Litmus is a coloring compound that under goes a color changes when added to an acid or base. If we have lots of solution either acid or base, we have no problem to find out which one is acid with litmus. Litmus paper is treated with natural dyes that reacts with acid/base to change color.
Imagine a litmus paper that can identify numbers of solution. Instead of natural dyes, this litmus is treated with variety of indicators. Each combination of indicators reacts with a particular solution to make color.
Now, lets relate this imaginary litmus with our concerned Litmus.
First, we need to treat our Litmus with different indicators. This indicators are called here Request object.
Second, each solution (Option) is a mixture of multiple compounds. These compounds are called Selector.
Third, instead of color, after Litmus test, solution will return a set of identifier. This set is called here Resolver.
That means, when we are testing each Option with Request object, if this object returns true for all Selector compounds, Litmus will return Resolver like color in litmus paper
Now main points are like:
An Option is formed with two parts.
First, Selector that holds some rules which must be true for this Option.
Second, Resolver that holds pre-defined knowledge about this Option.
Lets say, we have multiple options to select from. According to different conditions, one option will be selected based on it's rules.
Option {
To check with Litmus, we need another object called Request. This Request object holds all conditions which are used to filter Options.
Litmus process is done by some Checker
methods those are used to check conditions.
All we need to mention the Checker
in the Tag of request fields. For example,
type Request struct {
HexID string `checker:"ExistsInArray"`
Here, ExistsInArray
Checker method is responsible to check HexID
with Options' Selector.
Note: All fields with 'checker' Tag requires a 'selector' Tag that
will point to field(s) of selector object.
type Request struct {
HexID string `selector:"HexIDs" checker:"ExistsInArray"`
We have now following Checker
This method checks equality of request and selector value.
Still now, it only checks single value of
- Bool
- Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
- String
This method checks existence of request value in array generated by ArrayMap meta converter.
We will learn about meta converter
This method works on following types of request:
- Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
- String
This method checks if provided request time is in between two selector time.
This also requires two fields in selector
type Request struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `selector:"StartTime,EndTime" checker:"TimeBetween"`
Above example implies that, each selector must have two fields named StartTime
& EndTime
This method checks if provided request time is in between two selector time and also matched with hour range.
This also requires three fields in selector
type Request struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `selector:"StartTime,EndTime,ActiveHours" checker:"TimeAndHourBetween"`
Above example implies that, each selector must have three fields named StartTime
, EndTime
& ActiveHours
This method checks existence of request value in BitMap generated by RangeBitMap meta converter
If selector has "*" value, any request value will be matched.
This method checks if request value ends with a specific digit mentioned in selector.
Most of the Checker methods require some conversion in their data.
We have following Meta converter
RangeBitMap must be applied to String
Example: 1-5
, 1-5,8,9-10
, *
Above String will be converted into BitMap and checked with Integer value.
type Selector struct {
Days string `meta:"RangeBitMap"`
type Request struct {
Day int `selector:"Days" checker:"ExistsInRange"`
Note: RangeBitMap is required for ExistsInRange checker.
ArrayMap converts list of items into array.
Followings are possible for now:
- []Int, []Int8, []Int16, []Int32, []Int64
- []String
- string ( comma-separated)
If selector has "*" value, any request value will be considered matched.
Note: ArrayMap is required for ExistsInArray checker.
DateMap can be applied on String value of time.Time
Note: DateMap is required for TimeBetween & TimeAndHourBetween
type Selector struct {
StartTime string `meta:"DateMap"`
EndTime string `meta:"DateMap"`
ActiveHours string `meta:"RangeBitMap"`
type Request struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `selector:"StartTime,EndTime,ActiveHours" checker:"TimeAndHourBetween"`
If we want to check if CreatedAt
is in between StartTime
& EndTime
and also matches ActiveHours
we need to use TimeAndHourBetween
This requires StartTime
& EndTime
to have DateMap
meta converter. And also it requires ActiveHours
to have
meta converter.
"StartTime":"2019-05-01 00:15 +0600",
"EndTime":"2099-05-08 23:59 +0600",
How to use
package main
import (
type Option struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Selector Selector `json:"selector"`
Resolver Resolver `json:"resolver"`
type Selector struct{}
type Resolver struct{}
type Request struct{}
func main() {
var options []Option
// read your options into this array
var litmusOptions []litmus.Option
for _, option := range options {
litmusOptions = append(litmusOptions, litmus.Option{
Key: option.Key,
Selector: option.Selector,
Resolver: option.Resolver,
litmusCtx, _ := litmus.NewContext(litmusOptions)
req := &Request{}
resolver, ok := litmusCtx.GetResolver(req, nil)