Overview ¶
Package blink1 facilitates interaction with the blink(1) mk2 USB RGB LED notification light through both a low-level and high-level interface. The low-level interface, embodied in the Device type, provides direct access to the device by offering a range of HID command APIs. Conversely, the high-level interface, represented by the Controller type, simplifies device access by providing a user-friendly API suited for task execution.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func ColorToHex(cl color.Color) string
- func ColorToRGB(cl color.Color) (r, g, b uint8)
- func DecodeGammaColor(cl color.Color) color.Color
- func EncodeGammaColor(cl color.Color) color.Color
- func FindDeviceInfoBySerialNumber(sn string) (*hid.DeviceInfo, error)
- func FindNextDeviceInfo() (di *hid.DeviceInfo, err error)
- func GetColorByName(name string) (cl color.Color, found bool)
- func GetColorNames() []string
- func GetNameByColor(cl color.Color) (name string, found bool)
- func GetNameOrHexByColor(cl color.Color) string
- func HSBToRGB(hue, sat, bright float64) (red, green, blue uint8)
- func HexToColor(hex string) (color.Color, error)
- func HexToRGB(hex string) (r, g, b uint8, err error)
- func IsBlink1Device(di *hid.DeviceInfo) bool
- func IsRunningOnSupportedOS() bool
- func ListDeviceInfo() []*hid.DeviceInfo
- func ParseColor(query string) (color.Color, error)
- func ParseRepeatTimes(query string) (uint, error)
- func ParseTitle(query string) (string, error)
- func Preload()
- func RGBToColor(r, g, b uint8) color.Color
- func RGBToHex(r, g, b uint8) string
- func RandomColor() color.Color
- type Controller
- func (c *Controller) Close()
- func (c *Controller) GetDevice() *Device
- func (c *Controller) GetFirmwareVersion() (int, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetPatternState() (PatternState, error)
- func (c *Controller) IsPatternPlaying() (bool, error)
- func (c *Controller) LoadPattern(posStart, posEnd uint, seq StateSequence) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayColor(cl color.Color) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayHSB(hue, saturation, brightness float64) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayPattern(pt Pattern) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayPatternBlocking(pt Pattern) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayRGB(r, g, b byte) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayState(st LightState) error
- func (c *Controller) PlayStateBlocking(st LightState) error
- func (c *Controller) ReadColor(ledN LEDIndex) (color.Color, error)
- func (c *Controller) ReadPattern() (StateSequence, error)
- func (c *Controller) SetGammaCorrection(on bool)
- func (c *Controller) SimpleTickle(posStart, posEnd uint, timeout time.Duration, keepOld bool) error
- func (c *Controller) StartAutoTickle(posStart, posEnd uint, keepOld bool) error
- func (c *Controller) StartManualTickle(posStart, posEnd uint, timeout time.Duration, keepOld bool) (chan<- struct{}, error)
- func (c *Controller) StopAutoTickle()
- func (c *Controller) StopPlaying() error
- func (c *Controller) String() string
- func (c *Controller) WritePattern() error
- type Device
- func (b1 *Device) Close()
- func (b1 *Device) FadeToRGB(r, g, b byte, fadeMsec uint, ledN LEDIndex) error
- func (b1 *Device) GetDeviceInfo() *hid.DeviceInfo
- func (b1 *Device) GetGeneration() uint16
- func (b1 *Device) GetProductName() string
- func (b1 *Device) GetSerialNumber() string
- func (b1 *Device) GetVersion() (ver int, err error)
- func (b1 *Device) PlayLoop(play bool, posStart, posEnd, times uint) error
- func (b1 *Device) ReadPatternLine(pos uint) (st DeviceLightState, err error)
- func (b1 *Device) ReadPlaystate() (st DevicePatternState, err error)
- func (b1 *Device) ReadRGB(ledN LEDIndex) (r, g, b byte, err error)
- func (b1 *Device) SavePattern() error
- func (b1 *Device) SetPatternLine(pos uint, st DeviceLightState) error
- func (b1 *Device) SetRGBNow(r, g, b byte, ledN LEDIndex) error
- func (b1 *Device) SetTickleMode(play, keep bool, posStart, posEnd, timeoutMsec uint) error
- func (b1 *Device) String() string
- func (b1 *Device) Test() ([]byte, error)
- type DeviceLightState
- type DevicePatternState
- type LEDIndex
- type LightState
- func NewLightState(cl color.Color, fadeTime time.Duration, ledN LEDIndex) LightState
- func NewLightStateHSB(h, s, b float64, fadeTime time.Duration, ledN LEDIndex) LightState
- func NewLightStateRGB(r, g, b uint8, fadeTime time.Duration, ledN LEDIndex) LightState
- func ParseStateQuery(query string) (LightState, error)
- type Pattern
- type PatternState
- type StateSequence
