Overview ¶
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup assignments
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup conditional processing
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup ¶
Package decksh -- a domain-specific language for presentations, visualizations, and information displays ¶
```decksh``` is a domain-specific language (DSL) for generating [```deck```]( markup.
## References and Examples
* [```decksh``` overview](
* [```decksh``` object reference](
* [Repository of decksh projects and visualizations](
## Package use
There is a simple method ```Process``` that reads decksh commands from an ```io.Reader``` and writes deck markup to an ```io.Writer```, returning an error.
## Running
This repository also contains ```cmd/decksh```, a client decksh command:
```decksh``` reads from the specified input, and writes deck markup to the specified output destination:
$ decksh # input from stdin, output to stdout $ decksh -o foo.xml # input from stdin, output to foo.xml $ decksh # input from output to stdout $ decksh -o foo.xml # input from output to foo.xml
Typically, ```decksh``` acts as the head of a rendering pipeline:
$ decksh text.dsh | pdfdeck -stdout -pagesize 1200,900 - > text.pdf
## Example input
This deck script:
// Example deck midx=50 midy=50 iw=640 ih=480 imfile="follow.jpg" imlink="" imscale=58 dtop=87 opts="-fulldeck=f -textsize 1 -xlabel=2 -barwidth 1.5" deck slide "white" "black" ctext "Deck elements" midx dtop 5 cimage "follow.jpg" "Dreams" 72 midy iw ih imscale imlink textblock "Budnitz #1, Plainfield, NJ, May 10, 2015" 55 35 10 1 "serif" "white" // List blist 10 75 3 li "text, image, list" li "rect, ellipse, polygon" li "line, arc, curve" elist // Graphics gy=10 c1="red" c2="blue" c3="green" rect 15 gy 8 6 c1 ellipse 27.5 gy 8 6 c2 polygon "37 37 45" "7 13 10" c3 line 50 gy 60 gy 0.25 c1 arc 70 gy 10 8 0 180 0.25 c2 curve 80 gy 95 25 90 gy 0.25 c3 // Chart chleft=10 chright=45 chtop=42 chtbottom=28 dchart -left chleft -right chright -top chtop -bottom chbottom opts AAPL.d eslide edeck
Text, font, color, caption and link arguments follow Go convetions (surrounded by double quotes).
Colors formats are:
* rgb format "rgb(n,n,n)", for example "```"rgb(128,0,128)"``` * hex "#rrggbb", for example ```"#aa00aa"```, or * [SVG color names](
Color gradients (used for slide backgrounds and rectangle and square fills) are specified as color1/color2/percent, for example, ```"blue/white/90"```
Coordinates, dimensions, scales and opacities are floating point numbers ranging from from 0-100 (representing percentages of the canvas width and percent opacity). Some arguments are optional, and if omitted defaults are applied (black for text, gray for graphics, 100% opacity).
Canvas size and image dimensions are in pixels.
## Begin or end a deck.
deck edeck
## Begin, end a slide with optional background and text colors.
slide [bgcolor] [fgcolor] eslide
## Specify the size of the canvas.
canvas w h
## Simple assignments
```id=<number>``` defines a constant, which may be then subtitited. For example:
x=10 y=20 text "hello, world" x y 5
## Assignment operations
```id+=<number>``` increment the value of ```id``` by ```<number>```
```id-=<number>``` decrement the value of ```id``` by ```<number>```
```id*=<number>``` multiply the value of ```id``` by ```<number>```
```id*=<number>``` divide the value of ```id``` by ```<number>```
## Binary operations
Addition ```id=<id> + number or <id>```
tx=10 spacing=1.2 sx=tx-10 vx=tx+spacing
Subtraction ```id=<id> - number or <id>```
Muliplication ```id=<id> * number or <id>```
Division ```id=<id> / number or <id>```
## Coordinate assignments
Assign (x,y) coordinates to the specified identifier. The x coordinate is ```id_x``` and the y coordinate is ```id_y```. The expression with the parentheses may be a constant, variable or binary expression.
This code:
a=40 b=40 c=20 p0=(50,50) p1=(a,b) p2=(a+c,b) p3=(a+c,b+c) p4=(a,b+c) circle p0_x p0_x 3 line p1_x p1_y p2_x p2_y 0.2 "blue" line p2_x p2_y p3_x p3_y 0.2 "red" line p3_x p3_y p4_x p4_y 0.2 "green" line p4_x p4_y p1_x p1_y 0.2 "orange"
makes this:
## Polar Coordinates
x=polarx cx cy r theta y=polary cx cy r theta
Return the polar coordinate given the center at ```(cx, cy)```, radius ```r```, and angle ```theta``` (in degrees)
## Polar Coordinates (composite)
p=polar cx cy r theta
Return the polar coordinates ```(p_x)``` and ```(p_y)``` given the center at ```(cx, cy)```, radius ```r```, and angle ```theta``` (in degrees)
## Area
a=area d c=area a+b
return the circular area, ```a``` for the diameter ```d```.
