
v1.0.10 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 24, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 103 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	DefaultFailedSigninLimit      = 5
	DefaultFailedSigninFrozenTime = 15
View Source
const (
	EmailType = "email"
	SmsType   = "sms"
	TotpType  = "app"
View Source
const (
	MfaSessionUserId = "MfaSessionUserId"
	NextMfa          = "NextMfa"
	RequiredMfa      = "RequiredMfa"
View Source
const (
	PeriodMonthly = "Monthly"
	PeriodYearly  = "Yearly"
View Source
const (
	ProviderTypeGoogleCloudStorage = "Google Cloud Storage"
	ProviderTypeTencentCloudCOS    = "Tencent Cloud COS"
	ProviderTypeAzureBlob          = "Azure Blob"
	ProviderTypeLocalFileSystem    = "Local File System"
View Source
const (
	InvalidRequest       = "invalid_request"
	InvalidClient        = "invalid_client"
	InvalidGrant         = "invalid_grant"
	UnauthorizedClient   = "unauthorized_client"
	UnsupportedGrantType = "unsupported_grant_type"
	InvalidScope         = "invalid_scope"
	EndpointError        = "endpoint_error"
View Source
const (
	UserPropertiesWechatUnionId = "wechatUnionId"
	UserPropertiesWechatOpenId  = "wechatOpenId"
View Source
const (
	VerifyTypePhone = "phone"
	VerifyTypeEmail = "email"
View Source
const (
	MfaTotpPeriodInSeconds = 30
View Source
const UserEnforcerId = "built-in/user-enforcer-built-in"
View Source
const (
	VerificationSuccess = iota


View Source
var (
	ApiThroughput = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Name: "casdoor_api_throughput",
		Help: "The throughput of each api access",
	}, []string{"path", "method"})

	ApiLatency = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
		Name: "casdoor_api_latency",
		Help: "API processing latency in milliseconds",
	}, []string{"path", "method"})

	CpuUsage = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Name: "casdoor_cpu_usage",
		Help: "Casdoor cpu usage",
	}, []string{"cpuNum"})

	MemoryUsage = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Name: "casdoor_memory_usage",
		Help: "Casdoor memory usage in Byte",
	}, []string{"type"})

	TotalThroughput = promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Name: "casdoor_total_throughput",
		Help: "The total throughput of casdoor",
View Source
var (
	CasdoorApplication  = "app-built-in"
	CasdoorOrganization = "built-in"


func AddAdapter

func AddAdapter(adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)

func AddApplication

func AddApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)

func AddCert

func AddCert(cert *Cert) (bool, error)

func AddEnforcer

func AddEnforcer(enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)

func AddGroup

func AddGroup(group *Group) (bool, error)

func AddGroups

func AddGroups(groups []*Group) (bool, error)

func AddInvitation

func AddInvitation(invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)

func AddLdap

func AddLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)

func AddModel

func AddModel(model *Model) (bool, error)

func AddOrUpdateResource

func AddOrUpdateResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)

func AddOrganization

func AddOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)

func AddPayment

func AddPayment(payment *Payment) (bool, error)

func AddPermission

func AddPermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)

func AddPermissions

func AddPermissions(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)

func AddPermissionsInBatch

func AddPermissionsInBatch(permissions []*Permission) (bool, error)

func AddPlan

func AddPlan(plan *Plan) (bool, error)

func AddPolicy

func AddPolicy(id string, ptype string, policy []string) (bool, error)

func AddPricing

func AddPricing(pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)

func AddProduct

func AddProduct(product *Product) (bool, error)

func AddProvider

func AddProvider(provider *Provider) (bool, error)

func AddRadiusAccounting

func AddRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error

func AddRecord

func AddRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) bool

func AddResource

func AddResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)

func AddRole

func AddRole(role *Role) (bool, error)

func AddRoles

func AddRoles(roles []*Role) bool

func AddRolesInBatch

func AddRolesInBatch(roles []*Role) bool

func AddSession

func AddSession(session *Session) (bool, error)

func AddSubscription

func AddSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)

func AddSyncer

func AddSyncer(syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)

func AddToVerificationRecord

func AddToVerificationRecord(user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr, recordType, dest, code string) error

func AddToken

func AddToken(token *Token) (bool, error)

func AddTransaction

func AddTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)

func AddUser

func AddUser(user *User) (bool, error)

func AddUserKeys

func AddUserKeys(user *User, isAdmin bool) (bool, error)

func AddUserToOriginalDatabase

func AddUserToOriginalDatabase(user *User) error

func AddUsers

func AddUsers(users []*User) (bool, error)

func AddUsersInBatch

func AddUsersInBatch(users []*User) (bool, error)

func AddWebhook

func AddWebhook(webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)

func BatchEnforce

func BatchEnforce(permission *Permission, requests [][]string, permissionIds ...string) ([]bool, error)

func CheckAccountItemModifyRule

func CheckAccountItemModifyRule(accountItem *AccountItem, isAdmin bool, lang string) (bool, string)

func CheckCasLogin

func CheckCasLogin(application *Application, lang string, service string) error

func CheckFaceId

func CheckFaceId(user *User, faceId []float64, lang string) error

func CheckInvitationDefaultCode

func CheckInvitationDefaultCode(code string, defaultCode string, lang string) error

func CheckLdapExist

func CheckLdapExist(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)

func CheckLoginPermission

func CheckLoginPermission(userId string, application *Application) (bool, error)

func CheckPassword

func CheckPassword(user *User, password string, lang string, options ...bool) error

func CheckPasswordComplexity

func CheckPasswordComplexity(user *User, password string) string

func CheckPasswordComplexityByOrg

func CheckPasswordComplexityByOrg(organization *Organization, password string) string

func CheckPermissionForUpdateUser

func CheckPermissionForUpdateUser(oldUser, newUser *User, isAdmin bool, lang string) (bool, string)

func CheckPricingAndPlan

func CheckPricingAndPlan(owner, pricingName, planName string) error

func CheckSigninCode

func CheckSigninCode(user *User, dest, code, lang string) error

func CheckToEnableCaptcha

func CheckToEnableCaptcha(application *Application, organization, username string) (bool, error)

func CheckUpdateUser

func CheckUpdateUser(oldUser, user *User, lang string) string

func CheckUserPermission

func CheckUserPermission(requestUserId, userId string, strict bool, lang string) (bool, error)

func CheckUserSignup

func CheckUserSignup(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, lang string) string

func CheckUsername

func CheckUsername(username string, lang string) string

func ClearThroughputPerSecond

func ClearThroughputPerSecond()

func ClearUserOAuthProperties

func ClearUserOAuthProperties(user *User, providerType string) (bool, error)

func CopyRecord

func CopyRecord(record *casvisorsdk.Record) *casvisorsdk.Record

func CreateTables

func CreateTables()

func DailSmtpServer

func DailSmtpServer(provider *Provider) error

DailSmtpServer Dail Smtp server

func DeleteAdapter

func DeleteAdapter(adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)

func DeleteApplication

func DeleteApplication(application *Application) (bool, error)

func DeleteBeegoSession

func DeleteBeegoSession(sessionIds []string)

func DeleteCert

func DeleteCert(cert *Cert) (bool, error)

func DeleteEnforcer

func DeleteEnforcer(enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)

func DeleteFile

func DeleteFile(provider *Provider, objectKey string, lang string) error

func DeleteGroup

func DeleteGroup(group *Group) (bool, error)

func DeleteGroupForUser

func DeleteGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)

func DeleteInvitation

func DeleteInvitation(invitation *Invitation) (bool, error)

func DeleteLdap

func DeleteLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)

func DeleteModel

func DeleteModel(model *Model) (bool, error)

func DeleteOrganization

func DeleteOrganization(organization *Organization) (bool, error)

func DeletePayment

func DeletePayment(payment *Payment) (bool, error)

func DeletePermission

func DeletePermission(permission *Permission) (bool, error)

func DeletePlan

func DeletePlan(plan *Plan) (bool, error)

func DeletePricing

func DeletePricing(pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)

func DeleteProduct

func DeleteProduct(product *Product) (bool, error)

func DeleteProvider

func DeleteProvider(provider *Provider) (bool, error)

func DeleteRadiusAccounting

func DeleteRadiusAccounting(ra *RadiusAccounting) error

func DeleteResource

func DeleteResource(resource *Resource) (bool, error)

func DeleteRole

func DeleteRole(role *Role) (bool, error)

func DeleteSession

func DeleteSession(id string) (bool, error)

func DeleteSessionId

func DeleteSessionId(id string, sessionId string) (bool, error)

func DeleteSubscription

func DeleteSubscription(subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)

func DeleteSyncer

func DeleteSyncer(syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)

func DeleteToken

func DeleteToken(token *Token) (bool, error)

func DeleteTransaction

func DeleteTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)

func DeleteUser

func DeleteUser(user *User) (bool, error)

func DeleteWebhook

func DeleteWebhook(webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)

func DialWithCert

func DialWithCert(SshUser string, CertId string, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)

func DialWithPassword

func DialWithPassword(SshUser string, SshPassword string, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)

func DialWithPrivateKey

func DialWithPrivateKey(SshUser string, PrivateKey []byte, SshHost string, SshPort int) (*ssh.Client, error)

func DisableVerificationCode

func DisableVerificationCode(dest string) error

func DisabledMultiFactorAuth

func DisabledMultiFactorAuth(user *User) error

func DownloadAndUpload

func DownloadAndUpload(url string, fullFilePath string, lang string) (err error)

func DumpToFile

func DumpToFile(filePath string) error

func Enforce

func Enforce(permission *Permission, request []string, permissionIds ...string) (bool, error)

func ExpireTokenByAccessToken

func ExpireTokenByAccessToken(accessToken string) (bool, *Application, *Token, error)

func ExtendGroupWithUsers

func ExtendGroupWithUsers(group *Group) error

func ExtendGroupsWithUsers

func ExtendGroupsWithUsers(groups []*Group) error

func ExtendProductWithProviders

func ExtendProductWithProviders(product *Product) error

func ExtendUserWithRolesAndPermissions

func ExtendUserWithRolesAndPermissions(user *User) (err error)

func FromProviderToIdpInfo

func FromProviderToIdpInfo(ctx *context.Context, provider *Provider) *idp.ProviderInfo

func GenerateCasToken

func GenerateCasToken(userId string, service string) (string, error)

func GenerateId

func GenerateId()

func GenerateIdForNewUser

func GenerateIdForNewUser(application *Application) (string, error)

func GenerateSamlRequest

func GenerateSamlRequest(id, relayState, host, lang string) (auth string, method string, err error)

func GetAccessTokenByUser

func GetAccessTokenByUser(user *User, host string) (string, error)

func GetAdapterCount

func GetAdapterCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetAllActions

func GetAllActions(userId string) ([]string, error)

func GetAllObjects

func GetAllObjects(userId string) ([]string, error)

func GetAllRoles

func GetAllRoles(userId string) ([]string, error)

func GetApplicationCount

func GetApplicationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetAuthorizationCodeToken

func GetAuthorizationCodeToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, code string, verifier string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)

GetAuthorizationCodeToken Authorization code flow

func GetBuiltInModel

func GetBuiltInModel(modelText string) (model.Model, error)

func GetCaptcha

func GetCaptcha() (string, []byte, error)

func GetCertCount

func GetCertCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetClientCredentialsToken

func GetClientCredentialsToken(application *Application, clientSecret string, scope string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)

GetClientCredentialsToken Client Credentials flow

func GetDuration

func GetDuration(period string) (startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time)

func GetEnforcerCount

func GetEnforcerCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetExistUuids

func GetExistUuids(owner string, uuids []string) ([]string, error)

func GetFailedSigninConfigByUser

func GetFailedSigninConfigByUser(user *User) (int, int, error)

func GetFaviconUrl

func GetFaviconUrl(htmlStr string) (string, error)

func GetGlobalCertsCount

func GetGlobalCertsCount(field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetGlobalProviderCount

func GetGlobalProviderCount(field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetGlobalUserCount

func GetGlobalUserCount(field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetGroupCount

func GetGroupCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetGroupUserCount

func GetGroupUserCount(groupId string, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetGroupWithPrefix

func GetGroupWithPrefix(group string) string

func GetGroupWithoutPrefix

func GetGroupWithoutPrefix(group string) string

func GetImplicitToken

func GetImplicitToken(application *Application, username string, scope string, nonce string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)