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ColorApricot is a predefined color, it's a light orange color similar to the color of an apricot fruit, having the RGB values #FBCEB1 ColorApricot = color.RGBA{R: 0xFB, G: 0xCE, B: 0xB1, A: 0xFF} // ColorBeige is a predefined color, which is a very pale yellowish-brown color, having the RGB values #F5F5DC ColorBeige = color.RGBA{R: 0xF5, G: 0xF5, B: 0xDC, A: 0xFF} // ColorBlack is a predefined color, which absorbs all light in the visible wavelengths, having the RGB values #000000 ColorBlack = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorBlue is a predefined color, which is one of the primary additive colors, having the RGB values #0000FF ColorBlue = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x00, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF} // ColorBronze is a predefined color, it resembles the color of the metal bronze, having the RGB values #CD7F32 ColorBronze = color.RGBA{R: 0xCD, G: 0x7F, B: 0x32, A: 0xFF} // ColorBrown is a predefined color, which is a composite color produced by mixing red, yellow, and black, having the RGB values #A52A2A ColorBrown = color.RGBA{R: 0xA5, G: 0x2A, B: 0x2A, A: 0xFF} // ColorCyan is a predefined color (a.k.a. Aqua), which is a greenish-blue color, having the RGB values #00FFFF ColorCyan = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF} // ColorGold is a predefined color, which resembles the metal gold, having the RGB values #FFD700 ColorGold = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xD7, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorGray is a predefined color (a.k.a. Grey), which is an intermediate color between black and white, having the RGB values #808080 ColorGray = color.RGBA{R: 0x80, G: 0x80, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF} // ColorGreen is a predefined color, which is one of the primary additive colors, having the RGB values #00FF00 ColorGreen = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorIndigo is a predefined color, which is a mix of blue and violet, having the RGB values #4B0082 ColorIndigo = color.RGBA{R: 0x4B, G: 0x00, B: 0x82, A: 0xFF} // ColorLavender is a predefined color, it's a light purple color similar to lavender flowers, having the RGB values #E6E6FA ColorLavender = color.RGBA{R: 0xE6, G: 0xE6, B: 0xFA, A: 0xFF} // ColorLime is a predefined color, which is a fluorescent green, having the RGB values #00FF00 ColorLime = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x80, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorMagenta is a predefined color (a.k.a. Fuchsia), which is a mix of red and blue, having the RGB values #FF00FF ColorMagenta = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0x00, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF} // ColorMaroon is a predefined color, which is a dark brownish red color, having the RGB values #800000 ColorMaroon = color.RGBA{R: 0x80, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorMint is a predefined color, which is a pale greenish-blue color, having the RGB values #16982B ColorMint = color.RGBA{R: 0x16, G: 0x98, B: 0x2B, A: 0xFF} ColorNavy = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x00, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF} // ColorOlive is a predefined color, which resembles unripe green olives, having the RGB values #808000 ColorOlive = color.RGBA{R: 0x80, G: 0x80, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorOrange is a predefined color, which is between red and yellow, having the RGB values #FFA500 ColorOrange = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xA5, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorPeach is a predefined color, it's similar to the color of a peach fruit, having the RGB values #FFE5B4 ColorPeach = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xE5, B: 0xB4, A: 0xFF} // ColorPink is a predefined color, which is a pale red color, having the RGB values #FFC0CB ColorPink = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xC0, B: 0xCB, A: 0xFF} // ColorPlum is a predefined color, it's a dark purple color similar to the color of a plum fruit, having the RGB values #8E4585 ColorPlum = color.RGBA{R: 0x8E, G: 0x45, B: 0x85, A: 0xFF} // ColorPurple is a predefined color, which is a mix of red and blue, having the RGB values #800080 ColorPurple = color.RGBA{R: 0x80, G: 0x00, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF} // ColorRed is a predefined color, which is one of the primary additive colors, having the RGB values #FF0000 ColorRed = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorScarlet is a predefined color, which is