
v0.0.0-...-7d5450a Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0



Twins service is used for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting digital twins. A digital twin is an abstract and semantic representation of a real world data system consisting of data producers and consumers. It stores the sequence of attribute based definitions of a system and refers to a time series of definition based states that store the system historical data. Digital twin is usually less detailed and can be a digital replica of a real world system such as the industrial machine. It is used to create and store information about system's state at any given moment, to compare system state over a given period of time - so-called diffs or deltas - as well as to control agents composing the system.


The Twins Service is built on top of the Magistrala platform and interacts with its core components such as users, clients, and channels. It listens to the message broker, intercepts relevant messages, and updates digital twin states accordingly. Each twin consists of:

  • Metadata: owner, ID, name, timestamps, revision number
  • Definitions: semantic representation of system components as attributes
  • States: time-series history of system state

Magistrala twins anatomy is of the following format:

// Twin is a Magistrala data system representation. Each twin is owned
// by a single user, and is assigned with the unique identifier.
type Twin struct {
 Owner       string
 ID          string
 Name        string
 Created     time.Time
 Updated     time.Time
 Revision    int
 Definitions []Definition
 Metadata    Metadata

Twin states are persisted in the separate collection of the same database. Currently, twins service uses the MongoDB. InfluxDB support for twins and states persistence is on the roadmap.

When we define our digital twin, its JSON representation might look like this:

  "owner": "[email protected]",
  "id": "a838e608-1c1b-4fea-9c34-def877473a89",
  "name": "grinding machine 2",
  "revision": 2,
  "created": "2020-05-05T08:41:39.142Z",
  "updated": "2020-05-05T08:49:12.638Z",
  "definitions": [
      "id": 0,
      "created": "2020-05-05T08:41:39.142Z",
      "attributes": [],
      "delta": 1000000
      "id": 1,
      "created": "2020-05-05T08:46:23.207Z",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "engine temperature",
          "channel": "7ef6c61c-f514-402f-af4b-2401b588bfec",
          "subtopic": "engine",
          "persist_state": true
          "name": "chassis temperature",
          "channel": "7ef6c61c-f514-402f-af4b-2401b588bfec",
          "subtopic": "chassis",
          "persist_state": true
          "name": "rotations per sec",
          "channel": "a254032a-8bb6-4973-a2a1-dbf80f181a86",
          "subtopic": "",
          "persist_state": false
      "delta": 1000000
      "id": 2,
      "created": "2020-05-05T08:49:12.638Z",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "engine temperature",
          "channel": "7ef6c61c-f514-402f-af4b-2401b588bfec",
          "subtopic": "engine",
          "persist_state": true
          "name": "chassis temperature",
          "channel": "7ef6c61c-f514-402f-af4b-2401b588bfec",
          "subtopic": "chassis",
          "persist_state": true
          "name": "rotations per sec",
          "channel": "a254032a-8bb6-4973-a2a1-dbf80f181a86",
          "subtopic": "",
          "persist_state": false
          "name": "precision",
          "channel": "aed0fbca-0d1d-4b07-834c-c62f31526569",
          "subtopic": "",
          "persist_state": true
      "delta": 1000000

In the case of the upper twin, we begin with an empty definition, the one with the id 0 - we could have provided the definition immediately - and over the course of time, we add two more definitions, so the total number of revisions is 2 (revision index is zero-based). We decide not to persist the number of rotation per second in our digital twin state. We define it, though, because the definition and its attributes are used not only to define states of a complex data agent system, but also to define the semantic structure of the system. delta is the number of nanoseconds used to determine whether the received attribute value should trigger the generation of the new state or the same state should be updated. The reason for this is to enable state sampling over the regular intervals of time. Discarded values are written to the database of choice by Magistrala writers, so you can always retrieve intermediate values if need be.

states are created according to the twin's current definition. A state stores twin's ID - every state belongs to a single twin -, its own ID, twin's definition number, creation date and the actual payload. Payload is a set of key-value pairs where a key corresponds to the attribute name and a value is the actual value of the attribute. All SenML value types are supported.


