
v0.8.18 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 21, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


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var (
	// Architectures is a list of architectures to build binaries for.
	Architectures = []string{"amd64", "arm"}
	// OSList is a list of all OSes to build binaries for.
	OSList = []string{osLinux, osWindows, osDarwin}
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var GitleakConfig = []byte(`title = "gitleaks config"

# Gitleaks rules are defined by regular expressions and entropy ranges.
# Some secrets have unique signatures which make detecting those secrets easy.
# Examples of those secrets would be GitLab Personal Access Tokens, AWS keys, and GitHub Access Tokens.
# All these examples have defined prefixes.
# Other secrets might just be a hash which means we need to write more complex rules to verify
# that what we are matching is a secret.
# Here is an example of a semi-generic secret
#   discord_client_secret = "8dyfuiRyq=vVc3RRr_edRk-fK__JItpZ"
# We can write a regular expression to capture the variable name (identifier),
# the assignment symbol (like '=' or ':='), and finally the actual secret.
# The structure of a rule to match this example secret is below:
#                                                           Beginning string
#                                                               quotation
#                                                                   │            End string quotation
#                                                                   │                      │
#                                                                   ▼                      ▼
#    (?i)(discord[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9=_\-]{32})['\"]
#                   ▲                              ▲                                ▲
#                   │                              │                                │
#                   │                              │                                │
#              identifier                  assignment symbol
#                                                                                Secret
id = "gitlab-pat"
description = "GitLab Personal Access Token"
regex = '''glpat-[0-9a-zA-Z\-]{20}'''

id = "aws-access-token"
description = "AWS"
regex = '''(A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}'''

# Cryptographic keys
id = "PKCS8-PK"
description = "PKCS8 private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'''

id = "RSA-PK"
description = "RSA private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'''

description = "SSH private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----'''

id = "PGP-PK"
description = "PGP private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'''

id = "github-pat"
description = "GitHub Personal Access Token"
regex = '''ghp_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36}'''

id = "github-oauth"
description = "GitHub OAuth Access Token"
regex = '''gho_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36}'''

id = "SSH-DSA-PK"
description = "SSH (DSA) private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----'''

id = "SSH-EC-PK"
description = "SSH (EC) private key"
regex = '''-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----'''

id = "github-app-token"
description = "GitHub App Token"
regex = '''(ghu|ghs)_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36}'''

id = "github-refresh-token"
description = "GitHub Refresh Token"
regex = '''ghr_[0-9a-zA-Z]{76}'''

id = "shopify-shared-secret"
description = "Shopify shared secret"
regex = '''shpss_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}'''

id = "shopify-access-token"
description = "Shopify access token"
regex = '''shpat_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}'''

id = "shopify-custom-access-token"
description = "Shopify custom app access token"
regex = '''shpca_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}'''

id = "shopify-private-app-access-token"
description = "Shopify private app access token"
regex = '''shppa_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}'''

id = "slack-access-token"
description = "Slack token"
regex = '''xox[baprs]-([0-9a-zA-Z]{10,48})?'''

id = "stripe-access-token"
description = "Stripe"
regex = '''(?i)(sk|pk)_(test|live)_[0-9a-z]{10,32}'''

id = "pypi-upload-token"
description = "PyPI upload token"
regex = '''pypi-AgEIcHlwaS5vcmc[A-Za-z0-9-_]{50,1000}'''

id = "gcp-service-account"
description = "Google (GCP) Service-account"
regex = '''\"type\": \"service_account\"'''

id = "heroku-api-key"
description = "Heroku API Key"
regex = ''' (?i)(heroku[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "slack-web-hook"
description = "Slack Webhook"
regex = '''[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/B[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8,12}/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{24}'''

id = "twilio-api-key"
description = "Twilio API Key"
regex = '''SK[0-9a-fA-F]{32}'''

id = "age-secret-key"
description = "Age secret key"

