Game of Life
A simple(ish) program that simulates Conway's Game of Life on the terminal.
Running it
Build the binary
$ make build
Simulate an existing pattern
There are a few patterns saved in the ./patterns directory. These patterns are simple text files with a 2D matrix of 1
s and 0
s representing the initial state of the simulation
$ ./bin/life patterns/butterfly-hatch
Create your own pattern
Create a pattern file similar to the ones in ./patterns. Just create a 2D matric with 0
s representing dead cells and 1
s representing alive cells.
$ cat canvas.txt
Dont worry about the size of the matrix. During the simulation the size will be adjusted to center the pattern in your terminal window.
Run it
$ ./bin/life canvas.txt

More options
$ ./bin/life --help
Usage of ./bin/life:
-canvas-only string
Empty canvas
-empty string
Empty cell character (default " ")
-filled string
Filled cell character (default "■")
-freq int
Refresh frequency (default 100)
-line-space string
Line space character
Disable colors