Auto Zoom

Easily join your zoom classes and see your schedule.
A video demo!
Getting Started
$ git clone
$ cd autoZoom
$ go install
$ autoZoom
Schedule Setup
.schedule.json is where all of your course data will be pulled from. You must set this up before using autoZoom!
It should be located in your home directory!
If you have any issues with your json file use this free online JSON validator!
Example .schedule.json
"courses": [
"name": "Course Name",
"days": "mw",
"time": ["9:00AM", "11:30AM"],
"attendCode": false,
"autoZoom": true,
"zoom": "https://URL-TO-ZOOM/",
"links": [
"label": "some class link",
"url": "https://your-class-related-URL/"
"label": "another class link",
"url": "https://your-class-related-URL/"
"...": "..."
How To Create Your Schedule File
- "courses": (list) A list of JSON objects containing the following:
- "name": (string) Whatever you'd like this course to be called.
- "days": (string) Any combination of "MTWRF", this is not case sensitive.
- M = Monday
- T = Tuesday
- W = Wednesday
- R = Thursday
- F = Friday
- "time": (list of 2 strings) The first is the start time of the course, the second is the end time. This can be in 24hr format (13:30) or 12hr (1:30PM)
- "attendCode": (bool) (true/false) This course uses attendance codes. This is only for Make School students!
- "autoZoom": (bool) (true/false) Zoom links will open automatically
- "zoom": (string) URL to the Zoom room for the course.
- "links": (list) [Optional] A list of links you want displayed when the course starts.
- "label": (string) Whatever you'd like this link to be called.
- "url": (string) URL for link.