GetImplicitToken Implicit flow

func GetInvitationCount

func GetInvitationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetJsonWebKeySet

func GetJsonWebKeySet() (jose.JSONWebKeySet, error)

func GetModelCount

func GetModelCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetOAuthToken

func GetOAuthToken(grantType string, clientId string, clientSecret string, code string, verifier string, scope string, nonce string, username string, password string, host string, refreshToken string, tag string, avatar string, lang string) (interface{}, error)

func GetOnlineUserCount

func GetOnlineUserCount(owner string, isOnline int) (int64, error)

func GetOrganizationApplicationCount

func GetOrganizationApplicationCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetOrganizationCount

func GetOrganizationCount(owner, name, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetPaginationRecords

func GetPaginationRecords(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string, filterRecord *casvisorsdk.Record) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)

func GetPasswordToken

func GetPasswordToken(application *Application, username string, password string, scope string, host string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)

GetPasswordToken Resource Owner Password Credentials flow

func GetPaymentCount

func GetPaymentCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetPaymentProvider

func GetPaymentProvider(p *Provider) (pp.PaymentProvider, error)

func GetPermissionCount

func GetPermissionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetPlanCount

func GetPlanCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetPolicies

func GetPolicies(id string) ([]*xormadapter.CasbinRule, error)

func GetPricingCount

func GetPricingCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetProductCount

func GetProductCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetProviderCount

func GetProviderCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetRecordCount

func GetRecordCount(field, value string, filterRecord *casvisorsdk.Record) (int64, error)

func GetRecords

func GetRecords() ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)

func GetRecordsByField

func GetRecordsByField(record *casvisorsdk.Record) ([]*casvisorsdk.Record, error)

func GetResourceCount

func GetResourceCount(owner, user, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetRoleCount

func GetRoleCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetSamlRedirectAddress

func GetSamlRedirectAddress(owner string, application string, relayState string, samlRequest string, host string) string

func GetSamlResponse

func GetSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, samlRequest string, host string) (string, string, string, error)

GetSamlResponse generates a SAML2.0 response parameter samlRequest is saml request in base64 format

func GetSession

func GetSession(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) *xorm.Session

func GetSessionCount

func GetSessionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetSessionForUser

func GetSessionForUser(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) *xorm.Session

func GetSubscriptionCount

func GetSubscriptionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetSyncerCount

func GetSyncerCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetTokenCount

func GetTokenCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetTransactionCount

func GetTransactionCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetTruncatedPath

func GetTruncatedPath(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, limit int) string

func GetUploadFileUrl

func GetUploadFileUrl(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, hasTimestamp bool) (string, string)

func GetUserCount

func GetUserCount(owner, field, value string, groupName string) (int64, error)

func GetUserField

func GetUserField(user *User, field string) string

func GetUserFieldStringValue

func GetUserFieldStringValue(user *User, fieldName string) (bool, string, error)

func GetValidationBySaml

func GetValidationBySaml(samlRequest string, host string) (string, string, error)

GetValidationBySaml * @ret1: saml response @ret2: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret3: error

func GetVerificationCount

func GetVerificationCount(owner, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetVerifyType

func GetVerifyType(username string) (verificationCodeType string)

func GetWebAuthnObject

func GetWebAuthnObject(host string) (*webauthn.WebAuthn, error)

func GetWebhookCount

func GetWebhookCount(owner, organization, field, value string) (int64, error)

func GetWechatMiniProgramToken

func GetWechatMiniProgramToken(application *Application, code string, host string, username string, avatar string, lang string) (*Token, *TokenError, error)

GetWechatMiniProgramToken Wechat Mini Program flow

func GroupChangeTrigger

func GroupChangeTrigger(oldName, newName string) error

func GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter

func GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter(permissions []*Permission) map[string][]string

GroupPermissionsByModelAdapter group permissions by model and adapter. Every model and adapter will be a key, and the value is a list of permission ids. With each list of permission ids have the same key, we just need to init the enforcer and do the enforce/batch-enforce once (with list of permission ids as the policyFilter when the enforcer load policy).

func HasRoleDefinition

func HasRoleDefinition(m model.Model) bool

func HasUserByField

func HasUserByField(organizationName string, field string, value string) bool

func InitAdapter

func InitAdapter()

func InitCasvisorConfig

func InitCasvisorConfig()

func InitConfig

func InitConfig()

func InitDb

func InitDb()

func InitDefaultStorageProvider

func InitDefaultStorageProvider()

func InitFlag

func InitFlag()

func InitFromFile

func InitFromFile()

func InitLdapAutoSynchronizer

func InitLdapAutoSynchronizer()

func InitUserManager

func InitUserManager()

func InterimUpdateRadiusAccounting

func InterimUpdateRadiusAccounting(oldRa *RadiusAccounting, newRa *RadiusAccounting, stop bool) error

func InvoicePayment

func InvoicePayment(payment *Payment) (string, error)

func IsAllowSend

func IsAllowSend(user *User, remoteAddr, recordType string) error

func IsAppUser

func IsAppUser(userId string) bool

func IsGrantTypeValid

func IsGrantTypeValid(method string, grantTypes []string) bool

IsGrantTypeValid Check if grantType is allowed in the current application authorization_code is allowed by default

func IsNeedPromptMfa

func IsNeedPromptMfa(org *Organization, user *User) bool

func IsOriginAllowed

func IsOriginAllowed(origin string) (bool, error)

func IsSessionDuplicated

func IsSessionDuplicated(id string, sessionId string) (bool, error)

func LinkUserAccount

func LinkUserAccount(user *User, field string, value string) (bool, error)

func MfaRecover

func MfaRecover(user *User, recoveryCode string) error

func NewRecord

func NewRecord(ctx *context.Context) (*casvisorsdk.Record, error)

func NewSamlResponse

func NewSamlResponse(application *Application, user *User, host string, certificate string, destination string, iss string, requestId string, redirectUri []string) (*etree.Element, error)

NewSamlResponse returns a saml2 response

func NewSamlResponse11

func NewSamlResponse11(application *Application, user *User, requestID string, host string) (*etree.Element, error)

NewSamlResponse11 return a saml1.1 response(not 2.0)

func ParseSamlResponse

func ParseSamlResponse(samlResponse string, provider *Provider, host string) (*idp.UserInfo, error)

func RefreshToken

func RefreshToken(grantType string, refreshToken string, scope string, clientId string, clientSecret string, host string) (interface{}, error)

func RemovePolicy

func RemovePolicy(id string, ptype string, policy []string) (bool, error)

func RunSyncUsersJob

func RunSyncUsersJob()

func RunSyncer

func RunSyncer(syncer *Syncer) error

func SendEmail

func SendEmail(provider *Provider, title string, content string, dest string, sender string) error

func SendNotification

func SendNotification(provider *Provider, content string) error

func SendSms

func SendSms(provider *Provider, content string, phoneNumbers ...string) error

func SendVerificationCodeToEmail

func SendVerificationCodeToEmail(organization *Organization, user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr string, dest string) error

func SendVerificationCodeToPhone

func SendVerificationCodeToPhone(organization *Organization, user *User, provider *Provider, remoteAddr string, dest string) error

func SendWebhooks

func SendWebhooks(record *casvisorsdk.Record) error

func SetPreferredMultiFactorAuth

func SetPreferredMultiFactorAuth(user *User, mfaType string) error

func SetUserField

func SetUserField(user *User, field string, value string) (bool, error)

func SetUserOAuthProperties

func SetUserOAuthProperties(organization *Organization, user *User, providerType string, userInfo *idp.UserInfo) (bool, error)

func StoreCasTokenForPgt

func StoreCasTokenForPgt(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, service, userId string) string

func StoreCasTokenForProxyTicket

func StoreCasTokenForProxyTicket(token *CasAuthenticationSuccess, targetService, userId string) string

func SyncLdapUsers

func SyncLdapUsers(owner string, syncUsers []LdapUser, ldapId string) (existUsers []LdapUser, failedUsers []LdapUser, err error)

func TestSyncerDb

func TestSyncerDb(syncer Syncer) error

func UpdateAdapter

func UpdateAdapter(id string, adapter *Adapter) (bool, error)

func UpdateApplication

func UpdateApplication(id string, application *Application) (bool, error)

func UpdateCert

func UpdateCert(id string, cert *Cert) (bool, error)

func UpdateEnforcer

func UpdateEnforcer(id string, enforcer *Enforcer) (bool, error)

func UpdateGroup

func UpdateGroup(id string, group *Group) (bool, error)

func UpdateInvitation

func UpdateInvitation(id string, invitation *Invitation, lang string) (bool, error)

func UpdateLdap

func UpdateLdap(ldap *Ldap) (bool, error)

func UpdateLdapSyncTime

func UpdateLdapSyncTime(ldapId string) error

func UpdateModel

func UpdateModel(id string, modelObj *Model) (bool, error)

func UpdateModelWithCheck

func UpdateModelWithCheck(id string, modelObj *Model) error

func UpdateOrganization

func UpdateOrganization(id string, organization *Organization) (bool, error)

func UpdatePayment

func UpdatePayment(id string, payment *Payment) (bool, error)

func UpdatePermission

func UpdatePermission(id string, permission *Permission) (bool, error)

func UpdatePlan

func UpdatePlan(id string, plan *Plan) (bool, error)

func UpdatePolicy

func UpdatePolicy(id string, ptype string, oldPolicy []string, newPolicy []string) (bool, error)

func UpdatePricing

func UpdatePricing(id string, pricing *Pricing) (bool, error)

func UpdateProduct

func UpdateProduct(id string, product *Product) (bool, error)

func UpdateProductForPlan

func UpdateProductForPlan(plan *Plan, product *Product)

func UpdateProvider

func UpdateProvider(id string, provider *Provider) (bool, error)

func UpdateRadiusAccounting

func UpdateRadiusAccounting(id string, ra *RadiusAccounting) error

func UpdateResource

func UpdateResource(id string, resource *Resource) (bool, error)

func UpdateRole

func UpdateRole(id string, role *Role) (bool, error)

func UpdateSession

func UpdateSession(id string, session *Session) (bool, error)

func UpdateSubscription

func UpdateSubscription(id string, subscription *Subscription) (bool, error)

func UpdateSyncer

func UpdateSyncer(id string, syncer *Syncer) (bool, error)

func UpdateToken

func UpdateToken(id string, token *Token) (bool, error)

func UpdateTransaction

func UpdateTransaction(id string, transaction *Transaction) (bool, error)

func UpdateUser

func UpdateUser(id string, user *User, columns []string, isAdmin bool) (bool, error)

func UpdateUserBalance

func UpdateUserBalance(owner string, name string, balance float64) error

func UpdateUserForAllFields

func UpdateUserForAllFields(id string, user *User) (bool, error)

func UpdateUserToOriginalDatabase

func UpdateUserToOriginalDatabase(user *User) error

func UpdateWebhook

func UpdateWebhook(id string, webhook *Webhook) (bool, error)

func UploadFileSafe

func UploadFileSafe(provider *Provider, fullFilePath string, fileBuffer *bytes.Buffer, lang string) (string, string, error)

func UploadPermissions

func UploadPermissions(owner string, path string) (bool, error)

func UploadRoles

func UploadRoles(owner string, path string) (bool, error)

func UploadUsers

func UploadUsers(owner string, path string) (bool, error)

func VerifyCaptcha

func VerifyCaptcha(id string, digits string) bool


type AccountItem

type AccountItem struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Visible    bool   `json:"visible"`
	ViewRule   string `json:"viewRule"`
	ModifyRule string `json:"modifyRule"`
	Regex      string `json:"regex"`

func GetAccountItemByName

func GetAccountItemByName(name string, organization *Organization) *AccountItem

type Adapter

type Adapter struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	Table        string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"table"`
	UseSameDb    bool   `json:"useSameDb"`
	Type         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	DatabaseType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"databaseType"`
	Host         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"`
	Port         int    `json:"port"`
	User         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	Password     string `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"`
	Database     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"database"`

