desordres make visuals in the style of "Des Ordres" by Vera Molnár, using deck markup.
For example: make a 1000x1000 pdf using default parameters:
desordres | pdfdeck -stdout -pagesize 1000x1000 - > gray.pdf

Make a 1000x1000 PNG file with random colors HSV(20-60, 100, 100), 14 tiles/row:
desordres -tiles 14 -color '20:60' -bgcolor=black > f.xml
pngdeck -pagesize 1000x1000 f.xml

Use all hues, make a PDF:
desordres -tiles 5 -color '0:360' -bgcolor black | pdfdeck -stdout -pagesize 1000x1000 - > rainbow.pdf

Use a built-in color palette:
desordres -tiles 14 -color mist-gb > mist-gb.xml
pngdeck -pagesize 500x500 mist-gb.xml

Load a custom palette:
desordres -p ajs.pal -color rainbow > rb.xml
pngdeck -pagesize 500x500 rb.xml

Option Default Description
-tiles 10 number of tiles/row
-maxlw 1 maximim line thickness
-p "" palette file
-bgcolor white background color
-color gray color name, h1:h2, or palette:
2-bit-demichrome [#211e20 #555568 #a0a08b #e9efec]
nintendo-super-gameboy [#331e50 #a63725 #d68e49 #f7e7c6]
blu-scribbles [#051833 #0a4f66 #0f998e #12cc7f]
2-bit-grayscale [#000000 #676767 #b6b6b6 #ffffff]
hollow [#0f0f1b #565a75 #c6b7be #fafbf6]
ayy4 [#00303b #ff7777 #ffce96 #f1f2da]
pokemon-sgb [#181010 #84739c #f7b58c #ffefff]
rustic-gb [#2c2137 #764462 #edb4a1 #a96868]
spacehaze [#f8e3c4 #cc3495 #6b1fb1 #0b0630]
moonlight-gb [#0f052d #203671 #36868f #5fc75d]
nintendo-gameboy-bgb [#081820 #346856 #88c070 #e0f8d0]
pen-n-paper [#e4dbba #a4929a #4f3a54 #260d1c]
blk-aqu4 [#002b59 #005f8c #00b9be #9ff4e5]
nostalgia [#d0d058 #a0a840 #708028 #405010]
links-awakening-sgb [#5a3921 #6b8c42 #7bc67b #ffffb5]
arq4 [#ffffff #6772a9 #3a3277 #000000]
kankei4 [#ffffff #f42e1f #2f256b #060608]
dark-mode [#212121 #454545 #787878 #a8a5a5]
kirokaze-gameboy [#332c50 #46878f #94e344 #e2f3e4]
mist-gb [#2d1b00 #1e606e #5ab9a8 #c4f0c2]
red-brick [#eff9d6 #ba5044 #7a1c4b #1b0326]
ice-cream-gb [#7c3f58 #eb6b6f #f9a875 #fff6d3]
palette files
has a built-in palette which may be overridden by specifying a palette file.
Custom palette files are of the form of name followed by a list of colors, one name per line. Colors may be named colors or rgb triples in hex form (#rrggbb).
name color1 color2 ... colorn
for example:
ajstarks #aa0000 #aaaaaa #000000 #ffffff
autumn-decay #313638 #574729 #975330 #c57938 #ffad3b #ffe596
rainbow #ff0000 #ffa500 #ffff00 #008000 #0000ff #4b0082 #ee82ee
funk-it-up #e4ffff #e63410 #a23737 #ffec40 #81913b #26f675 #4c714e #40ebda #394e4e #0a0a0a
polished-gold #000000 #361c1b #754232 #cd894a #e6b983 #fff8bc #ffffff #2d2433 #4f4254 #b092a7
funk-it-up #e4ffff #e63410 #a23737 #ffec40 #81913b #26f675 #4c714e #40ebda #394e4e #0a0a0a
grayscale #111111 #222222 #333333 #444444 #555555 #666666 #777777 #888888 #999999 #aaaaaa #bbbbbb #cccccc #dddddd #eeeeee
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