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Published: Mar 15, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 0




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const (
	GoLevelDB = "goleveldb"
	CouchDB   = "CouchDB"


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This section is empty.


type BlockAndPvtData

type BlockAndPvtData struct {
	Block          *common.Block
	PvtData        TxPvtDataMap
	MissingPvtData TxMissingPvtData

BlockAndPvtData encapsulates the block and a map that contains the tuples <seqInBlock, *TxPvtData> The map is expected to contain the entries only for the transactions that has associated pvt data

type BlockPvtdata

type BlockPvtdata struct {
	PvtData        TxPvtDataMap
	MissingPvtData TxMissingPvtData

BlockPvtdata contains the retrieved private data as well as missing and ineligible private data for use at commit time

type ChaincodeDefinition

type ChaincodeDefinition struct {
	Name              string
	Hash              []byte
	Version           string
	CollectionConfigs *peer.CollectionConfigPackage

ChaincodeDefinition captures the info about chaincode

func (*ChaincodeDefinition) String

func (cdef *ChaincodeDefinition) String() string

type ChaincodeLifecycleDetails

type ChaincodeLifecycleDetails struct {
	Updated bool // true, if an existing chaincode is updated (false for newly deployed chaincodes).
	// Following attributes are meaningful only if 'Updated' is true
	HashChanged        bool     // true, if the chaincode code package is changed
	CollectionsUpdated []string // names of the explicit collections that are either added or updated
	CollectionsRemoved []string // names of the explicit collections that are removed

ChaincodeLifecycleDetails captures the finer details of chaincode lifecycle event

type ChaincodeLifecycleEventListener

type ChaincodeLifecycleEventListener interface {
	// HandleChaincodeDeploy is invoked when chaincode installed + defined becomes true.
	// The expected usage are to creates all the necessary statedb structures (such as indexes) and update
	// service discovery info. This function is invoked immediately before the committing the state changes
	// that contain chaincode definition or when a chaincode install happens
	HandleChaincodeDeploy(chaincodeDefinition *ChaincodeDefinition, dbArtifactsTar []byte) error
	// ChaincodeDeployDone is invoked after the chaincode deployment is finished - `succeeded` indicates
	// whether the deploy finished successfully
	ChaincodeDeployDone(succeeded bool)

ChaincodeLifecycleEventListener interface enables ledger components (mainly, intended for statedb) to be able to listen to chaincode lifecycle events. 'dbArtifactsTar' represents db specific artifacts (such as index specs) packaged in a tar. Note that this interface is redefined here (in addition to the one defined in ledger/cceventmgmt package). Using the same interface for the new lifecycle path causes a cyclic import dependency. Moreover, eventually the whole package ledger/cceventmgmt is intended to be removed when migration to new lifecycle is mandated.

type ChaincodeLifecycleEventProvider

type ChaincodeLifecycleEventProvider interface {
	// RegisterListener is used by ledger to receive a callback alongwith dbArtifacts when a chaincode becomes invocable on the peer
	// In addition, if needsExistingChaincodesDefinitions is true, the provider calls back the listener with existing invocable chaincodes
	// This parameter is used when we create a ledger from a snapshot so that we can create indexes for the existing invocable chaincodes
	// already defined in the imported ledger data
	RegisterListener(channelID string, listener ChaincodeLifecycleEventListener, needsExistingChaincodesDefinitions bool) error

ChaincodeLifecycleEventProvider enables ledger to create indexes in the statedb

type ChaincodeLifecycleInfo

type ChaincodeLifecycleInfo struct {
	Name    string
	Deleted bool
	Details *ChaincodeLifecycleDetails // Can contain finer details about lifecycle event that can be used for certain optimization

ChaincodeLifecycleInfo captures the update info of a chaincode

type CollConfigNotDefinedError

type CollConfigNotDefinedError struct {
	Ns string

CollConfigNotDefinedError is returned whenever an operation is requested on a collection whose config has not been defined

func (*CollConfigNotDefinedError) Error

func (e *CollConfigNotDefinedError) Error() string

type CollectionConfigInfo

type CollectionConfigInfo struct {
	CollectionConfig   *peer.CollectionConfigPackage
	CommittingBlockNum uint64