	*xormadapter.Adapter `xorm:"-" json:"-"`

func GetAdapter

func GetAdapter(id string) (*Adapter, error)

func GetAdapters

func GetAdapters(owner string) ([]*Adapter, error)

func GetPaginationAdapters

func GetPaginationAdapters(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Adapter, error)

func (*Adapter) GetId

func (adapter *Adapter) GetId() string

func (*Adapter) InitAdapter

func (adapter *Adapter) InitAdapter() error

type Affiliation

type Affiliation struct {
	Id   int    `xorm:"int notnull pk autoincr" json:"id"`
	Name string `xorm:"varchar(128)" json:"name"`

type Application

type Application struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	DisplayName           string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	HomepageUrl           string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepageUrl"`
	Description           string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`
	Organization          string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"`
	Cert                  string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"`
	HeaderHtml            string          `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"headerHtml"`
	EnablePassword        bool            `json:"enablePassword"`
	EnableSignUp          bool            `json:"enableSignUp"`
	EnableSigninSession   bool            `json:"enableSigninSession"`
	EnableAutoSignin      bool            `json:"enableAutoSignin"`
	EnableCodeSignin      bool            `json:"enableCodeSignin"`
	EnableSamlCompress    bool            `json:"enableSamlCompress"`
	EnableSamlC14n10      bool            `json:"enableSamlC14n10"`
	EnableSamlPostBinding bool            `json:"enableSamlPostBinding"`
	UseEmailAsSamlNameId  bool            `json:"useEmailAsSamlNameId"`
	EnableWebAuthn        bool            `json:"enableWebAuthn"`
	EnableLinkWithEmail   bool            `json:"enableLinkWithEmail"`
	OrgChoiceMode         string          `json:"orgChoiceMode"`
	SamlReplyUrl          string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"samlReplyUrl"`
	Providers             []*ProviderItem `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"providers"`
	SigninMethods         []*SigninMethod `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"signinMethods"`
	SignupItems           []*SignupItem   `xorm:"varchar(3000)" json:"signupItems"`
	SigninItems           []*SigninItem   `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signinItems"`
	GrantTypes            []string        `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"grantTypes"`
	OrganizationObj       *Organization   `xorm:"-" json:"organizationObj"`
	CertPublicKey         string          `xorm:"-" json:"certPublicKey"`
	Tags                  []string        `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tags"`
	SamlAttributes        []*SamlItem     `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"samlAttributes"`
	IsShared              bool            `json:"isShared"`

	ClientId             string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientId"`
	ClientSecret         string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientSecret"`
	RedirectUris         []string   `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"redirectUris"`
	TokenFormat          string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tokenFormat"`
	TokenSigningMethod   string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tokenSigningMethod"`
	TokenFields          []string   `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"tokenFields"`
	ExpireInHours        int        `json:"expireInHours"`
	RefreshExpireInHours int        `json:"refreshExpireInHours"`
	SignupUrl            string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"signupUrl"`
	SigninUrl            string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"signinUrl"`
	ForgetUrl            string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"forgetUrl"`
	AffiliationUrl       string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliationUrl"`
	TermsOfUse           string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"termsOfUse"`
	SignupHtml           string     `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signupHtml"`
	SigninHtml           string     `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"signinHtml"`
	ThemeData            *ThemeData `xorm:"json" json:"themeData"`
	FooterHtml           string     `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"footerHtml"`
	FormCss              string     `xorm:"text" json:"formCss"`
	FormCssMobile        string     `xorm:"text" json:"formCssMobile"`
	FormOffset           int        `json:"formOffset"`
	FormSideHtml         string     `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"formSideHtml"`
	FormBackgroundUrl    string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"formBackgroundUrl"`

	FailedSigninLimit      int `json:"failedSigninLimit"`
	FailedSigninFrozenTime int `json:"failedSigninFrozenTime"`

func CheckOAuthLogin

func CheckOAuthLogin(clientId string, responseType string, redirectUri string, scope string, state string, lang string) (string, *Application, error)

func GetAllowedApplications

func GetAllowedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string, lang string) ([]*Application, error)

func GetApplication

func GetApplication(id string) (*Application, error)

func GetApplicationByClientId

func GetApplicationByClientId(clientId string) (*Application, error)

func GetApplicationByOrganizationName

func GetApplicationByOrganizationName(organization string) (*Application, error)

func GetApplicationByUser

func GetApplicationByUser(user *User) (*Application, error)

func GetApplicationByUserId

func GetApplicationByUserId(userId string) (application *Application, err error)

func GetApplications

func GetApplications(owner string) ([]*Application, error)

func GetDefaultApplication

func GetDefaultApplication(id string) (*Application, error)

func GetMaskedApplication

func GetMaskedApplication(application *Application, userId string) *Application

func GetMaskedApplications

func GetMaskedApplications(applications []*Application, userId string) []*Application

func GetOrganizationApplications

func GetOrganizationApplications(owner string, organization string) ([]*Application, error)

func GetPaginationApplications

func GetPaginationApplications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Application, error)

func GetPaginationOrganizationApplications

func GetPaginationOrganizationApplications(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Application, error)

func (*Application) GetEmailProvider

func (application *Application) GetEmailProvider(method string) (*Provider, error)

func (*Application) GetId

func (application *Application) GetId() string

func (*Application) GetProviderByCategory

func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategory(category string) (*Provider, error)

func (*Application) GetProviderByCategoryAndRule

func (application *Application) GetProviderByCategoryAndRule(category string, method string, countryCode string) (*Provider, error)

func (*Application) GetProviderItem

func (application *Application) GetProviderItem(providerName string) *ProviderItem

func (*Application) GetProviderItemByType

func (application *Application) GetProviderItemByType(providerType string) *ProviderItem

func (*Application) GetSignupItemRule

func (application *Application) GetSignupItemRule(itemName string) string

func (*Application) GetSmsProvider

func (application *Application) GetSmsProvider(method string, countryCode string) (*Provider, error)

func (*Application) GetStorageProvider

func (application *Application) GetStorageProvider() (*Provider, error)

func (*Application) HasPromptPage

func (application *Application) HasPromptPage() bool

func (*Application) IsCodeSigninViaEmailEnabled

func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaEmailEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsCodeSigninViaSmsEnabled

func (application *Application) IsCodeSigninViaSmsEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsFaceIdEnabled

func (application *Application) IsFaceIdEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsLdapEnabled

func (application *Application) IsLdapEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsPasswordEnabled

func (application *Application) IsPasswordEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsPasswordWithLdapEnabled

func (application *Application) IsPasswordWithLdapEnabled() bool

func (*Application) IsRedirectUriValid

func (application *Application) IsRedirectUriValid(redirectUri string) bool

func (*Application) IsSignupItemRequired

func (application *Application) IsSignupItemRequired(itemName string) bool

func (*Application) IsSignupItemVisible

func (application *Application) IsSignupItemVisible(itemName string) bool

type Attribute

type Attribute struct {
	// XMLName      xml.Name
	Xmlns        string   `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
	Name         string   `xml:"Name,attr"`
	NameFormat   string   `xml:"NameFormat,attr"`
	FriendlyName string   `xml:"FriendlyName,attr"`
	Values       []string `xml:"AttributeValue"`

type CasAnyAttribute

type CasAnyAttribute struct {
	XMLName xml.Name
	Value   string `xml:",chardata"`

type CasAttributes

type CasAttributes struct {
	XMLName                                xml.Name  `xml:"cas:attributes" json:"-"`
	AuthenticationDate                     time.Time `xml:"cas:authenticationDate"`
	LongTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed bool      `xml:"cas:longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed"`
	IsFromNewLogin                         bool      `xml:"cas:isFromNewLogin"`
	MemberOf                               []string  `xml:"cas:memberOf"`
	UserAttributes                         *CasUserAttributes
	ExtraAttributes                        []*CasAnyAttribute `xml:",any"`

func (*CasAttributes) DeepCopy

func (c *CasAttributes) DeepCopy() CasAttributes

type CasAuthenticationFailure

type CasAuthenticationFailure struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:authenticationFailure" json:"-"`
	Code    string   `xml:"code,attr"`
	Message string   `xml:",innerxml"`

type CasAuthenticationSuccess

type CasAuthenticationSuccess struct {
	XMLName             xml.Name           `xml:"cas:authenticationSuccess" json:"-"`
	User                string             `xml:"cas:user"`
	ProxyGrantingTicket string             `xml:"cas:proxyGrantingTicket,omitempty"`
	Proxies             *CasProxies        `xml:"cas:proxies"`
	Attributes          *CasAttributes     `xml:"cas:attributes"`
	ExtraAttributes     []*CasAnyAttribute `xml:",any"`

func GetCasTokenByPgt

func GetCasTokenByPgt(pgt string) (bool, *CasAuthenticationSuccess, string, string)

GetCasTokenByPgt * @ret1: whether a token is found @ret2: token, nil if not found @ret3: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret4: userIf of user who requested to issue this token

func GetCasTokenByTicket

func GetCasTokenByTicket(ticket string) (bool, *CasAuthenticationSuccess, string, string)

GetCasTokenByTicket * @ret1: whether a token is found @ret2: token, nil if not found @ret3: the service URL who requested to issue this token @ret4: userIf of user who requested to issue this token

func (*CasAuthenticationSuccess) DeepCopy

type CasAuthenticationSuccessWrapper

type CasAuthenticationSuccessWrapper struct {
	AuthenticationSuccess *CasAuthenticationSuccess // the token we issued
	Service               string                    // to which service this token is issued
	UserId                string

type CasNamedAttribute

type CasNamedAttribute struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:attribute" json:"-"`
	Name    string   `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
	Value   string   `xml:",innerxml"`

type CasProxies

type CasProxies struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:proxies" json:"-"`
	Proxies []string `xml:"cas:proxy"`

func (*CasProxies) DeepCopy

func (c *CasProxies) DeepCopy() CasProxies

type CasProxyFailure

type CasProxyFailure struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cas:proxyFailure" json:"-"`
	Code    string   `xml:"code,attr"`
	Message string   `xml:",innerxml"`

type CasProxySuccess

type CasProxySuccess struct {
	XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"cas:proxySuccess" json:"-"`
	ProxyTicket string   `xml:"cas:proxyTicket"`

type CasServiceResponse

type CasServiceResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"cas:serviceResponse" json:"-"`
	Xmlns        string   `xml:"xmlns:cas,attr"`
	Failure      *CasAuthenticationFailure
	Success      *CasAuthenticationSuccess
	ProxySuccess *CasProxySuccess
	ProxyFailure *CasProxyFailure

type CasUserAttributes

type CasUserAttributes struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name             `xml:"cas:userAttributes" json:"-"`
	Attributes    []*CasNamedAttribute `xml:"cas:attribute"`
	AnyAttributes []*CasAnyAttribute   `xml:",any"`

func (*CasUserAttributes) DeepCopy

func (c *CasUserAttributes) DeepCopy() CasUserAttributes

type Cert

type Cert struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	DisplayName     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Scope           string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scope"`
	Type            string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	CryptoAlgorithm string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cryptoAlgorithm"`
	BitSize         int    `json:"bitSize"`
	ExpireInYears   int    `json:"expireInYears"`

	Certificate string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"certificate"`
	PrivateKey  string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"privateKey"`

func GetCert

func GetCert(id string) (*Cert, error)

func GetCerts

func GetCerts(owner string) ([]*Cert, error)

func GetDefaultCert

func GetDefaultCert() (*Cert, error)

func GetGlobalCerts

func GetGlobalCerts() ([]*Cert, error)

func GetMaskedCert

func GetMaskedCert(cert *Cert) *Cert

func GetMaskedCerts

func GetMaskedCerts(certs []*Cert, err error) ([]*Cert, error)

func GetPaginationCerts

func GetPaginationCerts(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Cert, error)

func GetPaginationGlobalCerts

func GetPaginationGlobalCerts(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Cert, error)

func (*Cert) GetId

func (p *Cert) GetId() string

type Claims

type Claims struct {
	TokenType string `json:"tokenType,omitempty"`
	Nonce     string `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
	Tag       string `json:"tag"`
	Scope     string `json:"scope,omitempty"`

func ParseJwtToken

func ParseJwtToken(token string, cert *Cert) (*Claims, error)

func ParseJwtTokenByApplication

func ParseJwtTokenByApplication(token string, application *Application) (*Claims, error)

type ClaimsShort

type ClaimsShort struct {
	TokenType string `json:"tokenType,omitempty"`
	Nonce     string `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
	Scope     string `json:"scope,omitempty"`

type ClaimsStandard

type ClaimsStandard struct {
	EmailVerified       bool        `json:"email_verified,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumber         string      `json:"phone_number,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumberVerified bool        `json:"phone_number_verified,omitempty"`
	Gender              string      `json:"gender,omitempty"`
	TokenType           string      `json:"tokenType,omitempty"`
	Nonce               string      `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
	Scope               string      `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	Address             OIDCAddress `json:"address,omitempty"`


func ParseStandardJwtToken

func ParseStandardJwtToken(token string, cert *Cert) (*ClaimsStandard, error)

func ParseStandardJwtTokenByApplication

func ParseStandardJwtTokenByApplication(token string, application *Application) (*ClaimsStandard, error)

type ClaimsWithoutThirdIdp

type ClaimsWithoutThirdIdp struct {
	TokenType string `json:"tokenType,omitempty"`
	Nonce     string `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
	Tag       string `json:"tag"`
	Scope     string `json:"scope,omitempty"`

type Code

type Code struct {
	Message string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"message"`
	Code    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"code"`

func GetOAuthCode

func GetOAuthCode(userId string, clientId string, responseType string, redirectUri string, scope string, state string, nonce string, challenge string, host string, lang string) (*Code, error)

type Credential

type Credential struct {
	Value string `json:"value"`
	Salt  string `json:"salt"`

type Dashboard

type Dashboard struct {
	OrganizationCounts []int `json:"organizationCounts"`
	UserCounts         []int `json:"userCounts"`
	ProviderCounts     []int `json:"providerCounts"`
	ApplicationCounts  []int `json:"applicationCounts"`
	SubscriptionCounts []int `json:"subscriptionCounts"`

func GetDashboard

func GetDashboard(owner string) (*Dashboard, error)

type Enforcer

type Enforcer struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) updated" json:"updatedTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	Model   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"model"`
	Adapter string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"adapter"`