The service is configured using the environment variables presented in the following table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.

Variable Description Default
MG_TWINS_LOG_LEVEL Log level for twin service (debug, info, warn, error) info
MG_TWINS_HTTP_PORT Twins service HTTP port 9018
MG_TWINS_SERVER_CERT Path to server certificate in PEM format
MG_TWINS_SERVER_KEY Path to server key in PEM format
MG_JAEGER_URL Jaeger server URL http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
MG_TWINS_DB Database name magistrala
MG_TWINS_DB_HOST Database host address localhost
MG_TWINS_DB_PORT Database host port 27017
MG_THINGS_STANDALONE_ID User ID for standalone mode (no gRPC communication with users)
MG_THINGS_STANDALONE_TOKEN User token for standalone mode that should be passed in auth header
MG_TWINS_CLIENT_TLS Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on false
MG_TWINS_CA_CERTS Path to trusted CAs in PEM format
MG_TWINS_CHANNEL_ID Message broker notifications channel ID
MG_MESSAGE_BROKER_URL Magistrala Message broker URL nats://localhost:4222
MG_AUTH_GRPC_URL Auth service gRPC URL localhost:7001
MG_AUTH_GRPC_TIMEOUT Auth service gRPC request timeout in seconds 1s
MG_TWINS_CACHE_URL Cache database URL redis://localhost:6379/0
MG_SEND_TELEMETRY Send telemetry to magistrala call home server true


The service itself is distributed as Docker container. Check the twins service section in docker-compose file to see how service is deployed.

To start the service outside of the container, execute the following shell script:

# download the latest version of the service
go get

cd $GOPATH/src/

# compile the twins
make twins

# copy binary to bin
make install

# set the environment variables and run the service
MG_TWINS_LOG_LEVEL=[Twins log level] \
MG_TWINS_HTTP_PORT=[Service HTTP port] \
MG_TWINS_SERVER_CERT=[String path to server cert in pem format] \
MG_TWINS_SERVER_KEY=[String path to server key in pem format] \
MG_JAEGER_URL=[Jaeger server URL] \
MG_TWINS_DB=[Database name] \
MG_TWINS_DB_HOST=[Database host address] \
MG_TWINS_DB_PORT=[Database host port] \
MG_THINGS_STANDALONE_EMAIL=[User email for standalone mode (no gRPC communication with auth)] \
MG_THINGS_STANDALONE_TOKEN=[User token for standalone mode that should be passed in auth header] \
MG_TWINS_CLIENT_TLS=[Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on] \
MG_TWINS_CA_CERTS=[Path to trusted CAs in PEM format] \
MG_TWINS_CHANNEL_ID=[Message broker notifications channel ID] \
MG_MESSAGE_BROKER_URL=[Magistrala Message broker URL] \
MG_AUTH_GRPC_URL=[Auth service gRPC URL] \
MG_AUTH_GRPC_TIMEOUT=[Auth service gRPC request timeout in seconds] \
MG_TWINS_CACHE_URL=[Cache database URL] \

API Usage

Starting twins service

The twins service publishes notifications on a Message broker subject of the format channels.<MG_TWINS_CHANNEL_ID>.messages.<twinID>.<crudOp>, where crudOp stands for the crud operation done on twin - create, update, delete or retrieve - or state - save state. In order to use twin service notifications, one must inform it - via environment variables - about the Magistrala channel used for notification publishing. You must use an already existing channel, since you cannot know in advance or set the channel ID (Magistrala does it automatically).

To set the environment variable, please go to .env file and set the following variable:

Create a Twin

Create and update requests use JSON body to initialize and modify, respectively, twin. You can omit every piece of data - every key-value pair - from the JSON. However, you must send at least an empty JSON body.

Create request uses POST HTTP method to create twin:

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/twins -d '{ "name": "twin_name", "definition": { "attributes": [ { "name": "temperature", "channel": "3b57b952-318e-47b5-b0d7-a14f61ecd03b", "subtopic": "temperature", "persist_state": true } ], "delta": 1 } }'

If you do not suply the definition, the empty definition of the form

  "id": 0,
  "created": "2020-05-05T08:41:39.142Z",
  "attributes": [],
  "delta": 1000000

will be created.

