This is Pippin's CLI tool. It (currently) doesn't offer full wallet support like the pippin-server rest APIs, but it provides CLI tools for managing keys and wallets.
It comes bundled in the pippin distributions as pippin(.exe)
For usage, see: pippin --help
Some examples are:
# Start the server
% pippin --start-server
# List all wallets and accounts
% pippin wallet --list
# Create a wallet
% pippin wallet --create
# Create a wallet with a specific seed
% pippin wallet --create --seed daaf0390c20e7f646759d1f3b93e55a727147bb5649f7e4945dd0afabd29fe12
# Create 100 accounts on the wallet with ID eb95a02d-0c88-4f82-aea3-1acdf35fb5de
% pippin account --create --id eb95a02d-0c88-4f82-aea3-1acdf35fb5de --count 100