	ModelCfg map[string]string `xorm:"-" json:"modelCfg"`

func GetEnforcer

func GetEnforcer(id string) (*Enforcer, error)

func GetEnforcers

func GetEnforcers(owner string) ([]*Enforcer, error)

func GetInitializedEnforcer

func GetInitializedEnforcer(enforcerId string) (*Enforcer, error)

func GetPaginationEnforcers

func GetPaginationEnforcers(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Enforcer, error)

func (*Enforcer) GetId

func (enforcer *Enforcer) GetId() string

func (*Enforcer) GetModelAndAdapter

func (enforcer *Enforcer) GetModelAndAdapter() string

func (*Enforcer) InitEnforcer

func (enforcer *Enforcer) InitEnforcer() error

func (*Enforcer) LoadModelCfg

func (enforcer *Enforcer) LoadModelCfg() error

type FaceId

type FaceId struct {
	Name       string    `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	FaceIdData []float64 `json:"faceIdData"`

type GaugeVecInfo

type GaugeVecInfo struct {
	Method     string  `json:"method"`
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Throughput float64 `json:"throughput"`

type Group

type Group struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk unique index" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"`

	DisplayName  string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Manager      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"manager"`
	ContactEmail string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"contactEmail"`
	Type         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	ParentId     string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"parentId"`
	IsTopGroup   bool     `xorm:"bool" json:"isTopGroup"`
	Users        []string `xorm:"-" json:"users"`

	Title    string   `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Key      string   `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Children []*Group `json:"children,omitempty"`

	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"`

func ConvertToTreeData

func ConvertToTreeData(groups []*Group, parentId string) []*Group

func GetGroup

func GetGroup(id string) (*Group, error)

func GetGroups

func GetGroups(owner string) ([]*Group, error)

func GetPaginationGroups

func GetPaginationGroups(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Group, error)

func (*Group) GetId

func (group *Group) GetId() string

type GroupNode

type GroupNode struct{}
type Header struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type HistogramVecInfo

type HistogramVecInfo struct {
	Method  string `json:"method"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Count   uint64 `json:"count"`
	Latency string `json:"latency"`

type HttpSmsClient

type HttpSmsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HttpSmsClient) SendMessage

func (c *HttpSmsClient) SendMessage(param map[string]string, targetPhoneNumber ...string) error

type IdpEntityDescriptor

type IdpEntityDescriptor struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"EntityDescriptor"`
	DS       string   `xml:"xmlns:ds,attr"`
	XMLNS    string   `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
	MD       string   `xml:"xmlns:md,attr"`
	EntityId string   `xml:"entityID,attr"`

	IdpSSODescriptor IdpSSODescriptor `xml:"IDPSSODescriptor"`

IdpEntityDescriptor SAML METADATA

func GetSamlMeta

func GetSamlMeta(application *Application, host string, enablePostBinding bool) (*IdpEntityDescriptor, error)

type IdpSSODescriptor

type IdpSSODescriptor struct {
	XMLName                    xml.Name `xml:"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata IDPSSODescriptor"`
	ProtocolSupportEnumeration string   `xml:"protocolSupportEnumeration,attr"`
	SigningKeyDescriptor       KeyDescriptor
	NameIDFormats              []NameIDFormat      `xml:"NameIDFormat"`
	SingleSignOnService        SingleSignOnService `xml:"SingleSignOnService"`
	Attribute                  []Attribute         `xml:"Attribute"`

type InitData

type InitData struct {
	Organizations []*Organization       `json:"organizations"`
	Applications  []*Application        `json:"applications"`
	Users         []*User               `json:"users"`
	Certs         []*Cert               `json:"certs"`
	Providers     []*Provider           `json:"providers"`
	Ldaps         []*Ldap               `json:"ldaps"`
	Models        []*Model              `json:"models"`
	Permissions   []*Permission         `json:"permissions"`
	Payments      []*Payment            `json:"payments"`
	Products      []*Product            `json:"products"`
	Resources     []*Resource           `json:"resources"`
	Roles         []*Role               `json:"roles"`
	Syncers       []*Syncer             `json:"syncers"`
	Tokens        []*Token              `json:"tokens"`
	Webhooks      []*Webhook            `json:"webhooks"`
	Groups        []*Group              `json:"groups"`
	Adapters      []*Adapter            `json:"adapters"`
	Enforcers     []*Enforcer           `json:"enforcers"`
	Plans         []*Plan               `json:"plans"`
	Pricings      []*Pricing            `json:"pricings"`
	Invitations   []*Invitation         `json:"invitations"`
	Records       []*casvisorsdk.Record `json:"records"`
	Sessions      []*Session            `json:"sessions"`
	Subscriptions []*Subscription       `json:"subscriptions"`
	Transactions  []*Transaction        `json:"transactions"`

type IntrospectionResponse

type IntrospectionResponse struct {
	Active    bool     `json:"active"`
	Scope     string   `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	ClientId  string   `json:"client_id,omitempty"`
	Username  string   `json:"username,omitempty"`
	TokenType string   `json:"token_type,omitempty"`
	Exp       int64    `json:"exp,omitempty"`
	Iat       int64    `json:"iat,omitempty"`
	Nbf       int64    `json:"nbf,omitempty"`
	Sub       string   `json:"sub,omitempty"`
	Aud       []string `json:"aud,omitempty"`
	Iss       string   `json:"iss,omitempty"`
	Jti       string   `json:"jti,omitempty"`

type Invitation

type Invitation struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`

	Code      string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"code"`
	IsRegexp  bool   `json:"isRegexp"`
	Quota     int    `json:"quota"`
	UsedCount int    `json:"usedCount"`

	Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`
	Username    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"username"`
	Email       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"email"`
	Phone       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"phone"`

	SignupGroup string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupGroup"`
	DefaultCode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultCode"`

	State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`

func CheckInvitationCode

func CheckInvitationCode(application *Application, organization *Organization, authForm *form.AuthForm, lang string) (*Invitation, string)

func GetInvitation

func GetInvitation(id string) (*Invitation, error)

func GetInvitationByCode

func GetInvitationByCode(code string, organizationName string, lang string) (*Invitation, string)

func GetInvitations

func GetInvitations(owner string) ([]*Invitation, error)

func GetMaskedInvitation

func GetMaskedInvitation(invitation *Invitation) *Invitation

func GetPaginationInvitations

func GetPaginationInvitations(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Invitation, error)

func (*Invitation) GetId

func (invitation *Invitation) GetId() string

func (*Invitation) IsInvitationCodeValid

func (invitation *Invitation) IsInvitationCodeValid(application *Application, invitationCode string, username string, email string, phone string, lang string) (bool, string)

func (*Invitation) SimpleCheckInvitationCode

func (invitation *Invitation) SimpleCheckInvitationCode(invitationCode string, lang string) (bool, string)

type KeyDescriptor

type KeyDescriptor struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"KeyDescriptor"`
	Use     string   `xml:"use,attr"`
	KeyInfo KeyInfo  `xml:"KeyInfo"`

type KeyInfo

type KeyInfo struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# KeyInfo"`
	X509Data X509Data `xml:",innerxml"`

type Ldap

type Ldap struct {
	Id          string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"id"`
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"owner"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	ServerName   string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"serverName"`
	Host         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"`
	Port         int      `xorm:"int" json:"port"`
	EnableSsl    bool     `xorm:"bool" json:"enableSsl"`
	Username     string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"username"`
	Password     string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"password"`
	BaseDn       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"baseDn"`
	Filter       string   `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"filter"`
	FilterFields []string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"filterFields"`
	DefaultGroup string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultGroup"`

	AutoSync int    `json:"autoSync"`
	LastSync string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSync"`

func GetLdap

func GetLdap(id string) (*Ldap, error)

func GetLdaps

func GetLdaps(owner string) ([]*Ldap, error)

func GetMaskedLdap

func GetMaskedLdap(ldap *Ldap, errs ...error) (*Ldap, error)

func GetMaskedLdaps

func GetMaskedLdaps(ldaps []*Ldap, errs ...error) ([]*Ldap, error)

func (*Ldap) GetLdapConn

func (ldap *Ldap) GetLdapConn() (c *LdapConn, err error)

type LdapAutoSynchronizer

type LdapAutoSynchronizer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func GetLdapAutoSynchronizer

func GetLdapAutoSynchronizer() *LdapAutoSynchronizer

func NewLdapAutoSynchronizer

func NewLdapAutoSynchronizer() *LdapAutoSynchronizer

func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll

func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll() error

LdapAutoSynchronizerStartUpAll start all autosync goroutine for existing ldap servers in each organizations

func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) StartAutoSync

func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) StartAutoSync(ldapId string) error

StartAutoSync start autosync for specified ldap, old existing autosync goroutine will be ceased

func (*LdapAutoSynchronizer) StopAutoSync

func (l *LdapAutoSynchronizer) StopAutoSync(ldapId string)

type LdapConn

type LdapConn struct {
	Conn *goldap.Conn
	IsAD bool

func (*LdapConn) Close

func (l *LdapConn) Close()

func (*LdapConn) GetLdapUsers

func (l *LdapConn) GetLdapUsers(ldapServer *Ldap) ([]LdapUser, error)

type LdapUser

type LdapUser struct {
	UidNumber string `json:"uidNumber"`
	Uid       string `json:"uid"`
	Cn        string `json:"cn"`
	GidNumber string `json:"gidNumber"`
	// Gcn                   string
	Uuid                  string `json:"uuid"`
	UserPrincipalName     string `json:"userPrincipalName"`
	DisplayName           string `json:"displayName"`
	Mail                  string
	Email                 string `json:"email"`
	EmailAddress          string
	TelephoneNumber       string
	Mobile                string `json:"mobile"`
	MobileTelephoneNumber string
	RegisteredAddress     string
	PostalAddress         string

