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Published: May 2, 2014 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 9 Imported by: 1


terse: concise html templating

Terse is a syntax for writing templates using a syntax inspired by mustache and slim.


// <!DOCTYPE html>
!! strict
// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">


// <html> … </html>
h1  markup example 
// <h1>markup example</h1>

tags with id/class

// <div id=”footer”>...</div>
// <div class=”clear”></div>
// <table class=”striped”> … </table>


// <script type=”text/javascript”> … </script>


    head > title= .Title

  {{ define "mini.html" }}
      <head><title>{{ .Title }}</title></head>
      <body>{{ yield "content" }}</body>
  {{ end }}

  {{ block "content" }}
  {{ end_block }}


// {{ yield }}
// {{ yield “footer” }}
// {{ content_for “footer” “test.html” }}
// {{ yield "footer" (fallback "test.html") }}


// {{ extend "layouts/app.html" }}


// Regular block
  {{ block “name” }}
  {{ end_block  }}
// Define block
  {{ define_block “name” }}
  {{ end_block }}
// Exec Block
  {{ exec_block “name” }}
  {{ end_block }}


// If Else statement
  no things
  {{ if .items }}
  {{ else }}
    no things
  {{ end }}
// Range Else Statement
  = name
  no items

  {{ range .items }}
    {{ .name }}
  {{ else }}
    no items
  {{ end }}


// With Statement
  = $user.Name
  {{ with $user := .User }} 
    {{ $user.Name }}
  {{ end }}

// With/Else Statement
  = .Name
  Not logged in!
  {{ with .User }}
    {{ .Name }}
  {{ else }}
    Not logged in!
  {{ end }}


// Template call
{{ template "layouts/header.html" . }}

// Template call with specific data
>>layouts/footer.html $args
{{ template "layouts/footer.html" $args }}


First Name: {{user.name}}



Terse is an html templating language inspired by slim, but written for the features of multitemplate. The minimal logic marks were inspired by mustache, but I'm not going to pretend they're not template logic. Note that the logic syntax is the same as the template logic syntax in the Go standard library. Terse is not an acronym, it is a description of the design of the language.


- Significant Whitespace

- Auto-closing tags and functions

- Integrates with other multitemplate languages

- Uses same function calling syntax as stdlib templates

Using Terse

Active terse as a multitemplate languages by importing the terse library like

import _ "github.com/acsellers/multitemplate/terse"

At that point, Parse will now take a "terse" parser for templates and ParseFiles/ParseGlob will detect files with a .terse extension as terse formatted files.

An example terse file:

    h1= .Title
    = link_to "Home" (url_for "home")

The resulting HTML would look like:

<div id="content">
  <div class="title">
    <a href="/home">Home</a>

Security and XSS Protection

Terse uses the built-in protection of html/template via multitemplate.

Simple HTML

Most of HTML documents is static text. Terse makes writing this static text as simple as possible. There are three ways to write HTML tags, the automatic way, the manual way, and the verbatim way. The automatic way will detect tags by name, and will do a case sensitive search on the elements listed in the ValidElements map. The manual way will detect elements by a percentage sign before the element name, which is the same behavior as Haml and Bham. Finally, you can just add verbatim HTML code, and it wil be passed through to the final output. This is why the character '<' has no special meaning in terse.

// Source
    <h1>My Title</h1>

// Output
  <h1>My Title</h1>

Collapsing Tags

If you have lines that are simply declaring elements that are nesting, you can collapse the lines using the '>' character. Note that you cannot add attributes or content to the tags. At the moment, you can't use the id/class shorthand here.

// Source
table > tr > td > %custom_element
  Gopher Freeman

// Output
  Gopher Freeman

Template Calls

Templates can be called easily using the >> operator. You may add the name of the template without quotes, unless the name would have spaces, in which case you should add quotes to the template name. Then the template call may have a space and a value declaraction (could be ., a $ variable, a function, a number, string, number, etc) where the value would be passed to the template. If you do not provide a value to the template, the dot operator will be assumed to be the value.

// Source

// Output
{{ template "layouts/navigation.html" . }}

// Source
>>"beta layouts/javascript defer.html":$modules

// Output
{{ template "beta layouts/javascript defer.html" $modules }}

Define Statements

Define statements start with two :'s, then the name for the template. Remember that variables from below the define will not be accessible in the define area. Also remember that a define statement will be pulled out and compiled during the compilation of the parent, and that we will use the name given for the template.