id = "facebook-token"
description = "Facebook token"
regex = '''(?i)(facebook[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "twitter-token"
description = "Twitter token"
regex = '''(?i)(twitter[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{35,44})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "adobe-client-id"
description = "Adobe Client ID (Oauth Web)"
regex = '''(?i)(adobe[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "adobe-client-secret"
description = "Adobe Client Secret"
regex = '''(p8e-)(?i)[a-z0-9]{32}'''

id = "alibaba-access-key-id"
description = "Alibaba AccessKey ID"
regex = '''\W(LTAI)(?i)[a-z0-9]{20}\W'''

id = "alibaba-secret-key"
description = "Alibaba Secret Key"
regex = '''(?i)(alibaba[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{30})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "asana-client-id"
description = "Asana Client ID"
regex = '''(?i)(asana[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9]{16})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "asana-client-secret"
description = "Asana Client Secret"
regex = '''(?i)(asana[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "atlassian-api-token"
description = "Atlassian API token"
regex = '''(?i)(atlassian[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{24})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "bitbucket-client-id"
description = "Bitbucket client ID"
regex = '''(?i)(bitbucket[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "bitbucket-client-secret"
description = "Bitbucket client secret"
regex = '''(?i)(bitbucket[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9_\-]{64})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "beamer-api-token"
description = "Beamer API token"
regex = '''(?i)(beamer[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"](b_[a-z0-9=_\-]{44})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "clojars-api-token"
description = "Clojars API token"
regex = '''(CLOJARS_)(?i)[a-z0-9]{60}'''

id = "contentful-delivery-api-token"
description = "Contentful delivery API token"
regex = '''(?i)(contentful[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9\-=_]{43})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "contentful-preview-api-token"
description = "Contentful preview API token"
regex = '''(?i)(contentful[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9\-=_]{43})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "databricks-api-token"
description = "Databricks API token"
regex = '''dapi[a-h0-9]{32}'''

id = "discord-api-token"
description = "Discord API key"
regex = '''(?i)(discord[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-h0-9]{64})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "discord-client-id"
description = "Discord client ID"
regex = '''(?i)(discord[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9]{18})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "discord-client-secret"
description = "Discord client secret"
regex = '''(?i)(discord[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9=_\-]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "doppler-api-token"
description = "Doppler API token"
regex = '''['\"](dp\.pt\.)(?i)[a-z0-9]{43}['\"]'''

id = "dropbox-api-secret"
description = "Dropbox API secret/key"
regex = '''(?i)(dropbox[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{15})['\"]'''

id = "dropbox--api-key"
description = "Dropbox API secret/key"
regex = '''(?i)(dropbox[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{15})['\"]'''

id = "dropbox-short-lived-api-token"
description = "Dropbox short lived API token"
regex = '''(?i)(dropbox[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"](sl\.[a-z0-9\-=_]{135})['\"]'''

id = "dropbox-long-lived-api-token"
description = "Dropbox long lived API token"
regex = '''(?i)(dropbox[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"][a-z0-9]{11}(AAAAAAAAAA)[a-z0-9\-_=]{43}['\"]'''

id = "duffel-api-token"
description = "Duffel API token"
regex = '''['\"]duffel_(test|live)_(?i)[a-z0-9_-]{43}['\"]'''

id = "dynatrace-api-token"
description = "Dynatrace API token"
regex = '''['\"]dt0c01\.(?i)[a-z0-9]{24}\.[a-z0-9]{64}['\"]'''

id = "easypost-api-token"
description = "EasyPost API token"
regex = '''['\"]EZAK(?i)[a-z0-9]{54}['\"]'''

id = "easypost-test-api-token"
description = "EasyPost test API token"
regex = '''['\"]EZTK(?i)[a-z0-9]{54}['\"]'''

id = "fastly-api-token"
description = "Fastly API token"
regex = '''(?i)(fastly[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9\-=_]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "finicity-client-secret"
description = "Finicity client secret"
regex = '''(?i)(finicity[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{20})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "finicity-api-token"
description = "Finicity API token"
regex = '''(?i)(finicity[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "flutterwave-public-key"
description = "Flutterwave public key"
regex = '''FLWPUBK_TEST-(?i)[a-h0-9]{32}-X'''