CollectionConfigInfo encapsulates a collection config for a chaincode and its committing block number

type CollectionPvtdataInfo

type CollectionPvtdataInfo struct {
	Namespace, Collection string
	ExpectedHash          []byte
	CollectionConfig      *peer.StaticCollectionConfig
	Endorsers             []*peer.Endorsement

CollectionPvtdataInfo contains information about the private data for a given collection

type CommitNotification

type CommitNotification struct {
	BlockNumber uint64
	TxsInfo     []*CommitNotificationTxInfo

CommitNotification is sent on each block commit to the channel returned by PeerLedger.CommitNotificationsChannel(). TxsInfo field contains the info about individual transactions in the block in the order the transactions appear in the block The transactions with a unique and non-empty txID are included in the notification

type CommitNotificationTxInfo

type CommitNotificationTxInfo struct {
	TxType             common.HeaderType
	TxID               string
	ValidationCode     peer.TxValidationCode
	ChaincodeID        *peer.ChaincodeID
	ChaincodeEventData []byte

CommitNotificationTxInfo contains the details of a transaction that is included in the CommitNotification ChaincodeID will be nil if the transaction is not an endorser transaction. This may or may not be nil if the tranasction is invalid. Specifically, it will be nil if the transaction is marked invalid by the validator (e.g., bad payload or insufficient endorements) and it will be non-nil if the transaction is marked invalid for concurrency conflicts. However, it is guaranteed be non-nil if the transaction is a valid endorser transaction.

type CommitOptions

type CommitOptions struct {
	FetchPvtDataFromLedger bool

CommitOptions encapsulates options associated with a block commit.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// RootFSPath is the top-level directory where ledger files are stored.
	RootFSPath string
	// StateDBConfig holds the configuration parameters for the state database.
	StateDBConfig *StateDBConfig
	// PrivateDataConfig holds the configuration parameters for the private data store.
	PrivateDataConfig *PrivateDataConfig
	// HistoryDBConfig holds the configuration parameters for the transaction history database.
	HistoryDBConfig *HistoryDBConfig
	// SnapshotsConfig holds the configuration parameters for the snapshots.
	SnapshotsConfig *SnapshotsConfig

Config is a structure used to configure a ledger provider.

type ConfigHistoryRetriever

type ConfigHistoryRetriever interface {
	MostRecentCollectionConfigBelow(blockNum uint64, chaincodeName string) (*CollectionConfigInfo, error)

ConfigHistoryRetriever allow retrieving history of collection configs

type CouchDBConfig

type CouchDBConfig struct {
	// Address is the hostname:port of the CouchDB database instance.
	Address string
	// Username is the username used to authenticate with CouchDB.  This username
	// must have read and write access permissions.
	Username string
	// Password is the password for Username.
	Password string
	// MaxRetries is the maximum number of times to retry CouchDB operations on
	// failure.
	MaxRetries int
	// MaxRetriesOnStartup is the maximum number of times to retry CouchDB operations on
	// failure when initializing the ledger.
	MaxRetriesOnStartup int
	// RequestTimeout is the timeout used for CouchDB operations.
	RequestTimeout time.Duration
	// InternalQueryLimit is the maximum number of records to return internally
	// when querying CouchDB.
	InternalQueryLimit int
	// MaxBatchUpdateSize is the maximum number of records to included in CouchDB
	// bulk update operations.
	MaxBatchUpdateSize int
	// CreateGlobalChangesDB determines whether or not to create the "_global_changes"
	// system database.
	CreateGlobalChangesDB bool
	// RedoLogPath is the directory where the CouchDB redo log files are stored.
	RedoLogPath string
	// UserCacheSizeMBs denotes the user specified maximum mega bytes (MB) to be allocated
	// for the user state cache (i.e., all chaincodes deployed by the user). Note that
	// UserCacheSizeMBs needs to be a multiple of 32 MB. If it is not a multiple of 32 MB,
	// the peer would round the size to the next multiple of 32 MB.
	UserCacheSizeMBs int

CouchDBConfig is a structure used to configure a CouchInstance.

type CustomTxProcessor

type CustomTxProcessor interface {
	GenerateSimulationResults(txEnvelop *common.Envelope, simulator TxSimulator, initializingLedger bool) error