Retrieve a Twin

To view a specific twin:

curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/twins/ <twin_id>
List Twins
curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/twins?offset=10&limit=20

List requests accept limit and offset query parameters. By default, i.e. without these parameters, list requests fetches only first ten twins (or less, if there are less then ten twins).

Update a Twin
curl -s -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/twins/<twin_id> -d '<twin_data>'
Delete a Twin
curl -s -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/twins/<twin_id>
Fetch Twin States
curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_token>"   http://localhost:9018/states/<twin_id>?offset=10&limit=20


Twins service publishes notifications to a Magistrala message broker channel.

In order to pick up this notification, you have to create a Magistrala channel before you start the twins service and inform the twins service about the channel by means of the environment variable, like this:

export MG_TWINS_CHANNEL_ID=f6894dfe-a7c9-4eef-a614-637ebeea5b4c

The twins service will use this channel to publish notifications related to twins creation, update, retrieval and deletion. It will also publish notifications related to state saving into the database.

All notifications will be published on the following message broker subject:


where <optional_subtopic> is one of the following:

  • create.success - on successful twin creation,
  • create.failure - on twin creation failure,
  • update.success - on successful twin update,
  • update.failure - on twin update failure,
  • get.success - on successful twin retrieval,
  • get.failure - on twin retrieval failure,
  • remove.success - on successful twin deletion,
  • remove.failure - on twin deletion failure,
  • save.success - on successful state save
  • save.failure - on state save failure.

Authentication & Authorization

Each twin belongs to a Magistrala user (a person or an organization). API calls require an authentication token (Bearer <user_token> in the header).

Additional Resources

with the corresponding values of the desired channel. If you are running magistrala natively, than do the same thing in the corresponding console environment.

For more details, visit the API documentation.



Package twins contains the domain concept definitions needed to support Magistrala twins service functionality. Twin is a digital representation of a real world data system consisting of data producers and consumers. It stores the sequence of attribute based definitions of a data system and refers to a time series of definition based states that store the system historical data.



View Source
const (
	SubtopicWildcard = ">"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Attribute

type Attribute struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Channel      string `json:"channel"`
	Subtopic     string `json:"subtopic"`
	PersistState bool   `json:"persist_state"`

Attribute stores individual attribute data.

type Definition

type Definition struct {
	ID         int         `json:"id"`
	Created    time.Time   `json:"created"`
	Attributes []Attribute `json:"attributes"`
	Delta      int64       `json:"delta"`

Definition stores entity's attributes.

type Metadata

type Metadata map[string]interface{}

Metadata stores arbitrary twin data.

type Page

type Page struct {
	Twins []Twin

Page contains page related metadata as well as a list of twins that belong to this page.

type PageMetadata

type PageMetadata struct {
	Total  uint64
	Offset uint64
	Limit  uint64

PageMetadata contains page metadata that helps navigation.

type Service

type Service interface {
	// AddTwin adds new twin related to user identified by the provided key.
	AddTwin(ctx context.Context, token string, twin Twin, def Definition) (tw Twin, err error)

	// UpdateTwin updates twin identified by the provided Twin that
	// belongs to the user identified by the provided key.
	UpdateTwin(ctx context.Context, token string, twin Twin, def Definition) (err error)

	// ViewTwin retrieves data about twin with the provided
	// ID belonging to the user identified by the provided key.
	ViewTwin(ctx context.Context, token, twinID string) (tw Twin, err error)

	// RemoveTwin removes the twin identified with the provided ID, that
	// belongs to the user identified by the provided key.
	RemoveTwin(ctx context.Context, token, twinID string) (err error)

	// ListTwins retrieves data about subset of twins that belongs to the
	// user identified by the provided key.
	ListTwins(ctx context.Context, token string, offset uint64, limit uint64, name string, metadata Metadata) (Page, error)

