This is the BoomPoW client, it receives and calculates work requests from the BoomPoW server
The BoomPoW binaries generate work using the GPU and CPU by default, if the GPU is not available, then it will use CPU only.
You can build a version with CPU only by following the compilation instructions below.
For AMD GPUs on linux, you will need to either use the amdgpu-pro
driver or run the amdgpu-installer
with the following:
amdgpu-install --usecase=opencl --no-dkms
For windows, requirements are:
You can copy the opencl.lib
to the lib\x86_64
directory of TDM-GCC to compile with OpenCL support
To build:
go build -o boompow-client.exe -tags cl -ldflags "-X main.WSUrl=wss:// -X main.GraphQLURL=" .
To build for CPU only remove -tags cl
Each distribution will vary on requirements, but on a ubuntu/debian based build something like
sudo apt install golang-go build-essential ocl-icd-opencl-dev
should get you what you need.
Then you can run ./
to build the binary
MacOS is the same process as Linux, except you do not need to install OpenCL headers.