a bright red color with a slightly orange tinge, having the RGB values #FF2400 ColorScarlet = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0x24, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // ColorSilver is a predefined color, which resembles gray metallic silver, having the RGB values #C0C0C0 ColorSilver = color.RGBA{R: 0xC0, G: 0xC0, B: 0xC0, A: 0xFF} // ColorTeal is a predefined color, which is a dark cyan color, having the RGB values #008080 ColorTeal = color.RGBA{R: 0x00, G: 0x80, B: 0x80, A: 0xFF} // ColorViolet is a predefined color, which is a mix of blue and red, having the RGB values #8000FF ColorViolet = color.RGBA{R: 0x80, G: 0x00, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF} // ColorWhite is a predefined color, which reflects all visible wavelengths of light, having the RGB values #FFFFFF ColorWhite = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, A: 0xFF} // ColorYellow is a predefined color, which is one of the primary subtractive colors, having the RGB values #FFFF00 ColorYellow = color.RGBA{R: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, B: 0x00, A: 0xFF} // RainbowColors is a predefined color palette, which contains the 7 colors of the rainbow. RainbowColors = []color.Color{ColorRed, ColorOrange, ColorYellow, ColorGreen, ColorCyan, ColorBlue, ColorViolet} )
Functions ¶
func ColorToHex ¶
ColorToHex converts color.Color to hex string with leading #. e.g. color.RGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff} -> "#FF0000" However, if you need color names instead of hex strings, use GetNameByColor()/GetNameOrHexByColor() methods instead.
func ColorToRGB ¶
ColorToRGB converts color.Color to 8-bit RGB values. e.g. color.RGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff} -> 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
func DecodeGammaColor ¶
DecodeGammaColor operates gamma correction on the given color and returns the decoded color. The gamma correction is automatically applied for state and pattern while playing or writing. This is the inverse function of EncodeGammaColor.
func EncodeGammaColor ¶
EncodeGammaColor operates gamma correction on the given color and returns the encoded color. Encoding a decoded color may not return the original color, but it will be the same color when decoded again.
func FindDeviceInfoBySerialNumber ¶
func FindDeviceInfoBySerialNumber(sn string) (*hid.DeviceInfo, error)
FindDeviceInfoBySerialNumber finds a connected blink(1) device with serial number and returns its HID device info.
func FindNextDeviceInfo ¶
func FindNextDeviceInfo() (di *hid.DeviceInfo, err error)
FindNextDeviceInfo returns the next HID device info of a blink(1) device which is connected to the system.
func GetColorByName ¶
GetColorByName returns the color corresponding to the given name from the preset color map. If the color is found, it returns the color and true, otherwise it returns nil and false.
func GetColorNames ¶
func GetColorNames() []string
GetColorNames returns the color names from the preset color map.
func GetNameByColor ¶
GetNameByColor returns the name corresponding to the given color from the preset color map. If the color is found, it returns the name and true. If the color is not found, it returns the hex string and false.
func GetNameOrHexByColor ¶
GetNameOrHexByColor returns the name corresponding to the given color from the preset color map, or the hex string if the color is not found.
func HSBToRGB ¶
HSBToRGB converts HSB to 8-bit RGB values. e.g. 0, 100, 100 -> 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 The hue is in degrees [0, 360], saturation and brightness/value are percent in the range [0, 100]. Values outside of these ranges will be clamped.
func HexToColor ¶
HexToColor converts hex string to color.Color. The hex string can be in the format of #RRGGBB or #RGB or RRGGBB or RGB (case insensitive). e.g. "#FF0000" -> color.RGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff} However, if you want to convert color names to color.Color, use GetColorByName() instead. And if your input string is more complex and diverse than hex or names, use ParseColor() instead.
func HexToRGB ¶
HexToRGB converts hex string to 8-bit RGB values. The underlying implementation is HexToColor() + ColorToRGB(). e.g. "#FF0000" -> 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
func IsBlink1Device ¶
func IsBlink1Device(di *hid.DeviceInfo) bool
IsBlink1Device returns true if the device info is about a blink(1) device.
func IsRunningOnSupportedOS ¶
func IsRunningOnSupportedOS() bool
IsRunningOnSupportedOS returns true if the current OS is supported by underlying HID library.