	// ListStates retrieves data about subset of states that belongs to the
	// twin identified by the id.
	ListStates(ctx context.Context, token string, offset uint64, limit uint64, twinID string) (StatesPage, error)

	// SaveStates persists states into database
	SaveStates(ctx context.Context, msg *messaging.Message) error

Service specifies an API that must be fullfiled by the domain service implementation, and all of its decorators (e.g. logging & metrics).

func New

New instantiates the twins service implementation.

type State

type State struct {
	TwinID     string
	ID         int64
	Definition int
	Created    time.Time
	Payload    map[string]interface{}

State stores actual snapshot of entity's values.

type StateRepository

type StateRepository interface {
	// Save persists the state
	Save(ctx context.Context, state State) error

	// Update updates the state
	Update(ctx context.Context, state State) error

	// Count returns the number of states related to state
	Count(ctx context.Context, twin Twin) (int64, error)

	// RetrieveAll retrieves the subset of states related to twin specified by id
	RetrieveAll(ctx context.Context, offset uint64, limit uint64, twinID string) (StatesPage, error)

	// RetrieveLast retrieves the last saved state
	RetrieveLast(ctx context.Context, twinID string) (State, error)

StateRepository specifies a state persistence API.

type StatesPage

type StatesPage struct {
	States []State

StatesPage contains page related metadata as well as a list of twins that belong to this page.

type Twin

type Twin struct {
	Owner       string
	ID          string
	Name        string
	Created     time.Time
	Updated     time.Time
	Revision    int
	Definitions []Definition
	Metadata    Metadata

Twin is a Magistrala data system representation. Each twin is owned by a single user, and is assigned with the unique identifier.

type TwinCache

type TwinCache interface {
	// Save stores twin ID as element of channel-subtopic keyed set and vice versa.
	Save(ctx context.Context, twin Twin) error

	// SaveIDs stores twin IDs as elements of channel-subtopic keyed set and vice versa.
	SaveIDs(ctx context.Context, channel, subtopic string, twinIDs []string) error

	// Update updates update twin id and channel-subtopic attributes mapping
	Update(ctx context.Context, twin Twin) error

	// ID returns twin IDs for given attribute.
	IDs(ctx context.Context, channel, subtopic string) ([]string, error)

	// Removes twin from cache based on twin id.
	Remove(ctx context.Context, twinID string) error

TwinCache contains twin caching interface.

type TwinRepository

type TwinRepository interface {
	// Save persists the twin
	Save(ctx context.Context, twin Twin) (string, error)

	// Update performs an update to the existing twin. A non-nil error is
	// returned to indicate operation failure.
	Update(ctx context.Context, twin Twin) error

	// RetrieveByID retrieves the twin having the provided identifier.
	RetrieveByID(ctx context.Context, twinID string) (Twin, error)

	// RetrieveByAttribute retrieves twin ids whose definition contains
	// the attribute with given channel and subtopic
	RetrieveByAttribute(ctx context.Context, channel, subtopic string) ([]string, error)

	// RetrieveAll retrieves the subset of twins owned by the specified user.
	RetrieveAll(ctx context.Context, owner string, offset, limit uint64, name string, metadata Metadata) (Page, error)

	// Remove removes the twin having the provided identifier.
	Remove(ctx context.Context, twinID string) error

TwinRepository specifies a twin persistence API.


Path Synopsis
Package api contains API-related concerns: endpoint definitions, middlewares and all resource representations.
Package api contains API-related concerns: endpoint definitions, middlewares and all resource representations.
Package http contains implementation of kit service HTTP API.
Package http contains implementation of kit service HTTP API.
Package events provides the domain concept definitions needed to support twins clients events functionality.
Package events provides the domain concept definitions needed to support twins clients events functionality.
Package mocks contains mocks for testing purposes.
Package mocks contains mocks for testing purposes.
Package mongodb contains repository implementations using MongoDB as the underlying database.
Package mongodb contains repository implementations using MongoDB as the underlying database.
Package tracing contains middlewares that will add spans to existing traces.
Package tracing contains middlewares that will add spans to existing traces.

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