This is a command line interface for Backyards, the Banzai Cloud automated service mesh, built on Istio.
To install and launch Backyards with a demo application in a few minutes, run the following command (KUBECONFIG
must be set for your cluster):
curl https://getbackyards.sh | sh && backyards install -a --run-demo
You can find the full Backyards documentation at: https://banzaicloud.com/docs/backyards
Run the following command:
curl https://getbackyards.sh | sh
Alternatively, pre-built binaries are available in multiple package formats. Download the latest release.
Build from source
To build a binary (under build/
) from the source code, clone the repo and then run from the root:
$ make build
Quick start
To install Istio, all Backyards components and a demo application on a brand new cluster, you just need to issue one command (KUBECONFIG
must be set for your cluster):
$ backyards install -a --run-demo
This command first installs Istio with our open-source Istio operator, then installs Backyards components as well as a demo application for demonstration purposes. After the installation of each component has finished, the Backyards UI will automatically open and send some traffic to the demo application. By issuing this one simple command you can watch as Backyards starts a brand new Istio service mesh in just a few minutes!
Install/Uninstall components
The following components can be installed/uninstalled individually as well with the CLI (the -a
flag installs/uninstalls them all):
You can find all available Backyards features documented at: https://banzaicloud.com/docs/backyards/features
All commands
Install and manage Backyards
backyards [flags]
install Install Backyards
uninstall Uninstall Backyards
dashboard Open the Backyards dashboard in a web browser
graph Show graph
login Log in to Backyards (aliases: l)
mtls Manage mTLS policy related configurations
routing Manage service routing configurations (aliases: r)
sidecar-proxy Manage sidecar-proxy related configurations (aliases: sp)
tap Tap into HTTP/GRPC mesh traffic
config View and manage persistent configuration
license Shows Backyards license
version Print the client and api version information
help Help about any command
Components commands:
canary Install and manage canary feature
cert-manager Install and manage cert-manager
demoapp Install and manage demo application
istio Install and manage Istio
operator Install and manage Backyards operator
--accept-license Accept the license: https://banzaicloud.com/docs/backyards/evaluation-license
--backyards-namespace string Namespace in which Backyards is installed [$BACKYARDS_NAMESPACE] (default "backyards-system")
--base-url string Custom Backyards base URL (uses port forwarding or proxying if empty)
--cacert string The CA to use for verifying Backyards' server certificate
--color use colors on non-tty outputs (default true)
--context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--formatting.force-color force color even when non in a terminal
-h, --help help for backyards
--interactive ask questions interactively even if stdin or stdout is non-tty
-c, --kubeconfig string path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
-p, --local-port int Use this local port for port forwarding / proxying to Backyards (when set to 0, a random port will be used) (default -1)
--non-interactive never ask questions interactively
-o, --output string output format (table|yaml|json) (default "table")
--persistent-config-file string Backyards persistent config file to use instead of the default at ~/.banzai/backyards/
--token string Authentication token to use to communicate with Backyards
--use-portforward Use port forwarding instead of proxying to reach Backyards
-v, --verbose turn on debug logging
--version version for backyards
Use "backyards [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To remove the demo application, Backyards, and Istio from your cluster, you just need to apply one command, which takes care of removing these components in the correct order:
$ backyards uninstall -a