Example ¶
This example checks if the current OS is supported by the underlying HID library.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { fmt.Println(b1.IsRunningOnSupportedOS()) }
func ListDeviceInfo ¶
func ListDeviceInfo() []*hid.DeviceInfo
ListDeviceInfo returns all HID device info of all blink(1) devices which are connected to the system. The returned slice is sorted by serial number.
func ParseColor ¶
ParseColor parses the case-insensitive unstructured description of color and returns the corresponding color.Color.
func ParseRepeatTimes ¶
ParseRepeatTimes parses the case-insensitive unstructured description of repeat times and returns the number of times to repeat.
Example ¶
This example shows how to parse a repeat times query.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { rt, err := b1.ParseRepeatTimes("Repeat 3 times") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(rt) }
Output: 3
func ParseTitle ¶
ParseTitle parses the labeled title or topic or idea string from the query string. It returns the title or an error if no title is found.
Example ¶
This example shows how to parse a title query.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { t, err := b1.ParseTitle("title: Hawaiian Rainbow") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(t) }
Output: Hawaiian Rainbow
func Preload ¶
func Preload()
Preload triggers the initialization of the parsers and color names. It's optional to call this function, and it's safe to call it multiple times. Currently there is no noticeable performance gain from calling this function before using other APIs.
func RGBToColor ¶
RGBToColor converts 8-bit RGB values to color.Color. e.g. 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 -> color.RGBA{R: 0xff, G: 0x00, B: 0x00, A: 0xff}
func RGBToHex ¶
RGBToHex converts 8-bit RGB values to hex string with leading #. e.g. 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 -> "#FF0000"
func RandomColor ¶
RandomColor returns a bright random color.
Example ¶
This example shows how to get a random color.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { cl := b1.RandomColor() fmt.Println(b1.GetNameOrHexByColor(cl)) }
Types ¶
type Controller ¶
type Controller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Controller provides a high-level API for operating blink(1) devices, abstracting away the low-level details.
func NewController ¶
func NewController(dev *Device) *Controller
NewController creates a blink(1) controller for existing device instance.
func OpenController ¶
func OpenController(info *hid.DeviceInfo) (*Controller, error)
OpenController opens a blink(1) controller for device which is connected to the system.
func OpenControllerBySerialNumber ¶
func OpenControllerBySerialNumber(sn string) (*Controller, error)
OpenControllerBySerialNumber finds a connected blink(1) device with serial number and opens it as controller.
func OpenNextController ¶
func OpenNextController() (*Controller, error)
OpenNextController opens the next blink(1) device which is connected to the system and returns as controller.
func (*Controller) Close ¶
func (c *Controller) Close()
Close closes the device and release the kept resources.
func (*Controller) GetDevice ¶
func (c *Controller) GetDevice() *Device
GetDevice returns the underlying blink(1) device.
func (*Controller) GetFirmwareVersion ¶
func (c *Controller) GetFirmwareVersion() (int, error)
GetFirmwareVersion returns the firmware version of the device.
func (*Controller) GetPatternState ¶
func (c *Controller) GetPatternState() (PatternState, error)
GetPatternState returns the current state of the pattern that is playing.
func (*Controller) IsPatternPlaying ¶
func (c *Controller) IsPatternPlaying() (bool, error)
IsPatternPlaying returns true if the pattern is playing.
func (*Controller) LoadPattern ¶
func (c *Controller) LoadPattern(posStart, posEnd uint, seq StateSequence) error
LoadPattern writes the given pattern to the device's RAM and it will be lost after the device is powered off. To save the pattern to the device's flash, call WritePattern() after calling this function.
func (*Controller) PlayColor ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayColor(cl color.Color) error
PlayColor fades the all LED to the specified RGB color immediately.