## Formatted Text
Assign a string variable with formatted text (using package fmt floating point format strings)
w1=10 w2=20+100 s0=format "Widget 1: %.2f" w1 s1=format "Widget 2: %.3f" w2 st=format "Total Widgets: %v" s1+w2
## Random Number
x=random min max
assign a random number in the specified range
## Square Root
return the square root of the number of expression (```id``` or binary operation)
a=4 b=10 x=sqrt 4 x=sqrt a+b x=sqrt b
## Mapping
x=vmap v vmin vmax min max
For value ```v```, map the range ```vmin-vmax``` to ```min-max```.
## Loops
Loop over ```statements```, with ```x``` starting at ```begin```, ending at ```end``` with an optional ```increment``` (if omitted the increment is 1). Substitution of ```x``` will occur in statements.
for x=begin end [increment] statements efor
Loop over ```statements```, with ```x``` ranging over the contents of items within ```[]```. Substitution of ```x``` will occur in statements.
for x=["abc" "def" "ghi"] statements efor
Loop over ```statements```, with ```x``` ranging over the contents ```"file"```. Substitution of ```x``` will occur in statements.
for x="file" statements efor
## Include decksh markup from a file
include "file"
places the contents of ```"file"``` inline.
## Functions
Functions have a defined ```name``` and arguments, and are specifed with statements between the ```def``` and ```edef``` keywords
def name arg1 arg2 ... argn statements edef
## Importing function defintions
Functions may be imported once, and then called by name.
For example, given a file ```redcircle.dsh```:
def redcircle X Y circle X Y 10 "red" edef
which is referenced:
import "redcircle.dsh" x=50 y=50 x2=x-20 y2=y+20 redcircle x y redcircle x2 y2
Functions may also be called with the ```func``` keyword:
func "file" arg1 ... argn
For example, given a file "ftest.dsh"
def ftest funx funy funs funt funs*=2 ctext funt funx funy funs edef
calling the function:
func "ftest.dsh" 50 30 2.5 "hello"
funx=50 funy=30 funs=5.0 funt="hello" ctext "hello" 50 30 5.0
## Data: Make a file
data "foo.d" uno 100 dos 200 tres 300 edata
makes a file named ```foo.d``` with the lines between ```data``` and ```edata```.
## Grid: Place objects on a grid
grid "file.dsh" x y xskip yskip limit
The first file argument (```"file.dsh"``` above) specifies a file with decksh commands; each item in the file must include the arguments "x" and "y". Normal variable substitution occurs for other arguments. For example if the contents of ```file.dsh``` has six items:
circle x y 5 circle x y 10 circle x y 15 square x y 5 square x y 10 square x y 15
The line:
grid "file.dsh" 10 80 20 30 50
creates two rows: three circles and then three squares
```x, y``` specify the beginning location of the items, ```xskip``` is the horizontal spacing between items. ```yinternal``` is the vertical spacing between items and ```limit``` the the horizontal limit. When the ```limit``` is reached, a new row is created.
## Text
Left, centered, end, or block-aligned text or file contents (```x``` and ```y``` are the text's reference point), with optional font ("sans", "serif", "mono", or "symbol"), color and opacity.
text "text" x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [link] ctext "text" x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [link] etext "text" x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [link] textblock "text" x y width size [font] [color] [opacity] [link]
Text rotated along the specified angle (in degrees)
rtext "text" x y angle size [font] [color] [opacity] [link]
Text on an arc centered at ```(x,y)```, with specified radius, between begin and ending angles (in degrees). if the beginning angle is less than the ending angle the text is rendered counter-clockwise. if the beginning angle is greater than the ending angle, the text is rendered clockwise.
arctext "text" x y radius begin-angle end-angle size [font] [color] [opacity] [link]
Place the contents of "filename" at (x,y). Place the contents of "filename" in gray box, using a monospaced font.
textfile "filename" x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [linespacing] textcode "filename" x y width size [color]
## Images
Plain and captioned, with optional scales, links and caption size. ```(x, y)``` is the center of the image, and ```width``` and ```height``` are the image dimensions in pixels.