// Source
  h1.title= .

// Output
{{ define "snippets.html" }}
  <h1 class="title">{{ . }}</h1>
{{ end }}

Class and Id Shorthand

Id's and Class attributes may be specified in shorthand. If you do not specify an html element, terse will assume that you want to use the div element. Multiple class attributes will be combined into the class attribute, while multiple id attributes will take the final id attribute. Classes are similar to css declarations, where '.'s precede class attributes and '#'s precede id attributes. You can still provide id and class attributes using the standard HTML attributes.

// Source
    li.sidebar_element.active Thing

// Output
<div id="sidebar">
  <ul id="sidebar_list" class="vertical_list">
    <li class="sidebar_element active">Thing</li>

HTML Attributes

There are two ways to specify attributes, one which allows for multiple lines with attributes and another that requires all attributes to be specied on the same line. By specifying the attribute name, then an equals sign, then either a string, a $variable, a RenderArg which is a . followed by words. Finally, if you just specify a helper function. Note that if the helper function needs arguments, you should wrap the function and arguments in parentheses. Boolean HTML attributes, that is attributes that have no value, either require parentheses or can have the value 'true' or 'false'.

// Single Line
div id="special_thing" class=$DivIds special thing content
// Output
<div id="special_thing" class="{{ $DivIds }}">
  special thing content

// Multi Line
// Output
<input type="is_active" type="checkbox" value="yes" checkbox="{{.User.Active}}" />

// All the ways to specify attributes
  checked=(if_print "checked" .User.ShowName)

// Boolean Attribute Option 1
.content ng-view=true
// Boolean Attribute Option 2
// Output
<div class="content" ng-view />


Doctype lines are prefixed with two exclamation points (!!). There is the default doctype, which is a line with just !!, terse will assume you want to use the HTML5 Doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>). You can modify the terse.Doctypes variable to change to another default by changing the empty string key. Terse includes 8 different Doctypes by default, which are Transitional (XHTML 1.0 Transitional), Strict (XHTML 1.0 Strict), Frameset (XHTML 1.0 Frameset), 5 (HTML5), 1.1 (XHTML 1.1), Basic (XHTML 1.1 Basic), Mobile (XHTML Mobile 1.2), and RDFa (XHTML+RDFa 1.0). These are the same as haml's Doctypes, except that we don't worry about a Format option.

// Source
// Output
<!DOCTYPE html>


By prefixing lines with a double slash (//), that line and any nested lines will be marked as a comment. Comment lines do not show up in the rendered template in any way.

Executing Code

There are preferred methods for if, range, with, and block functions, but for template functions, there is a generic way to use code in your templates. By adding an = at the start of the line, you can mark that line as executable, for multiple lines there is a continuation marker (/=) which will collapse multiple lines into a single line of code, so long as the continuation lines are nested in the first code line. Note that the syntax is the same as text/template in the standard library, and the behavior about inserting code results into the output is same as the text/template code as well.

// Source
= print .User
// Output
{{ print .User }}

// Source
= form_tag (url_for "user.new") (attrs
  /= "enctype" "multipart/form-data"
  /= "method" "PUT")
// Output
<form action="{{ url_for "user.new" }}" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="PUT">

Auto Closing Functions

When lines are nested, terse will look a function another function that has the same name as the function that has the nested name, but with the prefix 'end_'.

// Source
= fieldset_tag "Visibility"
  = checkbox_tag "admins"
  = checkbox_tag "users"
  = checkbox_tag "visitors"

// Output
{{ fieldset_tag "Visibility" }} {{ checkbox_tag "admins" }}
  {{ checkbox_tag "users" }}
  {{ checkbox_tag "visitors" }}
{{ end_fieldset_tag }}

If and Else Statements

If lines begin with a question mark (?), then a statement to be evaluated. The method of evaluation is the same as text/template, where if the statement evaluates to false, 0, nil, or anything with a length of 0, the statement is not executed. Else is an exclamation mark followed by a question mark, or "not the question".

// Source
  = .User.Name
  Please Login

// Output
{{ if .User }}
{{ else }}
  Please Login
{{ end }}

Range Statements

Range statements begin with an ampersand (&). Else statements for ranges are an exclamation mark followed by an ampersand (!&). Variables for the range statement are specified using colons after the statement you will be ranging over.

// Source
  {{ $index }}. {{ $user.Name }}
  No matching users.