Example ¶
This example shows how to play a color on the blink(1) device.
package main import ( b1 "" ) func main() { c, err := b1.OpenNextController() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer c.Close() c.PlayColor(b1.ColorBlue) }
func (*Controller) PlayHSB ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayHSB(hue, saturation, brightness float64) error
PlayHSB fades the all LED to the specified HSB/HSV color immediately. Valid hue range is [0, 360], saturation range and brightness/value range is [0, 100]. Values outside of the valid range will be clamped to the range.
func (*Controller) PlayPattern ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayPattern(pt Pattern) error
PlayPattern plays the given pattern. If the pattern has no states, it will only play the pattern without writing states to the device's RAM
func (*Controller) PlayPatternBlocking ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayPatternBlocking(pt Pattern) error
PlayPatternBlocking plays the given pattern, and blocks until the pattern is finished. It may block forever if the pattern is set to loop forever. If the pattern has no states, it will only play the pattern without writing states to the device's RAM, and blocks until the pattern is finished.
Example ¶
This example illustrates how to generate a state sequence for Hawaiian rainbow on the blink(1) device, looping it thrice, and pausing until the execution completes.
package main import ( "time" b1 "" ) func main() { // build a rainbow sequence with 2 states for each color, one for fade in and one for maintain seq := make(b1.StateSequence, len(b1.RainbowColors)*2) for i, cl := range b1.RainbowColors { st := b1.NewLightState(cl, 300*time.Millisecond, b1.LEDAll) seq[i*2] = st seq[i*2+1] = st } pat := b1.Pattern{ StartPosition: 0, EndPosition: uint(seq.Length() - 1), RepeatTimes: 3, Sequence: seq, } // open the device and play the pattern c, err := b1.OpenNextController() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer c.Close() c.PlayPatternBlocking(pat) // turn off all LEDs c.StopPlaying() }
func (*Controller) PlayRGB ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayRGB(r, g, b byte) error
PlayRGB fades the all LED to the specified RGB color immediately.
func (*Controller) PlayState ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayState(st LightState) error
PlayState fades the given LED to the specified RGB color over the specified time.
Example ¶
This example shows how to fade to a RGB color on the blink(1) device.
package main import ( "time" b1 "" ) func main() { c, err := b1.OpenNextController() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer c.Close() st := b1.NewLightStateRGB(0, 0, 0xff, time.Second, b1.LED1) c.PlayState(st) }
func (*Controller) PlayStateBlocking ¶
func (c *Controller) PlayStateBlocking(st LightState) error
PlayStateBlocking fades the given LED to the specified RGB color over the specified time, and blocks until the fade is finished.
func (*Controller) ReadColor ¶
func (c *Controller) ReadColor(ledN LEDIndex) (color.Color, error)
ReadColor reads the current color of the specified LED.
Example ¶
This example shows how to read the current color of the first LED of the blink(1) device.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { c, err := b1.OpenNextController() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer c.Close() if cl, err := c.ReadColor(b1.LED1); err != nil { panic(err) } else { fmt.Println(b1.GetNameOrHexByColor(cl)) } }
func (*Controller) ReadPattern ¶
func (c *Controller) ReadPattern() (StateSequence, error)
ReadPattern reads the current pattern in the device's RAM.
func (*Controller) SetGammaCorrection ¶
func (c *Controller) SetGammaCorrection(on bool)
SetGammaCorrection sets the gamma correction on/off for the controller. Default is on. If it is true, the gamma correction will be applied for state and pattern while playing or writing.
func (*Controller) SimpleTickle ¶
SimpleTickle sets the device to tickle once. The timeout should be at least 10ms, or it will be ignored by the firmware. An error will be returned for this case. If keepOld is true, the current pattern will be kept playing, otherwise it will be stopped.
func (*Controller) StartAutoTickle ¶
func (c *Controller) StartAutoTickle(posStart, posEnd uint, keepOld bool) error
StartAutoTickle sets the device to automatically tickle every 2 seconds. If the auto tickle is already started, it will be stopped and restarted. If keepOld is true, the current pattern will be kept playing, otherwise it will be stopped.
