Did you try to run your app in AWS Device Farm via CLI or API? It was easy, right? Right now you can probably say ARN of your project after wake up in the middle of the night :)
This tool helps you to run tests in AWS Device Farm. You don't need to know ARN of your project because it's for machines and not for humans.
It's not a replacement for existing AWS CLI tools. It was created for a very specific purpose, to run tests in CI without a lot of configuration that required for existing solutions. It based on an assumption that all setup is already done. It means, that if you will specify an unexisted project name, then the tool will not create a project for you.
AWS Credentials
Set environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret>
Get it via
go get -u github.com/artemnikitin/devicefarm-ci-tool
Or download binaries for Windows, MacOS or Linux from latest release
Required launch parameters:
name of a project.
path to an app.
devicefarm-ci-tool -project name -app /path/to/my/app.apk
By default, "BUILTIN_FUZZ" tests will be run for your app.
Optional parameters:
name of test run. Overrides value of runName
parameter from config.
Example: -run myName
path to tests. Overrides value of testPackagePath
parameter from config.
Example: -test /path/to/my/testapp.apk
name of device pool where app will be run. If not specified, then tests will be run in default pool selected by AWS.
Example: -devices my-device-pool
will randomly select device pool from provided list
Example: -randomDevices aaa,bbb,ccc,xxx,yyy,zzz
device pool will be selected randomly from existed pools which are not used in any active test run
Example: -useRandomDevicePool
path to config in JSON format.
Example: -config /path/to/config.json
wait for an end of test run. Useful for CI. Disabled by default.
Example: -wait
checks every X seconds for test run completion. Default value is 5 second.
Example: -checkEvery 15
allows to consider test runs as passed for runs where tests passes on several devices, but some of devices were unavailable. For example, if device pool consists of 3 devices and on 2 devices everything is ok, but third device was unavailable, then using this option will mark test run as successful.
Example: -ignoreUnavailableDevices
allows to specify test type via command line. Test type should be one of test types available on AWS Device Farm, see ScheduleRunTest. Overrides value of type
parameter from config.
Example: -testType INSTRUMENTATION
Configuration file
All parameters in the configuration file are optional. Configuration file is based on a syntax of ScheduleRun request.
Config example:
"name": "string",
"projectArn": "string",
"projectName": "string",
"appArn": "string",
"appPath": "string",
"devicePoolArn": "string",
"devicePoolPath": "string",
"testPackagePath": "string",
"extraDataPackagePath": "string",
"auxiliaryAppsPath": [ "path/to/app-1", "path/to/app-2" ],
"configuration": {
"auxiliaryApps": [ "string" ],
"billingMethod": "METERED|UNMETERED",
"customerArtifactPaths": {
"androidPaths": [ "string", "string" ],
"deviceHostPaths": [ "string", "string" ],
"iosPaths": [ "string", "string" ]
"extraDataPackageArn": "string",
"locale": "string",
"location": {
"latitude": 11.11,
"longitude": 22.22
"networkProfileArn": "string",
"radios": {
"bluetooth": boolean,
"gps": boolean,
"nfc": boolean,
"wifi": boolean
"vpceConfigurationArns": [ "string", "string" ]
"executionConfiguration": {
"accountsCleanup": boolean,
"appPackagesCleanup": boolean,
"jobTimeoutMinutes": 111,
"skipAppResign": boolean,
"videoCapture": boolean
"test": {
"filter": "string",
"parameters": {
"string" : "string"
"testPackageArn": "string",