CustomTxProcessor allows to generate simulation results during commit time for custom transactions. A custom processor may represent the information in a propriety fashion and can use this process to translate the information into the form of `TxSimulationResults`. Because, the original information is signed in a custom representation, an implementation of a `Processor` should be cautious that the custom representation is used for simulation in an deterministic fashion and should take care of compatibility cross fabric versions. 'initializingLedger' true indicates that either the transaction being processed is from the genesis block or the ledger is synching the state (which could happen during peer startup if the statedb is found to be lagging behind the blockchain). In the former case, the transactions processed are expected to be valid and in the latter case, only valid transactions are reprocessed and hence any validation can be skipped.

type DeployedChaincodeInfo

type DeployedChaincodeInfo struct {
	Name                        string
	Hash                        []byte
	Version                     string
	ExplicitCollectionConfigPkg *peer.CollectionConfigPackage
	IsLegacy                    bool

DeployedChaincodeInfo encapsulates chaincode information from the deployed chaincodes

type DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider

type DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider interface {
	// Namespaces returns the slice of the namespaces that are used for maintaining chaincode lifecycle data
	Namespaces() []string
	// UpdatedChaincodes returns the chaincodes that are getting updated by the supplied 'stateUpdates'
	UpdatedChaincodes(stateUpdates map[string][]*kvrwset.KVWrite) ([]*ChaincodeLifecycleInfo, error)
	// ChaincodeInfo returns the info about a deployed chaincode
	ChaincodeInfo(channelName, chaincodeName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (*DeployedChaincodeInfo, error)
	// AllChaincodesInfo returns the mapping of chaincode name to DeployedChaincodeInfo for all the deployed chaincodes
	AllChaincodesInfo(channelName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (map[string]*DeployedChaincodeInfo, error)
	// CollectionInfo returns the proto msg that defines the named collection. This function can be called for both explicit and implicit collections
	CollectionInfo(channelName, chaincodeName, collectionName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (*peer.StaticCollectionConfig, error)
	// ImplicitCollections returns a slice that contains one proto msg for each of the implicit collections
	ImplicitCollections(channelName, chaincodeName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) ([]*peer.StaticCollectionConfig, error)
	// GenerateImplicitCollectionForOrg generates implicit collection for the org
	GenerateImplicitCollectionForOrg(mspid string) *peer.StaticCollectionConfig
	// AllCollectionsConfigPkg returns a combined collection config pkg that contains both explicit and implicit collections
	AllCollectionsConfigPkg(channelName, chaincodeName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (*peer.CollectionConfigPackage, error)

DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider is a dependency that is used by ledger to build collection config history LSCC module is expected to provide an implementation for this dependencies

type HashProvider

type HashProvider interface {
	GetHash(opts bccsp.HashOpts) (hash.Hash, error)

HashProvider provides access to a hash.Hash for ledger components. Currently works at a stepping stone to decrease surface area of bccsp

type HealthCheckRegistry

type HealthCheckRegistry interface {
	RegisterChecker(string, healthz.HealthChecker) error

type HistoryDBConfig

type HistoryDBConfig struct {
	Enabled bool

HistoryDBConfig is a structure used to configure the transaction history database.

type HistoryQueryExecutor

type HistoryQueryExecutor interface {
	// GetHistoryForKey retrieves the history of values for a key.
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KeyModification which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	GetHistoryForKey(namespace string, key string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)

HistoryQueryExecutor executes the history queries

type Initializer

type Initializer struct {
	StateListeners                  []StateListener
	DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider   DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider
	MembershipInfoProvider          MembershipInfoProvider
	ChaincodeLifecycleEventProvider ChaincodeLifecycleEventProvider
	MetricsProvider                 metrics.Provider
	HealthCheckRegistry             HealthCheckRegistry
	Config                          *Config
	CustomTxProcessors              map[common.HeaderType]CustomTxProcessor
	HashProvider                    HashProvider

Initializer encapsulates dependencies for PeerLedgerProvider

type InvalidCollNameError

type InvalidCollNameError struct {
	Ns, Coll string

InvalidCollNameError is returned whenever an operation is requested on a collection whose name is invalid

func (*InvalidCollNameError) Error

func (e *InvalidCollNameError) Error() string

type InvalidTxError

type InvalidTxError struct {
	Msg string

InvalidTxError is expected to be thrown by a custom transaction processor if it wants the ledger to record a particular transaction as invalid

func (*InvalidTxError) Error

func (e *InvalidTxError) Error() string

type KVStateUpdates

type KVStateUpdates struct {
	PublicUpdates   []*kvrwset.KVWrite
	CollHashUpdates map[string][]*kvrwset.KVWriteHash