To stop the auto tickle, call StopAutoTickle().
func (*Controller) StartManualTickle ¶
func (c *Controller) StartManualTickle(posStart, posEnd uint, timeout time.Duration, keepOld bool) (chan<- struct{}, error)
StartManualTickle sets the device to tickle manually. The timeout should be at least 10ms, or it will be ignored by the firmware. An error will be returned for this case. Signals should be sent to the returned channel to tickle before the timeout, otherwise the given pattern will be played. If keepOld is true, the current pattern will be kept playing, otherwise it will be stopped.
To stop the manual tickle, close the returned channel.
func (*Controller) StopAutoTickle ¶
func (c *Controller) StopAutoTickle()
StopAutoTickle stops the device from automatically tickling.
func (*Controller) StopPlaying ¶
func (c *Controller) StopPlaying() error
StopPlaying stops playing the pattern and turns off all the LEDs. It will stop the current playing patterns, whether it is started by StartPlaying() or StartAuto/ManualTickle(), and turn off all the LEDs. If the pattern is not playing, it only turns off all the LEDs. It will NOT stop the auto/manual tickle.
func (*Controller) String ¶
func (c *Controller) String() string
func (*Controller) WritePattern ¶
func (c *Controller) WritePattern() error
WritePattern writes the pattern stored in the device's RAM to its flash. For mk2 device, only the first 16 patterns can be saved.
type Device ¶
type Device struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Device represents a blink(1) device and provides low-level APIs using HID commands for direct control.
func OpenDevice ¶
func OpenDevice(info *hid.DeviceInfo) (*Device, error)
OpenDevice opens a blink(1) device which is connected to the system.
func OpenDeviceBySerialNumber ¶
OpenDeviceBySerialNumber finds a connected blink(1) device with serial number and opens it as device.
func OpenNextDevice ¶
OpenNextDevice opens the next blink(1) device which is connected to the system and returns as device.
func (*Device) Close ¶
func (b1 *Device) Close()
Close closes the device and release the kept resources.
func (*Device) FadeToRGB ¶
FadeToRGB fades the given LED to the specified RGB color over the specified time.
The fadeMsec parameter specifies the fade time in milliseconds, fade time less than 10ms will be processed as no fade time by the firmware. The ledN parameter specifies which LED to control: 0=all, 1=top LED, 2=bottom LED.
Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) GetDeviceInfo ¶
func (b1 *Device) GetDeviceInfo() *hid.DeviceInfo
GetDeviceInfo returns the HID device info.
func (*Device) GetGeneration ¶
GetGeneration returns the generation number.
func (*Device) GetProductName ¶
GetProductName returns the product name.
func (*Device) GetSerialNumber ¶
GetSerialNumber returns the serial number.
func (*Device) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the firmware version of the device.
Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) PlayLoop ¶
PlayLoop starts or stops a sub-loop of the color pattern.
The play parameter specifies whether to start or stop the loop. The posStart and posEnd parameters specify the start and end positions of the loop, where positions should be [0, patt_max-1]. If posEnd is 0, it will be set to patt_max by the firmware. There is no check for posStart < posEnd, and the device will play the loop in even if posStart > posEnd, i.e. the loop will play from posStart to maxPos-1 and then 0 to posEnd. The times parameter specifies how many times to play the loop, 0 means infinite.
Returns an error if the arguments are invalid or there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) ReadPatternLine ¶
func (b1 *Device) ReadPatternLine(pos uint) (st DeviceLightState, err error)
ReadPatternLine reads the specified pattern line.
The pos parameter specifies the position of the pattern line, where pos should be [0, patt_max).
Returns the DeviceLightState struct containing the RGB values and the LEDType, or an error if there was invalid pattern position or a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) ReadPlaystate ¶
func (b1 *Device) ReadPlaystate() (st DevicePatternState, err error)
ReadPlaystate reads the current playing state of the pattern loop.
Returns the DevicePatternState struct containing the loop state and the current position, or an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) ReadRGB ¶
ReadRGB reads the current RGB color of the specified LED.