id = "flutterwave-secret-key"
description = "Flutterwave secret key"
regex = '''FLWSECK_TEST-(?i)[a-h0-9]{32}-X'''

id = "flutterwave-enc-key"
description = "Flutterwave encrypted key"
regex = '''FLWSECK_TEST[a-h0-9]{12}'''

id = "frameio-api-token"
description = " API token"
regex = '''fio-u-(?i)[a-z0-9-_=]{64}'''

id = "gocardless-api-token"
description = "GoCardless API token"
regex = '''['\"]live_(?i)[a-z0-9-_=]{40}['\"]'''

id = "grafana-api-token"
description = "Grafana API token"
regex = '''['\"]eyJrIjoi(?i)[a-z0-9-_=]{72,92}['\"]'''

id = "hashicorp-tf-api-token"
description = "HashiCorp Terraform user/org API token"
regex = '''['\"](?i)[a-z0-9]{14}\.atlasv1\.[a-z0-9-_=]{60,70}['\"]'''

id = "hubspot-api-token"
description = "HubSpot API token"
regex = '''(?i)(hubspot[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-h0-9]{8}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{12})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "intercom-api-token"
description = "Intercom API token"
regex = '''(?i)(intercom[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9=_]{60})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "intercom-client-secret"
description = "Intercom client secret/ID"
regex = '''(?i)(intercom[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-h0-9]{8}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{12})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "ionic-api-token"
description = "Ionic API token"
regex = '''(?i)(ionic[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"](ion_[a-z0-9]{42})['\"]'''

id = "linear-api-token"
description = "Linear API token"
regex = '''lin_api_(?i)[a-z0-9]{40}'''

id = "linear-client-secret"
description = "Linear client secret/ID"
regex = '''(?i)(linear[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "lob-api-key"
description = "Lob API Key"
regex = '''(?i)(lob[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]((live|test)_[a-f0-9]{35})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "lob-pub-api-key"
description = "Lob Publishable API Key"
regex = '''(?i)(lob[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]((test|live)_pub_[a-f0-9]{31})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "mailchimp-api-key"
description = "Mailchimp API key"
regex = '''(?i)(mailchimp[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-f0-9]{32}-us20)['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "mailgun-private-api-token"
description = "Mailgun private API token"
regex = '''(?i)(mailgun[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"](key-[a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "mailgun-pub-key"
description = "Mailgun public validation key"
regex = '''(?i)(mailgun[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"](pubkey-[a-f0-9]{32})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "mailgun-signing-key"
description = "Mailgun webhook signing key"
regex = '''(?i)(mailgun[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-h0-9]{32}-[a-h0-9]{8}-[a-h0-9]{8})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "mapbox-api-token"
description = "Mapbox API token"
regex = '''(?i)(pk\.[a-z0-9]{60}\.[a-z0-9]{22})'''

id = "messagebird-api-token"
description = "MessageBird API token"
regex = '''(?i)(messagebird[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{25})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "messagebird-client-id"
description = "MessageBird API client ID"
regex = '''(?i)(messagebird[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-h0-9]{8}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{4}-[a-h0-9]{12})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "new-relic-user-api-key"
description = "New Relic user API Key"
regex = '''['\"](NRAK-[A-Z0-9]{27})['\"]'''

id = "new-relic-user-api-id"
description = "New Relic user API ID"
regex = '''(?i)(newrelic[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([A-Z0-9]{64})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "new-relic-browser-api-token"
description = "New Relic ingest browser API token"
regex = '''['\"](NRJS-[a-f0-9]{19})['\"]'''

id = "npm-access-token"
description = "npm access token"
regex = '''['\"](npm_(?i)[a-z0-9]{36})['\"]'''

id = "planetscale-password"
description = "PlanetScale password"
regex = '''pscale_pw_(?i)[a-z0-9\-_\.]{43}'''

id = "planetscale-api-token"
description = "PlanetScale API token"
regex = '''pscale_tkn_(?i)[a-z0-9\-_\.]{43}'''