KVStateUpdates captures the state updates for a namespace for KV datamodel

type MembershipInfoProvider

type MembershipInfoProvider interface {
	// AmMemberOf checks whether the current peer is a member of the given collection
	AmMemberOf(channelName string, collectionPolicyConfig *peer.CollectionPolicyConfig) (bool, error)
	// MyImplicitCollectionName returns the name of the implicit collection for the current peer
	MyImplicitCollectionName() string

MembershipInfoProvider is a dependency that is used by ledger to determine whether the current peer is a member of a collection. Gossip module is expected to provide the dependency to ledger

type MissingBlockPvtdataInfo

type MissingBlockPvtdataInfo map[uint64][]*MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo

MissingBlockPvtdataInfo is a map of transaction number (within the block) to MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo

type MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo

type MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo struct {
	Namespace, Collection string

MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo includes the name of the chaincode and collection for which private data is missing

type MissingPvtData

type MissingPvtData struct {
	Namespace  string
	Collection string
	IsEligible bool

MissingPvtData contains a namespace and collection for which the pvtData is not present. It also denotes whether the missing pvtData is eligible (i.e., whether the peer is member of the [namespace, collection]

type MissingPvtDataInfo

type MissingPvtDataInfo map[uint64]MissingBlockPvtdataInfo

MissingPvtDataInfo is a map of block number to MissingBlockPvtdataInfo

func (MissingPvtDataInfo) Add

func (missingPvtDataInfo MissingPvtDataInfo) Add(blkNum, txNum uint64, ns, coll string)

Add adds a missing data entry to the MissingPvtDataInfo Map

type MissingPvtDataTracker

type MissingPvtDataTracker interface {
	GetMissingPvtDataInfoForMostRecentBlocks(maxBlocks int) (MissingPvtDataInfo, error)

MissingPvtDataTracker allows getting information about the private data that is not missing on the peer

type PeerLedger

type PeerLedger interface {
	// TxIDExists returns true if the specified txID is already present in one of the already committed blocks.
	// This function returns error only if there is an underlying condition that prevents checking for the txID, such as an I/O error.
	TxIDExists(txID string) (bool, error)
	// GetTransactionByID retrieves a transaction by id
	GetTransactionByID(txID string) (*peer.ProcessedTransaction, error)
	// GetBlockByHash returns a block given it's hash
	GetBlockByHash(blockHash []byte) (*common.Block, error)
	// GetBlockByTxID returns a block which contains a transaction
	GetBlockByTxID(txID string) (*common.Block, error)
	// GetTxValidationCodeByTxID returns transaction validation code and block number in which the transaction was committed
	GetTxValidationCodeByTxID(txID string) (peer.TxValidationCode, uint64, error)
	// NewTxSimulator gives handle to a transaction simulator.
	// A client can obtain more than one 'TxSimulator's for parallel execution.
	// Any snapshoting/synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
	NewTxSimulator(txid string) (TxSimulator, error)
	// NewQueryExecutor gives handle to a query executor.
	// A client can obtain more than one 'QueryExecutor's for parallel execution.
	// Any synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
	NewQueryExecutor() (QueryExecutor, error)
	// NewHistoryQueryExecutor gives handle to a history query executor.
	// A client can obtain more than one 'HistoryQueryExecutor's for parallel execution.
	// Any synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
	NewHistoryQueryExecutor() (HistoryQueryExecutor, error)
	// GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum returns the block and the corresponding pvt data.
	// The pvt data is filtered by the list of 'ns/collections' supplied
	// A nil filter does not filter any results and causes retrieving all the pvt data for the given blockNum
	GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum(blockNum uint64, filter PvtNsCollFilter) (*BlockAndPvtData, error)
	// GetPvtDataByNum returns only the pvt data  corresponding to the given block number
	// The pvt data is filtered by the list of 'ns/collections' supplied in the filter
	// A nil filter does not filter any results and causes retrieving all the pvt data for the given blockNum
	GetPvtDataByNum(blockNum uint64, filter PvtNsCollFilter) ([]*TxPvtData, error)
	// CommitLegacy commits the block and the corresponding pvt data in an atomic operation following the v14 validation/commit path
	// TODO: add a new Commit() path that replaces CommitLegacy() for the validation refactor described in FAB-12221
	CommitLegacy(blockAndPvtdata *BlockAndPvtData, commitOpts *CommitOptions) error
	// GetConfigHistoryRetriever returns the ConfigHistoryRetriever
	GetConfigHistoryRetriever() (ConfigHistoryRetriever, error)
	// CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks commits the private data corresponding to already committed block
	// If hashes for some of the private data supplied in this function does not match
	// the corresponding hash present in the block, the unmatched private data is not
	// committed and instead the mismatch inforation is returned back
	CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks(reconciledPvtdata []*ReconciledPvtdata, unreconciled MissingPvtDataInfo) ([]*PvtdataHashMismatch, error)
	// GetMissingPvtDataTracker return the MissingPvtDataTracker
	GetMissingPvtDataTracker() (MissingPvtDataTracker, error)
	// DoesPvtDataInfoExist returns true when
	// (1) the ledger has pvtdata associated with the given block number (or)
	// (2) a few or all pvtdata associated with the given block number is missing but the
	//     missing info is recorded in the ledger (or)
	// (3) the block is committed and does not contain any pvtData.
	DoesPvtDataInfoExist(blockNum uint64) (bool, error)