The ledN parameter specifies which LED to control: 0=all, 1=top LED, 2=bottom LED. For mk2+ devices, ledN == 0 will return the RGB values of the first LED.
Returns the RGB values or an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) SavePattern ¶
SavePattern saves the current pattern to the device.
Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) SetPatternLine ¶
func (b1 *Device) SetPatternLine(pos uint, st DeviceLightState) error
SetPatternLine sets the specified pattern line to the specified DeviceLightState.
The pos parameter specifies the position of the pattern line, where pos should be [0, patt_max). The st parameter specifies the DeviceLightState to set.
Returns an error if the arguments are invalid or there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) SetRGBNow ¶
SetRGBNow sets the given LED to the specified RGB color immediately.
The ledN parameter specifies which LED to control: 0=all, 1=top LED, 2=bottom LED. For mk2+ devices, ledN > 0 will set all LEDs to the white color (255, 255, 255) and ignore the RGB values due to a firmware bug.
Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) SetTickleMode ¶
SetTickleMode sets the device to server tickle mode, which will play the pattern from the specified start position to the specified end position after the specified timeout.
The play parameter specifies whether to start or stop the tickle mode. The keep parameter specifies whether to keep the current pattern playing state or not. The posStart and posEnd parameters specify the start and end positions of the loop, where positions should be [0, patt_max-1]. If posEnd is 0, it will be set to patt_max by the firmware. The timeoutMsec parameter specifies the timeout in milliseconds, timeout should be at least 10ms, or it will be ignored by the firmware.
Returns an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
func (*Device) Test ¶
Test sends a test command to the device, and returns the response.
Returns the response from the device, or an error if there was a problem communicating with the device.
Example ¶
This example shows how to run test command on the blink(1) device.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { d, err := b1.OpenNextDevice() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer d.Close() if data, err := d.Test(); err != nil { panic(err) } else { fmt.Println(data) } }
type DeviceLightState ¶
type DeviceLightState struct {
R, G, B byte // RGB values
LED LEDIndex // Which LED to address (0=all, 1=1st LED, 2=2nd LED)
FadeTimeMsec uint // Fade time in milliseconds
DeviceLightState is a blink(1) light state for low-level APIs.
func (DeviceLightState) String ¶
func (st DeviceLightState) String() string
type DevicePatternState ¶
type DevicePatternState struct { IsPlaying bool // Is playing CurrentPos uint // Current position LoopStartPos uint // Loop start position, inclusive LoopEndPos uint // Loop end position, exclusive RepeatTimes uint // Remaining times to repeat }
DevicePatternState is a blink(1) pattern playing state for low-level APIs.
func (DevicePatternState) String ¶
func (st DevicePatternState) String() string
type LEDIndex ¶
type LEDIndex byte
LEDIndex represents LED on the blink(1) device
type LightState ¶
type LightState struct { Color color.Color // Color to set LED LEDIndex // Which LED to address (0=all, 1=1st LED, 2=2nd LED) FadeTime time.Duration // Fade time to state }
LightState is a composite data type that represents the state of a light in a blink(1) high-level APIs context. It includes three fields: Color, LED, and FadeTime.
The Color field, a value of type color.Color, represents the color to be set for the LightState. The LED field, a value of type LEDIndex, represents which LED to address. Here, 0 represents all LEDs, 1 represents the 1st LED, and 2 represents the 2nd LED. The FadeTime field, a value of type time.Duration, represents the fade time to the LightState, specified in duration.
This struct is serialized in string format with three components, separated by specific letters for ease of understanding and clean formatting:
#RRGGBBL{0,1,2}T{fade time in milliseconds} 1. Color is converted to hexadecimal (HEX) representation using convColorToHex function; 2. LED is represented by its corresponding LEDIndex value prefixed by 'L'; 3. FadeTime is represented by its millisecond value prefixed by 'T';
For example, a reddish color (Hex #FF0000), targeting LED 1, with a fade time of 200ms would be serialized as "#FF0000L1T200".
func NewLightState ¶
NewLightState returns a new LightState with the given color and fade time.