	GroupId  string `json:"groupId"`
	Address  string `json:"address"`
	MemberOf string `json:"memberOf"`

func AutoAdjustLdapUser

func AutoAdjustLdapUser(users []LdapUser) []LdapUser

func (*LdapUser) GetLdapUuid

func (ldapUser *LdapUser) GetLdapUuid() string
type Link struct {
	Rel   string
	Sizes string
	Href  string

type ManagedAccount

type ManagedAccount struct {
	Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`
	Username    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"username"`
	Password    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"password"`
	SigninUrl   string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"signinUrl"`

type MfaAccount

type MfaAccount struct {
	AccountName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accountName"`
	Issuer      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"issuer"`
	SecretKey   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"secretKey"`

type MfaInterface

type MfaInterface interface {
	Initiate(userId string) (*MfaProps, error)
	SetupVerify(passcode string) error
	Enable(user *User) error
	Verify(passcode string) error

func GetMfaUtil

func GetMfaUtil(mfaType string, config *MfaProps) MfaInterface

type MfaItem

type MfaItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Rule string `json:"rule"`

type MfaProps

type MfaProps struct {
	Enabled       bool     `json:"enabled"`
	IsPreferred   bool     `json:"isPreferred"`
	MfaType       string   `json:"mfaType" form:"mfaType"`
	Secret        string   `json:"secret,omitempty"`
	CountryCode   string   `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
	URL           string   `json:"url,omitempty"`
	RecoveryCodes []string `json:"recoveryCodes,omitempty"`

func GetAllMfaProps

func GetAllMfaProps(user *User, masked bool) []*MfaProps

type Model

type Model struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	ModelText string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"modelText"`

	model.Model `xorm:"-" json:"-"`

func GetModel

func GetModel(id string) (*Model, error)

func GetModelEx

func GetModelEx(id string) (*Model, error)

func GetModels

func GetModels(owner string) ([]*Model, error)

func GetPaginationModels

func GetPaginationModels(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Model, error)

func (*Model) GetId

func (m *Model) GetId() string

type NameIDFormat

type NameIDFormat struct {
	// XMLName xml.Name
	Value string `xml:",innerxml"`

type OIDCAddress

type OIDCAddress struct {
	Formatted     string `json:"formatted"`
	StreetAddress string `json:"street_address"`
	Locality      string `json:"locality"`
	Region        string `json:"region"`
	PostalCode    string `json:"postal_code"`
	Country       string `json:"country"`

type OidcDiscovery

type OidcDiscovery struct {
	Issuer                                 string   `json:"issuer"`
	AuthorizationEndpoint                  string   `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
	TokenEndpoint                          string   `json:"token_endpoint"`
	UserinfoEndpoint                       string   `json:"userinfo_endpoint"`
	JwksUri                                string   `json:"jwks_uri"`
	IntrospectionEndpoint                  string   `json:"introspection_endpoint"`
	ResponseTypesSupported                 []string `json:"response_types_supported"`
	ResponseModesSupported                 []string `json:"response_modes_supported"`
	GrantTypesSupported                    []string `json:"grant_types_supported"`
	SubjectTypesSupported                  []string `json:"subject_types_supported"`
	IdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported       []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"`
	ScopesSupported                        []string `json:"scopes_supported"`
	ClaimsSupported                        []string `json:"claims_supported"`
	RequestParameterSupported              bool     `json:"request_parameter_supported"`
	RequestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"request_object_signing_alg_values_supported"`
	EndSessionEndpoint                     string   `json:"end_session_endpoint"`

func GetOidcDiscovery

func GetOidcDiscovery(host string) OidcDiscovery

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	DisplayName            string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	WebsiteUrl             string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"websiteUrl"`
	LogoDark               string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"logoDark"`
	Favicon                string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"favicon"`
	PasswordType           string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"`
	PasswordSalt           string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"`
	PasswordOptions        []string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordOptions"`
	PasswordObfuscatorType string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordObfuscatorType"`
	PasswordObfuscatorKey  string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordObfuscatorKey"`
	CountryCodes           []string   `xorm:"varchar(200)"  json:"countryCodes"`
	DefaultAvatar          string     `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"defaultAvatar"`
	DefaultApplication     string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultApplication"`
	Tags                   []string   `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tags"`
	Languages              []string   `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"languages"`
	ThemeData              *ThemeData `xorm:"json" json:"themeData"`
	MasterPassword         string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"masterPassword"`
	DefaultPassword        string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"defaultPassword"`
	MasterVerificationCode string     `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"masterVerificationCode"`
	InitScore              int        `json:"initScore"`
	EnableSoftDeletion     bool       `json:"enableSoftDeletion"`
	IsProfilePublic        bool       `json:"isProfilePublic"`
	UseEmailAsUsername     bool       `json:"useEmailAsUsername"`
	EnableTour             bool       `json:"enableTour"`

	MfaItems     []*MfaItem     `xorm:"varchar(300)" json:"mfaItems"`
	AccountItems []*AccountItem `xorm:"varchar(5000)" json:"accountItems"`

func GetMaskedOrganization

func GetMaskedOrganization(organization *Organization, errs ...error) (*Organization, error)

func GetMaskedOrganizations

func GetMaskedOrganizations(organizations []*Organization, errs ...error) ([]*Organization, error)

func GetOrganization

func GetOrganization(id string) (*Organization, error)

func GetOrganizationByUser

func GetOrganizationByUser(user *User) (*Organization, error)

func GetOrganizations

func GetOrganizations(owner string, name ...string) ([]*Organization, error)

func GetOrganizationsByFields

func GetOrganizationsByFields(owner string, fields ...string) ([]*Organization, error)

func GetPaginationOrganizations

func GetPaginationOrganizations(owner string, name string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Organization, error)

func (*Organization) GetInitScore

func (org *Organization) GetInitScore() (int, error)

type OriginalUser

type OriginalUser = User

type Ormer

type Ormer struct {
	Db     *sql.DB
	Engine *xorm.Engine
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Ormer represents the MySQL adapter for policy storage.

func NewAdapter

func NewAdapter(driverName string, dataSourceName string, dbName string) (*Ormer, error)

NewAdapter is the constructor for Ormer.

func NewAdapterFromDb

func NewAdapterFromDb(driverName string, dataSourceName string, dbName string, db *sql.DB) (*Ormer, error)

NewAdapterFromdb is the constructor for Ormer.

func (*Ormer) CreateDatabase

func (a *Ormer) CreateDatabase() error

type Payment

type Payment struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	// Payment Provider Info
	Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"`
	Type     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	// Product Info
	ProductName        string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productName"`
	ProductDisplayName string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productDisplayName"`
	Detail             string  `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"detail"`
	Tag                string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Currency           string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"`
	Price              float64 `json:"price"`
	ReturnUrl          string  `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"`
	IsRecharge         bool    `xorm:"bool" json:"isRecharge"`

	// Payer Info
	User         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	PersonName   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personName"`
	PersonIdCard string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personIdCard"`
	PersonEmail  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personEmail"`
	PersonPhone  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"personPhone"`
	// Invoice Info
	InvoiceType   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceType"`
	InvoiceTitle  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceTitle"`
	InvoiceTaxId  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceTaxId"`
	InvoiceRemark string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"invoiceRemark"`
	InvoiceUrl    string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"invoiceUrl"`
	// Order Info
	OutOrderId string          `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"outOrderId"`
	PayUrl     string          `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"payUrl"`
	SuccessUrl string          `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"successUrl"` // `successUrl` is redirected from `payUrl` after pay success
	State      pp.PaymentState `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`
	Message    string          `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"message"`

func BuyProduct

func BuyProduct(id string, user *User, providerName, pricingName, planName, host, paymentEnv string, customPrice float64) (payment *Payment, attachInfo map[string]interface{}, err error)

func GetPaginationPayments

func GetPaginationPayments(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Payment, error)

func GetPayment

func GetPayment(id string) (*Payment, error)

func GetPayments

func GetPayments(owner string) ([]*Payment, error)

func GetUserPayments

func GetUserPayments(owner, user string) ([]*Payment, error)

func NotifyPayment

func NotifyPayment(body []byte, owner string, paymentName string) (*Payment, error)

func VerifyInvitation

func VerifyInvitation(id string) (payment *Payment, attachInfo map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Payment) GetId

func (payment *Payment) GetId() string

type Permission

type Permission struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	Users   []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"users"`
	Groups  []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"groups"`
	Roles   []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"roles"`
	Domains []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"domains"`

	Model        string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"model"`
	Adapter      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"adapter"`
	ResourceType string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"resourceType"`
	Resources    []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"resources"`
	Actions      []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"actions"`
	Effect       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"effect"`
	IsEnabled    bool     `json:"isEnabled"`

	Submitter   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"submitter"`
	Approver    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"approver"`
	ApproveTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"approveTime"`
	State       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`

func GetMaskedPermissions

func GetMaskedPermissions(permissions []*Permission) []*Permission

func GetPaginationPermissions

func GetPaginationPermissions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Permission, error)

func GetPermission

func GetPermission(id string) (*Permission, error)

func GetPermissions

func GetPermissions(owner string) ([]*Permission, error)

func GetPermissionsByModel

func GetPermissionsByModel(owner string, model string) ([]*Permission, error)

func GetPermissionsByResource

func GetPermissionsByResource(resourceId string) ([]*Permission, error)

func GetPermissionsByRole

func GetPermissionsByRole(roleId string) ([]*Permission, error)

func GetPermissionsBySubmitter

func GetPermissionsBySubmitter(owner string, submitter string) ([]*Permission, error)

func (*Permission) GetId

func (p *Permission) GetId() string

func (*Permission) GetModelAndAdapter

func (p *Permission) GetModelAndAdapter() string

type Plan

type Plan struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	Price            float64  `json:"price"`
	Currency         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"`
	Period           string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"period"`
	Product          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"product"`
	PaymentProviders []string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"paymentProviders"` // payment providers for related product
	IsEnabled        bool     `json:"isEnabled"`

	Role    string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"role"`
	Options []string `xorm:"-" json:"options"`

func GetPaginatedPlans

func GetPaginatedPlans(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Plan, error)

func GetPlan

func GetPlan(id string) (*Plan, error)

func GetPlans

func GetPlans(owner string) ([]*Plan, error)

func (*Plan) GetId

func (plan *Plan) GetId() string

type Pricing

type Pricing struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	Plans         []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"plans"`
	IsEnabled     bool     `json:"isEnabled"`
	TrialDuration int      `json:"trialDuration"`
	Application   string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`

func GetApplicationDefaultPricing

func GetApplicationDefaultPricing(owner, appName string) (*Pricing, error)

func GetPaginatedPricings

func GetPaginatedPricings(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Pricing, error)

func GetPricing

func GetPricing(id string) (*Pricing, error)

func GetPricings

func GetPricings(owner string) ([]*Pricing, error)

func (*Pricing) GetId

func (pricing *Pricing) GetId() string

func (*Pricing) HasPlan

func (pricing *Pricing) HasPlan(planName string) (bool, error)

type Product

type Product struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`

	Image       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"image"`
	Detail      string   `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"detail"`
	Description string   `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"description"`
	Tag         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Currency    string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"`
	Price       float64  `json:"price"`
	Quantity    int      `json:"quantity"`
	Sold        int      `json:"sold"`
	IsRecharge  bool     `json:"isRecharge"`
	Providers   []string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"providers"`
	ReturnUrl   string   `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"`

	State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`

	ProviderObjs []*Provider `xorm:"-" json:"providerObjs"`

func CreateProductForPlan

func CreateProductForPlan(plan *Plan) *Product

func GetPaginationProducts

func GetPaginationProducts(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Product, error)

func GetProduct

func GetProduct(id string) (*Product, error)

func GetProducts

func GetProducts(owner string) ([]*Product, error)

func (*Product) GetId

func (product *Product) GetId() string

type PrometheusInfo

type PrometheusInfo struct {
	ApiThroughput   []GaugeVecInfo     `json:"apiThroughput"`
	ApiLatency      []HistogramVecInfo `json:"apiLatency"`
	TotalThroughput float64            `json:"totalThroughput"`

func GetPrometheusInfo

func GetPrometheusInfo() (*PrometheusInfo, error)

type Provider

type Provider struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk unique" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	DisplayName       string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Category          string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"category"`
	Type              string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	SubType           string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"subType"`
	Method            string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"method"`
	ClientId          string            `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"clientId"`
	ClientSecret      string            `xorm:"varchar(3000)" json:"clientSecret"`
	ClientId2         string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"clientId2"`
	ClientSecret2     string            `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"clientSecret2"`
	Cert              string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"`
	CustomAuthUrl     string            `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customAuthUrl"`
	CustomTokenUrl    string            `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customTokenUrl"`
	CustomUserInfoUrl string            `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"customUserInfoUrl"`
	Scopes            string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scopes"`
	UserMapping       map[string]string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"userMapping"`

	Host       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"`
	Port       int    `json:"port"`
	DisableSsl bool   `json:"disableSsl"` // If the provider type is WeChat, DisableSsl means EnableQRCode, if type is Google, it means sync phone number
	Title      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"`
	Content    string `xorm:"varchar(2000)" json:"content"` // If provider type is WeChat, Content means QRCode string by Base64 encoding
	Receiver   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"receiver"`

	RegionId     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"regionId"`
	SignName     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signName"`
	TemplateCode string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"templateCode"`
	AppId        string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"appId"`

	Endpoint         string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"endpoint"`
	IntranetEndpoint string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"intranetEndpoint"`
	Domain           string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"domain"`
	Bucket           string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bucket"`
	PathPrefix       string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"pathPrefix"`

	Metadata               string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"metadata"`
	IdP                    string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"idP"`
	IssuerUrl              string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"issuerUrl"`
	EnableSignAuthnRequest bool   `json:"enableSignAuthnRequest"`

