Orwell is a validator package for the Go programming language.
- Quick and simple to use
- Easy to extend with custom validation rules
- Some of the most common validation rules baked in
- Lots of cross-field validation rules (e.g. dependant struct fields)
- Pure Go, no tags
- No third party dependencies
- Avoids complex regexes and reflection whenever possible
Simple data validation
Get a new validator instance:
import (
o := orwell.NewOrwell()
Validate something:
i := 42
err := o.Validate(i, o.Required())
if err != nil {
Add more Rules:
err := o.Validate(i, o.Required(), o.Max(42), o.DivBy(21))
Rules after failing rules wil not be applied:
// o.DivBy() will not be called
err := o.Validate(i, o.Required(), o.Max(41), o.DivBy(20))
Nil or empty values are always valid except for the Required(), NotNil(), NotEmpty() and X-Rules:
var (
i int
err error
// valid
err = o.Validate(i, o.Min(42))
// not valid
err = o.Validate(i, o.NotEmpty(), o.Min(42))
i = 41
// not valid
err = o.Validate(i, o.NotEmpty(), o.Min(42))
Struct Validation
Use pointers both to the struct itself and to the fields to validate (fields passed as arguments to X-rules don't have to be pointers).
s := {
StringField: "somestring",
IntField: 1000,
StructField: {
ChildStringFiled: "",
ChildIntField: 0
// will return orwell.IterableError interface (s.Intfield is not valid)
err := o.ValidateStruct(&s,
o.FieldRules(&s.StringField, o.Required()),
o.FieldRules(&s.StructField.ChildIntField, o.XLt(s.IntField, 1000))
Error handling
Orwell exports three error interfaces: InternalError, IterableError and FieldableError (all of them implement Go's error interface).
Orwell's Validate method will -for now- return a standard Go error, nothing special here. The ValidateStruct method will either return an InternalError or an IterableError. Proceed according to your needs with type assertion:
err := v.ValidateStruct(
// validate some struct
if err != nil {
// don't react specifically, maybe log
// internal error
internalError, ok := err.(orwell.InternalError)
if ok {
// do something with internal error
// iterable error
iterableError, ok := err.(orwell.IterableError)
if ok {
l := iterableError.Len()
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
if fe, ok := iterableError.ValueAt(i).(orwell.FieldableError); ok {
f := fe.FieldName
j := fe.JSONName
e := fe.Error()
DivBy(arg int)
Must be dividable by arg
In(args ...interface{})
Must be equal to one of args
Email(arg bool)
Must be RFC 5322 compliant address (uses net/mail.ParseAddress() and optionally net.LookupMX())
Max(arg int)
Must not be greater than arg
Min(arg int)
Must not be lower than arg
Must not be empty
Must not be nil
Must neither be nil nor empty
XAnd(arg interface{})
Required when arg is neither nil nor empty
XAndOr(arg interface{}, args ...interface{})
Required when arg is neither nil nor empty and all args are nil or empty
XGt(arg interface{}, arg int)
Required when 1st arg is greater than 2nd arg
XLt(arg interface{}, arg int)
Required when 1st arg is lower than 2nd arg
XNor(args ...interface{})
Must be nil or empty when all args are nil or empty
XNot(arg interface{})
Must be nil or empty when arg is neither nil nor empty
XOr(args ...interface{})
Required when all args are nil or empty
Orwell is a new project and not stable, yet. Don't use it in production! Thankful respects to asaskevich/govalidator and go-ozzo/ozzo-validation for inspiration. Feel free to contribute.