Figure out what's giving your Go binaries so much mass. This provides a report
broken out by package and symbol so that you can see exactly where your
precious storage is being used.
This project can be directly installed via go
go install github.com/andrewbenton/gomass@latest
View the help:
gomass -h
# Usage of gomass:
# -b, --binary string
# -f, --format string Select the output format from [json] (default "json")
# -s, --skip-symbols Skip emitting granular symbol data
# pflag: help requested
Emit JSON for analysis:
gomass -b <my_binary>
Show a UI:
gomass -b <my_binary> -f ui

Hide symbols from the report:
gomass -b <my_binary> -s
This analyzes binary space based on the symbol table. This will not be
perfectly accurate and should only be used as a quick, general guide. If your
binary has had the symbol table stripped, this will not be able to run.