	// SubmitSnapshotRequest submits a snapshot request for the specified height.
	// The request will be stored in the ledger until the ledger's block height is equal to
	// the specified height and the snapshot generation is completed.
	// When height is 0, it will generate a snapshot at the current block height.
	// It returns an error if the specified height is smaller than the ledger's block height.
	SubmitSnapshotRequest(height uint64) error
	// CancelSnapshotRequest cancels the previously submitted request.
	// It returns an error if such a request does not exist or is under processing.
	CancelSnapshotRequest(height uint64) error
	// PendingSnapshotRequests returns a list of heights for the pending (or under processing) snapshot requests.
	PendingSnapshotRequests() ([]uint64, error)
	// CommitNotificationsChannel returns a read-only channel on which ledger sends a `CommitNotification`
	// when a block is committed. The CommitNotification contains entries for the transactions from the committed block,
	// which are not malformed, carry a legitimate TxID, and in addition, are not marked as a duplicate transaction.
	// The consumer can close the 'done' channel to signal that the notifications are no longer needed. This will cause the
	// CommitNotifications channel to close. There is expected to be only one consumer at a time. The function returns error
	// if already a CommitNotification channel is active.
	CommitNotificationsChannel(done <-chan struct{}) (<-chan *CommitNotification, error)

PeerLedger differs from the OrdererLedger in that PeerLedger locally maintain a bitmask that tells apart valid transactions from invalid ones

type PeerLedgerProvider

type PeerLedgerProvider interface {
	// CreateFromGenesisBlock creates a new ledger with the given genesis block.
	// This function guarantees that the creation of ledger and committing the genesis block would an atomic action
	// The channel id retrieved from the genesis block is treated as a ledger id
	CreateFromGenesisBlock(genesisBlock *common.Block) (PeerLedger, error)
	// CreateFromSnapshot creates a new ledger from a snapshot and returns the ledger and channel id.
	// The channel id retrieved from snapshot metadata is treated as a ledger id
	CreateFromSnapshot(snapshotDir string) (PeerLedger, string, error)
	// Open opens an already created ledger
	Open(ledgerID string) (PeerLedger, error)
	// Exists tells whether the ledger with given id exists
	Exists(ledgerID string) (bool, error)
	// List lists the ids of the existing ledgers
	List() ([]string, error)
	// Close closes the PeerLedgerProvider

