About this plugin
This plugin was created to analyse and visualise potential threats and risks in JFrog platforms.
It is done by understanding the relations between JFrog components, and building a corresponding graph in neo4j.
Installation with JFrog CLI
Installing the latest version:
$ jfrog plugin install stechhelm
Installing a specific version:
$ jfrog plugin install stechhelm@version
Uninstalling a plugin
$ jfrog plugin uninstall stechhelm
Additional info
Here are some useful queries to use in neo4j, after creating the graph.
- Show the whole graph:
MATCH (n1)-[r]->(n2) RETURN r, n1, n2
- Find the shortest path - from an attacker to each vulnerable build:
MATCH p = shortestPath((x:RepoVIRTUAL)-[r2:STORES|PRODUCE|DEPENDENCY_FOR*1..10]->(b:Build)),(n)-[r3:LINKED_TO|ATTACKS*1..4]->(x)
WHERE x.is_safe = "false"
Release Notes
The release notes are available here.