image "file" x y width height [scale] [link] cimage "file" "caption" x y width height [scale] [link] [size]
## Lists
(plain, bulleted, numbered, centered). Optional arguments specify the color, opacity, line spacing, link and rotation (degrees)
list x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [linespacing] [link] [rotation] blist x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [linespacing] [link] [rotation] nlist x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [linespacing] [link] [rotation] clist x y size [font] [color] [opacity] [linespacing] [link] [rotation]
### list items, and ending the list
li "text" elist
## Graphics
Rectangles, ellipses, squares, circles: specify the center location ```(x, y)``` and dimensions ```(w,h)``` with optional color and opacity. The default color and opacity is gray, 100%. In the case of the ```acircle``` keyword, the ```a``` argument is the area, not the diameter.
rect x y w h [color] [opacity] ellipse x y w h [color] [opacity] square x y w [color] [opacity] circle x y w [color] [opacity] acircle x y a [color] [opacity]
Rounded rectangles are similar, with the added radius for the corners: (solid colors only)
rrect x y w h r [color]
For polygons, specify the x and y coordinates as a series of numbers, with optional color and opacity.
polygon "xcoords" "ycoords" [color] [opacity]
Note that the coordinates may be either discrete:
polygon "10 20 30" "50 60 50"
or use substitution:
x1=10 x2=20 x3=30 y1=50 y2=y1+10 y3=y1 polygon "x1 x2 x3" "y1 y2 y3"
A combination of constants and substitution is also allowed.
polygon "20 x2 30" "50 y2 50"
For lines, specify the coordinates for the beginning ```(x1,y1)``` and end points ```(x2, y2)```. For horizontal and vertical lines specify the initial point and the length. Line thickness, color and opacity are optional, with defaults (0.2, gray, 100%).
A "pill" shape has is a horizontal line with rounded ends.
line x1 y1 x2 y2 [size] [color] [opacity] hline x y length [size] [color] [opacity] vline x y length [size] [color] [opacity] pill x w length size [color]
Curve is a quadratic Bezier curve: specify the beginning location ```(bx, by)```, the control point ```(cx, cy)```, and ending location ```(ex, ey)```.
For arcs, specify the location of the center point ```(x,y)```, the width and height, and the beginning and ending angles (in degrees). Line thickness, color and opacity are optional, with defaults (0.2, gray, 100%).
curve bx by cx cy ex ey [size] [color] [opacity] arc x y w h a1 a2 [size] [color] [opacity]
To make n-sided stars, use the "star" keyword: ```(x,y)``` is the center of the star, ```np``` is the number of points, and ```inner``` and ```outer``` are the sizes of the inner and outer points, respectively.
star x y np inner outer [color] [opacity]
## Arrows
Arrows with optional linewidth, width, height, color, and opacity. Default linewidth is 0.2, default arrow width and height is 3, default color and opacity is gray, 100%. The curve variants use the same syntax for specifying curves.
arrow x1 y1 x2 y2 [linewidth] [arrowidth] [arrowheight] [color] [opacity] lcarrow bx by cx cy ex ey [linewidth] [arrowidth] [arrowheight] [color] [opacity] rcarrow bx by cx cy ex ey [linewidth] [arrowidth] [arrowheight] [color] [opacity] ucarrow bx by cx cy ex ey [linewidth] [arrowidth] [arrowheight] [color] [opacity] dcarrow bx by cx cy ex ey [linewidth] [arrowidth] [arrowheight] [color] [opacity]
## Braces
Left, right, up and down-facing braces. (x, y) is the location of the point of the brace, (aw, ah) are width and height of the braces's end curves; ```linewidth```, ```color``` and ```opacity``` are optional (defaults are 0.2, gray, 100%)
lbrace x y height aw ah [linewidth] [color] [opacity] rbrace x y height aw ah [linewidth] [color] [opacity] ubrace x y width aw ah [linewidth] [color] [opacity] dbrace x y width aw ah [linewidth] [color] [opacity]
## Brackets
Left, right, up and down-facing brackets. (x, y) is the location of the center of the bracket. For left and right-facing brackets, ```width``` is the size of the top and bottom portions, and ```height``` is the span of the bracket. For upward and downward-facing brackets, ```width``` is the span of of bracket, and ```height``` is the size of the left and right portions. ```linewidth```, ```color``` and ```opacity``` are optional (defaults are 0.2, gray, 100%)
lbracket x y width height [linewidth] [color] [opacity] rbracket x y width height [linewidth] [color] [opacity] ubracket x y width height [linewidth] [color] [opacity] dbracket x y width height [linewidth] [color] [opacity]
## Charts
Run the dchart( command with the specified arguments.
dchart [args]
## Legend
Show a colored legend
legend "text" x y size [font] [color]
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup code generation
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup loops
Package decksh is a little language that generates deck markup parsing
Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var (
// Version ...
Version = emap["deckshVersion"]
Functions ¶
Types ¶
This section is empty.