PeerLedgerProvider provides handle to ledger instances

type PrivateDataConfig

type PrivateDataConfig struct {
	// BatchesInterval is the minimum duration (milliseconds) between batches
	// for converting ineligible missing data entries into eligible entries.
	BatchesInterval int
	// MatchBatchSize is the maximum size of batches when converting ineligible
	// missing data entries into eligible entries.
	MaxBatchSize int
	// PurgeInterval is the number of blocks to wait until purging expired
	// private data entries.
	PurgeInterval int
	// The missing data entries are classified into three categories:
	// (1) eligible prioritized
	// (2) eligible deprioritized
	// (3) ineligible
	// The reconciler would fetch the eligible prioritized missing data
	// from other peers. A chance for eligible deprioritized missing data
	// would be given after every DeprioritizedDataReconcilerInterval
	DeprioritizedDataReconcilerInterval time.Duration
	// PurgedKeyAuditLogging specifies whether to log private data keys purged from private data store (INFO level) when explicitly purged via chaincode
	PurgedKeyAuditLogging bool

PrivateDataConfig is a structure used to configure a private data storage provider.

type PrivateReads

type PrivateReads map[string]map[string]struct{}

PrivateReads captures which private data collections are read during TX simulation.

func (PrivateReads) Add

func (pr PrivateReads) Add(ns, coll string)

Add a collection to the set of private data collections that are read by the chaincode.

func (PrivateReads) Clone

func (pr PrivateReads) Clone() PrivateReads

Clone returns a copy of this struct.

func (PrivateReads) Exists

func (pr PrivateReads) Exists(ns, coll string) bool

Exists returns whether a collection has been read

type PvtCollFilter

type PvtCollFilter map[string]bool

PvtCollFilter represents the set of the collection names (as keys of the map with value 'true')

type PvtNsCollFilter

type PvtNsCollFilter map[string]PvtCollFilter

PvtNsCollFilter specifies the tuple <namespace, PvtCollFilter>

func NewPvtNsCollFilter

func NewPvtNsCollFilter() PvtNsCollFilter

NewPvtNsCollFilter constructs an empty PvtNsCollFilter

func (PvtNsCollFilter) Add

func (filter PvtNsCollFilter) Add(ns string, coll string)

Add adds a namespace-collection tuple to the filter

func (PvtNsCollFilter) Has

func (filter PvtNsCollFilter) Has(ns string, coll string) bool

Has returns true if the filter has the entry for tuple namespace-collection

type PvtdataHashMismatch

type PvtdataHashMismatch struct {
	BlockNum, TxNum       uint64
	Namespace, Collection string

PvtdataHashMismatch is used when the hash of private write-set does not match the corresponding hash present in the block or there is a mismatch with the boot-KV-hashes present in the private block store if the legder is created from a snapshot

type QueryExecutor

type QueryExecutor interface {
	// GetStateMetadata returns the metadata for given namespace and key
	GetStateMetadata(namespace, key string) (map[string][]byte, error)
	// GetStateMultipleKeys gets the values for multiple keys in a single call
	GetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, keys []string) ([][]byte, error)
	// GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithPagination returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
	// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
	// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
	// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan should be used judiciously for performance reasons.
	// The page size parameter limits the number of returned results.
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithPagination(namespace string, startKey, endKey string, pageSize int32) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
	// ExecuteQuery executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
	// Only used for state databases that support query
	// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	ExecuteQuery(namespace, query string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
	// ExecuteQueryWithPagination executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
	// The bookmark and page size parameters are associated with the pagination.
	// Only used for state databases that support query
	// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	ExecuteQueryWithPagination(namespace, query, bookmark string, pageSize int32) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
	// GetPrivateData gets the value of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	GetPrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) ([]byte, error)
	// GetPrivateDataMetadata gets the metadata of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	GetPrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string) (map[string][]byte, error)
	// GetPrivateDataMetadataByHash gets the metadata of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, keyhash>
	GetPrivateDataMetadataByHash(namespace, collection string, keyhash []byte) (map[string][]byte, error)
	// GetPrivateDataMultipleKeys gets the values for the multiple private data items in a single call
	GetPrivateDataMultipleKeys(namespace, collection string, keys []string) ([][]byte, error)
	// GetPrivateDataRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
	// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
	// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
	// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan shuold be used judiciously for performance reasons.
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	GetPrivateDataRangeScanIterator(namespace, collection, startKey, endKey string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
	// ExecuteQuery executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
	// Only used for state databases that support query
	// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	ExecuteQueryOnPrivateData(namespace, collection, query string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
	// Done releases resources occupied by the QueryExecutor

