Element) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type ExtensionComplexContent

type ExtensionComplexContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExtensionComplexContent) Parent

func (me *ExtensionComplexContent) Parent() element

type ExtensionSimpleContent

type ExtensionSimpleContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExtensionSimpleContent) Parent

func (me *ExtensionSimpleContent) Parent() element

type Field

type Field struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Field) Parent

func (me *Field) Parent() element

type Group

type Group struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Group) Parent

func (me *Group) Parent() element

func (*Group) Value

func (me *Group) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type Import

type Import struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Import) Parent

func (me *Import) Parent() element

type Include

type Include struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Include) Parent

func (me *Include) Parent() element

type Key

type Key struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Key) Parent

func (me *Key) Parent() element

type KeyRef

type KeyRef struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KeyRef) Parent

func (me *KeyRef) Parent() element

type List

type List struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*List) Parent

func (me *List) Parent() element

type Notation

type Notation struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Notation) Parent

func (me *Notation) Parent() element

type PkgBag

type PkgBag struct {
	Schema *Schema
	Stacks pkgStacks
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PkgBag) AnonName

func (me *PkgBag) AnonName(n string) (an xsdt.NCName)

type Redefine

type Redefine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Redefine) Parent

func (me *Redefine) Parent() element

type RestrictionComplexContent

type RestrictionComplexContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionComplexContent) Parent

func (me *RestrictionComplexContent) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleContent

type RestrictionSimpleContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleContent) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleContent) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleEnumeration

type RestrictionSimpleEnumeration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleEnumeration) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleEnumeration) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleFractionDigits

type RestrictionSimpleFractionDigits struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleFractionDigits) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleFractionDigits) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleLength

type RestrictionSimpleLength struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleLength) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleLength) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMaxExclusive

type RestrictionSimpleMaxExclusive struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMaxExclusive) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMaxExclusive) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMaxInclusive

type RestrictionSimpleMaxInclusive struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMaxInclusive) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMaxInclusive) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMaxLength

type RestrictionSimpleMaxLength struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMaxLength) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMaxLength) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMinExclusive

type RestrictionSimpleMinExclusive struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMinExclusive) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMinExclusive) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMinInclusive

type RestrictionSimpleMinInclusive struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMinInclusive) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMinInclusive) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleMinLength

type RestrictionSimpleMinLength struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleMinLength) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleMinLength) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimplePattern

type RestrictionSimplePattern struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimplePattern) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimplePattern) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleTotalDigits

type RestrictionSimpleTotalDigits struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleTotalDigits) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleTotalDigits) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleType

type RestrictionSimpleType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleType) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleType) Parent() element

type RestrictionSimpleWhiteSpace

type RestrictionSimpleWhiteSpace struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RestrictionSimpleWhiteSpace) Parent

func (me *RestrictionSimpleWhiteSpace) Parent() element

type Schema

type Schema struct {
	XMLName            xml.Name          `xml:"schema"`
	XMLNamespacePrefix string            `xml:"-"`
	XMLNamespaces      map[string]string `xml:"-"`
	XMLIncludedSchemas []*Schema         `xml:"-"`
	XSDNamespacePrefix string            `xml:"-"`
	XSDParentSchema    *Schema           `xml:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadSchema

func LoadSchema(uri string, localCopy bool) (sd *Schema, err error)

func (*Schema) MakeGoPkgSrcFile

func (me *Schema) MakeGoPkgSrcFile() (goOutFilePath string, err error)

func (*Schema) Parent

func (me *Schema) Parent() element

func (*Schema) RootSchema

func (me *Schema) RootSchema(pathSchemas []string) *Schema

type Selector

type Selector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Selector) Parent

func (me *Selector) Parent() element

type Sequence

type Sequence struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Sequence) Parent

func (me *Sequence) Parent() element

func (*Sequence) Value

func (me *Sequence) Value() (l xsdt.Long)

type SimpleContent

type SimpleContent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SimpleContent) Parent

func (me *SimpleContent) Parent() element

type SimpleType

type SimpleType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SimpleType) Parent

func (me *SimpleType) Parent() element

type Union

type Union struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Union) Parent

func (me *Union) Parent() element

type Unique

type Unique struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Unique) Parent

func (me *Unique) Parent() element


Path Synopsis
A tiny package imported by all "go-xsd"-generated packages.
A tiny package imported by all "go-xsd"-generated packages.
Go programming helpers for common miscellaneous needs.
Go programming helpers for common miscellaneous needs.
Spatial data types & helpers for use in 3D apps (AABB, Frustum, bounding volumes etc)
Spatial data types & helpers for use in 3D apps (AABB, Frustum, bounding volumes etc)
Go programming helpers for common database needs.
Go programming helpers for common database needs.
Go programming helpers for common MongoDB needs.
Go programming helpers for common MongoDB needs.
Go programming helpers for common file-system needs.
Go programming helpers for common file-system needs.
Go programming helpers for various miscellaneous geo-computing needs.
Go programming helpers for various miscellaneous geo-computing needs.
Go programming helpers for common graphics and imaging needs.
Go programming helpers for common graphics and imaging needs.
Go programming helpers for common hashing needs.
Go programming helpers for common hashing needs.
Go programming helpers for common networking needs.
Go programming helpers for common networking needs.
Go programming helpers for common maths needs; plus vectors, matrices and quaternions.
Go programming helpers for common maths needs; plus vectors, matrices and quaternions.
Go programming helpers for common 'pseudo-generic' typed-slice needs.
Go programming helpers for common 'pseudo-generic' typed-slice needs.
Go programming helpers for common string-processing needs.
Go programming helpers for common string-processing needs.
A simple test function shared by the various test programs inside this directory (rss, atom, collada, svg etc.)
A simple test function shared by the various test programs inside this directory (rss, atom, collada, svg etc.)

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