id = "postman-api-token"
description = "Postman API token"
regex = '''PMAK-(?i)[a-f0-9]{24}\-[a-f0-9]{34}'''

id = "pulumi-api-token"
description = "Pulumi API token"
regex = '''pul-[a-f0-9]{40}'''

id = "rubygems-api-token"
description = "Rubygem API token"
regex = '''rubygems_[a-f0-9]{48}'''

id = "sendgrid-api-token"
description = "SendGrid API token"
regex = '''SG\.(?i)[a-z0-9_\-\.]{66}'''

id = "sendinblue-api-token"
description = "Sendinblue API token"
regex = '''xkeysib-[a-f0-9]{64}\-(?i)[a-z0-9]{16}'''

id = "shippo-api-token"
description = "Shippo API token"
regex = '''shippo_(live|test)_[a-f0-9]{40}'''

id = "linkedin-client-secret"
description = "LinkedIn Client secret"
regex = '''(?i)(linkedin[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z]{16})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "linkedin-client-id"
description = "LinkedIn Client ID"
regex = '''(?i)(linkedin[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{14})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "twitch-api-token"
description = "Twitch API token"
regex = '''(?i)(twitch[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([a-z0-9]{30})['\"]'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "typeform-api-token"
description = "Typeform API token"
regex = '''(?i)(typeform[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}(tfp_[a-z0-9\-_\.=]{59})'''
secretGroup = 3

id = "generic-api-key"
description = "Generic API Key"
regex = '''(?i)((key|api[^Version]|token|secret|password)[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9a-zA-Z\-_=]{8,64})['\"]'''
entropy = 3.7
secretGroup = 4

description = "global allow lists"
regexes = ['''219-09-9999''', '''078-05-1120''', '''(9[0-9]{2}|666)-\d{2}-\d{4}''']
paths = [

nolint Gitleaks rules

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var (
	UI = clui.NewUI()


func Build

func Build(args ...string) error

Build builds the project.

func BuildAll

func BuildAll(args ...string) error

BuildAll builds all binaries for all OSes and architectures.

func BuildAllReleaser added in v0.4.1

func BuildAllReleaser(args ...string) error

BuildAllReleaser builds all binaries for all OSes and architectures, in preparation for a release.

func BuildReleaser added in v0.4.1

func BuildReleaser(args ...string) error

BuildReleaser builds the project.

func Commit

func Commit() (string, error)

func DockerImage

func DockerImage(repositoryAndTag string, args ...string) error

DockerImage builds the docker image for the project.

func DockerPush added in v0.4.2

func DockerPush(existingImage, imageToPush string) error

DockerPush pushes an image.

func DockerTags added in v0.4.2

func DockerTags(registry, image string) ([]string, error)

DockerTags uses sver to get a list of tags to be pushed. Expects env vars DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD to be set.

func Generate

func Generate(paths ...string) error

Generate runs go generate for the specified paths. If no paths are used, it generates for './...'.

func GenerateWith added in v0.8.1

func GenerateWith(tools []string, paths ...string) error

Generate runs go generate for the specified paths using the specified generation tools. If no paths are used, it generates for './...'.

func GitPushTag added in v0.3.3

func GitPushTag(tag, remote string) error

func GitTag added in v0.3.3

func GitTag(tag string) error

func GitleaksCheck added in v0.8.2

func GitleaksCheck() error

func IsDirty added in v0.3.3

func IsDirty(version string) bool

func Lint

func Lint(args ...string) error

Lint runs linting against the project.

func MergeOpenAPI

func MergeOpenAPI(repo, outfile string, subServices []string) error

func NextVersion added in v0.3.3

func NextVersion(part string) (string, error)

func Release added in v0.4.3

func Release(args ...string) error

Release releases the project.

func SetupGitConfig added in v0.4.4

func SetupGitConfig(email, name string) error

func Test

func Test(args ...string) error

Test runs all tests in the project using gotestsum.

func Version

func Version() (string, error)

func WorkDir

func WorkDir() string

WorkDir returns the current working directory.


This section is empty.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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