func NewLightStateHSB ¶
func NewLightStateHSB(h, s, b float64, fadeTime time.Duration, ledN LEDIndex) LightState
NewLightStateHSB returns a new LightState with the given HSB/HSV color and fade time. Valid hue range is [0, 360], saturation range and brightness/value range is [0, 100].
func NewLightStateRGB ¶
func NewLightStateRGB(r, g, b uint8, fadeTime time.Duration, ledN LEDIndex) LightState
NewLightStateRGB returns a new LightState with the given RGB color and fade time.
func ParseStateQuery ¶
func ParseStateQuery(query string) (LightState, error)
ParseStateQuery parses the case-insensitive unstructured description of light state and returns the structured LightState. The query can contain information about the color, fade time, and LED index. For example, "turn off all lights right now", "set led 1 to color #ff00ff over 2 sec", "#FF0000L1T500". If the query is empty, it returns an error.
Color can be specified by name, hex code, or RGB/HSB values, e.g. "red", "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)", "hsb(0,100,100)"
Fade time can be specified by milliseconds, seconds, or minutes, e.g. "100ms", "1s", "1.5m", "now", "0s"
LED index can be specified by number, name, or position, e.g. "led 1", "led 2", "top led", "second led", "led:all", "led:0"
Example ¶
This example shows how to parse a state query.
package main import ( "fmt" b1 "" ) func main() { st, err := b1.ParseStateQuery("Fade the first LED to blue in 1.5 seconds.") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(st) }
Output: 🎨(color=#0000FF led=1 fade=1.5s)
func (LightState) MarshalText ¶
func (st LightState) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (LightState) String ¶
func (st LightState) String() string
String method is used to represent a LightState in string format for human comprehension, annotating each element by its field name, and using emojis and symbols for clarity and aesthetics. For example: 🎨(color=#FF0000 led=1 fade=200ms)
func (*LightState) UnmarshalText ¶
func (st *LightState) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
type Pattern ¶
type Pattern struct { StartPosition uint // Loop start position, inclusive EndPosition uint // Loop end position, inclusive RepeatTimes uint // How many times to repeat, 0 means infinite Sequence StateSequence // Sequence of states to execute in pattern, non-empty patterns will be set to the device automatically }
Pattern is a sequence of LightState to play on blink(1).
type PatternState ¶
type PatternState struct { IsPlaying bool // Is playing CurrentPosition uint // Current position StartPosition uint // Loop start position, inclusive EndPosition uint // Loop end position, exclusive RepeatTimes uint // Remaining times to repeat }
PatternState represents a blink(1) pattern playing state for high-level APIs.
func (PatternState) String ¶
func (st PatternState) String() string
type StateSequence ¶
type StateSequence []LightState
StateSequence is a data type that represents a sequence of LightState, used to define the sequence of states to be played on the blink(1) device. The type is essentially a slice of LightState.
func (StateSequence) Length ¶
func (seq StateSequence) Length() int
Length returns the length of the sequence.
func (StateSequence) MarshalText ¶
func (seq StateSequence) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface. This method will convert a StateSequence into a string of semicolon-separated state sequences. However, the individual states are expected to be marshalled using the LightState MarshalText method before joining together into a single string. For example, a sequence of two states might be serialized as "#FF0000L1T200;#00FF00L2T300".
func (StateSequence) String ¶
func (seq StateSequence) String() string
String method is used to output the StateSequence in a human-readable string format.
If the sequence is empty, it returns "🔄(empty)". This means that there are no light states in this sequence.
If the length of the sequence is exactly 1, it simply outputs the lone LightState in the sequence, as there are no additional states in the sequence to specify. For example, "🔄(#FF0000L1T200)" would indicate a single state of reddish color LED1 with a fade time of 200ms as the sole state in the sequence.
If there is more than one LightState in the sequence, it prints out the first LightState in the sequence and the count of LightStates, separated by dots. For example, "🔄(#FF0000L1T200...5)" indicates a sequence of 5 states, starting with a reddish color LED1 with a fade time of 200ms. This is the default case when there are more than one states in the sequence.
func (StateSequence) TotalTime ¶
func (seq StateSequence) TotalTime() time.Duration
TotalTime returns the total time of the sequence.
func (*StateSequence) UnmarshalText ¶
func (seq *StateSequence) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.