// Output
{{ range $user, $index := .Users }}
  {{ $index }}. {{ $user.Name }}
{{ else }}
  No matching users.
{{ end }}

Block Statements

Blocks are central to multitemplate and terse features them in a first-class manner. The simple block call is [name] where name is the name you are using for that block. If you a special form of the block statement, just replace the opening '['. For an exec block you use a $, while define block uses a ^. The mnemonic for those is that exec is the end of a block, so it is a regex endline symbol ($), while define-block is more a beginning statement, and the regex character for the beginning of line is ^. Blocks are automatically closed in terse.

// Source
    = .User.Name

// Output
{{ block "content" }}
  <h1>Welcome {{.User.Name }}</h1>
{{ end_block }}

// Source
  I'm defining this block and not outputting here.
// Output
{{ define_block "content" }}
  I'm defining this block and not outputting here.
{{ end_block }}

// Source
  We will definitely put some block content here.
// Output
{{ exec_block "content" }}
  We will definitely put some block content here.
{{ end_block }}

Yield Statements

Yield statements (for blocks or templates) are written as @name, where name is the name you are using for that block or template.

// Source

// Output
<div id="content">
  {{ yield "content" }}

Extend Statements

Extend statements (for inheriting from other templates) are written using @@ followed by the template name (without quotation marks).

// Source

// Output
{{ extend "layouts/app.html" }}

With Statements

A with statement takes a pipeline and either sets the dot or a variable to the value. With statments will only execute if the value is not a falsey value (0, false, nil, empty string, array, slice or map). With statements can have else statements, which are signified by a !>.

// Source
  = .Name
  ?time_gt .LastLogin "3w"
    It's been a while
  Please login

// Output
{{ with .Current.User }}
  {{ .Name }}
  {{ if time_gt .LastLogin "3w" }}
    It's been a while
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

// Source
  = $loc.Name

// Output
{{ with $loc := .Current.Location }}
  {{ $loc.Name }}
{{ end }}


In addition to the function lines, you can also embed functions into regular lines, using the Delimeters set on terse (same as the standard library delimeters by default).

// Source
Welcome {{ .User.Name }}.

// Output (same)
Welcome {{ .User.Name}}.


Filters are started with a :, then the name of a registered filter. Filters can have interpolated code within them, if the filter may have interpolated code, it needs to return true, else if it returns false, the filtered text will not be checked for code. Note that the processed text will be inserted into the template and any interpolated code will be processed by html/template and escaped in a manner consistent with the surrounding text.

// Source
  $(document).ready(function{ setup_ajax(); });

// Output
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function{ setup_ajax(); });

Currently there are 3 built-in filters, a plain filter, a javascript filter (also aliased as js), and a css filter. The Plain filter will take any nested lines and push the straight out to the the text/template parser. The javascript filter will wrap the text in a script tag, then send it to be processed by the text/template parser. Similarly, the css filter will wrap the text in a style tag, then send it to the parser.


The format of the documentation and some examples were inspired by Haml's REFERENCE file.



View Source
const (
	ErrorToken tokenType = iota


View Source
var (
	LeftDelim  = "{{"
	RightDelim = "}}"
View Source
var Doctypes = map[string]string{
	"":             `<!DOCTYPE html>`,
	"Transitional": `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">`,
	"Strict":       `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">`,
	"Frameset":     `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">`,
	"5":            `<!DOCTYPE html>`,
	"1.1":          `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">`,
	"Basic":        `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic11.dtd">`,
	"Mobile":       `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/DTD/xhtml-mobile12.dtd">`,
	"RDFa":         `<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd">`,
View Source
var Filters = map[string]FilterFunc{
	"plain": func(s string) (string, bool) {
		return s, true
	"javascript": func(s string) (string, bool) {
		return `<script type="text/javascript">` + s + "</script>", true

	"js": func(s string) (string, bool) {
		return `<script type="text/javascript">` + s + "</script>", true
	"css": func(s string) (string, bool) {
		return "<style>" + s + "</style>", true

Filters is map of available functions that take in the text from the template, then run transformations on it, then return it. The boolean indicates whether the transformed string may have delimited template code within it, so it should run it though a stdlib template parser. You are expected to do any escaping that may be needed for your text, but if you are using interpolation, html/template will do escaping. The filter will only receive the content once, when the template is compiled.

View Source
var ValidElements = map[string]bool{}/* 136 elements not displayed */


This section is empty.


type FilterFunc

type FilterFunc func(string) (string, bool)

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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