🤖 Generate, build, handle and deploy your own bot with your favorite language, for Discord, or Telegram, or Slack, or even Twitch.
With botway, you can focus on your bot's logic and don't worry about the infrastructure. and we will take care of the rest.
Botway uses Railway and Render to host your bot code and database.
Installation ⬇
# npm
npm i -g botway
# yarn
yarn global add botway
# pnpm
pnpm add -g botway
Using script
curl -sL https://bit.ly/botway | bash
irm https://bit.ly/bw-win | iex
then restart your powershell
brew install abdfnx/tap/botway
scoop bucket add botway https://github.com/abdfnx/botway
scoop install botway
Initialize ~/.botway
botway init
Authenticate with your favorite host service
# railway
botway login railway
# render
botway login render
Open Botway TUI
Create a new botway project
botway new <project-name>
Manage your bot tokens
botway tokens <command> [flags] <project-name>
Start running your bot
# Under the project directory
botway start
Manage your bot database
# Under the project directory
botway database <command>
Deploy and upload project from the current directory
# Under the project directory
botway deploy
Execute a local command using variables from the active environment
# Under the project directory
botway exec <command>
You can see the Roadmap
Keyboard shortcuts
- Up: Move up
- Down: Move down
- Tab: Switch windows
- Ctrl+O: Open bot project at Host Service
- Esc: Reset
- Ctrl+Q: Quit
Technologies Used in Botway
Special thanks ❤
Thanks to @charmbracelet for their awesome TUI libraries 🏗.
Also thanks to @railwayapp and @renderinc for their amazing cloud and host services ☁️.
botway is licensed under the terms of MIT license.
Star History