	ProviderUrl string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"providerUrl"`

func GetCaptchaProviderByApplication

func GetCaptchaProviderByApplication(applicationId, isCurrentProvider, lang string) (*Provider, error)

func GetCaptchaProviderByOwnerName

func GetCaptchaProviderByOwnerName(applicationId, lang string) (*Provider, error)

func GetGlobalProviders

func GetGlobalProviders() ([]*Provider, error)

func GetMaskedProvider

func GetMaskedProvider(provider *Provider, isMaskEnabled bool) *Provider

func GetMaskedProviders

func GetMaskedProviders(providers []*Provider, isMaskEnabled bool) []*Provider

func GetPaginationGlobalProviders

func GetPaginationGlobalProviders(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Provider, error)

func GetPaginationProviders

func GetPaginationProviders(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Provider, error)

func GetProvider

func GetProvider(id string) (*Provider, error)

func GetProviders

func GetProviders(owner string) ([]*Provider, error)

func GetWechatMiniProgramProvider

func GetWechatMiniProgramProvider(application *Application) *Provider

func (*Provider) GetId

func (p *Provider) GetId() string

type ProviderItem

type ProviderItem struct {
	Owner string `json:"owner"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`

	CanSignUp    bool      `json:"canSignUp"`
	CanSignIn    bool      `json:"canSignIn"`
	CanUnlink    bool      `json:"canUnlink"`
	CountryCodes []string  `json:"countryCodes"`
	Prompted     bool      `json:"prompted"`
	SignupGroup  string    `json:"signupGroup"`
	Rule         string    `json:"rule"`
	Provider     *Provider `json:"provider"`

func (*ProviderItem) IsProviderVisible

func (pi *ProviderItem) IsProviderVisible() bool

type RadiusAccounting

type RadiusAccounting struct {
	Owner       string    `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string    `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime time.Time `json:"createdTime"`

	Username    string `xorm:"index" json:"username"`
	ServiceType int64  `json:"serviceType"` // e.g. LoginUser (1)

	NasId       string `json:"nasId"`       // String identifying the network access server originating the Access-Request.
	NasIpAddr   string `json:"nasIpAddr"`   // e.g. ""
	NasPortId   string `json:"nasPortId"`   // Contains a text string which identifies the port of the NAS that is authenticating the user. e.g."eth.0"
	NasPortType int64  `json:"nasPortType"` // Indicates the type of physical port the network access server is using to authenticate the user. e.g.Ethernet(15)
	NasPort     int64  `json:"nasPort"`     // Indicates the physical port number of the network access server that is authenticating the user. e.g. 233

	FramedIpAddr    string `json:"framedIpAddr"`    // Indicates the IP address to be configured for the user by sending the IP address of a user to the RADIUS server.
	FramedIpNetmask string `json:"framedIpNetmask"` // Indicates the IP netmask to be configured for the user when the user is using a device on a network.

	AcctSessionId      string    `xorm:"index" json:"acctSessionId"`
	AcctSessionTime    int64     `json:"acctSessionTime"` // Indicates how long (in seconds) the user has received service.
	AcctInputTotal     int64     `json:"acctInputTotal"`
	AcctOutputTotal    int64     `json:"acctOutputTotal"`
	AcctInputPackets   int64     `json:"acctInputPackets"`   // Indicates how many packets have been received from the port over the course of this service being provided to a framed user.
	AcctOutputPackets  int64     `json:"acctOutputPackets"`  // Indicates how many packets have been sent to the port in the course of delivering this service to a framed user.
	AcctTerminateCause int64     `json:"acctTerminateCause"` // e.g. Lost-Carrier (2)
	LastUpdate         time.Time `json:"lastUpdate"`
	AcctStartTime      time.Time `xorm:"index" json:"acctStartTime"`
	AcctStopTime       time.Time `xorm:"index" json:"acctStopTime"`


func GetRadiusAccounting

func GetRadiusAccounting(id string) (*RadiusAccounting, error)

func GetRadiusAccountingBySessionId

func GetRadiusAccountingBySessionId(sessionId string) (*RadiusAccounting, error)

func (*RadiusAccounting) GetId

func (ra *RadiusAccounting) GetId() string

type Record

type Record struct {

type Resource

type Resource struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(180) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	User        string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	Provider    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"`
	Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`
	Tag         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Parent      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"parent"`
	FileName    string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"fileName"`
	FileType    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"fileType"`
	FileFormat  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"fileFormat"`
	FileSize    int    `json:"fileSize"`
	Url         string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"url"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"description"`

func GetDirectResources

func GetDirectResources(owner string, user string, provider *Provider, prefix string, lang string) ([]*Resource, error)

func GetPaginationResources

func GetPaginationResources(owner, user string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Resource, error)

func GetResource

func GetResource(id string) (*Resource, error)

func GetResources

func GetResources(owner string, user string) ([]*Resource, error)

func (*Resource) GetId

func (resource *Resource) GetId() string

type Response

type Response struct {
	Status string `json:"status"`
	Msg    string `json:"msg"`

type Role

type Role struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	Users     []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"users"`
	Groups    []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"groups"`
	Roles     []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"roles"`
	Domains   []string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"domains"`
	IsEnabled bool     `json:"isEnabled"`

func GetAncestorRoles

func GetAncestorRoles(roleIds ...string) ([]*Role, error)

GetAncestorRoles returns a list of roles that contain the given roleIds

func GetMaskedRoles

func GetMaskedRoles(roles []*Role) []*Role

func GetPaginationRoles

func GetPaginationRoles(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Role, error)

func GetRole

func GetRole(id string) (*Role, error)

func GetRoles

func GetRoles(owner string) ([]*Role, error)

func (*Role) GetId

func (role *Role) GetId() string

type Saml11AssertionArtifact

type Saml11AssertionArtifact struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"AssertionArtifact"`
	InnerXML string   `xml:",innerxml"`

type Saml11Request

type Saml11Request struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name `xml:"Request"`
	SAMLP             string   `xml:"samlp,attr"`
	MajorVersion      string   `xml:"MajorVersion,attr"`
	MinorVersion      string   `xml:"MinorVersion,attr"`
	RequestID         string   `xml:"RequestID,attr"`
	IssueInstant      string   `xml:"IssueInstance,attr"`
	AssertionArtifact Saml11AssertionArtifact

type SamlItem

type SamlItem struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	NameFormat string `json:"nameFormat"`
	Value      string `json:"value"`

type Session

type Session struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	Application string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"application"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	SessionId []string `json:"sessionId"`

func GetPaginationSessions

func GetPaginationSessions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Session, error)

func GetSessions

func GetSessions(owner string) ([]*Session, error)

func GetSingleSession

func GetSingleSession(id string) (*Session, error)

func (*Session) GetId

func (session *Session) GetId() string

type SigninItem

type SigninItem struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Visible     bool   `json:"visible"`
	Label       string `json:"label"`
	CustomCss   string `json:"customCss"`
	Placeholder string `json:"placeholder"`
	Rule        string `json:"rule"`
	IsCustom    bool   `json:"isCustom"`

type SigninMethod

type SigninMethod struct {
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Rule        string `json:"rule"`

type SignupItem

type SignupItem struct {
	Name        string   `json:"name"`
	Visible     bool     `json:"visible"`
	Required    bool     `json:"required"`
	Prompted    bool     `json:"prompted"`
	Type        string   `json:"type"`
	CustomCss   string   `json:"customCss"`
	Label       string   `json:"label"`
	Placeholder string   `json:"placeholder"`
	Options     []string `json:"options"`
	Regex       string   `json:"regex"`
	Rule        string   `json:"rule"`

type SingleSignOnService

type SingleSignOnService struct {
	// XMLName  xml.Name
	Binding  string `xml:"Binding,attr"`
	Location string `xml:"Location,attr"`

type SmsMfa

type SmsMfa struct {

func NewEmailMfaUtil

func NewEmailMfaUtil(config *MfaProps) *SmsMfa

func NewSmsMfaUtil

func NewSmsMfaUtil(config *MfaProps) *SmsMfa

func (*SmsMfa) Enable

func (mfa *SmsMfa) Enable(user *User) error

func (*SmsMfa) Initiate

func (mfa *SmsMfa) Initiate(userId string) (*MfaProps, error)

func (*SmsMfa) SetupVerify

func (mfa *SmsMfa) SetupVerify(passCode string) error

func (*SmsMfa) Verify

func (mfa *SmsMfa) Verify(passCode string) error

type Subscription

type Subscription struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	Description string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"description"`

	User    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	Pricing string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"pricing"`
	Plan    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"plan"`
	Payment string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"payment"`

	StartTime time.Time         `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime   time.Time         `json:"endTime"`
	Period    string            `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"period"`
	State     SubscriptionState `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`

func GetPaginationSubscriptions

func GetPaginationSubscriptions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Subscription, error)

func GetSubscription

func GetSubscription(id string) (*Subscription, error)

func GetSubscriptions

func GetSubscriptions(owner string) ([]*Subscription, error)

func GetSubscriptionsByUser

func GetSubscriptionsByUser(owner, userName string) ([]*Subscription, error)

func NewSubscription

func NewSubscription(owner, userName, planName, paymentName, period string) *Subscription

func (*Subscription) GetId

func (sub *Subscription) GetId() string

func (*Subscription) UpdateState

func (sub *Subscription) UpdateState() error

type SubscriptionState

type SubscriptionState string
const (
	SubStatePending   SubscriptionState = "Pending"
	SubStateError     SubscriptionState = "Error"
	SubStateSuspended SubscriptionState = "Suspended" // suspended by the admin

	SubStateActive   SubscriptionState = "Active"
	SubStateUpcoming SubscriptionState = "Upcoming"
	SubStateExpired  SubscriptionState = "Expired"

type Syncer

type Syncer struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"`
	Type         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	DatabaseType string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"databaseType"`
	SslMode      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sslMode"`
	SshType      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshType"`

	Host             string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"host"`
	Port             int            `json:"port"`
	User             string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	Password         string         `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"`
	SshHost          string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshHost"`
	SshPort          int            `json:"sshPort"`
	SshUser          string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"sshUser"`
	SshPassword      string         `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"sshPassword"`
	Cert             string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"cert"`
	Database         string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"database"`
	Table            string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"table"`
	TableColumns     []*TableColumn `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"tableColumns"`
	AffiliationTable string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliationTable"`
	AvatarBaseUrl    string         `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarBaseUrl"`
	ErrorText        string         `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"errorText"`
	SyncInterval     int            `json:"syncInterval"`
	IsReadOnly       bool           `json:"isReadOnly"`
	IsEnabled        bool           `json:"isEnabled"`

	Ormer *Ormer `xorm:"-" json:"-"`

func GetMaskedSyncer

func GetMaskedSyncer(syncer *Syncer, errs ...error) (*Syncer, error)

func GetMaskedSyncers

func GetMaskedSyncers(syncers []*Syncer, errs ...error) ([]*Syncer, error)

func GetOrganizationSyncers

func GetOrganizationSyncers(owner, organization string) ([]*Syncer, error)

func GetPaginationSyncers

func GetPaginationSyncers(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Syncer, error)

func GetSyncer

func GetSyncer(id string) (*Syncer, error)

func GetSyncers

func GetSyncers(owner string) ([]*Syncer, error)

func (*Syncer) GetId

func (syncer *Syncer) GetId() string

type TableColumn

type TableColumn struct {
	Name        string   `json:"name"`
	Type        string   `json:"type"`
	CasdoorName string   `json:"casdoorName"`
	IsKey       bool     `json:"isKey"`
	IsHashed    bool     `json:"isHashed"`
	Values      []string `json:"values"`

type ThemeData

type ThemeData struct {
	ThemeType    string `xorm:"varchar(30)" json:"themeType"`
	ColorPrimary string `xorm:"varchar(10)" json:"colorPrimary"`
	BorderRadius int    `xorm:"int" json:"borderRadius"`
	IsCompact    bool   `xorm:"bool" json:"isCompact"`
	IsEnabled    bool   `xorm:"bool" json:"isEnabled"`

type Token

type Token struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	Application  string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`
	Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"organization"`
	User         string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`

