SSH alternative command line client written in Go
Why use ohgossh?
While configuring my ssh_config for the Nth time, I just figured
"Why not make an alternative client, which will allow Regexp patterns
for matching hostnames, and using a template for rendering hostname and
other options to use!?"
So I did. I made this project in Go. Using the golang.org/x/crypto
library, which provides most of what is needed for actually connecting
to an SSH server, and golang.org/x/term
for some terminal stuff.
What is implemented?
- Simple ssh command line interface
- Regexp pattern matching of hosts
- Go template rendering of hostname and options
- Piping the ssh connection to terminal, and making it actually usable
- GSSAPI authentication
- HTTP proxying of ssh connection
ohgossh uses the yaml format for the config file. The yaml config allows
users to add their own PERL compatible regexp patterns and using Go templates
for rendering hostnames and options.
There is a json-schema, for the config file, available here: schema/config.schema.json
Here is an example config from config/examples/regexp.yml
user: "{{ default .User .ShellUser }}"
timeout: "10s"
identityFile: "~/.ssh/id_rsa{{if ne .User .ShellUser}}.{{.User}}{{end}}"
- gssapi-with-mic
- publickey
- password
- pattern: "jump-(uk|us)\\.(dev|stage)"
replace: "jumphost-0{{if eq c1 `uk`}}{{ randomChoice 1 2 }}{{else}}{{ randomChoice 3 4 }}{{end}}.{{ c2 }}.example.domain"
user: admin
- pattern: "jump-(uk|us)\\.prod"
replace: "jumpprod-{{if eq c1 `uk`}}{{ randomChoice 1 2 }}{{else}}{{ randomChoice 3 4 }}{{end}}.example.domain"
user: "prod-admin"
enabled: true
delegateCredentials: true
- pattern: "k8s-((master|worker)[0-9]*)-(uk|us)\\.(dev|stage|prod)"
replace: "{{ c1 }}-{{ c2 }}-{{ c4 }}.{{ c5 }}"
user: "core"
identityFile: "~/.ssh/id_rsa.ansible"
- pattern: "((?!jump).*?-(uk|us))\\.(dev|stage|prod)"
replace: "{{ c1 }}"
jumpHost: "jump-{{ c2 }}.{{ c3 }}"
- name: "github.com"
- github
host: proxy.localhost
port: 8080