go cli to help create cardano or algorand proof-of-stake nodes at places like aws,
digitalocean, vultr, linode, google, and more.

You want to be running these proof-of-stake nodes on the new blockchain.
Q. Why not just use coinbase?
A. You can and many people should. But if you are a programmer and grok SSH keys, or think you can learn, you'll make more money this way.
Q. New blockchains?
A. Yeah it's cardano, aka ADA and it changes the whole bitcoin or etherum mining concepts. Also algorand.
Q. Can I mess this up?
A. Absolutely. read this
Q. How does wolfservers store my keys?
A. We use a sqlite database on your local hard drive but all the private keys we write to it are encrypted with a > 36 character phrase you have to memorize. Each morning I open my .bash_profile and write export WOLF_PHRASE="something long and very secret and definitely something I will never forget"
and then every night I erase it from my .bash_profile. (It's not actually those words, OR IS IT???) The actual wolf.db sqlite file is safe to email to yourself, store on dropbox, etc. You want many copies of this wolf.db file. You can never ever
lose it.
Q. Which cloud providers API's are hooked up?
A. DigitalOcean and Vultr and Linode but more are coming.
Q. So I can create these money making machines with one click?
A. We are getting there. But yes, the idea is once you have a credit card on file with a provider, it's just a matter of booting up as many of these nodes as you want to pay for.
Q. How much ADA or ALGO will I make with each node?
A. Hard to answer. We are just getting started but will report back our findings as we observe them.
Q. One more time, why not just use coinbase?
A. Because they are taking a cut! If you run your own node and stake 1000 ADA, you can earn the rewards that ADA can generate. If those rewards > cost of server == profit.
Q. What about estate planning?
A. Good question.
[~/wolfservers] $ ./wolfservers ls --keys
wolf-7C9E 243973181 DO producer
wolf-7C9E 243973183 DO relay
wolf-91F4 084d110e-c VULTR producer
wolf-91F4 02484165-0 VULTR relay
wolf-C0B5 26496237 LINODE producer
wolf-C0B5 26496242 LINODE relay
wolf-91F4 263 Key Evolving Signature Age: 4 days
wolf-C0B5 256 Key Evolving Signature Age: 1 day
wolf-7C9E 260 Key Evolving Signature Age: 1 day
./wolfservers ed255
./wolfservers sqlite
./wolfservers fresh2linode --sure
./wolfservers update-ips --producer=ip1 --relay=ip2 --name=wolf-ABCD
./wolfservers ls
./wolfservers relay --producer=ip1 --relay=ip2
./wolfservers ssh --ip=ip2 --root
./wolfservers producer --producer=ip1 --relay=ip2
./wolfservers ssh --ip=ip1 --root
./wolfservers add-a-record --name=wolf-ABCD-1 --ip=ip1
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