	Code             string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"code"`
	AccessToken      string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"accessToken"`
	RefreshToken     string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"refreshToken"`
	AccessTokenHash  string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"accessTokenHash"`
	RefreshTokenHash string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"refreshTokenHash"`
	ExpiresIn        int    `json:"expiresIn"`
	Scope            string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"scope"`
	TokenType        string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tokenType"`
	CodeChallenge    string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"codeChallenge"`
	CodeIsUsed       bool   `json:"codeIsUsed"`
	CodeExpireIn     int64  `json:"codeExpireIn"`

func GetPaginationTokens

func GetPaginationTokens(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Token, error)

func GetToken

func GetToken(id string) (*Token, error)

func GetTokenByAccessToken

func GetTokenByAccessToken(accessToken string) (*Token, error)

func GetTokenByRefreshToken

func GetTokenByRefreshToken(refreshToken string) (*Token, error)

func GetTokenByTokenValue

func GetTokenByTokenValue(tokenValue, tokenTypeHint string) (*Token, error)

func GetTokenByUser

func GetTokenByUser(application *Application, user *User, scope string, nonce string, host string) (*Token, error)

GetTokenByUser Implicit flow

func GetTokens

func GetTokens(owner string, organization string) ([]*Token, error)

func (*Token) GetId

func (token *Token) GetId() string

type TokenError

type TokenError struct {
	Error            string `json:"error"`
	ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`

type TokenWrapper

type TokenWrapper struct {
	AccessToken  string `json:"access_token"`
	IdToken      string `json:"id_token"`
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
	TokenType    string `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn    int    `json:"expires_in"`
	Scope        string `json:"scope"`

type TotpMfa

type TotpMfa struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTotpMfaUtil

func NewTotpMfaUtil(config *MfaProps) *TotpMfa

func (*TotpMfa) Enable

func (mfa *TotpMfa) Enable(user *User) error

func (*TotpMfa) Initiate

func (mfa *TotpMfa) Initiate(userId string) (*MfaProps, error)

func (*TotpMfa) SetupVerify

func (mfa *TotpMfa) SetupVerify(passcode string) error

func (*TotpMfa) Verify

func (mfa *TotpMfa) Verify(passcode string) error

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	// Transaction Provider Info
	Provider string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"provider"`
	Category string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"category"`
	Type     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	// Product Info
	ProductName        string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productName"`
	ProductDisplayName string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"productDisplayName"`
	Detail             string  `xorm:"varchar(255)" json:"detail"`
	Tag                string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Currency           string  `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"`
	Amount             float64 `json:"amount"`
	ReturnUrl          string  `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"returnUrl"`
	// User Info
	User        string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"user"`
	Application string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"application"`
	Payment     string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"payment"`

	State pp.PaymentState `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`

func GetPaginationTransactions

func GetPaginationTransactions(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Transaction, error)

func GetTransaction

func GetTransaction(id string) (*Transaction, error)

func GetTransactions

func GetTransactions(owner string) ([]*Transaction, error)

func GetUserTransactions

func GetUserTransactions(owner, user string) ([]*Transaction, error)

func (*Transaction) GetId

func (transaction *Transaction) GetId() string

type User

type User struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"createdTime"`
	UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"`
	DeletedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"deletedTime"`

	Id                string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"`
	ExternalId        string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"externalId"`
	Type              string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	Password          string   `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"`
	PasswordSalt      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"`
	PasswordType      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"`
	DisplayName       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	FirstName         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"firstName"`
	LastName          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastName"`
	Avatar            string   `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"`
	AvatarType        string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarType"`
	PermanentAvatar   string   `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"permanentAvatar"`
	Email             string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"`
	EmailVerified     bool     `json:"emailVerified"`
	Phone             string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"`
	CountryCode       string   `xorm:"varchar(6)" json:"countryCode"`
	Region            string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"region"`
	Location          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"location"`
	Address           []string `json:"address"`
	Affiliation       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliation"`
	Title             string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"`
	IdCardType        string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"idCardType"`
	IdCard            string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"idCard"`
	Homepage          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepage"`
	Bio               string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bio"`
	Tag               string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Language          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"language"`
	Gender            string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"gender"`
	Birthday          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"birthday"`
	Education         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"education"`
	Score             int      `json:"score"`
	Karma             int      `json:"karma"`
	Ranking           int      `json:"ranking"`
	Balance           float64  `json:"balance"`
	Currency          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"currency"`
	IsDefaultAvatar   bool     `json:"isDefaultAvatar"`
	IsOnline          bool     `json:"isOnline"`
	IsAdmin           bool     `json:"isAdmin"`
	IsForbidden       bool     `json:"isForbidden"`
	IsDeleted         bool     `json:"isDeleted"`
	SignupApplication string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupApplication"`
	Hash              string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"hash"`
	PreHash           string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preHash"`
	AccessKey         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessKey"`
	AccessSecret      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessSecret"`
	AccessToken       string   `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"accessToken"`

	CreatedIp      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdIp"`
	LastSigninTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninTime"`
	LastSigninIp   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninIp"`

	GitHub          string `xorm:"github varchar(100)" json:"github"`
	Google          string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"google"`
	QQ              string `xorm:"qq varchar(100)" json:"qq"`
	WeChat          string `xorm:"wechat varchar(100)" json:"wechat"`
	Facebook        string `xorm:"facebook varchar(100)" json:"facebook"`
	DingTalk        string `xorm:"dingtalk varchar(100)" json:"dingtalk"`
	Weibo           string `xorm:"weibo varchar(100)" json:"weibo"`
	Gitee           string `xorm:"gitee varchar(100)" json:"gitee"`
	LinkedIn        string `xorm:"linkedin varchar(100)" json:"linkedin"`
	Wecom           string `xorm:"wecom varchar(100)" json:"wecom"`
	Lark            string `xorm:"lark varchar(100)" json:"lark"`
	Gitlab          string `xorm:"gitlab varchar(100)" json:"gitlab"`
	Adfs            string `xorm:"adfs varchar(100)" json:"adfs"`
	Baidu           string `xorm:"baidu varchar(100)" json:"baidu"`
	Alipay          string `xorm:"alipay varchar(100)" json:"alipay"`
	Casdoor         string `xorm:"casdoor varchar(100)" json:"casdoor"`
	Infoflow        string `xorm:"infoflow varchar(100)" json:"infoflow"`
	Apple           string `xorm:"apple varchar(100)" json:"apple"`
	AzureAD         string `xorm:"azuread varchar(100)" json:"azuread"`
	AzureADB2c      string `xorm:"azureadb2c varchar(100)" json:"azureadb2c"`
	Slack           string `xorm:"slack varchar(100)" json:"slack"`
	Steam           string `xorm:"steam varchar(100)" json:"steam"`
	Bilibili        string `xorm:"bilibili varchar(100)" json:"bilibili"`
	Okta            string `xorm:"okta varchar(100)" json:"okta"`
	Douyin          string `xorm:"douyin varchar(100)" json:"douyin"`
	Line            string `xorm:"line varchar(100)" json:"line"`
	Amazon          string `xorm:"amazon varchar(100)" json:"amazon"`
	Auth0           string `xorm:"auth0 varchar(100)" json:"auth0"`
	BattleNet       string `xorm:"battlenet varchar(100)" json:"battlenet"`
	Bitbucket       string `xorm:"bitbucket varchar(100)" json:"bitbucket"`
	Box             string `xorm:"box varchar(100)" json:"box"`
	CloudFoundry    string `xorm:"cloudfoundry varchar(100)" json:"cloudfoundry"`
	Dailymotion     string `xorm:"dailymotion varchar(100)" json:"dailymotion"`
	Deezer          string `xorm:"deezer varchar(100)" json:"deezer"`
	DigitalOcean    string `xorm:"digitalocean varchar(100)" json:"digitalocean"`
	Discord         string `xorm:"discord varchar(100)" json:"discord"`
	Dropbox         string `xorm:"dropbox varchar(100)" json:"dropbox"`
	EveOnline       string `xorm:"eveonline varchar(100)" json:"eveonline"`
	Fitbit          string `xorm:"fitbit varchar(100)" json:"fitbit"`
	Gitea           string `xorm:"gitea varchar(100)" json:"gitea"`
	Heroku          string `xorm:"heroku varchar(100)" json:"heroku"`
	InfluxCloud     string `xorm:"influxcloud varchar(100)" json:"influxcloud"`
	Instagram       string `xorm:"instagram varchar(100)" json:"instagram"`
	Intercom        string `xorm:"intercom varchar(100)" json:"intercom"`
	Kakao           string `xorm:"kakao varchar(100)" json:"kakao"`
	Lastfm          string `xorm:"lastfm varchar(100)" json:"lastfm"`
	Mailru          string `xorm:"mailru varchar(100)" json:"mailru"`
	Meetup          string `xorm:"meetup varchar(100)" json:"meetup"`
	MicrosoftOnline string `xorm:"microsoftonline varchar(100)" json:"microsoftonline"`
	Naver           string `xorm:"naver varchar(100)" json:"naver"`
	Nextcloud       string `xorm:"nextcloud varchar(100)" json:"nextcloud"`
	OneDrive        string `xorm:"onedrive varchar(100)" json:"onedrive"`
	Oura            string `xorm:"oura varchar(100)" json:"oura"`
	Patreon         string `xorm:"patreon varchar(100)" json:"patreon"`
	Paypal          string `xorm:"paypal varchar(100)" json:"paypal"`
	SalesForce      string `xorm:"salesforce varchar(100)" json:"salesforce"`
	Shopify         string `xorm:"shopify varchar(100)" json:"shopify"`
	Soundcloud      string `xorm:"soundcloud varchar(100)" json:"soundcloud"`
	Spotify         string `xorm:"spotify varchar(100)" json:"spotify"`
	Strava          string `xorm:"strava varchar(100)" json:"strava"`
	Stripe          string `xorm:"stripe varchar(100)" json:"stripe"`
	TikTok          string `xorm:"tiktok varchar(100)" json:"tiktok"`
	Tumblr          string `xorm:"tumblr varchar(100)" json:"tumblr"`
	Twitch          string `xorm:"twitch varchar(100)" json:"twitch"`
	Twitter         string `xorm:"twitter varchar(100)" json:"twitter"`
	Typetalk        string `xorm:"typetalk varchar(100)" json:"typetalk"`
	Uber            string `xorm:"uber varchar(100)" json:"uber"`
	VK              string `xorm:"vk varchar(100)" json:"vk"`
	Wepay           string `xorm:"wepay varchar(100)" json:"wepay"`
	Xero            string `xorm:"xero varchar(100)" json:"xero"`
	Yahoo           string `xorm:"yahoo varchar(100)" json:"yahoo"`
	Yammer          string `xorm:"yammer varchar(100)" json:"yammer"`
	Yandex          string `xorm:"yandex varchar(100)" json:"yandex"`
	Zoom            string `xorm:"zoom varchar(100)" json:"zoom"`
	MetaMask        string `xorm:"metamask varchar(100)" json:"metamask"`
	Web3Onboard     string `xorm:"web3onboard varchar(100)" json:"web3onboard"`
	Custom          string `xorm:"custom varchar(100)" json:"custom"`

	WebauthnCredentials []webauthn.Credential `xorm:"webauthnCredentials blob" json:"webauthnCredentials"`
	PreferredMfaType    string                `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preferredMfaType"`
	RecoveryCodes       []string              `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"recoveryCodes"`
	TotpSecret          string                `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"totpSecret"`
	MfaPhoneEnabled     bool                  `json:"mfaPhoneEnabled"`
	MfaEmailEnabled     bool                  `json:"mfaEmailEnabled"`
	MultiFactorAuths    []*MfaProps           `xorm:"-" json:"multiFactorAuths,omitempty"`
	Invitation          string                `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"invitation"`
	InvitationCode      string                `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"invitationCode"`
	FaceIds             []*FaceId             `json:"faceIds"`

	Ldap       string            `xorm:"ldap varchar(100)" json:"ldap"`
	Properties map[string]string `json:"properties"`

	Roles       []*Role       `json:"roles"`
	Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"`
	Groups      []string      `xorm:"groups varchar(1000)" json:"groups"`

	LastSigninWrongTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninWrongTime"`
	SigninWrongTimes    int    `json:"signinWrongTimes"`