QueryExecutor executes the queries Get* methods are for supporting KV-based data model. ExecuteQuery method is for supporting a rich datamodel and query support

ExecuteQuery method in the case of a rich data model is expected to support queries on latest state, historical state and on the intersection of state and transactions

type QueryResultsIterator

type QueryResultsIterator interface {
	// GetBookmarkAndClose returns a paging bookmark and releases resources occupied by the iterator
	GetBookmarkAndClose() string

QueryResultsIterator - an iterator for query result set

type ReconciledPvtdata

type ReconciledPvtdata struct {
	BlockNum  uint64
	WriteSets TxPvtDataMap

ReconciledPvtdata contains the private data for a block for reconciliation

type RetrievedPvtdata

type RetrievedPvtdata interface {
	GetBlockPvtdata() *BlockPvtdata

RetrievedPvtdata is a dependency that is implemented by coordinator/gossip for ledger to be able to purge the transactions from the block after retrieving private data

type SimpleQueryExecutor

type SimpleQueryExecutor interface {
	// GetState gets the value for given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
	GetState(namespace string, key string) ([]byte, error)
	// GetStateRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
	// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
	// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
	// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan should be used judiciously for performance reasons.
	// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in fabric-protos/ledger/queryresult.
	GetStateRangeScanIterator(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
	// GetPrivateDataHash gets the hash of the value of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	// Function `GetPrivateData` is only meaningful when it is invoked on a peer that is authorized to have the private data
	// for the collection <namespace, collection>. However, the function `GetPrivateDataHash` can be invoked on any peer
	// to get the hash of the current value
	GetPrivateDataHash(namespace, collection, key string) ([]byte, error)

SimpleQueryExecutor encapsulates basic functions

type SnapshotsConfig

type SnapshotsConfig struct {
	// RootDir is the top-level directory for the snapshots.
	RootDir string

SnapshotsConfig is a structure used to configure snapshot function

type StateDBConfig

type StateDBConfig struct {
	// StateDatabase is the database to use for storing last known state.  The
	// two supported options are "goleveldb" and "CouchDB" (captured in the constants GoLevelDB and CouchDB respectively).
	StateDatabase string
	// CouchDB is the configuration for CouchDB.  It is used when StateDatabase
	// is set to "CouchDB".
	CouchDB *CouchDBConfig

StateDBConfig is a structure used to configure the state parameters for the ledger.

type StateListener

type StateListener interface {
	Name() string
	Initialize(ledgerID string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) error
	InterestedInNamespaces() []string
	HandleStateUpdates(trigger *StateUpdateTrigger) error
	StateCommitDone(channelID string)

StateListener allows a custom code for performing additional stuff upon state change for a particular namespace against which the listener is registered. This helps to perform custom tasks other than the state updates. A ledger implementation is expected to invoke Function `HandleStateUpdates` once per block and the `stateUpdates` parameter passed to the function captures the state changes caused by the block for the namespace. The actual data type of stateUpdates depends on the data model enabled. For instance, for KV data model, the actual type would be proto message `github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/ledger/rwset/kvrwset.KVWrite` Function `HandleStateUpdates` is expected to be invoked before block is committed and if this function returns an error, the ledger implementation is expected to halt block commit operation and result in a panic. The function Initialize is invoked only once at the time of opening the ledger.

type StateUpdateTrigger

type StateUpdateTrigger struct {
	LedgerID                    string
	StateUpdates                StateUpdates
	CommittingBlockNum          uint64
	CommittedStateQueryExecutor SimpleQueryExecutor
	PostCommitQueryExecutor     SimpleQueryExecutor

StateUpdateTrigger encapsulates the information and helper tools that may be used by a StateListener

type StateUpdates

type StateUpdates map[string]*KVStateUpdates

StateUpdates encapsulates the state updates

type TxMissingPvtData

type TxMissingPvtData map[uint64][]*MissingPvtData

TxMissingPvtData is a map from txNum to the list of missing pvtData

func (TxMissingPvtData) Add

func (txMissingPvtData TxMissingPvtData) Add(txNum uint64, ns, coll string, isEligible bool)

Add adds a given missing private data in the MissingPrivateDataList

type TxPvtData

type TxPvtData struct {
	SeqInBlock uint64
	WriteSet   *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet

