Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go
Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go allows you to access Alibaba Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Server Load Balancer (SLB), and CloudMonitor. You can access Alibaba Cloud services without the need to handle API related tasks, such as signing and constructing your requests.
This document introduces how to obtain and call Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go.
Troubleshoot Provide OpenAPI diagnosis service to help developers locate quickly and provide solutions for developers through RequestID
or error message
Online Demo
Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI Developer Portal provides the ability to call the cloud product OpenAPI online, and dynamically generate SDK Example code and quick retrieval interface, which can significantly reduce the difficulty of using the cloud API.
- It's necessary for you to make sure your system meet the Requirements, such as installing a Go environment which is new than 1.13.x.
Use go get
to install SDK:
go get -u
Quick Examples
Before you begin, you need to sign up for an Alibaba Cloud account and retrieve your Credentials.
Create Client
package main
import ""
func main() {
client, err := sdk.NewClientWithAccessKey("REGION_ID", "ACCESS_KEY_ID", "ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")
if err != nil {
// Handle exceptions
ROA Request
package main
import ""
func main() {
request := requests.NewCommonRequest() // Make a common request
request.Method = "GET" // Set request method
request.Product = "CS" // Specify product
request.Domain = "" // Location Service will not be enabled if the host is specified. For example, service with aCertification type-Bearer Token should be specified
request.Version = "2015-12-15" // Specify product version
request.PathPattern = "/clusters/[ClusterId]" // Specify path rule with ROA-style
request.Scheme = "https" // Set request scheme. Default: http
request.ApiName = "DescribeCluster" // Specify product interface
request.QueryParams["ClusterId"] = "123456" // Assign values to parameters in the path
request.QueryParams["RegionId"] = "region_id" // Specify the requested regionId, if not specified, use the client regionId, then default regionId
request.TransToAcsRequest() // Trans commonrequest to acsRequest, which is used by client.
RPC Request
package main
import ""
func main() {
request := requests.NewCommonRequest() // Make a common request
request.Method = "POST" // Set request method
request.Product = "Ecs" // Specify product
request.Domain = "" // Location Service will not be enabled if the host is specified. For example, service with a Certification type-Bearer Token should be specified
request.Version = "2014-05-26" // Specify product version
request.Scheme = "https" // Set request scheme. Default: http
request.ApiName = "CreateInstance" // Specify product interface
request.QueryParams["InstanceType"] = "ecs.g5.large" // Assign values to parameters in the path
request.QueryParams["RegionId"] = "region_id" // Specify the requested regionId, if not specified, use the client regionId, then default regionId
request.TransToAcsRequest() // Trans commonrequest to acsRequest, which is used by client.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Client & Credentials
- SSL Verify
- Proxy
- Timeout
- Debug
- Logger
- Concurrent
- Asynchronous Call
- Package Management
- Endpoint
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Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Path | Synopsis |
Package providers Deprecated
Package providers Deprecated |
The utils package just degisned for inner.
The utils package just degisned for inner. |