	ManagedAccounts    []ManagedAccount `xorm:"managedAccounts blob" json:"managedAccounts"`
	MfaAccounts        []MfaAccount     `xorm:"mfaAccounts blob" json:"mfaAccounts"`
	NeedUpdatePassword bool             `json:"needUpdatePassword"`

func CheckUserPassword

func CheckUserPassword(organization string, username string, password string, lang string, options ...bool) (*User, error)

func ExtendManagedAccountsWithUser

func ExtendManagedAccountsWithUser(user *User) (*User, error)

func GetGlobalUsers

func GetGlobalUsers() ([]*User, error)

func GetGlobalUsersWithFilter

func GetGlobalUsersWithFilter(cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)

func GetGroupUsers

func GetGroupUsers(groupId string) ([]*User, error)

func GetMaskedUser

func GetMaskedUser(user *User, isAdminOrSelf bool, errs ...error) (*User, error)

func GetMaskedUsers

func GetMaskedUsers(users []*User, errs ...error) ([]*User, error)

func GetPaginationGlobalUsers

func GetPaginationGlobalUsers(offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*User, error)

func GetPaginationGroupUsers

func GetPaginationGroupUsers(groupId string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*User, error)

func GetPaginationUsers

func GetPaginationUsers(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string, groupName string) ([]*User, error)

func GetSortedUsers

func GetSortedUsers(owner string, sorter string, limit int) ([]*User, error)

func GetUser

func GetUser(id string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByAccessKey

func GetUserByAccessKey(accessKey string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByEmail

func GetUserByEmail(owner string, email string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByEmailOnly

func GetUserByEmailOnly(email string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByField

func GetUserByField(organizationName string, field string, value string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByFields

func GetUserByFields(organization string, field string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByInvitationCode

func GetUserByInvitationCode(owner string, invitationCode string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByPhone

func GetUserByPhone(owner string, phone string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByPhoneOnly

func GetUserByPhoneOnly(phone string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByUserId

func GetUserByUserId(owner string, userId string) (*User, error)

func GetUserByUserIdOnly

func GetUserByUserIdOnly(userId string) (*User, error)

func GetUserNoCheck

func GetUserNoCheck(id string) (*User, error)

func GetUsers

func GetUsers(owner string) ([]*User, error)

func GetUsersByTagWithFilter

func GetUsersByTagWithFilter(owner string, tag string, cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)

func GetUsersWithFilter

func GetUsersWithFilter(owner string, cond builder.Cond) ([]*User, error)

func (*User) AddCredentials

func (user *User) AddCredentials(credential webauthn.Credential, isGlobalAdmin bool) (bool, error)

func (*User) CredentialExcludeList

func (user *User) CredentialExcludeList() []protocol.CredentialDescriptor

CredentialExcludeList returns a CredentialDescriptor array filled with all the user's credentials

func (*User) DeleteCredentials

func (user *User) DeleteCredentials(credentialIdBase64 string) (bool, error)

func (*User) GetCountryCode

func (user *User) GetCountryCode(countryCode string) string

func (*User) GetFriendlyName

func (user *User) GetFriendlyName() string

func (*User) GetId

func (user *User) GetId() string

func (*User) GetMfaProps

func (user *User) GetMfaProps(mfaType string, masked bool) *MfaProps

func (*User) GetPreferredMfaProps

func (user *User) GetPreferredMfaProps(masked bool) *MfaProps

func (*User) IsAdminUser

func (user *User) IsAdminUser() bool

func (*User) IsApplicationAdmin

func (user *User) IsApplicationAdmin(application *Application) bool

func (*User) IsGlobalAdmin

func (user *User) IsGlobalAdmin() bool

func (*User) IsMfaEnabled

func (user *User) IsMfaEnabled() bool

func (*User) UpdateUserHash

func (user *User) UpdateUserHash() error

func (*User) UpdateUserPassword

func (user *User) UpdateUserPassword(organization *Organization)

func (*User) WebAuthnCredentials

func (user *User) WebAuthnCredentials() []webauthn.Credential

func (*User) WebAuthnDisplayName

func (user *User) WebAuthnDisplayName() string

func (*User) WebAuthnID

func (user *User) WebAuthnID() []byte

WebAuthnID implementation of webauthn.User interface

func (*User) WebAuthnIcon

func (user *User) WebAuthnIcon() string

func (*User) WebAuthnName

func (user *User) WebAuthnName() string

type UserGroupEnforcer

type UserGroupEnforcer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewUserGroupEnforcer

func NewUserGroupEnforcer(enforcer *casbin.Enforcer) *UserGroupEnforcer

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupsForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) AddGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupForUser(user string, group string) (bool, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupsForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) DeleteGroupsForUser(user string) (bool, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetAllUsersByGroup

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetAllUsersByGroup(group string) ([]string, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetGroupsForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetGroupsForUser(user string) ([]string, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) GetUserNamesByGroupName

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) GetUserNamesByGroupName(groupName string) ([]string, error)

func (*UserGroupEnforcer) UpdateGroupsForUser

func (e *UserGroupEnforcer) UpdateGroupsForUser(user string, groups []string) (bool, error)

type UserShort

type UserShort struct {
	Owner string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name  string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`

	Id          string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"`
	DisplayName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	Avatar      string `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"`
	Email       string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"`
	Phone       string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"`

type UserWithoutThirdIdp

type UserWithoutThirdIdp struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"createdTime"`
	UpdatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"updatedTime"`
	DeletedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"deletedTime"`

	Id                string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"id"`
	Type              string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"type"`
	Password          string   `xorm:"varchar(150)" json:"password"`
	PasswordSalt      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordSalt"`
	PasswordType      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"passwordType"`
	DisplayName       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"displayName"`
	FirstName         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"firstName"`
	LastName          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastName"`
	Avatar            string   `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"avatar"`
	AvatarType        string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"avatarType"`
	PermanentAvatar   string   `xorm:"varchar(500)" json:"permanentAvatar"`
	Email             string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"email"`
	EmailVerified     bool     `json:"emailVerified"`
	Phone             string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"phone"`
	CountryCode       string   `xorm:"varchar(6)" json:"countryCode"`
	Region            string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"region"`
	Location          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"location"`
	Address           []string `json:"address"`
	Affiliation       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"affiliation"`
	Title             string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"`
	IdCardType        string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"idCardType"`
	IdCard            string   `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"idCard"`
	Homepage          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"homepage"`
	Bio               string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"bio"`
	Tag               string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"tag"`
	Language          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"language"`
	Gender            string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"gender"`
	Birthday          string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"birthday"`
	Education         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"education"`
	Score             int      `json:"score"`
	Karma             int      `json:"karma"`
	Ranking           int      `json:"ranking"`
	IsDefaultAvatar   bool     `json:"isDefaultAvatar"`
	IsOnline          bool     `json:"isOnline"`
	IsAdmin           bool     `json:"isAdmin"`
	IsForbidden       bool     `json:"isForbidden"`
	IsDeleted         bool     `json:"isDeleted"`
	SignupApplication string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"signupApplication"`
	Hash              string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"hash"`
	PreHash           string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preHash"`
	AccessKey         string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessKey"`
	AccessSecret      string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"accessSecret"`

	GitHub   string `xorm:"github varchar(100)" json:"github"`
	Google   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"google"`
	QQ       string `xorm:"qq varchar(100)" json:"qq"`
	WeChat   string `xorm:"wechat varchar(100)" json:"wechat"`
	Facebook string `xorm:"facebook varchar(100)" json:"facebook"`
	DingTalk string `xorm:"dingtalk varchar(100)" json:"dingtalk"`
	Weibo    string `xorm:"weibo varchar(100)" json:"weibo"`
	Gitee    string `xorm:"gitee varchar(100)" json:"gitee"`
	LinkedIn string `xorm:"linkedin varchar(100)" json:"linkedin"`
	Wecom    string `xorm:"wecom varchar(100)" json:"wecom"`
	Lark     string `xorm:"lark varchar(100)" json:"lark"`
	Gitlab   string `xorm:"gitlab varchar(100)" json:"gitlab"`

	CreatedIp      string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdIp"`
	LastSigninTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninTime"`
	LastSigninIp   string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninIp"`

	// WebauthnCredentials []webauthn.Credential `xorm:"webauthnCredentials blob" json:"webauthnCredentials"`
	PreferredMfaType string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"preferredMfaType"`
	RecoveryCodes    []string `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"recoveryCodes"`
	TotpSecret       string   `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"totpSecret"`
	MfaPhoneEnabled  bool     `json:"mfaPhoneEnabled"`
	MfaEmailEnabled  bool     `json:"mfaEmailEnabled"`

	Ldap       string            `xorm:"ldap varchar(100)" json:"ldap"`
	Properties map[string]string `json:"properties"`

	Roles       []*Role       `json:"roles"`
	Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"`
	Groups      []string      `xorm:"groups varchar(1000)" json:"groups"`

	LastSigninWrongTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastSigninWrongTime"`
	SigninWrongTimes    int    `json:"signinWrongTimes"`

	ManagedAccounts []ManagedAccount `xorm:"managedAccounts blob" json:"managedAccounts"`

type Userinfo

type Userinfo struct {
	Sub           string   `json:"sub"`
	Iss           string   `json:"iss"`
	Aud           string   `json:"aud"`
	Name          string   `json:"preferred_username,omitempty"`
	DisplayName   string   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Email         string   `json:"email,omitempty"`
	EmailVerified bool     `json:"email_verified,omitempty"`
	Avatar        string   `json:"picture,omitempty"`
	Address       string   `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Phone         string   `json:"phone,omitempty"`
	Groups        []string `json:"groups,omitempty"`
	Roles         []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	Permissions   []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

func GetUserInfo

func GetUserInfo(user *User, scope string, aud string, host string) (*Userinfo, error)

type ValidatorFunc

type ValidatorFunc func(password string) string

type VerificationRecord

type VerificationRecord struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	RemoteAddr string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"remoteAddr"`
	Type       string `xorm:"varchar(10)" json:"type"`
	User       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull" json:"user"`
	Provider   string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull" json:"provider"`
	Receiver   string `xorm:"varchar(100) index notnull" json:"receiver"`
	Code       string `xorm:"varchar(10) notnull" json:"code"`
	Time       int64  `xorm:"notnull" json:"time"`
	IsUsed     bool

func GetPaginationVerifications

func GetPaginationVerifications(owner string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)

func GetUserVerifications

func GetUserVerifications(owner, user string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)

func GetVerification

func GetVerification(id string) (*VerificationRecord, error)

func GetVerifications

func GetVerifications(owner string) ([]*VerificationRecord, error)

type VerifyResult

type VerifyResult struct {
	Code int
	Msg  string

func CheckVerificationCode

func CheckVerificationCode(dest string, code string, lang string) (*VerifyResult, error)

type ViaSSHDialer

type ViaSSHDialer struct {
	Client       *ssh.Client
	Context      *context.Context
	DatabaseType string

func (*ViaSSHDialer) Dial

func (v *ViaSSHDialer) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)

func (*ViaSSHDialer) DialContext

func (v *ViaSSHDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network string, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

func (*ViaSSHDialer) DialTimeout

func (v *ViaSSHDialer) DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)

func (*ViaSSHDialer) MysqlDial

func (v *ViaSSHDialer) MysqlDial(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

func (*ViaSSHDialer) Open

func (v *ViaSSHDialer) Open(s string) (_ driver.Conn, err error)

type WebFinger

type WebFinger struct {
	Subject    string             `json:"subject"`
	Links      []WebFingerLink    `json:"links"`
	Aliases    *[]string          `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
	Properties *map[string]string `json:"properties,omitempty"`

func GetWebFinger

func GetWebFinger(resource string, rels []string, host string) (WebFinger, error)
type WebFingerLink struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel"`
	Href string `json:"href"`

type Webhook

type Webhook struct {
	Owner       string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"owner"`
	Name        string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull pk" json:"name"`
	CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"createdTime"`

	Organization string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"organization"`

	Url            string    `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"url"`
	Method         string    `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"method"`
	ContentType    string    `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"contentType"`
	Headers        []*Header `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"headers"`
	Events         []string  `xorm:"varchar(1000)" json:"events"`
	IsUserExtended bool      `json:"isUserExtended"`
	SingleOrgOnly  bool      `json:"singleOrgOnly"`
	IsEnabled      bool      `json:"isEnabled"`

func GetPaginationWebhooks

func GetPaginationWebhooks(owner, organization string, offset, limit int, field, value, sortField, sortOrder string) ([]*Webhook, error)

func GetWebhook

func GetWebhook(id string) (*Webhook, error)

func GetWebhooks

func GetWebhooks(owner string, organization string) ([]*Webhook, error)

func (*Webhook) GetId

func (p *Webhook) GetId() string

type X509Certificate

type X509Certificate struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# X509Certificate"`
	Cert    string   `xml:",innerxml"`

type X509Data

type X509Data struct {
	XMLName         xml.Name        `xml:"http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# X509Data"`
	X509Certificate X509Certificate `xml:",innerxml"`

type X509Key

type X509Key struct {
	X509Certificate string
	PrivateKey      string

func (X509Key) GetKeyPair

func (x X509Key) GetKeyPair() (privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, cert []byte, err error)

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