TxPvtData encapsulates the transaction number and pvt write-set for a transaction

func (*TxPvtData) Has

func (pvtdata *TxPvtData) Has(ns string, coll string) bool

Has returns true if the pvtdata includes the data for collection <ns,coll>

type TxPvtDataMap

type TxPvtDataMap map[uint64]*TxPvtData

TxPvtDataMap is a map from txNum to the pvtData

type TxPvtdataInfo

type TxPvtdataInfo struct {
	TxID                  string
	Invalid               bool
	SeqInBlock            uint64
	CollectionPvtdataInfo []*CollectionPvtdataInfo

TxPvtdataInfo captures information about the requested private data to be retrieved

type TxSimulationResults

type TxSimulationResults struct {
	PubSimulationResults *rwset.TxReadWriteSet
	PvtSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
	PrivateReads         PrivateReads
	WritesetMetadata     WritesetMetadata

TxSimulationResults captures the details of the simulation results

func (*TxSimulationResults) ContainsPvtWrites

func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) ContainsPvtWrites() bool

ContainsPvtWrites returns true if the simulation results include the private writes

func (*TxSimulationResults) GetPubSimulationBytes

func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) GetPubSimulationBytes() ([]byte, error)

GetPubSimulationBytes returns the serialized bytes of public readwrite set

func (*TxSimulationResults) GetPvtSimulationBytes

func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) GetPvtSimulationBytes() ([]byte, error)

GetPvtSimulationBytes returns the serialized bytes of private readwrite set

type TxSimulator

type TxSimulator interface {
	// SetState sets the given value for the given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
	SetState(namespace string, key string, value []byte) error
	// DeleteState deletes the given namespace and key
	DeleteState(namespace string, key string) error
	// SetMultipleKeys sets the values for multiple keys in a single call
	SetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, kvs map[string][]byte) error
	// SetStateMetadata sets the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, key>
	SetStateMetadata(namespace, key string, metadata map[string][]byte) error
	// DeleteStateMetadata deletes the metadata (if any) associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, key>
	DeleteStateMetadata(namespace, key string) error
	// ExecuteUpdate for supporting rich data model (see comments on QueryExecutor above)
	ExecuteUpdate(query string) error
	// SetPrivateData sets the given value to a key in the private data state represented by the tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	SetPrivateData(namespace, collection, key string, value []byte) error
	// SetPrivateDataMultipleKeys sets the values for multiple keys in the private data space in a single call
	SetPrivateDataMultipleKeys(namespace, collection string, kvs map[string][]byte) error
	// DeletePrivateData deletes the given tuple <namespace, collection, key> from private data
	DeletePrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) error
	// PurgePrivateData purges the given tuple <namespace, collection, key> from private data
	PurgePrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) error
	// SetPrivateDataMetadata sets the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	SetPrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string, metadata map[string][]byte) error
	// DeletePrivateDataMetadata deletes the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, collection, key>
	DeletePrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string) error
	// GetTxSimulationResults encapsulates the results of the transaction simulation.
	// This should contain enough detail for
	// - The update in the state that would be caused if the transaction is to be committed
	// - The environment in which the transaction is executed so as to be able to decide the validity of the environment
	//   (at a later time on a different peer) during committing the transactions
	// Different ledger implementation (or configurations of a single implementation) may want to represent the above two pieces
	// of information in different way in order to support different data-models or optimize the information representations.
	// Returned type 'TxSimulationResults' contains the simulation results for both the public data and the private data.
	// The public data simulation results are expected to be used as in V1 while the private data simulation results are expected
	// to be used by the gossip to disseminate this to the other endorsers (in phase-2 of sidedb)
	GetTxSimulationResults() (*TxSimulationResults, error)

TxSimulator simulates a transaction on a consistent snapshot of the 'as recent state as possible' Set* methods are for supporting KV-based data model. ExecuteUpdate method is for supporting a rich datamodel and query support

type WritesetMetadata

type WritesetMetadata map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string][]byte

WritesetMetadata represents the content of the state metadata for each state (key) that gets written to during transaction simulation.

func (WritesetMetadata) Add

func (wm WritesetMetadata) Add(ns, coll, key string, metadata map[string][]byte)

Add metadata to the structure.

func (WritesetMetadata) Clone

Clone returns a copy of this struct.


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